Հայ Դպրոցին Հետ Ապրուած Կեանք Մը




Այս անգամ, վերջին անգամ, հեռաձայնային մեր կապը մնաց անպատասխան։

Այս անգամ, զարմանալիօրէն, առաջի՛ն անգամն ըլլալով, ժամադրութիւնը չյարգեց ան։ Ճշդապահ ու պարտաճանաչ պարոն Կարօն ընկալուչը չվերցուց՝ զրուցելու համար հայ կեանքի վերջին իրադարձութիւններուն մասին ընդհանրապէս եւ հայ դպրոցի իրավիճակին մասին յատկապէս։

Տարիներու մտերմութիւն մը յանկարծ վերջ գտաւ, երբ Կարօ Պետրոսեան քառասուն օրեր առաջ հրաժեշտ տուաւ կեանքին, իր ետին ձգելով ողջմիտ մարդու, կրթական մշակի եւ մտաւորականի անուն։

1968. Կարօ Պետրոսեան եւ Կարօ Սասունի Ազգ. Լեւոն եւ Սոֆիա Յակոբեան քոլեճի աւարտական դասարանի աշակերտներու հետ

Կարօ Պետրոսեանի անունը սերտօրէն կապուած է սփիւռքահայ կրթական կեանքին։ Մարդ, որ իր կեանքին 58 տարիները անցուց մարդակերտման ու հայակերտման նուիրական ասպարէզին մէջ, Գամիշլիէն Պէյրութ, Պուրճ Համուտէն Լոս Անճելըս։

Մարդ, որ հայագիտական-դաստիարակչական հրատարակութիւններով իր կարեւոր լուման բերաւ նորահաս սերունդներու հոգեմտաւոր կազմաւորման աշխատանքին։

Ու նաեւ՝ մարդ, որ կուսակցական իր կեանքով եւ ՀՄԸՄական իր վաստակով շատ բան տուաւ մեր կեանքին, անկէ ստանալով միայն հոգեկան բաւարարութիւն եւ անանձնական ուրախութիւն։

Կարօ Պետրոսեան եղաւ ազնիւ աշխատանքի համեստ մարդը։ Ապրեցաւ ու գործեց պարզութեամբ, հեռու ցուցադրական-ցուցամոլական երեւոյթներէ։ Ծառայութիւնը իրեն համար եղաւ կեանքի նպատակ։ Ծառայութեան ճամբուն վրայ ան կենսաւորեց այն բոլոր արժէքները, զորս դաւանեցաւ իբրեւ ուսուցիչ կամ տնօրէն։ Հաճոյամոլութիւնն ու փառամոլութիւնը խորթ եղան իրեն համար։ Նախընտրեց ապրիլ ու գործել ժողովուրդի խոնարհ խաւերուն հետ, ազգային-տոհմիկ արժէքներով եւ սկզբունքներով։

1966. Կարօ Պետրոսեան Ազգ. Լեւոն եւ Սոֆիա Յակոբեան քոլեճի տեսչարանին մէջ կ՛ընդունի Մեծի Տանն Կիլիկիոյ Խորէն Ա. կաթողիկոսը եւ Պուրճ Համուտի քաղաքապետ Յակոբ Աշճեանը

1930ին Հալէպ ծնած այս հայորդին, նախակրթութիւնը Մխիթարեան հայրերու վարժարանը ստանալէ ետք, 1945ին քայլերը կ՛առաջնորդէ Մեծի Տանն Կիլիկիոյ կաթողիկոսութեան Դպրեվանք, որուն ուսումնառութեան շրջանը աւարտելով, 1950ին կրթական ասպարէզ մուտք կը գործէ Գամիշլիի մէջ, նախ՝ իբրեւ ուսուցիչ եւ ապա՝ տնօրէն տեղւոյն Ազգային վարժարանին։ Իր օրով վարժարանը կ՛ապրի մեծ ծաղկում։ Աշակերտութեան թիւը 500էն կը բարձրանայ 1200ի։

1961ի ամրան, վրայ կը հասնին Սուրիոյ ծանօթ դէպքերը եւ Կարօ Պետրոսեան, ուրիշներու կարգին, կը ճաշակէ ՀՅ Դաշնակցութեան դէմ շղթայազերծուած արշաւին բոլոր դառնութիւնները։ Կը ձերբակալուի, կը բանտարկուի եւ ինը ամիս կը կրէ տաժանելի կեանքի մը անպատմելի զրկանքները։ Ի վերջոյ, Ապրիլ 1962ին, ան կը հասնի Պէյրութ, ուր իբրեւ հայերէնի ուսուցիչ, երկու տարի կը պաշտօնավարէ Պէյրութի Հայ աւետարանական քոլեճին մէջ։ Միաժամանակ, ան կը հետեւի Հայկազեան համալսարանի մանկավարժութեան դասընթացքներուն։

1960ականներու առաջին կէսը լիբանանահայութեան ոսկեդարուն սկիզբն է։ Պուրճ Համուտը հայութեամբ կ՛եռայ՝ առանց սակայն Ազգային երկրորդական վարժարան մը ունենալու։ Բնակիչները, մեծ մասամբ համեստ խաւի ներկայացուցիչներ՝ մինչ այդ վիճակուած էին նախնական կրթութեամբ մը միայն բաւարարուելու։ Բախտաւորները կրնային իրենց ուսումը շարունակել Համազգայինի Ճեմարանին մէջ, Պէյրութ, որ բաւական հեռու էր եւ մատչելի չէր բոլորին։ 1964ին, Ազգային երկրորդական վարժարան մը ձեւ ու մարմին կը ստանայ Պուրճ Համուտի սիրտին՝ Նոր Մարաշի մէջ, բարերար Սոֆիա Յակոբեանի եւ Հայ կրթական հիմնարկութեան իշխանական նուիրատուութեամբ։ Վարժարանը կը կոչուի Ազգ. Լեւոն եւ Սոֆիա Յակոբեան քոլեճ, իսկ անդրանիկ տնօրէնը կը նշանակուի Կարօ Պետրոսեան։

