Kevorkian To Hold First Town Hall Meeting


Livingston Daily
July 31 2008

Congressional candidate Jack Kevorkian, who gained fame in the 1990s
after being convicted of second-degree murder for his role in an
assisted suicide, will hold his first town hall meeting Friday.

Kevorkian is running as an independent in the 9th Congressional
District against U.S. Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Bloomfield Township, and
Democrat Gary Peters, a former state senator and lottery commissioner.

At the meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. at the Birmingham Community
House, 380 South Bates in Birmingham, Kevorkian will discuss his
philosophy on foreign and domestic affairs, the economy and what he
plans to do if elected.

Kevorkian, who served more than eight years in prison before his
release last June, admitted to participating in more than 130 assisted
suicides during the 1990s.

Library at Nat’l Academy of Sciences Renovated with AGBU Support

AGBU Press Office
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New York, NY 10022-1112
Phone: 212.319.6383, x118
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Library at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences Renovated with
AGBU’s Support

The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) recently undertook the
renovation of the three floors of the RA National Academy of Sciences’
(NAS) library under the agreement of ongoing cooperation between the two
institutions. The renovated areas include the entrance, reading hall #1,
bathroom facilities and the third-floor hall. Several walls, water
removing systems, lighting system and floors were also renovated with
the funds provided. The total cost of the renovations came to $60,000.

The NAS library is a significant storehouse of books and scientific
publications and enjoys a leading role in the Armenian library network.
Many academics and students make use of this significant scientific
library, which is administered by director Dikran Zarkarian.

Established in 1906, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the
world’s largest non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New
York City, AGBU (preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and
heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs,
annually serving some 400,000 Armenians across the globe. For more
information, visit

BAKU: Armenian DM: "Nagorno Karabakh Issue Has Already Been Settled


July 29 2008

Armenian Defense Minister announced that Nagorno Karabakh issue should
be settled diplomatically.

"Campaign on bellicose rhetorics in Azerbaijan and distortion of
historical facts started in the 1980s. Azerbaijan has once used the
armed way of the conflict resolution. Nagorno Karabakh issue has
been settled by force and now it should be brought to its logical
end by diplomatic ways", noted Seyran Ohanyan at a meeting with the
audience of the summer school of Ararat Strategic Research Center,
according to Armenia’s public television.

Ohanyan also noted that one of the directions for overcoming the
problems, facing Armenia, is national solidarity. According to the
Ministry, in the moment of threats, Armenian people demonstrate unity,
but uses peace time not effectively to prepare for future threats.

"In conditions of growing threat, there is no alternative to
unity. Turkey keeps a whole army on the Armenian border. Baku voices
bellicose statements at times and distorts the historical facts",
concluded the Armenian Defense Minister.

Two Armenian Judokas In Beijing 2008


29 July, 2008

The Judo International Federation has declared the list of its
participants in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Armenia will be
represented by 2 sportsmen – Hovhannes Davtyan (60kg) and Armen
Nazaryan (66kg).

32 judokas are to struggle for medals in the 60kg category. The
favourite of this category is considered Ruben Houkes (Netherlands),
who won gold medals in the World Judo Championship 2007. For the
past years Ruben Houkes has won a number of medals in international
championships. For the 29-year-old judoka these might be the last
Olympic Games. Another aspirant to the first standing is Nestor
Khergiani (Georgia), who won silver medals in the Olympic Games of
2004 and World Judo Championship 2007.

Four years ago Armen Nazaryan (66kg) participated in the Olympic
Games of 2004 under 60kg bodyweight category. But since according
to the Beijing 2008 Olympic rules a country can be represented with
only one judoka from each category Armen Nazaryan had to change his
weight category. He is considered a favourite, as he is included in
the list of 5 best judokas in the world.

In the World Judo Championship 2007 Armen got the fifth standing
under 66kg bodyweight category.

By the way there are 4 medals raffled in Judo – 1 gold, 1 silver and
2 bronze.

