American Jewish Official Retires After Long Anti-Armenian Campaign

By Harut Sassounian

AZG Armenian Daily

Armenian Genocide

Barry Jacobs, Director of Strategic Studies at the American Jewish
Committee (AJC), is retiring from his organization at the end of
October. The "good news" was confirmed by an AJC official. The reason
I characterize Jacobs’ departure as "good news" is that he has been
at the forefront of AJC’s attempts over the years to undermine the
adoption of various congressional resolutions on the Armenian Genocide.

Several months ago, I wrote a column calling for Jacobs’ dismissal from
AJC because of his long-standing anti-Armenian efforts. Although I am
sure that my column had no bearing on his departure, I am pleased that
he will not be around any longer to carry out the Turkish government’s
denialist directives

I had called for Jacobs’ dismissal after his infamous public
confrontation with Aram Hamparian, the Executive Director of the
Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), on February 21,
in Washington, D.C. On that occasion, Jacobs had declared: "We are
not historians, which is a polite, bullshit way of saying we’re not
going to take responsibility, we are not going to make a decision
on 1915. …The bilateral relationship between the United States and
Turkey will suffer greatly if this [Armenian Genocide] resolution is
passed. The Jewish community believed that also, and that’s been our
position. And the world is not made up of choices between good and bad,
at least not in the Foreign Service when I was in it; it’s made up
between choices between bad and worse. So we take practical positions,
and the position of all the Jewish organizations, including ADL, was
not to have a position on the facts of what happened, or not taking
a public position on what happened in 1915, we did not think, do not
think, that the United States Congress is the place to settle this. And
that’s all I can tell you. And that’s the real world and that’s the
position of United States Government and of the Government of Israel."

For over 10 years, with the full blessing of his bosses, Jacobs
aggressively campaigned to subvert all efforts to bring about the
acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide by the U.S. Congress. In
an interview published by the Turkish Daily News on July 29, 1999,
he pledged that Jewish organizations would "take an active and
vigorous role in being friends of Turkey in the United States…. We
will champion to the best of our ability Turkish interests in the
U.S. Congress. We will be Turkey’s friends officially in Congress"
and work to help get favorable legislation passed, he said.

Speaking more like a paid lobbyist than the representative of a human
rights organization, Jacobs shamelessly declared: "We want to work with
your [Turkish] Embassy in Washington, the Turkish-American community
and Turkey’s many friends and win our battles on Capitol Hill. We
want the American people and our leaders to understand what Turkey
and its citizens have accomplished. We want our media to accurately
reflect Turkey’s importance and achievements. We don’t want those
who are not friends of Turkey to have the means to use human rights
or other issues against your interests."

Jacobs acknowledged that AJC’s extensive support for Turkey "brought
us [Jewish organizations] into open conflict with Greek-Americans and
Armenian-Americans. It has been welcomed by the Turkish government,
but we have paid a price. The price has been that we have the Greek
and Armenian-Americans very angry at us."

Jacobs admitted that his excessively pro-Turkish position had even
elicited complaints from many Jewish members of his own organization
who asked: "Why are we supporting Turkey, which has a terrible human
rights record?"

I have no illusion that Jacobs’ retirement would alter his
organization’s pro-Turkish agenda. Nevertheless, the departure of an
official, who cultivated extensive contacts with Turkish denialists
for more than a decade, would hopefully diminish the effectiveness of
AJC’s activities against Armenian issues. A similar situation would
occur should Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL), leave his influential position at the ADL.

While it is clear that the departure of a particular AJC or ADL
official is not going to change the long-standing pro-Turkish policies
of these organizations, it is equally important to recognize that in
recent years closer contacts have been established between Armenian and
Jewish American leaders and members of their respective communities.

One would hope that those who replace Jacobs and Foxman would reassess
their organizations’ questionable stand on the Armenian Genocide
and join the growing ranks of Jewish leaders who sympathize with the
tragic history of the Armenian nation and resent being used as a tool
to carry out Turkey’s denialist policies.

Combativity Main Weapon Of Armenian Army


27.10.2008 18:47 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today, the Armenian army is more efficient than it
was yesterday, the RA President said.

"Army formation is a complicated and long process. Our armament is
replenished annually but combativity is the most important factor. It’s
the main weapon of Armenian army," Serzh Sargsyan told the Armenian
Public Television, the leader’s press office reports.

