Antelias: Chairman of Homenetmen Central Committee in Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


His Holiness Aram I received the chairman of the Central Committee of
“Homenetmen” Armenian General Athletic Union and Scouts, Karnig
Meguerditchian, in his office in Antelias on May 18. The visit’s purpose was
to brief His Holiness on the works carried out by the committee, as well as
the upcoming pan-“Homenetmen” camping in Armenia next July.

The Pontiff praised the function carried out by the Union, considering it a
mission the aim of which is to provide Armenian education with moral and
national values to the new Armenian generations. He advised that bearing
this in mind, -“Homenetmen” should give an impetus to its efforts both in
Armenia and the Diaspora.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of the
Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

Richard Hovannisian’s “Republic” Released in Armenian

Armenian Center for National and International Studies
75 Yerznkian Street
0033 Yerevan, Armenia
Tel: (+374 – 10) 52.87.80 or 27.48.18
Fax: (+374 – 10) 52.48.46
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

May 19, 2006

Richard Hovannisian’s “Republic” Released in Armenian

Yerevan–Professor Richard G. Hovannisian, chairholder in Modern Armenian
History at UCLA, was publicly honored today on the occasion of the
Armenian-language publication of the first volume of his four-part epic,
entitled “The Republic of Armenia: The First Year, 1918-1919.” The event was
organized by the National Academy of Sciences and the Writers’ Union of
Armenia, with support from the Armenian Center for National and
International Studies (ACNIS). The presentation brought together prominent
specialists in Armenian studies, leading scholars and intellectuals,
political and public figures, diplomats, and media representatives.

Held in the auditorium of the Writers’ Union of Armenia, the program was
opened by Academician Vladimir Barkhudarian, vice president of the National
Academy of Sciences. “There remain historical phenomena which call for
further, deeper research. One such experience is the history of the first
Republic of Armenia which, through four decades of diligent dedication and
groundbreaking work with a wealth of primary sources, Academician Richard
Hovannisian has fully and objectively brought to light,” he said.

The next speaker was chairman Levon Ananian of the Writers’ Union. In his
words, “The Republic of Armenia” is a colossal oeuvre and thus one of the
greatest achievements in contemporary Armenian studies. “It is noteworthy
that the author of the book is a unique symbol of our national pride. An
incisive thinker and a scholar with professional methodology, Hovannisian’s
international standing and pre-eminence in the field keep growing.”

Volume One of “The Republic of Armenia” was presented in detail by Professor
Ashot Melkonian, director of the Academy’s Institute of History. He first
underlined the historiographic value of the work. According to Melkonian, in
the 1960s and 1970s, when the historical truth about the First Republic was
concealed by political strictures, this masterpiece by Richard Hovannisian
was an underground imperative for those in Soviet Armenia who were
researching and studying the topic. “The ultimate importance of this book is
that the concept of statehood forms its entire backbone,” he concluded.

In his turn, Professor Babken Harutiunian, chairholder in Armenian History
at Yerevan State University, commended “The Republic of Armenia” in terms of
its reliance on a broad spectrum of sources as well as its application of
the precept of continuity in historical science. “Aside from presenting the
historical record completely and truthfully, each chapter and every line of
the work are founded in a supreme notion of patriotism.” It is not a
coincidence, he continued, that owing directly to the incessant efforts of
Professor Hovannisian a school of modern Armenian history has been developed
in the diaspora.

Raffi Hovannisian, founding director of ACNIS and Armenia’s first Minister
of Foreign Affairs, congratulated his father on the accomplishment of
finally bringing the whole history of the First Republic home to Armenia.
“Comprehensively researched and objectively presented, Richard Hovannisian’s
authoritative account both gives cause for moments of historic pride and
achievement and offers a record of losses and shortcomings which the new
Armenia must avoid repeating. It is a valuable lesson of liberty and
legitimacy, democracy and diplomacy, sovereignty and security, which must be
drawn today–in the name of the Republic of Armenia, past and present.”

