Avetik Chalabyan: Armenia’s sovereignty continues to shrink

Armenia – Aug 23 2022

Political activist Avetik Chalabyan sent a letter from the penitentiary institution, which was read out by his wife Anahit Adamyan during todsay's rally demanding the resignation of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at Republic Square in Yerevan.

In particular, it noted:

"After 32 years since the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, we have an independent state, but on the other hand, its real sovereignty is organic and continues to shrink.

On the one hand, we were able to liberate Artsakh, but on the other hand, we could not hold it and day by day we lose it.

Outwardly, our country is developing, but on the other hand, its population is shrinking.

We face a crucial dilemma: either we must give new breath and meaning to the concept of independence, or we must resign ourselves to the grim thought that our sovereignty will be further diminished each year. We must either be willing to sacrifice ourselves for statehood, or we must accept that our national mission is complete and head off into foreign lands with the hope of material prosperity. The choice we must make together.

To recall, public and political activist Avetik Chalabyan was arrested for three months on August 3, despite being diagnosed with 3rd-degree hypertension, on charges of trying to materially interest students in participating in opposition rallies. Chalabyan had previously been arrested on May 14 and then for another 15 days. On the evening of July 27, the politician was released from Armavir penitentiary.

Yerevan’s "New Arabkir Park" renovated

Yerevan's "New Arabkir Park" renovated 



YEREVAN, AUGUST 27, ARMENPRESS. “New Arabkir Park” in Yerevan, better known as “Molokans’ Park”, has been renovated and is already open, Mayor of Yerevan Hrachya Sargsyan said on social media.

“We have initiated major changes in Yerevan’s greening sector. At the moment several parks are under restoration, the renovations of some others are planned. 

Today, we commissioned another park, the New Arabkir Park, or as the people call it, the Molokans' Park, which has been renovated for the first time since its foundation, and we also re-launched the fountain complex. I am sure this is one of the best parks in Yerevan”, the Mayor said.

Evolution Of Stars: Polish artists to accompany audience to mysterious stage during STARMUS VI in Armenia




YEREVAN, AUGUST 26, ARMENPRESS. Polish artists are here in Yerevan for the upcoming STARMUS VI International Festival.

The members of the Instytut B61, an international art and science collective, are going to make a symbolic, scientific performance in Armenia on the sidelines of the Festival. The performance will last 1 hour 20 minutes and will be held in a place which will open its doors before the audience for the first time in history.

Speaking to ARMENPRESS, founder of the group, astronomer Jan Świerkowski and curator Aleksandra Bednarz said they are visiting Armenia for the first time as they received an invitation for the participation in the STARMUS VI by festival founders Garik Israelian and Brian May. They say they are very impressed by Yerevan, calling Armenians very hospitable people. Jan Świerkowski and Aleksandra Bednarz said they especially liked the fact that Armenians are proud of their culture and language and preserve what belongs to them.

Instytut B61 was founded in Torun, Poland by an artist, astronomer and art curator Jan Świerkowski, with an ambitious goal to push the boundaries of understanding of the Universe through art and science storytelling. The group consists of scientists and artists, who create immersive, site-specific performances combining art, science and technology. Since 2009 the group has launched 15 premieres presented in Poland and abroad, including Portugal, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and India. Now it’s Armenia’s turn.

Evolution Of Stars: a mysterious performance on an unusual stage in Armenia

The Evolution Of Stars show will be staged in Yerevan. The actors and the audience will gather in the Republic Square from where they will travel to an unknown direction, to the site of the performance by a mysterious yellow bus. The performance will involve artists both from Poland and Armenia. A music band from the Indian city of Mumbai will also arrive in Armenia for joining the performance. The Armenian audience has a chance to watch the performance for three days, on September 7-10, 3-4 times a day. No tickets will be sold. Those interested can register online and attend the performance.

It will not be a classical theatrical performance. The audience will walk and touch by becoming the witness of the evolution of stars.

The performance will be held under the auspices of the Ambassador of Poland to Armenia Paweł Cieplak.

While in Yerevan, Jan Świerkowski and Aleksandra Bednarz already visited the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies. They reached an agreement with the Center to again visit Armenia but already with an educational program.

According to them, Artsakh’s Zhingyalov hats( a type of flatbread stuffed with finely diced herbs and green vegetables), is the most delicious food, and the best way to wake up is the coffee prepared in an Armenian way. Vegetarian Aleksandra Bednarz even can’t stay indifferent to the Armenian dolma. The Polish artists, who never had much love for coffee, now can’t wake up without it.

Armenia will host this year  festival on September 5-10.


Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 22-08-22




YEREVAN, 22 AUGUST, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 22 August, USD exchange rate up by 0.31 drams to 405.46 drams. EUR exchange rate down by 1.55 drams to 405.95 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate down by 0.06 drams to 6.81 drams. GBP exchange rate down by 0.85 drams to 478.81 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 175.33 drams to 22822.50 drams. Silver price down by 7.56 drams to 250.68 drams. Platinum price stood at 16414.1 drams.