"At Any Event, The "Russian Phase" In The History Of Armenia Is Over

16:12:59 – 29/10/2008

The renowned political scientist and analyst Igor Muradyan comments
on the results and consequences of the Armenian visit of the Russian
president for the Iravunk de facto newspaper.

Mr. Muradyan, what was special about the visit of the Russian president
to Armenia, and, what are the expectations regarding the Armenian
and Russian relations in the context of future political situation
in the South Caucasus?

New circumstances of Dmitry Medvedev’s visit in October are being
revealed, as well as the regional intentions of Russia and other

Now there is no doubt that Russia determines the relations with
Armenia by the setup of new relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey. The
intentions of Russia regarding the Karabakh issue are becoming more
obvious, which include the following: complete withdrawal of the
Armenian armed force from Karabakh, return of first five then all
the seven "territories" to Azerbaijan, return of the so-called Azeri
refugees to those territories, deployment of Russian peacekeepers in
the area of the conflict, and actually complete overlooking of the
issue of the status of Karabakh, since it will be protracted for
ten and more years. This is but the recurrent division of Armenia
between the same partners. And in the 1920s and even 1940s Russia has
tried to attract Turkey, tempted by the anti-imperialistic moods in
Anatolia. But instead of better conditions for getting to the Black
Sea straights it got a punch. The same will be now. Not at once,
of course, therefore there is a lot of time for the abovementioned
experience to destroy Armenia once again. Amazingly, like in the
previous times, the Armenians are happy that the Russians are going
to make a decision on their fate. During the visit of Dmitry Medvedev
to Yerevan tens of thousands of Armenians holding Russian flags and
posters pleaded their loyalty to the leader of Russia at the so-called
Square of Russia, who is likely to suffocate their homeland, turning
it into an object of mockery for the world.

You mentioned earlier about the unfavorable approach of Russia toward
Karabakh and Armenia. It is also clear that all this is one way or
another determined by the recent events in Georgia and the aspiration
of the United States to settle in the Black Sea basin. But how does
the political approach of the Russian president foster the fulfillment
of those plans?

The political approach of the leader of Russia has nothing to do
with that.

Russia has long anticipated instrumentalizing the Karabakh resource
for its policy. The leading Russian political scientists who are most
integrated in the public administration say Russia has not benefited
from the cooperation with Armenia in any way, and further unilateral
relations are meaningless.

They tell this plainly to their Armenian colleagues, whom they have
known for years. The leading experts of the Russian Institute of
Strategic Research, the CIS institute who advise directly the president
staff share this opinion. At the same time, Dmitry Medvedev is said
to be the leader of the Azerbaijani lobby in Russia. Evidence to
this is the considerably close relations and interests of President
Medvedev. In Russia, very many high-ranking officials are first of
all identified as Azerbaijani lobbyists and only then as people who
occupy one post or another. There are too many gas and oil people in
the Russian government. Along with the strategic and tactical interests
of Russia in which the plans regarding Karabakh fit, purely commercial
interests of large scale certainly have an important role too. It
is only partly known who is involved in the fulfillment of those
interests, but currently a number of American and British journalists
in Moscow are actively working out this version, and some time later
it will become known, some time.

But what makes the Russians confident that the given project will be
successfully implemented, and Armenia will sign its own death sentence?

It is a most important, perhaps the most important question in all
this game. Surprisingly, in fact, the entire Russian political and
analytical establishment is convinced that the Armenian people and
their government should be grateful to Russia for such a settlement
of the Karabakh issue.

For more than once, at different levels, from experts to Duma
committees, arguments on the impossibility of such decisions are
perceived with great surprise. Obviously, the relevant analytical,
information and research services of Russia have done work and
arrived at conclusions on complete demoralization of Armenians, who
are ready to accept any decision that will ensure a "quiet" life for
them. Perhaps this is the main argument in the operational system
of making decisions on the Karabakh issue. The foreign ministry
is only trying to conduct this policy, which has been worked out
by a group of people from the president administration who believe
in those evaluations. For instance, as a major argument, it is said
that the Dashnaktsutyun party approves the Russian plan, that is the
return of the territories and the deployment of peacekeepers, but no
determination of the status. By the way Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is
not mentioned in the talks as the name of a country in that region. In
other words, not only non-determination of the status is concerned
but also liquidation of NKR.

