Students Of Armenian College Of Calcutta Won The Cup Of West Bengal


19.10.2009 20:34 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ West Bengal championships in rugby finished in the
"CC & FC" sports club in Calcutta. In the framework of championship
various competitions were held among different age categories, attended
among others by students of the Armenian College and Philanthropic
Academy of Calcutta.

Armenian rugby players in India, having won many victories, reached
the final round of the 1-st division and were awarded individual
medals and cups.

The Armenian team became the winner of the "Georgia D" 7 A Side
Rugby Tournament’, and received an honorary cup. The team captain
Armen Margaryan was awarded the title of "The best player of the
tournament", and the Bengal Rugby and Football Federation "BRFU"
gave him a special cup "The Most Valuable Player".

Another Armenian rugby player Gegard Margaryan in the tournament
among the rugby players under 19 years was awarded the title of
"The best player of the tournament" and received the Cup.

Turkish Public Mostly Against Establishing Relations With Armenia, S


Oct 19 2009

The Armenian public is split because of the issue of establishing
Armenian-Turkish relations: part is for relations, the other part
is against, said Armenian Sociological Association president and
sociologist Gevorg Poghosyan, while speaking with journalists today.

According to him, there is a split in the Turkish public, too, where,
however, a major part of the public is against the relations.

Poghosyan said this opposing voice in Turkey is gradually decreasing.

According to preliminary sociological inquiries, 70% of Turkish
public was against the establishment of Armenian-Turkish relations,
but according to latest data, this percentage has been reduced to
53-54 per cent.

In answer to’s question why such a change took place in
Turkish public, Poghosyan supposed that probably in Turkey, too,
much work is being carried out.

In Armenia, the Armenian Sociological Association carried out 20-25
sociological surveys among 1,000 Yerevan residents and found out that
approximately 52% of the Armenian public is against signing of the
Armenian-Turkish Protocols, and 40% is against opening the border.

Continuing, the sociologist stated that both in Armenia and Turkey
there is great internal resistance to the Armenian-Turkish process and
neither public welcomes that process. Poghosyan found it surprising
that, before launching such a big campaign, Armenia’s current governing
leadership didn’t conduct any surveys to gauge the public’s opinion,
or, if they did, why that information was not publicized.

BAKU: Azeri MPs in Turkey to lobby against protocols with Armenia

ANS TV, Azerbaijan
Oct 14 2009

Azeri MPs in Turkey to lobby against protocols with Armenia

[Presenter over video of meetings] A group of Milli Maclis
[Azerbaijani parliament] members are in Turkey with the aim of
preventing the ratification by Turkish parliament of protocols signed
between Turkey and Armenia and postponing this until the settlement of
the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.

Today Azerbaijani parliament members first met Kursad Tuzmen, advisor
to the head of the ruling Justice and Development Party [AKP] on
foreign relations, at the party headquarters. The MPs later met Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Media representatives did not attend
the meeting. Journalists were allowed to film the meeting briefly.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting, the chairman of the Milli
Maclis commission for foreign relations, Samad Seyidov, said they were
very satisfied with the meeting.

[Passage omitted: the delegation plans to meet more Turkish officials]

La difficile reconciliation entre Turcs et Armeniens

Le Figaro, France
Samedi 10 Octobre 2009

La difficile réconciliation entre Turcs et Arméniens

Sur la frontière turque, la normalisation entre les deux peuples se
heurte à l’héritage du passé.

par Marchand, Laure

SUR une colline pelée, le Monument de l’humanité surplombe la ville de
Kars. Haut de 35 mètres, en béton, il représente un homme coupé en son
milieu. La main, qui consacrera la réunification des deux moitiés, gît
depuis un an aux pieds du géant. Cette statue, voulue par l’ancien
maire, devait symboliser la paix entre la Turquie et l’Arménie
voisine. Mais son projet de réconciliation se heurte à la résistance
des nationalistes locaux et la commission de sauvegarde du patrimoine
a ordonné l’arrêt des travaux. L’ouvrage et la bataille idéologique
qu’il a déclenchée sont à l’image des réactions passionnées que
suscite le rapprochement actuel entre Ankara et Erevan. Samedi, la
Turquie et l’Arménie doivent signer un accord visant à établir des
relations diplomatiques et à rouvrir leur frontière commune.

Les bâtisses russes du XIXe siècle aux façades décrépies sont les
uniques témoins de la splendeur perdue de Kars. Aux confins du
Caucase, la dernière ville turque d’importance avant l’Arménie, Ã 65
kilomètres, vivote d’élevage et d’une modeste industrie laitière. La
décision d’Ankara, en 1993, de fermer la frontière en rétorsion contre
Erevan engagée dans la guerre au Haut-Karabakh, une province
azerbaïdjanaise à majorité arménienne, a également asphyxié son
économie. Il y a cinq ans, une pétition réclamant la réouverture a
rassemblé 50 000 signatures. « Seule Kars pâtit de cette situation,
car des avions assurent la liaison entre Istanbul et Erevan, se
lamente Ali Burgan, le vice-président de la chambre de commerce.
L’ouverture nous ouvrirait les routes du commerce jusqu’en Chine. »
Sans aller aussi loin, Noyan Soyak fait des calculs plus pragmatiques
pour sortir la région de son enclavement. « Sur les 500 000 touristes
qui visitent l’Arménie chaque année, la moitié pourrait venir ici »,
estime le responsable du Conseil turco-arménien de développement des
affaires. Mauvais tour de l’histoire, les vestiges d’Ani, ancienne
capitale du royaume arménien au Xe siècle, se trouvent en effet côté
turc. Comme le mont Ararat, symbole national de l’Arménie. « Quant aux
Turcs, pourquoi ne pas aller voir le mémorial (du génocide, NDLR) Ã
Erevan ?, lance Noyan Soyak. Il est impossible de se comprendre en
restant derrière sa porte. »

Initiatives de rapprochement
Car les enjeux autour de la frontière dépassent les intérêts
commerciaux. « L’ouverture ne doit pas être une fin en soi », critique
Fuat Doganay. Ã rebours de la position négationniste d’Ankara, ce
restaurateur plaide pour que la Turquie se « confronte au génocide. Il
n’y a pas à avoir honte de faire la lumière sur son histoire et s’il
faut payer pour ce que l’on a fait, payons ». Ces dernières années,
des initiatives de rapprochement ont également vu le jour dans la
région. Ilhan Koçulu défend un projet de « fromage caucasien » avec
des producteurs géorgiens et arméniens : « Le fromage a le goût de la
terre, c’est la même pour tous, il contribuera au dialogue culturel,
raconte l’agriculteur, qui rêve aussi de planter des vignes
arméniennes. Les Turcs et les Arméniens sont devenus ennemis, les
actions concrètes sont indispensables, sinon la blessure se rouvrira
dès qu’on l’effleurera. Dans le passé, un peuple a tout perdu, y
compris sa terre, il faudrait pouvoir compenser cette perte. »
Le long des 268 kilomètres de frontière, hérissés de miradors turcs et
russes du côté arménien – un héritage du rideau de fer – les conflits
non résolus du Caucase nourrissent l’hostilité envers les Arméniens.
Une importante partie de la population, d’origine azérie, prend
naturellement fait et cause pour l’Azerbaïdjan toute proche. La
rivière Araxe sépare le village turc d’Halikislak de son voisin
arménien Bagaran. Parfois, les deux maires empruntent une nacelle pour
se rencontrer sur une rive et discuter des problèmes liés Ã
l’irrigation, autour d’un verre de vodka ou d’un kebab. Malgré cette
proximité géographique, une ligne de fracture traverse les esprits. «
Je ne veux pas de l’ouverture de la frontière tant que l’Arménie
n’aura pas rendu le Karabakh, ça serait trahir les frères
d’Azerbaïdjan », grommelle un vieux paysan.

