Arthur Abraham: I Wanted To Let Oral Attack Early Doors


29.06.2009 13:22 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Unbeaten middleweight world champion Arthur Abraham
retained his IBF title with a thrilling tenth-round technical knockout
over German-based Turk Mahir Oral (on Saturday night at the Max
Schmeling Halle in Berlin, Germany. Abraham scored five knockdowns
in all, including three in round ten before Oral’s corner stopped
the fight.

On Saturday, Oral got off to a good start, making good use of his jab
and trying to exploit his advantage in reach. King Arthur started out
defensively. "I am a rather slow starter," he explained. "Sometimes it
takes a little longer until I really get going. That is why I wanted
to let Oral attack early doors. But then I gave my best and gave the
right answers," cited Abraham as saying.

NKR President Meets The Rector Of The Yerevan State University

27.06.2009 15:01

On 27 June President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan
met a delegation led by rector of the Yerevan State University Aram

Issues related to the development of science and education were
discussed at the meeting.

The Head of the State emphasized the important role the Yerevan State
University plays in the development of national science and education.

The President underlined the necessity of tight cooperation between
the Artsakh State University and the Yerevan State University,
considering it one of the key factors of developing science and
education in Nagorno Karabakh.

NKR minister of education Vladik Khachatryan and rector of the Artsakh
State University Stephan Dadayan partook at the meeting.

BAKU: Israel Wants Stronger Economic Ties With Azerbaijan – Peres


June 25 2009
Azerbaijan presents an exclusive interview with President of Israel Shimon
Peres held by the European bureau of Trend news agency ahead of his
visit to Azerbaijan on 28-29 June.

[Correspondent] You are scheduled to visit Azerbaijan next week. What
documents will be signed during the visit? How do you assess the
present and the future of bilateral relations between Israel and

[Peres] We have many things in common. Azerbaijan does not only have
large gas resources but it’s also a country with rich culture. People
are unaware that Azerbaijan granted women the right to vote earlier
than Switzerland and the USA.

Azerbaijan has demonstrated tolerance and respect to the place
where Jews, Muslims and Christians could live without hatred and
fanaticism. Therefore, it’s a special country for me which I am sure
I can trust. It has its own cultural roots. Oil can be purchased,
but culture has to be created. Azerbaijan has created its own culture.

Azerbaijan is a small nation. Both Azerbaijan and Israel face the same
problems. How can a small nation become great despite its size? You
can become great regardless of [the size] of your territory if you
embrace all the richness of modern science and technology.

President of Azerbaijan Mr Aliyev commands the deepest respect. I
find him extraordinarily humane, quiet modest, educated, subtle. It’s
nice to communicate with him. He had shown interest in fields such
as agriculture, water reserves, health care, high technologies. We
discussed these topics.

Israel almost has neither territory, nor water, nor gas, nor
petrol. Therefore, we should concentrate on our intellect, our science
and we should share everything that Azerbaijan is interested in.

It’s also important that Israel is not dangerous. We are too small to
frighten somebody. But on the other hand, we have worked out and are
ready to share with our friends with what we can offer in science
promotion and other similar fields. These are the fields where we
can cooperate in full.

We have culture, will and readiness. I also knew the father of the
incumbent president [of Azerbaijan] and was impressed by him. I met
him twice. He was a highly-educated man respecting traditions.

I am aware that Azerbaijan has a serious problem. This problem mainly
comes from your neighbours. It’s impossible to choose a neighbour in
politics, just like a family where you cannot choose a parent. Such is
life. Israel fully supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We
believe that no country has the right to seize another country’s

So, before my visit to the country (Azerbaijan), (I was there
once) I cherish kind feelings towards it. In addition, the fact of
Azerbaijan’s consistent good attitude towards Jewish people has a
historical significance. Most of them have emigrated to Israel but
have preserved the warmest feelings towards Azerbaijan. Therefore,
I think there are a number of reasons which cause special interest
in the expected visit to your homeland.

[Correspondent] Do you expect the expansion of diplomatic relations
between our countries?

[Peres] I hope that a full-scale embassy of Azerbaijan would be opened
in Israel. I think the more cooperation develops, the more necessary
this step will become. This will definitely happen, because I hope
that we will enrich our relations during the visit.

A large delegation from Israel will accompany me in Baku. We want to
establish stronger relations in the economic and science sectors. After
the visit, the opening of an embassy will become a necessity.