Armenia Police: Man who broke into Masis city hall committed suicide

Armenia – Aug 20 2022

The man who entered the Masis city hall has committed suicide. Narek Sargsyan, the information officer of the Police of Armenia, informed reporters about this.

He noted that the police found this man who had entered the building with a head injury.

Also, the police issued a statement regarding the incident.

According to the statement, shots were fired during the negotiations with the armed intruder in the Masis Municipality.

The officers of the special police department entered the municipality building and found the dead body of Edvard Margaryan, 36, with a gunshot wound in the head.

He committed suicide.

There were no casualties or injuries among the police.

More than a few hours ago, a man armed with an explosive had entered the Masis city hall building and threatened to blow it up. Eyewitnesses heard that the man had shot irregularly in the city hall. The cleaning lady and the security guard of the municipality were in the building at the time of this intrusion. So far, no information is known about his demands.

According to the news circulating in the media, the person who broke into the Masis Municipality was a member of its council of elders, from 2016 to 2021.

Sports: Henrikh Mkhitaryan suffers thigh strain

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia – Aug 17 2022

Henrikh Mkhitaryan has suffered a thigh strain, Inter have confirmed.

Mkhitaryan made his Inter debut in the 2-1 win at Lecce last Saturday after joining from Serie A rivals Roma.

The Armenian came on in the 57th minute of a game that saw Inter claim a last-gasp winner through Denzel Dumfries.

However, they could well be without his services for their home game with Spezia on Saturday following an early injury blow.

A statement on Inter’s website said assessments on Mkhitaryan had revealed a “strain in the left thigh flexors” and he will be “reassessed in the coming days.”

Taner Akcam alarmed by neglected grave of celebrated Armenian scholar

Armenia – Aug 16 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkish-German historian and genocide scholar Taner Akcam has published images from the grave of the celebrated Armenian-American sociologist and historian Vahakn N. Dadrian, which has been left unattended and is now overgrown with weeds and bushes.

"I share some images from my dear Professor Vahakn N. Dadrianwith great shock and sadness," Akcam wrote on social media on Monday, August 15.

"After persistent and patient research, the director of the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Maggie Goschin, found out that Dadrian's grave, a cemetery in Yerevan, where he was interred in 2019, had been left unattended and was overgrown with weeds-bushes. Worse still, there was no marker on the grave. Only after consultation with the cemetery administration, the grave site could be located.

Akcam believes Dadrian doesn't deserve such attitude.

"While many foreign dignitaries are honored on the road to Yerevan's Tsitsernakaberd Memorial, it is unacceptable and an immense shame that the grave of the founder of modern Armenian Genocide Research lies in an unkempt and forgotten in a cemetery without even a grave marker," the scholar said.

"I am unsure who was responsible for Dadrian's burial or who was in charge of building a grave for him. Whatever the reasons might be, I'm sure everybody will agree with me that this is a great shame and unacceptable. I hope those responsible will take immediate action and give Dadrian the grave he deserves. Instead of blaming each other, we should get together and do whatever is necessary."

Dadrian was a professor of sociology, historian, and an expert on the Armenian genocide. He was one of the early scholars of the academic study of genocide and recognized as one of the key thinkers on the Holocaust and genocide.

​Armenia Avenue (Florida) might be a spelling error that stuck

Tampa Bay Times, FL
Aug 9 2022
Armenia Avenue might be a spelling error that stuck
The West Tampa thoroughfare was originally called Armina Avenue. Why was the name changed?

By Paul Guzzo, Times staff

TAMPA — To refinance his West Tampa home, Octavio Jones’ property had to be surveyed to confirm the boundaries.

That process included looking over the property’s plat, the map of how the neighborhood was originally parceled.

In doing so, Jones, a former Tampa Bay Times photographer who freelances for this and other publications, noticed something strange about the portion of Armenia Avenue that runs by his home.

On the plat from 1907, the West Tampa thoroughfare was spelled Armina Avenue.

“Wait, what?” he said. “Is the plat or all the street signs in West Tampa misspelled?”

Armenia Avenue was originally Armina Avenue, but there is no official record documenting the change.

“No one really knows what happened or how it changed,” the Tampa Bay History Center’s Rodney Kite-Powell said. “But you can certainly see how perhaps someone was making a new street sign and thought Armina was a strange word that must have been misspelled.”

Armenia is the name of one of the world’s oldest nations, whereas Armina is an obscure name.

Online sites that define baby names have several takes on the meaning of Armina — Italian for “army man,” Latin for “noble” and German for “warrior maiden.” An armina is also a type of sea slug.