Also noteworthy were artistic contributions by literary expert Svetlana
Khanumian and professor of theology Khoren Palian.

Finally, Richard Hovannisian took the floor and extended his deep
appreciation to the organizers of the event, the scholars, intellectuals and
everyone present, and acknowledged Vrezh Markosian, director of the Tigran
Mets Publishing House, for his high-caliber production of the volume.
Hovannisian shared vignettes from his childhood, his student years, and his
four-decade quest for “The Republic of Armenia.” A well-rounded
understanding of the history of the First Republic, he said, will enable its
modern-day heir to steer clear of mistakes and never place false hope in
paper guarantees for security, which we have trusted on numerous historical
occasions and suffered setbacks as a result.

The capacity crowd of assembled leaders, intellectuals, and students stood
to express their appreciation of the work and its creator.

Issue Of Recognition Of Armenian Genocide By Turkey Addressed ToInte


18.05.2006 15:14 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Discussion of the opportunity to attain recognition
of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey by appealing to the International
Criminal Tribunal was the main issue on the agenda of the Yerevan
session of the Expert Commission on Genocide. “The issue of
responsibility for the crime based on a legal procedure or arbitration
is submitted for consideration at the level of experts. Thus Commission
members will have to discuss the document and clearly determine
their attitude to that extremely imprint and responsible matter,”
says a news release provided to PanARMENIAN.Net.

The Expert Commission includes well-known scholars from Armenia,
Russia, US, Germany, Israel and Austria.

A Comparative Note Of The National Economies Of The South Caucasus

By M. Alkhazashvili
Translated by Tiko Giorgadze and Diana Dundua

The Messenger, Georgia
May 18 2006

The countries of the South Caucasus countries can be distinguished
by their high rate of economy growth. In 2005 the Azerbaijani economy
grew 26.4 percent – the highest rate of all CIS countries, although it
should also be considered that in Azerbaijan the oil sector accounts
for 41.3 percent of the country’s GDP.

According to Azerbaijan’s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade without the
oil sector then the per capita GDP, which is currently estimated at
USD 4,700, would drop to USD 900. Furthermore, an important part of
the country’s oil revenues are in the hands of foreign investors.

In Georgia, economic growth was 9.3 percent last year, with an
inflation rate of 6.2 percent. Georgia’s economic growth was primarily
a result of the service and construction spheres. The construction of
the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Erzurum gas pipelines were important
factors in the country’s economic growth.

In 2005 Armenian economic growth, with the help of a negative inflation
rate of – 0.2 percent, totaled 13.9 percent. The Armenian economy is
not dominated by any single sector and therefore its economic growth
comes from several areas – industry, construction, agriculture and
the service industry.

The situation in the taxation-budgetary spheres is practically the
same in all three South Caucasus countries and all three countries
are working to increase their tax accumulation levels.

In 2005 Georgia introduced its new Tax Code which contained
liberal taxation tariffs. As a result of this reform the taxation
administration has been significantly improved.

Azerbaijan’s state budget is mainly filled by the revenues received
from selling oil and oil products. But in Georgia almost half of
the state budget revenues (47 percent) came from the collection of
transport taxes.

In 2004-2005 the character of both Azerbaijan’s and Georgia’s state
budget policies was similar in that the increase of budgetary sources
was targeted at defense and the state capital investment field.

In 2005 Georgia significantly increased the financing of its defense
sphere. Georgia has allotted almost USD 325 million for staffing its
military and modernizing its army’s equipment. This sum totaled 0.6
percent of the GPD.

Azerbaijan’s defense expenses in 2006 are set to total USD 650
million – four times more than the sum allotted by Armenia for its
own state defense.

