Forum Of Armenian Associations Of Europe To Organize Series Of Event


APRIL 22, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 22, ARMENPRESS: On Aril 23, Chairman of the Forum
of Armenian Associations of Europe Ashot Grigoryan will organize a
series of events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide.

An official from the forum told Armenpress that the events will start
in the center of Bratislava; flowers will be put on the cross-stone put
up on the bank of Danube River in honor of recognition of the Armenian
Genocide resolution in 2004 by the National Council of Slovakia. The
ambassadors of France, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland and of a number of
other states, representatives of the National Council of Slovakia
and government, as well as other guests will take part in the forum.

Afterward an ecumenical liturgy will be performed in Franciscan Church
of Bratislava dedicated to the memory of 1, 5 million victims of the
Armenian Genocide. After the ecumenical liturgy A. Grigoryan will
organize a reception for all the guests.

US Applauds President Sargsyan’s Decision

23.04.2010 11:34

The United States on welcomed Armenia’s decision to just suspend
the discussion of the protocols with Turkey and urged to continue
normalization talks with Ankara.

"We note President Sargsyan’s announcement that Armenia will suspend
the discussion of the protocols in its national assembly. President
Sargsyan’s announcement makes clear that Armenia has not ended the
process, but has suspended it until the Turkish side is ready to move
forward," said Assistant Secretary for public diplomacy P.J. Crowley
in a press briefing.

"We applaud President Sargsyan’s decision to continue to work towards
a vision of peace, stability and reconciliation. We believe that
the normalization process carries important benefits for Turkey and
Armenia, as well as the wider Caucasus region," he added.

Crowley noted that the United States "will continue to urge both
sides to keep the door open to pursuing efforts at reconciliation and
normalization." "I do not think we’re surprised by the announcement
by President Sargsyan. We have intensive meetings with the Armenians
and the Turks here in Washington," he added.

Crowley noted that the US administration is "encouraged that neither
side has walked away from the process, but I think we all recognize
that we will just need some time to perhaps create some new momentum
that allows the process to move forward." "That gives us some reason
for optimism that over the long term we can find ways to come back
to it and try to push forward the protocols again," he added.

Crowley concluded that both sides know that "it is in ultimately
their collective interest to do this. We just have to continue to
find a way to move forward."

Total Income Of Ameriabank And Cascade Bank Totaled AMD 654mln Durin


April 22, 2010 – 17:21 AMT 12:21 GMT

Development Director of Ameriabank CJSC Tigran Jrbashyan reported
that the total net income of Ameriabank and Cascade Bank totaled AMD
654mln during the first quarter of 2010. "Ameriabank is the leader
of the Armenian banking sector by the rate of income growth," he said.

Mr. Jrbashyan also noted that the total capital of Ameriabank makes
22.3bln as of March 31, 2010, while the joint capital with Cascade
Bank amounts to 30bln, and the banks are the second in Armenia’s
banking system by this joint figure. The Development Director added
that the capital is continuously growing, taking into consideration
also the two banks’ income.

Summarizing the results of the first quarter of 2010, Jrbashyan said
that Ameriabank secured 136% annual increase of assets, bringing them
to 110.5bln that is the sixth figure among Armenia’s commercial banks.

At the same time, the bank’s liabilities amounted to 88.2bln, while
the joint liabilities of Ameriabank and Cascade Bank totaled 99bln.

"We expect the rates of this figure growth to continue, considering
some trends related to rehabilitation of the country’s economy,"
Jrbashyan added.

The credit portfolio of Ameriabank exceeded 60bln. The total credit
placements of the bank make 71.9bln. Meanwhile, the bank is among
leaders of the Armenian banking system by the growth rate of its
credit portfolio. The share of inoperative credits totaled 0.26%
during the first quarter, while the average index at the crediting
market makes 5-7%.

Besides, Jrbashyan reported that, due to Ameriabank’s cooperation
with international financial institutions, the bank manages to
successfully implement the programs planned in the energy field and
business crediting.

