La droite française remet en question un engagement historique

Le Monde, France
9 Avril 2004

La droite française remet en question un engagement historique de
l’Europe vis-à-vis de la Turquie

L’UMP entre en opposition avec le président de la République sur
la candidature d’Ankara à l’Union. La “vocation européenne” de
la Turquie avait été reconnue par de Gaulle en 1963 Le ministre
des affaires étrangères français, Michel Barnier, a dû
faire une mise au point, jeudi 8 avril, à propos des relations de
la Turquie avec l’Union européenne : “La ligne de la France reste
la même”, a-t-il dit, après qu’Alain Juppé eut pris, la
veille, le contre-pied de la politique officielle française en
contestant, au nom de l’UMP, la vocation européenne de ce pays. A
l’Elysée, on appuyait, jeudi, les déclarations de M. Barnier, en
confirmant que la position de la France n’avait pas changé, et
restait “celle que le président n’a cessé de répéter ces
dernières années”.

Le parti de la majorité est donc entré en opposition avec le
président de la République et le gouvernement, sur une question qui
promet de devenir l’un des sujets sensibles du débat préélectoral.
Même si l’on fait valoir, à l’Elysée, que “chacun est dans son rôle”
et qu’il ne s’agit là que du “jeu démocratique” normal, il est peu
probable que les électeurs s’y retrouvent.

On sentait à vrai dire depuis quelque temps que la question turque
posait quelques problèmes à la droite française. La perspective d’une
adhésion, même lointaine, de la Turquie à l’ensemble européen est en
effet contestée dans son principe sur deux fronts : par les droites
extrémistes et souverainistes, décidées à en faire un de leurs thèmes
de mobilisation pour les élections européennes, mais aussi par des
milieux proeuropéens, notamment à l’UDF. Des hommes comme Valéry
Giscard d’Estaing ou Jean-Louis Bourlanges se sont affichés comme
farouchement opposés à l’entrée de la Turquie dans l’Union.

En estimant, mercredi, qu’il faut fixer des limites à l’Union sous
peine de la “dénaturer” et que la Turquie ne doit pas être dedans,
Alain Juppé reprend les arguments de ces derniers. Il a reconnu qu’il
avait “évolué” sur le sujet, et c’est peu dire.

M. Juppé, lorsqu’il était minis- tre des affaires étrangères, avait
en effet activement défendu une vision stratégique des relations avec
la Turquie : sa démocratisation, le rapprochement de ce grand pays
musulman avec l’Europe pouvaient avoir un effet stabilisateur dans la
région, et l’Europe avait tout à y gagner. Alain Juppé a été
l’artisan de l’accord d’union douanière de 1995, qui faisait de la
Turquie le pays non membre le plus étroitement associé à l’Europe. Il
eut à le défendre contre la Grèce, contre une partie des députés
européens, contre les socialistes français qui s’enflammaient soudain
de compassion pour les Kurdes maltraités.

Ce n’était certes qu’un accord d’union douanière. Mais dès lors, et
depuis l’arrivée de Jacques Chirac à l’Elysée, la France est
considérée par les Turcs tournés vers l’Europe comme leur meilleur
soutien dans l’Union. Cette idylle n’a connu que quelques incidents
de parcours sans lendemain, quand les parlementaires français
s’emparaient de la question du génocide arménien.

A de multiples reprises ces dernières années, Jacques Chirac a
rappelé sa position invariable, la dernière fois avec peut-être un
peu plus de prudence, lors du Conseil européen du 26 mars : “Les
efforts de la Turquie en vue d’intégrer toutes les règles de la
démocratie et de l’économie de marché sont indiscutables, a dit le
président. C’est le rapport de la Commission -attendu pour octobre-
qui nous permettra de décider s’il y a lieu ou non d’engager des
négociations, qui seront longues, pour son adhésion.”

La question qui est posée est donc de savoir si les changements
introduits par la Turquie dans sa législation sont suffisants pour
satisfaire aux normes européennes, et s’ils sont effectivement mis en
œuvre dans la pratique. Pour les autorités françaises, c’est une
question “technique”. Aucune question de principe ne se pose en
revanche sur la “vocation européenne” de la Turquie, sur sa
légitimité à intégrer à terme, même si c’est dans longtemps,
l’ensemble européen.