Հոկտեմբեր 1964. Կարօ Պետրոսեան (Բ. շարք, ոտքի, աջէն առաջինը) Ազգ. Լեւոն եւ Սոֆիա Յակոբեան քոլեճի բացման օրը, պաշտօնական հիւրերու հետ

Դիւրին չ՛ըլլար նոր վարժարանին ստեղծման ու զարգացման երթը։ Լիբանանի թեմի Ազգային իշխանութեան եւ քաղաքապետ Յակոբ Աշճեանի գլխաւորած խնամակալութեան աջակցութեամբ, Կարօ Պետրոսեան ամբողջանուէր ճիգով կը գործէ քոլեճին վերելքին ի խնդիր։ Ան կը յաջողի իր շուրջ համախմբել ժամանակի ուսուցչական լաւագոյն տարրերը եւ կրթական նախանձելի մակարդակ մը ապահովել աշակերտութեան։ Կը յաջողի նաեւ քոլեճին մէջ ստեղծել մշակոյթի եւ գեղարուեստի հանդէպ հետաքրքրութեան այնպիսի մթնոլորտ, որուն շնորհիւ աշակերտներու կարեւոր թիւ մը, քոլեճը աւարտելէ ետք, կը մղուի դէպի ազգային կեանք, դէպի գրականութիւն եւ մշակոյթ, թերթ ու թատրոն։ Կը բաւէ այդ տարիներու շրջանաւարտներէն յիշել կարգ մը անուններ միայն. Նազարէթ Պէրպէրեան, Յարութիւն Պէրպէրեան, Նազ Տէր Սարգիսեան, Անի Ուրֆալեան, Յարութ Սասունեան, Էլօ Սարաճեան, Ժան Գոսագեան, Մարօ Քէշիշեան, Վահէ Պէրպէրեան, Զօհրապ Եագուպեան, եւ ուրիշներ։

Վաստակաւոր կրթական մշակ մը ըլլալու կողքին, Կարօ Պետրոսեան կ՛ըլլայ հաւատաւոր Դաշնակցական եւ ՀՄԸՄական։ Կանուխէն ան մուտք կը գործէ ՀՅ Դաշնակցութեան շարքերը։ Գամիշլիի մէջ, տնօրէնութեան շրջանին, կ՛ըլլայ կոմիտէի անդամ։ 1967-1971, երկու շրջան, մաս կը կազմէ ՀՅԴ Լիբանանի Կեդրոնական կոմիտէին։

Կարօ Պետրոսեան 1967-1973 կը մասնակցի ՀՄԸՄի Միջին Արեւելքի իրերայաջորդ Շրջանային Պատգամաւորական Ընդհանուր ժողովներուն, ինչպէս նաեւ՝ ՀՄԸՄի անդրանիկ Ընդհանուր ժողովին, 1974ին, Պէյրութ։

2011, Պիքֆայա. Համասփիւռքեան կրթական Գ. համագումար. Ազգ. Լեւոն եւ Սոֆիա Յակոբեան քոլեճի նախկին տնօրէններ Կարօ Յովհաննէսեան (1987-2000), Կարօ Պետրոսեան (1964-1977) եւ Վիգէն Աւագեան (2005-2017)

Լիբանանի քաղաքացիական պատերազմի բռնկումէն կարճ ատեն մը ետք, 1978ին ան կը մեկնի Լիբանանէն եւ նախ կը հաստատուի Թորոնթօ, ապա կ՛անցնի Միացեալ Նահանգներ, ուր երեսուն տարի շարունակ, մինչեւ 2008, հայոց լեզու, գրականութիւն եւ հայոց պատմութիւն կը դասաւանդէ Ազգ. Ֆերահեան վարժարանին մէջ։ Միաժամանակ, ան կը նուիրուի կրթական-դաստիարակչական հրատարակութիւններու պատրաստութեան եւ յաջորդաբար լոյս կ՛ընծայէ «Ոսկեդար Եւ Մատենագիրներ», «Հայաստանեայց Եկեղեցւոյ Տօներ Եւ Ազգային Աւանդութիւններ» (հետագային լոյս կը տեսնեն նոյնին անգլերէն եւ արեւելահայերէն տարբերակները), «Մեծ Պահոց Համակարգը Եւ Աւագ Շաբաթը», «Հայեցի կրթութիւն եւ ճանապարհ» գիրքերը։ Մամլոյ էջերուն ան կը հրատարակէ 60է աւելի ուսումնասիրութիւններ՝ ազգային-կուսակցական նիւթերու շուրջ։ Մաս կը կազմէ հայոց պատմութեան եւ Հայ Դատի դասագիրքերու խմբագրման զանազան մարմիններու։

Կարօ Պետրոսեան կրթական իր երախտաշատ գործունէութեան համար կ՛արժանանայ բազմաթիւ գնահատականներու։ 1972ին ան կը ստանայ Սփիւռքահայութեան հետ կապի կոմիտէին «Մէկ ժողովուրդ, մէկ հայրենիք» պատուոյ գիրը։ 1978ին կը պարգեւատրուի Մեծի Տանն Կիլիկիոյ կաթողիկոսութեան «Ս. Մեսրոպ Մաշտոց» շքանշանով։ 2010ին կ՛արժանանայ սփիւռքի նախարարութեան պատուոյ գիրին՝ «Սփիւռքում հայոց լեզուի պահպանութեան եւ զարգացման գործում ունեցած մեծ վաստակին եւ ներդրման համար»։ Ան գնահատագիրներ կը ստանայ նաեւ Քալիֆորնիոյ հայ համալսարանականներու միութեան, Մաշտոց քոլեճի տնօրէնութեան եւ Արեւմտեան Միացեալ Նահանգներու թեմի կրթական ու մշակութային զանազան մարմիններուն կողմէ։

