HAK Reconfirms Its Readiness To Start A Dialogue


[04:23 pm] 25 February, 2009

Armenia’s first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan and Coordinator of
the Armenian National Congress (HAK) Levon Zurabyan had a meeting
with EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Armenia
Thomas Knote, Head of the European Commission Delegation to Armenia
Raul de Luzenberger and EU Yerevan Office adviser on political issues
Andrey Didenko.

The interlocutors discussed issues connected with the surmounting of
the home political crisis. The HAK reconfirmed its readiness to start
a dialogue with the authorities provided that the political prisoners
and people detained in view of the March 1 events are released and
the prosecution against the opposition activists is stopped, reports
the HAK office.

Georgia’s Parliament Speaker To Visit Armenia


23.02.2009 16:13

The delegation headed by the President of Parliament of Georgia,
David Backradze, will pay an official visit to Armenia February 24-25.

Within the framework of the visit members of the Georgian delegation
will meet the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, President of
the Parliament Hovik Abrahamyan, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan,
the Catholicos of All Armenians, Garegin II.

On February 24 the delegation headed by David Backradze will
participate in the sitting of the National Assembly. The same day
members of the delegation will lay a wreath at the memorial to the
Armenian Genocide victims and will visit the Armenian Genocide Museum

On February 25 the delegation headed by the President of Parliament
of Georgia, David Backradze, will leave for Tbilisi.

On The Prospects Of The Relations Between The USA And China

Gagik Ter-Harutyunyan

"Noravank" Foundation
23 February 2009

The relations between the US and China are one of the main problems
in multi-polar world. Their orientation and content, obviously,
will essentially influence global policy, military and political and
economic developments. Meanwhile, there are quite contrary analytical
approaches connected with the character of those relations.

Confrontation of civilizations. Some analysts (mainly economists)
tend to the opinion that the US and the PRC coalesced to such an
extent in the sphere of economy and finances (today 10% of the import
in the US belongs to China) that in the future they will integrate
economically and make a whole.

The celebrated American economist Niall Ferguson appropriately called
it "Chimerica" (from China-America word combination). The analysts
with the geopolitical way of thinking are of the other opinion. They
are convinced that the competition between the US and the PRC will
turn into utmost rivalry even with military clash.

Let us mention in this connection that in globalizing world
coincidence of the economic interests of the big geopolitical actors,
the community of those interests to one extent or another, are almost
inevitable. This is particularly evidenced by the joint efforts of
the leading countries to recover from the current crisis. At the same
time without down-grading20the material part there are also even more
important and foreground factors.

In western deep investigations of China the singularity of value system
and ideological flexibility are especially underlined and this, in the
accordance with the analysts, is the main recipe for their national
security. There is an impression that the competition between the US
and the PRC in spiritual (ideological) and intellectual spheres is
most important.

It is remarkable that the analysts of some research centers are more
concerned about the fact that in 2040 the exponents of the scientific
and technological development of the US and China will level, than
with the expansion of its economy. In accordance with the approaches
of Samuel Huntington, who has passed away recently, the contradictions
between these two superstates are the classical example of civilization
confrontation. But it is known that the ideological competition is
one of the most important preconditions for military clash.

Military clash scenarios. In the aforementioned context it is
interesting to refer to one of the scenarios named "China acts",
which is included in the research projects "Asia – 2025" and "Joint
vision – 2020" worked out by "RAND Corporation" and other American
"think tanks". In accordance with this scenario in 2015 in South
Korea and Japan the growth of nationalism can be seen, the process of
the reunification of two Koreas will start. Following a protest of
the population and some terrorist acts against Americans, the US is
forced to dismantle its military bases from this country. China, in
its turn, activates its naval forces and this causes a local military
clash between Chinese and American warships. The US, weakened from
political point of view, retreats. In the circumstances concerned
India and Japan rethink their political conceptions. They "move away"
from the United States even more and from strategic point of view
they orientate in the direction of China. Thus China and its "junior"
partners, India and Japan, set their political and military supremacy
over huge South Asian and Asian and Pacific regions, forcing out the US
from there. It is characteristic that the same trends were expressed
by the results of the scenario game, which was held in Singapore
(with the participation of the Japanese analysts).