C’est sur ce point qu’Alain Juppé a rompu, mercredi, avec la position

Le débat sur la Turquie n’est pas propre à la France. Le chancelier
Kohl avait en son temps mis les pieds dans le plat en faisant
référence à l’héritage chrétien de l’Europe ; l’Union
chrétienne-démocrate (CDU) lui emboîte le pas aujourd’hui, de même
que d’autres démocrates-chrétiens et diverses extrêmes droites
européennes, notamment au Danemark. Mais la position officielle de la
France ne lui est pas propre non plus : c’est la position officielle
de l’Union.

Ce qui fait la particularité de la Turquie dans le débat sur “les
limites de l’Europe” c’est, plus que sa petite partie de territoire
située en Europe continentale, l’engagement historique qu’avaient
pris envers elle de Gaulle et Adenauer en 1963, impulsant un accord
d’association qui proclamait la “vocation européenne” de ce pays.
Pendant de longues années, l’évolution politique tourmentée de la
Turquie a épargné aux Européens d’avoir à se préoccuper de cette
promesse ; la Turquie n’était pas même reconnue comme pays candidat.

C’est en 1999, au sommet d’Helsinki qui trace les grandes lignes de
l’élargissement jusqu’en 2005, qu’Ankara se voit reconnaître le
statut de candidat. Le texte d’Helsinki est sans ambiguïté sur le
fond : “La Turquie, dit ce texte, est un pays candidat, qui a
vocation à rejoindre l’Union” quand il aura rempli les critères de
conformité définis en 1993 à Copenhague. En 2002, lors d’un autre
sommet à Copenhague, les Quinze font un grand pas de plus vers
Ankara. Si la Turquie répond aux critères fin 2004 (ce sera l’objet
du rapport de la Commission en octobre), “l’Union ouvrira avec elle
des négociations d’adhésion”, déclare le sommet dans ses conclusions.

Claire Tréan

BAKU: CoE Official, Azeri Opp. MPs discuss human rights, Karabakh

European official, Azeri opposition MPs discuss human rights, Karabakh

Turan news agency
7 Apr 04


The implementation of Azerbaijan’s commitments to the Council of
Europe and problems of democracy were discussed at a meeting between
Council of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer and opposition
MPs at parliament, namely Ali Karimli [head of the reformist wing of
the People’s Front of Azerbaijan Party], Mais Safarli [head of the
Compatriot Party] and Qudrat Hasanquliyev [head of the United
Azerbaijan People’s Front Party].

Karimli drew Schwimmer’s attention to the problem of political
prisoners which has not yet been resolved although Azerbaijan has been
a Council of Europe member country over the past three years. Karimli
said, in particular, that his aide Ramiz Tagiyev has been held in
custody over the past 10 months and has not yet had his trial. The
seven opposition leaders arrested in connection of the 2003 October
events [post-election riots in Baku] have been held in custody over
the past five months. “The world public must keep these issues under
control as there are no independent courts in Azerbaijan and the
authorities can make short the work of anyone,” Karimli said.

Elections in Azerbaijan are not democratic and the Council of Europe
should appoint a special rapporteur for progress to be achieved in the
sphere. In addition, there are serious violations of freedom of speech
and press, many media outlets have been closed down and the bank
accounts of two of the remaining three have been arrested. The
authorities have established complete control over all television
channels and the law on public TV does not give guarantees that an
independent TV channel will appear in Azerbaijan, Karimli said.

He said the authorities are violating the right to freedom of
assembly. In the last six months the authorities had not permitted any
rallies or pickets.

Walter Schwimmer said in reply that in the past three years the
Council of Europe had been keeping the issue of political prisoners in
the centre of its attention and that it would monitor the situation
until the last prisoner was set free.

As for the problem of democratic elections, he pointed to the need of
following the recommendations of the Venice Commission. He called on
the Azerbaijani authorities to endorse the European standards of local
government and to reform the system of courts and advocacy. Freedom of
assembly should also be ensured, Schwimmer said.

Talking about the Karabakh problem which was raised by the MPs, he
said that the sides pledged to resolve the problem peacefully. “The
problem should be resolved through dialogue,” he said. At the initial
stage attempts should be made to build confidence and the solution to
the problem should be sought in line with European constitutions and
experience, he said.

Azadliq’s correspondent accredited at parliament was not allowed to
attend the meeting.

