On Sevan – Yerevan Highway The RA NA Deputy Died


Friday, October 09

On October 8 there was an alarm that at around 19:30 pm, on the 32nd
km of Sevan – Yerevan highway, next to Charentsavan city, in unclear
circumstances a car with stamp of "Mercedes-500" has come out of the
drivable part of the road and has crashed into the tree as a result
of which the passenger, citizen of Yerevan, Melik Gasparyan, RA NA
deputy born in 1951 died immediately.

The driver, V. Petrosyan, who is a citizen of Vardenis city of
Gegharkunik region and is born in 1979 and the passenger Khachik
Manukyan born in 1959 in Yerevan have received different kinds of
injuries and have been transported to the medical center of "Saint
Grigor Lusavorich" in Yerevan. The doctors say the state of the
injured is satisfactory.

Greater The Oligarch’s Power, The Less Armenia Will Develop: Hrant B


14:47 09.10.09

Ex-Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Hrant Bagratyan referred
to the economic consequences of Armenian-Turkish border opening while
speaking with journalists today.

"Of course, one should prepare for economic relations, sooner or later
we had to collide with Turkish capital, with Turkish business. The
difference is that Turkish medium entrepreneur is more dynamic,
more literate and more advanced, than the Armenian one. It will be
the first time we will mingle with the Turkish people during our
thousand-year history of contact when the Turkish people are more
advanced than us in all aspects," Bagratyan said.

According to Bagratyan, if the border opens, generally trade will allow
production in Armenia to be cheaper, but "an interesting phenomena
will take place which may mix everything up."

"Armenia’s centralized, oligarchic economy will collide with Turkey’s
non-centralized, non-oligarchic dynamic private sector. Turkey’s
number one advantage is its dynamic private sector, everyone says
this," the ex-prime minister stated.

According to him, the imported Turkish products will be cheaper and
the local producer’s situation will worsen slightly at first, but,
according to Bagratyan, it cannot be said that if the local producer’s
situation worsens, then we cannot have contact with Turkey.

"The most appalling thing for me is not the fact that we have no
production today… For example, in Antalya there are about 5,000
hotel owners. In Armenia, that wouldn’t be allowed, either Kocharian
or some other would be the owners; at the most, ownership would be in
the hands of ten individuals. There is no such greediness in Turkey
as there is in Sevan. We don’t have a private entrepreneur that can
compete with Turkey. At first, Turkish capital will collide with
Armenia’s oligarchs but the Turks are not so foolish as to come and
develop private businesses in Armenia. Sooner or late e oligarchs,
understanding very well the bigger the oligarchs’ power, the less
Armenia will develop. If you want to know the problem, those ten
people don’t allow Armenia to develop, we lose in that case, if we
are internally weak," Bagratyan added.

Weeks Of Germany In Armenia


2009-10-09 18:10:00

ArmInfo. The weeks of Germany are coming back to Armenia.

Minister of Culture of Armenia Hasmik Pogossyan says that the autumn
program of the weeks includes a concert by Dominik Wagner Quartett
feat. singer Carolin Bechtle, demonstration of German documentary
films about environmental problems, an exhibition of photos by former
ambassador of Germany to Armenia Hans Wulf-Bartels (in Gyumri on Oct
24), a house party by a German DJ. "We are also planning to organize
a rock concert," says Pogossyan.

The weeks of Germany started Mar 20 with an exhibition of Horst

Concerts, exhibitions and workshops – almost 40 events – have taken
place so far in the framework of the weeks in Yerevan, Kapan, Vanadzor,
Syunik and Gyumri.

Protest Rally Ends At Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Victims’ Memorial In


09.10.2009 20:54 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Protest rally of over 20 000 people, launched today
at Yerevan’s Republic Square, continues at Tsitsernakaberd Genocide
victims’ memorial. Among participants were 12 RA political forces,
united against RA Turkish Protocols’ conclusion: ARF Dashnaktsutyun,
Ramkavar Azatakan Party, New Times Party, National Party, Democratic
Party, Heritage, Goyamart, Mother Armenia, RA Socialist Labor Party,
United Armenians, Oath of Armenian Unity, Armenian Aryan Union.

ARF Dashnaktsutyun bureau representative Vahan Hovhannesyan, New Times
Party Leader Aram Karapetyan, Ramkavar Azatakan Party Chairman Harutyun
Arakelyan, Heritage Administration Head Armen Martirosyan delivered
statements, once again specifying that RA external policy deviated
from its course and poses threat to Armenia’s national security and
future, adding that October 10 Protocols’ conclusion will cancel out
the process of Armenian Genocide’s international recognition, deprive
Genocide victims’ descendants of the right to their motherland and
threaten NKR’s independence.

Demonstrators once again urged RA President to refrain from
ratification of unfair and anti-Armenian document, emphasizing that
in the opposite case protest rallies will continue.

The next protest rally will take place on October 16 at Yerevan’s
Moscow film theater.

Artsakh Armenians Overcautious About Political Processes


21:11 / 10/09/2009

"The Artsakh Armenians’ attitude to the Armenia-Turkey normalization
process is actually predetermined by the fact that Azerbaijan has
made the Nagorno-Karabakh problem hostage to the Armenian-Turkish
relations," said the historian Mher Harutyunyan, Head of the Kachar
research center.

He pointed out that Turkey and Azerbaijan are doing their best to
link the two processes.

"From this point of view, the Artsakh Armenians are overcautious
about the ongoing political processes. Quite another matter is if
the Armenia-Turkey normalization process is viewed in the context of
establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations, lifting of Armenia’s
blockade and restoration of other ties. The steps being made in
this direction are likely to produce positive results. However,
in the context of our triunity (Armenia-Karabakh-Diaspora) and the
Turkish society, many issues remain open. Our millions-strong Diaspora
was chiefly formed as a result of Turkey’s genocidal policy toward
Armenians. Our people, which had for centuries been subjected to
persecution and violence by the Turkish authorities, cannot forget
it so easily," Harutyunyan said.

He said that the Armenian President’s meetings with Diasporan
representatives were "a most important initiative aimed at specifying
certain issues."

Armenian Diaspora Becomes Important Political Factor

Karine Ter-Sahakyan

06.10.2009 GMT+04:00

How important the voice of the Diaspora is, has become clear in the
light of recent developments in normalization of Armenian-Turkish

Until recently Armenian Diaspora was perceived in the world as a kind
of irritating Turkey factor and a tool in the hands of the Armenian
state to advance their interests at international level. Such an
image of the Diaspora has been grounded to some extent, because in
the course of almost all its activity, Armenian organizations around
the world have been engaged exclusively in the problem of recognition
of the Armenian Genocide, and for the past 20 years – the problem of
recognition of Nagorno Karabakh.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Pan-Armenian tour of the President of
Armenia seems to have raised the significance of the Diaspora to
a new level. Let us recall that all the attempts to attract seven
or eight million Armenians scattered all over the world with the
aim to solve problems inside Armenia have almost always ended in
a naught. As a proof to this can serve the three Armenia-Diaspora
forums, all ending in idle talks and non-committal statements. From
then on the Diaspora began to believe that for Armenia Spyurk is a
"milk cow" which is ready to allocate funds out of patriotism. And
nobody could think that the Diaspora is capable of really influencing
the foreign policy of Armenia, and not only Armenia, but also those
states where it is powerful and more united. It primarily refers to
the United States, Lebanon, France and, to some extent, Russia. Russian
Diaspora is less organized as a result of lack of tradition and great
distances, despite the large number of Diaspora organizations. It
is also relatively young and its representatives are not burdened
by the load of ancestors who survived the Armenian Genocide. But in
Russia too can the Armenian community influence the taking on of any
decisions necessary for Armenia.

How important the voice of the Diaspora is, has become clear in the
light of recent developments in normalization of Armenian-Turkish
relations.. Greater part of Diaspora clearly opposes the signing
of any documents with Turkey. It is appropriate to note that
the politically mature part of the Diaspora is Dashnaktsutyun,
which has many adherents in all countries of the world. Moreover,
it has leverage over the governments of different countries in the
form of the Armenian lobby, which, whatever may be said about it, is
quite a powerful organization, especially in promoting true Armenian
interests, among which recognition of the Armenian Genocide holds the
first standing. By the way, precisely thanks to this issue the Armenian
organizations in the USA gain financial assistance for Armenia from the
United States Government. Moreover, it is to the Diaspora that Armenia
should be grateful for the close Armenian-French relations. And under
such circumstances it is simply impossible to neglect the opinion of
the Diaspora in Armenian-Turkish Protocols.

In any event, the Armenian Diaspora is becoming an important political
factor not only for Armenia but also for the whole world. Not without
purpose does Turkish President Abdullah Gul regularly declare that
Yerevan needs to get rid of "opinions imposed by the Diaspora, which
averts the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations". By the way,
this point of view from Turkey is not new and it is continually
voiced as soon as there arises a danger for Ankara. Turkey fears
the Diaspora, and it is quite logical. The strange point is whether
the Turkish leadership is so naive as to believe that the protocols
would be signed without advice from the Diaspora. Or, Ankara is so
confident about the possibility of direct pressure on the President
of Armenia that it excludes such a possibility. It is hard to believe
such a naivete, but it is also possible that like a sly fox Turkey
is trapped with two legs at once.

"Haypost" Opens New Branch In Masis


08.10.2009 18:07 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Official opening of "Haypost-Masis" branch
is scheduled for October 9, "Haypost" CJSC’s press service
reports. Armenia’s official post operator, company offers postal,
payment and wholesale services. Currently "Haypost" operates 900
branches on Armenia’s territory, including both towns and remote areas.