According to those results in case of the retreat of the US the so
called "Asian NATO" will form, and China, Japan and Unified Korea
will constitute its backbone.

>From the point of view of possible military actions the situation
round Taiwan is also topical (may be even foremost). In this
context the computer war game "Khan Quang" which was arranged by
the military department of that country ("the Republic of China")
in 2006, during whic h the attack of the PRC against the island was
modeled. According to that war game the armed forces of China managed
to disrupt the communications support of the Taiwanese army and to
land troops unexpectedly in the North of the island. On the forth day
of military actions the attacking side swiftly occupies the capital
Taipei and declares its victory.

We can notice the following on account of this scenario: there
is, of course, no doubt that the PRC can occupy Taiwan in several
days. But this has not happened till now mainly because of the American
guarantees given to the island and, which is most important, because
of the US warships patrolling the Taiwan gulf. Meanwhile during their
war game Taiwanese militaries made up their minds to the thought
that the US is not ready to make any serious military steps for
Taiwan and psychologically it has already ceded the island to the
continental China.

"Cold war". The work-out of military and political scenarios and war
games necessarily supposes the most radical variants. This allows to
introduce the whole spectrum of all the possible developments and to
form integral idea of the problem under study. Of course, one cannot
exclude the military developments in the relations between China
and the US. But the direct military clash between two superstates in
the nuclear age can in fact bring to the "end of the history". Both
parties are aw are of that factor and that is why the possibility of
"hot" war between them is almost excluded.

The cold war is another matter. Here all means are used but for
nuclear ones. It is remarkable that back in 1992 Deng Xiaoping made
a public statement that the "cold war" between China and the US had
already broken out. We think that "wise Deng" not so much stated
the reality because at that time China was far from being one of the
power poles in the world as emphasized the fact that after the fall of
"the Soviets", his country would become the main competitor of the US.

Today China has really obtained the status of the second center
of power and adhere its traditional strategy combining available
resources, political realities and objectives, trying to achieve
all these with the help of "soft power". E.g. the issue of Taiwan is
not far from being solved by political settlement. The oppositional
candidate Ma Ying-jeou got the landslide victory on the presidential
elections in 2008. He is an adherent of the peaceful integration
of two countries, ancestry of continental China and in accordance
with the special services experts he is "a man of Beijing". It is
important that during that presidential election some elements of
"colour revolution" could be observed. That means that China has
acquired that western "technology" and applies it against its rivals.

ANKARA: US Congressman Praises Turkish Leaders’ "Brave" Policy On Ar


Anadolu Agency
Feb 18 2009

Ankara, 18 February: A US congressman [Robert Wexler],who is also the
co-chair of Congressional Turkey-Caucasus Group, said on Wednesday
[18 February] that Turkey’s top officials’ brave policy on the Armenian
issue was praiseworthy.

Speaking to reporters after his talks with Turkish Prime Minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, US Congressman Robert Wexler said
that numerous issues concerning Turkey and USA were discussed during
his bilateral meeting with Erdogan.

Replying to a question on Turkish-Israeli relations, Wexler said
improving the relations between Turkey and Israel was the best way
to follow for both countries, adding that such an idea was expressed
during his talks with Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Erdogan
as well.

Commenting on the Armenian issue, Wexler said that Turkey and Armenia
had taken a step to start dialogue in a constructive way and he hoped
such step would contribute to the normalization of relations between
the two countries.

Praising Gul and Erdogan’s efforts on the issue, Wexler said that the
US Congress should also focus on the successful normalization of the
relations between Turkey and Armenia.

TOL: High Hopes

by Ali Valiyev

Transitions on Line
Feb 18 2009
Czech Rep.

