Le glissement geopolitique de la Turquie inquiete Israel

Le Monde, France
11 novembre 2009 mercredi

Le glissement géopolitique de la Turquie inquiète Israël

par Laurent Zecchini

Avec le temps et la récurrence des résolutions des Nations unies,
Israël s’est fait une raison. La dernière en date, qui entérine les
conclusions du rapport Goldstone sur les " crimes de guerre " commis
lors de la guerre de Gaza de l’hiver 2008, ne fait pas exception à la
règle. Mais Israël commence à mesurer que les dégâts diplomatiques
causés par son offensive militaire contre le sanctuaire du Hamas, et
son intransigeance dans le processus de paix israélo-palestinien, ont
fait une victime collatérale : sa relation spéciale, si précieuse,
avec la Turquie.

L’annulation, début octobre, par Ankara de la participation d’Israël
aux manoeuvres aériennes " Aigle anatolien ", était le signe d’un
malaise plus profond. Ce qui se déroule au Moyen-Orient sur le plan
géostratégique s’apparente au phénomène de la tectonique des plaques.
Dans ce " grand jeu " régional qui voit la Turquie se rapprocher de
ses voisins musulmans, Israël n’a guère d’atouts en main.

Or l’Etat juif, eu égard à son isolement régional, doit cultiver son
allié turc. D’autant qu’avec l’Egypte et la Jordanie, il entretient
une paix froide. Depuis l’époque ottomane, lorsque la Sublime Porte
protégeait les juifs, l’histoire des relations israélo-turques est
dépourvue de graves contentieux bilatéraux. Dans la période récente,
Israël a mis au service d’Ankara le crédit dont il dispose
traditionnellement à Washington.

Non seulement l’Etat juif s’est gardé de condamner le génocide
arménien de 1915, mais il a oeuvré pour que le Congrès américain fasse
de même. Lorsque les deux pays signent un accord de coopération
militaire, en 1996, la Turquie a des relations difficiles avec six de
ses voisins. Israël, Etat militarisé qui se vit entouré d’ennemis, a
bien de points communs avec une Turquie où l’Etat dans l’Etat,
l’armée, supplante la société civile.

La Turquie a bénéficié de la coopération militaire israélienne,
notamment dans sa lutte contre le Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan
(PKK). En échange, les avions de chasse de Tsahal s’entraînent chaque
année sur la base aérienne de Konya, en Anatolie. Enfin, sans le dire,
la Turquie n’est pas mécontente qu’Israël joue le rôle du bad cop –
méchant flic – vis-Ã-vis de l’Iran, dont les efforts pour se doter de
l’arme nucléaire l’inquiètent.

Deux facteurs vont changer cette donne : l’émergence en Turquie du
parti islamiste AKP, en 2002, et l’invasion américaine de l’Irak en
2003, qui a mis à rude épreuve les relations américano-turques. La
Turquie s’est peu à peu débarrassée du corset américain, a revitalisé
ses racines musulmanes et ottomanes, s’est fortifiée grâce à sa
croissance économique, et a décidé, enfin, de transformer les
frustrations de sa candidature à l’Union européenne en appétits de
puissance moyen-orientale.

Elle s’est rapprochée de la Syrie, de l’Iran, de l’Irak et de l’Arabie
saoudite, notamment sur le plan commercial, et s’est faite le champion
de la médiation tous azimuts. Israël a été pris de court par cette
Turquie vibrionnante. D’abord parce qu’Ankara n’a plus besoin des bons
offices israéliens à Washington. Ensuite parce qu’Israël a sous-estimé
la charge émotionnelle de la question palestinienne à Ankara. La
relation privilégiée israélo-turque était admissible tant que l’espoir
des accords d’Oslo de 1993 perdurait.

La seconde Intifada, en 2000, et surtout la guerre de Gaza rendent le
partenariat israélien plus encombrant, a fortiori pour une Turquie qui
entend nouer un partenariat stratégique avec la Syrie, qui accueille,
à Ankara, les présidents iranien et soudanais, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad et
Omar Al-Bachir, ainsi que le chef politique du Hamas, Khaled Meschaal.
" Les pilotes israéliens qui lâchent des bombes sur les enfants de
Gaza sont entraînés en Turquie ", a souligné l’opposition turque.