Richard Giragosian: Turkey’S Recognition Of Armenian Genocide Crucia


April 21, 2010 – 14:15 AMT 09:15 GMT

I don’t think President Obama will use the Genocide term in his annual
address to US Armenian community, director of Armenian Center for
National and International Studies (ACNIS) Richard Giragosian stated.

"I don’t need US president or congress or any foreign parliament to
remind me of the obvious fact. What’s important is that Turkey should
recognize the Armenian Genocide," the expert told a news conference
in Yerevan. As he noted with satisfaction, this year, for the first
time in Istanbul history, Turkish intellectual elite will commemorate
Armenian Genocide victims.

Dwelling on Armenia- Diaspora relations, Giragosian expressed his
regret over April 24 being the only day for Armenians worldwide
to become reunited. In conclusion, he spoke of the necessity for
solidarity of the whole Armenian nation in supporting human rights
and democracy.

Serge Sarkissian " Nous Voulons Passer A Travers Des Siecles D’Hosti


22 avril 2010

Le rapprochement entre la Turquie et l’Armenie est toujours loin
des regards. Dans une interview avec l’hebdomaire Der SPIEGEL, le
President armenien Serge Sarkissian explique pourquoi la reconnaissance
du genocide contre son peuple est si importante – et pourquoi il est
un peu etonne par l’hostilite des politiciens turcs.

SPIEGEL : M. President, en 2008, vous avez suivi un match de football
entre vos deux pays ensemble avec votre homologue turc. Cela a ete
une sensation a l’epoque. regrettez-vous d’avoir invite le president
de la Turquie dans votre capitale ?

Sarkissian : Non je suis convaincu qu’il n’y avait aucune autre
alternative que celle pour les Turcs et les Armeniens de cooperer.

Nous avons voulu passer a travers des siècles d’hostilite. Il etait
clair pour moi des le commencement que ce ne serait pas un processus

SPIEGEL : le Premier ministre Turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a dit a SPIEGEL
que sur le sujet des armeniens tues par les troupes Ottomanes pendant
la Première guerre mondiale : " Il ne peut y avoir aucune conversation
sur le genocide contre les armeniens ".Pourquoi votre voisin a-t-il
une telle difficulte avec sa propre histoire ?

Sarkissian : M. Erdogan a aussi dit que les Turcs ne sont pas capables
de commettre un genocide et que l’histoire Turque est " aussi propre
et claire que le soleil ".La Turquie resiste a la classification
du massacre comme un genocide. Mais peu importe comment peut-etre
la grande resistance turque, ce n’est pas une question qui doit se
decider a Ankara.

SPIEGEL : Maintenant Erdogan menace meme d’expulser des milliers
d’armeniens vivant illegalement en Turquie.

Sarkissian : Pour mon peuple, des commentaires si inacceptables
evoquent les memoires du genocide. Malheureusement, ces commentaires
ne m’etonnent pas, venant de la bouche d’un politicien turc. Nous
n’avons pas besoin de regarder derrière très loin dans l’histoire
pour trouver des declarations comparables. Des voix semblables sont
devenues fortes en 1988 dans ce qui est aujourd’hui l’Azerbaïdjan. Des
douzaines d’armeniens sont morts dans des pogroms dans des villes
azeries comme Sumgait et Bakou.

SPIEGEL : Comment la communaute internationale doit-elle agir sur
cette question ?

Sarkissian : le monde doit reagir de facon decisive. L’Amerique,
l’Europe-Allemagne, aussi – tous les pays qui ont ete impliques dans le
processus de rapprochement turco-armenien doivent prendre une position
officielle. Si chaque pays avait deja reconnu le genocide, la Turquie
ne ferait pas cette sorte de declaration. Ce qui donne la raison a de
l’espoir est que beaucoup de jeunes gens en Turquie protestent aussi
contre ces tirades. Il y a une nouvelle generation grandissant la-bas
et le pouvoir politique doit prendre leurs avis en consideration.

SPIEGEL : la Turquie vous accuse aussi de bloquer les progrès –
Ankara dit que vous avez empeche la formation d’une commission commune
historique. Pourquoi etes-vous contre cette idee ?