A beleaguered but united opposition insists it can thwart the Azeri
president’s bid to kill term limits.

BAKU | In the past several years in Azerbaijan, hundreds of opposition
figures have been arrested, along with critical journalists, academics,
and even government ministers. Human rights groups say the government
has detained dozens of political prisoners. And state-controlled
TV channels have either ignored these incidents or sympathetically
reported the authorities’ version of events.

Even young activists on bicycles have been detained by police after
staging demonstrations urging motorists to consider alternate forms
of transportation.

Yet members of a new alliance that opposes the government of President
Ilham Aliev think they have a chance to foil Aliev’s bid, next month,
to eradicate presidential term limits.

"I think that we will be able to defend our position because our
position is supported by the majority of people," said Isa Gambar,
chairman of the Musavat Party, which is part of the alliance. "An
already-dissatisfied society is very concerned about the Aliev regime’s
attempts to prolong its grip on power."

The new coalition, called the Movement for Karabakh and Republic,
aims to defeat an 18 March referendum that would lift a two-term limit
on the presidency, effectively allowing Aliev to stand for president
again after his second term expires in 2013.

Aliev has said the changes are aimed at boosting democracy.

"You will not find any member of the European Union whose leader
cannot be elected as many times as the people want him to be in this
position. Is it democratic? Yes. So the same should be applied to
Azerbaijan," Aliev said in an interview with Reuters on 30 January.

"It is democratic, so if the people support this or that leader,
they have the right to elect him. So I think lifting the restrictions
[on the number of presidential terms] is more democratic than having
these restrictions," he said, speaking in English.

But critics say the goal is to keep Aliev in power indefinitely and
"legalize the monarchy."

Aliev took over from his father, Heidar Aliev, in an election in 2003
that European observers said did not meet democratic standards.


The Movement for Karabakh and Republic brings together almost all
of the country’s major opposition parties and groups, including the
Musavat Party, the Popular Front Party, the National Unity movement,
the Democratic Party, the Public Forum for Azerbaijan, the Umid
(Hope) Party, the Citizen and Development Party, and several dozen
nongovernmental organizations. It has established an advocacy group
to campaign against the proposed changes.

Musavat and the Popular Front have also formed a separate advocacy
group, the Republicans.

The Central Electoral Commission registered both opposition groups on
11 February, entitling them to public money to finance their campaigns
and free airtime on public television.

Ali Karimli, the leader of the Popular Front Party, said the Movement
for Karabakh and Republic is the largest opposition alliance Azerbaijan
has seen in recent years. He believes that the alliance has brought
new hope to Azeris.

"If this unity continues, we can achieve serious results," Karimli
said. "The referendum can mark the beginning of the end of the current

The government predicted that the weakened and fragmented opposition
would not be able to unite again, but it proved wrong, Karimli said.

Major opposition parties have been under increasing pressure in the
past few years. The People’s Front and Musavat have been forced out
of their offices in central Baku, as have been several newspapers
connected to the opposition. Opposition leaders have largely been
denied access to the broadcast media, which are tightly controlled
by the authorities.

Musavat Party leader Gambar said the growing pressure on the
opposition is a sign of the government’s fears in the face of
widespread discontent.

"They are in great fear and are seriously worried," Gambar said.

Mehman Aliev, director of the major independent news agency Turan,
said opposition groups are capable of putting their differences aside
and uniting. He said a united opposition can be successful no matter
how limited its financial resources might be.

The opposition united ahead of the country’s 2005 parliamentary
elections but the alliance fell apart soon afterward as parties
differed over how to react to results that independent observers said
were marred by massive irregularities and fraud.

"The main task for the opposition will be getting its messages across
to the public, which lacks sources of objective information," Mehman
Aliev said.


But a senior member of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party, Mubariz
Gurbanli, has said that any suggestion of a united opposition is
"ridiculous." He also scoffed at the name of the opposition alliance.

"By choosing such a name, the opposition wants to demonstrate to the
public that it really exists. But in reality, it doesn’t, and the
idea of a united opposition is laughable," he said.

Rauf Mirgadirov, a columnist with the independent Russian-language
daily newspaper Zerkalo, sees little reason for the opposition to
be optimistic.

"I don’t think that anything serious will be accomplished," he
said. "Because the resources of the opposition – human, information,
and also financial resources – are extremely limited."

"Although there are a lot of discontented voters, the active electorate
is much smaller than those in previous elections," Mirgadirov
said. "This is because of the fact that in the past 10 to 15 years
people have lost their trust in democratic means of struggle," he said.

The ruling party says Aliev enjoys massive popular support because
of his government’s economic achievements. Aliev received over 85
percent of the vote in October’s presidential election, widely viewed
as flawed, and a majority of respondents in opinion polls consistently
give him high marks. He has presided over sharp economic growth in
the past five years. The oil-fuelled economy grew by 25 percent in
2006, 35 percent in 2007, and 11 percent in 2008 despite the global
financial crisis.

Arzu Malikli, a Baku woman who works as a baby-sitter, said her life
has improved during Aliev’s tenure and that she would like him to be
president for life.

Another Baku resident, Samir Mammadov, who works for a law-enforcement
agency, said he has no grievances with the government and that Aliev
is the best person to lead Azerbaijan at the moment.


The opposition is also hoping for U.S. support after the Bush
administration’s gentle treatment of Aliev, who sent Azeri troops to
Iraq and who has tried to balance his country’s relationships with
the United States and Russia.

"A new important center of power has emerged recently. This is the new
U.S. president, Barack Obama," Gambar said. "During his inauguration
ceremony, Obama addressed governments that hold on to power through
corruption. He said that they had no future or past. From this
viewpoint, it’s clear who is going to become history."

Gambar also warned of threats posed to the "free world" by
authoritarian regimes.

"We understand that sometimes there is a need for realpolitik. But I
think that the authoritarian regimes, led by the Putin-Medvedev regime
in Russia, have gone so far that they now pose a serious threat not
only to democratic ideals but also to the pragmatic interests of the
free world and the entire world as a whole," he said.

Ali Valiyev is a pseudonym for a freelance journalist in Baku.

Stephen Banks: Karabakh Talks Should End In Peace Agreement


18.02.2009 17:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process is
rather active and the United States, as a Co-chair country of the OSCE
Minsk Group, is interested in the soonest resolution of the dispute,
a U.S. Embassy official said.

"I am not empowered to speak on behalf of the OSCE MG but I believe
that the talks should end in conclusion of a peace agreement," acting
U.S. vice ambassador to Armenia Stephen Banks told a PanARMENIAN.Net

He presumed that harsh statements both in Armenia and Azerbaijan are
caused by internal motives.

As to replacement of the U.S. co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, the
diplomat said that the appointments are made by the U.S. President
and Secretary of State.

"Matt Bryza is still holding the office but the new administration
can replace him. Presently, I possess no information on the issue,"
Mr. Banks said.

Earlier, Bryza said he is going to leave the post of Co-chair of the
OSCE Minsk Group.

Armenia’s Parliamentary Delegation To Visit Nagorno Karabakh


18.02.2009 15:42

On February 19 the delegation headed by the President of the
National Assembly of Armenia, Hovik Abrahamyan, will leave for
a two-day official visit to the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. The
delegation comprises RA Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Territorial
Administration Armen Gevorgyan, Head of the National Assembly Staff
Gegham Gharibjanyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on European
Integration Avet Adonts, Chairman of the Standing Committee on
Foreign affairs Armen Rustamyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee
on Finance-Credit and Budgeting Affairs Gagik Minasyan, Chairman
of the Standing Committee on Territorial Administration and Local
Self-Government Hovhannes Margaryan, Head of the Heritage faction
Armen Martirosyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic
Issues Vardan Bostanjyan, MPs Zaruhi Postanjyan, Areg Ghukasyan,
Hamlet Harutyunyan, First Deputy Minister of Finance Pavel Safaryan,
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Arman Kirakosyan, Syunik Marzpet
Surik Khachatryan.

On February 19 the Armenian Parliament Speaker will have a face-to-face
meeting with NKR President Bako Sahakyan, following which the
consultations will continue in an extended format. The same the
Presidents of the Armenian and NKR Parliaments Hovik Abrahamyan and
Ashot Ghulyan will chair the 6th sitting of the Interparliamentary
Commission on Cooperation between the National A ssemblies of Armenia
and Nagorno Karabakh.

On February 20 members of the Armenian parliamentary delegation will
visit the line of contact, will lay a wreath at Memorial Complex
in Stepanakert.

The same day the delegation will leave for Shushi to visit St.

Ghazanchetsots Church and meet Pargev Archbishop Martirosyan, head
of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

NKR: On February 16, On The Day Of 50th Birthday Of The Nkr Supreme.


Azat Artsakh Daily
16 Feb 09
Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

On February 16, on the day of 50th birthday of the NKR Supreme Council
first chairman Arthur Lazarian, President of the Nagorno Karabagh
Republic Bako Sahakyan accompanied by the leadership of the state
visited Stepanakert Memorial Complex and laid flowers to the tomb of
the speaker of the first NKR Parliament.

Kevorkian: The Right to Die and Other 9th Amendment Freedoms

OpEdNews, PA
Feb 8 2009

Kevorkian: The Right to Die and Other 9th Amendment Freedoms

Loving compassion for terminally ill patients drives 81-year-old
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, but his advocacy is fierce and dramatic. He spoke
before an audience of 2,500 at a South Florida university on February
5th. After comparing U.S. society with each of Laurence Britt’s
Fourteen Points of Fascism, Kevorkian revealed his view of a more
honest American flag:

The audience reacted with audible shock to the swastika, prompting one
man to yell, "They should use the machine on you!" Kevorkian designed
machines that allow the terminally ill to end their lives. Protestors
disrupted his speech twice by marching in and out en masse.

Unperturbed, Kevorkian maintained a sense of humor. During the
question period, someone asked, "What do you think happens after
someone dies?" He answered, "They stink." The audience laughed and
applauded. Several times, Kevorkian earned applause as people showed
their support of an individual’s right to determine the manner and
timing of his or her death.

The freedom to die has gained much media attention lately. In
December, a Montana court upheld iatric euthanasia (physician assisted
suicide). In November, the State of Washington voted for the right to
die, joining Oregon. In March of last year, Luxembourg legalized it.
Also in 2008, a highly publicized case in Italy ended after ten years
when the courts finally allowed a man to remove the feeding tubes of
his daughter who had been in a coma for 17 years. A documentary on
the right to die aired in Britain in December (see video below for
footage and an interview of the director).

Kevorkian admits to euthanizing 130 patients. Though unsuccessfully
prosecuted for several of them, the one that earned him an eight-year
prison sentence was his televised broadcast of Thomas Youk’s death in
1998. The 52-year-old had ALS, a progressive, usually fatal,
neurodegenerative disease. Physicist Stephen Hawking suffers from
ALS, and baseball Hall of Famer Lou Gehrig died of it in 1941. Youk
was physically unable to self-administer the lethal dose, but provided
fully-informed consent to Kevorkian to end his life. The Michigan
justice system violated his 9th amendment rights when prosecuting
Kevorkian for what many deem to be the highly ethical and
compassionate act of a trained physician. Just as we euthanize our
terminally ill pets, Kevorkian argues that humans have the natural
right to demand the same.

