La Suisse acheve sa delicate mission de rapprocher Erevan et Ankara

Le Temps, Suisse
Vendredi 09 Octobre 2009

La Suisse achève sa délicate mission de rapprocher Erevan et Ankara

Un accord entre la Turquie et l’Arménie sera signé samedi Zurich. La
Suisse a oeuvré comme médiatrice. Sceptique, la diaspora arménienne
craint une remise en question du génocide de 1915

par Valérie de Graffenried

Le pas est historique mais fragile. Sauf surprise de dernière minute,
la Turquie et l’Arménie signeront samedi Zurich un accord scellant
leur rapprochement. Deux protocoles prévoient la réouverture de la
frontière commune et la création d’une commission d’historiens qui se
penchera sur la question controversée du génocide arménien. La Suisse
a oeuvré comme médiatrice.

Conscient de marcher sur des oeufs, le Département fédéral des
Affaires étrangères reste très prudent: jeudi soir, il n’était
toujours pas en mesure de confirmer officiellement que la signature de
l’accord aurait lieu samedi Zurich. Il a pourtant envoyé une
information aux médias en ce sens. Et le Ministère russe des Affaires
étrangères avait assuré quelques heures plus t´t que l’accord serait
bel et bien signé samedi. La présence de la secrétaire d’Etat
américaine, Hillary Clinton, Zurich a par ailleurs été confirmée.

Une certaine nervosité est palpable depuis plusieurs jours dans les
deux camps. L’accord a été conclu le 31 ao»t. Les parties disposaient
partir de cette date de six semaines pour mener des consultations
politiques avant la signature du texte. Les parlements des deux pays
devront ensuite le ratifier pour qu’il entre en vigueur. La diaspora
arménienne est particulièrement remontée. En tournée en France, aux
Etats-Unis et au Liban, le président Serge Sarkissian a d» faire face
la colère de manifestants. A Paris, près de 500 Arméniens l’ont
traité de tra®tre alors qu’il déposait une gerbe de fleurs devant un
monument la mémoire des Arméniens massacrés en 1915.

Les protocoles prévoient la réouverture de la frontière commune dans
un délai de deux mois après l’entrée en force de l’accord. Elle avait
été fermée en 1993 par la Turquie qui soutenait l’Azerba¯djan dans son
conflit avec l’Arménie propos de l’enclave du Nagorny Karabakh,
peuplée d’Arméniens. L’Azerba¯djan, qui voit le rapprochement entre
Ankara et Erevan d’un mauvais oeil, menace aujourd’hui la Turquie de
lui couper ses livraisons de gaz. Ce qui corse la donne. Sur
l’épineuse question du génocide, que les Turcs n’ont jamais reconnu
comme tel, les protocoles prévoient la mise sur pied d’une commission
d’experts qui lancera un dialogue historique dans le but de restaurer
la confiance mutuelle entre les deux nations, incluant un examen
scientifique impartial des archives et documents historiques pour
définir les problèmes existants et fournir des recommandations.

Une formulation qui laisse Sarkis Shahinian, le président de
l’Association Suisse-Arménie (ASA), plus que songeur. L’Arménie ferait
une gravissime erreur en signant ces protocoles, dit-il. Il a
récemment rencontré le président arménien Paris et lui a demandé de
prendre une pause de réflexion, le document n’étant politiquement pas

S’il salue la volonté de l’Arménie et de la Turquie de normaliser
leurs relations, Sarkis Shahinian se dit très blessé par l’attitude du
DFAE, qui a permis la Turquie de sortir indemne de la question du
génocide. Les conclusions de la commission d’historiens, laquelle
participera la Suisse, ne lieront pas la Turquie puisque seules des
recommandations, sont prévues, insiste-t-il.

L’ASA s’était déj fendue d’un communiqué le 9 septembre. Elle disait
percevoir dans l’accord le risque de remettre en question la
reconnaissance du génocide des Arméniens et le droit
l’autodétermination du Karabakh, sachant que derrière ce
rapprochement, facilité par la Suisse, se profile l’intention des
Etats-Unis, de l’UE et de la Russie de disposer au mieux des réserves
de gaz et de pétrole dans la région. Les conseillers nationaux Ueli
Leuenberger (Verts/GE) et Dominique de Buman (PDC/FR), qui président
le groupe parlementaire Suisse-Arménie, expriment des doutes