[Correspondent] You mentioned that Israel supports Azerbaijan’s
territorial integrity. Israel has a constructive position on the
settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagornyy
Karabakh. Is Israel ready for a more active involvement in the
resolution process?

[Peres] We are a small country, we have no great power. We can express
our view, but we have no power when we talk about our views, relations
and positions. I think Azerbaijan would want to come closer not
only with Israel, but with the whole European community, including
the USA. All we can do is just support the territorial integrity
of Azerbaijan.

[Correspondent] Israel has lately talked about its intention
to purchase Azerbaijani gas which comes from Azerbaijan through
Georgia and Turkey. A gas pipeline is needed for this purpose which
would go through the seabed of the Mediterranean Sea from Turkey
to Israel. In what quantities do you think the gas purchase will be
possible? And what party will take the responsibility for expenses
on the construction of the pipeline?

[Peres] The minister of infrastructure who is in charge with this
will accompany me in Baku. I would prefer him to answer this question,
because he knows all the details. But the purpose of his visit to Baku
is to estimate the real possibilities of shipment of Azerbaijani gas
to Israel.

BAKU: Member Of Armenian Delegation To PACE: We Are Dissatisfied Wit


June 25 2009

Strasbourg. Fuad Gulubayli – APA. The Document 11962 "The functioning
of democratic institutions in Armenia" prepared by co-rapporteurs on
Armenia Georges Colombier (France) and John Prescott (United Kingdom)
was presented at the plenary meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe (PACE) on June 24, APA’s Europe bureau
reports. The rapporteurs spoke about the state of democracy in the
country and touched on the main problems.

French co-rapporteur Georges Colombier highly appreciated the act of
amnesty adopted in Armenia and said the decree is applicable not only
to the imprisoned persons, but also to the persons, who hid from the
police during March happenings.

"If they surrender to the law-enforcement bodies by July 31, 2009, the
amnesty will also be applied to them. It should be noted that PACE had
a great role in the adoption of the amnesty. I think independent and
transparent investigation should be carried out concerning the March
happenings and this process should be completed. Moreover, there is
a need for reforms in the judicial and police system. Reforms should
also be carried out in Armenia concerning the right of election in
the mayor elections. We, co-rapporteurs, consider that under the
present circumstances PACE Monitoring Committee should support the
reforms carried out in Armenia," he said.

The other co-rapporteur John Prescott said the problems have not been
completely solved in Armenia, but important steps have been taken in
accordance with PACE requirements.

"Anyway, we will continue expressing our concern, advance our work
in the Monitoring Committee," he said.

Following this, discussions began on the report. Most parliamentarians
expressed their concern over the state of human rights and democracy
in Armenia.

Zaruhi Postanjyan, member of Heritage faction of Armenia, criticized
Armenian government. She said the Armenian people are disappointed,
as Armenian government does not fulfill the commitments undertaken
vis-a-vis the PACE.

"I also want to express my dissatisfaction with PACE that prefers
more geopolitical and other interests," she said.

According to Zaruhi Postanjyan, the police system in Armenia is fully
dependent on the government, no political conditions have been created
for independent and alternative mass media, fundamental freedoms.

"Despite all this, no sanction is imposed on the country. The present
political system in Armenia does not meet criteria of the Council
of Europe. The attitude towards the criminal Armenian government,
this position confuse the Armenian people. Therefore I consider that
we should use more effective means within PACE in order to establish
justice," she said.

The document was put to the vote and adopted.

A Memorable Trip To Armenia

By Jerry Tarkanian

Las Vegas Sun
June 26 2009

BASS LAKE, California – As I sit here, near Yosemite National Park,
with 38 other Tarkanians on our annual retreat, I take a lot of pride
in family and can’t help thinking about my family’s roots.

By the lake, we’ll eat a variety of grape leaves, some stuffed with
rice and meat, which also will make me think about Armenia.

My mother, Haighouhie "Rose," was born there. Her father and brother
were decapitated by the Turkish military, just for being Armenian,
during the genocide there between 1915 and 1922.

Her mother sent her and her brother out of the country on horseback,
and Rose eventually met George, her husband and my father, in
Lebanon. They married and immigrated to Euclid, Ohio, outside

I went to Armenia for the only time in my life four years ago, with
a priest from Fresno who took more than two dozen of us. Some of my
family went along on the trip.

We went for about 16 days. We had tour guides and buses, and we stayed
in a nice Marriott in Yerevan, the capital.

We went to the Armenian Holocaust Museum and saw where my mother
was raised. It was very emotional going through that museum. In the
genocide, 1.5 million were killed by the Ottoman government in Turkey.

