The Armenian Genocide Must Be Recognized, Former French PM Declared

25.10.2008 14:23

Always fervent supporter of Turkey’s entry to the European Union,
former French Prime Minister, Michel Rocard, declared, on October 24,
to the "Grand Journal" on French network TV Canal+, that Europe needed
Turkey and the Soviet ex-Republics, in particular for energy reasons,
independent correspondent Jean Eckian informed.

Mr. Rocard indicated, however, that "it will be necessary that
Turkey regulates the Cyprus issue and recognizes the Armenian
Genocide." "Turkey knows," he said.

ATP Film Trees for Life Wins Best Short Doc at Pomegranate Film Fest

65 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel: (617) 926-TREE
Email: [email protected]

October 24, 2008

ATP Film ‘Trees for Life’ Wins Best Short Documentary at Pomegranate Film
By Jason Sohigian

TORONTO, Canada–The 20 minute film, "Trees for Life: The Story of Armenia
Tree Project," was named Best Short Documentary at the Third Annual
Pomegranate Film Festival in Toronto last month.

The Third Annual Pomegranate Film Festival was held on September 26-28, 2008
and featured 31 films, including "Burning Rome" directed by Robert
Kechichian and "Hrant Dink: Heart of Two Nations" directed by Nouritza

Armenia Tree Project (ATP) has been partnering with the Pomegranate Festival
as part of its Green Initiative, which includes a donation to ATP to plant
trees in Armenia that will offset the carbon emissions of flying guests to
the event.

"Carbon dioxide is a leading contributor to the problem of climate change,
so ATP is proud to work with the Pomegranate Festival to offset these
emissions by planting trees in Armenia to improve the quality of the global
environment," stated Development Officer Paul Yeghiayan, who represented ATP
at the event.

The award-winning ATP documentary, "Trees for Life: The Story of Armenia
Tree Project," was directed by Kennedy Wheatley of Los Angeles and it was
produced for the 10th anniversary of the organization.

Narrated by David Dallakyan, a young boy from the rural village of Aygut,
the film tells the story of ATP’s Backyard Nursery Micro-Enterprise Program,
as well as the interrelated humanitarian programs that have turned this
pilot project into an initiative recognized for an Energy Globe Award for
Sustainability at the European Parliament this year.

"This film was truly a labor of love and I was honored to be invited by
Carolyn Mugar to direct this film about the important work ATP is doing. And
it is exciting that they have developed a model that other countries can
follow," stated Kennedy Wheatley. "The people of Armenia were unbelievably
generous to our crew–they instantly opened their homes and their hearts to

"The ATP staff was amazing too–they worked night and day along with us
during our challenging shoot," added the director. "It is a great honor to
have this film chosen as Best Short Documentary. It is a fitting tribute to
Armenia Tree Project and its many beneficiaries."

The documentary was screened on the afternoon of September 25, where
festival patrons were joined by hundreds of students from the ARS Day School
in Toronto. "We were pleased that our students were able to view the ATP
documentary since this program is so vital for Armenia’s future," stated
Principal Armen Martirossian. "We hope the students will have the desire to
support ATP and together we can build bridges for environmental education
and stewardship in Armenia."

"On behalf of ATP, I would like to express our gratitude to the Pomegranate
Film Festival and the Armenian community of Toronto for their ongoing
support of our work in Armenia," concluded Yeghiayan.

Since 1994, Armenia Tree Project has planted and restored more than
2,000,000 trees and created hundreds of jobs for impoverished Armenians in
tree-regeneration programs. The organization’s three tiered initiatives are
tree planting, community development to reduce poverty and promote
self-sufficiency, and environmental education to protect Armenia’s precious
natural resources. For additional information, visit the web site

PHOTO CAPTION: Students from the ARS Day School in Toronto show their
enthusiasm for ATP’s newsletter after viewing "Trees for Life: The Story of
Armenia Tree Project," which was named Best Short Documentary at the Third
Annual Pomegranate Film Festival

Note to editors: The photograph for this story is available in color if you
can use it for your print publication or web site. Please write to
[email protected] for color version of photo if needed.