Sarkissian : Comment une telle commission pourrait-elle travailler
objectivement, quand en meme temps en Turquie, quelqu’un qui emploie
le terme "genocide" est persecute et puni ? Ankara essaye seulement
de retarder les decisions. Chaque fois qu’un Parlement ou gouvernement
etranger s’approche de la Turquie avec une demande pour reconnaître le
genocide, la reponse serait " Attendez les resultats de la commission
".La creation d’une telle commission aurait l’intention de mettre en
doute le fait du genocide contre notre peuple. Nous ne sommes pas pret
a faire cela. Une commission aurait du sens si la Turquie admettait
sa culpabilite. Alors les historiens pourraient travailler ensemble
pour decouvrir les causes qui ont mene a cette tragedie.

SPIEGEL : le genocide a eu lieu il y a 95 ans. Pourquoi sa
reconnaissance est donc importante pour l’Armenie aujourd’hui ?

Sarkissian : c’est une question de justice historique et pour notre
securite nationale. La meilleure facon d’empecher la repetition d’une
telle atrocite est de la condamner clairement.

SPIEGEL : Vous pouvez voir le Mont Ararat, le symbole national de
l’Armenie, des fenetres de votre residence. Aujourd’hui, la montagne
est inaccessible, de l’autre côte de la frontière turque. La Turquie
craint des demandes de territoire et des compensations. Voulez-vous
le retour du Mont Ararat ?

Sarkissian : Personne ne peut nous prendre le Mont Ararat ; nous
le tenons dans nos coeurs. Partout où les armeniens vivent dans
le monde aujourd’hui, vous trouverez une image de Mont Ararat dans
leurs maisons. Et je suis certain qu’un temps viendra quand le Mont
Ararat ne sera plus un symbole de la separation entre nos peuples,
mais un emblème de comprehension. Mais laissez-moi etre plus clair :
Jamais un representant de l’Armenie a fait une demande territoriale. La
Turquie allègue cela – peut-etre de sa propre mauvaise conscience ?

SPIEGEL : Vos frontières avec la Turquie et l’Azerbaïdjan sont fermees,
tandis que l’Iran et la Georgie sont des voisins difficiles.

Est-ce qu’il n’est pas important de s’enfuir de cet isolement que de
se battre infiniment avec la Turquie sur le genocide ?

Sarkissian : Nous ne lions pas l’ouverture de la frontière a la
reconnaissance du genocide. Ce n’est pas de notre faute si le
rapprochement echoue.

SPIEGEL : la Turquie veut faire dependre l’ouverture de la frontière
des progrès sur la question du Nagorno-Karabakh. L’Armenie s’est
battu dans une guerre dans cette region, qui a ete revendiquee par
l’Azerbaïdjan après l’ecroulement de l’Union sovietique, mais où la
majorite des habitants sont des armeniens Chretiens.

Sarkissian : la Turquie veut des concessions continues de notre part.

Mais ce n’est pas possible. La question la plus importante est le
droit de la population du Nagorno-Karabakh a l’autodetermination. À mon
avis, si l’Azerbaïdjan reconnaît l’independance du Nagorno-Karabakh,
la question pourrait etre resolue en quelques heures. Malheureusement,
l’Azerbaïdjan semble vouloir resoudre le problème par la force. Les
azeris croient toujours qu’ils peuvent annexer le Nagorno-Karabakh
comme une partie de l’Azerbaïdjan. Cela signifierait, cependant que
dans une periode très courte de temps il deviendra impossible pour
les armeniens de rester dans le Nagorno-Karabakh.

Pourquoi les etats dans l’ancienne Yougoslavie ont ete capables
d’obtenir l’independance ? Ne nions nous pas les memes droits au
Karabakh – simplement parce que l’Azerbaïdjan a des matières premières
comme le petrole et le gaz naturel a sa disposition, aussi bien que
la Turquie comme son patron ? Nous ne pensons pas que cela est juste.

SPIEGEL : L’Armenie serait-elle d’accord pour une vaste autonomie
pour le Nagorno-Karabakh dans l’Azerbaïdjan, la position qu’il avait
sous l’Union sovietique ?

