Team of Experts to Present Design on Tuesday Night At Utudjian Hall


Gibrahayer – Nicosia – Saturday 29 November, 2008 – The Armenian
Prelature of Cyprus has announced that the team of experts of The
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) ACT will present to the
Armenian community of Cyprus the final design for the restoration of
the Turkish-occupied Church Complex, including Sourp Asdvadzadzin
Church, Armenian Prelature, Melikian Ouzounian schools and adjoining

The team of experts comprise of Italian architects who specialise in
Venetian architecture and have been working on this project over the
last year, in co-operation with the Armenian Church of Cyprus.

The invitation of the Secretariat of the Armenian Prelacy reads: "You
are cordially invited to attend the public presentation of the final
design for the restoration of the Armenian Church Sourp Asdvadzadzin in
occupied Nicosia, by the team of experts engaged for this project by
the UNDP – ACT."

NKR Pres: Only with everybody’s participation just solution possible

President of Nagorno Karabagh: ‘Only with everybody’s participation it
will be possible to find a just solution to the problem’

2008-11-28 12:49:00

ArmInfo. On 26 November NKR President Bako Sahakyan gave an interview
to the Armenian-Russian TV Network channel, the largest Armenian TV
channel in the USA.

As the Central Information Department of the NKR president’s Office
told ArmInfo, gave answers to questions related to the settlement of
Azerbaijani-Karabagh conflict, recent development in the South
Caucasian region and Artsakh-Diaspora relations.

On the same day the Head of the State met members of the Southern
California District Committee of the Armenian General Benevolent Union
(AGBU) at the head of the committee’s chairperson Vahe Imasdounian.

A wide range of issues related to cooperation between Artsakh and the
Diaspora and preservation of the Armenian national identity were
discussed at the meeting. Taking about the development of the
Artsakh-Spyurk relations, Bako Sahakyan considered important to make
them more organized and diverse as well as to establish a more stable
connection with Artsakh. The President rated high the work of the
AGBU’s educational establishments in preserving Armenian national
identity in the Diaspora.

Minister of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia Hranoush Hakobyan, NKR
finance minister Spartak Tevosyan and other officials partook at the
meeting. On 26 November President Sahakyan also met members of the
Central Committee of the Ramkavar Azatakan Party Ara Aharounyan and
Gevorg Grigoryan as well as chairmen of the party’s Western USA and
South America Regional committees Hakob Nazaryan and senator Sergio

A wide range of issues related to socioeconomic situation in the
republic, Nagorno Karabagh conflict settlement, further development of
Artsakh-Diaspora ties were discussed during the meeting. The Head of
the State considered important the necessity to make the participation
of the Diaspora’s political forces in the development of the Motherland
more full-fledged and meaningful.

On the same day the President had meetings with philanthropists Jack
Gilejian and Albert Boyajian. Issues related to the prospects of
carrying out different projects in Artsakh. On 26 November Bako
Sahakyan visited Armenian Society of Los Angeles that unites Armenians
who moved to USA from Iran.

The President met representatives of the board of trustees of the
organization at the head of the board’s chairman Vahan Gregor and
members of the society. Bako Sahakyan introduced to the participants
socioeconomic situation in the NKR, the Nagorno Karabagh conflict
settlement process, talked about deepening Artsakh-Diaspora ties.
President Sahakyan rated high the role of the Iranian Armenians in
preserving Armenian national identity in the Diaspora, strengthening
ties between Spyurk and the Motherland as well as in regional politics
in the South Caucasian region. He urged members of the community to
visit Artsakh more frequently.

Head of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop
Pargev, Armenia’s minister of Diaspora Hranoush Hakobyan, NKR finance
minister Spartak Tevosyan and other officials partook at the meeting.