Settlement Based On Azerbaijan Territorial Integrity Center Of Karab


Interfax News Agency
Oct 21 2008

While saying that the right of nations to self-determination is the
subject of the talks on Karabakh settlement, Armenian President Serge
Sargsyan is distorting the truth, Baku said.

"We have made our position clear on this issue on many occasions, and
we have done so in lucid terms: the talks deal with the step-by-step
settlement of the conflict on the basis of the principle of
Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity," Azeri Foreign Ministry spokesman
Khazar Ibragim told Interfax.

Sargsyan told the press earlier on Tuesday that, Yerevan was "ready to
continue the talks guided by the Madrid principles" which, he said,
"include the recognition of the principle of self-determination and
the right of the people of Karabakh [to it]."

Iraqi Armenians Killed, Wounded In Attacks

by Emil Sanamyan

Armenian Reporter

Oct 21, 2008

Washington – An ethnic Armenian music-store owner, Farques Batool,
was killed, and his nephew was wounded in attacks in Iraq’s northern
city of Mosul on October 13, news agencies reported. The attacks were
apparently religiously motivated.

Since the surge in violence, ethnic Armenians and other Christians
who had remained in Mosul, one of Iraq’s largest cities, more than
4,000 people in all, have fled, most for the relative safety of
Iraqi Kurdistan.

In all, at least ten people have been killed in fresh attacks blamed
on Sunni radicals linked with Al-Qaeda in Iraq. The Associated Press
linked the attacks to calls by Iraqi Christians for restoration of
Saddam Hussein-era quotas that would give them seats in provincial
councils. The Shiite-dominated Iraqi government sent police
reinforcements to try to stabilize the situation in Mosul.

"Thousands of people fled virtually overnight, many with only
the clothes on their back," said Jamil Abdul-Ahad, the head of an
interfaith Christian council in Mosul that has been distributing aid
to the displaced, The AP reported.

"Our situation needs active work, not just media propaganda from
government officials," Mr. Abdul-Ahad said. "The government should
protect Christians in Mosul and safeguard their rights."

Sunni extremists have regularly targeted Iraqi Christians since the
U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003. In addition to Armenians,
Iraqi Christians include Syrian Orthodox and Catholics.

Former Premier Says Global Financial Crisis Yet To Hit Armenia


Oct 10 2008

A former Armenian prime minister has dismissed the Armenian
authorities’ optimism that the global financial crisis will not affect
the Armenian economy, predicting that the crisis is going to hit the
county hard in two to three months.

Speaking at a news conference on 9 October, Hrant Bagratyan,
an economist by training, said that the Armenian authorities’
statements that the crisis would not affect the Armenian economy
were not serious and absurd, the pro-opposition newspaper Aravot
reported on 10 October. It is also quite likely that the incumbent
prime minister and members of his cabinet "don’t really understand
the link between the American crisis and our country", he added.

"The Russian VTB bank, which has a branch in Armenia] has a liquidity
problem, oil and gas prices are going down [on the world market],
and the prices for copper and molybdenum have sunk catastrophically,"
Bagratyan said. "The British government is trying to bail out the
HSBC. Now they [the Armenian government] are going to say that this
bank has nothing to do with us either."

Speaking on the possibility of opening the Armenian-Turkish border,
Bagratyan said he favoured the opening "but it should not be linked
to the Karabakh issue".

"I can see no economic threats," he said. "At first, there will be
something similar to what happened in 1991-92, when cheap Iranian
goods flooded Armenia. Some short-term shocks might happen, but in a
year or so, we’ll see that our development opportunities are bigger. I
am sure we have relative advantages over our nomad neighbours."

He also slammed President Serzh Sargsyan for not mentioning the
tragic consequences of the 1-2 March unrest in Yerevan in his recent
address to nation. "If there are casualties, there are killers. It
was a shame not to speak about it," Bagratyan said.

