BAKU: Chairman Of PACE Sub-Committee On Nagorno Karabakh To Be Appoi


Azeri Press Agency
Aug 20 2008

Baku. Lachin Sultanova-APA. "Appointment of the Chairman of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Sub-Committee on
Nagorno Karabakh is reviewed and decided by CE Bureau, Samad Seyidov,
head of Azerbaijani delegation to PACE told APA.

"Nomination of candidates, discussions and hearing the opinions of
Azerbaijani and Armenian delegations take long time", said Seyidov
and added that the chairman of PACE Sub-Committee would be appointed
at the PACE session in October.

British parliamentarian Lord Russell Johnston, who has chaired the
Sub-Committee since its establishing in January 2005, died last month.

The Neocons Do Georgia

The Neocons Do Georgia
Humanity’s Greatest Enemy?

August 15, 2008


The success of the Bush Regime’s propaganda, lies, and deception with
gullible and inattentive Americans since 9/11 has made it difficult for
intelligent, aware people to be optimistic about the future of the
United States. For almost 8 years the US media has served as Ministry
of Propaganda for a war criminal regime. Americans incapable of
thinking for themselves, reading between the lines, or accessing
foreign media on the Internet have been brainwashed.

As the Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, said, it is easy to deceive
a people. You just tell them they have been attacked and wave the flag.

It certainly worked with Americans.

The gullibility and unconcern of the American people has had many
victims. There are 1.25 million dead Iraqis. There are 4 million
displaced Iraqis. No one knows how many are maimed and orphaned.

Iraq is in ruins, its infrastructure destroyed by American bombs,
missiles, and helicopter gunships.

We do not know the death toll in Afghanistan, but even the American
puppet regime protests the repeated killings of women and children by
US and NATO troops.

We don’t know what the death toll would be in Iran if Darth Cheney and
the neocons succeed in their plot with Israel to bomb Iran, perhaps
with nuclear weapons.

What we do know is that all this murder and destruction has no
justification and is evil. It is the work of evil men who have no
qualms about lying and deceiving in order to kill innocent people to
achieve their undeclared agenda.

That such evil people have control over the United States government
and media damns the American public for eternity.

America will never recover from the shame and dishonor heaped upon her
by the neoconned Bush Regime.

The success of the neocon propaganda has been so great that the
opposition party has not lifted a finger to rein in the Bush Regime’s
criminal actions. Even Obama, who promises `change’ is too intimidated
by the neocon’s success in brainwashing the American population to do
what his supporters hoped he would do and lead us out of the shame in
which the neoconned Bush Regime has imprisoned us.

This about sums up the pessimistic state in which I existed prior to
the go-ahead given by the Bush Regime to its puppet in Georgia to
ethnically cleanse South Ossetia of Russians in order to defuse the
separatist movement. The American media, aka, the Ministry of Lies and
Deceit, again accommodated the criminal Bush Regime and proclaimed
`Russian invasion’ to cover up the ethnic cleansing of Russians in
South Ossetia by the Georgian military assault.

Only this time, the rest of the world didn’t buy it. The many years of
lies–9/11, Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, al Qaeda connections,
yellowcake, anthrax attack, Iranian nukes, `the United States doesn’t
torture,’ the bombings of weddings, funerals, and children’s soccer
games, Abu Ghraib, renditions, Guantanamo, various fabricated
`terrorist plots,’ the determined assault on civil liberties–have
taken their toll on American credibility. No one outside America any
longer believes the US media or the US government.

The rest of the world reported the facts–an assault on Russian
civilians by American and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian troops.

The Bush Regime, overcome by hubris, expected Russia to accept this act
of American hegemony. But the Russians did not, and the Georgian
military was sent fleeing for its life.

The neoconned Republican response to the Russian failure to follow the
script and to be intimidated by the `unipower’ was so imbecilic that it
shattered the brainwashing to which Americans had succumbed.

McCain declared: `In the 21st century nations don’t invade other
nations.’ Imagine the laughs Jon Stewart will get out of this on the
Daily Show. In the early years of the 21st century the United States
has already invaded two countries and has been beating the drums for
attacking a third. President Bush, the chief invader of the 21st
century, echoed McCain’s claim that nations don’t invade other nations.