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Armina Avenue was named for the Armina Cigar Company, which was incorporated in 1892.

The primary owner of the company was “Hugh C. Macfarlane, the powerful lawyer who founded and developed West Tampa,” according to a 1993 Tampa Tribune column penned by the late history writer Leland Hawes. “A 40-by-60-foot, three-story building housed the factory at Armina and Walnut Street.”

A Weekly Tribune article from 1892 reported that Macfarlane’s partners, N.B.K. Pettingill, Herman Smeal and August Lindcamp, were “Philadelphia gentlemen” who have “plenty of means at their disposal and are well known citizens of the Quaker City.” The article also described them as ”gentleman to the manor born, highly respected and stand in the front row as citizens of pluck, push and enterprise. We predict for the new company a successful business career.”

It did not last long, nor did the street named for the company.

A tornado destroyed that building, according to Hawes, so the company moved to Armina Avenue and Pine Street. “After another move, the company was dissolved in 1897.”

By 1913, Armina Avenue had been changed to Armenia Avenue “on one of the semi-official maps of Tampa,” Kite-Powell said.

Hawes wrote that 1915 and 1920 maps showed it as “Arminia Avenue” but a 1918 city directory “made the switch to Armenia Avenue.”

Armenia is not the only West Tampa street with a different spelling than originally intended.

“Beach Street was originally spelled Beech Street with two E’s like the tree,” Kite-Powell said. “Again, we don’t know why it changed, but it could have been because someone thought it was misspelled.”

Susan Fernandez of South Tampa Title, which assisted Jones with his survey, said the story of Armenia is why it is “always fun to find the history of your home. You never know what you will learn. Street names change. Martin Luther King was not always MLK. Kennedy was not always Kennedy. Streets are originally platted with one name for a reason and then changed for another.”

Still, there are records and stories behind why Buffalo Avenue was renamed Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in honor of the civil rights activist and why Lafayette Street and Grand Central Avenue were renamed John F. Kennedy Boulevard to honor the president whose motorcade drove on Grand Central four days before he was assassinated.

How did Armina become Armenia?

“Add it to the list of Tampa mysteries,” Kite-Powell laughed. “We have plenty.”

Parents of Armenian prisoners of war hold overnight protest

Aug 9 2022
 9 August 2022

Parents of Armenians detained in Azerbaijan protesting in Yerevan. Image via News.am.

Parents and relatives of Armenian captives in Azerbaijan held a protest on Monday demanding a meeting with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. After not receiving an answer, they continued their protest in front of the government building overnight.

On Tuesday morning, government officials informed the parents that they would be called and invited for a meeting, after which they agreed to stop the sit-in protest. 

‘They give us the same tale, the same lie every time’, a relative of one soldier sentenced to prison in Baku told News.am. ‘We don’t have any information… everyone we appeal to runs away; we shout to them to stop, but they don’t’. 

‘If our Prime Minister doesn’t want to meet us or doesn’t have anything to say, who should we demand our sons from?’ another parent asked. ‘They have their sons with them’. 

‘We are ordinary people; how can we negotiate with Putin?’, he said, urging Pashinyan to appeal to Russia for assistance. 

The soldiers in question were taken captive from the Hin Tagher and Khtsaberd villages, of the Hadrut region, which were under the control of Russian peacekeepers.

Their capture took place over a month after the ceasefire agreement ending the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War. The settlements have since passed under Azerbaijani control, despite being part of the Russian-controlled territory. 

According to the Armenian government, 39 Armenian soldiers and civilians are currently held captive in Azerbaijan where they are sentenced to up to 15 years of imprisonment in Baku on ‘terrorism’ charges.  Armenian lawyers representing the relatives of prisoners of war in international courts claim, however, to have information about over a hundred Armenian captives in Azerbaijan. 

Since the end of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh war, Azerbaijan has returned 150 Armenian captives and prisoners of war.

Despite having agreed to release prisoners of war as part of the 9 November ceasefire agreement and receiving additional calls from the international community to do so, Azerbaijan refuses to return the prisoners. 

In a call with Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev in late July, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called for the release of ‘all remaining Armenian detainees’.  

The most recent return of Armenian captives, negotiated by the EU, took place in February. 

In May, Pashinyan stated that Aliyev had broken another agreement reached in Brussels in Spring. He claimed that while Armenia had provided Azerbaijan with maps of minefields, Azerbaijan had failed to deliver on their part of the agreement by returning Armenian prisoners of war. 

He claimed that Aliyev was using the prisoners as leverage in negotiations.

‘This is using people for political purposes and making them a subject of trade, which is condemnable.’

According to Armenia, there are also still 183 soldiers and 20 civilians considered to be missing, but search and rescue operations in the territories Azerbaijan took control over since the war stopped a few months ago. As of June, Armenia was negotiating to resume operations to find the remains of the missing.