France Telecom to enter Armenian mobile phone market in Oct-Nov

Interfax, Russia
May 5 2009

France Telecom to enter Armenian mobile phone market in Oct-Nov


FTA Telecom (Orange-Armenia), a structure of France Telecom’s Orange
SA, will begin providing mobile phone services in Armenia in
October-November 2009, Armenian Transportation and Communications
Minister Gurgen Sarkisian said at a press conference on Tuesday.

Draft work is currently under way and equipment is being installed, he

The global financial crisis has not affected France Telecom’s plans in
Armenia he said. The company will invest some $75 million in creating
a mobile network in Armenia this year.

Orange SA won a tender for the right to provide cellular services in
Armenia on October 7, 2008 and registered FTA Telecom, which will use
the Orange brand in Armenia. Orange offered the highest price of 51.5
million euros in the tender. The company will receive a 15-year
license to work in GSM standard with the opportunity to provide 3G

The Armenian Public Services Regulation Commission issued a
preliminary license for communications services in the country to FTA
Telecom in November 2008.

At present, two companies provide GSM standard cellular services in
Armenia: Armentel (BeeLine trademark), a wholly owned subsidiary of
Russia’s VimpelCom (RTS: VIMP), and K-Telecom (VivaCell trademark), in
which Russia’s MTS (RTS: MTSS) owns 80%.

Communications operator and Internet provider Orange SA has 90 million
subscribers and provides services in 23 countries.

Adelaide: Fed: Genocide motion will stir up ancient antagonisms

AAP Newsfeed, Australia
May 6, 2009 Wednesday 6:13 PM AEST

Fed: Genocide motion will stir up ancient antagonisms: embassy

by Larine Statham


A resolution by South Australia’s parliament recognising the
Armenian holocaust as one of the greatest crimes against humanity will
stir up ancient antagonisms, according to the Turkish Embassy.

In a motion moved by SA Liberal MLC David Ridgeway last month, SA
became the second Australian state parliament to officially "condemn
the genocide of the Armenians" between 1915 and 1923.
While official Turkish history denies the term "genocide" is an
accurate description of events, Armenians have rallied support from
more than 20 countries, who recognised the organised killings of about
one million people as genocide.
The Turkish Embassy in Australia said resolutions made in
parliament were creating division and resentment in this country.
"The … resolution is clearly the work of an ethnic lobby
determined to stir up and distort ancient antagonisms and, as such, it
could very easily bring the friendship between Turkey and Australia to
a halt," an embassy spokesman said in a statement.
Australian citizens of Turkish origin feared a deliberate racist
climate of hostility was being created towards them, the spokesman
Mr Ridgeway said the modern Turkish community should not be blamed
for historic events, and it was not his intention to offend any
members of that community.
"I think it was important to recognise these events, but I also
think that we need to make sure that, as a multicultural society, we
move on and celebrate what’s great about all the people who live in
Australia," he told AAP.
Mr Ridgeway said a number of Turkish-Australians had contacted his
office since the motion was made.
"I understand the word genocide upsets the Turkish community," he
"I intentionally didn’t mention the Turks (in parliament) … and I
didn’t want to be pointing the finger.
"I don’t doubt that they all have a view of history that is
slightly different from each other."
The embassy spokesman said the resolution disregarded "the views of
the entire people of a country they clearly know little or nothing
"The resolution would not have gone through if South Australian
legislators had permitted an impartial discussion of the history
concerned," he said.
"Politicians can not and should not try to write history,
particularly the history of countries … on the other side of the
world and events nearly a century ago."
Mr Ridgeway said members of SA’s Armenian community had approached
him and asked if the Liberals would take the resolution to parliament,
where it gained full support in the upper and lower houses.
As part of its resolution, the SA parliament called on the federal
government to officially condemn the genocide of the Armenians.
With many individual US states also formally acknowledging the
events as genocide, Armenian-Americans have reportedly voiced
disappointment at President Barack Obama’s failure to keep a campaign
promise to formally recognise the crime.
This year, on the 94th anniversary of arrests in Istanbul that
started the genocide, the Armenian and Turkish foreign ministries
issued a joint statement announcing that the two governments had
agreed on a plan for normalising relations.
The Turkish Embassy in Australia is calling for an impartial review
of the events at issue to be undertaken jointly by Turkish, Armenian
and international scholars.