Le premier ministre turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a souligné benoîtement
que son pays ne fait que " normaliser " sa politique étrangère, mais
Israël s’inquiète. La Turquie donne des gages de bonne volonté,
offrant de relancer sa médiation entre Israël et la Syrie. Or, ce
n’est pas le récent arraisonnement du cargo Francop, bourré d’armes Ã
destination de la Syrie, et sans doute du Hezbollah, qui va établir un
climat de confiance avec Damas.

Benyamin Nétanyahou réclame dorénavant des " négociations directes "
avec la Syrie, mais c’est un trompe-l’oeil. M. Nétanyahou sait que
Bachar Al-Assad prendrait un risque politique important en négociant
directement avec l’" ennemi sioniste ". Israël semble davantage
intéressé par le " processus " de paix avec la Syrie, que par la paix
elle-même, dont le prix à payer est connu : la restitution du plateau
du Golan. La perspective d’un Moyen-Orient où les ennemis arabes et
musulmans d’hier deviennent des alliés stratégiques n’est pas de bon
augure pour Israël.

Sa relation privilégiée avec Ankara perd de sa substance à mesure
qu’elle devient asymétrique : la Turquie ambitionne de devenir un soft
power dans la région, alors que l’Etat juif croit toujours aux vertus
de la diplomatie de la force. Les relations bilatérales peuvent
s’améliorer, mais Ankara y met désormais une condition : que les
Palestiniens de Gaza et de Cisjordanie puissent renouer avec l’espoir
de la paix. Des deux partenaires, c’est Israël qui a le plus à perdre
: il n’a qu’un seul allié musulman au Moyen-Orient.

Italian Professor Ready To Help Revive Armenian Art Restoration Scho


Nov 13, 2009

YEREVAN, November 13, /ARKA/. Francesco Gallo, a professor from the
Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, Italy, said today in Yerevan he was
ready to help revitalize the art restoration school in Armenia.

‘If such an invitation is extended to me I will accept it with pleasure
and will help to revive the art restoration school of Armenia,’
he said at a news conference at Novosti International Press Center.

He said the revival of the restoration school is extremely important
and the first step to be made is to decide which restoration school
to follow- the French, Greek or Italian.

According to him, the French and Greek schools seek to restore
destroyed objects, while the Italian is aimed at preservation of the
available cultural legacy.

He said Armenian specialists should decide which direction to follow.

He also added that they will have first of all to focus on restoration
of monuments at Erebuni reserve-museum in Yerevan, many of which were
destroyed during the Soviet times. He said all monuments need to be
scrutinized and taken stock of.

Francesco Galo has arrived in Armenia to prepare an exhibition
of prominent Armenian painter, Minas Avetisian’s works in Italy,
scheduled for 2010.

German Ambassador To Armenia Says There Is A Close Political Dialogu


Nov 13, 2009

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 13, ARMENPRESS: Armenian-German relations have
developed quite efficiently in all directions since 1992; there is a
close political dialogue between the two states, German Ambassador
to Armenia Hans-Jochen Schmidt said at today’s press conference
underscoring that trade and economic ties are among the most important
ingredients of bilateral relations.

"We work in the direction that favorable investment environment is
created in Armenian economy on purpose of involving German investors.

Our foreign affairs minister has always stressed the importance of
German relations with Armenia, but we also attach great importance to
relations with South Caucasian countries in trilateral-quadrilateral
format. It is necessary to make use of political dialogue for reaching
a stability", the ambassador said.

Referring to the clash of opinions in the current phase of extension
of European Union, Hans-Jochen Schmidt noted that to the institution
are not affiliated those states, which do not correspond to EU
standards. As an example of complicatedness in affiliation process
he pointed out Turkey’s negotiations. "Germany and France already do
not speak about privileged partnership, but only about the running
negotiations", he said.

In regard to the solution of issues of Armenian studies in Germany, he
expressed gratification that the Armenian side is ready to co-finance
the development of Armenian studies and to maintain the Chair of
Armenian Studies of Berlin Open University. The ambassador said
that Armenian Education and Science Minister will leave for Germany
at the beginning of December to discuss issues on inter-university
cooperation with German partners. The issue of Armenian studies will
be discussed during this visit, too.

Pambookian Receives Award For Lifetime Achievement In Psychology


University Chronicle
Nov 12 2009

Professor Emeritus Hagop Pambookian received the OPA’s Lifetime
Achievement in Psychology Award.

Dr. Hagop S. Pambookian, emeritus professor of psychology at SSU,
has been with the university 22 years and has accomplished more than
most people do in a lifetime.