And this is not accidental. For the Russians, NKR is the reminder
of an element of the new political configuration of the former
Soviet space. NKR is too vivid a notion for the Russian national

To what degree has this plan been worked out, how convinced the
Russian politicians and policy shapers are of the success of their
"Karabakh project"?

In contacts with the Russian experts, the focus is on that besides
the goal of setting up new relations with Turkey, in raising
the Karabakh issue the Azerbaijani lobby in Moscow is important,
which is closely related with a number of officials, and first
of all President Medvedev. The peculiarities of relations between
the Azerbaijani lobbyists and Dmitry Medvedev became known, who is
related to oil and gas projects in one way or another. During the
visit of Dmitry Medvedev to Baku no final decision was made but
the intentions and several obligations were outlined. The Russian
political scientists integrated with the government agencies who
have advocated the opinion that it is in the interests of Russia to
"freeze" the Karabakh conflict are now proposing the following. They
think Armenia may reject this plan, and Russia will have no political
resource to insist on the realization of this project. At the same
time, it is not recommended to automatically turn to the United States
for help and adopt a more rigid stance on Russia. We think this is
not just a situational recommendation but a worked out and intended
technology. It should be noted that considerable confusion and lack
of confidence is observed among the Russian analysts and policy
shapers dealing with the "Karabakh project". A considerable part of
analysts in Russia think this project is not realistic. According to
the Russian analysts, the administration of the president of Russia
has demanded that the special services express their opinion on the
"Karabakh project", what produced inadequate results. The heads of
the Russian special services did not complicate their situation and
did not make negative evaluations. According to the evaluations of
the special services, namely the External Intelligence Service of
Russia, this project "contains new interesting proposals and may
become a starting point for the implementation of the Russian policy
on the South Caucasus." The External Intelligence Service recommends
focusing on the phase of agreements on proposals and stances, as well
as efforts for reaching consensus between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
which will be difficult. Currently, the administration of the Russian
president is not trying to involve experts of research institutes and
centers. The Russian experts who visited NKR will one way or another
continue to think that the "Karabakh project" is actually a political
adventure but they do not express their opinion publicly. Judging
by the work that has been done, the Karabakh project was initiated
to a considerable degree by the Azerbaijan lobby in Moscow, which
is closely related to President Medvedev. It should be noted that
Prime Minister Putin and his people in the president administration,
as well as the foreign minister Lavrov have expressed no enthusiasm
and optimism about the given project yet. There is no confidence
on how the strategic interests of Russia and the objectives of the
lobbyists in Moscow coincide, but both have a role in advocating the
"Karabakh project".

In the meantime, there is a lot of hope and definite plans about
Medvedev’s visit in terms of development of economy and infrastructures
in Armenia, including the second nuclear plant. Is this consistent
with your warning of a national catastrophe awaiting Armenia?

In the 1920s, Armenia was divided, its historical provinces were
annexed, and in the territory that was left the economy was developed
because complete destruction of Armenia would have destroyed the
Russian strategy.

The Russians have always considered Karabakh as unjustified lavishness
for the Armenians. Any positive mentioning of Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic, the armed force of Karabakh, the Christian identity of this
region encountered hostility and confusion in any Russian, especially
in politicians and experts. As to Dmitry Medvedev’s promises, it would
be worthwhile to ask the question why so many ambitious proposals are
offered especially now. The Russians will hardly build a nuclear plant
in Armenia. Why should the Russians build such a serious facility in
a dying country? They may start producing uranium, they need it. The
Russians would rather build nuclear plants in Turkey and Azerbaijan.

No confirmation has come through the media that Russia links the
Karabakh settlement with the relations with Turkey. Are these
suppositions, confirmed by information or conclusions based on

In the analysis of political projection, that is the material which
has not been announced publicly, such notions as "information",
"analysis", "conclusions" are highly relative. Although it is possible
to cite one example of an argument supported by information, and
no Russian diplomat dealing with the Russian and Turkish relations
may reject this. The Turks have proposed the Russians for more than
once to stop the project Kars-Akhalkalaki in case the Russians state
that the "five territories will be returned to Azerbaijan, sometime
in the nearest future if not now". Meanwhile, I again confirm that
Turkey is not interested in the Karabakh issue, and this and other
identical proposals are offered because Turkey would like to get
utmost concessions from Russia to make their relations more significant
and binding.