Weekend: Spirit

Weekend: Spirit: Wellbeing: STRIKE A BALANCE: This week: David Dickinson

The Guardian – United Kingdom
Apr 03, 2004


I’m 62 now, and have got to a stage where I feel comfortable with my
life and confident in myself. To relax, I go in the garden with my
wife – she likes gardening; I sit in a deckchair and soak up the rays.

I smoke a packet of cigarettes a day, started when I was 14 or
15. I’ve thought about giving up, especially at my age when you get
wheezy. It’s a fool’s game.

To be on form when filming, I’m in bed by 8.30pm. I am bloody tired
after a day in front of the cameras, and I can be filming for 10 to 15
days straight.

I am conscious of keeping my appearance smart, but not in an
egotistical way. I go on holiday as many times as I can. I have olive
skin as my grandfather is Armenian, and when I spend a week in the
sun, it stays for a couple of months. It’s not from a bottle. Sipping
a cool drink, sitting around the pool, I am happy.

David Dickinson presents BBC’s Bargain Hunt. His autobiography, The
Duke: What a Bobby Dazzler (BBC Books), is out now.

BAKU: Aliyev aide warns Turkey against opening border with Armenia

Azeri president’s aide warns Turkey against opening border with Armenia

ANS TV, Baku
3 Apr 04

[Presenter] If Turkey opens its border with Armenia, this will mean
that this country has surrendered to the small Armenian state, the
head of the foreign relations department of the presidential
administration, Novruz Mammadov, has said. He believes that public
discontent with this issue is quite justified.

[Novruz Mammadov] In general, this issue has become more topical of
late. Armenia raised the issue of opening the border with Turkey as
soon as it gained independence. It is continuing to work in this
direction and is clearly putting more pressure in this connection. It
takes advantage of all means to attain this goal. Therefore, I believe
that public discontent with this issue is well-founded. It is very
natural and it is very good at the same time that the public wants to
prevent this course of events, and this anxiety is justified.

Our Home Policy Hampers European Integration

A1 Plus | 13:47:08 | 02-04-2004 | Social |


“51,8% of the citizens answered “no” and 28,4% answered “yes” to the
question “Does the inner policy of Armenia support Armenia’s becoming a full
member of European Union?”, Karen Beqeryan, Chair of “European Integration”
social organization informed at a press conference today.

According to him, one of the aims of their organization is to support
implementation of policy of Armenia in integrating with European Union. He
said under the results of the survey conducted by the organization in
Yerevan in March, 75,2% of the 500 respondents answered “yes” and 17,4%
answered “no” to “Are you for full integration of Armenia with the European

Nat’l Group to Honor Former Justice Arabian At Ellis Island in May

Metropolitan News-Enterprise, CA
March 29 2004

National Group to Honor Former Justice Arabian At Ellis Island in May

By a MetNews Staff Writer

Former California Supreme Court Justice Armand Arabian will be among
those honored by a national umbrella group for ethnic organizations
at a gala event in New York City in May, the group said.

In a release last week, the National Ethnic Coalition of
Organizations, Inc. said it would extend to Arabian its Ellis Island
Medal of Honor at a black tie reception to be held May 15 in the
historic Great Hall on Ellis Island.

The medal is given, according to NECO, `to Americans of diverse
origins for their outstanding contributions to their own ethnic
groups and to American society.’

Honorees typically include U.S. presidents, Nobel Prize winners,
leaders of industry, and gifted artists, performers, and athletes.

Arabian, the first Armenian American to serve on California’s highest
court, has won a number of honors, including the Mesrob Mashdots
Medal. That honor, named for the creator of the Armenian alphabet and
among the highest in the Armenian church, was presented by the head
of the church at a ceremony in Lebanon in 1999.

Arabian retired in 1996 after 20 years in the state judiciary. He is
now an attorney and private judge in Van Nuys.

Around $1billion invested in Armenia in last decade

March 26 2004


YEREVAN, MARCH 26, ARMENPRESS: Deputy trade and development
minister, Tigran Davtian, predicted today that the average amount of
annual investments in the Armenian economy will from now on range
between $200 million-250 million. Speaking to a news conference
today, he said last year some $230 million had been invested, of
which $160 million were direct investments, $40 of it came from a
Russian-Armenian deal known as Assets for Debt, by which Armenia
handed over some of its leading enterprises to Russia in return for
its almost $100 million debt to Moscow. He said the amount of
aggregate investments in Armenia since its independence is nearing $1
He then praised local businessmen, who are increasing gradually
the volume of their investments in domestic enterprises. He said the
structure of investments is also changing from commerce to industrial
Davtian also cited some other figures, particularly, related to IT
sector, whose exports last year amounted to $50 million, 85 percent
making software products.

Justice minister denies rumors about release of criminals

March 26 2004


YEREVAN, MARCH 26, ARMENPRESS: Armenian justice minister has
flatly denied today a report by a pro-opposition daily, claiming that
“criminals sentenced for committing grave crimes were released from
prisons to stir up provocations during mass protest rallies to be
staged by the opposition in early April.”
A local pro-opposition daily, Haykakan Zhamanak, quoted today a
senior member of an opposition National Unity party, as claiming that
the released criminals were promised in return full discharge and
hefty money rewards.
A spokesman for justice ministry, Ara Saghatelian, said no
criminals were released and will not be released, except cases set by

In spite of the claims of democratization in Turkey

KurdishMedia, UK
March 26 2004

In spite of the claims of democratization in Turkey

In spite of the claims of democratization in Turkey

Besikci’s books remain forbidden,
Armenian editor threatened with death
A fascist murderer of seven students freed

Sociologist Ismail Besikci’s books on Kurds are still forbidden

The Yurt Publications, which printed all books written by
sociologist-writer Ismail Besikci, who was judged at State Security
Court (DGM) for the 23 books he wrote and most of whose books were
withdrawn from circulation, apllied to 1st State Security Court in
Ankara and requested the ban on printing his books be removed as the
8th article of Combat Against Terrorism Laws (TMY) has been removed
due to EU adjustment regulations.

The runner of the publication house Unsal Ozturk, apllied to the 2nd
DGM and got the right for printing 8 books, as the 1st DGM hadn’t
given permission. However the ban on 15 of the books wasn’t removed
due to the reason of ‘still constituing crime according to Turkish

Despite that it was removed according to EU adjustment laws, the 8th
article of TMY is still continuing to be a problem. Removal request
of the ban on the 23 books written by Sociologist-Writer Ismail
Besikci was rejected by the 1st DGM, though the 8th article was

The books, the ban on whose wasn’t removed were the ones drawing
attention to the Kurdish question. For example, though the book
named, “An Intellectual, an Organization and the Kurdish Question” is
no more a crime according to the 8th article, the ban on it was not

Here is the Court’s decision about the book: “Though the book ‘An
Intellectual, an Organization and the Kurdish Question’ was sentenced
on the ground of making separatist propaganda according to the 8/2
article of 3713 numbered section of law and later the the mentioned
article of law was removed according to the new 4928 numbered law; it
is known that the book was also sentenced on ground of assaulting
Ataturk’s spiritual personality according to the 5816 numbered
section of law. Therefore, rejection of the request by convict’s
assignee has been decided”.

The 2nd DGM didn’t also remove the ban on the book named ‘The Huge
Plane Tree (The Kurdish Sage Musa Anter) although it doesn’t
constitute a crime within the exclosure of the 8th article anymore.
Following is the Court’s decision.

“Even the action doesn’t constitue a criminal act as a result of the
removal of the article of law organizing separatist propaganda
anymore, a book withdrawn from the circulation still constitutes
crime according to the running laws. Therefore we decided to reject
the request”.

The runner of Yurt Book Publications Unsal Ozturk, said they were not
thinking of reprinting those eight books untill the ban on the others
was removed. Ozturk called Kurds for support, pointing to that they
had to claim the books written about themselves,

Following is the list of books, the ban on which wasn’t removed:

“12 Eylul Fasizmi ve PKK Direnisi, Bilim Yontemi, Koca Cinar (Kurt
Bilgesi Musa Anter), Kurtlerin Mecburi Iskni, Ortadogu’da Devlet
Teroru, Kurt Aydini Uzerine Dusunceler, Turk Tarih Tezi, Gune? Dil
Teorisi ve Kurt Sorunu, Zihnimizdeki Karakollarin Yikilmasi Yargilama
Surecleri ve Ozgurlesme, Bilim-Resmi Ideoloji, Devlet-Demokrasi ve
Kurt Sorunu, Devletlerarasi Somurge Kurdistan, UNESCO’ya Mektup,
Ba?kaldirinin Ko?ullari, Tunceli Kanunu (Dersim Jenosidi), Kurdistan
Uzerine Emperyalist Bolusum Mucadelesi.”