A first-generation immigrant from Lebanon and son of Armenian
genocide survivors, Pambookian earned his undergraduate degree from
the American University of Beirut and chose to come to the United
States from Lebanon in Aug. 1961 to earn his advanced psychology
degrees. He received his master’s degree from Columbia University
Teachers College (New York City) and his doctorate degree from the
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

When SSU became a four-year university in 1986, it did not have
a proper psychology degree program. Pambookian helped establish
and shape the psychology program following his association with the
university in 1987, including designing new courses, which helped in
the creation of SSU’s psychology degree.

Pambookian developed the annual "International Awareness Week"
celebration, which had visiting scholars from Hungary, Romania,
South Korea, China, Armenia and Russia as guest lecturers for the
university and the people of Scioto County.

He received SSU’s first major grant from the Ohio Humanities Council
to fund his "Perestroika, Changes and Developments in the USSR: What
Next?" project. He also helped initiate internationalization programs
at Shawnee State.

Pambookian, along with former SSU President Clive C. Veri, started a
student exchange program with students from the University of Nizhny
Novgorod in Russia in 1992.

"The exchange went very well," Pambookian said. "We have had several
more exchange programs with other universities since, with students
coming from other countries."

In May 1997, the Ohio Education Association honored him with the Paul
Swaddling Award for his international involvement and his contributions
to international understanding and peace.

While he was still teaching, Pambookian established the Dr. Hagop S.

Pambookian Scholarship which is awarded to a senior student majoring
in psychology and/or to an international student who come to Portsmouth
to earn his or her degree at SSU.

"I wanted to encourage and help support deserving students financially
in their academic and scholarly pursuits and endeavors," Pambookian
said. "I thought this would be a good way of encouraging psychology and
international students to pursue their education following graduation
from SSU. And hopefully my scholarships will excite other SSU faculty
members so that they look into establishing similar scholarships to
help SSU students."

Pambookian’s love for helping others benefit in their academic careers
does not just extend to SSU, but also to the Armenian Academy of
Sciences in Yerevan, Armenia. He created the Pambookian Foundation
at the academy’s Fundamental Library, which features more than 3,300
English language psychology books and various psychology journals,
all of which were donated by Pambookian.

"There were very few English language psychology books in Armenia,"
Pambookian said. "Just as I believe we learn from other cultures,
I also believe people and social scientists in other countries can
learn from the Western point of view."

Pambookian has been a Senior Fulbright fellow, 1978-79, in the Soviet
Union and taught psychology at Yerevan State University in Yerevan,
Armenia. He was the first senior Fulbright scholar to receive a
nine month long fellowship in the Soviet Union, and also the first
Fulbright fellow to teach psychology in the republic of Armenia.

Pambookian has visited over 30 countries to give lectures at
universities and psychology conventions. He has also been interviewed
on live radio in Melbourne, Australia and Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Recently he gave a keynote address on "Psychology around the World:
The Asian Experience" at the second Asian Psychological Association
convention in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

In June 2009, Pambookian was in Mexico City to give a keynote address
on "Errors in Psychology Textbooks" at the International Council of
Psychologists convention, of which he had been a board member.

A month later he attended the American Psychological Association’s
convention, of which of which he is a Fellow, and gave a keynote
lecture titled "Citation and Reference Inaccuracy in Psychology

Last May, Pambookian was one of several first generation immigrants
honored by Gov. Ted Strickland for making significant contributions
to Ohio.

"Ted Strickland and I have known one another for years," Pambookian
said. "He taught Psychology here, and has always been a good friend
and colleague."

His most recent award was from the Ohio Psychological Association,
which had its sixtieth anniversary convention in Columbus. He was
awarded the Lifetime Achievement by a Psychologist Award for his
years of contribution to the field of psychology. His plaque states
"In recognition of your outstanding achievement to advance psychology
as a science and profession by a lifetime of outstanding contributions
to the field."

"I do not do my work to win awards, I just want to see the field
progress as much as possible," Pambookian said. "It is, however,
a truly humbling experience."

VivaCell-MTS Launches Mobile TV In An Up To One Month Free Trial Ver


2009-11-12 18:05:00

ArmInfo. VivaCell-MTS announces today the launch of its Mobile
TV service.

As the Company Director General Ralf Yirikian said at today’s
press-conference, the service will be provided during a month in a
free trial regime.

This service brings the most favorite and other full-length TV programs
right to the 3G mobile phone of the subscriber. VivaCell-MTS subscriber
has to follow links tv.mts.am or tv.vivacell.am from the mobile phone
browser to enjoy popular programs broadcasted by leading Armenian TV
channels from a user friendly application.

The majority of TV program broadcasts is available now to the
population of Armenia over VivaCell-MTS network in real time. During
the initial period, VivaCell-MTS Mobile TV service currently offers a
selection of 12 live channels including popular channels such as H1,
H2, Armenia, Yerkir Media, Kentron, Shant, Hay TV, TV 5, ATV, ArmNews,
Ararat TV and Dar 21, featuring the mix of sports coverage, music,
serials, entertainment, news bulletins and documentary programmes.

After the one month free trial period a selection of prerecorded
videos, clips, etc., will also be available to the users. "Innovation
is our driving force. We strive to provide our subscribers with the
state of the art technologies for their leisure. With an increasing
number of 3G mobile handsets, a cutting-edge technology enabling an
easy- to-use service and a rich portfolio of television programming,
the launch of Mobile TV is an intriguing proposition for our customers
as it is an enjoyable way of filling free time and also an opportunity
of watching important business, social and political TV programs just
on the move. The future is with Mobile TV," says VivaCell-MTS General
Manager Ralph Yirikian.

Annual Merchant Lunch On Thursday


CBS47 News
erchant-Lunch-on-Thursday/M_Ln2aAB6UKfTOz1Vx14vw.c spx
Nov 11 2009

The Valley is home to so many wonderful cultures including a vast
Armenian population.

If you are Armenian or just enjoy the food, then you should head over
to the First Armenian Presbyterian Church on Thursday for their Annual
Merchant Lunch.

Jane Bedrosian with First Armenian Presbyterian Church stopped by the
CBS47 studio to talk about their annual event. Bedrosian said, "The
purpose of this lunch, of course, is to bring our community together.

We like to serve this to our business people and local people that
enjoy a delicious Armenian meal, that basically gives you a sampling
of our culture".

The lunch is from 11:00 a.m. am to 2:00 p.m. and an Armenian lunch
of lula kabob, pilaf, cheese beoreg, salad, rolls and baklava is $12
per person.

First Armenian Presbyterian Church is located at 430 S. First Street.


After Level Of Lake Sevan Rises, About 2 Thsd Residential Buildings


2009-11-10 16:59:00

ArmInfo. After the level of Lake Sevan rises to 1905 m above the sea
level, a total of 1967 residential buildings will find themselves
under water, Head of the Commission for Lake Sevan Issues Vladimir
Movsisyan said at a press-conference at Hayatsk club, Tuesday.

He said out of the given number of buildings only 481 are registered
at the Real Estate Cadastre (263 of them are cottages of Lavanda
City). The other 1216 were built near Lake Sevan illegally. Movsisyan
said that only the owners of legal buildings may count for the state’s
compensation (their total cadastral value is 2.5 bln AMD). Besides
residential buildings, 806 rented land plots will also find themselves
under the water, 107 of them are rented illegally. Furthermore, 15
km of roads will be flooded. It is envisaged to move only some part
of them, a total of 4.2 bln AMD will be allocated for this work.

According to Movsisyan, moving of water pipe networks of the 7 km water
channel will cost 760 mln AMD, moving of 4 irrigation pump stations
will cost 1.1 bln AMD, moving of 19 km gas pipeline – 1.8 bln AMD.

18 km of electric power transmission lines and 35 substations
will also find themselves under the water, some of them belong to
ArmRusgasprom company. Private owners will spend 365 mln AMD on their
moving, and ArmRusgasprom – 1.2 bln AMD. Lake Sevan will also flood
2789 ha of forests, about 1.1 bln AMD will be required for cleaning
work. Movsisyan said that the Commission for Lake Sevan Issues
suggests that the government should allocate budgetary funds only
for the cleaning of forestry, as well as for moving of roads. The
rest of the costs should be covered by the owners.

V. Movsisyan said the level of Sevan is supposed to rise 20-21 cm
yearly. Thus, the lake will reach 1903.5m above sea level only in
2031. The level of the lake is rising mostly due to Arpa-Sevan tunnel.

Some 3.6km of the tunnel needs repair. Though no contest for the
tunnel’s repair has been announced yet, the government allowed some
repairs this year. As a result, 522 m were repaired (repair cost 605
million drams) and 171 million cu meters of water flew into the lake
via the tunnel in 2009 versus 168 million cu meters in 2008. This
year, water release from the lake for irrigation purposes totaled
126 million cu meters versus the limit of 142 million meters. Since
January up to present, water level in the lake was up 45 cm, which is
higher than in the same period of 2008 (38 cm). V. Movsisyan said on
Jan 1 2010 the lake level will be higher than on Jan 1 2009 by 31 cm.