On the same day the President partook at the annual reception of the
Knight Movement of the Armenian General Benevolent Union. In his
welcome address Bako Sahakyan touched upon development that took place
in the NKR during the current year, the Artsakh-Armenia-Diaspora
cooperation and the Nagorno Karabagh issue. Speaking about the Nagorno
Karabagh conflict settlement the Head of the State underlined that this
is a Pan-Armenian issue and a problem of every single Armenian. Only
with everybody’s participation it will be possible to find a just
solution to this issue, said the President.

Armenia to become member of Eurasian Development Bank by the end of

Armenia to become member of Eurasian Development Bank by the end of
the year

2008-11-28 13:24:00

ArmInfo. Armenia may become a member of Eurasian Development Bank by
the end of the current year, Deputy Energy and Natural Resources
Minister Iosif Isayan told ArmInfo correspondent.

He also added Armenian Constitutional Court has already discussed the
agreement on Armenia’s joining the bank and on 1 December the decision
will be directed to the parliament for ratification. He also said
Armenia’s joining Eurasian Development Bank is very much important as
the latter is an investment bank which finances various projects in the
CIS countries. Eurasian Development Bank is interested in Armenia in
the projects in the sphere of energy, transport and agriculture.

To note, Eurasian Development Bank with 1,5 bln dollars authorized
capital was founded in January 2006 on the basis of agreement between
the governments of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobian’s Visit To US Continues


YERE VAN, NOVEMBER 28, NOYAN TAPAN. Minister of Diaspora Hranush
Hakobian’s visit to the United States continues. On November 21, the
Minister visited AGBU Manukian-Demirchian and Rose and Alek Pilipos
Armenian Colleges in Los Angeles, where she met with members of
colleges’ Boards of Trustees, directors, and teachers, talked to pupils.

School headmasters presented the Minister with the educational programs
of Armenian educational institutions of the Diaspora, in particular,
Armenian Language and Literature teaching programs. They said that they
do their best for Armenian children to receive education according to
the Armenian spirit, based on the principle of deepening national
traditions and preservation of the Armenian identity.

During the meeting with the teachers Minister Hakobian presented the
functions of the newly created Ministry, its plans and tasks for the
future. Touching upon the educational sphere of the Armenia-Diaspora
relations, the Minister said that the forthcoming reforms of the
legislative sphere will be aimed at raising the role of the Diaspora in
the sphere of education and science. She said that development of
education is one of the primary directions of Armenian government’s
activity, as "knowledge is resource number one of the state of Armenia."

The interlocutors also touched upon undertaking of proper steps aimed
at raising the educational level, the importance of teachers’
retraining, printing Armenian Language and Literature textbooks in
Western Armenian.

The same day the RA Minister of Diaspora met with representatives of
the ARFD United States Western Region’s Central Committee, as well as
of Hay Dat, Armenian Relief Society, AGBU, Armenian National
Educational and Cultural Union, Armenian Educational Institution’s U.S.
Western Region’s administrations and national colleges, compatriotic

Hranush Hakobian presented the main directions and tasks of Ministry’s
activity, in particular, touched upon revelation and use of the
Armenian potential, preservation of the Armenian identity and
repatriation, presented the program under the title Come Home.

Hranush Hakobian also visited the Ararat Center of the Armenian
Physical Culture General Union, got acquainted with the sports and
scout activity of the 16 branches of Armenian Physical Culture General
Union’s U.S. Western Regional Department.

In the respect of development of the Armenian-Diasporan relations the
Minister attached importance to sports gatherings periodically held in
Armenia mentioning that they greatly contribute to making active mutual
contacts of Armenian young people of various communities of Armenia and
the Diaspora.

On November 22, the Minister of Diaspora visited the Union of Armenian
Lawyers. Hranush Hakobian attached importance to creation of world
networks of Armenian specialists in various spheres, including
advocacy, as well as to using their experience and knowledge for the
sake of Armenia. The Minister touched upon reforms in the court and
legal sphere of Armenia, called those present for taking part in that
work more actively.

The same day Minister Hakobian visited the city of Montebello and paid
the tribute of her respect to the memory of victims of the Armenian
Genocide laying flowers to their memorial.