Միացեալ Նահանգներ հաստատուելէ 28 տարիներ ետք, Կարօ Պետրոսեան կարօտալի ապրումներով Լիբանան այցելեց 2006ին եւ ներկայ գտնուեցաւ Ազգ. Լեւոն եւ Սոֆիա Յակոբեան քոլեճի ամավերջի հանդէսին, մասնակցեցաւ վկայականաց բաշխումին եւ այս առիթով արտասանեց սրտառուչ պատգամ մը։ Հինգ տարի ետք, 2011ին, ան դարձեալ այցելեց Լիբանան, այս անգամ մասնակցելու համար Համասփիւռքեան Կրթական Գ. համագումարին, ուր ան հանդէս եկաւ «Խօսակցական ու գրաւոր արեւմտահայերէնի բիւրեղացման ծրագիրի յստակացում եւ մշակում» նիւթով։

Հաճելի էր Կարօ Պետրոսեանի հետ մտերմութիւնը։ Հանդարտ եւ հեզ նկարագիրով պատուական անձնաւորութիւն մը, որ Միացեալ Նահանգներ ապրելով հանդերձ, հոգուով-սրտով միշտ մնաց իր սիրելի վարժարանին՝ Ազգ. Լեւոն եւ Սոֆիա Յակոբեան քոլեճին հետ։ «Սոֆիա Յակոբեանը պէպէքս է», կը կրկնէր ան հեռաձայնային իր հաղորդակցութիւններուն ընթացքին։ Կը սպասէր, որ շաբաթը անգամ մը անպայման հեռաձայնէինք իրեն եւ խօսէինք լիբանանահայութեան եւ Սոֆիա Յակոբեան քոլեճի նորութիւններուն մասին։ Տարիներ շարունակ, գրեթէ անընդմէջ, կապը շարունակուեցաւ։ Տեւաբար ան գօտեպնդուեցաւ քոլեճին յաջողութիւններով։ Իր անունով հայագիտական մրցանակ հաստատեց։ Քոլեճին բարերարներ ապահովեց։ Հայ Կրթական հիմնարկութեան հետ երկար տարիներէ ի վեր խզուած կապերը վերահաստատեց եւ կարիքաւոր աշակերտներու օժանդակութիւններ ապահովեց։ Աւելի՛ն, քոլեճին յիսնամեակի տօնակատարութիւններուն, հակառակ յառաջացեալ տարիքին, ան անձամբ գլխաւորեց Միացեալ Նահանգներու մէջ կազմակերպուած ձեռնարկը եւ մանուկի մը նման ուրախացաւ քոլեճին ցուցաբերուած նիւթաբարոյական իւրաքանչիւր աջակցութեան համար։

Կարօ Պետրոսեան մինչեւ գիտակցական կեանքին վերջին օրը տագնապեցաւ հայ դպրոցով ու անոր ճակատագիրով։ Հեռաձայնները չդադրեցան, նաեւ՝ հարցադրումները, թէ ո՛ւր կ՛երթայ լիբանանահայ կրթական համակարգը այսպէս, ինչո՞ւ վարժարանները կ՛արձանագրեն աշակերտներու թիւի անկում, ինչո՞ւ հայ ուսուցիչի տագնապը օրէ օր կը սրի, ինչո՞ւ, ինչո՞ւ…

Կարօ Պետրոսեան ապրեցաւ հայ դպրոցին հետ, հայ դպրոցին համար։

Յիշատակը անթառամ մնայ իր բազմահարիւր գործակիցներուն եւ աշակերտներուն մօտ։

Օրին մէկը պիտի գրուի, պէ՛տք է գրուի, սփիւռքահայ դպրոցին պատմութիւնը։ Իսկ այդ պատմութեան մէջ, վստահաբար, Կարօ Պետրոսեան պիտի ունենայ իր արժանաւոր տեղը, իբրեւ հետք ու դրոշմ ձգած կրթական մշակ, դաստիարակ ու տնօրէն, որուն համար հայն ու Հայաստանը եղան գերագոյն արժէքներ, եկեղեցին ու կուսակցութիւնը՝ գերագոյն սրբութիւններ, իսկ ծառայութիւնն ու նուիրումը՝ լաւագոյն յատկութիւններ։

Turkish press: Syriac Christians hail Turkey’s initiatives – Turkey News

Despite a rising tide of racism and xenophobia across the globe, Turkey remains an exception with its democratic reforms and respect-based policies towards non-Muslim minorities in the country, particularly since the early 2000s.

The latest example of Turkey’s positive approach in this regard was visible last Saturday, when President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended a groundbreaking ceremony in Istanbul of St. Ephrem Syriac Orthodox Church.

President Erdoğan was proud that a new church would open and said it would add "new richness" to the cultural mosaic that is Turkey, a land that has been home to scores of civilizations throughout the course of history.

The church- the first to be built since the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923 – is projected to be completed within two years and was greatly welcomed by the SyriacChristian community.

In recent years, the Turkish government has stepped up efforts to restore and open churches and synagogues and has achieved fruitful results, including many places of worship that have had their doors shut for over a century, according to presidential sources.

The Trabzon Sümela Monastery, Armenian Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Akdamar island in eastern Van province, Armenian Church of St. Giragos in the southeastern Diyarbakır, Great Synagogue of the northwestern Edirne- the largest of its kind in Europe-, Stipol Synagogue in Istanbul and St. Aho Monastery in the southeastern Batman province are only the latest restored places of worship in Turkey.

Today, over a dozen of other places of worship are under restoration in every corner of the country, including the St. Giragos and Mar Petyun Chaldean churches in Diyarbakır previously damaged in attacks by the PKK terror group, which over three decades has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000
people in Turkey, including women, children and infants.

Yusuf Çetin, the metropolitan bishop of Istanbul Syriac Church, said the laying of the cornerstone of the new church in Istanbul was a source of pride for the Syriac community.

The construction of the Syriac church “shows the democracy in our country, human rights and religious freedom," Çetin asserted, stressing this was a clear example that people could freely perform their religious duties in Turkey.

"Security forces protect us on our religious holidays [and] on Sunday. I would like to thank everyone, notably the president," he said.

