President Serzh Sargsyan’s Karabakh Independence Day Address


2009/09/02 | 11:54

Dear compatriots,

I congratulate us all on the occasion of Nagorno Karabakh Independence

The last eighteen years reaffirmed the unambiguousness of the historic
decision adopted in 1991. Today, the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh is
an established state with its structures, army and most importantly,
with the citizens who are the masters of their own destiny.

Today, for us and for the international community Artsakh is a
modern republic which embodies the ideals of freedom, sovereignty and
democracy, and which despite all the objective as well as artificially
created hindrances and hardships is progressing, developing its
economy and culture, and defending peace.

The Republic of Armenia and the entire Armenian nation all these
years have been and will continue to be Artsakh’s sturdy supporters. I
assure all the citizens of Artsakh and all Armenians that the peaceful
resolution to the NK conflict will be first and foremost based on
the consent and free will of the people of Artsakh.

Dear people of Artsakh,

We owe this holiday first of all to those who stepped into immortality
by putting their lives on the altar of motherland and freedom. Bowing
to their memory, I once again congratulate you on this holiday and
wish you all well-being, happiness and valor.

Armenian National Congress: Normalization Of Armenian-Turkish Relati


2009-09-02 11:51:00

ArmInfo. Normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations within
interest of the two states and peoples as well as regional peace and
stability, says the statement on the Armenian-Turkish process by the
Armenian National Congress.

"The protocols on establishment of diplomatic relations between
Armenia and Turkey and on development of bilateral relations are
tangible progress in this direction. Nevertheless, establishment of an
intergovernmental sub-commission of Armenian and Turkish historians
is inadmissible to us, since it casts doubt on the fact of Armenian
Genocide. In addition, we are concerned about the condition on
ratification of the given documents by the parliaments of the two
states, which will allow Serzh Sargsyan to share responsibility for
establishment of the sub-commission with the parliament and Turkey to
protract the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border under the pretext
of the unsettled Karabakh conflict," the ANC states.

On August 31 the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey agreed
to start their internal political consultations on the two protocols –
the "Protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations" and the
"Protocol on the development of bilateral relations" – which have been
initiated in the course of their efforts under Swiss mediation. Earlier
on April 22 the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Armenia, the Republic of Turkey and the Swiss Federal Department of
Foreign Affairs made a Joint Statement on identification of "roadmap".

Artsakh Celebrates 18th Anniversary Of Independence

02.09.2009 17:20

Today Artsakh celebrates the 18th anniversary of independence.

In connection with the 18th anniversary of the proclamation of the
Nagorno Karabagh Republic President Bako Sahakyan, President of the
Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, second President of Armenia Robert
Kocharyan, second President of NKR Arkady Ghukasyan, accompanied by
the republic’s top leadership visited Memorial complex in capital
Stepanakert and laid flowers at the memorials to the perished freedom
fighters and first speaker of the Karabagh Parliament Arthur Lazarian.

On the same day NKR and Armenian top leadership partook at the solemn
ceremony of opening a reconstructed building of Stepanakert military

In connection with the Day of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic President
Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory address to the people of Artsakh:

"Respected citizens of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic,

Today we celebrate the 18th anniversary of formation of the Nagorno
Karabagh Republic.

On September 2, 1991 the people of Artsakh opened a new chapter in
our ancient history, resolutely embarking on the hard and honorable
way of building free and independent, sovereign and democratic state.

>From the very first day of its formation our state was forced to solve
hard problems and in the first place ensure security of the country and
its citizens. Together with Armenia and the Diaspora Artsakh carried
our this mission with flying colors defending state independence and
further strengthening its security. Many Armenians sacrificed their
lives in the defense of the Fatherland. Eternal glory to them!

After the war the state faced new challenges this time of economic
nature. We had to both restore the destroyed economy and lay a firm
foundation for the further development of the state. The creative will
of the Armenian people as well as inexhaustible optimism and vigor
of the Artsakh people made the Nagornyy Karabagh Republic carry out
this in a relatively short period of time.

Today our country shows stable growth; almost all the branches
of economy are developing, the living standards of the population
are rising. The democratic system functioning in our state meets
international norms and criteria. Artsakh is among the key factors of
preserving stability in the region and its international recognition
is only matter of time. The most important security guarantor of our
state and people, the NKR Defense Army, is able to give a fitting
rebuff to any encroachment upon its independence and security. Still,
there is a lot to do and we solve issues our republic faces and
further develop our country by everyday assiduous and consecutive work.

On the path of its development and state building the Nagorno Karabagh
Republic follows the ideas of establishing friendly relations and
peace ful existence with the neighboring states. We are confident
that any dispute should be settled only by peaceful means, through
direct and sincere dialog. At the same time there could be no doubts
about the independence of Artsakh or even the slightest weakening of
the republic’s security. These unconditioned values are not subjects
to any speculations.

Dear compatriots, I heartily congratulate all of us on this holiday
of utmost importance and wish you peace, health and all the best."

Armenian-Turkish Statement Caused A Panic In The Azerbaijan MFA


Sept 1 2009

Yesterday, late at night was announced that Turkey and Armenia
have agreed to start their internal political consultations which
will last two weeks after which two protocols will be signed – the
"Protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations" and the
"Protocol on the development of bilateral relations".

This fact naturally caused a dismay and panic in the political frames
of Azerbaijan, the authorities of which during the last months were
diligently reiterating that the brotherly Turkey will not undertake
any step against the interests of Baku, which however didn’t happen.

So the official representative of MFA of Azerbaijan Elhan Polukhov
commenting on the "Protocol on the development of the relations between
Armenia and Turkey" declared that opening the Armenian-Turkish boarder
without the NKR conflict settlement does not correspond to the national
interests of Azerbaijan.

The above mentioned statement of the representative of the Azerbaijani
MFA should be viewed in the context of the fact that is already
realized which Baku can’t get along with.

Here what E. Polukhov stated "We always keep in touch with our
Turkish colleagues and surely exchange information about the NKR
conflict settlement process and about the Armenian – Turkish talk
process. However the position of our country concerning this issue is
based on the announcements of our Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
who, speaking in the Milli Mejlis, announced that the Turkish-Armenian
boarders will be open only after the complete liberation of the
occupied Azerbaijani territories.

The Azerbaijani side should realize that after 14th of May, though
strange it may seem, the life went on and particular developments
took place which leaded to a joint inner political announcements of
Armenia, Turkey and Switzerland, according of which Yerevan and Ankara
will establish diplomatic relations, the boarder will be unblocked
and diplomatic representatives will appear in the countries. It
is September already, but Baku doesn’t want to admit this fact and
instead live with the memories of the May 14.

Baku Putting Together List Of Enemies

by Sokhbet Mamedov

WPS Agency
August 31, 2009 Monday

AUTUMN; After some delays the Azeri parliament will look into adopting
the country’s military doctrine

The work on the draft of this conceptual document on opposition to
threats and measures to ensure the country’s defensive capability
has been done for some time, still, its adoption has been postponed
several times in recent years.

Azerbaijan has been without a military doctrine so far. Still, taking
into account the country’s objectives – the return of territories
occupied by Armenia, resisting external threats, protecting areas of
national interest – for which more and more money is being allocated
each year, they began putting together just such a document. The
draft is ready, but it failed to pass the parliament. According to
independent military expert Uzeir Dzhafarov, the main reason for
the delay in adopting the doctrine is the political factor. "The
document should name the countries Azerbaijan sees as friendly and vice
versa. If we do that, we may find ourselves in disfavor with countries
like Russia, Iran, and such like", thinks the expert. Dzhafarov was
a member of the Azeri defense ministry military science center in
2003, and participated in putting together some of the details in
the military doctrine.

Most analysts agree to this view, and that Armenia should be named
an aggressor.

Despite the furor whipped up by the opposition media regarding whether
or not the doctrine would be adopted in autumn, it turned out the
document had not been presented to the parliament. "This project has
not been officially submitted and reviewed by the experts from our
committee", said the opposition parliament committee member Panakh
Guseyn. As to the reasons for the delays in the process, he thinks
they highlight the complexity of the problem.

"It is no secret Azerbaijan is in a complex geopolitical region, and
the military-strategic resources are such that the country’s defense
depends on both the armed forces and how well the participation in
the system of international relations has been conceived", said Panakh
Guseyn. He agreed that the question of which countries would be named
potential enemies would be the most interesting to the document,
and said, "I do not believe any other country would be named, other
than Armenia".

Serzh Sargsyan Expresses Condolences On Decease Of Edward Kennedy


31.08.2009 19:39 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ US Senator Edward Kennedy has been a friend of
Armenian people and made an inestimable contribution to Armenia-related
initiatives, such as Genocide recognition issue, struggle for Artsakh
liberation, humanitarian assistance to earthquake and war victims, RA
President Serzh Sargsyan said in connection with US Senator’s decease.

According to Serzh Sargsyan, Armenian people will remember Edward
Kennedy as a friend, champion of liberty and justice. "I express
my deepest condolences to Kennedy’s family, US Administration and
American people," RA President emphasized.

S. Ohanian Held A Lesson Of Bravery For The Pupils Of #125 Secondary


Sep 1, 2009

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS: In connection with the Day of
Science and the first day of 2009-2010 academic year the Armenian
Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian visited #125 secondary school after
poet, victim of the Great Armenian Genocide Smbat Byurat and held a
lesson of bravery for the pupils.

Greeting the pupils the RA Defense Minister congratulated them in
connection with the Day of Science wishing the young generation be
educated, brought up with patriotism and be devoted to his/her country
and nation.

"To the happiness of our freedom longing people we could gain our
independence, liberate Nagorno Karabakh in virtue of the heroes of the
Armenian nation. You have statehood and must preserve the greatest
asset and kick back all the hazards threatening our state," said
S. Ohanian applying to the pupils. According to him, since 1988 the
Armenian nation has shown unity and in cruel conditions was able to
win the war which was forced on us. The DM said that we are unitary
only in the conditions of danger but we must also preserve this in
the conditions of peace to be able to achieve our goals and protect
the Armenian statehood.

"Regular warlike threats of Azerbaijan and the military hysteria
related to the filling up of the armed forces must not concern us. In
1992 they overwhelmed us in quantity and military techniques but
the Armenian people exerted all its military abilities and achieved
a historical victory. You must take an example from our heroes and
never be afraid of difficulties," said S. Ohanian adding that the
21st century is going to be ours.

The Defense Minister presented the schoolchildren with the "Army
of the 21st Century" book written by him which is dedicated to the
Defense Army of Artsakh.

The top-guest walked round the classrooms, visited the auditorium of
military science getting acquainted with the conditions. S. Ohanian
promised to establish a shooting-ground in the school.

Turkey, Armenia to launch talks on diplomatic ties


Turk ey, Armenia to launch talks on diplomatic ties

By AVET DEMOURIAN | Associated Press | August 31, 2009 – 3 hours, 11
minutes ago

Armenia and Turkey, bitter foes for a century, took a step toward
reconciliation Monday by announcing they would launch final talks
aimed at establishing diplomatic ties. But they won’t discuss the
deepest source of their enmity: the World War I-era massacres of
Armenians under Ottoman rule.

Both sides said in a joint statement they expected the talks to take
six weeks and to end with an agreement setting up and developing
ties. The two countries, whose shared border is closed, are
U.S. allies and came under American and European pressure to move
toward peace.

The talks still face pitfalls, and will follow months of inactivity
after signs of promise earlier in the year when President Obama
appealed for reconciliation during a visit to Turkey.

The parliaments of the two countries must ratify a deal on diplomatic
normalization, and in Turkey, nationalist sentiment and suspicion
about Armenian intentions is particularly high.

Also, despite an agreement that the process should proceed without
preconditions, Turkey’s prime minister has linked it to a resolution
of the dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh, an Azeri region that was
occupied by Armenian troops. The Turkish population shares close
cultural and linguistic relations with Azerbaijan, which is pressing
Turkey for help in recovering its land.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Monday that Turkey would
"guard" Azerbaijan’s interest during its reconciliation with Armenia,
saying in comments broadcast by NTV television that "our aim is to
establish stability in the Caucasus."

Turkey, however, clearly seeks to enhance its growing image as a
regional statesman and a coveted ally of world powers in a strategic
and often unstable region. The rapprochement with Armenia coincides
with efforts to resolve a long-running feud with Turkey’s Kurdish
minority _ issues that are vital to Turkish efforts to earn membership
in the European Union.

Turkey’s Islamic-oriented government is not immune to domestic
pressure, especially from nationalists who believe Prime Minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is trying to undermine secular principles. That
internal division has contributed to slow progress on the Armenian

"Turkey was perceived in Washington as the party that was dragging its
feet," said Omer Taspinar, director of the Turkey project at the
Brookings Institution in Washington. Taspinar said the announcement of
talks was positive, but that it might be more cosmetic than
substantive. "It’s better than nothing," he said. "We have plenty of
reasons to be skeptical."

One of the biggest disputes between the neighboring countries is over
the World War I-era massacre of up to 1.5 million Armenians in the
last days of the Ottoman Empire, which historians widely regard as the
first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey denies that the deaths
constituted genocide, contending the toll has been inflated and that
the casualties were victims of civil war.

Armenian President Serge Sarkisian indicated the dispute would not be
a deal-breaker between the two neighbors.

"It’s important that historical justice be restored. It’s important
that our nations are able to establish normal relations," Sarkisian
said in an interview published Monday by the BBC Russian service. "But
we do not regard a recognition of genocide as a preliminary condition
for establishing relations."

Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Armenia’s
independence in 1991, but the two countries never established
diplomatic relations and their joint border has been closed since

Illustrating just how intractable the Armenia-Turkey dispute has been,
Israel and Germany managed to establish diplomatic relations in 1965,
just 20 years after the end of the Holocaust, in which German Nazis
and their collaborators murdered 6 million Jews. Today, the two
nations enjoy close ties. In contrast to Turkey, however, Germany
accepted responsibility for the genocide immediately after the war and
began paying reparations to Jewish survivors.

The joint statement released by the Armenian and Turkish foreign
ministries Monday said the two countries would start consultations to
sign two protocols _ one to establish diplomatic ties, the other to
develop relations. The talks, with continued mediation by Switzerland,
are to last six weeks.

In agreeing to move forward and normalize relations, landlocked
Armenia is eager for a reopening of the border and the trade
opportunities it would bring.

The border was closed after Armenian forces took control of the
Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Turkish foreign minister said, however, that opening the border
was out of the question for now. "A longer process is required for
that," Davutoglu said Monday, according to NTV.

Turkish-Armenian ties began to improve after a so-called soccer
diplomacy campaign last year, when Turkish President Abdullah Gul
attended a World Cup qualifier in Armenia.

Sarkisian in the past has said he wants progress on the reopening of
the border before he agrees to attend an Oct. 14 match in Turkey _
about six weeks away.

Armenian political commentator Artyom Yerkanian, speaking during a
special broadcast on Armenian television late Monday, suggested the
agreement to establish ties could be signed at the October match in

Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, a
major Jewish organization in the U.S., welcomed the announcement.

"Whatever historical pain and differences are, the best way to deal
with them is for the two governments to reconcile and establish
relationships and to deal with the past," he said. "If it happens, I
think it’s good news."

French President Nicolas Sarkozy welcomed the announcement, saying in
a statement that "normalizing relations between Armenia and Turkey
would constitute an event of historic import that would contribute to
regional stability." Sarkozy opposes Turkey’s entry into the EU.

Associated Press writers Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, and Josef
Federman in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

budget deficit to reduce to 5-5.5% of GDP in Armenia

Ministry of finance: budget deficit to reduce to 5-5.5% of GDP in

YEREVAN, August 28. /ARKA/. State budget deficit will reduce by 1% down
to 5-5.5% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the end of
2010 as compared to the level of 2009, Armenian Minister of Finance
Tigran Davtyan told a press conference in Novosti international press
center Friday.

The deficit is reduced bearing in mind the need to return to the
current deficit that is 3% of the GDP in the subsequent years, Davtyan

On June 2, Armenian Parliament amended the law about budgetary system.
Under the amendments, the allowable state budget deficit level was
brought from 5% up to 7.5%.

Budget deficit has not exceeded 3% (as compared with the planned 5%) in
Armenia over the last years, the Ministry of Finance reports.

According to the Ministry, increased deficit will not bring the
national debt up ` it is about 13% now with the allowable upper limit
at 50%. N.V. `0–