At a separate news conference on the same day, another economic expert
and former member of the Armenian parliament, Tatul Manaseryan, said
the global financial crisis had had almost no effect on the Armenian
economy. "The Armenian market is very small, so it cannot sustain
serious damages," Aravot quoted him as saying.

BAKU: Azeri Leader Threatenes Ongoing "Offensive" Policy Against Arm


Lider TV
October 13, 2008 Monday

The Azerbaijani president has said that his country will continue a
"policy of total offensive" against Armenia as long as Azerbaijani
territories are "under occupation" of Armenia.

Ilham Aliyev was speaking at a session devoted to the results of the
first nine months of 2008 on 13 October and his remarks were aired
by the Lider pro-government TV station.

"As long as our lands are under occupation, a policy of total offensive
against Armenia will be continued in the diplomatic, political,
economic, transport, military, propaganda, and other [fields]. This
is unequivocal," he said. He added that no cooperation with Armenia
was possible and that this country cannot participate in any regional
projects unless the Nagornyy Karabakh problem is resolved. "We will do
our best to keep things as they are today and make their [Armenia’s]
isolation even deeper and get them to understand better what their
future is connected with. An aggressive policy can benefit no-one,
and the country which has brought itself into isolation can already
see, and will see, the bitter consequences of it," he said.

Speaking about the country’s economy, Aliyev said that the global
financial crisis had not affected Azerbaijan. "Because of our
development at such a high pace, we are very quickly integrating
into the world economy. This integration manifests itself in all
spheres. Azerbaijan is part of the global economy. However, despite
this, we must conduct – and we do conduct – our policy in such a way
that any economic, or political, crisis does not impact Azerbaijan. And
we have achieved this. Both the political crisis and the economic
crisis – the crises that have shaken the whole world – have not had any
impact on Azerbaijan. We have protected our country and we will protect
our country after this too. I want to say once again that we rely
only and only on our own strength and on the will of the Azerbaijani
people. And we will govern our country independently after this too
and we will further step up our independent policy after this too, and
these events once again show how correct our policy has been," he said.

The TV station also quoted Aliyev as saying in his speech that
a total of 57bn (presumably, dollars) had been invested in the
Azerbaijan economy since 1991, and 77 per cent of them, i.e. more
than 44bn dollars, fell to the years 2003-08, the years of his tenure
as president. Aliyev also noted that since 2003, Azerbaijan had
increased oil extraction from 15.4m t to 52m t, and gas extraction
from 5.5bn cu.m. to 20bn cu.m., Lider said. Aliyev added that the
poverty rate in the country had been reduced from 49 to 16 per cent,
and that 741,000 new jobs had been created in the country in the past
five years, the TV said.

Armenians For Obama & Greeks For Obama To Host Joint Fundraiser In N

20.10.2008 11:50

With a little more than two weeks to go in the 2008 Presidential
election, Armenian-Americans and Greek-Americans in Manhattan will
show their support of Presidential hopeful Senator Barak Obama by
hosting a fundraiser.

The event, which will take place on October 28 at Lafayette Bar and
Grill in downtown Manhattan, will feature community leaders from
the Armenian and Greek communities, as well as actor Tate Donovan,
an Obama supporter and friend of Peter Balakian.

"This is a great opportunity for Armenians and Greeks to come together
and rally for the Obama-Biden ticket," commented Nicole Vartanian,
Armenians for Obama New York activist. "Both Senators have proven to
have solid support on Armenian and Greek American issues, and come
November 4th, it will be a true victory for all Americans when Obama
wins the Presidency."

In January of 2008 Senator Obama released a statement to the
Armenian-American community expressing his support on key issues
on US-Armenian relations, recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict in-line with
the principles of self-determination and democracy, and working to
end the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockade’s of Armenia.

The Senator has also released several recent statements, including
one recognizing Armenia’s 17th Independence on September 21st, as well
as a statement calling for an end of the Turkish occupation of Cyprus.

NATO Welcomes Armenia’s Resoluteness To Normalize Relations With Tur

20.10.2008 13:26

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan received today the Special
Representative of the NATO Secretary General for the Caucasus and
Central Asia Robert Simmons.

The President of the republic said the European direction remains one
of the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy, and the cooperation with
NATO is one of its important components. According to Serzh Sargsyan,
the cooperation with the North-Atlantic Alliance will continue, since
Armenia views it as an essential component of the country’s security.

Robert Simmons conveyed to President Sargsyan the greetings of the
NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Mr. Simmons assessed
the process of Armenia-NATO cooperation as very successful and noted
that good preconditions exist for developing relations.

The interlocutors exchanged views on issues of ensuring security
and stability in the region. The President presented the stance of
the Armenian side on the recent events in the Caucasus, the process
of settlement of the Karabakh issue, the latest developments in the
Armenian-Turkish relations.

Robert Simmons said NATO welcomes and defends Armenia’s initiative
and resoluteness to normalize the relations with Turkey.

‘I’m For Europe, Democracy And Freedom Of Opinion’


Spiegel Online


Turkish novelist and Noble laureate Orhan Pamuk speaks with SPIEGEL
about his new novel "The Museum of Innocence," memory, Turkey’s
longing to be part of Europe and the price he pays for championing
Europe and democracy in his country.

SPIEGEL: Mr. Pamuk, in your most recent work, you describe the joys and
sorrows of the son of a businessman in the 1970s. While describing the
love that your protagonist, Kemal, has for a young relative, you are
also drawing a critical portrait of Turkey. With more than 500 pages,
"The Museum of Innocence" is by far your largest work. Do you also
consider it your most important work, your magnum opus?

Orhan Pamuk: My ex-wife, with whom I’m very friendly, had also read
the book. She made a comment I agree with. She said: "Oh, you wrote
everything you knew about." She’s right.

SPIEGEL: You describe the milieu in which you grew up, the upper
class of Istanbul.

Pamuk: The book covers 50 years of a portrait of the upper
classes. There are also the lower classes, but it is prominently a
portrait of Turkey’s ruling bourgeoisie. There is a sort of broken,
hesitating, strange bourgeoisie in Turkey — half suppressed, half
victim, half aggressively arrogant. It’s a very little group of people;
it’s their portrait. Through them, I had a glimpse of the spirit of
the nation, so to speak, of the big cultural problems of Turkey.

SPIEGEL: Is the character of the protagonist, Kemal, based on you?

Pamuk: If you’re a leftist or a politically motivated guy, you just
want to forget that you had this kind of life. Well, I’m a novelist, so
why shouldn’t I? I wrote about it and enjoyed the glitzy details. What
Kemal and his friends experience was my life, too — and my family’s,
and especially my father’s. Then, there is also a new generation of
my character Kemal’s friends. Some of them are based on my bourgeois
friends at Robert College in Istanbul. They have their father’s cars
and go to strange places and night clubs.

SPIEGEL: How much Orhan Pamuk is in Kemal?

Pamuk: There is a lot as far as social background goes. But, then
again, Kemal comes from a richer family. The Pamuks are a bit shy
because they lost their money, while the Kemals are extravagant and
enjoy life. I’ve been to all the places Kemal has been, but only as a
member of a family that lost its money two or three generations ago. I
identify with Kemal especially in his childhood, in his relationship
with his mom and maids or cooks. That was more or less my family. When
it comes to Kemal’s business relationship — having only been a writer,
I don’t know anything about business — some of it is based on my
father’s business ventures and friends. That’s when I stop being Kemal.

SPIEGEL: Your writing is striking for its love of detail, your
sensibility for everyday things and occurrences.