Çetin went on to say that the Syriac community in Turkey had not been able to open schools or university departments studying the Syriac language, but this has also changed in recent years.

"Thanks to our government, following a judicial decision, we were able to open a private kindergarten in 2013 in Yeşilkent [neighborhood of Istanbul]," he said, adding the school belonged to the Syriac Orthodox St. Ephrem Association.

He added that a Syriac literature department was founded at Artuklu University in the southeastern Mardin province, another source of happiness for the Syriac community, which has a history of 5,500 years.

"As a religious leader, we stand with unity and solidarity no matter which country we live in, and we commemorate our statespeople with our prayers during religious ceremonies and pray for every person in the country regardless of their religion or ethnicity. After all, we are on the same ship," he said.


Turkey, Syriac, minority, Church

Sports: President: Decision to hold Pan-Armenian Games in Artsakh made after 2016 April War

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 7 2019
Politics 11:01 07/08/2019 NKR

Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan delivered a welcoming speech at the solemn opening ceremony of the 7th Pan-Armenian Summer Games in the country’s capital Stepanaket on Monday.

The full text of the speech, published by the presidential press service, reads:

“Honorable Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia,
Dear compatriots,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Today is a memorable day in Artsakh’s life – for the first time the Pan-Armenian Summer Games are held in our republic.

Stepanakert hosts numerous athletes and coaches, fans and just people who love sports from Mother Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora. We do not have guests here; everybody is at home, in their ancestral hearth. Welcome to Artsakh!

The Armenian people have an emphasized attitude towards sports. In ancient times, nationwide games were held in Armenia, and Armenian athletes participated in various sports tournaments, including the Antique Olympic Games, as the preserved records report.

By their nature the Pan-Armenian games are an important link connecting our sporting past, present and future.

The decision to hold the 7th Pan-Armenian Summer Games in Artsakh was made in 2016, after the April War, which is symbolic by itself. This is a unique response to aggression and violence.  Embodying strength, willpower, organization and unity, sports is at the same time the antithesis of hatred and hostility. It recognizes no borders and discrimination, unites different nations and countries.

In our case, this is another impetus cementing the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity.

Our sisters and brothers living by destiny in various parts of the world have the opportunity to know their homeland, communicate with one another, establish new and warm bonds, and receive positive impulses from the native soil, becoming more united, much stronger and invincible.

That is the strength of our people, the power of our unity, the essence of our victories. It has always been like that, so it will be so further on.

Great and excessive work has been done for proper conduct of the games, and I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have spared no effort to bring all this to life.

Dear compatriots,

I once again welcome all the participants of the 7th Pan-Armenian Summer Games and wish greatest success.

I am confident that these days will turn into a great sporting holiday, giving us exciting moments and leaving an unforgettable footprint in the hearts of all of us.

Regardless of the results, there will be no losers in these games. Our whole people, our unity, our will and determination will win.

Long live our people!

Long live Mother Armenia, Artsakh and the world spread Armenians!

Thank you!”

ATG Places 5th Portable Laboratory in Kavar

Garik Degoyan (left) taking possession of the PVDL from Dr. James Reynolds in Kavar

KAVAR, Armenia—The fifth Portable Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory was delivered to Armenia by the Armenian Technology Group, Inc. This time the portable laboratory was stationed in Kavar, by Lake Sevan, in Gegharkunik region of Armenia.

Garik Degoyan, head of Kavar Regional Veterinary Services, was excited to take possession of the latest PVDL. “I have been anxiously waiting to have received this amazing package since I first saw it demonstrated a few years ago. We never had such flexibility and efficacy in our hands. This will be very useful to us; we can reach the farmers and provide fast service to their animal health concerns, no matter where they might be located,” stated Degoyan.

Dr. Reynolds presenting the PVDL to Garik Degoyan

The PVDL and its components were hand carried to Armenia by the President of the ATG Board of Directors, Dr. James P. Reynolds—Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Preventive Veterinary Medicine—who had initiated the concept of PVDL, as well as the Executive Director of ATG, Varoujan Der Simonian.

The Portable Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories enables local veterinarians to provide on-farm and on-site veterinary services to domestic, cattle, and dairy producing livestock, thereby helping prevent the loss of farm animals and subsequently farm income.

ATG’s Varoujan Der Simonian handing a PVDL to Ijevan regional Veterinary Service Center

The PVDLs could be used by veterinarians to conduct an on-farm and on-site diagnoses of animals for complete blood counts, including WBC and RBC; Culturing and incubation of bacteria; Fecal examinations; Staining and microscopy of tissues, fluids, bacteria and parasites; Semen analysis; Serum chemistries and Urinalysis.

“In celebration of our 30th anniversary in serving the people of Armenia, ATG is pleased to have stationed another PVDL in Armenia,” said Dr. Reynolds. “We believe these portable laboratories present the opportunity to significantly enhance the veterinary diagnostic capabilities of livestock industry in Armenia.”

Varoujan Der Simonian of ATG handing a PVDL unit to Ijevan regional Veterinary Service Center

The Armenian Technology Group was founded 30 years ago, in 1989, to assist the people of Armenia toward agricultural development. Since 2015 however, ATG has placed five PVDLs at the Regional Centers for Veterinary Services in Yerevan, Vanadsor, Ijevan, Goris and now Kavar.

During their trip, representatives of the ATG met with Berg Tumanyan, DVM the head of Central Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Armenia and Georgi Avetisyan, Director of State Food Safety Services. Avetisyan also oversees Veterinary Services, which, after restructuring of the government, were moved outside of the ministry and placed under direct supervision of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet. They visited with local veterinarians as well, and evaluated previously stationed PVDL sites.

Dr. James Reynolds with the staff of Kavar Regional Veterinary

ATG is a California based non-profit organization. Tax-deductible donations could be made on line through the organizations website or mailed to Armenian Technology Group, Inc. P.O. BOX 5929 Fresno, CA 93755.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 07/18/2019


13 Arrested In Armenia After Violent Unrest
Հուլիս 18, 2019
        • Ruzanna Stepanian
Armenia - Riot police lined up in a square in Ijevan, .