How did the Russian-Georgian war affect the settlement of the Karabakh
issue, is there a new situation, a source of policy between Russia
and Armenia?

The completion of the action in Chechnya, significant success in
reducing the threat of terrorism in the North Caucasus, the tactical
military success of the Russian in Georgia had an important role,
inspiring the Russian political government to launch another phase
of establishment of new positions in the South Caucasus. The given
circumstance which had an emotional rather than political importance
was nevertheless important in making a decision on the Karabakh
issue. At the same time, the possible occurrence of problems relating
to Abkhazia and South Ossetia may reduce the confidence of Russia in
conducting a policy of pressure in the South Caucasus. So far there
is no confidence in Moscow regarding what happened in the conflict
with Georgia, first of all, regarding the position and role of the
United States. The Russian experts are not ready and would not wish a
continuation since the policy of the United States aimed to involve
Russia in a large-scale armed conflict with Georgia to support the
argumentation for the military presence of the United States in the
Black Sea and the Caucasian region. In Moscow, they would like to
rule out from public debates everything that may ruin the triumphant
propaganda and question not only the military but also the political
success in the Caucasus.

Does Russia have claims to Armenia regarding the events in Ossetia,
what are those claims?

There are such claims, and they are only political. In reality, Russia
would hardly expect more or less significant military assistance from
Armenia. Now Russia is manipulating this issue, especially with regard
to the "condolence" of Armenia to Georgia rather than to Ossetia,
only as a means of pressure on Armenia and for scolding it as an
unreliable partner.

The Russians think after the "great victory" they have the right for
such manipulations.

What will the attitude of other powers having interests in the South
Caucasus toward these intentions of Russia be? Does the West possess
levers for the correction of Russia’s policy?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the international
context of the given adventure. In a wider international context,
the Russian-Georgian war is determined by the objectives of the
United States to enhance its military and political presence in the
basin of the Black Sea rather than local regional conflicts. These
plans of the United States had emerged earlier, in the first half
of the 1990s but even by the beginning of the summer 2008 the United
States had made no decision on this presence because first of all the
leading European powers Germany and France who were not interested
in the implementation of these plans did not approve it. Without the
approval of NATO and the EU the United States could not implement
the plan confidently enough, since the Black Sea basin borders with
the European Union. The United States needed sufficient arguments,
and the actions of Russia in Georgia fully corresponded with the
objectives to persuade Europe. In this situation, Russia and Turkey
are opponents to the strengthening of the United States in the
Black Sea since they understand that "alone" they cannot stop the
U.S. expansion in the region, especially after the decision to set
up three American bases in Georgia and thereby turn Georgia into an
avant-garde partner of the United States in the region of the Black
Sea and the Caucasus. Russia and Turkey demonstrate readiness to act
together and make a serious bid for an alliance. For the time being,
the United States is taking care of protecting the format of the Minsk
Group, preventing a "local", a "regional" decision, in the framework
of the Russia-Turkey-Azerbaijan relations. This would be the terrible
result of their policy, practically a strategic loss of the Americans
in the region, and not only in the region. This development, in the
opinion of the Americans, would lead to significant weakening of the
United States in the region, including undermining of the importance of
the Black Sea basin for the American strategy, as well as classifying
Georgia among partners which are not relevant any more. In my opinion,
the United States will be headed for thwarting this Russian project
on the Karabakh issue, in a classic manner. In the beginning, the
United States will try to talk Turkey out of accepting the proposals
of Russia. Identically, the Americans will engage Azerbaijan, offering
a more favorable settlement for it. It should be noted that Turkey
hopes for that, and so does Azerbaijan but obviously Turkey has a plan
of action. The Turks are hoping for a new situation which may emerge
after the U.S. presidential election. The Russians are also hoping
for that but the Russians tried to promote a decision, at least a
short-term one, together with Turkey, concerning the entire region
of the South Caucasus. The Russians have realized that the Turks
were more ingenious than them by temporizing, but they continue to
offer their proposals. Various political circles in Turkey are still
hoping for possible turning points in the U.S.-Turkish relations,
the establishment of new relations, i.e. relations on new conditions,
when Turkey will implement a more independent foreign policy but again
with the assistance of the United States. This is hardly possible,
and the United States will hardly go into such minor issues since the
Americans realize very well that Turkey fears crossing the line beyond
which confrontation with the United States starts. Turkey still needs
the support of the United States, the EU and NATO. Otherwise, Turkey
will have no chance to overcome its economic and social problems, and
will face the prospect of a failure state. In Moscow they certainly
take this into consideration and understand that it is impossible to
build relations with Turkey on such a strategic basis.

