Information On Bomb In RA Revenue Committee False

March 23 2010

Information on bomb in the RA Public Revenue Committee was
a hoax. At the moment the Committee employees are back to work, correspondent reports.

No bomb was found as a result of search operations.

March 23, Yerevan Police Station received information about the bomb in
RA Public Revenue Committee and the workers were immediately evacuated
from the building.

Several weeks ago police received a call that the same building was
mined, however the information appeared to be forged.

ANKARA: Turkish NGOs: "PM Erdogan Incites Hatred"


BIA net
March 22 2010

Prime Minister Erdogan was harshly criticized in his own country for
saying to expel 100,000 illegal Armenian immigrants from the country.

More than 30 NGOs condemned the PM’s reaction to the recognition of
the Armenian Genocide in 1915 by the Swedish parliament.

Bawer CAKIR [email protected] Istanbul – BÄ°A News Center22 March 2010,
Monday Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was harshly criticized by
non-governmental organizations for his statement that the Armenian
people in Turkey were going to be called to account for parliaments of
other countries that recognize the Armenian genocide perpetrated by the
Ottoman Empire in 1915. On 11 March, the Swedish parliament decided by
one majority vote to describe as genocide the killing in World War I.

In a joint press release, the NGOs reminded Erodogan that he committed
a hate crime. "It is unacceptable to make thousands of vulnerable
people the subject of a bargain in order to dismiss the decision that
might be taken by the parliaments of third countries".

The joint press release by the NGOs was signed by the following

SayStop Initiative, Amargi Women Co-operative, Anti-capitalistic
Students, Women’s Peace Initiative, Arts Peace Initiative,
Conscientious Objectors’ Platform for Peace, Solidarity Platform,
Bosporus Performance Arts Society, Cigli Women Solidarity House
(CEKEV), Revolutionary Socialist Workers’ Party (DSÄ°P), Diyarbakir
Communication Platform, Labour Party (EMEP) Ä°stanbul Provincial
Organization, Ev Eksenli CalıÅ~_anlar Sendikası, Young Civilian
Population, Immigration Solidarity Network, Human Rights Association,
Izmir Women Solidarity Association, Kaos GL, Kumbara Art Studio,
Global BAK, Global Action Group, Lambdaistanbul, Nor Zartonk, Women’s
Initiative against Violence and Discrimination in Trade Unions, Social
Transformation Association, Social Solidarity Association, Freedom
on Earth Association, The Greens Party, Confrontation Association,
70 Million Steps Coalition and the 78’ers Initiative.

"Don’t trade defenceless people" In an interview on the Turkish BBC
in London on 16 March, Erdogan said:

"Look, there are 170,000 Armenian people in my country. 70,000 of them
are my fellow-citizens. But we are tolerating another 100,000 people
in our country. So, what am I going to do – I will tell them to go
back to their country tomorrow if necessary. I am going to do that.

Why? They are not my fellow-citizens… I do not have to keep them in
my country. Unfortunately, with their attitude they have a negative
effect on our current sincere approach and they are not aware of that".

The 31 NGOs described these words as a shame and criticized the Prime
Minister for showing Armenian workers as a target, who lack any kind
of protection, defence and social security. The organizations reminded
Erdogan of the following points:

* Nobody abandons the place where he/she was born for insignificant
reasons; and nobody stays in a country where they cannot find work.

* The Armenian immigrant workers have the right to humane treatment
just as anybody else.

* It is unacceptable to make thousands of defenseless people subject
to bargaining in order to dismiss the decisions that might be taken
by third countries parliaments.

* Erdogan is the Prime Minister of a country that alleges to bring
together civilizations, to sort out the quarrels and normalize
relations with Armenia which are international demands. In these terms,
Erdogan’s statement carved out a huge contrast.

The group of NGOs condemned a mentality which in the 21st century is
still inclined to relocation. They demand to abandon this disgraceful
bargain made upon defenseless people as soon as possible.

No border to be open without concessions of Armenia in NKR issue

Aysor, Armenia
March 20 2010

No border to be open without concessions of Armenia in NKR issue

Today the Chairman of NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan
Ayvazyan and the Chairwoman of Social Democrat Hunchakian Party (SDHP)
Lyudmila Sargsyan met with the journalists.

Vardan Ayvazyan divided the Armenian ` Turkish relations into two
periods of time, the first one is pre-signing and the second one the
present `normal process’ during which `are discovered not only the
preferences of the both sides but also the main persuasive of signing
the documents.’

As for the Armenian side V. Ayvazyan assured that `everything is
clarified’ and the Turkish side is expecting different dividends both
in political and geopolitical sense.’

Lyudmila Sargsyan on her turn mentioned that the initiative diplomacy
with Turkey was to be a failure from the very beginning.
`We didn’t have to launch diplomatic relations with Turkey in this
stage’, – mentioned L. Sargsyan and added that it is Turkey that has
closed the border `let him be so kind to reopen it again.’

L. Sargsyan also added that the Turkish National Assembly will not
ratify the Armenian ` Turkish protocols.

`The border, surely, will not be open, until Armenia will take up
concrete steps and will make concessions.’

`The principle issues that were present before have remained the
same,’ Vardan Ayvazyan mentioned.

Les sans-papiers armeniens menaces d’expulsion par le premier turc

Le Monde, France
20 mars 2010 samedi

Les sans-papiers arméniens menacés d’expulsion par le premier ministre turc

par Guillaume Perrier

Ankara riposte à des pressions internationales pour la reconnaissance
du génocide arménien


On ne veut pas parler ! Non non, tout va bien ! " Le groupe de femmes
qui discutaient autour d’un étal de chaussettes posé sur un trottoir
se disperse en quelques secondes, méfiant. Dans les rues du quartier
de Kumpkapi, au coeur de la péninsule historique d’Istanbul, les
Arméniens se font discrets depuis la dernière saillie verbale de Recep
Tayyip Erdogan. Lundi 15 mars, le premier ministre turc, qui
s’exprimait à la BBC, a menacé d’expulsion les citoyens arméniens en
situation irrégulière en Turquie. " Il y a actuellement 170 000
Arméniens qui vivent dans notre pays. Soixante-dix mille sont des
citoyens turcs et nous tolérons les 100 000 autres, a-t-il lâché. Si
nécessaire, je pourrais leur dire de rentrer dans leur pays. "

Ces déclarations ont semé le trouble dans la communauté arménienne
d’Istanbul. En plus de la population autochtone, plusieurs dizaines de
milliers de citoyens d’Arménie y travaillent illégalement, attirés par
des salaires trois à quatre fois plus élevés qu’à Erevan. Plus de 90 %
sont des femmes qui travaillent comme employées de maison, gardent des
enfants ou des personnes âgées, montre une étude publiée début mars
par la sociologue Alin Ozinian. " Le premier ministre s’est
probablement trompé d’un zéro ", ricane le pasteur Krikor, qui tient
l’église évangélique arménienne de Gedikpacha.

Dans son bureau, à l’intérieur du bâtiment, il ne lâche pas du regard
son écran de vidéosurveillance. " Il a exagéré les chiffres pour
appuyer son propos, estime-t-il. La Turquie n’a plus beaucoup d’issue.
Elle menace les Arméniens pour empêcher que de nouveaux pays ne
reconnaissent le génocide, mais c’est une déclaration impensable pour
quelqu’un qui veut faire partie de l’Union européenne. "

Mercredi soir, à la porte de cette église, le pasteur répondait à une
chaîne de télévision turque, lorsque des habitants du quartier ont
lancé dans leur direction des bouteilles et un briquet.