Astana To Host IAEA Environment Protection Conference


07.05.2009 21:56 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ IAEA International Conference on Remediation of
Land Contaminated by Radioactive Material Residues will be held in
Kazakh capital from May 18 to May 22, 2009.

The main objective of the conference is to facilitate international
cooperation and to promote the application of international standards
and good practices. Additional objectives are to raise awareness,
and encourage the sharing of information and lessons learned on
policy and regulatory, safety, technological, managerial and related
socioeconomical aspects of the remediation of sites contaminated with
radioactive materials, including NORM.

The main part of the conference will be devoted to the following
key topical issues which have been identified as subjects for the
contributed papers: Progress and lessons learned in environmental
remediation approaches since Arlington 1999; National and international
policies and strategies; Options for the demonstration of compliance
with safety and other applicable criteria; Introduction of innovative
technologies in remediation activities; Changing requirements
in environmental management and remediation; Safe management of
residues, waste and sites resulting from the termination of practices;
Options for environmental remediation and waste-residue management
in NORM industries and legacy sites; Management and optimization of
occupational radiation protection during remediation activities.

The conference is directed at a broad range of experts in the area
of contaminated site remediation, including professionals from the
different disciplines involved in all aspects of the remediation
process. It is aimed at both licensees and governmental officials,
including representatives of regulatory bodies, the industry and
academia, as well as senior policy makers.

Sweden Extends Full Support For Turkey’s Membership


08.05.2009 18:50 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Sweden, which will take over the rotating presidency
of the European Union (EU) from Czech Republic as of July 1, is
extending full support for Turkey’s EU bid, Secretary General Maria
Asenius announced in Stockholm. Speaking about Turkey’s efforts towards
EU integration, she noted that Turkey was a strategically important
country for the union, however, it should carry on with implementing
reforms. Turkish Today’s Zaman newspaper quotes the Swedish official
as saying that solution of the Cyprus issue will be a remarkable
progress in Turkey’s ongoing negotiation process with EU.

Armenian-American Businessman Goes Missing In Yerevan Armenia


AZG Armenian Daily

Media release

On April 25th, 2009, at 8 p.m., 57-year-old Nazareth Berberian,
a United States citizen and business executive, left his home on
Amiryan Street, located in Armenia’s capital city Yerevan and
has not been seen since. Yerevan city police have informed the
press that they have no concrete leads regarding Mr. Berberian’s
mysterious disappearance. City Police officials did note, however,
that a criminal case has been initiated regarding the disappearance of
Mr. Berberian. The investigation is being implemented based on Article
104, Part 1, of the Republic of Armenia’s criminal code; murder.

Armenia’s state police and security officials never confirmed or
denied the initial reports the press received that Mr. Berberian’s
dark green Toyota Land Cruiser was discovered abandoned near Armenia’s
Zvartnots International Airport.

Mr. Berberian’s wife and children reside in Southern
California. Mr. Berberian owns prime real estate property at the
Abovyan-Pushkin intersection in downtown Yerevan and is currently in
the process of constructing a hotel on the site under the name of the
"Linareh Company". He also owns a carpet factory in the village of
Dalar within the Ararat region.

Friends and family have affirmed that Mr. Berberian has no known
enemies and that he has been conducting business in Armenia since 1999
without any problem. A reward of $250,000 for information leading to
the safe return of Mr. Berberian is being offered.

For further information please contact: Ara Manoogian Tel: (818)
760-5374. E-Mail: [email protected]

Democracy Rock And Original Indie Comedy Are Alive And Well

By Andy Turpin

acy-rock-and-original-indie-comedy-are-alive-and-w ell/
May 8th, 2009

BOSTON-On Sun., May 3, the Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliance and the
Boston Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) presented writer-director Johnny
Asuncion’s 2008 feature film "Float," preceded by five music videos
created for System of a Down vocalist Serj Tankian’s solo album
"Elect the Dead."