We Managed To Hear All Possible Approaches In Diaspora: Serzh Sargsy


18:06 08.10.09

Armenian President and Chair of National Security Council Serzh
Sargsyan convened an expanded session of the National Security Council
today. Besides the council members, His Holiness Catholicos of All
Armenians Karekin II , Leader of Prosperous Armenia Party Gagik
Tsarukyan, Chair of Public Council of the Republic of Armenia Vazgen
Manukyan, and Minister of Diaspora Hranoush Hakobyan were present at
the session.

According to the release circulated by Armenian president’s press
service, opening the session, Serzh Sargsyan remarked on his visits
to the Diaspora Armenian communities and said: "From the beginning,
we realized that it would be impossible to ensure such a level of
representation that would satisfy everyone. However, I think, we
managed to ensure such a circle of invitees that allowed us to ensure
a wide range of viewpoints and approaches. Since the purpose of my
visits was not to analyze the entire Diaspora’s collective opinion
in terms of numbers, we didn’t place importance to the proportional
representation of each opinion’s supporters that were in the hall. It
was more important for us to hear all the possible approaches and
to get all the possible consultation in this matter, and I think we
managed to do that."

"I had an opportunity to reconfirm our approach that we don’t
consider the Protocols to be read as documents that hinder Armenia’s
negotiation positions in the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh. Moreover,
I reconfirmed our approach to the terms of the possible settlement:
determination of their own legal status by the Nagorno-Karabkah people
by free expression of their will without any limitations. I find it
important that that was once again reconfirmed by US President Barack
Obama, with whom I had a telephone conversation while I was in Los
Angeles. In this matter it is understandable both the concerns of our
compatriots and the statements periodically made by the Turkish leade
ur small region can influence one another. But the point is that we
are not ready and will never make one-sided concessions in the issue
of Nagorno-Karabakh, irrespective of what we’ll be offered in exchange.

"Next among the main concerns is the supposed possible retreat
in the cause of Genocide recognition and condemnation. I think it
is obvious that no Armenian can not raise the reasons for being a
nation that is spread all over the world and is deprived of our own
vital territory. We have a responsibility in the issue of Genocide
recognition and condemnation, and we will carry out that duty to
the end.

"It was painful for me that, riding the emotional wave, some of our
sisters and brothers lost the ideological basis of their actions. If,
for all of us, the just claim is to raise the importance of the
recognition of the fact of Genocide in Armenia-Turkish relations,
then it was directed to that [aim], as an intention, to start
my pan-Armenian tour by honouring the Genocide victims at the
Komitas Memorial in Paris. I expected that our unity and position
in this matter should be shown not by provocation of 100 people
but by thousands of demonstrators. I also heard words of support
and encouragement in the Diaspora. I don’t want to refer to them
separately, since the whole responsibility of signing the Protocols
is on us, as a state and as state officials, and we are not preparing
to place the responsibility on others. My purpose wasn’t at all,
after returning from the pan-Armenian tour, to state that the whole
Diaspora is for signing the Armenian-Turkish Protocols," the president
particularly stated.

RA Government Does Not Acknowledge Real Challenges Of RA – Turkey Bo


08.10.2009 14:04 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ RA Government is unready to acknowledge real
challenges of RA -Turkey border opening, ARF Dashnaktsutyun
Parliamentary Faction representative Artsvik Minasyan stated during
discussions on "Initialed Protocols and RA-Turkey relations: National
and state interests and challenges".

"Possible challenges of RA-Turkey border opening are not reflected
in RA budget for 2010. So how can we risk border opening ?" RA
parliamentarian questioned.

Turkey Managed To Drive Wedge Between Armenia And Diaspora, Says Psy


16:32 07.10.09

The improvement of Armenian-Turkish relations is an issue which is
connected with each and every Armenian’s security, irrespective
of where he or she lives, according to ethno-psychologist Karine

"It’s a very sensitive topic," Nalchajian said, adding that the
response of the Diaspora and those in Armenia is different.

According to the psychologist, there is no revolt and public movement
in Armenia. At the same time, she said that local population "follows
fearfully and attentively to what’s going on." Proceeding from that,
the psychologist added that, depending on the approaches proposed for
the settlement of the issue, further processes of the developments
may vary.

Nalchajian also presented to journalists the study results on the
attitudes of the public towards Armenian-Turkish cooperation. In her
research, the psychologist divided the public into three groups.

The first group includes people who flatly refuse to have any
relations with Turkey whatsoever. According to Nalchajian, this group
of respondents explains its viewpoint by the motives that Armenia
has no right to establish relations directly as they may lead to
adverse consequences.

The psychologist considers the second group’s viewpoint as not
serious and superficial. The second group of respondents consider
the establishment of relations to be positive. According to them,
they will live better after the process has come to an end.

"It’s surprising that within the country there were people who
disseminate Turkish propaganda. That is the most dangerous group,"
Nalchajian stated. In that context she also added that "Turkey managed
to drive wedge between Armenia and Diaspora to some extent."

Thus, the third group is for the establishment of relations but
proposes to make some changes.