Pamuk: The book contains many of these kinds of details: going to
shops, the rumor that a new shop is opening, where you can buy
imitation Western items. But more deeply in Kemal is crime and
punishment, guilt and responsibility. These are the issues that are
at stake in this novel — but not as directly and openly as I am
now describing them. Kemal’s relations with his family are fragile
and problematic, like mine. But do I want to reveal more about my
spirit? No. I do that through books and by wearing masks. That’s
more fun.

SPIEGEL: Were you plagued by the same sorts of self doubts that
trouble Kemal?

Pamuk: Kemal has problems in life, and he falls away from the normal
bourgeois life that he had expected. Again, he resembles me in that. My
whole family was expecting me to be bourgeois, to go into business, to
be rich. But, suddenly, I ended up being a writer. There is that kind
of parallel between me and Kemal, too, as well as a feeling of guilt
for having left the bourgeois community. Thomas Mann also mentions
the guilt for not being bourgeois enough — the Tonio Kroger problem.

SPIEGEL: You seem to share with Kemal a passion for museums.

Pamuk: I’m a museum person. There is a lot of me in Kemal when,
toward the end of the book, he visits all these museums. I share
his sentiments of going to small museums, where you can explore your
passions, most preferably in a sleepy museum garden. The whole world
and the present are left behind. We are in a different atmosphere,
a different time; we are almost wrapped in a radically different aura
of almost being outside of time. I like that. I don’t know why I like
it. But it’s so crucial for the making of this book.

SPIEGEL: Can literature itself become a museum of sorts for a
particular group?

Pamuk: When I say museum, I don’t use the word museum as, say, Andre
Malraux does, as a metaphor. Andre Malraux says "imaginary museum" —
there’s no museum, just papers. When I say museum, I mean museum. I
mean that I actually hope to build a museum here in Istanbul. The
intention is that, one day, two or three years from now, the reader
of this book will come to my museum and that every object mentioned
in the book will be on display there. I already bought a piece of
property several years ago, and I’ve already had the construction
plans drawn up. I’ve even spoken with some potential curators.

SPIEGEL: Kemal’s passion for collecting things seems to have already
developed into a type of fetish.

Pamuk: The book argues that we are attached to objects because of the
experiences, joys or feelings of security, of happiness, of friendship
— whatever we may enjoy in life — because we relate these emotions
to corresponding objects. My protagonist is deeply in love — I would
say infatuated — with Fusun; he had enjoyed immense happiness. Now,
in order to preserve this — or relive this — he gets close to her
and collects objects that remind him of those moments. I strongly
believe that we collect objects because they make us remember our good
moments. This is not the first time I’ve said this. I described it in
"The New Life" and "The Black Book," too.

SPIEGEL: Your most recent novel tells the story of Kemal’s life and
his love for Fusun. At the same time, though, it’s also a story about
the history of Turkey, your homeland.

Pamuk: The book has ambitions of looking at the country, the spirit
of the nation, Turkey’s history and problems and identity. The book
is doing this through a depiction of the upper, bourgeois classes,
and not the bureaucracy and political relations. I’m trying to show
the societal and moral constitution of the country.

SPIEGEL: Is that why you don’t shy away from sex scenes?

Pamuk: They are explicit, but they’re not there to be sexy. The sex
here is an expression of the authentic feelings between Kemal and
Fusun. That the hardest thing: to be explicit but not provocative and
sexy, but to write about the sexual scene as a spiritual scene. It’s
part of my examination of sexual morals, which is why I also discuss
the cult of virginity and innocence.

SPIEGEL: That’s already a political statement in an Islamic country
like Turkey, isn’t it?

Pamuk:. My book is political — but in a deeper and cultural way. It’s
political mostly in its discussion of the repression of women in
subtle ways, even if it’s done by the so-called "Westernizers" or
the so-called "modernized" or "civilized" ruling upper classes.

SPIEGEL: Based on the way you discuss the repression of women, a
reader might just get the impression that you’ve become something of
a feminist.

Pamuk: It’s not really my place to make that decision, but it’s a
designation I wouldn’t refuse. My protagonist, Kemal, is a man who
realizes right around when he’s 30 years old what men really do to
women. Even my male friends agree that my depiction was objective
and balanced and not exaggerated. They agree that I described what
really happened to women in the streets of Turkey at that time. I
also look at those years now from a different point of view. At that
time, I wouldn’t have seen woman as having been as repressed as the
book describes. But, then, I strongly believe that I’m representing
the truth about the repression of the woman in Turkey — and in an
honest way.

SPIEGEL: Has the situation for women in Turkey gotten any better?

Pamuk: I’m not sure. When I was writing the book, I was thinking
that this might have been more of a subject in the ’70s, and that
maybe the nation had overcome it. But when I talked to my friends and
students, who are 30 years younger, they said that it is, in fact,
still around, that there’s still a problem with machismo. And most
of the students still care about it. It is still important, as is
the issue of virginity as well. These are not things that modernity
or economic development have been able to overcome.

Part 2: Turkey, Europe and Class Anxieties

SPIEGEL: In several places, the book touches upon the issue of Turkey’s
unfulfilled longing for Europe.

Pamuk: The talk about Turkey and Europe isn’t as old as Turkey; it’s
older. The same thing was already there during the Ottoman Empire. It
is part of Turkish identity. The first great Westernizer was Mustafa
Kemal Ataturk, who founded the Turkish republic. He said to the nation:
Please, change your clothes; please, remove your headscarves; please,
change your calendar; please, change your alphabet. All this, so that
we could look more Westernized.

SPIEGEL: Without this forced modernization, there’s no way that Turkey
would be holding accession talks with the European Union.

Pamuk: Yes, but the ruling elite thought that was all they had to
do. It legitimizes itself in this country using the signs and symbols
of Western culture. A lot of Turkey’s ruling elite say to their
nation: "I deserve this power, you shut up. I rule over you because
I’m Westernized, more European." This is a subject of great interest
to me: how the ruling classes in the non-Western world maneuver,
both with the language, idiom and culture of modernity — you may
call this Western culture or Europe — to accomplish their goals.

SPIEGEL: Despite all the exuberance, Kemal’s party group doesn’t
really give off the impression of being all that happy.

Pamuk: No. They are all afraid. In the end, the Turkish bourgeois is
not such a strong class after all. They’re all scared of the army;
they’re all scared of bureaucracy. A little bit of befriending
bureaucracy gives you this possibility, and you cheat this, and you
do this. You have some lump of money, you pocket it — and that’s it.

SPIEGEL: That seems like a lot of social criticism for a love story.

Pamuk: Yeah, sure. I always write critical books. (Laughs)
There’s no anxiety about being political here. I’m not afraid of
that. But my book is also my attempt to use literature to get beyond
politics. Corruption, military coups, politics — both Islamist and
secularist — Turkey has more than enough of that. I like my book so
much; I don’t want it in that trash.

SPIEGEL: Are you worried when you see how your country has almost
allowed the the court case about possibly banningthe ruling AKP party
to drive it into isolation? Do you really see Turkey as proceeding
along a path to Europe?

Pamuk: When I hear you saying it like that, I must confess that I feel
national pride. People are talking about us like that? Fifty years
ago, no one was talking about us. So, that’s a great improvement;
I’m very happy to be a part of it.

SPIEGEL: On a general level, are you more or less happy with the
direction of current developments in Turkey?

Pamuk: I think Turkey is economically doing well, but there are lots
of political problems. Most of them are, unfortunately, also related
to the narrow-mindedness of the ruling classes, who are lacking in
terms of liberality and are always fighting with each other.

SPIEGEL: You are referring to the confrontation between the old
Kemalist elite and the up-and-coming conservative-religious middle
class led by Prime Minister Erdogan.

Pamuk: In the long run, these classes are more or less similar
when it comes to authoritarianism, when it comes to their
intolerance. Unfortunately, the real values that both of these
groups do not understand are the joys of free speech and an open
society. That is our tragedy: that they are so upset with the rise
of democracy and the flourishing of new classes.