The music videos were well thought-out short films whose political
imagery and brilliance brought all those in attendance to a short
round of applause before the last had even concluded.

Director Tony Petrossian’s video "Empty Walls" evoked engorging and
visceral, metaphorical anti-Iraq war imagery made eerie due to its
double entente of children in a chaotic "Chuck-E-Cheese" play palace

All blatantly taken from well-known news clips of the Iraq conflict
adapted to children playing war, the audience sees children in
bike helmets meant to represent U.S. soldiers breaking down doors
with boot heels, taking away civilians to a mesh ball-pit meant to
be Gitmo, confetti explosions meant to be napalm, a child standing
in the same garb as those tortured at Abu-Ghraib, and a triumphant
little boy standing beside a "Mission Accomplished" sign in birthday
party letters representing the carnage and bloodshed of the Bush
Administration’s Iraq policies.

All this amid the children dropping in feigned death in farce of our
war-torn reality. This is all hit home by the video’s final imagery
of real-life U.S. Marines in dress uniform carrying to burial their
fallen comrades.

Next, Tawd B. Dorenfeld’s video "The Unthinking Majority" is an
indictment to the U.S.’s militarism for the sake of Turkish/Azeri
and OPEC oil politics.

Told through the use of brown and gray toy soldiers and stop-motion
animation, we see images of women, children, civilians, and those
deemed enemy combatants in the name of oil revenue destroyed and
cut down.

Poignantly, all this occurs as dancing Smilex pharmaceutical pills
numb the soldiers and the drugged-up public to collusion and march
into their mouths in imagery actually taken directly from World War
I Bolshevik anti-Czarist posters, which once showed imperial Russian
troops marching into the mouth of death for the Czar.

In Ara Soudjian’s "Money," we see a piece that embodies the U.S.’s
culture of political and consumer greed and directly lampoons George
W. Bush in caricature.

Narratively the caricature goes in the beginning of the video from
a clean-cut sinister-looking senator to a Dorian Gray monstrosity
surrounded by Whores of Babylon booty dancers peddling influence and
blood-soaked oil lobby hands executing a Mexican child dressed as the
Statue of Liberty in tableau of a U.S.A. real-estate lawn sign marked

In Sevag Vrej’s "Feed Us," we see an exposure of the U.S.’s apathy
towards homelessness via a homeless everyman wandering the cruel
and unfeeling streets of L.A. amid dispassionate citizens that
shun the homeless and hold up placards like "Religion," "Gambling,"
"Terrorism," and reasons we as Americans are distracted from caring
about our fellow man. Conversely, we see two kind children bearing
"Faith" and "Hope" that represent the solutions to these plights.

In Kevin Estrada’s "Save Us," we see how America’s youth are
brainwashed through "Newspeak" to universal societal conformity
through repetition and fear via the imagery of "The All Seeing Eye"-a
Pythagorean and Egyptian symbol seen on the U.S. dollar bill, within
Freemasonry, the Pinkerton Detective Agency, George Orwell’s 1984,
and others.

In contrast, Johnny Asuncion’s film "Float" starring Hrach Titizian
is a heartfelt underdog indie-comedy that leaves you walking out
of the theater feeling upbeat and life-affirmed. The film is set
in modern-day Glendale and revolves around an ultra hospitable but
wheeler-dealer Armenian 20-something named Gevorg who works in an ice
cream parlor called "Float." The movie solidifies as an offbeat tale
of friendship and fatherhood as Gevorg ends up bringing together and
sheltering his mid-life crisis boss and down-on-his-luck, south Asian,
ultimate fighter wannabe friend, with subplots involving a Green Card
marriage to Gevorg’s gorgeous Armenian cousin and the boss’s daughter,
bitter and returned from the Peace Corp.

With a humor as original as Kevin Smith but as offbeat as "Napoleon
Dynamite" or "The Foot Fist Way," "Float" is up there with "The
Kebab Connection" on the list of Best Indie Comedies your friends
have never heard of but need to be shown.

Central Bank Chairman To Participate In Session Of Observing Council


May 7, 2009

YEREVAN, MAY 7, ARMENPRESS: Chairman of the Armenian Central Bank
Arthur Javadyan left today for Frankfurt where he will participate in
the regular session of the Observing Council of the German-Armenian
Fund May 7-8.