Islamic Summit Adopts Istanbul Declaration In Turkey


10.11.2009 18:50 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Economic Summit, held Monday in Istanbul,
to mark the 25th Anniversary of COMCEC –the Standing Committee for
Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference– with participation of Heads of State and Government,
adopted the "Istanbul Declaration".

Member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference
unanimously adopted a closing declaration urging member states to
ratify the Preferential Tariff Scheme (PRETAS) and the TPSOIC Rules
of Origin, in order to foster economic and commercial ties.

The declaration also recognized the importance of the implementation of
OIC Agreements and resolutions in the field of economic and commercial
cooperation and regarded Trade Preferential System of OIC (TPS-OIC)
as one of the main instruments to foster commercial ties and reaching
the target of 20 % intra-OIC trade by 2015.

Chairman Of Iranian Parliament’s Commission: "Iran Supports Solution


Nov 9 2009

Baku. Elbrus Seyfullayev – APA. Members of the Azerbaijani
parliament’s committee for social policy met with the delegation of
Iranian parliament led by Suleyman Jafarzadeh, chairman of social
affairs commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran,
the parliament’s press service told APA. The members of Iranian
parliamentary delegation acquainted themselves with the conference
hall of Azerbaijani parliament, the new building, appreciated the
conditions created for the parliamentarians.

Chairman of the commission Hadi Rajabli gave information about
the parliament’s legislative base, the activity of the commission,
law making process, democratic state-building, free civil society,
protection of human rights, freedom of expression and media. He
underlined that Iran and Azerbaijan have high-level economic,
humanitarian and interparliamentary relations.

Suleyman Jafarzadeh gave information about the structure, legislative
base of Iranian parliament. He spoke about the importance of
mutual activity of the parliament’s related committees, exchange
of experience. The guest said Iran is interested in extending the
relations with its close neighbor and friend Azerbaijan.

"Iran supports solution to Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh
conflict within the framework of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity,"
he said.

BAKU: Ambassador Tofig Abdullayev: "The Relations Between Azerbaijan


Nov 9 2009


Azerbaijan’s ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, permanent
representative to the Organization of Islamic Conference Tofig
Abdullayev interviewed by APA

-What role has the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) played
in the solution of the problems of the Muslim world within 40 years?

-The Organization of Islamic Conference was founded at the conference
of heads of Muslim state and government in Rabat, the capital
of Morocco in 1969. Some days after the arson was committed in
Al-Aqsa mosque, one of the two qiblas of the Islamic world and its
third holiest site, in August, 1969, foreign ministers of 14 Muslim
countries met in Cairo and accepted the proposal of the then king of
Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Abdul Aziz on holding a high-level summit of
the Islamic states to discuss the situation in the Near East.

The Saudis took the first initiative to found an organization uniting
Muslim countries. The idea of establishing "Pact of Islam" was first
put forward by king of Saudi Arabia Saud bin Abdul Aziz in 1957 and
was later improved by Faisal bin Abdul Aziz in 1965. But the idea was
not realized due to the confrontation of the leaders of some countries
closely cooperating with the Soviet Union. They considered that the
aim is to establish an imperialist bloc "wearing turban".

After the defeat of the United Arab Emirates and Syria in the six-day
war, they began to need serious support of "conservative states",
first of all Saudi Arabia.

Muslim states held a summit under the slogan "For the protection of
the holy values and the religion and first of all Al-Quds" in Rabat
on September 22-25, 1969. This summit was the beginning of the idea
to establish an international organization within Islamic solidarity.

The statement issued on September 23, 1969, envisages discussions
among the participating states on cooperation in economy, science,
culture, commitments on solving the problems basing on the goals and
principles of the UN. The Organization of Islamic Conference has 57
members. Muslim communities of some states, a number of international
and regional organizations have observation status under OIC.

-What has Azerbaijan gained from OIC membership? How many decisions
have been passed on Azerbaijan and how much has been allocated for
our country?

-Azerbaijan, which is an integral part of the Islamic world with its
history, religious, cultural and moral values, became OIC member in
December, 1991, and gained continuous support of the member states.

Approximately three months later, the then Secretary General of OIC
Hamid Algabid sent a delegation led by his assistant to Azerbaijan
to study the Nagorno Karabakh problem and solve it peacefully. The
delegation also visited Armenia, Iran, Turkey and Russia, met with
the officials of these countries’ foreign ministries and UN special
envoy Sairus Vens. After the delegation returned, OIC Secretary General
made a statement on the situation in Nagorno Karabakh. In September,
OIC foreign ministers coordination meeting was held during the session
of the Un General Assembly. An item on Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict
was included into the final document of the meeting. But due to some
objective and subjective reasons, our republic could not effectively
use OIC’s opportunities and Islamic factor. Heydar Aliyev realized
these opportunities. His official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
in July, 1994, his umrah, effective talks with Fahd bin Abdul Aziz
and meetings with the officials of OIC General Secretariat increased
the attention of the Muslim world to Azerbaijan.

Heydar Aliyev’s meetings with OIC Secretary General in Baku in
November, 1994, activated the cooperation between Azerbaijan and OIC
and played an important role in establishing diplomatic relations with
a number of Muslim states and opening new embassies in Baku. After
returning from visit OIC Secretary General sent letters to the
heads of Muslim states, with which our republic had not established
diplomatic relations, and drew their attention to the issue. Heydar
Aliyev attended the 8th summit of OIC heads of state and government
in Casablanca in December, 1994, he addressed the conference and on
request of OIC General Secretariat and a number of member states
made a greeting speech at the opening ceremony of the conference
on behalf Asian group states of OIC. He also took an active part in
the 7th conference of OIC heads of state and government in Tehran in
December, 1998.

– What contribution can OIC make to the solution to Nagorno Karabakh
conflict? Does the organization have an intention to participate in
the restoration of the region after the settlement of the conflict?

– As a result of intensive and purposeful activity of the Republican
leadership, OIC foreign ministers’ 21st Karachi conference in 1993,
7th extraordinary conference in September 1994, 22nd conference in
Casablanca in December 1994, 23rd Jakarta conference in December
1996 heard reports of the OIC Secretary General on Nagorno Karabakh
conflict and adopted resolution on the issue.

The resolutions strongly condemned Armenian aggression against
Azerbaijan and demanded immediate withdrawal of Armenian forces
from the occupied Azerbaijani lands and respect to the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. For the first time the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict was included in the list of problems
addressed jointly by OIC-UN cooperation in 1994 and it was very
important for Azerbaijan.

As a result of purposeful activity of the Republican leadership,
the title of OIC resolution on Nagorno Karabakh conflict was changed
from "Resolution on the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan" to
"Resolution on Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan" in 1993.

Besides this resolution adopted in annual meetings of the OIC foreign
ministers and in the OIC summit every three years, OIC Standing
Committee for Commercial and Economic Relations (COMCEC) have passed
annual resolutions condemning the Armenian aggression since 1993.

– What events are planned for the 40th anniversary celebration of
the organization? Will the leaders gather for their summit?

– Recently very important event has been held in Baku on the eve of
OIC 40 years. Everyone knows that UN General Assembly March 14, 2008
resolution on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan was adopted as
a result of great support by the OIC member countries and "attack
diplomacy" set by President Ilham Aliyev before the Azerbaijani
diplomats. OIC as an international political organization is forming
its budget at the expense of membership fees of the countries and have
no opportunities to provide humanitarian assistances to the Muslim
countries facing with the problems. The assistances and long-time
loans are carried out bilaterally by the humanitarian international
organizations, financial institutions and OIC member countries as
well. The projects realized in Azerbaijan by the Islamic Development
Bank, Saudi Development Fund, Kuwaiti Fund, International Islamic
Relief Organization, International Islamic Youth Assembly and other
organizations confirm that.

In recent years, Azerbaijan-OIC relations have entered new stage.

President Ilham Aliyev’s participation at the OIC Third Summit in
Mecca in December, 2005 and 33rd OIC ministerial meeting in Baku
could be estimated as a part of this policy.

Series measures have been carried out in the field of cooperation with
OIC in recent years, including OIC tourism ministers’ 5th conference in
September 2006, conference on the role of mass media in the development
of tolerance and mutual understanding in April 2007, International
Forum on the Role of Women in the Cross-Culture Dialogue on June 10-11,
2008 on the initiative of the President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation
Mehriban Khanum Aliyeva, 4th conference of the ministers of education
and scientific research of the Islamic countries on October 6-8,
2008, OIC law-enforcement officials’ meeting on April 21-22, 2009, 6th
conference of OIC culture ministers on October 13-15, 2009 and others.