PM: Introduction Of Best Urban-Planning Standards Among Armenia’s Ob


Nov 3, 2009

YEREVAN, November 4. /ARKA/. Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan,
speaking Friday at the third congress of the Union of Armenian
Constructors, said introduction of the best urban planning standards
is among Armenia’s objectives.

"We have chosen European Union’s directions regulating this area.

Experts say the EU construction directions derive from the best urban
planning practice."

Sargsyan said referring to the results of studies that this area has
big holes that should be plugged with joint efforts.

"Many urban planning standards haven’t been adopted in Armenia so far.

This creates grave problems for us. The state is in need of your
assistance," he said addressing the congress participants.

The premier also said that if special groups are set up in the Union
of Armenian Constructors with skilled specialists included in them,
this work will be useful for ensuring breakthrough in this area.

"The urban planning ministry is already working out such programs,
and we invite you to take part in the elaboration," he said.

Armenian GM Becomes Winner In Chigorin Memorial


04.11.2009 14:32 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian GM Hrant Melkumyan scored 7 points out of
9 and shared the 1st-5th places with GMs Volkov (Russia), Zhou Weiqi
(China), Rychagov (Russia) and Deviatkin (Russia) in Chigorin Memorial
which was held on November 3 in St Petersburg (Russia).

IM Robert Hovhannisian scored 6,5 points; GM Zaven Andriasian, IM
Levon Babujian and Vardges Tovmasian scored 6 points each.

There were 159 chess players taking part in the tournament,

Mikhayil Chigorin was an outstanding Russian chess-player at the
turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He is considered on of the founders
of Russian-Soviet chess school. Chigorin is the author of many chess
debuts, including Queen Gambit otherwise known as Chigorin Defense.

Annual International Fair Of Tourism In Yerevan


Nov 3, 2009

YEREVAN, November 3. Annual international fair of tourism will be
opened on November 6 in Yerevan, informed the press-center of Armenian
Association of Tour Agents on Monday.

Annual international fair of tourism opens large opportunities for
local tour agents and other representatives of businesses related
to tourism – meetings with local, foreign colleagues and regional
partners, as well as establishment of business relations, demonstration
and realization of their products and services.

The main goal of the organizers of the fair is development of local and
regional tourism in Armenia, increase of competitiveness of tourism
business, introduction and learning of new technologies applied in
modern tourism industry, expansion of business-contacts, promotion of
Armenia in foreign countries as attracting tourism zone through 3-5
days introductory tours organized for foreign operators and mass media.

This year the fair is organized by Armenian Association of Tour
Agents and Armenian branch of American Association of Tour Agents
with the assistance of Ministry of Economy of Armenia and the project
"Competitiveness of private sector in Armenia", Association of Armenian
hotels and Association of Development of Armenian Tourism.

BAKU: Debate On Karabakh Marred By Tension


November 2, 2009 Monday

A roundtable devoted to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Upper
(Nagorno) Garabagh held in the editorial office of Izvestiya newspaper
in Moscow was marred by tensions. According to Heydar Jamal, the
chairman of Russias Islamic Committee who attended the discussions,
an incident occurred over a separatist regimes representative joining
the event. We demanded that he be represented at the event not as
a representative of Upper Garabagh [an Azerbaijani region currently
under Armenian occupation], but as a private individual.

But, since his speech was a political statement, he was immediately
taken out of the roundtable venue. Jamal emphasized that more Armenians
than Azerbaijanis attended the roundtable, entitled Upper Garabagh
conflict: providing conditions for making peace and Russias role. He
said Azerbaijan was represented by political analysts Rasim Musabayov
and Avaz Hasanov but added: Though I had been invited to the function
as the chairman of Russias Islamic Committee, I could be considered as
a person representing Azerbaijan because I supported the Azerbaijani
stance on the Garabagh issue as well. The Garabagh conflict reared
up in the late 1980s due to Armenias territorial claims. Armenia has
been occupying over 20% of Azerbaijans internationally-recognized
territory since the early 1990s in defiance of international law. The
ceasefire accord was signed in May 1994, but over a decade of efforts
by US, Russian and French mediators have been fruitless so far. Jamal
believes that the Garabagh problem would not exist today if Russia
didnt directly support Armenia. He went on to criticize the Armenian
speakers actions and statements during the roundtable. As a result
of unfairness displayed by Armenian experts, a negative environment
and an atmosphere of unprofessional analysis emerged. As before,
the main issues were not being discussed. There was little time to
make speeches, but since Armenians outnumbered others and failed to
observe the rules, their addresses took longer.