Press service of the Armenian Central Bank told Armenpress that
during the session issues on the support to small and medium-sized
enterprises, stable development of apartment market, and restoring
energy development credit programs will be discussed.

Within the frameworks of the programs negotiations will be held with
the KfW bank for involving means.

Tigran Martirosyan Is Eliminated From Single Competition


05.05.2009 17:02 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian tennis player Tigran Martirosyan lost
Savannah Tournament due May 2-10. On May 2 and 3 Martirosyan won in
qualification round, gaining victories over American and Argentinean
tennis players. In the first tournament match Martirosyan was
beaten 6:1, 6:0 by USA’s Alex Kuznetsov and eliminated from single

Despite his loss in a single competition, Tigran Martirosyan will
play in a double one, pairing with USA’s Jess Witten against Italy’s
Enrico Burzi and Chekhia’s Adam Veymelk.

Savannah Tennis Competition is being held at Franklin Creek Tennis
Center courts. The prize fund is $ 500 000.

Tigran Martirosyan is ranked 427 according to ATP rating. He’s been
residing in US for several years. Next year, the tennis player will
participate in Davis Cup as a part of Armenian Team.



Armen Ayvazyan, PhD
Director, "Ararat" Center for Strategic Research
Yerevan, Armenia
+(37410) 274-833
[email protected]


We, the undersigned, as representatives of the Armenian society,
are extremely concerned with and indignant about the current
Armenian-Turkish intra-governmental process, which has become known as
"Football diplomacy." We are especially concerned with the so-called
"road map" announced on April 23, which, although unknown in substance,
is clearly anti-Armenian in its intent.

We condemn the defeatist policies of some of the high-ranking
officials of the Republic of Armenia and their blatant disregard of
the stipulations of

The Armenian Question,

Armenia’s Declaration of the Independence, and

The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.

Therefore, we demand from the President: 1. To immediately nullify
the so-called Armenian-Turkish "road map";

2. To stop forthwith all negotiations presently being conducted with
the archenemy of the Armenian people, the state of Turkey, as long
as the latter has not ceased its hostile policies against Armenia,
has not recognized the fact of the Armenian Genocide, and has not
declared its readiness to redress its consequences.

3. To immediately remove from office Mr. E. Nalbandian, the Minister
of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, a man who has disparaged the vital
interests of our people, as well as all those officials who have
contributed to the acceptance of this agreement.

4. To order the Secretariat of the National Security Council of
Armenia to formulate and develop, before May 7, 2009 (the planned
date of meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in
Prague), a special program to counter the security challenges which
the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic face arising
from the coordinated anti-Armenian efforts of the Turkish-Azerbaijani
alliance, as well as to present it for approval by the Parliaments
of RA and NKR as retroactive law, in accordance with the relevant
rules and regulations.

Turkish Premier To Talk Armenia Dispute In Russia


RIA Novosti
16:30 | 04/ 05/ 2009

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will pay a brief working
visit to Russia on May 16, the Russian government announced on Monday.

Turkish media said Turkey’s relations with Armenia and the ex-Soviet
republic’s dispute with Ankara’s ally Azerbaijan over Nagorny Karabakh
would dominate the visit to Russia, a mediator in the long-running

Turkey and Armenia, which have had no diplomatic ties since the Soviet
Union split up in 1991, agreed to a "roadmap" under Swiss mediation
in April in a bid to normalize their relations.

Erdogan, however, was reported to have later reiterated that Turkey
would not open its border with Armenia, closed in 1993 in a show
of support for Azerbaijan, until the Nagorny Karabakh dispute has
been resolved.

Ankara has also said Yerevan should drop its campaign to have the
mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915 internationally
recognized as genocide. Armenia says an estimated 1.5 million Armenians
were slaughtered at the end of the Ottoman Empire.

The Russian government said the visit would take place following an
invitation from Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Diplomats in Ankara said Erdogan and Putin would also discuss bilateral
trade and cooperation in the energy sphere, including Russia’s bid
in a tender to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey.