50th Anniversary Of Armenian Argentine Dance Ensemble "Gayane" To Be


Noyan Tapan
June 15, 2009

of "Gayane" dance ensemble of Argentina’s Armenian community will be
celebrated in Armenia and Arstakh in August and September, 2010. The
Armenian Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobian and the Chairman of
the Armenian Cultural Union of Agentina Adrian Lomlomjian reached this
agreement on June 13. The dance ensemble was founded in 1960. During
its visit to Armenia, it will take part in "One Nation, One Culture"
festival and give performances in Gyumri, Vanadzor and Stepanakert. The
40th anniversary of the ensemble was also marked in Yerevan in 2000.

A. Lomlomjian expressed a willingness to host representatives of
Armenian culture in Argentina next year where they will participate
in the cultural events to be held in Buenos Aires in September, 2010.

H. Hakobian and A. Lomlomjian also discussed in detail the assistance
program on solution of educational and cultural problems of Armenian
communities in Latin America. The minister expressed her readiness
to assist Armenian schools in Argentina with the purchase of the
necessary textbooks and manuals.

An agreement, under which groups of Armenian Argentinian schoolchildren
will visit Armenia within the framework of "Come Home" Program in 2010,
was also reached.

Karabakh Denies Presence Of Any Captives


June 11 2009

Stepanakert, 11 June: There are no captives or hostages from Azerbaijan
in the unrecognized Karabakh republic, Chairman of the Karabakh
State Commission for POW, MIA [missing in action] and Hostages Viktor
Kocharyan told Interfax.

Karabakh authorities "strictly comply with the Geneva Convention. Once
the military phase of the conflict was over, all the prisoners were
handed over to Azerbaijan with the mediation of the International
Committee of Red Cross (ICRC)," he said.

"Karabakh services timely inform Stepanakert [Xankandi] offices
of the ICRC and the OSCE of any crossing of the Karabakh border by
Azerbaijani servicemen and civilians. The latter are transferred to
Azerbaijan without preconditions," Kocharyan said.

Representatives of the international organizations have free access to
all detention centres in Karabakh. There is one Azerbaijani serviceman
in Karabakh. He crossed the border and explained his action with
hazing in the Azerbaijani armed forces.

Kocharyan refuted a statement of chairperson of the Azerbaijani
public council in support to captives and hostages Esmira Orucova,
who said that 21 Azerbaijani children were in captivity in Karabakh.

ANKARA: Military evil plot against AK Party, Gaelen movement exposed

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
June 13 2009

Military’s evil plot against AK Party, Gülen movement exposed

Documents recently discovered as part of the ongoing Ergenekon
investigation have revealed plans to defame the ruling Justice and
Development Party (AK Party) over claims of reactionaryism, weaken the
Gülen movement and support with individuals arrested on charges
of gang membership.

The Taraf daily published documents on Friday seized in the office of
Serdar Ã-ztürk, the lawyer of a retired colonel arrested
earlier this year on charges of membership in Ergenekon, a clandestine
criminal organization charged with plotting to overthrow the
government. The documents, prepared in April of this year, include a
detailed plan drawn up by Col. Dursun �içek and
submitted to a department of the General Staff.

The documents revealed that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) had a
systematic plan to damage the image of the AK Party government and the
Gülen movement — inspired by internationally respected Turkish
scholar Fethullah Gülen — in the eyes of the public, to play
down the Ergenekon investigation and to gather support for members of
the military arrested as part of the inquest. Documents allegedly
prepared by a colonel on active duty have revealed that the TSK had a
systematic plan to damage the image of the AK Party government and the
Gülen movement in the eyes of the public

To date, dozens of people have been arrested in the Ergenekon
investigation, launched after the existence of a gang bearing the same
name was discovered in June 2007, when police found a house full of
munitions in Ä°stanbul. The neo-nationalist Ergenekon gang,
suspected of having ties to various individuals and groups within
state bureaucracy and the military, worked to create a chaotic
atmosphere in Turkey so people would welcome a military coup against
the ruling AK Party.
The multi-step plan calls on TSK members to be watchful about reports
appearing in the press regarding links between the military and other
groups and organizations.

`The TSK is seen as the only obstacle before the destruction of
Atatürk’s principles and the establishment of a new system
based on religious tenets. They are publishing documents that aim to
weaken the TSK in their own press organs. They are depicting the
rallies, which have captured huge public interest, as though they were
organized by Ergenekon.