This dissonant claim shocked even brainwashed Americans, as readers’
emails reveal. If in the 21st century countries don’t invade other
countries, what is Bush doing in Iraq and Afghanistan, and what are the
naval armadas and propaganda arrayed against Iran about?

Have two of the worst warmongers of modern times–Bush and
McCain–called off the US/Israeli attack on Iran? If McCain is elected
president, is he going to pull US troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan as
`nations don’t invade other nations,’ or is President Bush going to
beat him to it?

We all know the answer.

The two stooges are astonished that the Americans have taught hegemony
to Russians, who were previously operating, naively perhaps, on the
basis of good will.

Suddenly the Western Europeans have realized that being allied with the
United States is like holding a tiger by the tail. No European country
wants to be hurled into war with Russia. Germany, France, and Italy
must be thanking God they blocked Georgia’s membership in NATO.

The Ukraine, where a sick nationalism has taken hold funded by the
neocon National Endowment for Democracy, will be the next conflict
between American pretensions and Russia. Russia is being taught by the
neocons that freeing the constituent parts of its empire has not
resulted in their independence but in their absorption into the
American Empire.

Unless enough Americans can overcome their brainwashed state and the
rigged Diebold voting machines, turn out the imbecilic Republicans and
hold the neoconservatives accountable for their crimes against
humanity, a crazed neocon US government will provoke nuclear war with

The neoconservatives represent the greatest danger ever faced by the
United States and the world. Humanity has no greater enemy.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the
Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street
Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He
is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at:
[email protected]

Armenia’s Population Exceeds 3,231,000 On July 1


Aug 13, 2008

YEREVAN, August 13. /ARKA/. Armenia’s population had reached 3,231,900
people by July 1, 2008 – 8,200 people more than early this year.

The RA Statistical Service reports that Armenia’s urban population
is 2,070,200 and rural population 1,161,700 people.

The population of Armenia’s capital, Yerevan, is 1,108,700. Among
Armenia’s regions, the Armavir region has the largest population
– 282,100. The Vaiots Dzor region has the smallest population –
55,700 people.

As regards rural population, the Ararat region is the leader – 195,400
people, followed by the Armavir region 181,100 people. The smallest
rural population is in the Vaiots Dzor region – 36,400 people.

As regards Armenia’s urban population, the Shirak and Lori regions of
Armenia have the largest urban population after Yerevan – 169,900 and
165,400 respectively. The Vaiots Dzor region has the smallest urban
population – 19,300.

Early in 2008, the able-bodied population constituted 67.2%
of Armenia’s total population (males aged 16-62, females aged
16-60). People under and above employable age constituted 20.8%
and 12% of Armenia’s population respectively.

Heap Leach Amenability Tests Show 94% To 97% Extractions For Gold At


Aug. 13, 2008

Tests conducted on drill core extending to 146m down-hole depth

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Aug 13, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) — Lydian
International Ltd. (CA:LYD: news, chart, profile) , a diversified
U.K. mineral exploration and development company, today announced
preliminary results from metallurgical testing at its Amulsar gold
discovery in Armenia.

A gold recovery test program was applied to a crushed continuous
half drill-core of 146m length at SGS Lakefield in Canada. As part
of the program, heap-leach amenability tests (coarse ore bottle roll
cyanidation) on whole rock and gravity concentrates showed easily
reproducible very high gold extractions at 94-97%.

The tests were carried out on 1 kg whole rock samples and gravity
concentrates, at primary grind sizes from approximately 150 to 75
microns, with a pulp density 40% solids and a 48h retention time
at pH 10.5-11 (maintained with lime). The prepared material with a
"head-grade" of 1.1 g/t Au was derived from the entire 146m of HQ half
core from diamond drill hole DDA-004, a scout drill hole from the
2007 drilling programme. The core was crushed, mixed and riffled at
-1/2 inch, to arrive at replicate samples for the test program. The
main mineralogy of the whole rock consists of hematite, goethite,
and rutile in a quartz matrix.

For all tests a gold recovery of 90% was established after only 8h, and
reached 95% after 24h, both with modest to moderate NaCN consumptions.

