CoE Secretary General Finds Illegal Voting In Nagorno-Karabakh


Arka News Agency, Armenia
Dec 13 2006

YEREVAN, December 13. /ARKA/. Council of Europe Secretary General Terry
Davis finds that referendum on adoption of the first Constitution of
Nagorno-Karabakh cannot have any legal validity.

"This Sunday’s vote organized by the ‘de facto’ authorities of
Nagorno-Karabakh cannot have any legal validity. It will not be
recognized by the international community", Davis’s statement,
presented to ARKA News Agency by the Council of Europe Information
Office on Monday, says.

He said that a lasting solution for Nagorno-Karabakh could only come
out of the political process facilitated by the Minsk Group.

"Any future solution must respect human rights, and if it is submitted
to popular consultation, the vote must be free and fair and open to
everyone", Davis said.

"The main responsibility for the settlement is with the political
leadership of Armenia and Azerbaijan and especially President Kocharian
and President Aliyev. This is one of the accession commitments of both
Armenia and Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe", the statement says.

According to preliminary results, during the voting in unrecognized
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic 77 thsd 279 people or 98,58% of the total
number of electors voted "in favor" of the Constitution, and 549 or
0,7 % – "against".

On the whole 78 thsd 389 people took part in the vote (87%) from 89
thsd 44 people having franchise.

Final results of the vote will be announced on December 13.

More than hundred international observers and journalists from Russia,
USA, France, Italy, Great Britain, Croatia, Serbia and other countries,
as well as Prednestrovia, Abkhazia and South Osettia watched the
process of the voting.

Voyage En Armenie

par Maurice Ulrich

L’Humanite, France
12 decembre 2006

Exposition . Avec plus de trois cents manifestations, l’Annee de
l’Armenie en France invite a la decouverte d’une histoire trois fois
millenaire et de l’âme d’un peuple.

Le sommet du mont Ararat, a 5 165 mètres, disparaît dans les nuages.

Pas moyen de verifier si l’on apercoit un bout de l’arche de Noë
qui se serait echouee dessus. Au musee des Beaux-arts d’Erevan, un
artiste du XIXe siècle a bien peint, en revanche, la caravane d’animaux
descendant après le Deluge dans la vaste plaine qui s’etend au pied
du mont. Aujourd’hui deserte ou presque, elle est jalonnee de miradors.

Ils sont occupes pour l’essentiel par des soldats russes de la CEI,
la Communaute des Etats independants. De l’ancienne Union sovietique,
la CEI semble avoir garde ici le sens de ses interets geopolitiques.

De l’autre côte de la frontière, c’est la Turquie, et sur les
flancs de l’Ararat, en territoire turc, sont installees deux bases
de l’OTAN. L’Armenie, resume-t-on a l’ambassade de France est "
un territoire enclave en milieu hostile ". D’un côte, la Turquie,
de l’autre, l’Iran, pas très loin le gazoduc, au-dessus la Georgie
et la Russie sans omettre l’Azerbaïdjan avec lequel la guerre est
toujours larvee autour du territoire dispute du Haut-Kharabakh. Ceci
expliquant cela, l’ambassade americaine a Erevan, dans un pays de moins
de trois millions d’habitants, est l’une des plus importantes du monde,
sur plusieurs dizaines d’hectares et ne cesse de s’agrandir. Elle
anime ici, avec des millions de dollars, une association " pour la
promotion de la culture " dont l’intitule fait sourire.

Un pays reste chretien Juche sur son eperon rocheux, le monastère de
Khor Virap est la vedette des cartes postales, avec en toile de fond
les neiges eternelles du geant. C’est ici que fut emprisonne, dans une
profonde fosse a laquelle on accède desormais par une echelle de fer,
Gregoire l’Illuminateur. Au tout debut du IVe siècle après J.-C., il
aurait converti au christianisme le roi Tiridate IV qui aurait, du meme
coup, retrouve son apparence humaine après avoir ete malencontreusement
change en sanglier. L’Armenie, depuis, est restee chretienne, malgre
les differentes invasions et occupations qui se sont succede sur ses
terres et, au siècle dernier, envers et contre le pouvoir sovietique.

L’eglise armenienne est autocephale. C’est-a-dire qu’elle a
son propre pape, le Catholicos et son siège, le grand monastère
d’Echtmiadzine. Avec 9 diocèses en Armenie 31 diocèses dans le monde,
elle rayonne toujours dans la diaspora armenienne dispersee sur la
planète. Peut-etre quatre millions de personnes. L’exil pour beaucoup
date des annees qui ont suivi le genocide de 1915. Le massacre par
les Turcs d’un million et demi d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants,
par le meurtre de masse, la faim, l’epuisement. À Erevan le grand
memorial, depouille, entretient une flamme eternelle, entouree de
roses fraîchement coupees et toujours renouvelees. Mais l’exil est
aussi plus recent. Depuis la chute de l’URSS, plus de sept cent
mille personnes ont emigre. En retour, il est vrai, cette diaspora
aide le pays a vivre. Ses envois d’argent representent 23 % de son
PIB. C’est enorme dans cette terre sans ressources naturelles et où
45 % de l’economie est grise, c’est-a-dire parallèle.

L’Armenie a souffert et souffre encore. Après le terrible tremblement
de terre de 1988, contraignant la seule centrale nucleaire a la
fermeture, ses habitants ont vecu plusieurs annees sans chauffage
quand la temperature en hiver descend a moins vingt degres. Les
usines de l’ère sovietique sont fermees, les quartiers jadis ouvriers
sont dans un delabrement total, mais sur la route de l’aeroport les
etablissements de jeu aux neons clinquants se comptent par dizaines.

À Erevan pourtant, comme un pari sur l’avenir, autour de la très
belle place centrale de la Republique, les chantiers de grands
immeubles neufs se comptent par dizaines. Ils jouxtent cependant
des bidonvilles et on ne sait pas vraiment sur quelles prospectives
economiques ces constructions se fondent, quand bien meme on parle
d’un taux de croissance de près de 13 %.

Des grandes figures modernes La terre armenienne, 30 000 kilomètres
carres, s’est reduite au fil des siècles comme peau de chagrin mais la
memoire y reste vive d’un grand pays, d’un grand peuple, d’une grande
histoire a la croisee des civilisations. Les monastères aux belles
architectures, construits quand la France etait encore de torchis, en
temoignent. À Gheguard ou les grandes salles de prière ont ete creusees
dans le roc, le lion et la lionne sculptes au XIIIe siècle laissent
pantois. Au musee des Beaux-Arts d’Erevan on decouvre, de salle en
salle, les splendeurs des grandes fresques comme la richesse de cette
histoire trois fois millenaire. Le musee du Matenadaran expose, quant a
lui, une partie de ses 17 000 manuscrits dont certains concurrencèrent,
pendant près de deux siècles, l’imprimerie. Le musee Martiros-Sarian
fait decouvrir la grande figure de la peinture armenienne moderne,
celle du XXe siècle, totalement liee aux avant-gardes fauvistes ou
expressionnistes et tout a la fois totalement originale.

L’Armenie a souffert mais n’est pas contrition et nostalgie. Les
Armeniens de l’exterieur, s’ils gardent au coeur le pays ne sont jamais
restes en marge. La France peut se souvenir de Missak Manouchian et de
l’Affiche rouge, mais c’est aussi le nom très connu d’un industriel
et les Armeniens de France se nomment Aznavour, ou l’amoureux de
Marseille Robert Guediguian. Les grandes figures modernes de leur
terre natale sont aussi bien le compositeur Katchatourian que les
cineastes majeurs que sont Paradjanov ou Atom Egoyan. Qui voyage en
Armenie ne trouvera pas de cliches mais l’âme d’un peuple au coeur
de l’histoire humaine dans ses tragedies et sa grandeur. L’Annee de
l’Armenie en France, ouverte par Jacques Chirac a Erevan en septembre
dernier et jusqu’au mois de juillet, avec 350 manifestations, est une
invitation a cette decouverte. Prochain rendez-vous dès le vendredi
15 decembre avec une exposition a Paris a la Conciergerie sur "
Les douze capitales d’Armenie ".