Ligne de fracture
Ici plus qu’ailleurs en Turquie, la solidarité avec Bakou conduit Ã
soutenir la version officielle des événements qui se sont déroulés
pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Plus au sud, Ã Igdir, un édifice
en métal, dont la forme oblongue évoque celle d’un obus, est planté le
long du boulevard Ilham Aliev – le président de l’Azerbaïdjan. Il
s’agit du Monument et Musée des martyrs turcs massacrés par les
Arméniens. Des mariés viennent se faire photographier sur les marches.
Lors des sorties scolaires, les écoliers turcs découvrent des images
de corps décharnés. Ce qu’ils n’apprennent pas en lisant les
écriteaux, c’est que ces tueries ont eu lieu après 1915, les Arméniens
profitant de l’avancée des Russes pour se venger.
Le poste frontière d’Alican, dont l’accord prévoit la remise en
service, se trouve à 15 kilomètres. « Nous avons fait exprès de placer
le mémorial à cet endroit : les Arméniens seront obligés de passer
devant, explique Göksel Gülbey, président de l’Association de lutte
contre les accusations arméniennes infondées, rompu à la propagande du
« génocide subit par les Turcs ». Ã Kars, un ordre de démolition
menace le Monument de l’humanité. Ses mésaventures sont remontées
jusqu’Ã Ankara. C’est désormais au gouvernement de sceller son destin.
La décision indiquera la voie que s’apprête à suivre la Turquie à un
carrefour historique.

CBA Board Leaves 5% Refinancing Rate Unchanged


Noyan Tapan
Oct 15, 2009

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 15, NOYAN TAPAN. The Central Bank of Armenia (CBA)
Board made a decision to leave the 5% refinancing rate unchanged. The
interest rates of attracted deposits and lombard loans were fixed
at 2% and 8%, respectively. Taking into consideration the present
macrosituation and the developments in the financial market, the
CBA Board believes that the current level of the refinancing rate
most efficiently contributes to a rapid recovery of the economy,
while not endangering the stability of prices.

According to the PR service of the CBA, based on the new results
received by using the model of quarterly forecasts, the CBA Board
agreed that under conditions of the expectations regarding the
recovering rates of economic growth and the continuous tendencies to
a growth in international prices in the forecast 12-month period,
in case of unchanged monetary conditions, the inflation rate will
increase to some extent in the next 6 months, reaching the upper limit
of the target interval in late 2009 and even exceeding it in the first
quarter of 2010. Starting from the second quarter, when the 12-month
inflation index will not include the impact of the exchange rate’s
sharp devaluation in early March 2009 and the increase in municipal
payments in April, inflation will return to the permissilbe interval
of fluctuations.

Luxembourg Welcomes The Normalization Of Bilateral Relations Between


Oct 16, 2009

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 16, ARMENPRESS: Luxembourg welcomes the normalization
of bilateral relations between Armenia and Turkey established in
Zurich on 10 October with the signature by Armenia and Turkey of two
protocols relating to the establishment of diplomatic relations and
the development of bilateral relations, says the press statement by
Jean Asselborn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
of Luxembourg provided to Armenpress.

"Luxembourg believes that the normalization process will greatly
enhance the security, stability and cooperation throughout the region
and will continue to offer its political (and technical) support to
this process," J. Asselborn said.

Turkey Has To Chose: Armenia Or Azerbaijan? Say Analysts

18:13 16.10.09

During his meeting with Armenian journalists, Turkey’s Labor and Social
Security Minister Faruk Celik tried to develop the following idea:
"We are signing the protocols and opening the border. This was Turkey’s
greatest concession to Armenia. What concessions is Armenia ready to
make?" said Turkologist Artak Shakaryan at a press conference today.

Armenian paper Azg analyst Hakob Chakryan added that after these
statements by the state minister, journalists said, opening of
the border is not a concession: "When one of two sides closes a
border during a time of no war, it is a violation of international
norms. Consequently, the Turkish side, by opening the border, is not
making any sort of concessions to Armenia," Chakryan has said.

The Turkologist referred to a number of other issues which give
Turkey’s leadership reason to be anxious. Thus, according to some
Turkish ministers, Turkey cannot stand to lose Azerbaijan.

"That was discussed, that Turkey cannot put Azerbaijan in the situation
which Armenia currently finds itself in. Improving relations with one
neighbour cannot allow problems to emerge with the other neighbour,"
Chakryan added.

As to Turkey’s interests if the Armenian-Turkish border opens,
he stated that Armenia responded to the Turkish prime minister’s
proposal to create a platform for stability and cooperation. Turkish
prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had made such a suggestion after
the events in South Ossetia.