Currently, Russia’s relations with Turkey are based on innumerable
tactical interests but highly important interests. The policy of
John McCain will indicate real possibilities for the establishment of
U.S. and Turkish relations in new historical conditions. Barack Obama
will not offer short-term solutions, and the U.S. policy on Turkey
will not undergo significant change. Nevertheless, the relations
between the United States and Russia will not acquire a new shade in
any of the possible cases.

Therefore, Turkey will continue its game with Russia, demonstrating the
realistic nature of the alternative foreign political line. However,
it should be taken into account that for the national catastrophe
of Armenia the establishment of strategic relations between Russia
and Turkey is not necessary, three or four years of flirting between
them is enough. In the nearest future, the "triangle" Russia-United
States-Turkey in the South Caucasus will not be unambiguous in
terms of the pattern of forces, and all the three actors understand
this. This means that Turkey will continue to insist on the position
of balance. The current global crisis and prices of energy resources
should not be ignored. This factor will certainly affect Russia’s
foreign political ambitions. John McCain would show those "gas and
oil" politicians their place better, but it is not ruled out that
so would do Barack Obama. Generally, the oil politicians have been
unlucky recently, the ground is too shaky. Is it also important that
the United States is ready to approve transportation of gas from Iran
to Europe via the gas pipeline of Turkey. This may be quite real,
since for the United States the supply of the Iranian gas to Europe
is more acceptable than to China and even India. By the way, the
European analytical centers think that the game with Russia is just
an argument in the dialogue with the EU and the United States. All
this means that Armenia still has a chance for a foreign political
maneuver, although only in the sense of potential.

What should the stance of Armenia be to prevent the destruction of
Armenian Karabakh and to avoid a national catastrophe?

I would rather cite the opinion of the leading Russian political
scientists insisting on the idea of "freezing" the Karabakh problem
instead of expressing my opinion. "It would be unreasonable to
demonstrate a nervous reaction and automatic request for help from the
United States. In this situation when the issue that Karabakh belongs
to the Armenian people is questioned, for Armenia it is enough to say
"no", in a determined manner. In that case Russia has no arguments
and possibility to continue to push through his plans. Russia will
not insist more than it has done."

Long before the revelation of these opinions and evaluations, this
approach appeared realistic and possible to me. However, I would
like to refer these evaluations to the opinion and stance of the
given Russian political scientists. Russia understands that its
"great victory" on Georgia is highly ephemeral and would like to
demonstrate to the world that it is ready to make and fulfill other
decisions, i.e. in the framework of the notorious "international
law", and the Karabakh issue, along with the geopolitical aspect,
is suitable for these propaganda aims. At the same time, despite the
confident appearance of Russia, it fears the Americans, but most of
all it fears "recruitment" of countries of the region by the United
States. At any event, the "Russian phase" in the Armenian history is
over, even if the project fails, Russia will be viewed as a dangerous
enemy. I regret to say this.

What if Armenia does not say "no" with determination?

In that case, it is necessary to stop sacrificing the Armenians of
Karabakh like lambs on the altar and try to seek money which would
enable the people of Karabakh to settle in some regions of Armenia,
and better in other countries. Now it is clear that the Armenians fear,
they have reason to fear, and therefore they will lose, disgracefully,
without a single shot.

Is The Press Yellow Or The Speeches Of The Government?

James Hakobyan
12:45:07 – 29/10/2008

The "yellow" press has written another "false" story about the
relatives and friends of high-ranking government officials who behave
brazenly, violating laws. This time the story which was published
in the Haykakan Zhamanak was about the son of Member of Parliament
Sashik Sargsyan, Serge Sargsyan’s brother, who together with his
friends provoked a quarrel in one of the disco clubs of Yerevan,
a young man was beaten and lost his eye.

