David Harutyunian Does Not Know Why Amnesty Was Not Declared


Noyan Tapan

Nov 5, 2008

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 5, NOYAN TAPAN. During the January session of
the PACE, it is planned to discuss not only Resolutions 1609 and
1620 but also the fulfilment of the other obligations by Armenia,
David Harutyunian, member of the National Assembly "RPA" faction,
chairman of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Issues,
stated at the November 5 press conference.

One of these obligations is improvement of the electoral legislation
which is still continuing. Some members of the working group set up
for this purpose will go to Poland in November in order to familiarize
themselves with the financing principles of elections and pre-election
campaign, as well as the restrictions and the mechanisms for control
of these processes.

Speaking about the process of fulfilling Resolutions 1609 and
1620, D. Harutyunian said that although considerable progress has
been made in this respect, there has been no advance in the issue
related to criminal prosecution. In his words, the matter concerns
the inadmissibility of convicting people based on testimony of
policemen. "This is a political rather than a legal requirement as
there is no problem here in the legal sense," D. Harutyunian said. In
his opinion, the best solution to this issue would be an amnesty,
in particular, for those who are accused of offering resistance to
police. D. Harutyunian found it difficult to answer the question
about why amnesty had not been declared, as by law, it is one of the
president’s powers. At the same time, he expressed an opinion that
amnesty is not the only option, and the president will consider this
issue without fail.

Responding to the question about what punitive measures may be applied
by the PACE if Armenia does not implement the requirements of the
resolutions, D. Harutyunian said: "The important thing here is not
sanctions but Armenia’s desire to follow the fundamental values of
this organization". He expressed a hope that intensive developments
in terms of implementing the PACE requirements will take place in
November in connection with a visit of the CE Commissioner for Human
Rights Thomas Hammarberg to Armenia after November 20.


Solana Supports The Karabakh Talks And The Armenian-Turkish Dialogue


06.11.2008 11:56

During a meeting in Brussels the President of Armenia Serzh
Sargsyan and the Secretary General of the Council of European Union
Javier Solana discussed the Armenia-EU relations, the process of
implementation of the Individual Partnership Action Plan within
the framework of the New Neighborhood Policy and the democratic and
economic reforms in Armenia, issues related to the negotiations on
the Karabakh conflict resolution and the Armenian-Turkish dialogue.

During the meeting the parties referred to a number of issues
concerning regional security, discussed the perspectives of
cooperation. The interlocutors discussed the process of implementation
of the Action Plan.

President said the Action Plan is the main basis of Armenia-EU
relations, presenting Armenia’s view of cooperation in 2009-2010.

Considering the regional security and stability as an important
precondition for development and prosperity, Javier Solana offered
his support for the negotiation process on the Karabakh settlement
and the ongoing Armenian-Turkish dialogue.

BAKU: Political Scientists Of Region Divided In Opinion Over Declara


Trend News Agency
Nov 3 2008

Azerbaijan, Baku, 3 November/ TrendNews/ On 2 November, Presidents of
Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia signed a declaration on the settlement
of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

TrendNews interviewed the following leading political scientists of
the region.

Question: To what extent will the declaration accelerate settlement
of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

Spokesman for Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry Khazar Ibrahim: Joint
declaration by Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian Presidents on the
settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is a significant document
which reflects all aspects of talks. There is no need to look for
something new in signing of the document. The talks still continue
and the document indicates their significance. Foundation is needed to
be laid to shift to next stage. Oral statements are usually followed
by the signing of a document. Therefore, it was necessary to sign
the document. Azerbaijan is determined to continue talks. The next
stages of the talks are not known yet.

Independent political scientist of Azerbaijan Zardusht Alizade: The
declaration signed by Presidents of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia
does not actually mean anything. It says that the resolution must
be carried out under international law, but it does not specify –
whether right to self-determination or territorial integrity.

President of Social Research Fund of Azerbaijan Rashad Rzaguliyev:
These talks were held only with Russia’s mediation. OSCE Minsk Group
is a group of interests which are incompatible today. The balance
of powers in the region was disturbed as a result of which Russia
undertook responsibility to solve this conflict with all consequences
arising from it

Sergey Markov, Director of Political Studies Institute of Russia
and member of the Russia State Duma (parliament): Russia wants to
reduce presence of foreign players, in particular the United States,
in the region. Because, it has assumed major role in the solution
of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This document is a declaration of
intentions which will prevent war. It is also Russia’s intentions to
help cooperation and become stabilizing factor in the region. The
absence of war is first of all favorable for Azerbaijan as it is
developing with higher growth rates than Armenia. But all parties
feels there is benefit in different contexts.

Georgian political scientist Archil Gegeshidze: Russia want to
improve harmed image of its peacekeepers in Georgia and accelerating
resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is due to this fact. Russia
has damaged image of its peacekeepers to a great extent who exceeded
the necessary measures towards Georgia, the fact the West also stated
and resort to aggression, the opinion which many share in West.

Independent political scientist of Azerbaijan Vafa Guluzade: There was
no need to sign this declaration as it was apparent that Azerbaijan is
not going to attack on Armenia to liberate its lands. Because Armenia
has an agreement with Russia on military cooperation according to
which Russia can fight against Azerbaijan on legal basis in case of
Azerbaijan’s attack.

Most likely, it was Russia’s move toward the West and United States,
as if it works over this issue, whilst they just drag out the time. The
document is profitable only for Armenia and Russia. If earlier Armenia
could suspect that Azerbaijan can attack, now they got the document
and can sleep quietly.

Independent political scientist Rustam Mammadov: The declaration did
not include any concrete thing, so it is difficult to speak about its
practical use. The Azerbaijani President looked more satisfied than
his Armenian counterpart during document signing ceremony. Therefore,
may be, I think Russia has begun to take measures on settlement of
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for our benefit.

I hope this document will be successful step, although declaration
is only statement on intentions. On the background of the latest
developments, signing of declaration is a progressive step. The
conflict can be settled only through one mediator. Thus, presence of
competing mediators will prevent normal work on the settlement.

Chairman of opposition Democratic Reform Party of Azerbaijan,
MP Asim Mollazade: The declaration is a piar-action of the Russian
President. After the latest developments in South Ossetia and Abkhazia,
Russia desired to demonstrate its intention actively to take part in
solution of the frozen conflicts, whilst in reality, the declaration
is not a serious step towards the settlement process.

If a schedule on withdrawal of the Armenian troops from the Azerbaijani
occupied territories were specified, then we could speak about serious
intention of Russia in achievement of peace.

Deputy Chairman of Standing Commission of the Azerbaijani Parliament
Gultakin Hajiyeva: Russia as a country involved in the resolution
of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, finally, undertook initiative
of its settlement. It is too early to speak about the result of this
initiative, while presence of definite initiatives in this direction
can be assessed as a positive step by Russia.

Chairman of the opposition Democratic Party of Azerbaijan Sardar
Jalaloglu: The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be settled only after
determining influence zones of huge states in the South Caucasus
region ends. At present this process reached its peak level.

If Russia, which occupied territories of Georgia, threatens
Azerbaijan that this country can face with such threat, the
Moscow negotiations will not be fruitful in settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Moscow has organized the meeting to justify
its aggressive actions in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as to
divert attention of the international community. It is inappropriate
to think about positive influence of such meetings on settlement of
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at the current stage.

Member of Political Council of the Ruling New Azerbaijan Party Aydin
Mirzazade: Activation of Russia in settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict will accelerate its solution. Signing of declaration
means acceptance of juridical obligations, which is a positive
milestone. Armenian repeatedly violated international principles
and this declaration will be an obstacle for this country. The
declaration has included majority of principles, which were put
forward by Azerbaijan, particularly, solution of the conflict in
line with the international principles and its negative influence of
development of the region.

Threatening From Behind Russia


13:50:16 – 04/11/2008

The ex-consul of Armenia to Sanct Petersburg Ruben Hakobyan who
now heads the Akunk analytical center says the admiration of some
government officials to the declaration signed by the presidents of
Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan on November 2 in Moscow is worrying. He
means the government officials who say this declaration is like
cold water on the head of the Azerbaijani militarism. According to
Ruben Hakobyan who was hosted at the Pastark press club for a news
conference, the declaration is not legally binding, besides there are
innumerable cases in history when war was launched immediately after
an agreement. Therefore, the response of those government officials is
worrying, especially that it is time we stopped threatening Azerbaijan,
hiding behind Russia, that in case Azerbaijan attacks, the Russians
will defend us.

According to the head of the Akunk analytical center, we should not
forget that Russia may be led by the motto of eternal interests rather
than eternal friends or foes. In other words, Russia may not defend
us or may defend us when it is too late.

Frozen Conflicts Thaw Calamity For South Caucasus


03.11.2008 15:12 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The status quo in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is
not static. The recent events in Georgia proved that it’s not secure
either, International Alert’s current Secretary General Dan Smith
during an Armenian-Azeri conference in Brussels.

"Thaw of frozen conflicts would be a calamity for the South Caucasus
states. War is a defeat of both sides," he said. "Not only people
but also communications and pipelines vital for region suffer in
armed conflicts."

"The goal of International Alert is to prevent armed conflicts in the
Caucasus, what is possible though a dialog between publics of Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh," he added.

For his part, Phil Champain, Director of Programs (Asia and Eurasia),
said that the Georgian clashes proved the need to intensify talks
on Karabakh.

Iran And The USA May Come To An Understanding, Leaving Aside The Isr

Karine Ter-Sahakyan

01.11.2008 GMT+04:00

Iran is trying hard to return to the family of civilized nations,
and if it is able to normalize relations with the United States a
great progress can be reported in the Region.

As some American sources report, after the presidential elections
George Bush might declare his intention to reestablish democratic
relations with Iran 30 years after they were broken off. If this
happens Bush will at least have an opportunity to leave at peace and
tranquility. Moreover, he will finally acquire the desired image of
a "peacemaker". Still early in summer the US Administration used to
stress the possibility of bombing the Iranian nuclear bases, which,
according to the European lobby, threatened the Republic of Israel.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ However, with the gap widening between Obama and
McCain this kind of position of the Republicans is not obviously to the
Americans’ liking, especially with the worsening financial collapse
that will definitely be followed by industrial depression. Quite
naturally under such circumstances it would be simply fatal to sever
relations with a country that has oil, gas and plays a considerable
role among oil-producing states. Of course Israel is an important
character in the American foreign policy, but most central for the
US are its own interests, and they claim that no hasty decisions
should be made against Iran, and, generally, against the Islamic
world otherwise the policy in Iraq and Afghanistan will repeat itself.

George Bush considers, and it’s quite reasonable, that solution of
the problem on diplomatic relations with Iran should be suspended
till better times for it not to complicate the pre-election campaign.

In its turn, Tehran is well-aware of this initiative but her position
on the matter remains unclear. President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
declared in New-York that he is ready to reconsider the issue of
reestablishing diplomatic relations between Iran and the United
States. However, these are just statements necessary for both sides.

Iran is trying hard to return to the family of civilized nations, and
if it is able to normalize relations with the United States a great
progress can be reported in the region. It is not a coincidence that
all these talks initiated only after the August shock had a bit calmed
down. Iran found herself excluded from the process of reformatting
the region, which was quite undesirable for her. Meanwhile,
Turkey had already managed to declare about its Caucasus Platform
of Stability, whereas without Iran regional stability would be
out of the question. Though, if Iran and the US renew diplomatic
relations, Ankara will have to suffice itself with secondary roles,
as, for a number of reasons, Iran will never agree to the second
position in the region. One of the basic reasons is its maintenance
of normal relations with all the countries of the region, including
Turkey. Sometimes normal relations are pretentious, but Iran is not in
direct confrontation even with Azerbaijan. Turkey, however, cannot be
described as being in good relations with its neighbours. Under its
sword of Damocles there hang the Turkish-Armenian relations. And in
spite of the "hot" statements of Yerevan and Ankara on "optimism"
and "progress", the relations will never cross the threshold of
empty statements.

Iran can also render considerable assistance in the settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as it is a practically neutral country. The
talks about the "brotherly Azerbaijani nation" are just empty words
and what Tehran bewares most is increase of Turkish influence in
the region, which may seriously intervene normal relations in the
Caucasus. Georgia is not counted as a political unit as no one can
foresee the outcome of confrontation between Mikhail Saakashvili and
former partners. In all probability in the Caucasus, as well as in
the region as a whole, there should be expected great transformations
in relations between the countries and with the powers.

VoA: Armenian, Azerbaijani Leaders Agree To Intensify Peace Talks


Voice of America
Nov 2 2008

The leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to intensify talks
aimed at ending a decades-long conflict over the disputed territory
of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The announcement came Sunday in Moscow, following a one-on-one
meeting between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his Armenian
counterpart, Serzh Sarkisyan. The two leaders were later joined by
Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, who sponsored the meeting.

In a statement, the two Caucasus leaders said they are ready to
continue pushing toward a "political settlement" to the conflict. They
said they have agreed to instruct their foreign ministers to step
up negotiations.

The Armenian-populated enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh declared
independence from Azerbaijan in 1988, sparking a six-year armed
conflict that claimed 35,000 lives. A 1994 cease-fire has been
periodically interrupted by firefights.

Moscow is vying with Washington for influence in energy-rich
Azerbaijan, a key exporter of oil and natural gas through pipelines
that run through Georgia and Turkey.

The United States, Russia and France co-chair an international panel,
the Minsk Group, that has sought to mediate the Nagorno-Karabakh

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.

Fortification of Bulwark

WPS Agency, Russia
October 31, 2008 Friday


by Andrei Korbut

establish another military base in Armenia.

President Dmitry Medvedev made a two-day official visit to
Armenia. Moscow views Yerevan as a strategic ally. Given the new
geopolitical realities and namely the Georgian aggression against
South Ossetia and establishment of two independent republics in the
region, there were matters of common interest for leaders of Russia
and Armenia to discuss.