Amulsar is a high-sulphidation type epithermal gold project located
in central Armenia. Lydian identified the gold bearing potential of
the project in mid-2006. The Amulsar license is 95% owned by Lydian’s
wholly owned Armenian subsidiary (Geoteam CJSC) and 5% owned by that
Company’s local director. The project is currently being explored as
part of a joint venture with Newmont Overseas Exploration Limited,
a wholly owned subsidiary of Newmont Mining Corporation (CA:NMC:
news, chart, profile) (NEM:Newmont Mining Corporation News, chart,
profile, more Last: 44.15+1.79+4.23%

4:03pm 08/13/2008

Delayed quote dataAdd to portfolio Analyst Create alertInsider Discuss
Financials Sponsored by: 44.15, +1.79, +4.2%) (ASX: NEM). The joint
venture is a 50%-50% contribution. Newmont has two options to increase
its interest. The first is an option to earn a further 20% by funding
the project through to feasibility; the second option allows Newmont
to earn a further 10% by funding through to commercial production.

About Lydian International Lydian is a diversified U.K. mineral
exploration and development company, with expertise employing "first
mover" strategies in emerging exploration environments. The Company
is currently focused on Eastern Europe developing advanced precious
and base metal assets located in Armenia and in Kosovo.

The Company’s two main projects are gold at Amulsar in Armenia, and
zinc, lead, silver and gold at Drazhnje in Kosovo. Lydian also has a
pipeline of promising gold and base metal exploration projects in the
Balkans region, and operates a 50/50 gold and copper exploration joint
venture with Newmont Overseas Exploration Limited, a subsidiary of
Newmont Mining Corporation (CA:NMC: news, chart, profile) (NEM:Newmont
Mining Corporation News, chart, profile, more Last: 44.15+1.79+4.23%

4:03pm 08/13/2008

Delayed quote dataAdd to portfolio Analyst Create alertInsider
Discuss Financials Sponsored by: 44.15, +1.79, +4.2%) (ASX: NEM),
in the Caucasus region.

Lydian’s management team has a track record of success in grassroots
discovery, in acquiring and developing undervalued assets, and
in building companies. Lydian has a strong social agenda and a
unique understanding of the complex social and political issues that
characterise emerging environments. The two largest shareholders are
Newmont Mineral Holdings B.V. (owned by Newmont Mining Corporation),
and International Finance Corporation (part of the World Bank
Group). More information can be found on Lydian’s web site at

Dr Tim Coughlin, MAusIMM; is the Qualified Person overseeing Lydian’s
exploration programmes. Dr. Coughlin has supervised the preparation
of the technical information contained in this press release.

Lydian employees are instructed to follow standard operating
and quality assurance procedures intended to ensure that all
sampling techniques and sample results meet international reporting
standards. All assay work for the released results was carried out
by ALS Chemex analytical laboratory in Rosia Montana, Romania, in
Perth Australia, or in Vancouver, BC. Please see Lydian’s web site
for more information.

Forward-looking Information Securities regulators encourage companies
to disclose forward-looking information to help investors understand
a company’s future prospects. This press release contains statements
about our future financial condition, results of operations and
business. These are "forward-looking" because we have used what we know
and expect today to make a statement about the future. Forward-looking
statements usually include words such as may, expect, anticipate,
believe or other similar words. We believe the expectations reflected
in these forward-looking statements are reasonable. However, actual
events and results could be substantially different because of the
risks and uncertainties associated with our business or events that
happen after the date of this press release. You should not place
undue reliance on forward-looking statements. As a general policy,
we do not update forward-looking statements except as required by
securities laws and regulations.

Ossezia: Tregua Tra Russia E Georgia, Ma Il Problema Rimane

13 agosto, 2008

Russia e Georgia hanno accettato in generale un piano di pace
proposto dall’Unione europea, ma la tensione per lacrisi in Ossezia
del Sud rimane alta, mentre si levano voci sempre più critiche verso
l’operato di Mosca – riporta l’agenzia Asianews. Ieri a tarda sera il
presidente georgiano Mikhail Saakashvili si è detto d’accordo sul
piano propostogli da Nicolas Sarkozy, attuale presidente dell’Ue,
anche se con piccole variazioni rispetto a quello accolto dal russo
Dimitri Medvedev poche ore prima. Nel pomeriggio di ieri, prima
dell’incontro con Sarkozy, Medvedev ha dato ordine di fermare tutte
le operazioni militari russe in Sud Ossezia e Abkazia, ma diversi
osservatori affermano che focolai di scontri continuano ancora
oggi. Il piano di Sarkozy, che sara presentato oggi ai ministri
europei degli esteri per l’approvazione, prevede il ritiro delle
truppe russe e georgiane ai confini prima del conflitto scoppiato una
settimana fa e l’apertura di canali umanitari per aiutare i feriti
e i rifugiati. Sarkozy l’ha definito non "un accordo di pace", ma
"un atto provvisorio di cessazione delle ostilita" che però potrebbe
mettere le basi per una risoluzione del Consiglio di sicurezza Onu.