Du c´té turc, des remontrances envers la Suisse ont aussi été
soulevées. Les relations entre Berne et Ankara n’ont pas toujours été
au beau fixe, précisément cause du dossier du génocide. Le Conseil
fédéral ne l’a pas reconnu, mais le National, si, en 2003, ce qui a
provoqué l’ire de la Turquie. Ankara a depuis mis beaucoup d’eau dans
son vin car elle espère qu’une réconciliation avec Erevan fera avancer
ses négociations d’adhésion l’UE. Ce rapprochement passe aussi par
le sport. Le président turc Abdullah G¼l a fait une visite historique
Erevan en septembre 2008, pour le match aller de qualification au
mondial 2010 entre les équipes nationales. Le match retour aura lieu
le 14 octobre en Turquie. Invité, le président arménien n’a pour
l’instant pas confirmé sa venue.

La Suisse oeuvre comme médiatrice entre les deux parties depuis deux
ans. Dans la plus grande discrétion. C’est le président américain qui
l’avait annoncé publiquement sur son blog le 7 avril dernier. Barack
Obama et la secrétaire d’Etat Hillary Clinton ont aussi multiplié les
actions pour amener la Turquie et l’Arménie surmonter leurs
réticences. Tout comme l’UE.

Abrahamyan: Armenian genocide fact recognition remains on agenda

Abrahamyan: Armenian genocide fact recognition remains on agenda

YEREVAN, October 17. /ARKA/. The recent signing of the
Armenian-Turkish protocols doesn’t remove the demand of Armenian
genocide fact recognition from the agenda, Ara Abrahamyan, the
president of the Union of Armenians of Russia, said at a press
conference on Friday.

On Saturday, Armenian and Turkish foreign ministers – Edward
Nalbandyan and Ahmad Davutoghlu – signed protocols on establishment
and development of bilateral relations.

The signed protocols need to be ratified by Armenian and Turkish parliaments.

`The whole world is now speaking about Armenian-Turkish talks and the
agreements. We shouldn’t miss such a chance of raising the issue of
Armenian genocide again to make the world aware of the genocide and to
say that this issue has not been removed from our agenda’

Armenian genocide was the first genocide committed in XX century.
Turkey rejects the accusation of massacres and the killing of one and
a half million Armenians during World War I.

The fact of the Armenian genocide is recognized by many countries,
particularly by Uruguay, Russia, France, Lithuania, most of the U.S.
states, as well as by the parliaments of Greece, Cyprus, Argentina,
Belgium, Wales, National Council of Switzerland, Common House of
Canada, the Seym of Poland and lower house of Italian parliament.

Abrahamyan thinks that it would be wrong to believe Turkey fully,
since Ankara has not taken any step so far to win Armenia’s

He said that this neighbor keeps Armenia blocked and misses no chance
to oppose Armenia.

`But all of us have realized the necessity of a dialogue for opening
the boarder. The border opening is a good sign. It is also good that
the Genocide will be discussed in Turkey, where even this term was

There are no diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey and the
state border has been closed since 1993 on Ankara’s initiative.-0–

Poland supports simplification of visa in "Eastern Partnership"

Poland supports simplification of visa regime in frames of "Eastern Partnership"
17.10.2009 13:08 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland supports to
liberalize the visa regime for participants of European Eastern
Partnership program with EU countries with a view to completely
abolish visas for citizens of those states, Jaroslav Dziedzice,
adviser to the Polish Foreign Minister, Head of «Eastern Partnership»
Department of the ministry of foreign affairs, speaking at a
conference in Warsaw on cooperation between Poland and Germany.

He also stated that Warsaw supports political and economic integration
of the states – participants of "Eastern Partnership" with the EU and
is ready to share its experience of European integration, agency UNIAN

The War Has Not Ended Yet

14:11 / 10/16/2009

"Today economy of Azerbaijan is in incomparable level with Armenian
economy and we are leaving them behind in all spheres", said
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, APA news agency informs Oct. 16.

The Agency says Aliyev underlined that Azerbaijan is a country with
large political opportunities and economic potential. As concerns
the military power he stated, "We have very large, as well as strong
international position. Regarding the, I would like to stress again
that the Azerbaijani Army is a strongest army in the region. We are
strengthening our military power. It demands great resources, but we
have to do that, because we are living at war. The war has not ended
yet. The first round of the war ended and we must be always ready to
liberate our lands from the invaders."

Azerbaijan Rejects Turkey’s Proposal

11:43 / 10/17/2009

Azerbaijan rejected Turkey’s proposal to be transit country for gas
supply to Europe and seeks for an alternative way, stated Azerbaijani
President Ilham Aliyev.

Speaking at the government session, Aliyev said that Azerbaijan
was ready to supply gas to Europe, but the talks with Turkey were

According to RFE/RL Russian service, Azerbaijani President told about
country’s intension to sell gas to Russia and Iran.

Earlier Aliyev has severely criticized the signing of Armenia-Turkey
Protocols on the establishment of bilateral relations.

ANTELIAS: 80th Anniversary of dies academicus in Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317


On Sunday 11 October 2009, the brotherhood celebrated the 80th anniversary
of the Seminary in Antelias. Celebrations began with the Holy Liturgy at St.
Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral and continued in the Main Hall of the

Bishop Shahé Panossian, the Dean of the seminary celebrated the liturgy. He
based his sermon on the saying of Jesus to the Pharisees "I am the light of
the World" (John 8:12) and told the students that the vocation of the
seminary was to prepare persons who would live out the message of Jesus

After liturgy the students, faculty and the community walked in procession
to the Main Hall of the Catholicosate where the seminarians read from the
writings of St. Gregory of Nareg and the choir sang hymns of the day. At the
end, His Holiness declared 2009-2010 scholastic year open and said: "The
Seminary is not just any educational institution. Those who attend the
seminary acquire the vocation of service to the church and the people of God
based on spiritual values of Christian faith and cultural values of the
Armenian people. He then spoke of the role of the seminary in the Armenian
Church and concluded by saying: "As a sign of my commitment to clergy
education in our church, I teach theology to the graduating class of the
seminary to impart my knowledge and ecumenical experience."

Dies Academicus ended with the anthems of the Catholicosate of Cilicia and
the Seminary.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Theological
Seminary of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of the
Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.

Tel Aviv May End Israeli Support For Turkey’s Genocide Denial Policy

13:10 / 10/15/2009

The decision canceling Israel’s participation in Turkish and NATO
was an expression of the Turkish people’s will, Turkish Premier
Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated in his interview with the Al Jazeera TV
channel. According to him, the Turkish Government took the public
opinion into account. The Government discussed the problem and
decided against Israel’s participation in the air force maneuvers,
Erdogan said. He pointed out the necessity for considering all the
diplomatic delicacies of the problem.

In his recent interview with CNN, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet
Davutoglu stated that the reason for the decision is the situation
in the Gaza Strip. According to him, the maneuvers were canceled
because the United State and Italy decided to. It was, however, after
Turkey refused to receive the Israeli pilots that dropped bombs on
Gaza civilians.

Some in Israel voice fears that Turkey’s ruling party has managed to
overcome the army’s opposition, and the traditional Israeli-Turkish
cooperation is coming to its end.

Moreover, some hold the opinion that Turkey is ready for forming an
alliance with Iran, and the recent agreement with Armenia may be
evidence thereof. Turkey is also consolidating its relations with
the Syrian regime, and the new axis, Ankara-Damask-Teheran, may pose
a special threat to Israel.

The Turkish authorities, however, do not seem to be concerned over
the facts. The Turkish television demonstrated a video record with
an Israeli man killing a child. A serial showing Israeli servicemen
as bloodthirsty child-killers proved to be the last straw for
Israel. In this connection, Avigdor Lieberman, Israeli Foreign
Minister has summoned the Turkish Ambassador to Israel. According
to him, demonstrations like that stir up hatred for Israel. The
Israel-based points out that Turkey’s overtly anti-Semitic
demarche may block her way to the European Union. The former Israeli
Consul to Turkey Moti ization in Turkey since Erdogan came to power
there. Referring to a source at the Israeli foreign Office, the Israeli
Government has arrived at the inevitable conclusion that, against the
present changes in Turkey, it can no longer act as mediator between
Israel and Syria.

The new tendencies in Ankara’s foreign policy are being highlighted
by IzRus. Against the growing tension in the relations with Turkey,
the Israeli leaders are closely watching Ankara’s policy both in the
Caucasus and in the Near East, being skeptic about its chances to
reap dividends from Armenian-Turkish rapprochement. Analysts think
Turkey made this step for the primary purpose of improving its image
and chances to join the European Union.