And following is the list of books, the ban on which removed:

“Dogu Anadolu’nun Duzeni ve Sosyo Etnik Temelleri 1, Dogu Anadolu’nun
Duzeni ve Sosyo Etnik Temeli 2, Cumhuriyet Halk Firkasinin Tuzugu
1927 ve Kurt Sorunu, Turk Tarih Tezi Gune? Dil Teorisi ve Kurt
Sorunu; Bilimsel Yontem, Universite Ozerkligi ve Demokratik Toplum
Ilkeleri Açisindan Ismail Besikci Davasi I, Bilimsel Yontem,
Universite Ozerkligi ve Demokratik Toplum Ilkeleri Açisindan Ismail
Besikci Davasi IV Yargitay’a Basvuru, Bilimsel Yöntem Özerkligi ve
Demokratik Toplum Ilkeleri Acisindan Ismail Besikcii – 2 Savunma,
Kurt Toplumu Uzerine.” (DIHA, Maarch 21, 2004)

Death menaces by Grey Wolves against an Armenian editor in Istanbul

The latest letter of the editor Ragip ZARAKOLU who have published a
number of books on the question of minorities in Turkey:

“As you know it, Turkish fascist party MHP lost the elections and
could not enter to the Parliament. By new agitations they try keep in
ranks their disappointed and angry militants (Grey Wolves). Their
youth organization, near to Ülkü Ocaklari (Foyers of Ideal) have
started street agitations.

“In their press, they write aggressive articles against the Kurds and
the minorities. After an article about the Atatürk’s adoptive girl
Sabiha Gokcen, concerning her Armenian roots, the Turkish army made a
statement saying that it is an attack against the memory of the
founder of the Turkish Republic. After that, Turkish fascists
organized a protest in front of the Armenian newspaper AGOS, they
said: ‘Hrant Dink you are on our list’. It means that you are
threatened with death.

“One week later, still in front of Agos, ‘the Federation of fighting
against the false Armenian thesis’ put black posters on the door and
made a protest action.

“We went to visit Agos as defenders of human rights, of writers and
NGOs. Later, we wrote a petition to make a lawsuit against the
organization Ulku Ocaklari, because they uttered heinous words and
death threats.

“Last wednesday I visited them in the name of Turkish PEN Association
with Eugène Schoulgin, vice-president of International PEN, whom I
invited to accompany me.

“Tomorrow, I will take along Jose Bove and his friends at Agos by
solidarity. Thus the French farmers will support Agos.

“The same organization launched death threats against two Kurdish
singers. The socio-fascists published an article against me, because
I had written an article against the so-called leftist nationalism of
the review ‘Turk Solu’.

“The best answer is to continue to publish. Tomorrow we will
distribute our new book: ‘The role of the special organization and
the army in the Armenian genocide.’ And we will see what will

Haluk Kirca, the murderer of seven socialist students, freed

As four Kurdish deputies are still kept behind iron bars in Turkey, a
notorious fascist murder, Haluk Kirci, who had been convicted in
so-called Susurluk case and “Bahçelievler Massacre” case, was
released on 19 March from the prison of Ödemis as he benefited from
Execution Law. He was nick-named Idi Amin among the Grew Wolves
(militants du neo-fascist party MHP).

Kirci had been sentenced 7 times to death for Bahçelievler massacre,
during which seven students, members of the Turkish Workers’ Party
(TIP) had been killed on 8 October 1978. This sentence had been
reduced to 70 years’ imprisonment after the changes in The Law to
Fight Terrorism in 1991. After a long evasion, he was captured a few
years ago and put in prison.

The release process of Kirci developed as follows:

Mustafa Izol, who had been sentenced to 12 times to death and 20
years’ imprisonment for killing 12 persons before the coup d’etat of
12 September 1980, appealed to benefit from the adjustment laws
approved on 3 August 2002. The court ruled that he had to serve 10
years for each killing. Minister of Justice Cemil Çiçek demanded the
decision to be lifted with a written order to Court of Cassation in
July 2003. Court of Cassation ordered the release of Izol on 30
January. In his reasoned decision 1st Chamber of Court of Cassation
stressed that the sentence had to be reduced to life imprisonment and
since the offence had been committed before the year 1991 the
sentence should have been 8 years.