In defending against that first degree murder charge, Kevorkian had
hoped the US Supreme Court would hear his 9th Amendment defense.
SCOTUS declined, a cowardly move that Kevorkian called corrupt and
unethical. In Amendment IX: Our Cornucopia of Rights (Penumbra Press,
Bloomfield Hills, MI, 2005), which he wrote while in prison, Kevorkian

"Without a doubt the Court’s insouciance and trepidation are welcomed
and encouraged by extremely powerful lobbies representing antagonistic
and self-serving financial, medical, pharmaceutical, governmental, and
religious organizations. Despite the enormous pressure they and their
economic and political clout can exert, a really dedicated, stalwart,
and ethical Court would be doing its noble duty as the ultimate
guardian of our innate natural rights by being perpetually and
single-mindedly focused on the people’s welfare…."

After his release from prison in June 2007, Dr. Kevorkian began a
speaking tour that included Harvard Law School last October, where
famed Alan Dershowitz introduced him with high acclaim. Praises
aside, murderous zealots who seek to impose their religious beliefs on
others have apparently targeted Kevorkian. Police and security formed
a large presence inside and outside the Nova Southeastern University
arena. Attendees endured a search of their bodies and purses and
relinquished all drinks before entering the arena. When confiscating
my coffee, one officer explained, "You might have acid in that drink.
We don’t know."

Unusual for NSU’s Distinguished Speaker Series, and contrary to the
printed program, no one introduced Dr. Kevorkian. Poor acoustics
suppressed his message for the upper tier, half of whom left early
when part of the audio system failed. Adding to further difficulties
for the audience, at the end, handicapped seniors were required to
climb to the second floor to exit the arena, instead of leaving
through the doors on the first floor that were blocked "for security

Kevorkian had a little trouble articulating his thoughts during the
speech, which never directly mentioned iatric euthanasia. His acumen
distinctly showed during open questions, though, when he finally
connected for the audience the three admitted passions in his speech
to the freedom to die:

The protection of human rights against government tyranny;

The reformation of our penal system to include the more humane
sanctuary system; and

A complete and radical change to public education.

For Kevorkian, the damage to personal liberty by a tyrannical
government includes the suppression of our inalienable right to die,
but it doesn’t stop there. A justice system based purely on
punishment warps prisoners and destroys families. An education system
that fails to teach its citizens about personal liberties and the
nature of tyranny ensures the demise of a free society. To regain the
right to die, or any natural right, all three institutions `
government, justice, and education ` must be reformed.

Given that much of the audience was shocked by easy comparisons
between Nazi Germany and the modern United States, advocating for
education reform is indeed wise. Kevorkian hammered at the Patriot
Act and Homeland Security Act, which he compared to Hitler’s 1933
Enabling Act.

He scolded the audience for allowing their inalienable rights to be
forfeited in exchange for security. "You are letting the government
spy on you because you aren’t in the streets protesting about it."
Benjamin Franklin once observed, "Those who sacrifice liberty for
security deserve neither." Yet, these ideas are mere abstraction to
today’s youth, where even elite colleges fail to properly educate
their students in civics. Instead of the Pledge of Allegiance,
Kevorkian would prefer students recite the Bill of Rights.

The Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the U.S. states
of Oregon, Washington and Montana specifically permit iatric
euthanasia. Britain is again debating the issue after it aired
Oscar-winning director John Zaritsky’s The Suicide Tourist (under the
rename, The Right to Die) in December. Prime Minister Gordon Brown
voiced his opposition to legislation allowing it, but affirmed his
support of personal choice. This video interview of Zaritsky opens
with footage from The Suicide Tourist:



President: Armenia To Improve Cooperation With Neighbour Countries I


Feb 12, 2009

YEREVAN, February 12. /ARKA/. At Prosperous Armenia Party congress on
Thursday, RA President Serzh Sargsyan stated Armenia will improve
cooperation with neighbour countries in the sectors of energy,
communications and economy.

"Armenia intends to improve versatile relations with its neighbours,
specifically in energy, communications and economy," said Sargsyan.

According to the President it is in the interest of Armenia and
countries of the region, as well as of Armenian nation and the nations
of the region.

At the same time Sargsyan stressed Armenia plans to be active in
development and implementation of new initiatives within CIS and CSTO,
which will be of the country’s interest.