Police in Armenia made 13 arrests early on Thursday after clashing overnight 
with residents of the northern Tavush province who protested against a 
government ban on logging in the area.

Several hundred protesters blocked on Wednesday a highway passing through the 
provincial capital Ijevan to demand that the authorities stop preventing them 
from cutting and selling wood from nearby forests. They said logging is their 
sole source of income.

Riot police used force after the protesters refused to unblock the highway 
leading to the main Armenian-Georgian border crossing.

Police officers were pelted with stones and hit by sticks during the clashes. 
Eleven of them required hospitalization, according to a spokesman for the 
Armenian police. At least one injured civilian also received medical assistance 
in a local hospital.

Traffic through the busy road resumed after police reinforcements were sent to 
Ijevan.The national police chief, Valeri Osipian, also rushed to the town close 
to the Georgian and Azerbaijani borders on Wednesday night. Osipian remained 
there as of Thursday afternoon.

A spokeswoman for Armenia’s Investigative Committee, Naira Harutiunian, said 
dozens of people were taken for questioning following the violence. Thirteen of 
them were placed under arrest on suspicion of hooliganism and resistance to 
law-enforcement authorities, while six others signed written pledges not to 
leave their places of residence pending investigation, Harutiunian told 
RFE/RL’s Armenian service.

One of Osipian’s deputies, Vartan Movsisian, said the police are now trying to 
track down and arrest other violent protesters.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian condemned the unrest in Ijevan, his hometown, as 
he chaired a weekly cabinet meeting in Yerevan. “Those responsible for 
yesterday’s events as well as the organizers of illegal logging must be 
strictly punished,” said Pashinian.

“We will be halting illegal logging in the most resolute manner,” he added.

Pashinian also posted on his Facebook page video of Osipian addressing and 
praising police officers lined up in an Ijevan square on Thursday morning.

“We will not be lenient towards anyone,” said the police chief. “Everyone must 
receive a punishment for their deeds envisaged by the law.”

European Bodies Asked To Advise On Kocharian Case

        • Gayane Saribekian

France -- The building of the European Court of Human Rights is seen in 
Strasbourg, March 26, 2019.

Armenia’s Constitutional Court on Thursday decided to ask the European Court of 
Human Rights (ECHR) and the Council Europe’s Venice Commission to give an 
“advisory opinion” on the legality of coup charges brought against former 
President Robert Kocharian.

Kocharian was charged last year under Article 300.1of the Armenian Criminal 
Code dealing with violent seizure of power. The accusation stems from the 2008 
post-election street clashes in Yerevan which left ten people dead.

In separate appeals, Kocharian and a district court judge in Yerevan asked the 
Constitutional Court earlier this year to determine whether the Criminal Code 
clause conforms to the Armenian constitution. The court recently agreed to hold 
hearings and rule on the appeals.

But it is now seeking advice from the ECHR and the Venice Commission. In a 
short statement, the court said it will suspend the consideration of the 
appeals pending formal responses from the two Strasbourg-based bodies. The 
statement gave no further explanation of the decision.

The decision was announced one day after Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian 
launched a scathing attack on the Constitutional Court and its chairman, Hrayr 
Tovmasian, in particular. In an interview with RFE/RL’s Armenian service, 
Pashinian accused Tovmasian of cutting political deals with former President 
Serzh Sarkisian to “privatize” the country’s highest court.

“The Constitutional Court must get out of this status of a privatized booth,” 
he said, implicitly demanding changes in the court’s composition. He said he 
could initiate constitutional amendments for that purpose.

Pashinian also signaled support for Vahe Grigorian, the court’s newest judge 
who has challenged the legitimacy of Tovmasian and six other members of the 
tribunal appointed before the Pashinian-led “Velvet Revolution” of April-May 

Armenia -- Supporters of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian block the entrance to 
the Constitutional Court building in Yerevan, May 20, 2019.

Tovmasian, who served as a senior lawmaker representing Sarkisian’s Republican 
Party until becoming the court chairman in March 2018, refused to respond to 
Pashinian on Thursday. “I don’t comment on political statements, I comment on 
judicial acts,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenians service.

Asked whether he is ruling out his resignation, Tovmasian said: “Can you rule 
out the possibility of an earthquake in Armenia tomorrow? Can you rule out that 
the world will collapse tomorrow?”

The Venice Commission discussed the dispute over the Armenian Constitutional 
Court at a session held in Strasbourg last month. An internal report on the 
session disclosed by Armenian opposition circles on Monday suggests that at 
least some members of the Council of Europe body defended the court’s 
legitimacy. The report describes as “disturbing” the fact that Grigorian’s 
claims were hailed by some pro-government members of the Armenian parliament.

Grigorian said in the parliament on June 20 that only he and another judge of 
the 9-member court, Arman Dilanian, can make valid decisions. He argued that 
under constitutional amendments which took effect last year the court now 
consists of “judges,” rather than “members,” as was the case until April 2018. 
He said that the seven other members of the court therefore cannot be 
considered “judges.”

The eight other members of the Constitutional Courts, including Dilanian, 
dismissed Grigorian’s claims in a joint statement.

Kocharian Trial Judge Tight-Lipped About Office Raid

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia -- Judge Davit Grigorian orders former President Robert Kocharian's 
release from custody, Yerevan, May 18, 2019.

A Yerevan judge presiding over the suspended trial of former President Robert 
Kocharian refused on Thursday to clarify why his office was searched and sealed 
by law-enforcement authorities earlier this week.

Speaking to RFE/RL’s Armenian service, Davit Grigorian only confirmed that 
officers of the Special Investigative Service (SIS) confiscated his computer 
during Tuesday’s raid.

“I don’t want to talk about that now. I will express my position later on,” 
Grigorian said when asked about what he is accused or suspected of.

Nor would he say if he sees a connection between the search and his handling of 
the high-profile trial.

The SIS said on Wednesday that Grigorian’s office was searched as part of an 
ongoing criminal investigation conducted by it. A spokeswoman for the 
law-enforcement agency did not give any details of that probe or say whether 
the judge could be prosecuted.

Grigorian ordered Kocharian freed from custody on May 18 five days after the 
latter went on trial on charges mostly stemming from the 2008 post-election 
violence in Yerevan. The judge also decided to suspend the trial, questioning 
the legality of the coup charges and asked the Constitutional Court to pass 
judgment on them.

The decisions angered political allies and supporters of Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian.Heeding Pashinian’s calls, hundreds of them blocked the entrances to 
court buildings across Armenia’s on May 20. Pashinian demanded a mandatory 
“vetting” of all Armenian judges, saying that many of them remain linked to the 
country’s “corrupt” former leadership.

Kocharian was arrested again on June 25 hours after Armenia’s Court of Appeals 
overturned Grigorian’s decisions. His trial has still not resumed, however, 
because the Court of Appeals has yet to send materials of the case back to the 
lower court.

Earlier this month, Kocharian’s lawyers accused the Court of Appeals of 
deliberately dragging out the judicial process to make sure the ex-president 
remains under arrest as long as possible. They said Grigorian might again free 
the ex-president accused of usurping power in the final weeks of his 1998-2008 

It also emerged this week that in March a Yerevan resident asked the SIS to 
launch criminal proceedings against Grigorian. The citizen’s lawyer, Garik 
Malkhasian, refused on Thursday to specify his client’s allegations against the 
judge. He also could not say whether the search conducted in Grigorian’s office 
is connected with them.

Press Review

“Haykakan Zhamanak” comments on late-night clashes in Ijevan between riot 
police and local residents protesting against a government ban on logging in 
nearby forests. The paper says that the Armenian authorities are right to crack 
down on a long-running deforestation of the area. “This is a very profitable 
business and profits generated by it have long fuelled entrenched local clans,” 
it says. “They felt safe in the past. But after the revolution the situation 
changed and the new authorities moved to stop industrial logging. In recent 
days, the noose [around those businesses] tightened and the problem became more 
acute.” The paper says the same clans organized Wednesday’s protests and 
ensuing clashes with security forces.

“Zhamanak” praises Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s comments made in an 
interview with RFE/RL’s Armenian service on Wednesday, saying that they reflect 
the public mood in the country. “There is no doubt that today’s judicial system 
and the Constitutional Court are incompatible with the New Armenia,” writes the 
paper. It says Pashinian voiced support for Vahe Grigorian, a Constitutional 
Court judge who has effectively declared seven other members of the court 

“At the same time, it is obvious that even the prime minister does not yet have 
solutions, especially after reservations and critical comments voiced from 
Venice [Commission,]” the paper goes on. “In the coming months the solutions 
will definitely be found and we will have a Constitutional Court and judicial 
system corresponding to today’s Armenia. But Nikol Pashinian’s team will not be 
able to win back the lost time, the year wasted by it.”

“Zhoghovurd” says government bodies should have issued more detailed warnings 
about the contamination of Lake Sevan reported a few weeks ago. The paper says 
officials should have indicated concrete areas where swimming is considered 
hazardous, instead of effectively urging swimmers to stay away from the entire 
lake. It also calls for a “direct dialogue” between the government and private 
entrepreneurs operating resorts located along the Sevan coastline.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 07/02/2019


Armenia May Set Up Powerful Anti-Graft Body

        • Naira Nalbandian

Armenia -- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian holds a cabinet meeting in Yerevan, 
June 27, 2019.

Armenia’s Justice Ministry has proposed the creation of a new anti-corruption 
agency that would be empowered to prosecute state officials suspected of 
bribery, fraud and other corrupt practices.

The ministry drafted last month an anti-graft strategy and a three-year plan of 
actions stemming from it and submitted them to the Armenian government for 
approval. The Anti-Corruption Committee would be set up as part of that 
document posted on a government website.

Under the proposed strategy, the committee would have not only preventive but 
also law-enforcement powers. The Justice Ministry wants it inherit those powers 
from the existing Special Investigative Service (SIS), a law-enforcement agency 
tasked with combatting various crimes committed by state officials.

More specifically, an SIS department dealing corruption and abuse of power 
would be incorporated into the Anti-Corruption Committee. The other SIS 
divisions would be merged with the Investigative Committee, another 
law-enforcement body.

The SIS chief, Sasun Khachatrian, confirmed on Monday that his agency will be 
abolished if the ministry’s proposals are approved by the government. “The 
creation of the new anti-corruption body presupposes the dissolution of the 
SIS,” Khachatrian told reporters.

“But it’s still a draft,” he said. “No concrete bill has been circulated yet. 
So we will see.”

The Justice Ministry’s initial version of the anti-graft strategy was put 
forward late last year and strongly criticized by civic activists. One of them, 
Artur Sakunts, welcomed the latest draft on Tuesday, saying that it is far more 
specific and workable.

Armenia already has an anti-corruption agency which was set up by its previous 
government. The Commission on Preventing Corruption is primarily charged with 
scrutinizing income and asset declarations submitted by senior officials and 
investigating possible conflicts of interest among them. It can only ask 
law-enforcement bodies to prosecute officials suspected of engaging in corrupt 
practices or making false disclosures.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has repeatedly pledged to root out corruption in 
the country since he swept to power during last year’s “Velvet Revolution.” 
Pashinian declared in February that his administration has already “broken the 
spine of systemic corruption in Armenia.” He said it will now focus on putting 
in place “institutional” safeguards against the problem.

The head of the European Union Delegation in Armenia, Piotr Switalski, said 
afterwards that the current authorities in Yerevan have made “serious progress” 
in their anti-corruption drive. He approved of their plans to “create a new, 
independent anti-corruption agency that will have wide-ranging powers.”

Armenian, Iranian Officials Discuss Energy Projects

Iran -- Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian (R) meets with Armenia's Deputy 
Prime Minister Mher Grigorian, Tehran, July 2, 2019.

Armenia’s Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigorian has met with Iran’s Energy 
Minister Reza Ardakanian in Tehran for talks that reportedly focused on joint 
energy projects planned or already implemented by the two neighboring states.

Grigorian travelled to the Iranian capital to chair, together with Ardakanian, 
the latest session of an Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental commission on 
bilateral economic cooperation. The two-day session began on Monday morning, 
according to the official Iranian IRNA news agency.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the Armenian government said the commission 
discussed ways of deepening bilateral ties in a range of areas, including 
energy, trade, transport and financial services. The statement quoted Grigorian 
as saying that the meeting was preceded by “productive” discussions held by 
Armenian-Iranian working groups. But it did not report any concrete decisions 
made by the commission.

Another government statement said Grigorian and Ardakanian discussed at their 
separate talks “the state of joint projects implemented by Armenia and Iran in 
the sphere of energy.” It gave no details.

Grigorian met with one of Ardakanian’s deputies, Homayoun Haeri, in Yerevan on 
Saturday. ISNA, another Iranian news agency, said the two men discussed 
accelerating the ongoing construction of a new Armenian-Iranian power 
transmission line. It was due to be completed next year or in 2021.

The new line is designed to significantly increase Armenian electricity exports 
to Iran. The latter pays for them with natural gas supplied to Armenia.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian discussed this project with Iranian President 
Hassan Rouhani when he visited Tehran in February. Pashinian’s office said at 
the time that they also agreed to take “practical steps” towards building a 
major hydroelectric plant on the Armenian-Iranian border.

Grigorian was also reported to stress the significance of preferential trade 
agreement signed by Iran and the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) last 
year. He said the deal could help to boost Armenian-Iranian trade.

The latest Armenian-Iranian negotiations followed a further upsurge in tensions 
between Iran and the United States. Pashinian made clear late last year that 
his country will maintain its “special relationship” with the Islamic Republic 
despite renewed U.S. sanctions imposed on Tehran over its controversial nuclear 

Meeting with Pashinian in February, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali 
Khamenei urged Yerevan to strengthen its ties with Tehran “contrary to what the 
United States desires” to see.

Parliament Fails To Name Majority-Backed Candidate For Judicial Body

        • Astghik Bedevian

Armenia -- Deputies from the ruling My Step alliance attend a parliament 
session in Yerevan, June 28, 2019.

The pro-government majority in the National Assembly has raised eyebrows after 
failing to install a new member of Armenia’s state judicial watchdog nominated 
by it.

The ruling My Step alliance last week nominated Anna Margarian, a law professor 
at Yerevan State University, for a vacant seat in the Supreme Judicial Council. 
Margarian had to be backed by at least 80 members of the 132-member parliament. 
With My Step holding 88 parliament seats, her election seemed a forgone 

However, only 66 deputies voted for Margarian in secret ballot on Monday. 
Nineteen others voted against her appointment to the SJC.

Only one parliamentary force, the opposition Bright Armenia Party (LHK), spoke 
out against her candidacy before the vote.

A senior LHK parliamentarian, Gevorg Gorgisian, on Tuesday accused My Step of 
demonstrating an “unserious attitude” towards its own nominee. Gorgisian said 
he believes that some pro-government lawmakers broke ranks to vote against 

My Step’s parliamentary leader, Lilit Makunts, ruled out such a possibility. 
She said no member of the parliament majority had objected to Margarian’s 

However, another senior My Step lawmaker, Vahagn Hovakimian, did not exclude 
that some of his pro-government colleagues voted against her “for some reasons.”

Armenia - Anna Margarian, a candidate for the Supreme Judicial Council, speaks 
in the parliament, July 1, 2019.

Hovakimian suggested that Margarian would have been elected if about two dozen 
deputies had not been absent from Armenia on Monday due to business trips 
abroad. According to information available on the parliament’s website, 12 of 
them are from My Step.

Armenian law allows My Step to again nominate Margarian for the SJC. Makunts 
said that later on Monday the bloc led by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian made 
such an offer to Margarian but that the latter was “not inclined” to accept it.

Speaking to RFE/RL’s Armenian service, Margarian made clear that she does not 
“find it expedient” to again run for the SJC. She insisted that she was not 
offended by the outcome of the parliament vote.

The SJC has wide-ranging constitutional powers, including the right to nominate 
judges appointed by the president of the republic. It can also sanction and 
even terminate judges.

The SJC was effectively paralyzed by the resignations of five of its nine 
members last month just as Pashinian and his political allies continued to push 
for a sweeping reform of the national judiciary. Later in June, the parliament 
elected two new members of the watchdog nominated by My Step.

Under the Armenian Judicial Code, the SJC must have 10 members. Half of them 
are appointed by the parliament while the other half are chosen by the 
country’s judges. As things stand now, the parliament can pick one more member 
of the body, with the remaining three seats reserved for the judges.

Press Review

“Zhamanak” claims that Armenia’s Constitutional Court has effectively stopped 
functioning after being declared illegitimate by its newest judge, Vahe 
Grigorian. The paper says that this has not paralyzed the national judicial 

“Haykakan Zhamanak” accuses opposition forces of “exploiting” the 
Nagorno-Karabakh issue in their criticism of the government. “They claim that 
the status of Nagorno-Karabakh’s authorities has been lowered and equated to 
the status of Karabakh’s Azerbaijani community, that Artsakh’s 
military-political leadership is pressured to cede lands [to Azerbaijan] and so 
on,” writes the pro-government paper. It dismisses such claims as baseless, 
pointing to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s repeated assurances that no peace 
deal with Azerbaijan can be accepted without the approval of Karabakh’s people 
and leadership. “As always, while rejecting the position of the current 
Armenian authorities, Robert Kocharian and Serzh Sarkisian do not come up with 
an alternative or clarify their own positions,” it says. says that Eduard Sharmazanov, the spokesman for Sarkisian’s 
Republican Party of Armenia (HHK), keeps challenging Pashinian to name “foreign 
agents” which the latter says operate in the Armenian political scene. “It’s a 
serious issue and Sharmazanov’s concerns are legitimate,” comments the 
pro-Western online publication. “It must be pointed out that he is the only 
person consistently raising that issue. Only Pashinian knows what and whom he 
meant.” It says that Sharmazanov should, for his part, explain why he and his 
HHK colleagues had voted for gas deals with Russia which “limited Armenia’s 

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

168: Republican Party of Armenia: “The ruling political majority and Nikol Pashinyan personally bear full liability for the constitutional crisis that is deepening in Armenia”



After being elected judge of the Constitutional Court by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, on June 20, 2019, Vahe Grigoryan, pursuant to Article 5 of the Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court”, took an oath of office, and while he was taking the oath of office, he declared that he is assuming the powers of President of the Constitutional Court.

Recording that:

  • Pursuant to Article 18 of the Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court”, the Vice-President of the Constitutional Court shall temporarily perform the powers of the President of the Constitutional Court in case of absence of the President of the Constitutional Court.

The elder judge of the Constitutional Court shall temporarily perform the powers of the President of the Constitutional Court in case of absence of the President and Vice-President of the Constitutional Court.

  • Article 213 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia clearly prescribes that the President and members of the Constitutional Court appointed prior to entry into force of Chapter 7 of the Constitution (the day of assumption of duties by the President of the Republic of Armenia — April 9, 2018) shall continue to serve in office until the end of the term of their powers, as prescribed by the Constitution amended in 2005.
  • Even with a narrow and extremely literal interpretation of Article 213 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia with respect to the President of the Constitutional Court, it is clear that Hrayr Tovmasyan, who was elected President of the Constitutional Court on March 21, 2018, must “continue to serve in office until the end of the term of his powers, as prescribed by the Constitution amended in 2005”.
  • However, the same concerns other members of the Constitutional Court. Members of the Constitutional Court appointed prior to entry into force of Chapter 7 of the Constitution shall continue to serve in office until the end of the term of office prescribed by the Constitution amended in 2005 and, in this case, the constituent shall not see any difference between a member of the Constitutional Court and a judge of the Constitutional Court.
  • According to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the duties of both a member of the Constitutional Court and a judge of the Constitutional Court shall be the same, that is, implementation of constitutional justice within the composition of the Constitutional Court.
  • According to Article 213 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, nominations for vacancies for judges of the Constitutional Court following entry into force of Chapter 7 of the Constitution shall be made sequentially by the President of the Republic, the General Assembly of Judges and the Government.
  • If Vahe Grigoryan’s interpretation was correct, this would mean that the seats of all judges of the Constitutional Court are vacant starting from April 9, 2018 and that the President of the Republic of Armenia, the General Assembly of Judges and the Government had to immediately nominate three candidates for judges. However, it is clear that this was not the case since interpreting the Constitution in such an absurd way hadn’t even crossed anyone’s mind. However, perhaps the political realities dictated to some people that the time has come for a new way of distorting the Constitution.
  • Moreover, based on the logic of the arguments that Grigoryan has made, we have to come to the absurd conclusion that there are two Constitutional Courts operating in Armenia: members of the Constitutional Court serve in one Constitutional Court, and judges of the Constitutional Court — in the other one. In law, there is a type of logical conclusion that is referred to as “reductio ad absurdum”. If any interpretation of a norm entails absurdity (for instance, having two Constitutional Courts), the interpretation of that norm may not be acceptable.

The Republican Party of Armenia declares:

  • The specified developments are the continuity of the efforts of the incumbent authorities to undermine constitutionality in the country and are the attacks of Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan against the judiciary that he had launched in May of this year.
  • The ruling political majority and Nikol Pashinyan personally bear full liability for the constitutional crisis that is deepening in Armenia.
  • We will continue to be consistent and lead a struggle to preserve the Constitution and maintain lawfulness within the borders of Armenia and on international platforms.

Executive Body of the Republican Party of Armenia

Yerevan residents get used to becoming “neighbors” with garbage?, Armenia
June 2 2019
Yerevan residents get used to becoming “neighbors” with garbage?
14:34, 02.06.2019
The problem of garbage removal has become tiresome in Yerevan.
The matter has become so rooted that numerous residents of the capital city of Armenia have simply stopped noticing the garbage “hills,” the disgusting-looking garbage bins, the stench, as well as the “companions” of this phenomenon.
The company responsible for garbage disposal in Yerevan has been penalized and fined numerous times, several Saturday public upkeep actions have been held, and some new garbage trucks have been purchased, but garbage is not properly collected yet in the city.

Armenian parliament debates gambling restrictions

Armenian parliament debates gambling restrictions




YEREVAN, MAY 31, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian parliament is debating proposed restrictions on bookmaking activities in the country.

A bill co-authored by Vice Speaker Alen Simonyan and MP Sipan Pashinyan from the ruling My Step Alliance and opposition MP Naira Zohrabyan from Prosperous Armenia party suggests amending the current law on gambling and allowing bookmakers to operate only in four cities – Tsakhkadzor, Jermuk, Sevan and Meghri.

According to Simonyan, the purpose is to minimize possible gambling addiction.

He said the proposed locations have been chosen in terms of tourism and leisure: Tsakhkadzor, Sevam and Jermuk are the most popular tourism destinations in Armenia, while Meghri was chosen as a border town.

The bill also provisions age restrictions, as well as minimization of the possibility of cash transcations.

SImonyan said the government has approved the bill and damages to the budget will be insignificant.

If passed, the law will be effective from 2020 November.

The law, however, will not cover the automated bookmaking devices that are located at gas stations.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

President appoints new Commander of Police Troops

President appoints new Commander of Police Troops




YEREVAN, MAY 23, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian has signed an order appointing Vahe Ghazaryan to serve as the new Commander of the Police Troops and Deputy Police Chief of the country, Sarkissian’s Office said in a news release.

The appointment was made based on Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s recommendation.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan