March 1 Was An Everyday Act Of Hooliganism?


02:46 pm | September 03, 2009 | Politics

Representatives of European countries will exchange the electoral
experience of their countries for three days within the framework
of the annual conference organized by the "Electoral Authorities of
Europe" association entitled "Judicial Defense of the Electoral Right"
being held in Yerevan.

The guests were welcomed by NA Chairman Hovik Abrahamyan. "Nobody wants
to lose in the elections. Many people are very tempted to dispute
the results of the elections whenever they lose in the political
struggle. There can’t be two truths when we talk about political
parties and in these conditions, the judicial branch of government is
the only body that can give a final and indisputable conclusion on the
political parties competing against each other," said Hovik Abrahamyan.

It is hard to say how much the speech by the association’s secretary
general related to Hovik Abrahamyan’s welcoming remarks, but Zoltan
Totan started his speech by stating that the EAE is an independent,
non-governmental organization.

"No government can have an impact on us, but we can’t support every
government in holding free and fair elections. Our slogan is: "Not
the power of bullets, but ballots".

Hovik Abrahamyan broke the silence in the hall with his applause and
left after one or two minutes.

A press conference was foreseen during today’s conference headed by
president of the RA Central Electoral Commission Gagik Azaryan. Taking
into account that elections are accompanied with shootings, "A1+" asked
Azaryan if the current authorities came to power through "bullets".

"I don’t agree that our elections are held through shootings. Our
elections are held normally. True, we do see some hooligan acts in
some cases, but they are no different from other days when there
are elections and votes when you look at in general," said the CEC

So, March 1 had nothing to do with the elections? Was it an everyday
act of hooliganism? In response, Azaryan said:

"You said that you were going to ask one question. This is already
the second question. Thank you."



Sept 4 2009

At 31, August night Armenia and Turkey with Swiss participation
announced an agreement to normalize their diplomatic bilateral ties,
and the "roadmap" after being the focus of Armenian and Turkish society
and a number of world power centers last few months, clarified the
details of the diplomatic relations establishing.

The events of September marked a simple and important phenomenon:
the initiative policy pursued by official Yerevan has its real
results. However, World Powers which have their own interests in
region are awaiting and are pressing Turkey in order the populist
statements to be carried out.

It looks like analysts who thought Turkey would manage to turn the
process to make it inconvenient for Armenia or to make Armenia
to fall into an unconventional situation were wrong. Moreover,
everything carried out exactly the opposite. In fact, after Serzh
Sargsyan’s statement when the information-analytical field calm down,
it became clear that the statement was not only the kind, it was a
clear political message directed to the different sides and especially
to Ankara.

By the way, after the documents decelerated it may be said the PM
of Turkey fall into the unconventional situation after his loyalty
oaths to the "Jr. Brother". "Until Armenia doesn’t sign the agreement
between Armenia and Azerbaijan on Karabakh conflict, no final ties
will be carried out" – he has told. "We can work preliminary in the
direction of signing the agreement with Armenia, but it ultimately
depends on the resolution of the Karabakh conflict".

Erdogan himself has changed his position and he makes another statement
according the Armenian-Turkish relations. In particular, he says:
"A number of important events are coming and it is definitely there
is a progress in Armenian-Turkish relationships. However, without
parliamentary approval no one signed document could have legal force".

Turkey rules turning point in its policy which lead her to a new role
in the region, new partnership with countries she traditionally had
a tense relationship and never hold them among Turkish or Azerbaijani

The policy of isolation no longer justified itself nowadays. Ankara
has made a political decision to go on building relations with Armenia
to provide her own interests.

Turkey received a brilliant opportunity to establish and consolidate
its position in the region and to increase its geopolitical weight
in the strategic games of superpowers. Azerbaijan must not disturb it.

This point was confirmed by Erdogan’s top Adviser who noted that the
establishment of diplomatic relations with Armenia would continue
irrespective of whether the Karabakh issue resolved or not. "If even
the Karabakh issue is not resolved, Turkey will continue its efforts
to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia", – Hussein Chelik said

Now we can say that sounded statements indicate significant changes
in the geopolitical climate of the region when the former opponents
and competitors are trying to establish the foundation for cooperation.

On the one hand it concerns the plane of Russian-Turkish relations,
on the other hand – the Armenian-Turkish relations. However,
we should remember that in order to keep friendly relations with
Azerbaijan, Turkey at least formally and on public fields will relate
Armenian-Turkish relations with the Karabakh conflict.

By the way, Turkey has already taken some steps. The Foreign Minister
of Turkey A. Davudoglu wrote to the Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey
Lavrov and asked Russia to accelerate the process of resolving the
Karabakh conflict.

It is clear that, on the one hand, Turkey tries to solve the
"Jr. Brother’s" problems. And it tries to withdraw from the situation
of statements made before, on the other side.

Energy programs and the opening of communication routes that follow
such a complex processes, create a situation where the South Caucasus
is changing the geopolitical significance of the region.

Countries that have traditionally been in isolation will receive
completely a new status and positive implications.

According to the communication functions it is possible Georgia to
meet with serious problems. These difficulties stem by the war in
august and the future reopening of Armenian-Turkish border.

Therefore Azerbaijan and Georgia will be at unfavorable situation
because Azerbaijan had enjoyed blockade to deal its strategic problems,
and Georgia did the same in economy.

Thus, the processes of nowadays will be many stages and will reflect
not only inter-state goals, they will depend on the strategic, energy
and geopolitical interests of the superpowers.

All these will determine the future security and stability of the

"Karabakh’s Independence Day Is Artificial"


04:10 pm | September 02, 2009


Nagorno-Karabakh Republic marks the 18th anniversary of its
independence on September 2.

Jirayr Sefilyan, a Lebanese citizen of Armenian descent, commanded
of a Shushi special regiment, thinks the holiday is artificial like
the country’s name- Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

"Nagorno-Karabakh united with Armenia long ago. Actually, we all have
one Independence Day-September 21. The ideology was adopted in 1988,"
Sefilyan said to A1+.

Jirayr Sefilyan says the resolution of the Karabakh conflict is
periled with every passing day. The Miatsum Initiative is seriously
concerned over this issue and is going to hold a discussion on the
matter on September 3.

"If 7-8 years ago it was impossibly to speak of the conflict settlement
today the maintenance of Karabakh’s status quo is discussed on an
international level. It is high time Armenian authorities quitted the
idea of ceding an acre of land. In no other country has the native
land become an object of bargain," adds Mr. Sefilyan.

Miatsum invites everyone concerned over the Karabakh issue to the
discussion with the exception of Armenian authorities.

"Today the main concern of our authorities is to keep power. They
have become marionettes for the West."

With regard to the normalisation of Armenian-Turkish relations,
Mr. Sefilyan said: "The USA and Turkey will intrude into the Caucasus
and frustrate the equilibrium in the region. The frustrations have
always caused great harms to Armenians. The protocols adopted by
Armenia and Turkey carry great damage for Armenia. They question the
Genocide issue and Kars Treaty."

Ex-Commander Of Artsakh Armed Forces – We’ve Already Handed Over Too

Anahit Danielyan

N agorno Karabakh important society
2009/09/02 | 15:42

The former commander of the Artsakh armed forces, Argady
Ter-Tadevosyan, aka Komandos, today stated at NKR independence
ceremonies in Stepanakert that even though he was a seasoned war
veteran and educated in the art of warfare, he learnt how to defend
the land and people of Artsakh against superior Azeri forces when
he stepped foot in the war zone.Pointing to the graves of Artsakh
war dead, Commander Ter-Tadevosyan commented, "When you visit this
memorial and see the graves of those who fell, you understand just
what they accomplished and how their heroism was manifested."

He stated, that of late, average Karabakh residents are asking him
if there is the possibility of war breaking out again. Commander
Ter-Tadevosyan said that he tells them that while everything is
possible Artsakh today has a "strong protector" in its army and in
its people. He added that the third important factor in this regard
is the resources that derive from the unity of the Armenian people.

Answering reporters’ questions regarding the return of certain
territories in a peace deal, the battle-hardened commander said that,
"this land and this spectacular natural beauty is ours and will
always remain ours." He added that since he is a soldier whose
comrades spilt blood on this land he could only speak negatively
about land concessions.

"What can we give back; we’ve already given back so much. We’ve
ceded Shahoumyan, Martakert, Artzvashen … What is there left to
give?" retorted the former commander, adding that he cannot understand
those who talk about returning any territories.

Prime Minister Met With Armenian Diplomats


02.09.2009 18:46 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan has participated
in the annual meeting between MFA central staff and Heads of diplomatic
missions abroad.

Touching upon Government’s anti-crisis measures, Sargsyan mentioned
that international experts had estimated them as effective. Premier
also introduced prospects for the country’s development, as well as
Government’s approach to achieving progress on domestic markets.

Achieving success requires new approaches, as old tools have nothing to
do in modern world, Premier added. In that connection, he stressed the
role of National Competitiveness Council, All-Armenian Bank, as well
as security market and programs requiring large-scale investments. To
achieve those goals, it is necessary to establish close cooperation
with diplomatic corpse.

Prime Minister also answered diplomats’ questions. Summing up meeting
results, Mr. Sargsyan noted that effective foreign and domestic
policies were interrelated with each other, hence he anticipated new
proposals and initiatives.

U.S. Hopes For Tangible Result


15:18:29 – 31/08/2009

>From July 19-31, in the Chanakkale city of Turkey, a summer
international camp was organized, into which 14-17 year old
15 Armenian, 19 Turkish and 10 American youths took part. It was
organized with the assistance of the U.S. embassy to Turkey. The
aim of the camp was to help the students to contribute to the
intercultural communication, to understand better each other and
to shape an atmosphere of tolerance. Courses of English as well as
intercultural meetings were organized for the students.

On August 31, the U.S. ambassador to Armenia, Marie Jovanovich met
with pupils and reporters. Jovanovich stated that the camp was a very
nice possibility for the students to see Turkey and to get acquainted
with its culture. The Armenian and Turkish children understood that
they have the same dreams and desires.

According to Marie Jovanovich, the normalization of the Armenian and
Turkish relation is very important for the region. The U.S. hopes that
tangible results will soon be registered. The ambassador thinks that
the normalization will open new economic and political opportunities
for Armenia and Turkey.

Egoyan’s ‘Chloe’ To Open San Sebastian Film Festival




Canadian director Adam Egoyan’s psychological drama "Chloe" starring
Liam Neeson and Julianne Moore will open the San Sebastian film
festival next month, the organisers announced Friday.

Another north American film, "Get Low" by first-time feature director
Aaron Schneider and starring Robert Duvall and Bill Murray, will
also be among the 15 entries competing for the top Golden Shell award
this year.

The 57th edition of the San Sebastian festival, the oldest and most
prestigious in the Spanish-speaking world, takes place from September
18 to 26 in the coastal city in northern Spain.

French director Bruno Dumont, who has twice won the Cannes Grand Jury
Prize, will also be competing with "Hadewijch".

Two other top French filmmakers, Francois Ozon and Christophe Honore,
will also be showing their latest works — "Le Refuge" and "Making
Plans for Lena".

Asia is represented by Chinese director Lu Chuan’s "City of Life
and Death", "Yeong-do Da Ri" ("I Came From Busan") by South Korea’s
Jeon Soo-il, and Iran’s Mohammad Rasoulof with "Keshtzarhaye sepid"
("The White Meadows").

Australian filmmaker Ana Kokkinos’s will present her third feature

Last year’s Golden Shell for best film went to Turkish director Yesim
Ustaoglu’s film "Pandora’s Box".

Arax’s Stories Share Wealth Of Experience


Visalia Times-Delta
Aug 28 2009

"West of the West," Mark Arax (2009)

Raised in the Fresno area in an Armenian family and having worked
as a reporter for the L.A. Times, Arax has a wealth of experience in
telling stories about the Valley and California, as he demonstrated
in the book "The King of California."

"West" is a wonderful collection of stories of all types from all
over the state. Among the topics: the growing of marijuana in Humboldt
County, apparently unobstructed by any authorities; immigrant Mexican
farmworkers who survive under pitiable conditions and also are torn
by their relationships back home; the changes in the cultures of
Berkeley and San Francisco; the participation of FBI officers in
Sacramento in the prosecution of lowly Muslims in the War on Terror
and his own involvement in his family’s production of illegal booze.

All the stories are told with verve and insight and understanding of
those who suffer and those who win.

It’ s a wonderful book by a guy who wrote in my signed copy, "Book
Reviewer Extraordinaire." How could I not like his books?

"The Limits of Power," Andrew J. Bacevich (2008)

Bacevich’s book is a thorough rebuke and condemnation of U.S. policy
toward the world. Interestingly, he begins with an attack on American
profligacy, always wanting more things, such as cheap oil, unlimited
borrowing and a higher standard of living.

Then he takes on the modern structure of government, which is largely
characterized as an imperial presidency, with the legislative branch
failing utterly to provide the checks and balances envisioned by the
framers of the Constitution.

The president rules with a batch of cronies and overwhelms any
opposition, leading us to wars without end as in Iraq and Afghanistan,
Bacevich writes. But this is not new, since it goes back to end
of the Eisenhower era, when there was at least the semblance of
executive-legislative coordination.

Then he goes on to attack military policy, run both by the political
leaders and the uniformed men who have made unending mistakes, getting
us into wars, taking risks that nearly always end in blunders and
high costs in various dimensions.

His remedies: more humility in foreign policy, work with our normal
allies, let Islam be Islam — except for its extremists — and give
our attention to more important things, such as saving the planet
from destruction of the environment.

This is a bold and powerful statement, probably acceptable to few
Americans, especially Bushites, but much of it rings true for me
as I despair over recent policy, which largely continues even in a
new administration.

â~@¢Dean is a retired University of California, Santa Barbara

BAKU: No Other Int’l Mechanism For Settlement Of Nagorno Karabkh Con


Aug 28 2009

"There is no other international mechanism for the settlement of
Nagorno Karabakh conflict except the Minsk Group," head of OSCE Office
in Baku ali Bilge Cankorel told reporters.

Asked how the replacement of the Minsk Group co-chairs will influence
the process of negotiations, Cankorel said OSCE Office in Baku does not
directly deal with the issues related to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

"My other colleagues deal with this problem, that’s why I can not
say much. But the negotiations are going on. Replacements may always
be made, no one holds a post permanently. But at present we do not
have any international mechanism for the settlement of the conflict
except the Minsk Group. Azerbaijani government is working much on
this matter. The work will continue," he said.

Serzh Sargsyan Congratulates Armenian People On The 19th Anniversary


24.08.2009 11:08 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia’s president Serzh Sargsyan congratulated
the Armenia people on the 19th Anniversary of the Declaration
of Independence, press office of the RA president reports. His
congratulatory message particularly says: "Nineteen years ago on
this day, the Supreme Council of Armenia adopted the Declaration
of Independence, which became a historic and guiding document for
the future of our country. It embodied the will of the people, who
went through immeasurable sufferings, who paved their way in history
with the cross, letters and sweat, and when necessary – also with
the sword. It embodied the resolve of the people to build their own
country on their own land.

The Declaration of Independence was received by the entire Armenian
nation with great fervor since it was called upon to turn the centuries
long Armenian dream of restoring independent statehood into reality.

With this document, which told the world the news of the political
freedom of the people of Armenia, we asserted our ascension, which our
Republic and our people have been pursuing steadfastly all these years,
remaining faithful to the principles enshrined in the Declaration.

I cordially congratulate us all on the Anniversary of the Declaration
of Independence and wish you all the best".