During her visit to the center of the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) the
Minister highly evaluated structure’s work of many years both in the
Diaspora and in Armenia. Issues regarding further cooperation of the
Ministry of Diaspora and ARS were discussed during the meeting with the
Board members of ARS.

On November 23, the RA Minister of Diaspora took part in a solemn
supper organized in honor of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, during
which she made a speech as the main reporter. The Minister mentioned
the importance of unity of all Armenians in the issue of building
statehood, presented Armenia’s achievements in the period after getting
independence, mentioned the tasks set before the Ministry of Diaspora
by the RA President.

On November 25, the RA Minister of Diaspora visited Mrs Karen Bass, the
Speaker of the Lower Chamber of California’s Legislative Body, Assembly
in Sacramento, who was elected to that post from the list of the
Democratic Party.

The RA Minister of Diaspora touched upon the Armenian community’s role
in California’s socio-economic life, in development of cultural,
educational, and trade contacts of Armenia and the U.S.

The Minister highly estimated the assistance of the U.S. government in
the process of implementation of democratic and economic reforms.

Mentioning that the mother tongue is of much importance in the respect
of preservation of the Armenian identity, the Minister expressed
support in the issue of raising teaching of Armenian Language in
California’s public schools to a new level.

The Assembly Speaker said that the legislative body is aware of the
history of Armenia and Armenian people. She attached importance to
cultural variety as a factor connecting various nations and promised
that she will study the raised issue.

The Minister visited the exhibition functioning in the parliament
building, dedicated to great Armenian writer William Saroyan’s 100th

The RA Minister of Diaspora met with Assembly’s Armenian deputies Paul
Krikorian, Greg Aghazarian, as well as other legislators. The Minister
visited Saint Hakob Armenian Apostolic Church of Sacramento.

Either System Of A Down Or Arame To Represent Armenia

Nov 26 2008

Although Armenia appeared to be content with the televoting system
chosen to select their representative for Eurovision 2008, they will
be doing this by internal selection for 2009.

The two participants rumoured to be on the shortlist are System
of a Down, who have had renowned European-wide success and Arame,
voted best male singer at the Armenian National Music Awards in
2007.System of a Down have made note that they will only be keen
to represent their country if they are allowed to make mention of
the Armenian Genocide which took place. Something which could cause
concern since Eurovision is scheduled to take place in Moscow. Arame
is less demanding and would follow a trend set in place by last years’
representative, Sirusho, who had previously won the best female singer
award at the same awards ceremony back in 2006.

Parliament Of Armenia Adopts Bill On Refugees And Refuge


2008-11-27 12:44:00

ArmInfo. Parliament of Armenia has adopted the Bill On Refugees and
Refuge in the third and final reading Tuesday.

First Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration Vache Terteryan
said the Bill displays more complex approach to the problem of refugees
and provision of refuge. It regulates the national legislation on
refugees since many of them have no possibility to go deep into
the law. The Bill will considerably help them. The Bill was drafted
with active cooperation with international structures, in particular,
UNHCR Office in Yerevan. The Bill regulates the institution of refugee
and the process of providing refuge. In particular, it stipulates the
conceptions ‘refugee’ and ‘refuge’. The Bill contains such issues as
human rights protection, the procedure of providing temporary refuge
etc. The procedure of providing refugees status and temporary refuge
was left unchanged. The Bill is of humanistic nature, covers moral,
social, economic and other problems of refugees and the people needing
temporary refuge, the deputy minister said.

Rwanda Vs France: Who’s Hiding Role In Geno

By Andrew M. Mwenda

The Independent
/column/guest-column/105-guest-column/526-rwanda-v s-franc-e-whos-hiding-role-in-genocide.html
Nov 27 2008

In February 2007, I was invited by the Institute for African
Development at Cornell University in the United States to give a
lecture. My presentation was on "The in-humanitarian consequences
of humanitarian intervention; a case study of the UN humanitarian
intervention in Rwanda in 1994." The lecture was drawn from a chapter
in a book I was writing (currently on hold) on the unintended, yet
negative consequences of Western assistance to Africa, including
humanitarian aid.