Sarkissian : Bien sûr non. Rendre le Karabakh a l’Azerbaïdjan mènerait
a l’expulsion de la population armenienne dans une periode très
courte. Le Nagorno-Karabakh n’a jamais fait partie de l’Azerbaïdjan
independante. La region n’a pas ete associee a l’Azerbaïdjan jusqu’a
une decision de 1923 par le Bureau Caucasien du parti*Communiste, sous
la pression de Staline. Si le Karabakh devait devenir une partie de
l’Azerbaïdjan, on doit, du moins, reconstituer l’Union sovietique. Je
ne pense pas que chacun le veuille serieusement .

SPIEGEL : La Turquie a poursuivi l’adhesion a l’Union europeenne
pendant des decennies. Est-ce que l’adhesion est un but pour l’Armenie
aussi ?

Sarkissian : les valeurs de l’Europe sont attirantes pour
nous. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous reformons actuellement notre
administration, selon le modèle europeen, bien sûr. Nous savons très
bien que nous devons resoudre des problèmes si nous voulons devenir
un membre a part entière d’un système. Combien de temps ce processus
prendra depend de nous – mais aussi de l’UE.

SPIEGEL : Votre pays partage une frontière avec l’Iran. Comment
evaluez-vous le conflit de la communaute mondiale avec Teheran ?

Sarkissian : Nous l’observons avec inquietude. L’Iran est un des deux
seuls itineraires terrestres qui nous lie au monde exterieur. Chacun
en Armenie sait que si l’Iran n’avait pas tenu la frontière ouverte
pendant la guerre, il y aurait eu des manques d’approvisionnement
pour nos citoyens. La situation etait semblable pendant la Guerre de
Cinq jours ( guerre d’Ossetie du Sud) en 2008, quand les connexions
de chemein de fer par la Georgie ont ete perturbes. Nous construisons
un pipeline et une ligne de chemein de fer ensemble avec l’Iran.

Armenian Government Will Continue Taking Credits: Tigran Sargsyan


Armenian economy has entered a recovery stage, Armenia’s Prime Minister
Tigran Sargsyan said at a government session today, analyzing the
macroeconomic indicators of the first quarter of 2010.

According to Sargsyan the first quarter has seen a 5.5% economic
growth and that there has been growth in other sectors too, namely,
industry, agriculture, services and electricity production.

Sargsyan went on saying that the macroeconomic indicators show that
the economy has seen a diversification which can be proved by the
downfall in the construction sector, whereas economic growth in
general was secured by this sector in previous years.

On the other hand the fall in construction testifies to the fact that
no private investments have been made in the sector.

Tigran Sargsyan also said that the pace of current economic growth
necessitates reviewing the tax base and that the Ministry of Finance
has been instructed to design and present a new tax base.

Further the prime minister mentioned that Armenia’s foreign debt will
not exceed the indicator stipulated by the law and that the government
will continue talks over obtaining credits in the future.

Primate’s Speech at Glendale Adventist Medical Center

WD Newsletter
3325 North Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 558-7474 Fax: (818) 558-6333
E-mail: [email protected]

On April 21, 2010, the Glendale Adventist Medical Center had organized
a Service in Memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. At 9:45
AM, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western
Diocese of the Armenian Church in North America delivered his message
in the chapel of the hospital.

The Primate was joined by Rev. Archpriest Fr. Hovsep Hagopian and
Rev. Fr. Khajag Shahbazyan. The members of the clergy also visited
patients in the hospital offered prayers and spiritual support.

We kindly present to you the Primate’s message in its entirety.

"Prayer is a man’s spiritual breathing. Just as our physical body
needs to breathe in order to live, so does our soul require prayer in
order to remain healthy and live forever". (H.H. Karekin I)

Dear brothers and sisters, I have intentionally chosen these words
from the writings of one of the distinguished church leaders, which
clearly reflect the faith-life of Christian Armenians who have
embraced Christianity as the God-given mission. Additionally, it is
through the divine strength of prayer that allowed us not to instill
in our hearts hatred towards those who have harmed us and perpetrated
the Genocide of a nation. However, it is through the same prayer that
we are led to honor the memory of our ancestors who have been
massacred and experienced mass deportations from their ancestral lands
and have been dispersed around the world.