The top two imports and exports for the three South Caucasian countries
are as follows:

Imports Exports

Armenia Diamonds, precious stones 19.7%, Gas 14.6% Jewels,
semi-precious stones, precious metals 35.4%, Metals 33.2%

Georgia Oil & oil products 13.5 %, Vehicles 7.2% Scrap metal 19.1%,
Wine 9.2%

Azerbaijan Machinery and technical equipment 18.7%, Iron 17.4% Oil
86.5%, Iron 1.01%.

LA TURQUIE Menace, Les Historiens Protestent, Jacques Chirac S’Irrit

Guillaume Perrault

Le Figaro, France
18 mai 2006

La proposition de loi PS sanctionnant la negation du genocide armenien
suscite des reactions violentes et le debat parlementaire qui devrait
avoir lieu ce matin s’annonce anime. Le texte elabore par le groupe
socialiste prevoit les memes peines pour la negation du genocide
armenien que celles instituees en 1990 par la loi Gayssot pour la
negation du genocide juif pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : cinq
ans de prison et 45 000 euros d’amende. “La loi du 29 juillet 2001,
adoptee a l’unanimite, a reconnu l’existence du genocide armenien,
mais n’a pas reprime le negationnisme, argumente Didier Migaud
(PS, Isère), auteur de la proposition de loi. Nous voulons achever
aujourd’hui le travail entrepris sous la precedente legislature.” Une
initiative applaudie par les representants des Francais d’origine
armenienne. “L’expression du negationnisme atteint un niveau sans
precedent, insiste Ahrout Mardirossian, porte-parole du conseil de
coordination des organisations armeniennes de France.

Paris ne doit pas ceder aux pressions d’Ankara. C’est la Turquie qui
a besoin de la France, et non l’inverse !” Le president du groupe
socialiste, Jean-Marc Ayrault, d’abord reticent, a finalement accepte
de cosigner la proposition de loi de Didier Migaud et de la faire
inscrire a l’ordre du jour d’une seance reservee aux textes choisis par
les deputes PS. De son côte, l’Elysee tempete et craint que l’examen
du texte a l’Assemblee n’interfère avec les negociations d’adhesion de
la Turquie a l’Union europeenne. Legiferer sur le genocide armenien
“est une question sensible qui exige une reflexion sereine dans un
esprit de responsabilite”, chuchote-t-on dans l’entourage de Jacques
Chirac. Un incident intervenu avant-hier n’a pas contribue a apaiser
les esprits. L’examen de deux textes inscrits a l’ordre du jour
d’une seance reservee au groupe socialiste, mardi dernier, a pris
beaucoup de retard. La fin de ces debats devrait donc intervenir
ce matin, empietant sur le temps initialement imparti au texte sur
le genocide armenien. Procedes dilatoires et “double jeu” Il n’en
fallut pas plus pour que le gouvernement et le groupe socialiste
s’accusent de procedes dilatoires et de “double jeu” pour eviter
un vote sur le genocide armenien aujourd’hui. Or, si ce vote n’est
pas intervenu a 13 h 15, la suite du debat ne devrait pas avoir
lieu avant la rentree parlementaire d’octobre prochain. Quoi qu’il
en soit, l’incertitude sur l’issue du debat tient aussi au degre de
mobilisation des deputes favorables ou hostiles au texte. Soucieux de
se montrer coherent avec la position adoptee pendant la controverse
sur le “rôle positif” de la colonisation, Bernard Accoyer, president du
groupe UMP, estime que “ce n’est pas au Parlement d’ecrire l’histoire,
mais aux historiens”. Neanmoins, de nombreux deputes UMP, soumis a la
pression amicale des associations representant les Francais d’origine
armenienne, ont obtenu leur liberte de vote.

Quatre-vingts d’entre eux avaient d’ailleurs cosigne au debut de
l’annee une proposition de loi de Roland Blum et Richard Mallie
(UMP, Bouches-du-Rhône) analogue a celle qui devrait etre debattue
ce matin. Du côte du PS, on compterait au moins soixante-dix deputes
acquis au texte. Il n’est donc pas exclu que les deputes de tous bords
favorables a la proposition de loi se trouvent majoritaires en seance
et l’adoptent a la surprise generale.

–Boundary_(ID_WkVBBctQ1U9UFpjzfA2BDw)- –

Sitting Of World Armenian Congress General Council To Be Held InYere


ARKA News Agency, Armenia
May 15 2006

YEREVAN, May 15. /ARKA/. The sitting of the World Armenian Congress’
General Council (WAC) will be held in Yerevan on 16 May, the WAC
public relations department reported.

The report on the activity in 2005-2005 of the WAC General Council
Bureau will be discussed at the sitting. President of the congress Ara
Abramyan is to give the report. The WAC’s tasks, related to the third
forum “Armenia-Diaspora” to be held in 2006, and also the project of
the program “Days of World Armenian Congress in Armenia and Artsakh –
2006″will also be discussed.

On 17-18 May the international conference “Caucasus Without Conflicts
and Terrorism: Dialogue of Civilizations on Caucasus Intersection”
will be held in the frameworks of the WAC activities.

The conference is organized together with “Dialogue of Civilizations”
Armenian National Center in association with the Russian Center of
National Glory.

Besides this, a sitting of the WAC experts’ commission who deal with
Armenian genocide issues will be held on 17-19 May in Yerevan.

Kroner: Ankara Will Finally Have To Recognize Armenian Genocide


16.05.2006 17:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ May 16 Secretary General of the International
European Movement (IEM) Henrik H. Kroner visited Armenian Genocide
Memorial to pay homage to the victims of the Armenian Genocide in
1915. Mr. Kroner was accompanied by Victor Yengibarian, head of the
organization’s mission to Armenia, and Kiro Manoyan, director of
ARF Bureau’s Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office. In the book of
the Genocide Museum Kroner inscribed: “Let’s hope no such genocide
will take place again in Europe and world. And the European values
are the guarantees of our unification.”

Speaking to journalists Kroner said it is a shame this crime has not
been recognized thus far. “The European Union has been established to
avoid such tragedies in the future. I think Turkey will never become
an EU member unless it admits its past. The process has just begun
and will take many years. Ankara will have to yield in the end,”
Kroner said.

Kiro Manoyan, director of the ARF Bureau’s Hay Dat and Political
Affairs Office, said Turkey deserves a thank-you to an extent because
it was due to its denialist policy that the Armenian Genocide issue was
raised and Turkey came under criticism, reports the Yerkir newspaper.

ANKARA: Armenia-Turkey Border Issue: Open Sesame Open

By Ece Temelkuran, YEREVAN (Milliyet)
Translated by Murat Sogangoz

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
May 16 2006

“I pray to Jesus every morning for the opening of the borders!”

Anait has a spontaneously smiling face. She is a strong woman, but her
voice is quite soft. In a clothing bazaar, she prefers Turkish while
speaking among the clothes she brought from Laleli (Istanbul) to sell.

The surprise during the first trip “We are alone now. It will be good
for both for you and us when the border is opened. Trade with Turkey
is vital for our economy. When they say ‘the border remains closed’,
it gives us big pain.

Anait is one of the oldest merchants. She had started visiting Turkey
in 1993. Firstly she was bringing automobile components to Turkey.

She reached to Georgia via bus and then to Ardahan from there. She
never forgets her first trip: “I was afraid. I didn’t know how
the Turks were. Would they attack me? The bus got out of order in
Ardahan. All the passengers were women. A Turk came and gave water
melon and cheese to everyone. He also got the bus repaired and demanded
no money. He said “sell your goods and then you may pay”. “Now,
90 per cent of the goods in Armenia are coming from Turkey.”

Dream of a job in Marmaris Anait says “if there were 100 people who
had visited Turkey in 1993, now there should be 1 million”. She says
“all the goods of Turkey are fine” and she is dreaming to have a job
with her unemployed son at a Marmaris hotel for this summer. Anait
tells about the feelings of the Armenian men and women praying for
the opening of the border: “It will be very good. Both for you and us!”

It Is Envisaged To Fully Translate And Publish In Armenian “Shahname


Noyan Tapan
May 15 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 15, NOYAN TAPAN. May 15 is considered to be day of
Firdousi’s glorification and various events dedicated to the great
Persian poet are organized in different countries of the world. Reza
Atoufi, Director of the Center of Culture of IRI Embassy in Armenia,
said this at the event of Firdousi’s glorification organized at
the Writers’ Union of Armenia on that day with participation
of IRI Ambassador to Armenia Alireza Haghighean, art figures,
students. According to R.Atoufi, “Firdousi was the greatest Persian
poet who was able to present the issues of liberty of conscience,
justice and national originality in his “Shahname”. According to
him, this work belongs to all nations and to all times”. “Shahname”
is the most authoritative and true document of historic and national
originality of the Iranians and the epos of Firdousi who was born in
the Iranian city of Tus became the guard of the Iranian culture and
literature for many centuries,” R.Atoufi said. “Shahname” has been
translated into 30 languages and in Armenian it was translated only
by fragments.

The Center of Culture of IRI in Armenia plans to fully translate
and publish in Armenian Firdousi’s masterpiece consisting of 120
thousand lines.

Shavarsh Kocharian: One Does Not Become Opposition By Announcing


Noyan Tapan
May 15 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 15, NOYAN TAPAN. As a result of the constitutional
amendments, a situation is created in the country when having the
parliamentary majority’s assistance, the Prime Minister factually
becomes the head of the authorities. The rulling camp has understood
it very well, and the interpolitical discontents taking place in the
country are provided by that.

Shavarsh Kocharian, a RA NA Deputy, the Chairman of the National
Democratic Party made such a statement at the May 13 meeting
taken place in the “Azdak” club of the “Sahmanadrakan Iravunk”
(Constitutional Right) union. According to the speaker, the changed
game rules suppose that before the elections, the rulling team must
have an agreement on posts of the Prime Minister, President and
Parliament Speaker. And as the number of pretenders is more than
three, and still in 2005 it became clear that present Speaker of
the National Assembly, “Orinats Yerkir” (Country of Law) party head
Artur Baghdasarian may not pretend for any of those posts, then
it was forseeable that he must leave the rulling camp. According
to Shavarsh Kocharian, Artur Baghdasarian skilfully uses the
circumstance that the elite does not clearly put the Eurointegration
issue in the country. According to him, the issue that the OYK states
democratization and Eurointegration, is possible by itself: “Another
issue is that it is done for playing up to the West and I consider
inadmissible shaking a finger at Russia.” According to the speaker,
in the case when a beneficial situation is created in the country
for taking serious steps addressed to progress, the opposition is
unprecedently weak.

An as far as the opposition field became empty, an attempt is made
to fill it. Shavarsh Kocharian mentioned that the OYK still just
announced about its intension to become an opposing force, but “by
announcing, one neither becomes opposition nor makes revolution,
nor comes to the power.” According to him, possibilities of the
OYK on the opposition field is provided by the issue how the people
will accept him. Kocharian mentioned that unlike the authorities,
where one may establish greater influence due to inner intrigues,
it does not happen in the opposing field, and the force may have
success which will have the people’s assistance. According to him,
an oppising force having no assistance of the people, may not enjoy
assistence of the West either. “It is obvious that there is positive
attitude towards Artur Baghdasarian in some western circles, but
its continuation or deepening is provided by the issue if the people
accepts him or does not,” he mentioned. Touching upon the possibility
of the opposing forces’ cooperation with the OYK, Shavarsh Kocharian
mentioned before speaking about it, it is necessary for the “Orinats
Yerkir” party estimates 2003 elections and violations conducted
against peaceful demonstrators in April, 2004.