Massaker an den Armeniern, Ankara wehrt sich gegen das “V-Wort”

Schweizerische Depeschenagentur AG (SDA)
SDA – Basisdienst Deutsch
19. April 2005

Massacre of the Armenians: Ankara resists the G-word

Massaker an den Armeniern, Ankara wehrt sich gegen das “V-Wort” –
Fuer Tuerkei weiter Tabuthema Hintergrund Von Thomas Seibert, afp

von T.L.

Taucht das “V-Wort” auf oder nicht? Jedes Jahr kurz vor dem 24. April
fiebern Medien und Politiker in der Tuerkei einer Erklaerung des
US-Praesidenten entgegen. Traditionell erinnert der Praesident an
diesem Tag an die blutige Vertreibung der anatolischen Armenier 1915.

Fuer die Tuerken ist entscheidend, ob er dabei das Wort “Voelkermord”
benutzt oder nicht. Tut er es, ist das eine schmaehliche Niederlage
fuer die Tuerkei auf der internationalen Buehne, vermeidet er es mit
Ruecksicht auf den wichtigen Verbuendeten im oestlichen Mittelmeer,
macht sich Erleichterung breit.

Sogar das Wort “Vernichtung” – das in der Erklaerung von George W.
Bush im vergangenen Jahr vorkam – ist aus tuerkischer Sicht besser
als “Voelkermord”.

Neunzig Jahre nach dem Beginn der Massaker und Todesmaersche, denen
bis zu 1,5 Millionen Armenier zum Opfer fielen, bleibt das Thema in
der Tuerkei das grosse Tabu. Armenien und ein Grossteil der
internationalen Oeffentlichkeit gehen im Gegensatz zur Tuerkei davon
aus, dass die Regierung des Osmanischen Reiches 1915 gezielt die
Vernichtung der Armenier anordnete.

“Versuch der Aechtung”

Die Tuerkei sieht die Forderungen nach Anerkennung eines Voelkermords
als Versuch, sie international zu aechten und ihr womoeglich sogar
Gebiete im ehemals armenisch besiedelten Osten des Landes streitig zu

Zwischen der Tuerkei und dem Nachbarland Armenien gibt es keine
diplomatischen Beziehungen, die gemeinsame Grenze ist geschlossen,
erst seit kurzer Zeit gibt es eine direkte Flugverbindung zwischen
Istanbul und Eriwan.

Die tuerkischen Beziehungen zu Laendern wie Frankreich oder der
Schweiz gerieten in den vergangenen Jahren in heftige Turbulenzen,
weil deren Parlamente offizielle Resolutionen mit dem “V-Wort”

Doch Ankara wird das Thema nicht los. Kurz vor dem 90. Jahrestag des
Beginns der Massaker, die mit Festnahmen in Istanbul am 24. April
1915 ihren Anfang nahmen, sieht sich die Tuerkei in der Armenierfrage
unter verstaerktem Druck. Politiker in der EU fordern, die Tuerkei
solle sich ihrer Vergangenheit stellen.

Brief an Bush

Die armenischen Vorwuerfe eines Voelkermordes haetten nichts mit der
historischen Wirklichkeit zu tun und seien politisch motiviert,
schrieb der Vorsitzende der Tuerkischen Parlamentarier-Vereinigung,
Hasan Korkmazcan, laut der Zeitung “Zaman” in einem Brief an den

Neuerdings belaesst es Ankara nicht mehr bei politischen Warnungen.
Mit neu veroeffentlichten Dokumenten und Fotos will die Tuerkei den
Beweis antreten, dass es sich bei den Massakern nicht um Voelkermord
handelte, sondern um eine Defensivaktion, die unter den Bedingungen
des Ersten Weltkrieges – ungewollt – sehr viele Opfer forderte.

So erklaerte das tuerkische Staatsarchiv vor wenigen Tagen, im
damaligen Osmanischen Reich seien zwischen 1910 und 1922 knapp 524
000 muslimische Tuerken von armenischen Banden getoetet worden. Da
die offizielle Tuerkei von rund 300 000 armenischen Opfern der
Massaker ausgeht, sollen diese Zahlen das Argument unterstreichen,
dass die osmanischen Behoerden zum Handeln gezwungen waren.


Auch der tuerkische Generalstab leistet seinen Beitrag. Er
veroeffentlichte in den vergangenen Tagen Dokumente aus der Zeit des
Ersten Weltkriegs – nach tuerkischen Zeitungsberichten befassen sich
viele Unterlagen mit Angriffen von Armeniern auf Tuerken. Bilder von
erschlagenen Kindern sollen dies weiter untermauern. Die
Propagandaschlacht ist im vollen Gange.

BAKU: EU will increase efforts for settlemet of Karabakh conflict

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
April 18 2005

[April 18, 2005, 22:49:19]

On April 18, has taken place the sixth session of the European
Union-Parliament of Azerbaijan Cooperation Committee.

Opening the session, the co-chairman of Committee, chairman of
standing committee of Milli Majlis on human rights Sirus Tebrizli has
told that from the point of view of development of links between
Azerbaijan and the European Union and integration of the country into
Europe and other similar actions are of great importance. Development
of democracy in Azerbaijan, protection of the rights and freedom of
the person, successful results of carried out reforms raise hopes
that the country in the future will become a member of the European

Speaking at the action, co-chairman Anna Maria Ishler Biguin first of
all on behalf of delegation has expressed gratitude for the
hospitality rendered to them, the organization of session. She
informed, that in this session take part also the deputies from the
Poland, Slovenia and Estonia just admitted in the Council of Europe.
In spite of the fact that intolerable, heaviest vital conditions of
refugees and IDPs have made on them heavy impression during their
brief visit to the regions of Azerbaijan, economic development
observable in the country and transparency give reason to be
optimistic. The European visitors even wish, that businessmen of
their countries, tourists came to Azerbaijan. The democratic
development observable after last session in Baku, strengthening of
democratic institutes, restoration of human rights, carrying out of
free elections give the basis to have high opinion about Azerbaijan.
And all this facilitates admission of Azerbaijan in the near future
in members of the European Union. However, alongside with it,
carrying out of some reforms is again necessary. At this session, we
shall have exchange of views on execution of obligations taken by
Azerbaijan before the Council of Europe and OSCE and about other
questions; we shall give recommendations with the purpose of
rendering assistance in solution of existing problems. On the basis
of impressions, we shall prepare the report for three basic
structures of the European Commission. We shall try that the
investment in Azerbaijan, and also the recommendations to help the
Minsk Group in settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict in settlement of which we are much interested. The European
Union is interested in quick peace settlement of this problem. It is
necessary to restore territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, refugees
and IDPs return to their native lands. We should try also that
cooperation between the European Union and Azerbaijan and Armenia
continued. The European Union has special representative on the
Southern Caucasus, and now we try to open our extraordinary embassies
in three countries of region.

In the meeting, discussed were questions of realized reforms,
accomplishments achieved in the country, urgent questions to be
resolved, and prospects of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the
European Union.

Ambassador of Greta Britain in Baku Lawrence Bristown spoke on behalf
of Luxembourg that now presides at the European Union. He, in
particular, highly appraised the partnership agreements between
Azerbaijan and the European Union. The diplomat expressed hope that
the EU Council Ministers at the 25 April session would adopt certain
decisions on economic cooperation with Azerbaijan.

In the discussions, also were focused ways out of the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict, preparation for the coming parliament elections in
Azerbaijan and other questions.

The meeting will be continued on 19 April.


The same day, delegation of the European Union met with the refugees
and IDPs in Barda region of the Republic.

Yerkir UNGO reports on its activities of calendar year 2004

47 Bagramyan ave., ap. 10/A, Yerevan, Armenia
Contact: Robert Tatoyan,
Tel. +(374 1) 26 28 75
E-mail: [email protected]


Yerevan, Armenia. – During calendar year 2004, Yerkir Union has
completed numerous construction and development projects in the
border communities of Armenia, that is the Republics of Armenia
and Mountainous Karabagh. The projects included new homes, medical
centers, schools, kindergartens and farming development initiatives,
in the regions of Tavoush, Geghargounik, Nor Shahoumian, Martakert
and Hatrout, in the border communities of Chinari, Aregouni, Knaravan,
Yeghegnout, Talish, Norashen, Araler and Haykavan.

To assist in the development of the border communities socio-economic
conditions of life, during 2004, Yerkir Union launched its “Yerkir
Fund” program (), an initiative designed to
provide targeted farming assistance to families living in the border

During calendar year 2004, Yerkir Union spent a total of $385,008
USD for the realization of its projects, and $10,868 USD for its
organizational expenses.

For Yerkir Union’s complete, detailed financial statement, visit

ATHENS: Greek Armenians Doubt Turkey’s EU Mentality

Greek Armenians Doubt Turkey’s EU Mentality

Thursday, April 14, 2005

By Karolos Grohmann

Armenians in Greece said on Thursday EU hopeful Turkey is still a long
way away from becoming a true European nation.

Greece has one of the largest and oldest Armenian communities in Europe
numbering more than 55,000 people. The Armenian National Committee of
Greece says some 1.5 million Armenians died between 1915 and 1923 and
wants Turkey to recognize it as genocide before it joins the European Union.

Turkey is due to start entry talks with the bloc on Oct. 3, but rejects
the claim saying Armenians were victims of a World War One partisan
conflict in which Christian Armenians also killed many Muslim Turks.

“Imagine if Germany persistently denied ever having committed the
holocaust against the Jews, but still wanted to be a member of the EU.
What kind of respectability would Germany have in Europe then?”
committee chairman Kasbar Karabetian told Reuters in an interview.

“We have doubts that Turkey is determined to implement European reforms
because a modern European nation first reconciles itself with its past.
That is the true essence of a democratic European state,” Karabetian said.

The committee has organized rallies, speeches and exhibitions on April
24 to mark the 90th anniversary of the deaths and draw attention to
Turkey’s EU bid. More protests are planned in September ahead of
Ankara’s accession talks.

Turkey fears an outburst of anti-Turkish feeling that could damage to
its EU bid. Ankara on Wednesday offered to open its archives and called
on Armenia to do the same and back a new probe into the claims.

Armenians have settled in Greece since the mid-18th century and enjoy
close ties to Greeks. More than 1 million ethnic Greeks left Turkey
together with many Armenians from 1922 in a population exchange
following Greece’s failed invasion of Turkey and the annual April 24
Armenian commemorations are enshrined in Greek law.

“The Greeks, who have had a similar fate with us, understand our plight
better than anyone,” Karabetian said. “We are very lucky in that sense.”

Karabetian said if Turkey joined the 25-nation bloc it would benefit
both Greece, which has backed Ankara’s EU bid, and Armenia, which has no
diplomatic ties with Turkey. Turkey closed its border with Armenia in
1993 in protest at Armenian occupation of part of Ankara’s ally, Azerbaijan.

“First we want Turkey to stop being the Turkey of today as we know it
and become a Turkey with a true European mentality,” Karabetian said.

The European Parliament and France, home to Europe’s largest Armenian
community, have both urged Ankara to recognize the killings as genocide.

BAKU: Vice-Speaker: OSCE envoy ‘knows which side violates ceasefire’

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
April 14 2005

Vice-Speaker says OSCE envoy ‘knows which side violates ceasefire’

The OSCE special envoy Andzhei Kaspshik’s recent statement that his
mandate does not allow him to determine whether Azerbaijan or Armenia
breaches ceasefire is far from reality, Vice-Speaker of the Milli
Majlis (parliament) Ziyafat Asgarov said.

“This is just an excuse, as Mr. Kaspshik knows well which side
violates ceasefire,” said Asgarov, stressing that it is time to tell
the truth.
The ceasefire has been breached more than 50 times over the past two
months alone. The casualties on both sides have amounted to 40 for
the first time in 7 years.

ANKARA: Turkey takes concrete steps towards peace with Armenia

Journal of Turkish Weekly
April 14 2005

Turkey takes concrete steps towards peace with Armenia

Source: Hurriyet
14 April 2005

The Turkish government issued a declaration, Wednesday, calling for
the cooperation from the Armenian government over the so-called
genocide. The declaration states that only by working together will
Turkey and Armenia eradicate hate that could be left behind for
future generations on both sides.

It is seen as a move to finally seek some clarity and closure on the
issue of the so-called genocide. An extract from the declaration
states: ” Unless Turkey and Armenia look at the history from the same
perspective, they will only leave prejudices, enmity and revenge to
their children and forthcoming generations. What is reasonable for
Turkey and Armenia is to end taboos with a joint initiative, clarify
all sides of what they had experienced, and be ready to settle old
scores with their history. This is the only way to prevent the past
from darkening today and future.”

The declaration calls for the Armenian government to adopt the
procedures laid out in the declaration in order to get the initiative
underway stating that: “If Armenia wants to establish good neighborly
relations with Turkey and enhance its cooperation, it should not
hesitate to adopt Turkey’s proposal to re-assess their common
history. Also, the parliament would like to stress that every
good-willed country and statesman that wants to contribute to world
peace and stability, should consider Turkey’s proposal as positive,
leaving aside his/her/its internal political views. In this context,
countries which want betterment of Turkish-Armenian relations and
settlement of peace and stability in the Caucasus should support this
initiative, and refrain from acts which will harm this initiative.”

Turkey is calling for the establishment of a legitimate commission to
investigate the claims: “This proposal envisages Turkey and Armenia
to form a common commission comprised of their own historians, search
their national archives without limitations, make public the results
of their searches, and set the working methods of the commission.”

The document also stated that the claims should not be used for
political gain and that history should be based on a fair historical
assesment on both sides.

Armenia plans to reform army fully by 2015

Armenia plans to reform army fully by 2015

Ayots Ashkar, Yerevan
13 Apr 05

Excerpt from Lilit Pogosyan’s report by Armenian newspaper Ayots
Ashkar on 13 April headlined “New quality in Armenia-NATO relations”

As is known, Armenia does not have a super-task to join NATO but it
cooperates with NATO no lesser than Georgia and Azerbaijan within the
framework of the Partnership for Peace [PfP] programme. Moreover, a
preliminary package of an Individual Partnership Action Plan [IPAP]
was already drawn up and submitted at a three-day conference at the
Mariott-Armenia hotel yesterday.

After the conference, Deputy Defence Minister Artur Agabekyan answered
journalists’ questions.

[Ayots Ashkar correspondent] What is the main purpose of reforms in
the military training system?

[Artur Agabekyan] The main purpose of the reforms is to create a
security system of the 21st century. We have adopted a strategy of
gradual reforms and by 2015 we expect to have the army reformed in the
main directions to meet the challenges of the time. We think that
drawing up the security strategy is the pivot of the reforms and we
should start doing it today. Let us have public discussions on the
issue in 2006 and in 2007, put forward a defence doctrine that
corresponds this strategy, which will define the further process of
reforms. That is to say, reforms will start in 2007 and end in 2015.

[Correspondent] What problems will the adoption of the defence
doctrine resolve?

[Agabekyan] The defence doctrine should give a clear-cut answer to all
regional challenges. Hence, it should outline the range of problems
that should be resolved in the army. When preparing the document we
should take into account the fact that while the reforms are being
carried out, Karabakh as well as other regional conflicts may be
solved or may not. For this reason, we have adopted the strategy of
gradual reforms and set deadlines.

[Correspondent] Will NATO support the reforms only in the form of
consultations or it will also support them financially?

[Agabekyan] We expect it to provide consultations, not funds or
military and technical cooperation. We see the NATO countries’ support
in the form of personnel training, exchange of experience,
introduction of the command systems adopted in the European system.

[Passage omitted: on Azerbaijan’s chances of joining NATO; quotes
Armenian defence minister’s previous statements]

Marking Male Health Day Becomes Tradition In Armenia



YEREVAN, APRIL 8. ARMINFO. Starting from today, all the Armenian men
are given an opportunity to undergo free urological examination and
treatment at the Urological CLinic of the Republican Medical Union
“Armenia” for a month.

Talking to ARMINFO, Head of the clinic Armen Muradyan says the Ministry
of Public Health, the Ministry of Defense and the union “Armenia”
pledged to finance the action. Muradyan says that the first week of the
action will be for men without age restrictions, and all the veterans
of the Great Patriotic War will be able to use the urological service
of the clinic till May 8. Hew says that the action aims improvement
of the quality of diagnostic and treatment of male diseases.

Muradyan says that observations of specialists showed that during the
last 8-10 years in Armenia cases of urinary bladder and proistate gland
cancer among men at the age of 40-45 doubled. They apply to specialists
only at the stage when already no effective assistance is possible. 70%
of men applying to specialists are at the 3-4 stages of the disease.

To note, days of male health have been marked in Armenia for already
third years in succession. It has become a tradition that male health
days are held immediately after April 7, Day of Maternity and beauty
in Armenia. Talking to ARMINFO earlier, Public Health Minister Norayr
Davtyan said that “The best present to a woman is a healthy man.”

BAKU: Azeri deputy speaker rejects EU recommendations on cooperation

Azeri deputy speaker rejects EU recommendations on cooperation with Armenia

Bilik Dunyasi news agency
7 Apr 05

Baku, 7 April: The EU expects that the Azerbaijani leadership hold
free, democratic and fair parliamentary elections [in November] which
will serve the strengthening of EU-Azerbaijani relations, the British
ambassador to Azerbaijan, Laurie Bristow, has told the seminar on
“Azerbaijan’s integration into the EU’s European Neighbourhood Policy”
organized in Baku by the EU office in Azerbaijan and the South Caucasus
parliamentary initiative.

“Voters must see in parliament the deputies they voted for,” he said.

According to the diplomat, democratic elections in Azerbaijan are
important to the development of the EU-Azerbaijan cooperation. The
EU is ready to help Azerbaijan in this, the ambassador said.

The EU appreciates Azerbaijan’s joining the European Neighbourhood
Policy because it testifies to the country’s aspiration to integration
into Europe, Bristow said. He called on Azerbaijan to maintain closer
cooperation with other countries of the South Caucasus.

Members of the Milli Maclis [Azerbaijani parliament] who also took
part in the seminar expressed their disagreement with a number
of EU recommendations, namely on the issue of cooperation with
Armenia. Deputy Speaker Ziyafat Asgarov said it was wrong to urge
Azerbaijan to cooperate with an aggressor which has occupied 20 per
cent of Azerbaijani territories.

International organizations should not turn a blind eye to the fact
that these territories are used for drug trafficking and that Armenia
uses the drug money to buy weapons and hamper the restoration of
stability in the region, Asgarov said.

The seminar participants urged international organizations to step
up their efforts towards securing the speediest solution to the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict which impedes the restoration of peace
and stability in the region and the EU enlargement.

New Periodical For Students

By Gohar Gevorgian

AZG Armenian Daily #063, 09/04/2005


Recently, the Armenian State Pedagogical University began publishing
Mekh (nail) periodical. The newspaper is prepared by the students
of the journalistic department of the culture faculty of the
university. The presentation of Mekh took place recently. The faculty
of culture has never had its periodical and the students decided
to establish their newspaper. The periodical is called Mekh. The
editors explained that everything is being built with a nail.

The newspaper represents the culture faculty, activities of its
students, their problems and achievements. It will allow the students
make their first practical steps in journalism.

Artyusha Ghukasian, rector of the university, and Ruben Mirzakhanian,
the dean of the culture faculty, congratulated the students in
connection with the publication of the periodical and promised that
they will spare no efforts to help the students in their journalistic

Mekh newspaper is being published as an appendix to Azg daily. Hakob
Avetikian, Editor-in-chief of Azg, lecturer of the culture faculty,
assists the students in their activities. He wished the young
journalist success in their work.