0.1% Growth Recorded In Tourism Sector Of Armenia In First Half Of 2


Noyan Tapan
July 24, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 24, NOYAN TAPAN. 0.1% growth was recorded in Armenia’s
tourism sector in the first half of 2009 on the same period of
2008. Head of the Tourism and Territorial Development Department of
the RA Ministry of Economy Mekhak Apresian said at the July 24 press
conference that in the indicated period 207,729 tourists from various
countries visited Armenia compared to 207,479 tourists in the same
months of 2008.

According to him, tourists from EU countries, the U.S, Iran, Russia
and Georgia mainly visit Armenia. The number of countries, from which
people travel to Armenia is increasing year by year: tourists from
Scandinavian countries, Thailand, Taiwan, China and Japan have come
to Armenia in recent years. Last year the first group from Turkey
arrived in Armenia and was quite impressed by our country. Another
group is expected to come this year.

By data of the World Tourism Organization, under conditions of the
global financial and economic crisis, there was a 3% decline in the
tourism sector.

The growth in Armenia’s tourism was conditioned by a number of
factors, including the structure of travels to Armenia and the age
groups. Besides, in the words of M. Apresian, the Diaspora ensures
60% of tourist visits to Armenia so there was no sharp decline in
the number of Diasporan tourists due to the crisis. M. Apresian also
explained the fact that the number of tourists has remained at the same
level by cooperation between the state and private sector in tourism.

NKR: State Assistance Only To Conscientious Land Users


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
July 24, 2009

The indices of the coming to an end harvesting and further deeds
have become the issue of discussion in Martouni region. As in
other regions here results are not satisfying as well. In spite of
a number of programmes aimed at increase of grain crop capacity,
an average productivity of it has considerably decreased. What
is the reason for it? -this was in the center of attention of the
conference in Martouni regional center, which was conducted by the
Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan. An average crop capacity forms 13.2
centners. Incomparable higher crop capacity indices were recorded
in areas left fallowed last year, an average crop capacity forming
23.6 centners per a hectare. In comparison with the same period last
year the gross harvest had decreased by 10 thousand 532 centners,
and an average crop capacity by 8.2 centners.

Surely, some land users managed to provide higher indices, more than
30 hectares from a centner, which once again emphasizes the role of
the human element.

The harvesting in Martouni region was carried out without losses. Owing
to 5 combine harvesters invited from the RA Gegharkounic province
it became possible to accomplish works in time. The fire-prevention
services were also up to the mark.

Of course, works are carried out , but the final results, which are
recorded while harvesting, are far from being satisfactory. This was
the Prime Minister’s estimation. Grain cultivation must be the prior
branch of agriculture, though from 1995 by today an average index
of crop capacity doesn’t exceed 21 centners from a hectare. The
reason is the land users’ not conscientious approach, the head of
the Government considers.

The Prime Minister is especially discontented with tenants. In case,
farmers, owners of nearby village areas realize all necessary agro
arrangements properly and provide 20-25 centners of grain from a
hectare, then it can not be said about the major of tenants. Foreseen
legislative changes in the near time will allow taking some appropriate
measures (rights up to the rental agreement dissolve inclusively).

The state policy will be changed as well. Only conscientious land
users will be involved in state assistance programmes.

Statements To Combat Xenophobia In Moscow’s Police Made More Than 10


22.07.2009 16:47 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Various committees decide on the fight against
xenophobia for more than ten years, and all remains on paper every
time, Vartan Mushegyan, president of the Union of Diasporas of Russia,
told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, commenting on the a statement of
the Moscow Committee of Interregional Relations and National Policy.

According to him, in order to improve the situation changes
in legislation and in the information field are required. An
offender before committing a crime consider the possible
consequences. Mentioning that the punishment for a crime committed
on ethnic grounds should be severe, Vartan Mushegyan stressed that to
date, neither fomentation of ethnic hatred nor murder on the grounds
of national hatred are punished so severely to compel the offender
to stop.

"The second important factor is the information field. If the
media would help the different nations and faiths to understand
that they do much more in common then differ, then there would be
less ground for ethnic conflicts. Many people do not even guess how
similar can be sometimes the traditions and rituals of quite distant
cultures. Unfortunately, this is not done, the Moscow Committee of
Interregional Relations and National Policy does not have a tool to
influence a permanently changing situation.

"One can endlessly read the Gospel to young members of the militia, but
this is unlikely to be more effective than strengthening responsibility
for crimes and violation of ethics in intercultural relations ",
Mr. Mushegyan stressed. According to his estimation, to solve the
problem of xenophobia, an integrated system, preventing the crimes
on ethnic grounds, should be established.

ANCA: Congressional Concern Mounts over Turkey Reversal on "Roadmap"

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
[email protected]


July 21, 2009
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Congressional Letter Urging "Administration to separate the
issues of normalization and genocide recognition" has Growing

WASHINGTON, DC – House Members concerned about Turkey’s
backtracking on a so-called "roadmap" to advance Armenia-Turkey
dialogue are set to urge President Obama to separate Armenian
Genocide recognition from normalization of ties between the two
countries, reported the Armenian National Committee of America

In a letter to President Obama, initiated by Congressional Armenian
Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) as well
as Armenian Genocide resolution lead sponsors Adam Schiff (D-CA)
and George Radanovich (R-CA), Members of Congress question Turkey’s
commitment to talks normalizing relations with Armenia, as stated
in a "roadmap" agreement signed just two days prior to April 24th,
the international day of commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.
Turkey has since added preconditions to continued discussions,
which have led most observers of the process to conclude the effort
to be stalled indefinitely.

"It would appear that Turkey, in an effort to block U.S.
recognition of the Armenian Genocide, agreed to a roadmap it did
not intend to uphold," notes the letter to the President.
"Therefore, we urge your Administration to separate the issues of
normalization and genocide recognition. We hope that renewed
efforts and focused resources from the Administration can be
utilized to nurture the Armenia-Turkey normalization process
without preconditions and within a reasonable timeframe, and
continue to remain strongly supportive of your stated campaign
policy to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide."

Armenian American have been contacting their legislators to cosign
the Congressional letter, set to be sent to the President on July
24th. To send a free ANCA WebFax to your legislator, visit:


Lowell’s Whistler Museum scores coup with Gorky works

The Sun (Lowell, Massachusetts)
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Business News
July 18, 2009 Saturday

Lowell’s Whistler Museum scores coup with Gorky works

by Nancye Tuttle, The Sun, Lowell, Mass.

Jul. 18–LOWELL — The Whistler House Museum of Art has joined the big
leagues with its latest art acquisition.

A collection of 28 rarely or never-before-seen paintings, drawings and
one rare stone sculpture by artist Arshile Gorky are now on permanent
loan to the museum and will be unveiled in a gala exhibition this
September, it was announced this week.

The Armenian-born Gorky, who survived the genocide of his people by
the Ottoman Turks in the early 1900s, was a key figure in the American
modern-art movement, which flourished in New York in the mid-20th

Known as the father of American abstract expressionism, he influenced
and befriended such modern masters as Jackson Pollock and Willem De
Kooning. His work hangs in

major museums around the world, including the Tate Modern in London
and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art and the
Guggenheim Museum, all in New York City.

And now this significant work — the Mina Boehm Metzger collection —
is at the Whistler House, after nearly five years of negotiations with
the anonymous, out-of-state donors, who had the collection in their

Metzger, Gorky’s student, friend and patron, collected the works in
the 1930s in New York, when she studied with him and recognized his

Acquiring the works started simply with an e-mail, said Michael Lally,
Whistler House’s executive director.

"They contacted us, saying they understood we had a Gorky in our

collection and would we be interested in some other Gorkys," Lally

(The Whistler House owns Gorky’s "Park Street Boston (1924)," which
the artist painted while living in Massachusetts in the 1920s. One of
few remaining Gorky works from that period in his life, it has been
exhibited by many museums and is part of a Gorky retrospective that
the Philadelphia Museum of Art will mount this fall.)

More e-mails and visits between Whistler staff and board and the
donors followed.

"They had contacted other museums, but we were the only museum they
contacted which said we’d exhibit the works, too. They wanted the
collection to be seen," said Lally.

Appraisals were made, contracts drawn up, and $35,000 Parker
Foundation grant procured to have the works cleaned and restored to
museum quality.

"The appraiser Linda Poras loved the collection and said it was a coup
for us and the city of Lowell to have it here," said Lally, referring
to the former director of the Brush Art Gallery.

Whistler House board member Sara Bogosian, who is of Armenian descent,
championed the project from the start and became especially
enthusiastic when she read a story about Gorky’s art in the Armenian
Mirror Spectator, a national publication.

"I’ve always loved art, promoted it and was interested in Armenian
artists. My father Marcos Mezian always talked about Gorky. Then I saw
a story in the Armenian Mirror Spectator about how some of his later
works were being sold in Paris for millions. I urged the board to
pursue this, since he is such an important figure and having the works
here would add to our reputation," she said.

Jim Dyment, exhibits and gallery manager, said it’s the most important
thing to happen to the Whistler House since Theodore Edson Parker
bequeathed his art collection to the museum over 100 years ago.

Refurbished, restored and under lock and key with an upgraded security
system, the collection is now appraised "well into the millions," said

It will be unveiled in September in the exhibit Drawings and Paintings
by Arshile Gorky — Mina Boehm Metzger Collection in the Whistler’s
Parker Gallery. After the exhibit, it will be moved to a second-floor
gallery for permanent display.

Acquiring these works is a major coup for a museum like the Whistler
House, which has more traditional 19th- and early 20th-century works
in its permanent collection.

"It’s a little different for us adding more abstract work to the
collection," Lally said. "But we’ll be known now for having these
important Gorky works. It’s tremendous."

The acquisition couldn’t come at a better time for the Whistler House
either, with the retrospective opening in Philadelphia in October,
then traveling in 2010 to the Tate Modern in London and Museum of
Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.

But area art lovers needn’t travel that far this fall to see an
impressive array of Gorkys. They only need go to the Whistler House
Museum of Art on Worthen Street.

"It’s fabulous for us and the city of Lowell," said Lally. "We are
proud to care for and preserve these Gorkys for future generations and
we hope people will line up out the door and down the street to see

Armenia will take opinion of NK population into consideration

Interfax, Russia
July 17 2009


The Armenian Foreign Ministry believes that Armenia cannot agree to
any treaty on the Karabakh conflict settlement without the approval of
the people and leadership of Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian Foreign
Minister Edvard Nalbandian told the press in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenia believes in the need for the full-scale involvement of
Nagorno-Karabakh in the talks. This is also a guarantee of the
effectiveness of the peace process, the Armenian Foreign Ministry
press service quoted the minister as saying.

Armenia cannot ignore the opinion [of the population]. Moreover, it
cannot sign any agreement without the approval of the people and
leadership of Nagorno-Karabakh, he said.

Nalbandian said that the Armenian Foreign Ministry welcomes the
determination and consistent efforts of Russia, the United States and
France to help the sides to the conflict bring their positions closer
and advance the solution of the problem.

*** Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan flew off to Moscow on Friday,
presidential press secretary Samvel Farmanyan told Interfax.

Sargsyan is expected to meet with his Azeri counterpart Ilham Aliyev
in Moscow to discuss ways to settle the conflict over Nagorno-

Families Of Tu-154 Plane Crash Victims To Receive 32 Thousand Euro I


Noyan Tapan
July 17, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 17, NOYAN TAPAN. At the beggining of the July 16 sitting,
the members of the Armenian government observed a minute of silence
in memory of those who died in the crash of Tu-154 plane bound for
Yerevan from Tehran on July 15.

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said that by instruction of the Armenian
president, an operative staff was set up. It is headed by Deputy Prime
Minister Armen Gevorgian and has already held several sittings with
the aim of dealing with issues related to transportation of victims’
relatives to the crash site, funeral expenses, provision of insurance
payments, etc.

Head of the Civil Aviation Department Artyom Movsesian announced
that the list of the passengers on board the crashed plane has been
completely clarified: there were 36 Armenians on board, including 5
Armenian citizens: 3 passengers and 2 aircraft mechanics. The plane
was carrying 4 children, one of whom was an Armenian. Two of the
plane’s three black boxes have already been recovered and sent to
Tehran. According to A. Movsesian, if the black boxes are not damaged,
they will be analyzed in Iran, while in case of being damaged, they
will be sent to an expert group in Moscow for analysis.

He said that in connection with the crash 11 commissions have been
formed in Tehran. Besides, cooperation has been established with
the Interstate Aviation Committee. A. Movsesian stated that Armenia
is ready to provide assistance as the country’s civil aviation
has highly-qualified staff with considerable experience of Tu-154
aircraft operation.

A. Movsesian said that a special plane would come from Iran to Armenia
on the same day to carry victims’ relatives – 51 people to Tehran. In
his words, Caspian Airlines which operated the flight will cover
all the expenses on the funerals of the crash victims. The airline
intends to give an insurance payment of 32 thousand euros to each
victim’s family. For some persons, this payment will amount to 42
thousand euros.

ARFD: Madrid Principles Jeopardize Regional Peace


16.07.2009 22:55 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On the threshold of Sargsyan-Aliyev meeting, ARF
Dashnaktsutyun addressed a letter to the RA President to express its
deepest disappointment with the OSCE Minsk Group, whose Co-chairs
compel Armenia to unilateral concessions.

"Madrid Principles jeopardize regional peace," the ARFD said.

The resolution adopted during All-Armenian conference in Stepanakert
was also attached to the letter.

France Expresses Sympathy To The Peoples And Authorities Of Armenia


16.07.2009 15:08

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of France issued a
statement on the occasion of the crash of the Iranian plane en route
to Yerevan. The statement reads:

"We were shocked to learn of this accident involving a plane on the
Tehran-Yerevan route which, according to initial reports, has resulted
in a very large number of casualties.

In these painful circumstances, France extends its sincere condolences
to the victims’ families and close friends and expresses its heartfelt
sympathy to the Iranian and Armenian peoples and authorities."

Explosion Considered One Of The Main Reasons Of The TU-154 Airplane


July 16, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 16, ARMENPRESS: In Iran explosion is considered to be
one of the main reasons of the crash of the TU-154 aircraft of the
Iranian Caspian Airlines.

Consultant to the Embassy of Iran to Russia Said Adinelu told "L!FE.ru"
that according to the preliminary data there was an explosion in the
plane, but other hypotheses are also checked.

According to the manager of the Tehran airport Ahmed Momen during the
last conversation with the pilot everything was normal; no technical
fault was registered. According to the witnesses the aircraft broke
into pieces directly in the air. Parts of the airplane which were
scattered over 200 square meters of territory, burnt on the ground.

The airplane was exploited 22 years ago in 1987. At the beginning
of 2008 the Caspian Airlines had 4 airplanes, 1 MD-82 rented from
Ukrainian "Khors" airlines and 3 TU-154.