Kigali Memorial where the remains of thousands of the 1994 genocide
victim are buried.

I delivered my lecture on the afternoon of February 1 after which I
was hosted to dinner by the director of the institute, Prof. Nicolas
van de Walle. I felt honoured because I developed respect for de Walle
after reading his book African Economies and the Politics of Permanent
Crisis in 2002. I had then searched him on the web, got in touch with
him at Michigan State University where he was at the time and invited
him on my radio show on Monitor FM now KFM, a request he accepted.

A number of lecturers on African studies and students from Africa
were invited to the dinner. Our discussion turned to the subject
of my presentation. I told Prof. de Walle that in the early 1990s,
the officials in the government of France used the French state to
actively aid the genocide in Rwanda. He asked how. I told him they
had helped train the Rwandan army, sometimes commanded it into battle,
then supplied it with weapons in contravention of the UN arms embargo
on the government of President Juvenal Habyarimana, and provided the
regime with moral, financial and diplomatic support, all of which
were vital in helping that government carry out genocide.

After listening to me, de Walle said that he cannot believe that a
"civilised" government and a "disciplined" army like that of France
could do such a thing. I tried to convince him with more evidence
but could not. Then a Rwandan student at the university came to
my rescue. He told us that during Operation Turquoise (the French
humanitarian effort that was largely a way of getting the genociders
to escape) his family and other Tutsi happened to be in the French
controlled zone. French army officers allowed the Hutu militia into
the camp and killed all Tutsis including his family.

It was a tense moment. Prof. de Walle (a Belgian citizen who grew
up in the USA) expressed his sympathy to the young student but
held his ground that "civilised France" could not aid and abate
genocide. I realised that continuation of the discussion would lead
us to a cultural/racial battle of "us" versus "them" and dropped the
debate. But it was an important learning experience for me because
in such matters, many people of European descent are likely to take
de Walle’s position although not with the frankness and honesty with
which he did.

This lesson was brought to me quite vividly when the German government
arrested Ms Rose Kabuye, a chief of protocol of the Rwandan government
as she arrived in the country ahead of Rwandan President Paul
Kagame’s visit. The arrest was on the basis of warrants issued by
the French government against the very Rwandan leaders who helped end
the genocide in that country in 1994. This strange twist of irony –
of the architects and perpetrators of genocide arresting those who
under great sacrifice ended it – has gone largely unchallenged by
the international community for cultural reasons.

What is the crime of the accused? That in April 1994, RPF shot down
the plane carrying Habyarimana on which there were French crew. Why
is France seeking to avenge the death of a president who organised
genocide of one million of his own citizens? Would France prosecute
President George Bush if American planes killed Osama bin Laden in an
air raid just because some French citizens working as his hostesses
happened to be with the al Qaeda leader in his hideout? Let us not
forget that bin Laden has not yet taken away even 10,000 lives. An
important question should be: What were French citizens doing with
a mass murderer?

I have never even wanted to listen to a defence from the RPF that
they did not kill Habyarimana. It would be extremely painful for me
to listen to victims of genocide defend themselves against allegations
that they killed a person who sought to exterminate them. I know that
every Jewish or even non Jewish organisation would have been hailed
as heroes had they killed Adolf Hitler. That France can force the
RPF leaders into a position of criminals and other European nations
acquiesce is an important lesson about Western pretentions about our
shared humanity.

I strongly believe that whoever killed Habyarimana did something good
because the former Rwandan president was the worst mass murderer
of the 20th century. His killing efficiency (one million people in
100 days) makes the Third Reich (six million people in 12 years)
look incompetent. Sadly, the likely killers don’t deserve the praise
themselves because it seems Habyarimana may have been killed by the
extremist wing of his own party in order to kick off the genocide
earlier than he had wanted. Therefore, the difference between him and
his extremist allies was not on the act of genocide but the timing
of its outbreak.