My wife’s parents were killed in the holocaust. There was so
much poverty there, in the towns. So many buildings weren’t even
completed. It was frightening.

We went to one city that had been hit by an earthquake. Boy, that
was really brutal. We went to a lot of school functions. Everyone
donated something to them. They didn’t have anything.

It was tough.

They’ve wanted me to go back. They wanted to dedicate an outdoor
basketball court to me. That was nice, but I haven’t been able to
get away. It’s such a long trip. My legs bother me on airplanes.

Some television and radio stations, and newspaper people, did
interviews with me or wrote stories on me.

At the Marriott, a few tourists recognized me. At other places,
some people said "Jerry" and "UNLV," but there were very few.

I was in a health club at the Marriott and a 35-year-old guy, who
was with the FBI working in the country of Georgia, next to Armenia,
came up to talk to me.

I said, "What are you doing in Europe?" He said he was headquartered
in Georgia but his district was Armenia. He said there was a lot of
bad crime in Armenia.

"But it’s not real bad here," the guy told me. "Most of the bad
criminals have moved to California."

I said, where?

"Glendale," he said. "I’m in constant contact with the FBI in

That FBI agent played football at North Carolina State.

But that was the trip of a lifetime and I could not believe how those
people had to live. It was incredible.

A great many of those people were living in nothing more than big
shipment boxes. They had so little on the shelves in stores. They’ve
had so many years without electricity.

Can you imagine that?

I loved all of the Armenian food. I could eat that every day. I was
raised on it. The lamb was great. Fantastic. Every time I’m in Fresno,
I eat Armenian food half the time.

Here at the lake, it’s most of the time. This is also where, and when,
I am so thankful for my family and everyone else in my life. And I
will never forget that trip to Armenia.

New Resolution On Armenia Passed In PACE


2009-06-25 10:59:00

ArmInfo. A new resolution on Armenia has been passed during the
debates in PACE on June 24, according to which Armenia will keep on
being under monitoring.

Co-rapporteurs of PACE Monitoring Committee John Prescott and
Georges Colombier hailed the fact of amnesty announcement in Armenia
and pointed out the role of the Armenian parliament speaker Hovik
Abrahamyan who headed the Armenian delegation in Strasbourg. They
also marked the political will by the country’s authorities. Along
with it, it was noted that the circumstances of death of 10 people on
March 1, 2008, have not been clarified so far. Moreover, a concern was
expressed over termination of the work of the Fact Collecting Group,
as well as the police system and actions of the Prosecutor General’s
Office were subject to criticism. As a result, a decision was made
to keep Armenia under monitoring.

To note, Head of the Armenian delegation to PACE David Harutyunyan
pointed out the positive changes in fulfillment of PACE requirements
and thanked the Assembly and co- rapporteurs for support to the
Republic. ARFD deputy Armen Rustamyan also emphasized the positive
changes and, simultaneously, pointed out the deficiencies of Armenia’s
election system. In her turn, member of the Armenian delegation from
"Heritage" party Zaruhi Postanjyan said Armenia did not fulfill the
requirements of PACE resolutions, and a sense of impunity takes roots
in the authorities. Z. Postanjyan also touched on March 1 events and
said ex-President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan violated Article 15 of
the European Convention on human rights and announced 20-day emergency
situation in the country on March 1, 2008, as well as violated the
Constitution and used armed forces. However, she thinks, the Assembly
has not yet given a serious assessment to the previous and incumbent
authorities’ actions.

The Resolution marked that the Assembly still insists on opening of
‘A1+’ TV Company. The proposal of Head of the Armenian delegation
to PACE David Harutyunyan for the amnesty in relation to the persons
wanted to last after delivery to the authorities and beginning of the
judicial process till July 31, was accepted. The Assembly rejected
all the three proposals of Z.

Postanjyan related to the prisoners on the case of March 1 events and
establishment of specific terms for fulfillment of the liabilities
by Armenia. The Assembly also called on all the political forces of
the country to dialogue.

ANKARA: Free School Books For Minority Schools


June 24 2009

ANKARA – The Education Ministry will begin distributing textbooks
in other languages free of charge to minority schools this academic
year. The decision was made after an Armenian-origin citizen, Varujan
Turac, sent a petition to the presidency requesting that minority
schools in the country be provided textbooks in languages other than
Turkish free of charge. Minorities in Turkey are defined under the
terms of the Lausanne Treaty.

Turac had initially applied to Parliament seeking free textbooks for
the Armenian community. In February 2008, he also sent a petition
to the presidency that read: "Our state has been distributing free
textbooks for our 15 million students. Due to the non-publication of
Armenian textbooks for the Armenian student community of around 3,000,
they have to use photocopies to study in Armenian. If our state wishes,
it can fix this disgraceful situation. Please forward my letter to
our president." The presidency forwarded the letter to the Education
Ministry, which passed it to the publications wing of the ministry.

On Jan. 8, the ministry decided to distribute free textbooks in
languages other than Turkish to minority schools for the upcoming
academic year. It stated that the cost for the ministry would be 58,000
Turkish Liras.The issue was discussed at a meeting Monday between
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and European Union ambassadors
in Ankara. "We will start implementing the same process in minority
schools that we do in other primary and secondary schools," Erdogan

Armenian January-May GDP Suffers Sharp Drop

Venla Sipila

World Markets Research Centre
Global Insight
June 22 2009

The downturn of the Armenian economy is deepening. Indeed, according
to the latest national accounts data from the National Statistics
Service quoted by Reuters, Armenia’s GDP over the January-May period
contracted by no less than 15.7% year-on-year (y/y). Coming after
falls of 9.7% y/y during January-April and 6.1% y/y in the first
quarter, this result marks further acceleration in the annual rate
of output decrease. Moreover, it also compares unfavourably with the
growth rate of 9.8% seen in the first five months of last year. ARKA
News reports that, in May alone, however, GDP increased by 15.6%
from April. For last year as a whole, the economy expanded by 6.8%,
with easing of growth momentum becoming increasingly clear towards
the end of the year (seeArmenia: 23 January 2009:). This followed
several years of double-digit growth.

Significance:The latest figures confirm that the Armenian economy is
in the grip of a sharp downturn, and this year as a whole is expected
to see GDP fall clearly. Sector-specific data testify to broad-based
weakness, with the construction, industrial and agricultural sector
all contracting considerably. The official government forecast
specified in the budget still projects an annual growth rate of
9.2% – a forecast that is clearly too optimistic. Instead, the
Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) recently has cut its own projection
to show a fall of 5.8% in 2009 GDP, whereas a contraction of 3.0%
was foreseen previously. The Armenian economy is currently suffering
from unfavourable terms-of-trade developments, and most of all, from
the sharp drop in remittance and investment inflows from abroad,
due to the current global economic downturn.

IRGC Threaten Crackdown On Protesters


22.06.2009 19:14 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Iranian protesters who "disturb the peace and stand
up to security forces" will be considered a threat to the regime and
will be met with a strong response, the country’s Revolutionary Guard
warned Monday, CNN reported.

"The guardians of the Islamic revolution and the courageous Basiji
together with the security forces following the orders of the
supreme leader and following him unquestioningly, are determined
to act strongly to return peace and tranquility to society … and
to clean the country of these plotters and hooligans," the Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps said in a statement.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is directly under the control of Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and enforces the government’s Islamic
codes and morality. It was initially created to protect the leaders of
the revolution, but over the years, it has broadened its scope. With
more than 200,000 members, it is tasked with overseeing the country’s
crucial interests, including guarding its oil fields and missile

The Basij is a volunteer paramilitary force that takes orders from the
Revolutionary Guard. It plays the role of de facto morality police
and is often summoned to crack down on protests. It is unknown how
large the force is, though estimates are in the millions.

At least 19 people were killed in clashes in Tehran on Saturday as
Iranians took to the streets to protest the results of the June 12
presidential election, according to hospital sources.

Iranian-funded Press TV confirmed 13 fatalities, while unconfirmed
reports put the number as high as 150. Tehran’s prosecutor general’s
office said it has launched an investigation into the killings.

Italy said it’s willing to open its embassy in Tehran to wounded
protesters in coordination with other European nations, the Italian
Foreign Ministry said.

The move followed a Swedish initiative to look into whether European
Union nations can put together a plan to take in and provide aid to
demonstrators at their embassies in Iran.

Postelection Processes In Iran Internal Affair, Moscow Says


23.06.2009 13:14 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russia respects Iran’s presidential election results
and will continue to develop mutually beneficial cooperation and
neighborly relations with Tehran, the Russian Foreign Ministry said
in a statement released on Monday.

The Foreign Ministry said the events that occurred in Iran following
the announcement of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s election victory
were an exclusively internal issue for the country.

"We believe that the disagreements arising after the elections should
be settled in strict compliance with Iran’s Constitution and law,"
the statement said, RIA Novosti reported.