Number Of Tourists Who Arrived In Armenia In 2006 January-September


Noyan Tapan
Dec 12 2006

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. 272 thousand 499 tourists arrived in
Armenia in 2006 January-September against 230 thousand 390 tourists
who arrived in Armenia in the same period of the previous year:
the growth made 18.3%.

According to the data of reports received by RA National Statistical
Service from hotels, 40 thousand tourists stayed at 38 Armenian hotels
in 2006 January-September: 36 thousand 702 tourists stayed at 35
hotels in the same period of the previous year. 22.5% of tourists who
stayed at Armenian hotels in the first ten months of this year fell
to CIS countries (29.4% in January-September of the previous year),
out of which the share of tourists having arrived from Russia makes 17%
(22.6%) in the total number of tourists, from European Union countries
34.5% (28.8%), including those having arrived from France 14.1% (9.1%),
from Germany 5.1% (5.4%), from Great Britain 5% (5.3%), from other EU
countries 10.3% (9%). The share of tourists having arrived from other
countries made 43% (in 2005 January-September 41.9%), from U.S. 23.3%
(22.8%), from Iran 5.4% (8.1%). 250 thousand 639 people left the
country for the purpose of tourism in the first nine months of 2006 or
more by 19.8% as compared with 2005 January-September. In this period
5 thousand 777 tourists left the country on trips organized by travel
agencies or more by 82.1% as compared with 2005 January-September.

Armenian Authorities Detain Head Of Public Organization On Coup Char


International Herald Tribune, France
The Associated Press
Dec 10 2006

YEREVAN, Armenia: Armenian authorities on Sunday detained the head of
a public organization accused of plotting a coup attempt, officials
and activists said.

Zhirair Sefilian, the citizen of Lebanon who heads For Protection of
Liberated Territories organization, is facing deportation on charges
of plotting to overthrow the government, said Armen Agaian, a leading
member of Sefilian’s group. Agaian rejected the charges.

An official at the Armenian National Security Service, who spoke on
condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the
media, confirmed Sefilian’s arrest but refused to elaborate on the
charges against him.

Sefilian is a veteran of the 1988-94 war in the disputed enclave of
Nagorno-Karabakh, which ended when Armenia-backed separatists drove
out Azerbaijan’s government forces.

Etyen Mahcupyan: Official Line To Normalize Armenia-Turkey Relations


11.12.2006 18:16 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Cooperation between non-governmental organizations
and opposition forces will have a positive impact on the development
of the Armenia-Turkey bilateral relations, said Etyen Mahcupyan, head
of TESEV Democratization program and columnist at Zaman newspaper. In
his words, development of democracy in Armenia and Turkey may become
a stimulus for the development of bilateral relations.

He also underscored that the official line to normalize the
Armenian-Turkey relations has reached a deadlock and development
of relations between non-governmental organizations appears as
an alternative. Formation of a civic society is essential for the
development of Armenia and Turkey, he considers.

BAKU: Romanian FM: "Inevitability Of Borders And Territorial Integri


Today, Azerbaijan
Dec 8 2006

"Inevitability of borders immunity and territorial integrity mean
holy principles for Romania," stated Romanian Foreign Minister Mihai
Razvan Ungureanu.

Commenting on the forthcoming referendum in Karabakh and presidential
elections in the Trans Dniester region he pointed out that Bucharest’s
attitude toward ‘frozen conflicts’ in former USSR is unchangeable.

He told APA’s bureau that Romania’s position stands to international
principles as inevitability of borders and territorial integrity.

Mihai Razvan Ungureanu said that the discussions in presidential,
foreign ministerial and experts’ level are hopeful.

"We hope that the settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is
optimistic. I came to this conclusion in Bucharest discussions. We
aspire to prtnership and pragmatism on European level," he said.

He touched upon the false presidential elections in Moldavian
Trans-Dniester region. "Even if I put on a ‘king’ emblem, it does
not mean that I am a real king," he said.


Turkey: The Patriarch in Yenikoy

Armenian Church Turkey

On Sunday, 3 December 2006, His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian Patriarch of
Istanbul and All Turkey, visited the Boyacikoy Srpots Yerits Mangants (The
Holy Three Youths) Church and, after a brief prayer there, went on to the
Yenikoy Holy Mother of God Church, arriving at 10:30.

His Beatitude the Patriarch presided over the Divine Liturgy, which was
officiated by Father Drtad Uzunyan, who is the appointed pastor at Boyacikoy
and Yenikoy. He was assisted in the Eucharist by stole-bearer Garo Segposyan
and acolyte Harutyun Culenoglu. Sacred music was provided by a small choir
under the direction of stole-bearar Artun Tekiroglu. Joining the service was
Father Andrew Wade, Hegumen of the Russian Orthodox Monastery in the Italian
city of Turin.


His Beatitude the Patriarch reading the sermon scripture

In his sermon His Beatitude the Patriarch preached on Luke 13:1-9. The Roman
Governor in Jerusalem, Pontius Pilate, had caused the death during a
religious service of a group of Galileans who were accused of promoting
rebellion against Rome. And a group of 18 labourers of Jerusalem who were
building an aqueduct for the Romans died when the tower of Siloam fell on
them. The Pharisees thought that the rebellious Galileans deserved death for
forcefully opposing Rome. And the Zealots, who were anti-Roman terrorists,
said that the Jerusalem workers deserved to die because they were working
for Rome. Jesus Christ said neither the Galileans nor the workers of
Jerusalem should be blamed for what befell them. Instead of blaming others,
everyone should think of their own day of judgment.

To die in a tragic accident or to be saved by a miracle is not a sign of
someone’s justification before God. Everyone will taste death. Not one of us
today knows when we will die. Perhaps we will not reach home following this
service. We do not know who will have a heart attack or brain hemorrhage
this evening. Today, tomorrow, or later all of us will taste death. Humans
are mortal. But everyone does not have to remain dead. The Lord Jesus Christ
said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life" (John
3:16). Thus we should not forget that we are mortal. We must repent without
delay to the Lord our God, and we must accept the one Son Jesus Christ, who
was sent for our salvation, as our Lord and Saviour.

In the Old Testament, the fruit-bearing tree was typically used to symbolize
a life lived according to God’s will and pleasure (Psalm 1:3; Jeremiah
17:7,8). In the story of the fig tree that gave no fruit, the Lord Jesus
Christ warned what will happen to a fig tree that bears no fruit for the
gardener but has consumed much time and space. The Lord Jesus explained
through this example of the fruit-less fig tree how God has created
everything to be productive, and God will not be able to tolerate a long
period of non-productivity. On the other hand, let’s look at the example of
the gardener. We must not quickly abandon anything. To achieve the fruits,
we must certainly expend time and effort. We must not forget that teachers
teach their students the alphabet by having them memorize letters one by
one; and students who do not work from day to day, and who do not study long
and hard, might not be successful in the university entrance examination. If
we want to see the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the lives of our children
and youth — love, happiness, peace, patience, compassion, goodness,
loyalty, gentleness of spirit, and self-control — then we must not neglect
to train them in the way of God. It is the Holy Spirit who empowers the
Christian. Therefore we must be people who walk in the way of the Holy
Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25). We must not be people who are conceited, who
compete against each other, and who are jealous of each other (Galatians

Following the sermon of His Beatitude the Patriarch, the Lord’s Supper was
prepared and served among the majority of worshippers.