After this decision converting life imprisonment to 36 years’
imprisonment according to the Law on Execution of Sentences was also
changed. Chief Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation objected the
decision alleging that those convicts had to serve at least 30 years.

The application of Kirci had been awaited since November 2003 at 1st
Chamber of Court of Cassation. The chamber converted the sentence of
Kirci to life imprisonment without waiting the result of the
objection against the decision on the case of Izol. The chamber also
ruled that the execution of the sentence would be calculated by the
court. Ödemis Heavy Penal Court decided to reduce the sentence of
Kirci to 8 years and ordered the release because he had served 16

If the objection of the chief prosecutor was accepted by the General
Penal Committee at the Court of Cassation, the decision concerning
Izol would be cancelled. Since the decisions of the committee are
obliging, the decision concerning Kirci would also be objected.
(Milliyet-Radikal-TIHV, , March 21, 2004)

>From Nahost News – Kurdistan Aktuell, 25 March 2004

A Divine Call to Action

The Jewish Journal, United States
March 26 2004

A Divine Call to Action
Parshat Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26)

by Rabbi Elazar Muskin

Once, on a mission to Israel, we needed a minyan for a prayer service
during the airplane flight. We were a total of six men in our group,
so we began to scan the plane for the remaining four for the
requisite 10 men.

As I went up and down the aisles, one fellow turned to me and said,
“Rabbi, make sure you get Jews for the minyan.”

I looked at him in astonishment and assured him that I had no other
plans. But why was he worried? He replied that many years ago on a
flight to Israel they also needed four men to complete a minyan. They
went around calling out “We need four for a minyan – four for a
minyan.” Before they knew it, four guys got up and joined them. They
handed the men kippot and started the service. Suddenly the newcomers
stopped the proceedings and asked what was happening. The others
explained that they needed four more men to make the minyan. The
newcomers, astounded, said, “We thought you were asking for four
Armenians, so we joined you. We are not even Jewish.”

These fellows responded to the call but misinterpreted the message.
This week’s Torah portion teaches the same lesson about the
importance of hearing the call correctly. The portion begins with the
words: “And the Eternal called unto Moses,” (Leviticus 1:1). Our
sages point out that this wording is unusual. Generally, in
Scripture, we encounter the expression that “God said to Moses” or
“God spoke to Moses.” As one rabbi noted, you don’t have to be a
biblical scholar or even barely familiar with Hebrew grammar to
appreciate that the phrase “and He called” suggests that the mind of
the person addressed is not attuned to or in communion with the mind
of the speaker. One doesn’t call a person with whom one is in
intimate conversation or rapport. One calls a man to attract his

The midrash in the Yalkut Shimoni uses this insight to provide a
beautiful homily. The midrash points out that the one who flees from
positions of honor and authority, achieves honor and authority. The
Yalkut provides many examples of great Jewish leaders who illustrate
this principle and comments that Moses represented the best example
of all.

The Yalkut tells us how Moses tried to reject the appointment to be
the savior of the Jewish people and lead them out of Egypt. God,
however, was adamant, and Moses performed admirably. At this point
the Midrash comments:

“In the end he brought them out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea, brought
down manna from heaven, provided water from the well and quail from
heaven, caused them to be surrounded with the clouds of glory and
erected for them the sanctuary. Having reached this stage, Moses
said, `What more is there for me to do?’ And he sat in retirement.
Thereupon the Holy One, Blessed be He, reproved him saying, `By your
life! There is still a task for you to perform that is even greater
than that which you have done until now – to teach my children my
laws and to instruct them how to worship Me.'”

If “Vayikra,” the call to continue his task, applied to the greatest
leader we ever had, how much more does it apply today?

Why, for example, is philanthropy for Jewish causes suffering among
the most affluent and generous of Jewish generations?

Why is higher education in Jewish studies absent among the most
educated and cultured in Jewish history?

Why is commitment to a Jewish homeland missing after only one
generation past the Holocaust?

At a similar juncture in Jewish history, the great sage Hillel asked,
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” That question
challenges us today to go back to work, “Vayikra,” to achieve a
positive response to God’s call.

Elazar Muskin is rabbi of Young Israel of Century City.