A l’approche du 24 avril, la date anniversaire du déclenchement des
massacres de plus d’un million d’Arméniens en 1915, la Turquie doit
faire face à une série de pressions internationales sur la question la
plus douloureuse de son histoire. La commission des affaires
étrangères de la Chambre des représentants américaine a voté le 4 mars
une résolution visant à reconnaître le génocide arménien. Le 11 mars,
le Parlement suédois a fait de même. La Turquie a rappelé ses deux
ambassadeurs et l’affaire est devenue " une question d’honneur
national ", selon le ministre des affaires étrangères, Ahmet

" Ce n’est pas en renvoyant les gens dans leur pays qu’il va régler le
problème ", estime Shoshan, une jeune femme originaire de Gumri (ouest
de l’Arménie). Employée illégalement depuis cinq ans à Istanbul, comme
ses deux parents et sa tante, elle ne songe pas à rentrer tant que la
situation économique ne s’est pas améliorée en Arménie. Beaucoup, en
revanche, font des allers-retours tous les trois mois entre Istanbul
et Erevan, pour renouveler leur visa, et pratiquent " le commerce à la
valise " pour rentabiliser les voyages.

Donara, elle, donne des cours dans les sous-sols de l’église de
Gedikpacha, où des classes improvisées accueillent les enfants des
travailleurs clandestins arméniens, que le gouvernement refuse de
scolariser. Cette ancienne institutrice de 53 ans et son mari, un
colonel de l’Armée rouge à la retraite, ont migré en Turquie en 2005.
" S’ils nous expulsent, il nous reste une maison lÃ-bas, mais ce sera
difficile de s’en sortir. "

" Cette polémique pourrait donner des idées aux pays européens,
ironise le pasteur Krikor. Si l’Allemagne disait qu’elle allait
renvoyer tous les Turcs sans papiers, que penserait M. Erdogan ? "
L’entourage du premier ministre a tenté de minimiser la brutalité de
ses propos. L’un des responsables du Parti de la justice et du
développement (AKP), Suat Kinklioglu, a assuré que la menace ne serait
pas mise à exécution.

Mais une partie de la presse turque s’est offusquée. " Ne touchez pas
aux Arméniens, protégez-les ! ", a lancé l’éditorialiste Mehmet Ali
Birand dans le journal Posta.

Gul Says He Has Nothing To Discuss With Obama On Armenian Issue


19.03.2010 15:06

Yerevan (Yerkir) – Turkish President Abdullah Gul, commenting on the
adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution by US House Foreign
Relations Committee, has said that he has nothing to discuss with
Obama regarding Armenian genocide.

"We have already discussed everything that we needed to discuss. We
have showed our good intentions on most issues. The situation in the
Caucasus is clear. What else should we discuss with Obama?" Gul said,
according to Hurriyet.

"Such resolutions and decisions by the United States will not help
normalization of the Turkish-Armenian relations, they will just
deepen them. We are part of the Caucasus and the current situation
is not in favor of Turkey, Azerbaijan or Armenia. Ankara will also
make everything possible to establish peace in our region", he added.

G. Sahakyan: Armenia Is In Good Conditions


March 19 2010

The head of the Republican Party of the RA, Galust Sahakyan assesses
positively the international relations of Armenia.

"Our positions are stable as the principles accepted by the Armenian
President due to his initiative policy are still preserved in
our political processes," today said G. Sahakyan during the press

The deputy mentioned that they still have a lot of work to do in order
to take the "syndrome of fear" from the psychology of the Armenians.

He explained that he meant the reaction within the Turkish – Armenians
which occurred after the PM of Turkey Erdogan announced that the
citizens of Armenia living illegally in Turkey will be deported from
the country.

"The Turkish history is a bloody history since the very first day
of the establishment of its statehood. It became bloody when they
conquered our cities," stressed the speaker.

"I think they will find themselves in a better situation after the
establishment of the Armenian – Turkish relations and recognition
of the Genocide, only then the stains of blood will disappear from
their hands," G. Sahakyan mentioned.

"We will not bargain with Turkey in the Armenian – Turkish relations
because those relations are diplomatic," he mentioned.

"I don’t think that we will stay apart from the depressions, and
that it will be very easy, or that the international community by its
statements will create preferable conditions for us, but at present
we are in a better situation," concluded the head of the ARP.