The Sunday service concluded with the Service for the Repose of the souls of
the departed the Benediction, led by His Beatitude the Patriarch. Afterwards
a table was set up in the church garden by the Yenikoy Church Council,
headed by Hagop Baltayan, and tea and cookies were offered to everyone.

18th Anniversary Of Spitak Earthquake Marked In Karabakh


07.12.2006 15:49 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The 18th anniversary of devastating Spitak
earthquake was marked in Nagorno Karabakh December 7. In the morning
people attended the memorial complex in the NKR capital city to lay
wreaths to the monument to the victims. President Arkady Ghukasian,
National Assembly chairman Ashot Ghulian, Prime Minister Anushavan
Daniyelian, parliament members, commanders of the NKR Defense Army
also commemorated of those killed in the earthquake.

The acolytes of the Artsakh Hierarchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church
chanted a service in memory of the victims, reports IA Regnum.

BAKU: German Ambassador: Most Of Azerbaijani Citizens Living And Kee

Author: I. Alizadeh

TREND, Azerbaijan
Dec 8 2006

Per Christopher Stankina, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of Germany to Azerbaijan, said that most of the Azerbaijani citizens
who found political asylum in the Federative Republic of Germany
(FRG) are Armenians in origin, Trend reports.

According to him, the number of Azerbaijani citizens that live in
Germany reach 6,500 people, and they have appealed to corresponding
bodies of Germany with a request to receive political asylum. The
German diplomat said that despite the appeals, these Azerbaijani
citizens have not been granted with their request.

"Placement of 6,500 Azerbaijani citizens in Germany is a large
number. After checking the information, it was revealed that most of
them are Armenians in their origin, and not Azerbaijanis. After the
German Government has checked and studied this information thoroughly,
they came to a conclusion that the legal situation connected with
obtaining the citizenship was complex", said the German Ambassador.

According to Mr. Stankina, these people want to stay in Germany. The
diplomat said that they will impede the work in this direction, since
during the check up they said that they were Azerbaijanis. But the
point is that they are not, said the diplomat.

Russian FM Hails OSCE Work On Nagorny Karabakh Conflict


RIA Novosti, Russia
Dec 6 2006

BRUSSELS, December 5 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s foreign minister said
Tuesday the experience of the Organization for Security and Cooperation
in Europe in resolving the Nagorny Karabakh conflict can be used to
tackle other post-Soviet conflicts.

The conflict over Nagorny Karabakh, a region in Azerbaijan with a
largely Armenian population, first erupted in 1988 when it declared
its independence from Azerbaijan, and moved to join Armenia.

"The approach, which is linked to the use of multilateral forums for
political support for negotiation formats to resolve this or that
conflict, is a good example for other situations, including South
Ossetia, Transdnestr and Abkhazia," Sergei Lavrov told journalists,
commenting on the OSCE chairman’s pledge to make strong progress in
resolving the Azerbaijanni-Armenian dispute during 2007.

During the region’s conflict between 1988 and 1994, over 30,000 people
were killed on both sides. Nagorny Karabakh remained in Armenian hands,
but tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia have persisted.

Lavrov said the OSCE Council of Ministers in Brussels had coordinated
a statement on Nagorny Karabakh, qualifying it as "comprehensive."

He also said the 56-member OSCE, created as an East-West forum during
the Cold War, needs to be reformed in order to continue its existence.

The Russian diplomat said Moscow wants the OSCE to function
effectively, and that many countries are ready to help the organization
overcome "the current rather serious crisis."

"The OSCE is still failing to find its place in ongoing processes in
Europe, in the spheres of trade and economic, investment and energy
cooperation," he said, adding that reforms are progressing very slowly.

Russia and others have long accused the OSCE of bias, poor governance
and lack of initiative. In mid-2004, they called for sweeping
reforms of the bloc, which also monitors elections, human rights,
arms proliferation, and democracy.

Russia has repeatedly called for a more active approach from
the organization in the fight against terrorism and illicit arms
production and sales, and has criticized the OSCE for focusing on
secondary issues instead of resolving key security problems.