SGI-USA Lecture On Shared Cultural Heritage of Armenians and Turks

SGI-USA Culture of Peace
606 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Contact: Danny Hall
Tel: 310-260-8900
E-mail: [email protected]


Concert Pianist Ayse Taspinar To Speak and Perform

You and your friends are invited to attend a lecture with cocert
pianist Ayse Taspinar. Her lecture will examine the shared cultural
heritage of Armenians and Turks. The lecture will take place on
Saturday May 15 at 4:00pm.

"The situation with Turkish and Turkish-Armenian composers between
ca. 1860 and the 1960s is a complex cultural mosaic that includes
indigenous musical traditions, European influence extending from
Venice to Paris, and the advent of Turkish nationalism that led to
Kemal Atatürk’s successful conversion of the failed Ottoman Empire
into a Republic in 1923." says Taspinar.

"By analyzing the works of Edgar Manas and D. Tchouhadjian, two
important Armenian composers, and Cemil Arif Bey, an important Turkish
composer who lived during Ottoman era, I will demonstrate how music
was an important part of developing a shared cultural identity between
Armenians and Turks. By so doing, I would like to take a modest step
forward in the direction of reconciliation and dialogue between
Armenia and Turkey in resolving conflicts."

`I am deeply moved by Ms. Taspinar’s efforts to use music to inspire
dialogue toward deeper understanding of common humanity and shared
cultural heritage.’ says series organizer Ian McIlraith. I am looking
forward to learning how she employs her musical talents to help
communicate and respond to the innermost feelings in people’s lives.’

The lecture will take place at the SGI-USA Culture of Peace Resource
Center, 606 Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica. All lectures are free and
open to the public. A live webcast of the lecture will be streamed at

Soka Gakkai International-USA follows the Nichiren school of Mahayana
Buddhism and applies those principles to promote human happiness and
peace, culture and education. With headquarters in Santa Monica, it
has approximately 300,000 members in the United States.

Sweden Seminar about Legal Aspects of the 1915 Genocide

Stockholm, Sweden
12 May, 2010
[email protected]

In the light of Swedish Riksdag’s voting on March 11, the Swedish Branch
of Iinternational Law Association invites to a seminar entitled:

Genocide in the Ottoman Empire 1915: Living History, Legal Issues,
Prescription or Responsibility

Participants: Amb. Ara Aivazian, Ambassador of Armenia to Denmark,
Finland, Norway and Sweden; Professor Kaj Hobér, Uppsala University and
Mannheimer Swartling Law Firm; Vahagn Avedian, M.A. History, Editor of; Moderator: Prof. Ove Bring.

Place: Mannheimer Swartling Law Firm, Norrlandsgatan 21, Stockholm.

Time: Monday, May 31, 2010, 17:15.

Registration: At latest on May 28, 2010, 12:00 to
[email protected]. The number of seats are limited.

In cooperation with the Union of Armenian Associations in Sweden. The
Turkish Embassy has declined participation.


Ove Bring, John Kadelburger

Les Manifestants Brûlent Le Drapeau Armenien A Bakou

par Krikor Amirzayan

mardi11 mai 2010

Alors que l’Armenie et l’Artsakh (Haut Karabagh en armenien)
fetaient le 8 mai la liberation de Chouchi, a Bakou les Azeris
brûlaient le drapeau armenien. La manifestation etait organisee
par " l’Organisation de la liberation du Karabagh ". Les images a
l’effigie des presidents armeniens Levon Ter-Petrossian, Robert
Kotcharian et Serge Sarkissian furent egalement brûlees par les
manifestants, ainsi que celle du ministre armenien de la Defense,
Seyran Ohanian. Les manifestants scandaient " Mort a l’Armenie ! ",
" nous desirons la guerre ! "…Des slogans des vaincus qui n’ont
pas encore integre la victoire des Armeniens au Haut Karabagh et
l’expulsion des envahisseurs Azeris du territoire armenien.

TBILISI: Why Did The Leader Of The National Council Meet Bondo Shali


Daily Georgian Times
; newsid=21568
May 10 2010

"We were told in the Duma that Abkhazians and Ossetians had been
coming and talking to them and that is why they had been granted
recognition. You should also have visited us and told us what you
wanted, they said," Chair of the People’s Party Koba Davitashvili
says in an interview with GT following his recent trip to Russia to
attend the Assembly of the Georgian Diaspora.

Q: What have you brought back from Russia?

A: I have brought hope

Q: Has Ebralidze given you hope?

A: Yes he has. He has given me the hope that the country will be
reunited again. Meeting members of Russian political circles and the
Georgian Diaspora has filled me with hope. Khubutia, Dzasokhov and
Khomerik were there. There is such a pro-Georgian mood in Russia.

The main topic of every future meeting must be reuniting of Georgian
nation. Before I went to Moscow I did not know the situation there,
I was even a bit sceptical. I expected our Diaspora there to be in
a difficult situation. But I saw a rather different mood there. They
see the need to regularise relations between the countries as well.

Q: Ebralidze did not invite you. What did your visit mean therefore?

A: We went there on our own initiative. Ebralidze made a public
invitation but not give us a personal one. When I agreed to go I knew
I was taking a risk.

Q: Why was it so risky? Were you afraid of being accused of being a
traitor again?

A: Not only this. I am always sceptical about people who say they
want to be President of Georgia. We support a Parliamentary republic
and Ebralidze’s position is not acceptable for us.

Q: Has he now changed his mind about becoming President out of respect
for you?

A: No, he simply renounced his candidacy. We were fascinated by this
step. Everything turned out the way we wanted it to, which we did
not expect. Ebralidze also declared that he is not planning to form
a new political party.

Q: But he also announced that he would support any existing political
party and finance it. This will not be the National Council, which you
are a part of, or he would have directly invited you to the event and
made a point of singling you out. Does he support a different group?

A: I do not know. But Ebralidze has no antipathy towards us. He agreed
with our proposal to form a Georgian lobby in Russia. In the same
way that the Armenian lobby exists and takes care of Armenians living
in Russia we want the Georgian Diaspora to take care of Georgians. I
went to Moscow looking for Georgians and I found them, fortunately.

Q: Didn’t you go there to get money?

A: No, I went to see Georgians. When Georgians talk to other
Georgians this conversation will achieve something. Any possible strain
disappeared when I said at the assembly that we did not want to create
tension between the Government and opposition while in Moscow or ask
Ebralidze for money to finance this. We did not want to pronounce
manifestos and search for support in the Diaspora either. Our desire
was to form a Georgian lobby which would lobby for Georgian interests
in Russia. Russian political parties are interested in Georgians
because some are of a higher social status than some Russians.

Georgians are businessmen, politicians, actors and sportsmen, and
it is clear that Georgians have big influence in Russia. The Russian
Duma is trying to find a common language with its people and this is
something we can profit from. I saw things differently from within
Georgia differently but when I saw what was going on on the ground
I had a different attitude. If half a million people gather with one
idea do you think Putin will try and dictate his imperialistic schemes
to them? That is why it is necessary to form a Georgian lobby. The
Georgians living in Russia are a serious force, and when so many
people adopt a common resolution they can ignore Putin’s objections.

Q: Before you went to Moscow Klimiashvili said that you had not been
invited. Why are you fighting?

A: I do not know why he said such a thing, you should ask him. He came
across as an offended man. When we came we were the centre of attention
and many did not like this. Our aim was not to attract attention.

Q: Why did Zhirinovski not shake hands with you? Does he not believe
in you?

A: What a huge scandal you have started! Neither he nor I had any
desire to shake hands. Besides Zhirinovski we also met the Communists
and Mikhail Leontiev. When I talked to him about the resolution adopted
at the assembly he backed me. Zhirinovski and others understand very
well that we will not ignore the issue of Abkhazia and Ossetia or
the issue of easing the visa regime with Russia. We were told in the
Duma that Abkhazians and Ossetians had been coming and talking to
them and that is why they had been granted recognition. You should
also have visited us and told us what you wanted, they said.

Q: Now you have returned, do you hope that the ice between our nations
will thaw?

A: Why not? I found out one more thing there. Everyone ignored the
Russian opposition before this, Georgians thought that they would
negotiate with Putin and everything would be alright. But this is not
so. If you talk to Putin alone and neglect the opposition it will
hurt you more. the Anti-Georgian attitude is very strong in Russia
in general and we have to think about new rules of play.

Q: What attitude does the Russian opposition have towards Georgians?

A: They have a sharply negative attitude and we must not hide this.

Our aim was to dissipate this negativity and establish the first

Q: Will the opposition use Russian capital to finance their election

A: This is a natural question but not a pleasant one. I underline once
again that we did not go to Russia for money, this was election PR. If
Saakashvili cannot declare us traitors and agents all his plans will
come to nothing.

Q: Has Bondo Shalikian now become the new danger to Saakashvili?

A: All they said about Ebralidze they are now saying about Shalikian.

They want everyone to forget about Ebralidze and the assembly and
think about Shalikian.

Q: It has been said that Dzidziguri was given money …

A: Even worse things were said. Shalikian was a Deputy and to stop
him sitting they invented so many dirty things that they sound funny
today. Saakashvili’s politics is based on searching for enemies and
he will find one for the elections.

Q: Why did Shalikian thank you in Saint Petersburg?

A: He thanked us for protecting him. I said to him what I said to
Jaba Ioseliani, I was protecting not him but the law.

Q: If you come to power will you try to bring back the politicians
who have fled Saakashvili?

A: It is not our aim to either bring any of them back or arrest
Saakashvili’s cohorts.

By Zhana Asanidze, translated from the Georgian edition of The Georgian
Times newspaper 2010.05.10 16:20

Laurent Galandon et le genocide armenien

Laurent Galandon et le génocide arménien


dimanche9 mai 2010, par Stéphane/armenews

En une poignée d’années, Laurent Galandon s’est imposé comme un
scénariste exigeant et habile, auteur d’oeuvres poignantes souvent
basées sur des drames historiques. Après la Shoah dans L’Envolée
sauvage ou la guerre d’Algérie dans Tahya El-Djazaïr, il explore le
génocide arménien par l’armée turque en 1915. Dans Le Cahier à fleurs,
un diptyque dessiné par Viviane Nicaise, cet ancien photographe et
patron de salle de cinéma revient sur le premier génocide du XXe
siècle, avec retenue et émotion, et un vrai sens du romanesque.
Rencontre avec un auteur engagé, qui ne cesse d’explorer les
traumatismes de l’Histoire.

Comment vous êtes-vous intéressé au génocide arménien ?

Lors de mes recherches documentaires sur L’Envolée sauvage, qui évoque
la Shoah, je suis tombé sur cette phrase d’Hitler : « Qui se souvient
du génocide arménien ? » J’ai été frappé par cette sentence, qui
induit que chaque génocide porterait en lui la genèse du suivant… Je
connaissais vaguement l’histoire du génocide arménien de 1915, et je
me suis plongé dans des livres pour en savoir plus.

Quelles ont été les principales difficultés pour composer ce récit ?

Les faits étant établis, c’est l’iconographie qui manque le plus sur
un tel sujet. Heureusement, il existe deux ou trois films qui
permettent de mettre des images sur cette époque. Mais les détails des
décors ou des costumes importent finalement assez peu sur Le Cahier à
fleurs : je ne cherche pas l’exhaustivité, je veux avant tout raconter
l’histoire de mes personnages. Je m’inscris dans une veine romanesque,
mon décor à moi, c’est l’Histoire.

Comment montrer l’horreur du génocide ?

Dans L’Envolée sauvage, j’avais pu me permettre de ne pas montrer en
détails les camps, car ce sont des images bien connues du public. Il
était possible d’établir une certaine distance. Or, pour le génocide
arménien, qui est moins familier pour la plupart des gens, j’ai choisi
d’être plus cru, de placer quelques images violentes pour créer un
choc. Mais attention, dans le premier tome, il n’y a pas plus de cinq
ou six pages de massacres. Je pense que ça suffit.

Paolo Cossi a également traité du sujet dans Medz Yeghern – Le Grand
Mal. Que pensez-vous de sa BD ?

C’est un livre qui donne beaucoup plus de détails sur les événements
que moi dans Le Cahier à fleurs. Sur les séquences de massacre, il a
choisir d’y aller franco, de montrer frontalement certaines atrocités.
Je trouve que cela fait perdre un peu de vue les personnages, mais
c’est un choix courageux et intéressant.

La plupart de vos albums ont un important fond historique, on y
apprend plein de choses. Faites-vous de la bande dessinée pédagogique

Non, pas vraiment. L’Histoire des XIXe et XXe siècles m’interpelle et
me sert de terreau pour mes histoires. Car j’ai plein d’envies, mais
j’ai besoin d’avoir une base solide pour me lancer dans l’écriture.
Quand je me documente, j’apprends énormément et j’ai envie de faire
connaître ces découvertes à mon tour. Mais je pense que le côté
pédagogique de mes BD disparaît assez vite derrière le romanesque.
Parce que j’ai besoin de vivre avec mes personnages, d’être ému avec

Ne craignez-vous pas que le romanesque prime trop et que les decteurs
qui ignoreraient l’existence du génocide arménien imaginent que tous
les événements décrits relèvent de la fiction ?

Je ne me suis pas vraiment posé la question comme cela… Je pense que
l’ouvrage sera suffisamment bien présenté pour qu’aucun doute ne soit
pas permis.

La guerre d’Algérie dans Tahya El-Djazaïr, les grèves de mineurs dans
Quand souffle le vent, Mai 68 dans L’Enfant maudit… Vous abordez des
moments difficiles de l’Histoire, de France notamment. Vous
considérez-vous comme un auteur militant ?

Oh non ! Je passe mes journées assis dans mon canapé, à lire et à
écrire : c’est un militantisme bien relatif ! Je ne fais qu’apporter
ma petite pierre, très humblement.

Quels sont vos projets ?

Outre les suites du Cahier à fleurs, de Shahidas, de L’Enfant maudit
et de Tahya El-Djazaïr, j’ai écrit Les Innocents coupables : une
trilogie qui se déroule dans les bagnes pour enfants au début du XXe
siècle. Elle paraîtra chez Bamboo et sera dessinée par AnLor, dont
c’est la première BD. Au Lombard, avec Kas au dessin, je prépare La
Reine Apache, un diptyque autour du personnage d’Amélie Elie, plus
connue sous le surnom Casque d’or. Je scénarise aussi La Vénus du
Dahomey, un récit sur les zoos humains à la fin du XIXe siècle en deux
parties, dessiné par Stefano Casini à paraître chez Dargaud. Et enfin
un diptyque chez Bamboo, sur le retour d’une gueule cassée dans son
village : un récit intimiste intitulé Pour un peu de bonheur, dessiné
par A.Dan, avec qui j’ai travaillé sur Tahya El-Djazaïr.

Propos recueillis par Benjamin Roure

Le Cahier à fleurs #1. Par Viviane Nicaise et Laurent Galandon.
Bamboo/Grand Angle, 12,90 , le 7 avril 2010.


18 ans, Chouchi etait liberee par combattants Armeniens determines

Il y a 18 ans, Chouchi était libérée par les combattants Arméniens déterminés


dimanche9 mai 2010, par Krikor Amirzayan/armenews

Aujourd’hui Chouchi (Haut Karabagh) fête le 18e anniversaire de sa
libération. Le 8 mai 1992, les opérations militaires commençaient avec
le commandant Arkadi Ter-Tatevossian dit « Commandos » à la tête de
groupes de combattants Arméniens décidés à libérer la cité arménienne
du joug azéri. La prise de Chouchi, place-forte dominant Stepanakert
était une nécessité pour la survie du Haut Karabagh.

Malgré l’infériorité du nombre, les combattants Arméniens, déterminés,
libéreront Chouchi le 9 mai. Cet acte héroïque restera dans l’histoire
comme l’une des victoires les plus impressionnantes des Arméniens.
Après soixante-dix ans de spoliation azérie, Chouchi redevenait
arménienne. La libération de Chouchi signifiait également la déroute
des Azéris qui étaient chassés du territoire du Haut Karabagh.

Woodrow Wilson Center desecrates its namesake’s legacy

The Woodrow Wilson Center desecrates its namesake’s legacy and
violates its congressional mandate
By David Boyajian
Online Journal Guest Writer

May 7, 2010, 00:20

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th American president, is looking down in horror
at what the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (WWC; is doing in his name.

Most Americans are not aware of the DC-based organization, or that
their taxes comprise one-third of its multi-million dollar annual

The WWC was created by Congress in 1968 through the Woodrow Wilson
Memorial Act to commemorate the late president’s `ideals and concerns’
and memorialize `his accomplishments.’

The WWC has in several ways, however, violated its congressional mandate.

The WWC itself claims that it `takes seriously his [Wilson’s] views.’
In fact, it has knowingly disregarded many of his views.

And while it professes `to take a historical perspective,’ the WWC
often closes its eyes to history.

Case in point: In mid-June of this year, the WWC plans to travel to
Turkey to bestow its coveted Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service
on Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

Curiously, the WWC won’t provide this writer with a press release
about it. We know about the award only from the Turkish media and a
call to the WWC’s communications chief.

An undeserved award

The WWC’s director, former Congressman Lee Hamilton, says that
Davutoglu `personifies the attributes we seek to honor at the Woodrow
Wilson Center’ and has `catalyzed’ Turkish policy.

It is appalling that the WWC would honor a top official of a country
that in so many ways is a major human rights violator. Moreover,
Davutoglu’s own record — including his much- ballyhooed `zero
problems with neighbors’ policy — is undistinguished.

But even more to the point, Davutoglu’s policies are the very
antithesis of Woodrow Wilson’s `ideals and concerns.’

Turkish temper tantrums

Let us start with Davutoglu’s eruption against America due to a US
House committee’s approval in March of a resolution (Res. 252) that
reaffirmed the factuality of, and historic US interest in, the
Armenian genocide of 1915-23 committed by Turkey.

Turkey immediately recalled its ambassador. Davutoglu then announced
that the House committee vote was an insult to his country’s `honour,’
as if Turkey’s continuing cover-up of genocide is somehow honorable. A
top official of Turkey’s ruling AK Party threatened the US with
`consequences.’ Turkey’s relationship with America, he warned, `would
be downgraded at every level . . . from Afghanistan to Pakistan to
Iraq to the Middle East process . . . there would be a major

These were not just nasty overreactions by Turkey. They were also
nonsensical. The US has, after all, reaffirmed the Armenian genocide
as `genocide’ at least five times: three resolutions passed by the
full House (1975, 1984, and 1996); an official proclamation (No. 4838)
by President Reagan (1981); and a US legal filing with the
International Court of Justice (1951).

More tantrums

Davutoglu threw the same sort of tantrum a week later — withdrawing
his ambassador and making threats — when the Swedish Parliament
recognized the Armenian genocide.

Turkey has thrown similar fits when some 20 other countries, the
European Parliament, a UN sub-commission, the Vatican, and others
recognized the Armenian genocide.

No other alleged `ally’ threatens the US as frequently and
consistently as does Turkey.

Thus, far from `catalyzing’ Turkey’s policies, the foreign minister is
carrying on his government’s tradition of threats and genocide denial.
If such behavior `personifies the attributes’ that the WWC `seeks to
honor,’ the Center’s standards must be low indeed.

Davutoglu’s double standards

`Turkey will not allow anyone else to evaluate its history,’ Davutoglu
blustered after the House committee and Swedish Parliament votes.

He seems unaware that countries constantly evaluate other countries’
histories. Davutoglu evidently thinks that Turkey should be uniquely
exempt from the judgments of others.

Davutoglu also seems blissfully unaware that the United Nations, the
US, and many other nations and international organizations have
condemned and continue to condemn various countries’ past (and
present) crimes such as the Holocaust, genocides, bloody revolutions,
and crimes against humanity. These include the genocide now taking
place in Sudan.

Not surprisingly, Turkey and Davutoglu have a horrendous record regarding Sudan.

The turkey-sudan genocide axis

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was invited to visit Turkey two
years ago while he was under indictment by the International Criminal
Court (ICC) for `war crimes and crimes against humanity.’

Human rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch, blasted Turkey for
inviting the Sudanese dictator. Turkey defiantly proceeded to welcome
al-Bashir with a red carpet, an honor guard, and a 21-gun salute.

True to Turkey’s tradition of genocide denial, President Abdullah Gul
downplayed the Sudanese mass killings, attributing them solely to
`politics . . . poverty and environmental conditions.’

Then last year, after Davutoglu’s appointment, the Turkish government
once again invited al-Bashir, the target of an ICC international
arrest warrant. Only after a huge international outcry was the visit
eventually canceled. Davutoglu, like his country, has a blind spot
when it comes to genocides.

In the meantime, of course, Davutoglu’s Turkey has been busy accusing
other countries — notably China and Israel — of genocide. The
hypocrisy is incredible. Should not Turkey first acknowledge its own
genocides against not only Armenians but also Assyrians, Greeks, and

Now we know why some have dubbed Turkey and Sudan the `axis of genocide.’

But Davutoglu and Turkey’s failures involve much more than tantrums,
threats, genocide, and hypocrisy.

Davutoglu’s other failures

Despite Turkey’s so-called `zero problems with neighbors’ policy,
Davutoglu has largely continued, not `catalyzed,’ his country’s failed

For example, there is no end in sight to Turkey’s 36-year long
military occupation of northern Cyprus. `Zero problems with

Turkey’s alleged rapprochement last year with Armenia, which Turkey
has blockaded since 1993, also disproves the WWC’s assertions about
Davutoglu. When he negotiated and signed a set of controversial
protocols with Armenia last year, Turkey said that these would open a
new chapter with its eastern neighbor.

Both countries’ parliaments were then supposed to quickly ratify the protocols.

Though many Armenians believe that parts of the protocols are contrary
to Armenia’s interests, the Armenian Parliament has been ready to
ratify them.

Davutoglu, however, quickly reverted to his government’s old
precondition: Turkey would neither ratify the protocols nor open its
border with Armenia unless Armenians concluded an agreement with
Azerbaijan regarding Karabagh, the Armenian region that Stalin handed
to Soviet Azerbaijan and which declared independence from Azerbaijan
in 1991.

Turkey’s backpedaling was condemned by the parties that mediated the
protocols — the US, Russia, and Switzerland — as well as the
European Union. Due to Davutoglu’s duplicity, the protocols have
stalled and may die. `Zero problems with neighbors’?

And regardless of one’s views on American policy towards Iran and
Israel, it is known that Turkey’s overheated, undiplomatic rhetoric is
designed primarily to please a Muslim audience at home and in the
Middle East. Turkey’s intemperate language has simply poured oil on
fires and complicated American efforts in the region.

Turkey’s Kurdish problems, both within the country and across the
border in Iraq, remain unsolved. Raids into northern Iraq by Turkish
troops are not a solution.

Even Turkey’s offers to `mediate’ regional disputes look rather
contrived given that Turkey has not faced many of its own problems
with neighbors.

`Zero problems with neighbors’ is a hollow catchphrase. A more
accurate name would be Turkey’s longstanding `zero Armenians as
neighbors’ policy.

Aside, perhaps, from improved Turkish relations with Syria, and a lot
of braggadocio and spin, Davutoglu has `catalyzed’ essentially nothing
for the better. He is surely grateful, though, to Lee Hamilton and the
WWC for implying otherwise.

Let us now examine President Woodrow Wilson’s record to see how the
WWC has besmirched his name and violated its congressional mandate.

Desecrating Wilson’s ideals and concerns

President Wilson advocated the right to self-determination of all the
nations, particularly Armenia, that suffered under Turkey’s corrupt,
violent yoke.

His and America’s support for Armenians — politically, financially,
and verbally — was immense and is well-documented. Yet the WWC
chooses to desecrate that record by honoring a Turkish official who
denies the Armenian genocide, threatens the American people, plays
games with the protocols it signed with Armenia, and continues to
blockade Armenia.

Wilson enunciated his famous Fourteen Points, based on a just peace,
in 1918, before the end of WW I. Point Twelve left no room for doubt:
The non-Turkish `nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should
be assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested
opportunity of autonomous development.’ He was referring to Armenians,
Arabs, Assyrians, Greeks, Kurds, and others.

Unlike the proposed award to Davutoglu, Wilson’s was well-deserved: He
received the Nobel Peace Prize of 1919 because of his Fourteen Points
and his advocacy of the League of Nations.

Reporting to Wilson during the genocide was his good friend and
ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morgenthau, Sr. The ambassador cabled
Washington in 1915 that Turkey was engaged in a `campaign of race
extermination’ against Armenians. The American Embassy served as a
channel for Armenian massacre reports arriving from various parts of
the Turkish empire. US Consul Leslie A. Davis, who actually witnessed
the genocide in the interior, wrote, `I do not believe there has ever
been a massacre in the history of the world so general and thorough.’

At Wilson’s direction, Morgenthau gave to Turkish leaders the
British-French-Russian declaration of 1915 that dealt specifically
with the Armenian mass murders. `All members of the Ottoman Government
and those of its agents who are implicated in such massacres,’ read
the declaration, will be held `personally responsible’ for `the new
crimes of Turkey.’

By proposing to honor a genocide denier, the WWC’s Lee Hamilton is
implying that Ambassador Morgenthau and American consuls were liars.

Referring to Turkey’s crimes against humanity, Wilson spoke these
words in Salt Lake City a year after WW I: `Armenia is to be redeemed
so that at last this great people, struggling through this night of
terror . . . are now given a promise of safety, a promise of justice.’

America and Armenia

In the spring of 1920, under the terms of the Treaty of Sèvres, the
European Allies asked Wilson to arbitrate the boundary between Turkey
and Armenia within the four Armenian provinces of `Erzerum, Trebizond,
Van, and Bitlis.’ Wilson agreed. He had already sent 50 American
researchers to survey the people and land.

In November, the president delivered the US decision: Armenia would
include more than 40,000 square miles within those four provinces and
a Black Sea coastline. Europe also asked America to accept a mandate
over Armenia — that is, physical protection from Turkey while
Armenians got back on their feet.

Though Congress, in a post-war isolationist mood, eventually declined
his appeal for the Armenian mandate, Wilson’s written request noted
that `the hearings conducted by the subcommittee of the Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations have clearly established the truth of
the reported massacres and other atrocities from which the Armenian
people have suffered.’

The Senate report, Wilson went on, embodied his `own convictions and
feelings with regard to Armenia and its people.’ Americans, he said,
`have made the cause of Armenia their own’ and had responded with
`extraordinary spontaneity and sincerity.’ These were understatements.

Turkey signed the Treaty of Sèvres but later repudiated it.

Incidentally, had Turkey fulfilled its obligations under Sèvres and
Wilson’s binding arbitration, much of the Kurdish issue would have
been resolved 90 years ago. The treaty stipulated an autonomous
Kurdish zone — just below the Armenian provinces — in southeastern
Turkey and, conditionally, in northern Iraq that may eventually have
become independent.

Under Turkish and Soviet attack, in December of 1920 independent
Armenia was forcibly Sovietized, cut to a fraction of its size, and
became landlocked. The Armenian provinces remain under Turkish
occupation to this day, while Turkey blockades what remains of

The WWC defies Congress

The Woodrow Wilson Memorial Act of 1968 was unambiguous: The WWC was
meant to express the 28th president’s `ideals and concerns’ and
memorialize `his accomplishments.’

If it proceeds with its award to Davutoglu, the WWC will be
reaffirming its disregard for Wilson’s `ideals and concerns’ regarding
the genocide, America’s support for Armenians, and liberating their
land from Turkish rule. Similarly, Wilson’s `accomplishments’ —
securing aid for Armenian survivors,

US arbitration of Armenia’s boundaries under the Sèvres Treaty, and
more — are being ignored and mocked by the WWC.

The WWC is insulting Armenian Americans and all those who survived the
Turkish nightmare.

If Lee Hamilton’s own claim that WWC takes `a historical perspective’
were true, it would not honor a man — and by extension the Turkish
government — who unashamedly negates the historical record.

Is the Wilson Center seeking to discredit the Treaty of Sèvres on its
90th anniversary by honoring Davutoglu?