The presidents discussed the advancement of economic and
military-technical cooperation, situation in the Caucasus, and
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement. Toting up his visit, Medvedev
said Moscow was ready for even closer cooperation (with Armenia –
Voyenno-Promyshlenny Kurier) within the framework of the CIS
Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Russia intends to strengthen its military base in Armenia. Some media
outlets reported Moscow’s plans to establish another military base in
this country in 2010. What information is available at this point
indicates that the second military base will be established in the
environs of Ijevan, a town near the borders with Azerbaijan and
Georgia. Its personnel will wield heavy military hardware, mobile
artillery pieces, and other weapons. A medium-range radar may be
installed there as well, so that Russia will know the state of affairs
in the airspace above the southern part of the Caucasus. Neither the
Russian nor the Armenian military confirmed this information. Military
experts in the meantime suspect that there may be something to it
because Georgian aggression against South Ossetia convinced the
Kremlin of the necessity to enhance Russian military presence in the

Source: Voyenno-Promyshlenny Kurier, No 43, October 29 – November 4,
2008, p. 3

BAKU: Co-chairs mediating in settlement of NK gather in moscow

From: "Katia M. Peltekian" <[email protected]>
Subject: BAKU: Co-chairs mediating in settlement of NK gather in moscow

Nov 1 2008


OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs mediating in the settlement of Nagorno
Karabakh conflict Bernard Fassier (France), Matthew Bryza (USA) and
special representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk
arrived in Moscow on Friday. Diplomatic sources told foreign ministers
of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia Sergei Lavrov, Elmar Mammadyarov and
Edward Nalbandyan would meet at the Russian Foreign Ministry in a few
hours for preparation to the tripartite meeting of the presidents of
Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia Dmitriy Medvedev, Ilham Aliyev and
Serzh Sargsyan on November 2 for settlement of Nagorno Karabakh

The initiative of the presidentsâ?? meeting was put forward
by the Russian President in Yerevan on October 21.

BAKU: Armenian FM claims accord close on NK status

Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
October 28, 2008 Tuesday


Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian has said one step remains
to be taken in reaching agreement on the status of Upper (Nagorno)
Garabagh, referring to an Azeri region under Armenian occupation.
Nalbandian told the BBC Radio Azerbaijan bureau that if political will
was put forth, more issues regarding the conflict settlement would be
resolved. When the status issue is solved, the solution of all
remaining issues will be simplified.

The status should be determined by a referendum, through the
expression of free will of the people of Upper Garabagh, he
claimed. Bakus stance on the issue is intransigent. Azerbaijani
officials have repeatedly stated that Azerbaijans territorial
integrity must be restored. Talks on the status of Upper Garabagh may
be launched only after that, and a referendum to determine it is
possible only if the vote covers the entire territory of
Azerbaijan. The two South Caucasus republics fought a lengthy war that
ended with the signing of a cease-fire in 1994, but Armenia continues
to occupy Upper Garabagh and seven other Azerbaijani districts in
defiance of international law. Peace talks have been fruitless so
far. Commenting on the statements suggesting that only one or two
issues remain to be resolved between the conflicting sides, Nalbandian
said: I dont think that nearly all outstanding issues have been
solved, with only one or two remaining. We are currently at the stage
asserted by the two countries presidents in St. Petersburg. The
Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders then reaffirmed their commitment to
further talks on the basis of the Madrid proposals, which were
proposed by the [mediating] OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs in November
2007. Nalbandian said Yerevan hoped an opportunity would emerge for
the next meeting of the two leaders after Azerbaijans October 15
presidential elections, and this meeting would invigorate peace
talks. During the last round of talks between Presidents Ilham Aliyev
and Serzh Sarkisian outside St. Petersburg, Russia early in June, the
Russian, French and US mediators offered alternate options on
resolving disputed issues to the heads of state. Although the gist of
the proposals was not disclosed, the co-chairs said they were
expecting responses from the two leaders. Although no decisions were
passed during the talks, the parties agreed to keep on negotiating on
the level of foreign ministers. Touching on Armenias relations with
Turkey, Nalbandian said their normalization had no bearing on his
countrys relations with Azerbaijan. Approaching the Armenia-Turkey and
Armenia-Azerbaijan relations in the same context is wrong. Nalbandian
said revitalization is expected in the Garabagh talks soon, but it is
unrelated to dialog between Yerevan and Ankara. He added that he was
optimistic about the future of Armenian-Turkish relations. At the same
time, he admitted that the Armenian community was discontent with the
efforts being made to normalize bilateral ties. Armenia and Turkey
have been at odds over historic differences and the border between the
two countries has been closed since 1993. The two neighboring states
maintain no diplomatic ties.