La Georgia, però, oggi ha gia accusato la Russia di violare la
tregua, ma Mosca lo ha negato categoricamente – riporta l’agenzia
Ansa. Una fonte giornalistica sul posto ha detto però all’Ansa
che miliziani sud osseti hanno preso posizione nel centro della
citta e terrorizzano la popolazione. Secondo la fonte, inoltre,
una trentina di blindati ha preso posizione fuori da Gori. "I tank
russi puntano ad accerchiare Tbilisi" e Mosca intende "uccidere la
nostra democrazia": ha detto il presidente della Georgia Mikhail
Saakashvili, in un’intervista alla Cnn. "Non c’e’ alcun cessate il
fuoco" – ha aggiunto Saakashvili, paragonando la situazione a quella
dell’invasione sovietica dell’Afghanistan negli anni Ottanta. "Non
ci arrenderemo mai"- ha concluso il presidente georgiano.

Intanto il ministro degli esteri russo Serghei Lavrov sottolinea
che Mosca ha accettato, ai fini del cessate il fuoco, l’emendamento
georgiano al piano di pace in sei punti concordato nella capitale
russa dai presidenti Dmitri Medvedev e Nicolas Sarkozy; ma sottolinea
che la questione dello status di Abkhazia e Ossezia del sud, della
quale Tbilisi ha voluto la cancellazione dall’accordo, non potra
venire evitata ai fini di un definitivo regolamento della situazione.

L’Unhcr ha inviato ieri il primo volo carico di materiali per
i civili coinvolti nel conflitto: l’Onu ha gia registrato circa
3.500 sfollati ma si prepara ad aiutare almeno 30mila persone mentre
il totale degli sfollati sarebbe circa 100mila. L’Unhcr ha offerto
assistenza umanitaria sia alla Russia che alla Georgia dove l’agenzia
può contare su più di 50 operatori che si occupavano gia prima del
conflitto attuale di circa 275mila tra sfollati, rifugiati, apolidi e
rimpatriati. Secondo i funzionari locali dell’Unhcr gran parte della
popolazione è fuggita nel timore di nuovi attacchi.

I combattimenti sono scoppiati il 7 agosto scorso, quando la
Georgia ha inviato l’esercito per riguadagnare il controllo della Sud
Ossezia, una regione che appartiene di nome alla Georgia, ma che vive
un’indipendenza di fatto – sebbene non riconosciuta internazionalmente-
e dove la maggioranza dei cittadini ha passaporto russo.

Nonostante la tregua "il problema di fondo rimane" – commenta Andrea
Rossini dell’Osservatorio sui Balcani. "E’ quello dei numerosi
conflitti rimasti congelati nello spazio post-sovietico. Non si
tratta solo della questione osseta. Ci sono anche l’Abkhazia,
la Transnistria e il Nagorno Karabakh. Questa guerra ha permesso
ai russi di dare una dimostrazione di forza, ribadire che sono la
grande potenza senza il cui accordo non possono essere alterati
i confini o gli equilibri attuali". "Se le soluzioni militari non
sono certo accettabili, non è neppure concepibile continuare ad
ignorare questi conflitti. Quest’area, a ridosso dell’Unione Europea,
è di fondamentale importanza non solo per questioni energetiche,
ma per la stabilita stessa dell’Unione" – continua Rossini. "Se
Bruxelles non affronta con una politica complessiva i rapporti
con la Russia e la situazione nel Caucaso, rischia di ripetere gli
stessi errori commessi nei Balcani negli anni ’90. E di pagarne gli
stessi prezzi. E’ necessaria una forte iniziativa diplomatica che
permetta di affrontare e definire queste crisi con tutti gli attori
coinvolti. Con la forza delle parole, non delle armi. Anche se adesso
sara più difficile". [GB]

L’Osservatorio sui Balcani che da alcuni anni ha attivato la sezione
‘Osservatorio sul Caucaso’ dedica un dossier sulla Crisi in Georgia


Ankara: Thousands Of Armenians Evacuated From Georgia


Journal of Turkish Weekly
Tuesday , 12 August 2008

Hundreds of Armenians vacationing in Georgia’s Black Sea resort towns
of Batumi and Kobuleti are being evacuated back to Armenia, RFE/RL’s
Armenian Service has reported.

In Batumi, some 1,200 Armenian vacationers have left because of the
fighting between Russian and Georgian forces and have returned to their
homes in Armenia. An RFE/RL correspondent in Armenia’s northwestern
Shirak region, which borders Georgia, said hundreds of vehicles were
lined up waiting to cross into Armenia.

The Armenian consul-general in Batumi, Hakob Haji Hakobian, told
RFE/RL that the evacuation will continue, as many Armenians fear
Russian warplanes could bomb Batumi — the largest Georgian seaport —
as they have Poti and other Georgian cities.

Batumi and Kobuleti have in recent years become one of the most
popular destinations for Armenian holidaymakers.

On August 9, Russian planes bombed another Georgian seaport, Poti,
causing havoc among the civilian population fleeing the town.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry warned its citizens the same day not
to travel to Georgia. There are still an estimated 3,500 Armenian
citizens in Georgia that it plans to evacuate to Armenia.

The ministry also said that 850 foreigners, including diplomats
stationed in Georgia and their family members, were also evacuated
to Armenia. It said 130 Americans and 180 Poles have fled to Armenia
and some 130 Italians are expected to arrive in Armenia on August 10.

Food And Puppets Pull Heart Strings

By Fazile Zahir

Asia Times Online
Aug 13, 2008
Hong Kong

FETHIYE, Turkey – Despite the gradual improvement in relations between
Greece and Turkey over the past decade, it seems that there is still
much to squabble about.

Both countries are laying claim to the origins of the shadow theater
show known as Karagoz (or in Greek Karagiozis) after the name of
its main character. Newspapers reported this week that the Turkish
Ministry for Culture and Tourism will be making a wholesale effort
to repel Greek efforts to appropriate the traditional Turkish drama
which was popularized during the Ottoman period.

Their efforts will be part of their attempt to register Karagoz on the

planned 2009 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible
Cultural Heritage. They are planning a large range of actions
including preparing a dossier of historical research proving that
Karagoz originated in Turkey, naming office buildings, parks and public
squares after him and encouraging TV producers to make program about
him and his sidekicks.

They will also be trying to revive the tradition of touring shadow
theatre companies performing across the nation by employing actors and
training them in the art of puppetry. A Karagoz Research Institute
will be founded, a book of Karagoz images published and his stories
will be reprinted.

Karagoz – the puppet that everyone wants a piece of – has six or seven
centuries of history behind him; the Ottoman equivalent of Mr Punch
(though somewhat less violent) of the duo of England’s Punch and
Judy. The plays are popularly thought to be based on the lives of
two garrulous laborers – Karagoz and Hacivat – whose comic chatter
slowed down the work on a mosque construction in Bursa, after their
execution they became folk heroes.

Karagoz is the not-too-bright representative of the common man
and Hacivat is a low-ranking official of sorts. Generally, whatever
scheme the two come up with during the course of a play, Karagoz ends
up ruining it through his buffoonery and Hacivat ends up as a long
suffering Oliver Hardy dealing with the incompetent Stan Laurel.

The shows were incredibly popular in Turkey, but the advent
of television has almost wiped them out (except at cultural
festivals). However the cinematic release of the popular costume
drama Who Killed Hacivat and Karagoz? in 2006 sparked a new interest
in Turkey and across the sea in Greece.

Three months after the film came out, Turkish papers were reporting
that Karagiozi was playing to packed houses in Athens houses telling
the story of Greek suffering under the Ottomans. Turkish theater
artist Emin Senyer said that the Turkish governments unwillingness to
invest in keeping traditions alive was allowing the more active Greek
government to present this particular shadow puppet to the world as
if it was their own.

In Greece, some are happy to accept that Karagiozis made his way to
the county via the Turks but there are also alternative theories
that Greek merchants brought shadow theatre from China or that a
Greek created the folkloric art during Ottoman rule to entertain the
sultan. Despite these differences, experts agree on two things, first,
that in the 1880s the stories and adventures were adapted for a newly
independent Greek society by inventing numerous local characters,
and were mostly completed by 1910.

Karagiozis flourished from 1915 until 1950, a time of major
tribulations for the nation in the form of wars and social
unrest. The puppet hero was a continuous inspiration for the poor,
an uncompromising protagonist who tried in vain to change his fate
and protest against social injustice. The character is still regarded
with great affection.

Of course these are not the only elements of culture that the two
nations and their peoples joust over. The comments under the recent
news story make that very clear: Enis Ilhan Icten (Let’s not wake
up to the danger too late, we need to be ever vigilant) … they’ve
taken yoghurt, taken feta and baklava, we lost doner and helva too,
none of these are known as ours anymore."

Should UNESCO choose to get involved in the intangible area of cuisine
they may never extricate themselves from the arguments. Several dishes
are fiercely contested: Dolma/sarma – the Turkish word dolma means
stuffed and can be used to describe any vegetable with a mince and rice
filling, whereas sarma is used for vine leaf or cabbage leaf version
(sarma means wrapped). Called dolmades by the Greeks it’s probably
OK to infer that if the word actually means something in Turkish the
dish originated here. There are variations of dolma throughout the
Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Baklava – the Lebanese, Armenians and Greeks all claim they invented
this sweet sticky pastry and they probably derived the early
variants. But the form we know today, with its syrupy nutty filling,
was devised in the kitchens of the Ottoman court and the word means
"diamond shaped" in Turkish.

On May 16, 2006, Turkish baklava producers held a demonstration
and press conference in Istanbul supported by the state minister
for finance and European Union chief negotiator, Ali Babacan. They
were protesting Greek Cypriot claims that baklava was their national
creation. Their placards read "Baklava is Turkish, we will not allow
the Greek Cypriots to feed it to the world."

Feta – the Greeks won this battle, not just over Turkey but against
the whole of the EU. Under a European Court of Justice ruling feta,
like Champagne and Parma ham is protected. As of 2007, producers of
this crumbly white cheese who do not actually make it in Greece cannot
call it feta or even feta-style cheese. Turks call their version of
this beyaz peynir – white cheese.

According to cookery expert and chef Hulya Erdal, "Feta cheese can
only be the creation of Greece and any other cheese that remotely
resembles this delightful fare is really only an imitation and cannot
be called anything other than white cheese."

Yoghurt – also known worldwide as Greek yoghurt – was probably a
spontaneous appearance caused by wild bacteria in animals’ skin bags
used for carrying milk. There are records of 11th century consumption
by nomadic Turks in the Diwan Lughat al-Turk.

The Greeks call it yiaourti. The name may be derived from the
Turkish yogurmak which means "to knead", but the etymological link is
tenuous. Hulya Erdal has her own view, "If you know anything about food
then you’ll know that yoghurt was without a doubt invented, cooked up,
made, produced, however you want to call it, from Turkey. Forget what
anyone else tells you, it’s an original Turkish food product and always
will be. Of course, that’s not to say that ‘Greek-style yoghurt’ or
‘French-style yoghurt’ isn’t original but notice the clever use of
words, let’s make sure that we all understand, it’s just a variation
on an old tried and tested Turkish recipe."

Doner – Outside of Turkey and Greece this roasted spitted meat
dish seems to be equally well known as a Turkish and Greek dish. In
Britain and Ireland it is predominantly recognized as Turkish; in
Sydney, Australia, they are Turkish doner but 800 kilometers away
in Melbourne they are Greek souvlaki and in Adelaide they are gyros
(this means "rotating" as does the word doner).

In America they are mainly called gyros but in Canada doner. In the
Netherlands they call the Greek dish gyros ( pronounced geeros with
a Dutch, throat-searing "g") and the Turkish dish doner. In Moscow,
it’s a sheverma.

Whomever first made the food – or created the puppet – seems by and
large irrelevant provided we can all enjoy them. It’s not like putting
meat (or a puppet figure) on a stick ranks up there with the discovery
of the Theory of Relativity.

Still, the debate rages on. Take, for example, the cuisine of Cyprus:
despite the two ethnic groups here having had a long history in
close proximity to each other’s kitchens each side still tries to
distinguish one food or another as their own.

According to chef Hulay Erdal, it’s more complicated than that. "There
are some food items that sit on a fence, cross a very fine line
and can cause nations to come to blows over their ownership," Hulay
Erdal said. "Cyprus, an island with a troubled history and full of
fascinating stories, has a culinary culture not unlike a vast fruit
bowl. It is extremely colorful and tasty, with recipes originating
from far and wide. The food derives from a blend of the Middle East,
Greece, Turkey, Italy and Africa."

The chef mentioned recipes such as molohiya, a green leafy herb,
long known to only grow in Cyprus and on the banks of the River Nile
in Egypt. Or the dish kolokas, a stew of a large brown-skinned yam
that probably started out in Sudan or thereabouts.

"The food of Cyprus cannot be laid bare for one nation or another to
lay a claim on. In fact, this is a cuisine that mixes old and new,
and what makes it truly unique is the fact that the recipes are
available in both Greek, Turkish and English," Hulay Erdal said.

Perhaps the best solution to some of these culinary quandaries is how
the European Union plans to handle the long-running Cypriot cheese
debate. Last year Nuno Miguel Vicente, in charge of Cyprus at the EU
Directorate General of Agriculture, made a statement declaring the
best-case scenario for everyone would be the bilingual registry as
both hellim and halloumi.

Fazile Zahir is of Turkish descent, born and brought up in London. She
moved to live in Turkey in 2005 and has been writing full time
since then.

NKR MFA Commentary On The Latest Developments In South Ossetia


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2008-08-09 10:02
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

The Republic of Nagorno Karabakh is seriously concerned about the
worsening of the situation in the Georgian-South-Ossetian conflict
zone. The hostilities that have already led to numerous victims are
fraught with unpredictable consequences for the whole region.

We call on the conflict parties, concerned states, and international
organizations to take all the necessary steps for the immediate
cessation of bloodshed. Coercive methods of solving such kinds of
problems are unpromising.

We do hope that the international community will make all the efforts
for restoring peace and stability, and for resuming the negotiation
process between Georgia and South Ossetia.

Stepanakert,August 8, 2008

Amount Of Gas Supply To Armenia Reduced By 30%


Noyan Tapan

Au g 11, 2008

YEREVAN, AUGUST 11, NOYAN TAPAN. The amount of natural gas supplied
to Armenia through Georgia has been reduced by 30%, spokeswoman for
ArmRusgazprom company Shushan Sardarian announced on August 11. "We
are clarifying the reasons for reduction in the amount of gas that
is imported into Armenia via the pipeline running through Georgia,
and the amount of reduced gas volume," she said. According to her,
at the moment the difference in the amount is replenished from
ArmRusgazprom’s storages, whose gas will suffice until the issue’s
settlement, taking into account the fact that the consumption has
declined in the summer season.

Tehran: Iran, Azerbaijan Seeking To Improve Ties Through Religious D


Fars News Agency
Tuesday 12 Aug 2008

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said his
country and Azerbaijan enjoy high level of cooperation in religious
affairs, stressing that common historical and religious grounds create
good opportunity for further strengthening of bilateral ties.

"Religious identity between Iran and Azerbaijan may play an important
role to strengthen the friendship between the two countries," Mottaki
said at the meeting with Hidayat Orujov, the chairman of the Azerbaijan
State Committee on Religious Organizations, here in Tehran on Monday.

Mottaki said that mutual visits of entrepreneurs, cultural figures,
media representatives and scientists would strengthen the relations
between the two countries.

He said Iran longs for restoring friendly relations with neighbor
states, and further voiced Tehran’s preparedness to mediate talks on
the resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Orujov, for his part, said his country attaches special significance
to ties with Iran, underscoring that Azerbaijan supports enhancement
of comprehensive relations with Iran.

He said Iranian and Azerbaijani media representatives’ mutual visits
would contribute to two nations’ close familiarization with each other.

Culture weeks and religious dialogue in the capital cities of
both countries will positively influence the development of mutual
understanding and relations, Orujov said.

Orujov arrived in Tehran Wednesday on an official visit at the
invitation of the head of the Iranian Culture and Islamic Relations

Orujev also earlier met with Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic
Guidance Mohammed Hossein Safar Harandi, where the two sides expressed
satisfaction with the level of cooperation between the two countries.