They are claiming that the TSK has close cooperation with the outlawed
Kurdistan Workers’ Party [PKK] and other terrorist organizations under
the umbrella of Ergenekon. They are preparing news stories saying
high-level members of the military are of Jewish and Armenian
origin. They are releasing voice recordings that allegedly belong to
TSK personnel,’ the document warns TSK members.

Several recordings allegedly of conversations of TSK members and their
family members have been revealed in which they discuss their plans
against the ruling party and the government.

The documents go on to detail a plan to defame the AK Party government
and fight the alleged threat of reactionaryism in society. In
accordance with this plan, press organs are to disseminate propaganda
against reactionaryism and fundamentalism; TSK staff and their
families are to be informed about this threat; and the military is to
step up measures to prevent their documents from leaking to external

Plan to cast shadow on Ergenekon probe
The documents also mention plans to discredit the Ergenekon
investigation and reduce its credibility in the eyes of the public.

The TSK is to engage in an intense period of propaganda and stress
that the military is not against people’s religious sensitivities,
according to the documents. It is to make press organs prepare reports
on the immoral relations of TSK members who are suspected of
reactionaryism. In this way, the public will question the credibility
of religious individuals.

The TSK is also to urge newspapers to publish stories against the
Ergenekon investigation and claim that TSK personnel are being
arrested because of their fight against the threat of reactionaryism.

The documents also suggest that TSK members who are detained or put in
jail should make statements in accordance with an outline determined
by the military and emphasize that they are innocent and that they
have been put behind bars due to their fight against powers that wish
to change the regime in the country.

TSK documents target Gülen movement
Another section of the documents is dedicated to the fight against the
Gülen movement.

The TSK wishes to create a harsh public reaction against the movement,
the documents reveal. According to the documents, the military plans
to depict the Gülen movement as being engaged in acts against
the unity and regime of the country.

`Claims that followers of Gülen are attacking the TSK will be
focused on so that people will say, `We are also Muslims, but these
men are disseminating intense propaganda to wear down the military,’
read the documents.

The TSK plans against the movement are, however, not restricted to
smear campaigns. They aim to show followers of the Gülen
movement as being engaged in illegal acts.

`We will enable the discovery of weapons, ammunition and documents at
the addresses of Gülen’s followers as if they were members of a
terrorist organization. The movement will be named `Fethullah’s Armed
Terrorist Organization’ (FSTÃ-) and investigations into its members
will be carried out by military prosecutors. We will focus on the
concept of moderate Islam and emphasize that the Gülen movement
aims to cause Islam to deviate from its original form,’ continue the

The documents also aim to urge press organs to claim that there is
cooperation between the Gülen movement and the terrorist PKK as
the latter does not target in its terrorist acts the schools
established by the former in the eastern and southeastern parts of
Turkey and in northern Iraq.

Police raids against the residences of Gülen’s followers are
also to reveal documents to foment enmity against Alevi and Alevism in
the country, according to the documents.

As part of the plans, individuals are to be urged to appear in live TV
programs and make statements on various issues, adding they are
followers of the Gülen movement. "They will challenge everyone
and accuse everyone who does not agree with them of being an Ergenekon
member," read the documents.

The documents have drawn the anger of intellectuals, who have
criticized the military for plotting against the country’s citizens.

"A wing of Ergenekon infiltrates the military. But they don’t work to
expose it. The military’s weapons are discovered at the addresses of
Ergenekon members. They don’t work to find who’s behind it,
either. They are working to declare the government as a body engaged
in religious fundamentalism and labeling followers of the Gülen
movement as members of a terrorist organization. If Gülen’s
followers are guilty, then the state will find their documents and put
them on trial. No official body, including the state, judiciary,
police or military, can enable the discovery of weapons at the
addresses of these individuals. This is crime. And the state and the
military does not have the freedom to commit crimes," stated Taraf’s
Ahmet Altan.

The TSK documents also revealed that the General Staff was in
cooperation with fundamentalist groups to defame the Gülen
movement. "Our men, like Ä°skender EvrenesoÄ?lu and
Ã-mer Ã-ngüt, will appear in TV programs and associate
Gülen’s group with fundamentalist groups," suggests the

EvrenesoÄ?lu and Ã-ngüt are known to be members of
hard-core religious fundamentalist groups.

Plans know no boundaries
Some sections of the documents reveal that the mastermind of the
documents knows no boundaries when it comes to achieving its

Among the plans is a smear campaign to be launched against state
schools where young students will be captured while praying.

Press organs will prepare news reports that AK Party members are
living in luxury despite the ongoing financial turmoil, which has made
thousands of citizens lose their jobs.

Box 1: Criticism against TV series also part of conspiracy

Taraf’s report also cites documents that the popular television series
Tek Türkiye (One Turkey) and Kollama (Patronage), run by STV, a
television station affiliated with the Gülen community, were
also a target of the action plan against religious fundamentalism.

A news story criticizing these two series in the Hürriyet daily
earlier had been criticized for distorting facts. According to this
story, the Police Department had provided real guns and rifles for use
in Tek Türkiye, and also allowed special operations officers to
act as extras in these series. Later, it became apparent that this
information was not true. The producers rented a real Kalashnikov
rifle from the police department, but that was done completely in
accordance with procedure and was not a special treatment of STV.

Newspapers in the DoÄ?an group have also published criticism of
STV’s Kollama series, with writers commenting that the series gave
dangerous messages to society.

Box 2: Questions await answers

Following the discovery of documents allegedly belonging to the TSK,
many urgent questions have been asked. Here are some of them:

Was Col. Dursun �içek, who allegedly prepared these
documents, called to account? If the documents really belong to the
TSK, was �içek removed from office? Why did the lawyer
of an Ergenekon suspect, Serdar Ã-ztürk, keep the documents
in his office? What was Ã-ztürk planning to do with these
documents? Were the plans included in the documents implemented? If
so, who has been subjected to a smear campaign so far?

Box 3: General Staff launches investigation into controversial

The General Staff has announced that an investigation has been
launched into recently revealed documents allegedly prepared by a
colonel on active duty that aimed to defame the ruling Justice and
Development Party (AK Party) and the highly respected Gülen
movement and support individuals arrested on charges of membership in
Ergenekon, a clandestine network charged with plotting to overthrow
the government. `We saw this morning that a [Turkish] daily published
a report and comments on documents allegedly prepared by a department
of the General Staff.

The General Staff has immediately ordered military prosecutors to
investigate the issue,’ Brig. Gen. Metin Gürak said at a press
briefing in Ankara yesterday.

Asked whether the investigation would question whether the documents
really exist or how they could have been exposed, Gürak said,
`The General Staff has ordered an investigation into all aspects of
the issue.’

The question remains as to what the outcome of the investigation will
be; in similar incidents in the past the General Staff either denied
responsibility or accused the publishers of the documents.

A newsweekly that published excerpts of a diary allegedly belonging to
an admiral was forced to shut down after it angered the General
Staff. Nokta newsweekly claimed in 2007 that now-retired
Adm. Ã-zden Ã-rnek and four force commanders in 2004 had made
plans to stage two military coups. A military investigation into the
claims resulted in the acquittal of the admiral and commanders but the
shutting down of the newsweekly.

Then followed a high degree of tension between the General Staff and
the Taraf daily, which published classified documents regarding
serious security flaws existing during a terrorist Kurdistan Workers’
Party (PKK) attack on Oct. 3 of last year.

A lawsuit was filed against the daily’s editor for legal affairs for
publishing "confidential and prohibited documents." Adnan Demir may be
sentenced to up to five years in jail if convicted. Ä°stanbul
Today’s Zaman with wires

EBRD To Allocate Euro 180 Million For RA Economy Development


10.06.2009 17:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD) announced an intention to allocate Euro 180 million for RA
economy development in 2009 – 2010. The bank plans to fund 30 projects
implementation to allow RA to overcome financial crisis consequences.

In current circumstances, EBRD follows the policy of supporting
medium-sized and small business, providing necessary funding through
partner banks, the announcement said.

Besides, EBRD will offer RA banks credits for energy-saving as well
as structural reform projects, on share holding terms. Total EBRD
investments for 64 projects’ implementation in Armenia comprised over
Euro 240 million, slon.ru reported.