"Prayer is our evaluation, by our life and deeds, of what God has
given us". These words indicate that whatever God has given to us,
namely life itself, we are obliged to guard and protect it.

As we lift up our hearts and prayers in this hospital, we acknowledge
the dedication and good services of wonderful people, whose respect
for the human life is most notable and remarkable. The outstanding
services rendered to all members of the community is nothing else than
the God pleasing act, which directly speaks against all levels of
crime against humanity. The Adventist Church and the missionaries have
witnessed the first Genocide of the twentieth century and raised their
voice for justice. Historical truth cannot be distorted by people and
time. Recognition of historical truth brings peace and comfort to the
hearts of all nations.

To me personally, and to the priests and faithful of the Armenian
Church, the prayer we offer in this hospital as we commemorate the
95th anniversary of the victims of the Genocide, is the most
educational and inspiring initiative to send the members of the
community a message of hope and love. Hospitals, as is the case of all
important institutions, are called to serve the physical as well as
the spiritual comfort of the people. As the patient who suffers the
physical pain and is in dire need of soothing and care, so is the case
with those who have been traumatized by the discomforting witnessing
accounts of the survivors of the Genocide.

Year after year, the Glendale Adventist Hospital has commemorated the
memory of the victims of the Genocide and has honored their memory
with special prayers being offered together with the hospital
administrative staff. This most respectful gesture sends out to all, a
strong message that life needs to be protected and honored, cherished
and nurtured as it has been commanded by God. God bless you all and
grant you all the strength and wisdom to share your gift of love and
dedication with the patients and their beloved ones, to establish
peace and harmony in the life of the community.


Archbishop Hovnan Derderian

The Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, providing
spiritual guidance and leadership to the Armenian Apostolic community,
is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization comprised of more
than 50 churches in 16 western states. It was established in 1898 as
the Diocese of the Armenian Church encompassing the entire United
States and Canada. In 1927 the Western Diocese was formed to
exclusivly serve the western United States.

Russia’s Medvedev Invited To Visit Armenia


On April 20, the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, who arrived
to Moscow on a short working visit, met with the President of the
Russian Federation Dmitri Medvedev. This is the third meeting of the
two leaders this year.

Welcoming his Armenian colleague, Dmitri Medvedev said, "We meet
today in the framework of our regular meetings with the Armenian side
to discuss the current situation, bilateral relations, regional and
international issues.

The very fact that we do it with enviable frequency and regularity
is very important for the preservation of the high level of trust
and mutual understanding present between our two countries, spirit
of a strategic partnership, which has always, and I hope will always,
distinguish the relations of our two countries."

President Sargsyan thanked for the invitation and noted that, "Since
our last meeting, our Foreign Ministries, other structures and the
intergovernmental commission have been working vigorously."

Serzh Sargsyan assessed the meeting with the President of the RF
as a good opportunity to discuss issues of the bilateral agenda,
regional security, the Armenian-Turkish normalization process, and
the NK peace process.

President Sargsyan congratulated President Medvedev on the opening
in Yerevan of an efficient science and innovation center, assessing
it as an important step.

Serzh Sargsyan also informed that the Armenian government is working
closely with the Embassy of the Russian Federation for the restoration
in our country of the monument dedicated to the Russian officers who
fell in the Armenian-Turkish war.

President Sargsyan once again thanked the President of Russia for
providing Armenia one year ago with a 500mln USD loan, underscoring
that the positive results of the loan have already become noticeable,
"in the first quarter of this year we registered 5.5 percent economic

The Presidents of Armenia and the Russian Federation discussed issues
of bilateral agenda and exchanged views on regional and international

Presidents Sargsyan and Medvedev agreed to continue dialogue on all
levels, including during the forthcoming visit of the President of
Russia to Armenia.

Azerbaijani Scientist Accusing US Of "Double Standards" And Inaptitu


The Azerbaijani criticism of the United States seems to be going
beyond any limit and the chain of heavily-worded statements from
high-ranking Azerbaijani officials, such as President Ilham Aliyev
or head of public-political issues of the presidential office, Ali
Hasanov, seems to be endless.

Now chief of the Political Analyses and Information Support Department
in the Office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dr. Elnur Aslanov has added up to the criticism accusing the US of
"double standards."

"When condemning the actions of the U.S. Congress, we remember that
the U.S. legislature still has the anti-Azerbaijani Amendment 907,
adopted in 1992, on the books. Under this amendment, Armenia and
Nagorno-Karabakh, receive tens of millions of dollars from the United
States every year, while Azerbaijan is subjected to unjust pressure.

This is a classic case of a double standard," writes Aslanov in
an article published by local Turkish daily Hurriyet Daily News &
Economic Review.

Further Dr. Elnur Aslanov accuses US of inaptitude as an OSCE Minsk
Group co-chair state.

"As a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, the United States could have
made more effort to establish peace in the region," explains Aslanov.

Interestingly, if not strange and untrue, given the scale of
anti-Armenia efforts by Turks and Azerbaijani, Aslanov accuses the
Turks and Azerbaijani in Europe of not doing enough to avert all
Armenian initiatives when it comes to the adoption of resolutions on
the Armenian Genocide by other countries.

"Today, the Azerbaijani Diaspora in the United States is fighting
alongside Turkish Diaspora organizations against the aggressive
intentions of the Dashnaks, who are seeking the adoption of a
resolution on the so-called Armenian "genocide" in the U.S. Congress.

Azerbaijanis and Turks throughout Europe are sparing no effort to
avert Armenian attempts to falsify history. For example, thanks
to the efforts of the Azerbaijani Diaspora in the Crimea, the Izum
city council revoked a decision to recognize the Armenian "genocide"
before 2010," writes Aslanov.

Earlier in an interview with Reuters news agency Ali Hasanov, Aliyev’s
head of public-political issues, criticised the US of not treating
Azerbaijan as a "strategic country."

"The United States does not implement policy towards Azerbaijan as
a strategic partner, and that’s why we might reconsider our policy
towards the United States," said Ali Hasanov.

Later President Ilham Aliyev, in turn, lashed out at the US as mediator
state accusing them of not being quite aware of the situation in
the region.

"The co-mediator states should be very attentive. May be people are
not well aware of the situation in the region and should try to study
it. If this is the case, I do not want to accuse anyone, let them study
the situation so that to draw correct conclusions," Aliyev had said.

‘Little Brother Has Nothing To Do Where Elder Brother Acts’: NKR Lea


2010-04-19 11:47:00

ArmInfo. "It is known to everyone that President of Azerbaijan was not
invited to the recent Nuclear Security Summit in Washington unlike the
presidents of the other two countries in the South Caucasus. Against
background of open concern about the recent harsh steps of the US
Administration in respect to Azerbaijan, Foreign Minister of that
country, Elmar Mammaryarov declared that Azerbaijan was not invited
to the Summit because it has no nuclear weapons. For some unknown
reason he neglected the fact that Armenia and Georgia were invited to
the Summit having no nuclear weapons. It is noteworthy that Foreign
Minister of Turkey Ahmed Davutoglu expressed discontent instead of
the "little brother," Georgy Ghazaryan, Coordinator of NKR League of
Frontier Journalists, told ArmInfo.

"So far, no exact answer has been given to the question why Aliyev was
not invited to Washington. All the attempts of the Turkish party to
overpersuade the US Administration faced harsh rejection of the White
House that insisted on separate consideration of the Turkish-Armenian
and the Karabakh peace processes. In fact, it was a severe reproof to
Aliyev Administration alongside with the recent frequent condemnations
of the human rights infringements, "dynasty totalitarian regime"
and other phenomena in Azerbaijan by the USA. The official Baku has
become the victims of its own policy of pulling the chestnuts out of
the fire by the hands of others, specifically, Turkey. The latter
has essayed to be "the lawyer" of Azerbaijan in the international
arena. From this point of view, Azerbaijan’s absence from the Summit
has a simple explanation: the little brother has nothing to do where
the elder brother acts," he said.