How is the government going to respond to this story? Judging by the
state of the nation address of the president, the police must carry
out an unbiased investigation, reveal the motive of the beating,
the wrongdoers, the participants and hold accountable the person or
persons who caused the skirmish and caused the loss of the eye of
the young man. After all, Serge Sargsyan assumed the responsibility
to state that he is not going to tolerate that separate people will
consider themselves to be above the law.

Therefore, even if Sashik Sargsyan’s son and his friends had every
reason to beat and severely injure someone, the law prohibits doing
that, because there is a system of justice in our country, the purpose
of which is to prevent lynching.

Most probably, however, the events will follow the same path as the
previous innumerable precedents. In other words, the government will
do everything to erase the traces of Serge Sargsyan’s nephew in all
that happened. It will ascribe publications to the "yellowness" and
will present it as just another justification for battle on "yellow"
press because that press crushes the society’s confidence in the
high-ranking government officials, their relatives and friends. It is
also possible that there will be one or two revelations in name only,
and one or two may be punished.

After all, a young man got a disability, and this circumstance a
little complicates the affair of hiding everything and presenting as
"white fever", as it is usually the case.

What will the government thereby attain? It depends on what it wants
to attain. The point is that when the publications in the press
are defined as misinformation, and the press is declared yellow,
it does not change the black color of the government’s behavior into
pink in the eyes of the society. Moreover, the society learns about
an incident before the press because Yerevan is too small a city,
Armenia is too small a country for the pace of the information, and
very often the press writes about what people already know. Moreover,
people do not wait for the newspapers to come out to read the news
but wait to see what the press will write in the morning about what
they learned at night.

Hence, if the government thinks that by refuting the information in
the press and describing it as a lie it may produce the impression of
a different reality on the society, it is badly mistaken. When Robert
Kocharyan was the president, all the responsible TV channels tried to
produce that impression, which they are doing now when Serge Sargsyan
is the president. However, the days following the presidential election
showed that in Armenia it is impossible to deceive the society with
television because the smallness of the country enables the citizens
to get first-hand information almost about everything, and distinguish
the false and the true press.

It is also possible that the government does not care about what
the press will write. They refute all by the way. After all they
would not admit beating and not being sorry for that. Although,
this is also possible. They will settle the scores with the "yellow"
press, there would be no one to write, the responsible press would
write about everything except for the brazenness of the government,
and Armenia would go on. However, it is difficult to say where the
citizens of Armenia will go, or where each will go. There is no need
to beat the citizens and then sprinkle salt on the wound by refuting
the beating. After all if the government wages an undeclared war
on the citizens through the brazenness of their close and distant
representatives and relatives, it should take into account that in
the end everyone or at least separate citizens may "counterattack"
for self-defense. And at that time even the bill on bodyguards worked
out by the ARF Dashnaktsutyun will not be useful to the government.

Turkish Lobby Targets Schiff

11:35:04 – 27/10/2008

Armenian Genocide Denialist Group Spends Thousands On Opponent

The Turkish Lobby has targeted Glendale Congressman Adam B. Schiff in
the November 4th election, raising over ten thousand dollars for his
opponent, Charles Hahn, during the month of September alone. Washington
based Turkish Coalition PAC contributed $2,300 of the total at an event
in Orange County hosted by Ergun Kirlikovali, who runs an Armenian
Genocide Denial website entitled "History of". Representative
Schiff is the original sponsor of H.Res. 106, recognizing the Armenian
Genocide, which passed the Foreign Affairs Committee this session
despite intense lobbying by Turkey.

"The Turkish lobby will not deter me from my efforts to recognize
the Armenian Genocide. Over a million and a half Armenians perished
in the first genocide of the last century, and no amount of spending
by the forces of denial can rewrite history or discourage my pursuit
of recognition."

"Armenians Burnt Alive By Turkish Solders"


[02:51 pm] 24 October, 2008

Recently, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute’s efforts towards
collection of new data on the Armenian genocide have experienced
great success with the enrichment of AGMI’s collection of documentary
photographs. The most recent discovery is a photo testifying of the
Armenian Genocide and in particular the massacres of the Armenian
population in the region of Mush.

