Azimov: Opened Communications – Important Argument In Nagorno-Karaba


oct 03 2009, 11:00

As reported to journalists by Araz Azimov, Deputy Minister of Foreign
Affairs of Azerbaijan, opening of communications is an important
component of negotiations on Karabakh settlement.

"We find it important to operate the Lachin Highway in both directions,
and not just for communication of Karabakh Armenians with Armenia. This
road is very important for Azerbaijanis too, and we can’t accept that
this road is used by one party only," said Mr Azimov.

Ahmed Davudoglu, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey,
said earlier that the use of this road will help improving mutual
relations of three countries: Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. However,
the Armenian party would not give up its position on this issue.

Back in 2006, the Azerbaijani party suggested to open the highway
Agdam-Nagorno-Karabakh-Lachin-Goris (Armenia)-Nakhichevan-Turkey,
which could connect three countries.

ANTELIAS: HH Aram I receives former Ambassador of Canada to Lebanon

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317


On Monday 5 October 2009, Haig Sarafian, the former Ambassador of Canada to
Lebanon visited His Holiness Aram I in his office in Antelias. After six
years of service in Lebanon Ambassador Sarafian had been transferred to
Libya and actually he is retired. Discussions between His Holiness Aram I
and the Ambassador focused on the recent negotiations between Armenia and

His Holiness Aram I had also discussed this same topic with Levon Sarkssian
the former Ambassador of Armenia to Syria and the brother of the President
of Armenia, in view of the forthcoming visit of the President to Lebanon.

View the photo here:
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.

Andranik Mihranyan: Initiative Of Armenia’s President Shows His Cour


05.10.2009 20:01 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian authorities face the important issue,
while the Diaspora is not yet ready to it, Andranik Mihranyan political
scientist, professor of the Moscow State Institute for International
Relations said.

According to him, the people, bearing responsibility for the future
of their country, make the decisions today, while other people, who
also want to participate in the talks and who are worried about this
country, do not understand the full depth of the issue.

He also welcomed the initiative of the Armenia’s President to meet
with representatives of Armenian communities. "The Serzh Sargsyan’s
step to openly discuss the issue of normalization of Armenia-Turkey
relations with the Diaspora, shows his courage, " Andranik Mihranyan
said. According to him, president’s initiative is an attempt to create
dialogue between Armenia and Diaspora.

"Only through dialogue Armenians from all over the world can unite and
stand before Turkey as a whole", the political scientist said. Armenia
is undergoing the period, followed by major changes, he said.

"Changes shouldn’t be treated as a defeat or retreat. I think,
last year the Armenian diplomacy was excellent, " Mr. Mihranyan
said. According to him, the widespread opinion that Turkey has a
stronger diplomacy, than Armenia is not true because today Turkey
abandons its preconditions, but not Armenia.

Hachikian To Sarkisian: How Dare You Squander Our Political Capital?


5/hachikian-to-sarkisian-how-dare-you-squander-our -political-capital/
October 5, 2009

Below is the text of the comments made by ANCA chairman Ken Hachikian
during the Oct. 3 meeting with President Serge Sarkisian in New York.

Mr. President:

The Armenian National Committee of America stands with the overwhelming
majority of the Armenian American community in opposition to the
intense pressure by Turkey and its allies to force Armenia into
accepting a flawed and dangerous set of protocols that threaten the
security of Armenia, surrender the rights of the Armenian nation,
and insult the dignity of the Armenian people. Among the ANCA’s
primary concerns, in keeping with the basic American principles of
fairness and the enduring values of the Armenian nation, is that
Armenia, illegally blockaded by Turkey and under intense economic and
diplomatic pressure, is being forced into accepting terms that threaten
her interests, rights, safety, and future-very notably in the form of
a proposed "historical commission," whatever its composition turns
out to be. This provision, a tactic long pursued by Ankara to cast
doubt on the historical record of the Armenian Genocide, is clearly
intended to serve Turkey’s drive to roll back the growing tide of
international recognition of this crime against humanity. There can
be, as a matter of basic morality and political reality, no enduring
relationship between Armenia and Turkey that is not built upon the
foundation of Turkey’s acceptance of a true and just resolution with
respect to the Armenian Genocide.

Further, these protocols outrageously surrender the historical
rights of the Armenian nation to a just resolution of the Armenian
Genocide. They also dangerously undermine the right to freedom and
self-determination for the Nagorno Karabagh Republic.

Mr. President, your actions in pursuing these protocols are naive. They
are reckless. And they are simply irresponsible. Your assertion that
they do not contain any preconditions insults our intelligence. The
requirement for a commission of historians, which I might point out
has been soundly rejected by the International Association of Genocide
Scholars, the formal recognition of borders, and the acknowledgment
of territorial integrity without any mention of self-determination
are all preconditions imposed and insisted upon by Turkey, which
you have unwisely accepted at the point of their blackmail of the
closed borders.

These preconditions were and are requirements of Turkey; they are
the price you are willing to pay to the Turkish blackmailers. Many
countries readily normalize relations without such one-sided

How dare you accede to Turkish blackmail when our forbearers sacrificed
so much and suffered at the hands of the Turks, who to this very day
deny the Genocide which the rest of the world acknowledges?

How dare you attempt to squander the political capital that so many
have, at great sacrifice, built up over the decades in capitals around
the world? And make no mistake, signing the protocols would put at
risk that very capital. You have no moral right to do so. You have
no power to do so. And we will not allow you to do so.

You cannot take away the rights of our nation and our people simply
because you view yourself as the savior of our country. You are not
saving our country; you are relegating us to a subservient position
to Turkey while simply abandoning our rights to justice. Your efforts
are doomed to failure.

You will be remembered as the president who led our country to a
path of dependency, who foolishly bargained away our lands, whose
misjudgments led us to a weakened status. If you go forward with
these protocols, your legacy will be deeply flawed.

Do not attempt to hide behind the support of the minority who blindly
offer support for your initiatives.

They are not the true grassroots of the diaspora. They simply do not
represent the majority of the community. In the face of our vigilance
in confronting successive U.S. administrations over their blind and
unwavering support for Turkey, their default position is to support
these policies of the U.S. State Department. They are the same people
who surrendered Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act, who supported
the disastrous Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission, and who
supported the nomination of Richard Hoagland, a morally reprehensible
genocide denier, to be ambassador to Armenia. They no longer have
political relevance in our community. Don’t be seduced by their
meaningless support.

Mr. President, you are making a grave mistake here. I hope you have
the wisdom to listen to your countrymen and to back away from this
disastrous agreement, before you bring great harm to our country,
to our people, and to your presidency.

Obama: The Process Should Pass Without Any Precondition

Tuesday, October 06

The RA President Serzh Sargsyan, during his stay in Los Angeles had
a phone talk with the President of the USA Barak Obama. As the Press
Office of the USA President informs the phone talk took place by the
initiation of the US President.

President Obama informed about his support to the Armenian President
for the regulation process of the Armenian – Turkish relations. The
US President restated the official disposition of the USA, which
is, the regulation of the Armenian – Turkish relations should go on
without any preconditions and should be tied to the process of the
NKR conflict settlement.

The President Serzh Sargsyan has expressed his gratitude to the
President of the United States of America for the support showed in the
process of regulation of Armenian – Turkish relations and has shared
with his impressions got from his pan-Armenian tour. The RA President
has underlined that the anxiety and fears of the Armenians, that
are spread all over the world, concerning this process are natural,
taking into consideration the fact that the Armenian people have seen
Genocide from the side of Osmanian Turkey, about what President Obama
has many times mentioned in his speeches.

Serzh Sargsyan thanked President Obama for the mediation work done by
the American representatives of the OSCE Minsk Group and has stressed
the readiness of Armenia to move forward for the peaceful regulation
of the conflict, the axis of which should be the decision of the
final status of the NKR people by their own free will, which is in
the basis of the Madrid principles presented by the Minsk Group.

Reporters in Turkey Punished for Visiting Karabakh

Reporters in Turkey Punished for Visiting Karabakh

11:49 ¢ 03.10.09

On one of Turkey’s most widely publicized TV stations yesterday, NTV
journalists weren’t allowed to attend a press conference organized by
Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As informed by’s
correspondent in Istanbul, the reason for being denied access wasn’t
officially announced, but all knew what the real reason was. The issue
is connected with NTV reporter Bilge Egemen who visited the Republic
of Nagorno-Karabakh and had prepared a series of reports and broadcast
them from Karabakh.

A few days ago, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded
curtly to this, after which Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Ministry also
made a decision not to allow NTV’s reporters to cover Ministry of
Foreign Affairs’ events. Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Ministry finally
officially announced that it is prohibiting broadcasting of Turkish FM
Ahmet Davutoglu’s meetings in Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan.

This step has instigated a serious complaint from Turkey’s
journalists, who are already referring to the decision as hindering
freedom of speech, which they find to be unacceptable. Representatives
from the TV station promised to state their position on the issue
after Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially announces the
reason for its decision.

Armenian Prime Minister Highlights Activity And Programs Of "Synopsi


SEPTEMBER 30, 2009

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 30, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Prime Minister Tigran
Sargsyan received today chairman of the "Synopsis" company and general
operation director Chi Fun Chan and members of his entourage.

Governmental press service told Armenpress that greeting the guests
Tigran Sargsyan highly assessed the activity and programs of the
company, noting that he is aware and grateful to Synopsis for
presenting Armenia’s IT sphere to the world and moving it forward.

The head of the government referred also to the possibility of
expansion of activity of the company in Armenia, organization of
ArmTech directed toward development IT sphere in Armenia.

International Day Of Older Persons

October 01, 2009

The International Day of Older Persons is marked today since the
General Assembly designated 1 October as International Day of Older
Persons by resolution of 14 December 1990.

Initially, the Day was celebrated only in Europe, but it is widely
marked in many countries all around the world nowadays including

Traditionally, peoples of Caucasian region pertain with great respect
for older people, respect their opinion; and aged persons always sit
at the honorable places at feast tables.

This day is another opportunity to pay attention to the problems
of older people surrounding them by our care. This is especially
a demand for old persons who live in a nursing home. It’s not only
state’s task but each of us.

It is worth noting the wisest Armenian saying: "Love old people to
deserve the age".

US Prods Armenia, Turkey On Diplomatic Ties


2009/09/29 | 12:19

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Turkey and Armenia
Monday to carry out their plans to normalise ties soon during separate
meetings with their foreign ministers.

According to a Reuters report, "I want to reiterate our very strong
support for the normalization process that is going on between
Armenia and Turkey, which we have long said should take place
without preconditions and within a reasonable timeframe," Clinton
told reporters as she sat down with Armenian Foreign Minister Edward
Nalbandian on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.

She later met Turkish Foreign Ahmet Davutoglu.

A U.S. official said Clinton does not want the signing to be disrupted
by Armenian nationalist demands that Turkey acknowledge the 1915
killings as genocide or by demands by some Turks for a resolution of
the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute.

All-Armenian Tour – Opportunity To Impart New Meaning To Armenia-Dia


30.09.2009 15:11 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President’s all-Armenian tour to big
Armenian Diaspora communities is an important initiative not only for
discussing Armenian-Turkish Protocols but also imparting a new meaning
to Armenia-Diaspora relations, Director of National Strategic Research
Institute, major-general Hayk Kotanjyan told a news conference in
Yerevan. "Dialogue between Armenia and Diaspora is very important. It
will enable outstanding Diaspora representatives to voice their
approaches and listen to Armenian leader’s responses," expert said,
stressing the importance of conducting an on-going dialogue.

At that he noted that dialogue with Diaspora played strategically
important role for Armenia. "It is necessary to make the traditional
approaches – ‘Hay dat’ and international recognition of Armenian
Genocide – the underlying principles of Armenia-Diaspora cooperation,"
Kotanjyan finds. Besides, he said, Armenian people’s efforts towards
achieving Genocide recognition cannot fully reflect the priority
interests of all Armenians, and it’s very important for Diaspora to
reach consensus on most important national issues.

For the first time in history, Armenian President will conduct an
all-Armenian tour to biggest Armenian communities. Serzh Sargsyan will
meet with Armenian community leaders in New York, Paris, Los Angeles,
Beirut and Rostov-on-Don. Visit aims at revealing Armenian Diaspora’s
views on Armenian-Turkish rapprochement.