Jamal also stated during the debate that the countries around the
South Caucasus region Iran, Turkey, Russia and European states –
are not interested in a solution to the Garabagh conflict and are
using the current situation for their own ends.

Apartment Prices Down In Yerevan

Nov 2 2009

A 10% fall in average apartment prices was registered in Yerevan
this January-September against the corresponding period last year –
down to 266,300 AMD for 1 sq. meter.

The biggest fall was registered in Yerevan’s communities of Achapnyak,
Malatia-Sebastia and Nor-Nork.

The Business-24 website reports a fall of 12% and more in apartment
prices in Arabkir, Avan and Shengavit.

A 9.52% fall in apartment prices was registered in the Kanaker-Zeitun
community, a 9.67% fall in Davidashen.

A relatively slight fall was registered in the Erebuni, Nubarashen
and Kentron communities. In the last case, the average apartment
price fell by 1.35% down to 473,300 AMD for 1 sq. meter.

Turkey Will Be Armenia’s Trade Partner Like Other Countries Of The R


03.11.2009 12:58 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkey will be Armenia’s trade partner like other
countries of the region, deputy head of State Income Committee Armen
Alaverdyan said.

"So long as both Armenia and Turkey are WTO members, Armenia can’t
set any different customs of tax rules on Turkey. As to customs
administration, we should carry out a great deal of work before
opening checkpoints," he told a news conference on November 3.

Commenting on fears that Turkish goods will flood Armenian market,
Alaverdyan said the local market will admit as many goods as it can.

"If goods are too many prices will fall, as result," he said.

Alaverdyan also informed that the budget was replenished with AMD
427,9 billion. "Returns decreased by 16% due to the economic crisis,"
he said.

Dr. Vartan Gregorian To Be Honored By Armenian Professional Society

By Florence Avakian



On November 7, Dr. Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie
Corporation of New York, will be honored as "Professional of the Year"
by the Armenian Professional Society, at the Sheraton Universal Hotel
in Universal City, California.

An Interview with Dr. Vartan Gregorian is a unique experience. He
impresses one as a brilliant, wise, self confident, and utterly
forthright individual. As he came out of his office on Monday
afternoon, September 28, his well known exuberance was evident as he
warmly greeted me with a big bear hug and a beaming smile. Expecting
to see an opulent office with expensive furniture for a person of
his exalted position, I was happily surprised to find a cozy room
lined with thousands of books, many double-stacked in bookcases,
on his desk and some even crowding the seats. It could have easily
doubled as a comfortable library setting. As befitting the man,
it was truly a working office, not a showplace.

Dr. Gregorian is a man on a mission, and his relaxed down-to-earth
demeanor belies the intense passion he feels on the subject closest
to his heart, that of education. His responses in the first of two
parts of this exclusive interview reveal that earnest feeling.


FA — Dr. Gregorian, why are you so devoted to the need to foster
higher education?

VG — The United States has been the world’s leader in higher education
because of several factors. First, even in the middle of the Civil
War, Abraham Lincoln established land grant universities. That was
historically one of the most important turning points for America,
whereby every state would have a university. He put universities
in populated areas, and where the potential of those states would
be realized. Lincoln’s foresight in expanding access to higher
education provided America with leadership later on, in the industrial

Second, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was instrumental in promoting
a future for science. During World War II, because of Roosevelt and a
landmark report by his science adviser, Vannevar Bush, science, unlike
in Europe and the Soviet Union, was to be centered in universities, in
order to bring competition, different perspectives, and also so that
undergraduates and graduates could be exposed to research. This was
very important. Even after Roosevelt died, his successor, President
Truman, adopted that policy so that a post-War strategy for advancing
science in the U.S. was firmly established.

Third, the G.I. bill democratized American higher education. Eleven
million returning military servicemen, instead of becoming unemployed,
went to universities; similar programs are in place today. In the
decades following the end of World War II, a related concern was how
to provide support for the growing number of students who wanted to
attend institutions of higher education. This problem was addressed,
in part, through the 1973 Pell Grant program, which has awarded more
than $100 billion in grants to an estimated 30 million postsecondary
students, rather than giving it to the universities. The portability
of these grants led to much competition and put universities on the
defensive. They had to satisfy their clients, the students.

Then, worries that Sputnik meant the Soviet Union was outpacing the
U.S. resulted in a resurgence of science in America, which also led
the way for men to go to the moon. Though this was a reactive mode, not
planned, the Cold War in many ways did accelerate the organization of
higher education in the U.S. The Fulbright, Muskie, Humphrey, NEH,
NIH fellowships, etc., promoted research in all the fields, from
humanities to the sciences. America has been the leader in all of this.


FA — Yes, I was one of the recipients of the NEH (National Endowment
for the Humanities) fellowship at Cornell University. You have said
we were the leader in higher education. This all sounds very positive.

What have been the problems, and what are the challenges of obtaining
this higher education in the United States?

VG — We were, and still are the leader, but the rest of the world
is catching up, and we’re "sleeping" for two reasons. First, only 50
percent of our high school students graduate. In the 19th century,
higher education was only for the elite. And we had a population of
under 100 million. Now our population is about 300 million.

Second, as land grant universities were established, higher education
was supposed to be supported by the state. For example,

I came to California in 1956 as a freshman. At that time, tuition was
$750 at Stanford University. Berkeley was $50 a semester. Today, it is
somewhere around $40,000 at Stanford, and at Berkeley, somewhere around
$10-$14,000. And it’s important to note that Berkeley is a public
university, not private. When I was at school, the states underwrote
the entire cost of public higher education, but are no longer doing
this, because they don’t have the funds. The State of Michigan,
for instance, provides only seven or eight percent of the support
needed by the University of Michigan, one of the best universities
in the country. The California university system is turning people
away because the demand is so great and there are not enough seats
for all the students who want to attend. The situation is exacerbated
by the fact that 90 percent of the funding that the university needs
now has to come from tuition, fund raising and faculty research.

FA — How can this very serious problem of finances be resolved?

VG — States have to provide support, but there are even more obstacles
in the way of universities developing their own resources.

For example, Michigan says you can only have 33 percent of the students
from other states-and it is out-of-state students who pay higher
tuition fees. State universities also welcome foreign students because
they are among the few who can pay full fare in terms of tuition. So
more and more, we are educating foreign students in order to make
money and help our universities survive. And the worst thing is,
the more we increase the number of students, the more tuition goes
up. We also have a 19th century infrastructure trying to serve 21st
century educational needs. So new solutions are required.

One solution is to fundraise for public universities. In the past,
that was the province of private higher education: private institutions
relied on private sources and public institutions relied on public
sources. Now, in that realm, there is no division between public and
private universities-both try to raise funds from both sectors. But
public universities have another roadblock in their way: since the
state is the major shareholder in state universities, even if you
want to build a new campus building or facility, you need to get
state authorization.

FA — From what you have discussed, is this part of the 20-year plan
you had envisioned?


VG — I was misquoted on this. What I had said was that there ought
to be a 20-year plan. And what I have now described should be in this
plan. How do you fix all these problems? Maybe you have to have a
special tax. For example, perhaps five percent of the tax Californians
pay should go to their universities. There has to be a solution,
or else people who want to study but can’t afford it will go into
great indebtedness or simply not be able to access higher education,
especially now with the economy still in such trouble. Thankfully,
interest rates remain low, so student loans are still relatively
reasonable enough to encourage people to pursue higher education. On
the graduate level, ironically, if you study for your PH.D, the
university will underwrite the cost, but if you study for any other
graduate degree, you have to pay.

FA — Dr. Gregorian, you mentioned that the rest of the world is
catching up to the United States. What are the advantages that they
have that the United States doesn’t have? Can you elucidate?

VG — From Singapore to China to India to Germany, etc., many countries
have state-supported programs that make tuition affordable.

Two years ago, the University of Denmark President came here and
we were talking at NYU. He was astonished at the idea that public
institutions in the U.S. had to raise money from private sources:
he said that in Denmark, it was illegal for him to raise private funds.


FA — Those are the Scandinavian states. What is the current situation
in Armenia? They had free tuition under the Soviet rule.

How do they manage now?

VG — There is no more free tuition-and who said they’re managing? The
first thing that Armenia has to invest in, like the Scandinavian
countries, is education. Even in the Armenian army, they should teach
computer science, mathematics, and other sciences. Speaking to that
point, let me mention that the last time I was in Armenia, I could not
find a bookstore. Ethnically, Armenians and Jews during the Soviet
period had the highest percentage of degrees in science, chemistry,
mathematics, etc., and one could order books from Eastern Europe.

Books could be obtained from bookstores and libraries. The collapse of
the Soviet Union, in many ways, has washed away many of our gains. And
now, there is no modern bookstore where you can order foreign books.

FA — What is the reason for this regression in Armenia?

VG — After years of a repressive regime, suddenly Armenians have the
freedom to focus on personal gain first, and only after that come the
interests of the family and of society. When I was in Armenia, I found
an abundance of karaoke singing, casinos, hamburger joints, cafes,
ostentatious houses, and many, many churches. Following eighty years
of Communism, I believe that we have built enough churches now. The
church itself should begin to invest in education. We like to think
we’re the first nation to become Christian, that we’re the best,
the cleanest. But Armenians have a long way to go to accept the very
concept that the state is now theirs. That means that if something
goes wrong in the country, it is likely to affect all the people. I
don’t blame Armenia, because for centuries it was under foreign rule.

Self-preservation was the major issue. That’s why rebuilding Armenia
is a major challenge today.

Armenian, Turkish, Azerbaijani Youth Meet In Kars


Nov 2 2009

Turkish organization Kuzey Doga Dernegi (Northern Nature Association)
has organized a meeting of Armenian, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Georgian
students in Kars.

According to Turkish paper Star Gazete, the young peoples’ joint events
lasted a week. The program’s aim was to send "a message of peace to
the world." Armenian student Ljuba Balayan, speaking to Star Gazete,
said that the program was quite effective, and in the process, she
gained friends from Azerbaijan.

The youth representing countries of the South Caucasus region worked
on environmental programs and projects.

The Armenian President received Rafayel Marttinet

Aysor, Armenia
Oct 31 2009

The Armenian President received Rafayel Marttinet

The Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has received the chairman of the
International Federation of Wrestling Rafayel Marttinet. As the Press
Office of the RA President informs S. Sargsyan assured that his visit
will serve a new stimuli to develop the cooperation.

`The wrestling in Armenia is traditionally respected and succeeded
type of sport, which today also gets a lot of attention though here as
in all other cases too we would like to have much better results’, –
told the head of the country. `That is the reason why our national
Olympic committee and the Ministry of Sport try to concentrate their
attention on this sport. We whish that much more children to get
involved in wrestling, we make the conditions better, we try to
organize competitions in Armenia as these are the ways that will bring
to better results.’

They have discussed the possibilities of passing the World Greek-Roman
wrestling tournament of 2010 in Armenia. The President of Armenian has
mentioned that our country is interested in organizing such high
quality tournaments.

`It will be a fest for the Armenian wrestling funs and the young
sportsmen as they will have that wish to see many prominent sportsmen,
and watch their performances’, – Serzh Sargsyan mentioned.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan Visited Today National Academy Of


Oct 30, 2009

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 30, ARMENPRESS: Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
visited today National Academy of Sciences and accompanied with
chairman of the NAS Radik Martirosyan got acquainted with the
reconstruction works of the building which kicked off in summer
by "Tashir" benevolent foundation. The halls of the building, the
offices have been completely reconstructed, the heating system has
been changed. R. Martirosyan told the reporters that the initiative
of reconstruction of the building belonged to President Serzh Sargsyan.

"We are glad that finally contemporary working conditions have been
created for us, we highly asses the initiative of the president. This
year the president for the second time visits us which means attention
toward science," Radik Martirosyan said.

The chairman of NAS awarded head of president’s staff, chairman of
"Tashir" benevolent foundation with the NAS memorial medal.