It is noteworthy that, in one of its articles The Jerusalem Post
daily (Israel) reported that, in regards to the exercises dispute,
Israeli officials said they would end Israeli support for Turkey in
its efforts to stop the US Congress voting to declare the killings
of Anatolian Armenians by the Ottoman Turks genocide.

EU Criticizes Turkey For Human Rights Violation


14.10.2009 20:26 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ European Committee’s annual report for Turkey
highlights flaws in spheres of protecting civil rights and ensuring
freedom of expression. Despite certain progress, the rights of Kurdish
population, national minorities and women continue to be restricted,
says the report published on Wednesday, October 14. The document
reflects the results of surveys conducted by the recommendation of
Turkish Government. 39% of female respondents reported being subjected
to violence, and 15% confessed to being victims of sexual assault,
AFP agency reports.

As a positive example, the report focuses on cases against several
high-ranking Turkish servicemen who plotted a government coup. Court
proceeding against alleged "putchists" is the first case in Turkey’s
history, says the document. Authors of the report also stress that
Turkish servicemen "continue misusing their political influence"
in the country. Thus, high-ranking officers have several times made
their own statements on policy and attitude towards Kurds, religious
minorities and a number of other political problems, Reuters reports.

Release further says that Turkey started its EU process in
2005. Certain member states of the Union, particularly France,
are against the Islamic country’s membership. Christian Party Bloc
in Germany also holds a negative stance on the issue and offers
"privileged partnership" as an alternative. Germany’s Free Democratic
Party does not actually object to Turkey’s becoming an EU member,
however, their leaders believe the country does not yet have relevant
prerequisites, DW-WORLD.DE reports.

Medvedev-Sargsyan Meeting


13:31:49 – 13/10/2009

A Serge Sargsyan-Dmitri Medvedev meeting took place in Moscow. It
was the seventh meeting of the presidents during this year.

In the course of the meeting, Dmitri Medvedev said happy to see
Serge Sargsyan and reiterated that they are continuing their regular
meetings and intensive dialogue in the context of bilateral as well
as multilateral issues. He underscored Russia’s mediatory role in
the negotiations over Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

The Russian president dwelt on the economic crisis saying that it does
not spare anyone and that there are no essential changes in trade
circulation. The same decline of 20 percent is still present. He
stated that Serge Sargsyan’s meetings with the Armenian Diaspora of
Russia are very important for our bilateral relations.

Serge Sargsyan in turn thanked his Russian counterpart for warm words
as well as for his personal participation in the Karabakh issue
settlement. He also expressed his gratitude for the assistance of
the Russian Federation in the process of the normalization of the
Armenian and Turkish relations.

Serge Sargsyan and Dmitri Medvedev discussed also questions relating
to the Armenian-Russian strategical relations as well as issues with
regard to the further development in commercial cooperation and other
issues. The Armenian and Russian presidents dwelt also on urgent
regional issues, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the normalization
of the Armenian and Turkish relations as two separate issues.

In the course of the meeting, the sides stressed the cooperation of
two countries within the frameworks of the CSTO and quick response
collective forces in the context of the Partnership-2009 military
exercises in Kazakhstan, the press office of the president reports.

Gafesjian Will Be Back


October 10, 2009

American Armenian businessman Gerard Gafesjian will probably stop
his business in Armenia and will leave only the Gafesjian Museum for
symbolic purposes. The problem is that the businessman who has invested
millions in Armenia has been cheated and his money was embezzled. It
was done through certain financial mechanisms and methods, which was
ignored by Gafesjian even though the Armenian media has written about
it in the past. When his Armenian colleagues asked for 150 million
dollars to build the museum he understood who and what he was dealing
with. The main person responsible for this project was the deputy head
of the Gafesjian Family foundation, who has been fired already. The
owner of Armenia TV company Bagrat Asatryan is Gafesjian’s partner
in Armenia and it is said that this person is connected with these
deals too. In fact the list of the people who were involved in this
"benevolent" work is pretty long. As a result, according to our
sources information from the banking system, during the past months
Gafesjian has sold his main businesses in the financial sector of
Armenia (Cascade Bank, Cascade Insurance, etc.). According to our
well-informed sources of information, he is going to sell his share
in Armenia TV company as well.

Definitely Gerard Gafesjian will visit Armenia in November and we
will learn new facts about this issue. On the other hand, all what
is happening to the Diaspora Armenian businessmen in the same period
when the issue of the Armenian-Turkish relations is discussed and
the president is visiting the main Armenian communities overseas is
very symbolic.