"If Armenia said ‘no’ that initiative would fail immediately,"
Chakryan concluded.

"Our Shushi" 12th International Telethon Launched In Los Angeles


15.10.2009 20:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Hayastan" all Armenian foundation has launched
"Our Shushi" 12th International Telethon in Los Angeles.

Donation ceremony will be transmitted in all big American-Armenian
communities and the entire telethon will be transmitted worldwide on
November 26, from 8:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m.

Telethon symbol is "Artsakh Angel" which represents an angel’s image
on the bell tower of Shushi’s St. Ghazanchechots church. Ceremony
was opened by Ara Akhisyan, Chairman of "Hayastan" all-Armenian Fund.

"Shushi is a cultural center. It’s a town symbolizing a turning point
in our modern history," Ara Akhisyan said.

An honored guest in the ceremony was baroness Caroline Cocks. Event
was also attended by all- Armenian fund’s board directors from western
region and RA General Consul in Los Angeles Grigor Hovhannisyan.

Turkish Media Discusses Armenian Flag Incident

09:48 / 10/16/2009

Turkish media responded to the October 14 incident at the Bursa
stadium after Ataturk, when Armenian journalists were not allowed
to take their state flag to the stands. As it was informed earlier correspondent eventually managed to do so.

Sonsayfa e-source informs Armenian flag was waved from the press box
and Armenian fans were loudly chanting to support their team. Turkey
Football Federation warned the fans that flags are not allowed from
the press box, however, Armenian side maintained they arrived to
support Armenian national team and by all means would do so.

Bianet Turkish e-source informs that discontented Turkish journalists
wanted to remove the flag, however, their Armenian counterparts still
kept it spread.

Yenicag paper (deemed to be pro-nationalist that of the so-called
"grey wolves") confirms that despite the official restriction,
Armenian flag was waved from the press box during the match.

The same information can be found in Dunyagazetesi based on Haber1
e-source, and in other papers.

As informed Oct. 14, Armenian journalists waved Armenian flag next to
hundreds of Turkish flags at Ataturk stadium in Bursa, that sparked
off a serious incident. The correspondent Andranik Ispiryan was
present at the stadium and told of the "hospitable" reception Armenian
journalists had. "As there were no Armenian flags at the stadium,
the journalists waved flag at the press box. One of the officials
approached us and stated that Armenian flag cannot be waved. I
explained that as there is no Armenian flags so far, as Armenians
we have to stream the flag being fans of teams," the reporter says,
adding that the official threatened he would have problems with police.

"President Shouldn’t Have Accepted The Invitation"

"President shouldn’t have accepted the invitation"

04:14 pm | October 14, 2009

Leader of the ARF-Dashnaktsutiun faction Vahan Hovhannisian is sorry
to have watched the signing of the Protocols between Armenia and
Turkey on October 10.

For decades we have tried to break the wall of silence over the
Genocide issue and Hay Dat. With the signing of the Protocols, they
reinforced the wall on the back of Foreign Ministers Edward Nalbandian
and Ahmed Davutoglu who keep the Armenian issue as a stake in their
political calculations," says Vahan Hovhannisian.

During today’s news conference the ARF-Dashnaktsutiun faction leader
noted that the Protocols were dangerous and shouldn’t have been
signed. The Protocols must be thrown down before they are sent to
Parliament for ratification.

"Serzh Sargsyan has accepted his Turkish counterpart’s invitation out
of politeness. I think that in such complicated situations national
interests must prevail over other issues. Eventually, the President
could have said: "since the conditions are not met, I shall not come
to Turkey. I shall watch the game on TV."

Vahan Hovhannisian doesn’t rule out that Turkey’s Parliament may
ratify the Protocols by the turn of the year, as the documents are
advantageous to Turkey.

If anyway, the Armenian-Turkish border is not opened, the
ARF-Dashnaktsutiun leader proposes to hurry up with the construction
of Armenia-Iran railway.

Though the Yerevan City Hall has not sanctioned ARF’s rally, we shall
hold the rally on October 16," Mr. Hovhannisian told journalists.