Turkey Won’t Open Border In Near Future, Says Bagratian


March 19 2010

Former prime-minister of Armenia, chairman of the Liberty Party
Hrant Bagratian said that Turkey will not open its border with
Armenia in the near future, and the reasons are neither Azerbaijan
nor Nagorno-Karabakh, the reason is a fear of communication links
between Armenia and Eastern Turkey (historical Armenia).

"If they even open the border, they will prevent active trade
relations," he said at today’s press conference.

He said Armenia will influence Eastern Turkish regions, populated
with 11 million Muslims and where seriously exists the Kurdish factor.

"If the border opens, we will have $1 billion turnover with Turkey,
not current $150 million, and the prices will drop," said politician.

Hrant Bagratian also said of number of Armenians, entering Turkey.

Recently Erdogan said there are 100,000 undocumented Armenians in
Turkey, while this is not a real figure, as in fact there are much more
less Armenians in Turkey. According to Turkey’s National Statistics
Center, 26,000 Armenians enter Turkey; however, there are not
registered numbers of Armenians, who enter Turkey from other countries.

Member Of Europe-Armenia Advisory Council: Azerbaijan Hampers Turkey


2010-03-18 17:10:00

Arminfo. It is very much important for Azerbaijan to occupy
constructive position in the matter of normalization of relations
between Turkey and Armenia, member of the European Parliament Frank

He also added that Azerbaidjan would have to recognise that it
is actually hampering Turkish EU accession prospects by insisting
that the Karabagh issue has to be part and parcel of any possible
normalisation of relations between Turkey and Armenia. Of course,
Turkish and Azerbaidjani interests overlap in a very significant way,
but then again, Turkey is now compelled to make a move on its own
that Azerbaijan will not be in agreement with, he said.

Shengen Visa Reception Process Facilitated For Armenian Citizen


18.03.2010 20:10 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ After the commancement of July 13, 2009 resolution
/EG/810/2009/ on new visa code of European community, European
parliament and EC, to receive Shengen visa, starting April 5, 2010
Armenian citizens should submit 10 year validity passport with 2
free pages.

The requiremets above is also extend to foreiners, RA Foreign Ministry
press service reported.

Sergey Lebedev: CIS States Are Interested In Soonest Settlement Of K


17.03.2010 16:18 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ I haven’t the least doubt about all CIS states
being interested in the soonest settlement of Karabakh conflict,
CIS executive secretary Sergey Lebedev said.

"As CIS Executive Committee chairman, I would be glad if Armenia
and Azerbaijan achieved peaceful and fair settlement of the issue,"
he said, adding that though executive committee and other structures
of CIS do not show direct participation, nevertheless they actively
support efforts to find mutually acceptable solution.

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict broke out back in 1991, when, subsequent
to the demand for self-determination of the Nagorno-Karabakh people,
Azerbaijani authorities attempted to resolve the issue through ethnic
cleansings, carried out by Soviet security forces (KGB special units)
under the pretext of the implementation of the passport regime and by
launching of large-scale military operations, which left thousands dead
and caused considerable material damage. A cease-fire agreement was
established in 1994. Negotiations on the settlement of the conflict are
being conducted under the mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen
(Russia, USA, France) and on the basis of their Madrid proposals,
presented in November, 2007.

Azerbaijan has not yet implemented the 4 resolutions of the UN
Security Council adopted in 1993, by continuing to provoke arms race
in the region and openly violating on of the basic principles of the
international law non-use of force or threat of force.

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional organization
whose participating countries are former Soviet Republics, formed
during the breakup of the Soviet Union.

The organization was founded on 8 December 1991 by the Republic of
Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine, when the leaders of the
three countries met in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha Natural Reserve, about
50 km north of Brest to sign an agreement on the dissolution of the
Soviet Union and the creation of CIS as a successor entity to the USSR.

CIS members are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Moldova, Russia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. In
August 2009, Georgia withdrew from CIS.

Armenia became CIS member state on February 18, 1992.