SPIEGEL: So, you don’t see Erdogan and his supporters as Islamists
in disguise?

Pamuk: That’s what some of the hard-core Kemalists think. They
don’t know what to do with the newly emerging Anatolian conservative
classes. They run back into the arms of the military and put their
faith in more force and more authoritarianism. And because of that,
some of them — not all the ruling classes — are even refusing
to join the European Union. They don’t want Europe because they
are afraid of the emergence of the modern, conservative Anatolian
bourgeoisie. Kemal Ataturk would be proud to be part of European
Union. And now the ruling elites, his most faithful supporters,
are betraying him because they are afraid of losing power.

SPIEGEL: Do you hope that the two parties can arrive at some sort
of reconciliation?

Pamuk: I am a writer. Writers are considered demonic, maniacal,
radical. But, in this case, I’m looking for harmony. I’m hoping that
these various classes in Turkey can harmoniously come together and
produce a new culture. Therein lies Turkey’s future.

SPIEGEL: In 1995, you wrote an essay for SPIEGEL about the "poisoned"
atmosphere in Turkey. It would appear that not a whole lot has changed
since then.

Pamuk: There’s no doubt that some progress has been made. But we can,
should and must go even farther. The fact that the Kurdish problem
hasn’t been resolved makes the ruling elite nervous and fragile. They
— the sons and daughters of these people I describe in my novel —
have lost their self-confidence, despite the fact that they have
made a lot of money. In their anxiety, they play cutthroat politics,
and everyone tries to imprison everybody else. Cutthroat, intolerant
politics is poisoning the atmosphere here.

SPIEGEL: You’ve stirred up a lot of hostility toward yourself in your
home country for your frank words, including those about the Armenian
genocide during World War I. You are apparently also on the hit list
of the ultranationalist secret society Ergenekon.

Pamuk: I have a clear position: I’m for Europe, for democracy and
for freedom of opinion. That’s why they want to kill me. I have
bodyguards. I’m not out in the streets of Istanbul as I used to be,
and my bodyguards are my best friends. That’s the price I have to pay.

SPIEGEL: Will these dark sides of your country also have a place in
your planned and very concrete "Museum of Innocence"?

Pamuk: The book puts life on display, and happiness is central to
life. That is the theme of the book, and that should also be what is
central in my future museum here in Istanbul.

SPIEGEL: Mr. Pamuk, we thank you for this interview.

Interview conducted by Dieter Bednarz and Dietmar Pieper

Fresno Priest Gathers Genocide Survivors’ Memoirs

by Ron Orozco

Fresno Bee
September 27, 2008 Saturday

A pastor of a large Armenian Orthodox congregation in Fresno has
compiled the spiritual writings of survivors and victims of the
Armenian genocide.

The Rev. Arshen Aivazian, pastor of St. Paul Armenian Church, spent
20 years gathering the homilies, essays and poetry before organizing
them into "Echoes of Faith" (St. Nersess Press, $14.95). The book is
available in English and Aivazian’s translation in Armenian.

The book will be released Oct. 26 at the St. Paul Armenian Parish
banquet, 3767 N. First St.

Other special gatherings to promote the book will be Oct. 28 at the
Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America in Burbank
and Nov. 19 at St. Nersess Armenian Seminary in New Rochelle, N.Y.

In the book’s preface, Aivazian, 62, explains how he became inspired
reading the writings. He researched the authors and organized their
writings. It features 28 writings by authors who lived between

Among them is "I Thirst," written by Nersess V. Danielian. Danielian
writes on the words of Jesus on the cross.

"I get teary-eyed every time I read it," says Aivazian, whose father,
Artine Aivazian, was a survivor of the genocide, and whose paternal
grandfather, Hovhannes Aivazian, was a victim of it. Artine Aivazian
died in 1992 at age 86.

"Under the most trying circumstances, in life, these people went to
their faith and they were triumphant," Arshen Aivazian says. The book
will be available at the St. Paul Armenian Church bookstore.