Some claim that it is the killing of Habyarimana that sparked off
the genocide. Yet as early as January 1994, the UN peace keeping
mission to Rwanda had informed the headquarters in New York that the
government had built a capability – in both human training and weapons
stockpiling – to kill 1,000 people every 20 minutes. The president
of Habyarimana’s political party – the MNRD, Mathieu Ngirumpatse,
was the man in charge of this deadly operation. Hutu militias had
certainly not been trained for a tea party.

It would be wrong to think that France issued these arrest warrants
because it wanted to conceal its own involvement in the genocide, or
even distract world attention from it. Far from that! Its role has
been documented in a number of accounts including the book, Shake
Hands with the Devil, by the French-speaking Canadian commander of
the UN mission to Rwanda at the time, Gen. Romeo Dallaire, and in a
1996 BBC documentary The Bloody Tricolour on its Panorama programme.

The French act with such impunity not just because of the power they
wield on the global scene. That is a small part of the explanation. It
is largely because of the cultural reasons as Prof. de Walle gave
me. Let us face it, the current global system promotes the cultural
hubris of the West against the Rest; the idea that the West decides
what is right, the Rest only have to accept and abide. Thus when
Western powers kill civilians indiscriminately through air raids,
it is called collateral damage. When non Western agents do the same,
it is called terrorism or crimes against humanity.

For example, the French parliament passed a law making it a crime to
deny the Armenian genocide by the Turks. Yet those who deny the Tutsi
genocide like Habyarimana’s widow and her family live and deny it in
France. Priests who committed genocide live and still administer Holy
Communion in France. And France is not alone in this. Only three weeks
ago, Germany released a former Rwandan priest accused of genocide,
Callixte Mbarushimana. Now, in a strange twist of logic, German
authorities are arresting those who actually stopped the genocide.

The French understand this Western cultural hubris. They can issue
arrest warrants aimed at avenging the death of a president who
organised genocide against his own citizens by arresting the very
people who were both victims of that genocide but also the people
who ended it. And they can depend on the Germans, Belgians, Dutch,
Italians – all European countries – to hide behind European Union law
to implement such an unjust and inhumane act – because Rwanda is poor,
is African (should I say non Western) and has little significance in
global politics.

As an African largely socialised, educated and schooled through
Western ideas and institutions, it took me long to come to terms
with this contradiction. The European mindset seems to me to carry a
ruthless will to dominate others; all the other values seem secondary
and expendable. Thus it seems to me that what we ("the Rest") see
as the best in Western values – liberty, freedom and social justice
have never been meant to inform real Western practice. Instead, the
purpose of these values has been the ancillary one of image-making to
make the West look good to others even when it is inflicting untold
harm on them.

This ruthless urge to dominate others seems the prime cultural value
that has made the Western attitude to all other values (liberty,
equality, social justice, democracy etc) strictly instrumental –
only called upon as and when they are expedient. That is why, during
the conquest of other peoples and lands, one European side called for
civilisation and Christianisation as the other carried out genocide
against native populations and pushed others off their lands, many
into forced labour, slavery and amputation akin to what Joseph Kony
has done northern Uganda today.

Of course when I generalise using the word "Western" or "European", I
do not mean that every individual in the West behaves in this ruthless
and callous style. There are many people of European descent who get
as revolted as the rest of us at this hypocrisy. The young generation
of Westerners, for example, reject this Manichean approach to world
politics. It is these that bolstered the coalition that elected Barack
Obama as the first non-pure Caucasian president of the United States.

Indeed, the history of Western civilisation is rife with this contest
– between those who defended values like social justice, freedom,
equality and liberty out of moral commitment and those who paid
lip-service to them and only used them instrumentally. However, the
coalition in support of these ideals has always been marginal to the
overall project of the West to dominate and subjugate the Rest. This
coalition has never captured power, and when some of its idealists
did, they were either foiled in their attempts to reform the system,
won over by its demands or, in mute despair or pragmatism, simply
embraced it. It is this fact that has made me sceptical about Obama’s
claims to "change."

Yet there is some hope that the young generation of people in
the West will continue to ally with those among their parents who
genuinely believe in the values of justice, liberty and equality to
push for change. In any case, it is not clear whether this urge to
dominate others has ever enjoyed majority support among the citizens
of Western democracies. Certainly it has been a dominant value among
those who control the power of the state. But states do not always
represent the values of the societies over which they preside. They
represent the values of the most dominant classes or interests –
which are often a minority.

The lessons from this are clear although the solutions are difficult
to organise. Africa needs to coalesce and speak with one voice. Yet
our leaders seem to be driven by ignorance, petty jealousies, Western
bribes of aid and other trinkets to unite – as happened in the 19th
century paving way for colonial conquest. The African Union condemned
the arrest of Kabuye. All African governments should have followed
Rwanda in packing German ambassadors out of the continent in a show
of moral defiance.

Foreign Ministers Of Armenia, Azerbaijan And Turkey To Meet In Helsi

26.11.2008 13:53

Turkish, Azeri and Armenian ministers will come together during a
meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE) in Helsinki between Dec. 4-5 to discuss the settlement of the
Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, Hurriyet daily reported.

The Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Armenia Ali Babacan and Edward
Nalbandian decided to continue the trilateral process which began in
New York in September, with another trilateral meeting in the Finnish
capital of Helsinki, Hurriyet wrote.

Babacan, Nalbandian and Azerbaijan’ Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov
held a trilateral meeting in New York in September, and discussed
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Babacan confirmed late on Tuesday the decision made during his meeting
with Nalbandian, saying Turkish, Azeri and Armenian Ministers might
come together during a meeting of the OSCE next week in Helsinki.

There is "busy diplomacy traffic" with Turkey’s eastern neighbor
Armenia, he told reporters before departing from the Turkish capital
for a tour of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

"We have been moving ahead and making progress with Armenia each time
we talk to each other, and I hope talks between both Azerbaijan and
Armenia, and Turkey and Armenia could produce certain results in a
reasonable time," he said.

"Our goal is to fully normalize relations between the countries of
the region and our efforts for a stability platform in the Caucasus
are continuing," he said.

‘Radio Van’ Radio Station Held First Place In AdVision Awards Compet


2008-11-24 10:21:00

ArmInfo. ‘Radio Van’ Radio station has won in the Third International
competition of Russian-language advertising AdVision

Awards and took the fist place among 500 works in ‘Radio-advertising’
category. Armenia took part in AdVision Awards for the first time. This
competition has already become traditional in the advertising industry.

‘Radio Van’ Radio station has presented three entries, two of
which were selected in a shortlist as a result of on-line voting at
site. Ten thousand people from 65 countries
of the world participated in Internet-voting. The final decision
on winners was made by a professional jury consisting of the most
authoritative representatives of the advertising market. AdVision
Awards 2008 awarding ceremony was held on November 21 in Caesar’s
Resort and Casino in Atlantic City, USA. Advision AwardsR is the
only international competition of Russian-language advertising held
abroad. The competition has been organized by New York Marketing
Company Global Advertising Strategies and the ‘First Channel. World

Ayvazyan Sentenced To Two Years In Prison


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
20 Nov 08

The general jurisdiction court of Kentron and Nork Marash districts
yesterday found Smbat Zhirayr Azyvazyan guilty of the crimes envisaged
by Section 4 Article 235 (Illegal procurement, transportation or
carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices)
and Section 1 Article 316 (Violence against a representative of
authorities) of the Criminal Code.

The court sentenced S. Ayvazyan to imprisonment for the term of 2
years and imposed a fine in the amount of 300 thousand Drams.