ANKARA: Long-Kept Secret Of A Couple In Film


June 10 2009

ISTANBUL – A new documentary reveals the 30-year secret of Omer and
Ankine, one of the most recent representatives of Turkish canto, who
is known as Aysun IÅ~_ık. Their story, told in 46 minutes, has been
adapted for the silver screen and will be shown in Istanbul on Thursday

Since she was a young girl, Ankine’s biggest passion has been canto,
and she was determined to become a canto dancer. Despite her family’s
protests, Ankine followed her dream as dancer and married a man from
a different religion. She is now starring in a documentary about her
enduring love of both dance and a forbidden man.

>From the start, Ankine’s conservative family forbade her from
pursuing her dream as a stage dancer. Their biggest fear was that
their daughter would be given a bad name. They asked her to stay at
home and get married one day just like the other girls her age.

But Ankine’s passion was so strong that she fought her way to the
stage despite her family’s protests. She made it to the stage for the
first time in 1978 when an ad about a dance contest in a newspaper
drew her attention. One of the jury members was revolutionary Turkish
pop musician Erol Buyukburc. Ankine won the competition.

Ankine and Omer’s 30-year secret Ankine was a member of a family of
Armenian origin. Marrying outside of her religion and dancing were
forbidden for her. Ankine once again defied her family’s rules and
married Omer, a Turkish Muslim and the love of her life. Ankine’s
family disowned their daughter. Omer’s family never knew that Ankine
was an Armenian and a dancer. The couple kept this secret for 30
years. Omer has never prevented her from dancing; instead, the couple
chose a stage name to conceal her identity, Aysun IÅ~_ık.

Ankine and Omer’s secret was revealed for the first time in a
documentary film titled "Hayatın Ritmi: Aksak" (When the Rhythm of
Life Misses a Beat). Documentary maker Yasin Ali Turkeri, who saw
Ankine dancing canto in 2004, asked for Ankine and Omer’s permission
to make a documentary about their story. Turkeri told Ankine’s 48-year
life from all perspectives in a 46-minute documentary.

"This is the finest example of Turkish-Armenian relations," Turkeri
told the Hurriyet Daily News & Economic Review about the couple’s
love story.

Turkeri said Turkish and Armenian societies share the same conservative
mind. He said canto was a branch of art that was almost forgotten and
that Ankine and Nurhan Damcıoglu, Turkey’s best-known name in canto,
were the most recent representatives of this type of dancing.

Turkeri said he sometimes faced interesting questions during the
filming of the documentary. "People were asking me why I filmed Ankine
but not Damcıoglu. I always gave the same answer that I did not make
a documentary on the history of canto but the story of a big love."

"Hayatın Ritmi: Aksak" will be screened Thursday at the Ottoman
Bank Museum on Karaköy Bankalar Street at 6:30 p.m. Right after the
screening, there will be a discussion at 7:15 p.m. on "The Missing
Beat in the Rhythm: Being a Minority in Turkey." Metin Meric will
moderate the talk.

Turkeri said the documentary had been shot with a budget of 25,000
Turkish Liras provided by the Culture Ministry. "I named the
documentary ‘When the Rhythm of Life Misses a Beat’ because there
were missing beats in the lives of Omer and Ankine," he said. "Their
marriage was a secret one."

17 Bodies Found From Lost Jet


10:56 08/06/2009

More bodies have been recovered from the Atlantic in the area where
a French jet disappeared last week, bringing the total number to 17,
BBC reports referring to Brazilian armed forces.

The captain of the crew searching for the dead of the jet said that
they were to find some other people also.

Dozens of pieces of debris from the Air France plane were also picked
up by Brazilian and French ships. They were found some 1,000km (600
miles) north-east of Brazil’s Fernando de Noronha islands where the
Airbus disappeared with 228 people.

Primate Meets With The Armenian Community of Auckland

Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia & New Zealand
10 Macquarie Street
Chatswood NSW 2067
Contact: Laura Artinian
Tel: (02) 9419-8056
Fax: (02) 9904-8446
Email: [email protected]

10 June 2009


The Armenian Community of Auckland in New Zealand welcomed His Eminence
Archbishop Aghan Baliozian, Primate of the Diocese of Australia & New
Zealand over the Queen’s Birthday June long-weekend. Accompanying the
Archbishop was Reverend Father Bartev Karakashian from the Church of Holy
Resurrection in Sydney.

The arrival of the Archbishop and Reverend Father on Friday, 5th June was
met by committee members of the Armenian Society of New Zealand and the
Parish Priest of the Indian Orthodox Church of Auckland.

The annual visit of the Primate, which is normally reserved solely for the
Armenians of Auckland, included a different dimension on this occasion as he
met with the parish of the Indian Orthodox Church. As sister churches, ties
within our region of the world have particularly strengthened over the past
year with increased fraternal visits and opportunities for engagement. In
February, Archbishop Baliozian was invited to India as a guest speaker at
the Platinum Celebration of the Feast of St Geevarghese Mar Dionysius
Vattasseril, the faith father of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church who
fought for the establishment of the Catholicate to be the symbol of
self-identity and independence of the Church.

In the evening of their arrival, a small community gathering was held to
welcome the Archbishop and Father Bartev in a warm casual atmosphere. The
following day commenced with a visit to the local cemetery to bless the
graves and offer prayers for the souls of the dearly departed Armenians of

On Saturday evening the official dinner was held in honour of the Primate’s
visit where community members gathered to show their hospitality and share
an evening of traditional Armenian fare, conversation, laughter and cheer.

Sunday 7th June, Archbishop Baliozian visited the parish of the Indian
Orthodox Church where he gave a message on the significance of maintaining
the traditions of faith and embracing our cultures, most importantly
perpetuating these values onto future generations.

The same afternoon the Armenian community gathered at St Peter’s Anglican
Church in Takapuna for the Divine Liturgy offered by Reverend Father Bartev
Karakashian accompanied by the local choir conducted by Deacon Margos
Iskenderian. The sermon was given by Archbishop Baliozian whose message
focussed on how faith makes us live and how the faith founded in the Mother
See of Holy Etchmiadzin has preserved for all these centuries.

Following Holy Mass the congregation gathered in the church hall for a final
opportunity to engage with the Archbishop and enjoy a community gathering
which evoked high spirits in recreating a little Armenia.

Archbishop Baliozian and Father Bartev returned to Australia on Monday after
a fulfilling weekend of pastoral duties and deriving warm relationships.

For information on the Armenian Community of Auckland contact members of the
Armenian Society of New Zealand, Mr Hagop Yeldezian at [email protected]
or Hermik Sookiassian at [email protected]

Hye Festival Brings The Fun To Downtown Fresno

Winston Whitehurst

KMPH Fox 26
June 9 2009
Fresno, CA

Armenian culture got the spotlight in downtown Fresno this weekend.

Kids wowed the crowd with traditional dancing at Fulton Mall, for
the 1st annual Hye festival.

The word "hye" is Armenian for "Armenian", and the festival didn’t
disappoint in offering good music and dance.

No one walked away with an empty stomach, with tasty barbecue up
for grabs.

The event was sponsored by the City of Fresno, and organizers say
the Armenian culture is a big part of Fresno’s appeal.

"The reason we’re here is because there are 60,000 Armenians in Fresno,
and Fresno has a huge Armenian community that is part of this city,
and that’s why we’re putting on this event today," said Diko Chekian,
of the Hye Festival entertainment committee.

More than 4,500 people took part in the Hye festival this weekend.


Armenia’s PM To Attend EurAsEC Sitting In Moscow


08.06.2009 12:56

On June 9 the delegation headed by the Prime Minister of Armenia,
Tigran Sargsyan, will leave for Moscow to participate in the 23rd
sitting of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) on the level of
Heads of Government, Information and Public Relations Department of
RA Government reported.

The delegation headed by the Prime Minister will comprise the Head of
Staff of the Government, David Sargsyan, Minister of Finance Tigran
Davtyan, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Armen Movsisyan,
Deputy Minister of Finance Vardan Aramyan, Deputy Foreign Minister
Shavarsh Kocharyan, other officials.

Russia And Belarus Are Risking To Completely Sever Ties


08.06.2009 13:30 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Relations between Russia and Belarus got so
aggraded that the countries are risking to completely sever ties,
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko stated. He also accused Russia
of trying to link the issue of $500 million stabilization credit to be
provided for Belarus, with Minsk’s recognition of Abkhazia’s and South
Ossetia’s independence. "Belarus is capable of shoving the issues of
self-proclaimed republics’ recognition and does not intend to sell any
issues or cede any positions," Lukashenko emphasized. The President
also stressed that Russia has closed its market for Byelorussian
goods. He cited the example of milk and meat products, sugar and
Byelorussian tractors. Lukashenko denied Russia’s accusations on
Belarus’ attempts to sell its production at dumping prices.