Senator Cardin cosponsors Armenian Genocide Resolution

Senator Cardin cosponsors Armenian Genocide Resolution
08.05.2010 12:14

Senator Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) cosponsors S.Res. 316, the Armenian
Genocide resolution, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly)

"We appreciate Senator Cardin’s continued commitment to the cause of
U.S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide," stated Assembly Board
Member Annie Totah. "Given the Turkish government’s ongoing campaign
of denial and recent threat to deport Armenians from Turkey, we
strongly urge the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to adopt S.Res.
316 and help address the ongoing dangers of denial and its
consequences," continued Totah. Senator Cardin’s cosponsorship follows
a recent meeting and letter in which Totah emphasized the importance
of U.S. affirmation as part of the Assembly’s increased outreach
efforts during the 95th anniversary year of the Armenian Genocide.

S.Res. 316 was introduced by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) along with
Senator John Ensign (R-NV), and calls upon the President of the United
States to properly characterize the Armenian Genocide in the
President’s annual April 24th statement. S.Res. 316 is currently
pending before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. On March 4,
the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, led by Chairman Howard Berman
(D-CA), adopted an identical measure, H.Res. 252, which was introduced
by Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA).

A member of the House of Representatives prior to his election to the
U.S. Senate in 2006, Maryland Senator Cardin serves on the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee as well as the Budget, Environment and
Public Works, Judiciary, and Small Business and Entrepreneurship

"We urge our activists to contact their Senators to support S.Res.
316," added the Assembly’s Grassroots Director Taniel Koushakjian.

Le Genocide Armenien, Une Cause Vivante

par Stephane

jeudi6 mai 2010


Le blog de Guy Mettan, journaliste, homme politique

Monsieur le representant de la Republique d’Armenie,

Monsieur les representants des autorites religieuses,

Madame et Messieurs les representants des associations armeniennes
de Suisse romande,

Madame et Messieurs,

Chers amis,

Permettez-moi d’abord de vous remercier de m’avoir permis de me joindre
a vous pour la commemoration de cet evenement tragique mais majeur
de l’histoire du XXe siècle que fut le genocide du peuple armenien
voici maintenant 95 ans.

Cet honneur me touche particulièrement parce que je pense que celles
et ceux qui en ont souffert et en souffrent encore aujourd’hui sont
doublement victimes de l’injustice de l’histoire et de l’injustice
des hommes.

Ils le sont doublement parce que non seulement ils ont souffert dans
leur chair de la disparition physique de leurs proches et de tout
leur peuple, par la famine, la deportation, les marches forcees et
toutes les formes possibles d’extermination. Mais aussi parce qu’ils
doivent continuer a en souffrir parce que trop souvent, trop de gens,
trop de pays, trop d’Etats continuent a refuser de reconnaître le
genocide dont ils ont ete victimes.

On le sait, le genocide des Armeniens fut le premier des genocides
du XXe siècle. Mais alors que tous les autres ont ete reconnus et
sanctionnes par des tribunaux penaux exceptionnels – l’Holocauste
avec le Tribunal de Nuremberg et les procès qui ont suivi en Israël,
le genocide cambodgien avec l’actuel tribunal qui vient de se
reunir a Phnom Penh, le genocide rwandais avec le tribunal penal
d’Arusha et le massacre de Srebrenica avec le tribunal de la Haye –
celui des Armeniens en 1915 reste encore largement ignore dans le
pays meme qui l’a commis. Pire, les Turcs qui luttent pour le faire
reconnaître sont souvent pourchasses quand ils ne sont pas assassines
par des extremistes negationnistes. A ce propos, je suggère que nous
exprimions notre solidarite avec les habitants du Kivu, dans l’Est
du Congo, dont 5 millions de personnes ont deja ete massacrees dans
l’indifference generale.

En Suisse, grâce notamment a l’action de notre regrette ami Jean-Claude
Vaudroz, la cause armeniennen a pu etre entendue. Mais beaucoup
reste a faire et je ne peux que regretter le silence des medias,
qui peinent a l’evoquer dans leurs colonnes ou a la television. Nous
vivons une epoque dans laquelle le spectaculaire l’emporte sur tout
le reste et qui se livre volontiers a la competition victimaire. Or
dans ce combat-la, derisoire en regard des victimes, les Armeniens
partent perdants, parce qu’ils sont un peuple modeste, pudique, qui
n’aime pas etaler ses souffrances sur la scène publique et pour qui
la famille et la communaute des parents et des amis l’emporte sur le
desir de paraître et le besoin de revendiquer.

Il faut donc saluer d’autant plus celles et ceux qui continuent lutter
dans ce sens et qui contribuent a garder vivant le souvenir de cette
tragedie. Au nom des autorites de la Republique et canton de Genève,
qu’ils soient donc remercies d’avoir organise l’evenement de ce soir.

J’aimerai terminer enfin par une note positive pour le futur. On a
vu, ou on a cru voir, que la situation politique se detendait entre
la Turquie et l’Armenie. On peut s’en rejouir, bien que la realite
apparaisse plus complexe que ce que les communiques officiels veulent
bien en dire. Quoiqu’il en soit, il faut continuer a ~uvrer pour la
detente et pour le desenclavement economique des Armeniens d’Armenie.

Et dans cette perspective, les membres de la diaspora et les
communautes armeniennes de Genève et de Suisse peuvent compter sur le
soutien des Genevois. Hagop Avakian m’a recemment parle d’un projet de
voyage d’une delegation economique et politique genevoise en Armenie.

Je serai heureux d’y apporter ma contribution et d’y participer si
ce projet devait se realiser. La communaute armenienne de Genève
est estimee, elle se sent bien dans notre ville, elle est appreciee
des Genevois : c’est donc a nous qu’il revient d’entretenir cette
amitie, de la developper et de la transformer aussi en developpement

Et cela, c’est sans aucun doute la meilleure manière de repondre a
ceux qui persistent a ignorer l’Armenie et le genocide de 1915.

Hay Dat Conference Starts In Yerevan


06.05.2010 15:23

A conference of the ARF Hay Dat committees will open on May 7 at
Yerevan’s Erebuni Plaza Hotel.

Members of ARF Hay Dat committees, representatives of the ARF Bureau
will participate in the third conference to be held in Yerevan and

The event is aimed at discussing strategy and further activities of Hay
Dat in the light of recent international developments and challenges
that Armenia and Artsakh currently face. Conference agenda includes
the issue of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide in
Ottoman Empire and reparations, as well as reinforcement of Artsakh.

Armenian Bishop About Religions Leader Of Azerbaijan: "A Good Man"

by Armen Hareyan
May 5 2010

Speaking of his latest trip to Azerbaijan, Armenian Archbishop Vicken
Aykazian spoke very highly of the spiritual leader of Azerbaijan
Sheikh ul-Islam Haji Allahshukur Hummat Pashazade, Grand Mufti of
Azerbaijan. Aykazian said he had an impression that the Grand Mufti
is a good man.

Archbishop Aykazian told Armenian Reporter’s Emil Sanamian that he
thinks Pashazade is respected in Azerbaijan and left a an impression of
good man on him. He was very polite and cordial to the All Armenian
Catholicos Garegin II who was visiting Azerbaijan last week to
participate in an international religious summit.

While being the host of an important international religious conference
the spiritual leader of Azerbaijan left 100 guests and personally
accompanied the Catholicos of All Armenians to the airport.

This has left an impression of a humble and simple person on Aykazian.

The head of the Armenian Church Garegin II has invited the Grand
Mufti of Azerbaijan to visit Armenia and the latter’s acceptance
of invitation is encouraging, which gives hopes that the dialogue
between Armenia and Azerbaijan will continue.

Aykazian, who is also the past president of the National Council
of Churches in the U.S. said he believe the religious leaders can
play a very positive role in solving the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
between Armenia and Azerbaijan. "The religious leaders may not have
the political power but they can influence those in power" he added.

Une Journaliste Armenienne Menacee D’Expulsion


5 mai 2010

Voici le mail adresse par la Cimade a la redaction de Ouest-France.

Nous venons d’apprendre que Lilit K. a un vol pour mercredi 5 mai !

" Je tiens a attirer votre attention sur la situation particulière
d’une personne retenue au CRA de Rennes depuis le 24/04/2010.

Madame Karapetyan Lilit, de nationalite Armenienne, est arrivee en
France très recemment, le 21/01/2010. Elle a fuit son pays ou elle
occupait des fonctions de journaliste politique pour la television
publique " Chirak ". Dans le cadre de ces reportages, elle a ete
amenee a denoncer des fraudes electorales massives, les nombreux pots
de vin touches par la classe politique armenienne. Au cours de ces
reportages, elle a egalement fait etat des pressions dont elle etait
l’objet (son unique enfant de 13 ans a ete enleve et rendu contre une
rancon importante). Sa vie a, a de nombreuses reprises, ete menacee.

Face a toutes ses pressions, elle a decide de fuir son pays car elle
ne pouvait plus exercer son metier de journaliste correctement. Elle
est arrivee en France en Janvier et a immediatement depose une demande
d’asile. Cette dernière a ete rejetee par l’OFPRA malgre les nombreuses
preuves permettant d’attester la realite des faits.

Recemment, son fils de 13 ans l’a rejoint en France. Il est
actuellement heberge chez des amis au Mans alors meme que sa maman
est en instance d’expulsion vers l’Armenie.

Cette situation est tout a fait particulière, notamment eu egard
a la profession occupee par la dame dans son pays, et nous avions
pense qu’il serait interessant de la diffuser. Madame karapetyan
a d’ailleurs accepte que je vous transmette son histoire. Elle est
egalement tout a fait d’accord pour rencontrer un journaliste afin
de lui expliquer plus en detail sa situation…

PM Sargsyan Meets Plug And Play COO


May 3, 2010 – 21:00 AMT 16:00 GMT

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan met Monday with Mr. Kayvan
Baroumand, the Chief Operating Officer of U.S.-based Plug and Play
incubator to discuss possibility of implementation of joint programs
and other issues of mutual concern.

Opening and commissioning of Plug and Play’s Armenia office and
establishment of Armenia’s trade mission to the Silicon Valley to
boost U.S.-Armenia cooperation were said to be a priority.

The two men also stressed the need for promoting closer contacts
between experts and companies, the government’s information center

The Catholicos of All Armenians received Lutheran delegation


May 4 2010

is Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians has received the delegation of servants of Baden-Wurttemberg
region of Germany of Evangelistic – Lutheran Church headed by Manfred
Wagner and accompanied by Archimandrite Serovb Isakhanyan. As the
information department of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin informs
Catholicos of All Armenians has expressed his happiness for this
meeting and has touched upon the history of the Armenian Church and
its mission.

"Our Church has overcome many trials and difficulties in the past
and we can say that our nation had its Golgotha for its belief
towards the God. But it also had its Resurrection due to the same
belief. … Glory to the Lord, the Armenian Church is reviving now,"
mentioned His Holiness Karekin II.

In his speech Manfred Wagner has expressed his gratitude to His
Holiness Karekin II for the warm reception.

On the meeting was also present the head of the council of the
Evangelistic – Lutheran church of Slovakia Milosh Clatic.

Mother See Refutes: Catholicos Of All Armenians Didn’t Visit Shahid


Citing the head of the Caucasus Muslim Board, Sheikh-ul-Islam
Allahshukyur Pasha-zade, Azerbaijani media have spread information
as if in the sidelines of his Baku visit, the Supreme Patriarch and
Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II paid an overnight visit to
Shahid Alley in Baku. Note that the Azerbaijani soldiers killed in
Karabakh war are buried there.

The Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin spread a statement over this,
refuting Azerbaijani information. "The information is false and has
nothing to do with the reality," the Mother See press office said
noting that they have applied to the Caucasus Muslim Board over
rejecting the information. recalls that the Catholicos of All Armenians was in Baku on
a single-day visit on April 26 to attend the World Summit of Religious
Leaders and met with Azerbaijan’s Aliyev in the framework of his visit.

European Commissioner: South Caucasus Countries Interested In Visa F


2010-05-03 16:21:00

ArmInfo. "The area of visas and facilitating the mobility of persons
is a field where the partners in the South Caucasus are calling for
more from the EU, feeling the pressure from citizens experiencing
complicated and lengthy procedures", European Commissioner for
Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fule said when speaking
at the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), European Parliament,
after his visit to the South Caucasus and Ukraine.

"The visa facilitation and readmission agreements for Georgia have
already successfully been negotiated. Georgians can soon benefit from
lower fees and easier visa rules. Following the example of Georgia,
Armenians and Azerbaijanis would similarly like to start discussions
with the EU that will facilitate travelling for citizens. It is clear
that the demands are high from our partners in the South Caucasus. But
so are also the EU’s requirements on these partner countries to make
sure that their legislation is in place and their administrative
capacities strong enough to turn political ambitions into actual
delivery of results. My message to the leaders in Armenia, Azerbaijan
and Georgia has been and will always be that the responsibility for
the internal reform processes and the strengthening of democracy and
rule of law lie firmly in the hands of the governments and politicians
of those countries", Fule said.

Yerevan Zoo Park open to little visitors

Yerevan Zoo Park open to little visitors

11:46 01/05/2010 » Society

Yerevan’s Zoo Park opens its doors today to welcome its little
visitors. It’s rather a tradition to celebrate the official opening of
the Zoo Park season after cold winter months.

The director of the Zoo Park Sahak Abovyan told reporter
that by Yerevan mayor’s instructions special festive is organized –
different dancing groups, orchestras and clowns are invited to perform
their talent to make fun for the children.

Zoo Park has special gift for its visitors – the white male tiger,
which `Multi Group’ gave to the park as a symbol of the year. The
white tiger was brought from Europe.