The photograph has been acquired by the AGMI and was captured by
Russian soldiers on the Caucasus front in 1915. It portrays the
remains of the Armenian villagers who were burnt alive during the
massacres of Mush.

This photograph is one of a kind. It is one of the well preserved
photos discovered in an album called, "Album of refugees" published
in Tiflis (1917). The album is consisted from 62 unique photos that
demonstrate the events of the Armenian Genocide. However, only a few of
the original 62 have survived and most of them are in dire conditions.

Nonetheless, the authenticity of the "Album of refugees" is
demonstrated through the validity and great condition of this unique
photo. On the back of this picture is a quote in Russian stating;
"Armenians burnt alive in Sheykhalan by Turkish soldiers". Furthermore,
the photo is marked with the number 74, which indicates the existence
of a larger collection of photographs captured by Russian soldiers
during WWI.

Hence, the AGMI is adamant in locating the remaining photos of this
collection which will sturdily assist the Institute’s efforts to
demonstrate the complete picture of the first genocide of the 20th

Armenian-Americans And Greek-Americans To Host Joint Fundraiser To S


Noyan Tapan
Oct 20, 2008

and Greek-Americans in Manhattan will show their support of
Presidential hopeful Democrate Senator Barak Obama by hosting a

The event, which will take place on October 28 at Lafayette Bar and
Grill in downtown Manhattan, will feature community leaders from
the Armenian and Greek communities, as well as actor Tate Donovan,
an Obama supporter and friend of Peter Balakian.

"This is a great opportunity for Armenians and Greeks to come together
and rally for the Obama-Biden ticket," commented Nicole Vartanian,
Armenians for Obama New York activist, and added, "Both Senators have
proven to have solid support on Armenian and Greek American issues,
and come November 4th, it will be a true victory for all Americans
when Obama wins the Presidency."

Austria Honors Iran’s Loris Tjeknavorian


press tv
Fri, 24 Oct 2008 13:53:40 GMT

Loris Tjeknavorian

Prominent Iranian composer and conductor Loris Tjeknavorian has been
awarded Austria’s Cross of Honor for Science and Art First Class.

The award was bestowed upon the veteran artist during a ceremony held
by the Austrian embassy to celebrate Austria’s National Day in Tehran.

"I am proud to be an Iranian and I have always tried to make Iranians
more familiar with classical music and introduce the country’s rich
culture to Western countries," Tjeknavorian said upon receiving
the award.

Tjeknavorian conducted a Waltz piece by the 19-century Austrian
composer, Johann Strauss during the ceremony.

Loris Tjeknavorian has made nearly 100 recordings and written more
than 75 compositions, including symphonies, operas, requiems, chamber
music, ballet music, concertos, choral works and an oratorio.

He has conducted international orchestras throughout the world in
numerous countries including Austria, the UK, the US, Canada, Hungary,
Finland, the former USSR, Armenia, Thailand, Hong Kong, South Africa,
and Denmark.

The literary opera, Rostam and Sohrab and the requiem Departed and
the Survived are among his best-known works.

Armenian Parliament Speaker Hails Iran’s Regional Role



Armenian Parliament Speaker Ovik Abramian on Thursday hailed Iran`s
principled stance on regional issues.

In a meeting Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Ali Saqaeian, he thanked
Iran’s aids to his country and said that he will do his best to expand
and deepen bilateral ties, especially in the field of parliamentary

Saqaeian also submitted Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani’s
invitation to him and said that dialogue is the best way for solving
regional problems.

He said that interference of foreign powers, who are only after their
own interests will add to the problems of the region.

The Armenian parliament speaker also hoped that Larijani would visit

RA National Assembly On October 22 Adopts 6 Bills And Legislative Pa


Noyan Tapan
Oct 22, 2008

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 22, NOYAN TAPAN. On October 22, the RA National
Assembly adopted all 6 bills and legislative packages discussed the
day before.

In particular, the bill On General Agricultural Accounting was adopted
in the second reading, the legislative package On Circulation of
Credit Information and Activity of Credit Bureaus in the third reading
and completely.

By the other drafts amendments and addenda were made to a number
of valid laws. Including, the amendment to the valid law On Public
Notification by Internet adopted in the second reading and completely
establishes that in cases established by the law or other normative
legal acts when public notification through publication in press
is planned the report containing information should be also placed
by address on the official Internet site of public
notifications instead of the former