Massacring history

The WWC may try to claim that it has dealt substantially and fairly
with its namesake’s views and accomplishments regarding the Armenian

As near as can be determined from a search of the WWC’s public
records, however, that claim would be false. This writer has found
very little about the genocide, and most of that is from a Turkish
revisionist perspective.

Two years ago, the WWC’s Southeast Europe division did host a scholar
who discussed Turkish policy and the Armenian genocide. And
twenty-four years ago, the WWC’s Wilson Quarterly had a one-page piece
about an article published elsewhere that discussed the genocide.

In contrast, four years ago, the Wilson Quarterly published a
sycophantic review praising a widely criticized book by a notorious
genocide denier. And two years back, a former US State Department
official who dealt with Turkey (and is presently an advisor for the
Turkish Policy Quarterly) wrote a mere two sentences about the Sèvres
Treaty — solely from the Turkish perspective — in a WWC-sponsored
paper about Turkey. The Wilson Center’s website contains a nine-year
old article written by a former US Army officer who denies the

This is a disgraceful record.

A year ago, the editors of the journal Genocide Studies and Prevention
initiated a symposium that critiqued the report of the US-sponsored
Genocide Prevention Task Force (GPTF). While the symposium used the
WWC’s facilities, the WWC was not a cosponsor, reportedly took little
or no part, and thus cannot claim credit for it.

In any case, nothing can justify the Wilson Center’s proposed award
for Davutoglu.

The question begs to be asked: Does the WWC have any questionable
links to Turkey or Armenian genocide deniers?

Turkish-tainted corporate cash

A look at WWC’s funding sources reveals that it is up to its neck in
corporate cash, including Turkish-tainted cash.

One major corporation — Boeing — that is a member of the WWC’s
so-called WilsonAlliances wrote a letter to Congress asking it to
defeat the Armenian Genocide Resolution (Res. 252).

Two other WilsonAlliances members — BAE and Chevron — have
reportedly lobbied Congress to defeat the Armenian resolution.

Four WilsonAlliances members — Alcoa, Boeing, Bombardier, and
Honeywell — are dues-paying members of the Aerospace Industries
Association (AIA), which has asked President Obama and Congress to
ensure that Res. 252 `doesn’t go to the House floor for a vote.’ AIA
refers to the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians as merely `the

Six WilsonAlliances members — BAE, Bechtel, Boeing, Chevron, Coca
Cola, and Exxon-Mobil — are also dues paying members of the American
Turkish Council (ATC). The ATC calls itself a `business association.’
Its membership includes over 100 major Turkish and American
corporations. Among its leadership team of some 100 Turks and
Americans, it is nearly impossible to find even one person who is not
a top corporate executive, former military officer, or former
government official. The ATC has long lobbied against Armenian
genocide resolutions. Former Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, chairman of its
Executive Committee, once told Congress that what happened to
Armenians is `widely disputed.’

ATC member Lockheed-Martin Corp., which penned a letter opposing the
Armenian resolution, has also contributed money to the WWC.

DLA Piper and other Turkish lobbyists

DLA Piper is a gigantic, worldwide legal and corporate services firm
that has registered with the US government as a foreign agent for
Turkey. The firm is well known for having lobbied against Armenian
Americans and is currently setting up an office in Istanbul.

Ignacio Sanchez is a lawyer employed by DLA Piper. He `represents
national and international clients on a broad range of issues . . .
before Congress’ for his firm.

Sanchez also happens to sit on the Wilson Center’s Board of Trustees.

DLA Piper’s contract with Turkey states that its `services shall
include . . . preventing the introduction, debate and passage of
legislation and other U.S. government action that harms Turkey’s
interests and image.’

DLA Piper has partially subcontracted its Turkish role to The
Livingston Group. Headed by former disgraced House Speaker Robert
Livingston, who denies the Armenian genocide and lobbies against
Armenian genocide resolutions, it has been a registered agent of

DLA Piper also has what it terms a `strategic alliance’ with The Cohen
Group (TCG), headed by former Defense Secretary William Cohen. TCG
represents large corporations who do business with Turkey. It is an
ATC member, and two of its employees sit on the ATC Advisory Board.

TCG’s Vice President, Marc Grossman, was the US ambassador to Turkey
from 1994-97. Among former diplomats, he is probably Turkey’s biggest

He has opposed passage of Armenian genocide resolutions. A few years
ago, Grossman reportedly joined Ilhas Holding, a Turkish firm.

It is also known that whistleblower and former FBI translator Sibel
Edmonds has made very serious allegations about the ATC, Grossman, and
Turkey. These have not yet been adjudicated in a court of law.

And whom did the WWC recently select to be one of its `Public Policy
Scholars’? Marc Grossman.

The WWC seems to be quite fond of corporations (and their money),
lobbying firms, and people strongly affiliated with Turkey that in
many cases oppose acknowledgment of the Armenian genocide.

The above barely skims the surface of the Wilson Center’s cozy
financial relationships with huge corporations.

Playing with genocide inquiries

We must digress briefly for an example of how former government
officials work their way into genocide inquiries that are best left to
those more suitable.

Former Defense Secretary William Cohen (of the Turkish-affiliated TCG)
and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright chaired the Genocide
Prevention Task Force mentioned above.

As private citizens, Cohen and Albright opposed the Armenian Genocide
Resolution. Their appointment to the GPTF was thus justifiably
criticized as incompatible with its very purpose.

The GPTF was jointly convened by the congressionally-funded, so-called
US Institute of Peace, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the
American Academy of Diplomacy (AAD).

The latter is composed of former high-level US State Department
officials. AAD’s chairman is retired ambassador Thomas Pickering. He
was formerly a VP of Boeing, the same company that has beseeched
Congress not to pass the Armenian Genocide Resolution.

The GPTF’s final 147-page report (Preventing Genocide: a Blueprint for
US Policymakers) contained just two miniscule references to the
Armenian genocide. Sure enough, they used the terms `forced exile’ and
`atrocities,’ not genocide. The report was also widely criticized by

Incidentally, who sits on the AAD’s Board? If you guessed the
ubiquitous Marc Grossman of the Wilson Center and pro-Turkish TCG,
you’d be correct.

Corporate perks

The WWC provides many benefits to corporations that contribute money
to its WilsonAlliances. For example, they receive `complimentary use’
of the WWC’s facilities, the Reagan Federal Building, blocks from the
White House. They also get `private customized meetings with [WWC]
staff and scholars to discuss policy issues that are specific to your
business interests.’

Did WWC/Turkish-affiliated corporations use `private customized
meetings’ to urge the WWC to honor Davutoglu, perhaps in expectation
that it would enhance their `business interests’ with Turkey?

Did any WWC/Turkish-affiliated lobbying firm or person ask the WWC to
give Davutoglu an award?

We don’t know the answers to these questions. Only those corporations,
lobbyists, and other figures, together with Lee Hamilton and WWC
personnel, can answer them, preferably under oath.

In a phone message, Sharon Coleman McCarter, WWC Communications
Director, said that the center is honoring the Turkish Foreign
Minister because of `public service to his country and the world.’
Turkey, or some Turks, may like its foreign minister, but, as this
writer has shown, he has certainly done nothing to benefit `the

McCarter also claimed that Davutoglu `is in the Wilsonian tradition’
because, like Wilson, he has been in academia and government. If you
teach and then enter government service, you’re automatically
`Wilsonian’ and thus a candidate for the WWC award? This is

Insulting previous awardees

Who have the nearly 150 previous WWC awardees been? Mostly Americans:
philanthropists, doctors, members of Congress, former diplomats,
architects, actors, and the like.

They range from James Baker, Dr. Denton Cooley, Betty Ford, Frank
Gehry, John Glenn, and Amb. Howard Leach to Janet Napolitano, Dolly
Parton, Gen. Colin Powell (and his wife), Andrew Lloyd Webber, and
Andrew Young.

There are also some foreign political honorees, such as former Indian
President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, and some relatively non-controversial
figures from Brazil and South Korea.

The threatening, blustering, genocide-denying Davutoglu, from a
country with a wretched human rights record, would stand out in the
Wilson Center’s Public Service roster like a sore thumb.

It would be an insult to previous awardees.

For its Public Service Award, the WWC had its pick of thousands of
principled individuals from the US or elsewhere doing vital
humanitarian work, including the recognition and prevention of
genocide. Instead, the WWC has engaged in the worst kind of political
pandering by selecting Davutoglu.

The Smithsonian and the ATC

The rot may go even higher, up to the WWC`s parent, the famed
Smithsonian Institution, three-quarters of whose annual $1 billion
budget comes from taxpayers. It, too, is a member of the
genocide-denying American Turkish Council.

The Smithsonian is supposed to be respectful of America’s multi-ethnic
heritage and pay homage to our country’s history, part of which is
Wilson’s support of Armenians and condemnation of Turkey for
committing genocide. There is no good reason for the Smithsonian to be
a member of the ATC, which is primarily a lobby for Turkish-affiliated
corporations. It should withdraw from the ATC.

And what must the WWC do to return to its Wilsonian roots?

Reforming the WWC

The WWC must abandon its plans to honor Davutoglu. Those who care
about Wilson’s legacy — members of Congress, ordinary Americans, and
those whose relatives were lost to Turkish genocidal acts — must
contact the WWC and insist on this.

Congress and the attorney general must launch investigations into
possible conflicts of interest at the WWC, particularly regarding its
corporate and Turkish connections. The WWC director and staff must
testify under oath.

Wilson Center personnel, and those affiliated with it, particularly
scholars, must speak out publicly against pandering to corporations
and lobbying organizations.

Those whose business or personal interests may conflict with their WWC
role should resign.

The WWC must reject all tainted corporate cash.

Recognized genocide scholars should be invited to speak at the Wilson
Center and write in its Wilson Quarterly. The WWC should create a
principled program on genocide.

The WWC must establish a meaningful, ongoing dialogue with those
persons and their descendants who have been victimized by Turkey’s

The WWC must return to its congressional mandate by truly rededicating
itself to Wilson’s `ideals, concerns, and accomplishments’ and by
advocating against genocide and for the human rights and dignity of
all people.

David Boyajian is an Armenian American freelance journalist.

Turkish Ambassador Not Concerned Over Adam Schiff Campaign

13:51 07/05/2010


Turkey will continue its efforts to look for diplomatic ways for
solving Iranian nuclear issue and here it does not compete with any
state, Turkish Ambassador to Washington Namik Tan told reporters at
his residence.

Tan highlighted that Iranian issue continues to be among priorities of
Davutoglu foreign policy. According to CNNTurk, Tan was asked whether
the Turkish side is planning to prevent Adam Schiff campaign over
including the stories and memories of the Armenian genocide survivors
into the Congressional Record.

"Of course, such efforts will be made further. But I don’t think they
will be efficient. We can submit as many memories into the Congress
Record as they can. I am not concerned over this," the Turkish
Ambassador said, highlighting that they will continue counter-actions.

Previous News: Adam Schiff launches new campaign: stories and memories
of genocide survivors to be included into Congressional Record

Armenian Authorities To Report 1991 Referendum Results In NKR At Tal

May 7 2010

Dynamically changing geopolitical situation in the region incites new
challenges entailing the following question: how many independent
states will be in the South Caucasus, chairman of the ARFD Supreme
Council of Armenia and the head of the Standing Committee on Foreign
Relations Armen Rustamyan said at ARFD Hay Dat committees’ conference.

"Today the priority is to determine the number of independent states
in the South Caucasus (3 states, 3+1, 3+2 or 3+3). One of the main
regional actors, Russia with constantly increasing role in the region
to date adhered to the concept of three independent states. However,
after Russia-Georgia war, Moscow’s strategy changed and presently
it backs 3+2 formula, comprising Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan plus
Abkhazia and Ossetia. Azerbaijan-Turkey alliance is ready to support
this idea unless it turns into 3+3, the mentioned countries plus
Nagorno-Karabakh," Rustamyan specified, stressing it is the main
reason for Turkey’s aspiration to participate in Karabakh peace
process. "However, Iran also expressed readiness to participate in the
talks on Karabakh, facing official Yerevan’s silence. ARFD does not
veil its position that Iran’s involvement in the process is tantamount
to that of Ankara. Although Iran is not OSCE member, it should not
be isolated from the process," he stated, adding that changes in OSCE
Minsk Group format proposed by Baku and Ankara are inadmissible.

ARFD member emphasized that Karabakh peace process entered a new stage,
when Armenian side cannot keep its passive posture. "Karabakhi people
expressed their will in a referendum, self-determining in the territory
that is de facto within NKR administrative boundaries. This should be
reported de jure by Armenian authorities at the negotiating table,"
he concluded.

ARS-WUSA: Successful 9th Annual Armenian Festival

ARS of Western USA, Inc.
Regional Office
517 W. Glenoaks Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91202
Tel. (818) 500-1343
Fax: (818) 242-3732
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Site:

Successful Armenian Relief Society Festival

Draws Community Together

While the Armenian Relief Society of Western U.S.A.’s 9th Annual Armenian
Festival has now concluded, surely it will be remembered by its record
breaking attendees as a weekend full of celebration, highlighting the great
offerings of Armenian culture and the anniversary of the now century-old
Armenian Relief Society.

Held on May 1-2, 2010 at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, the festival’s
opening ceremony commenced with the march of Homenetmen Girl Scouts lead by
their flag bearers and accompanied by drum roll. Following this procession,
ARS Saturday School students sang the American and Armenian national anthems
and ARS members sang the ARS anthem, accompanied by Alfred Mardoyan who
directed the choir.

Master of Ceremonies Arshalous Darpinyan introduced the numerous guests and
dignitaries present at the ceremony. In attendance were ARS Central
Executive Board Chairperson Vicky Marashlian and Central Executive Board
Advisor Nova Hindoyan. Guests also included Los Angeles City Councilmember
Paul Krekorian; district representatives from Senator Carol Liu and
Congressman Adam Schiff’s offices; Joylean Wagner, Vice-President of the
Glendale Unified School District Board of Education; Nayiri Nahabedian,
Glendale Unified School District Board of Education Member; representatives
from the Armenian National Committee, Armenian Youth Federation, Homenetmen,
Hamazkayin, and various other organizations.

During the invocation, Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of the
Western Prelacy, gave his blessing to all organizers and participants. The
Prelate’s remarks included, "Through the ARS, generation after generation of
Armenian women have bettered the lives of brothers and sisters through their
humanitarian efforts and social services, and have played a crucial role in
the preservation of our precious heritage with events, such as this

He added, "You, ARS members have proven yourselves as the worthy heirs of
the founding generation, and we can be certain and confident that with
members as devoted as you, this organization will continue to thrive for
centuries more."

Following the invocation, ARS Regional Executive Chairperson Sossie Poladian
conveyed the Regional Executive Board’s message, stating ".the secret to our
success has been dedication, hard work and devotion towards our humanitarian
objectives." She also added, "This festival has been a perfect setting for
accomplishing two of our objectives: to promote the Armenian culture and
passing on our heritage. Our Saturday and After School program students have
been involved in our festival from the beginning, and the students from the
numerous dance studios have joined us to make each year a special experience
for all involved."

Poladian concluded by thanking the young performers and professional
entertainers, as well as other ARS volunteers for their many hours of
service during the festival. She also presented a plaque to Chief Financial
Officer Tsolak Khatcherian of Karoun Dairies, Inc., which has sponsored the
festival for the last nine years.

Harout Boghossian, District Representative of Senator Carol Liu’s office,
presented a certificate to the ARS on behalf of Senator Liu and one vendor,
Hasmik Kldjian, presented a framed 3-D ARS Centennial logo.

Once the festivities began, it was apparent that Armenians and non-Armenians
alike were enjoying the numerous attractions. The lower level of the
auditorium was dedicated to featuring a wide array of traditional Armenian
displays. This extensive cultural section offered spectators the opportunity
to enjoy exhibits of regional costumes, artwork, and demonstrations of how
"lavash" (thin Armenian bread) and string cheese are made.

Fellow compatriotic unions participated with booths featuring a Kharpert
specialty soup; another featuring tea from a "samovar" and "nazoog" cookies
by the Iranian-Armenian community; as well as the Union of New Julfa’s booth
featuring individuals dressed in Charmahal and New Persia costumes. The
lower level also provided the perfect venue for children to be immersed with
games and live entertainment.

The upper level included over twenty five vendors participating in this
year’s festival. Live music by well-known singers, dance performances by
Armenian folk dance groups, and dance lessons kept festival-goers
continually entertained as they mingled over ethnic food and pastries.

The weekend-long festival’s atmosphere was full of vibrant energy and spirit
as people from communities near and far came together to enjoy the rich
nature of Armenian culture. Indeed, if a great program, attendance, and a
most memorable weekend are to judge, then it is without question that the
9th Annual Armenian Festival was an absolute success.

Visit <; for more information
about the Armenian Relief Society of Western USA, Inc. or call (818)
500-1343. The Regional Headquarters are located at 517 W. Glenoaks Blvd.,
Glendale, CA 91202.