Forum Of Armenian Associations Of Europe Responds To Call Of RA Pres



Ashot Grigorian, the Chairman of the Forum of Armenian Associations
of Europe (FAAE), announced that he joins the united efforts of all
Armenians directed to the development and strengthening of the state
of Armenia and responds to the recently made call of the RA President
Serzh Sargsyan, expressing his willingness to provide concrete aid
to Armenia.

"It’s time that the Armenians of the entire world could feel the
power of their unity and put it in service of the uprise of motherland
Armenia", the statement adopted by FAAE presidium read.

FAAE Chairman Ashot Grigorian has made a decision to make an investment
of m in the next two years by implementing Slovakia’s export credit

Another m will be sent to Armenia from the means of member
organizations to FAAE and individuals.

"Our power is in our unity" – this formula is the pledge of the real
strengthening of our motherland, and the RA President’s initiative
of uniting the potential of all Armenians is the first step towards
the Armenia of our dreams.

14 commercial banks entered list of country’s 300 tax payers H1/08

14 commercial banks of Armenia entered list of country’s 300 tax payers
in first half year, 2008

2008-07-25 15:01:00

ArmInfo. Upon the results of the first half year, 2008, 14 commercial
banks of Armenia entered the list of 300 biggest tax-payers of the

By the data of RA State Tax Service, Ardshininvestbank has become the
first in this list by the size of the paid taxes over the first half
year, 2008. The bank took the 19th place among the first hundred tax
payers having paid total of 1.414 bln drams, 1.355 bln drams of which
are profit tax and income tax. It is followed by ACBA-Credit Agricole
Bank: it took the 24th place among the first hundred tax payers having
paid 1.329 bln drams, 1.307 bln drams of which – profit tax and income
tax. "HSBC Bank Armenia" replenished the state budget over the first
half year by 1.196 bln drams, including 1.057 bln drams – profit tax
and income tax, so, the bank took the 27th place. This bank is followed
by Armeconombank which took the 74th place having paid 501.4 mln drams,
475.8 mln drams of which – profit tax and income tax. ‘Converse Bank’
took the 87th place having replenished the state budget by 391.7 mln
drams, 378.4 mln drams of which – profit tax and income tax.
Armbusinessbank took the 98th place, as the paid taxes in the first
half year, 2008, made up 342.6 mln drams, including 333.2 mln drams –
profit tax and income tax. ‘VTB Armenia’ Bank took the 116th place in
the list of 300 biggest tax- payers of Armenia having paid 298.3 mln
drams to the state budget, 226.1 mln drams of which fell on the profit
tax and income tax.

Unibank has occupied the 128-th place paying 278.3 mln drams to the
state budget, including 262.5 mln drams – profits tax and income tax.
INECOBANK has occupied the 146- th place in the list, having paid 249.1
mln drams to the state budget, including 233.3 mln drams – profits tax
and income tax. Bank Anelik has occupied the 193-th place having paid
178.8 mln drams, including 171 mln – profits tax and income tax.
ARARATBANK paid 138.3 mln drams to the state budget over the first
half-year of 2008, including 126.5 mln drams – profits tax and income
tax, and occupied the 246-th place in the list.
Armswissbank have occupied the 251-th place in the list, having paid
136.6 mln drams to the state budget, including 131.7 mln drams –
profits tax and income tax. Prometei bank occupied the 264 th place
having paid 130.5 drams taxes to the state budget, including 125 mln
drams – profits tax and income tax. Armenian Development Bank concludes
that list occupying the 271 st place, having paid to the state budget
125.2 mln drams taxes over the first half-year of 2008, including 108.4
mln drams – profits tax and income tax.

To note, according to the results of 2007, seven Armenian banks entered
the list of the first 100 tax payers of Armenia, including "HSBC Bank
Armenia", ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank, Ardshininvestbank, Armeconombank,
bank ‘VTB Armenia’, INECOBANK and Unibank. At present 22 commercial
banks function in Armenia.

"Barekamutyun" Dance Troupe Celebrates 20th Anniversary

25.07.2008 16:37

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan issued a congratulatory message
on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the "Barekamutyun"
Dance Troupe.

The message states:

"I congratulate the "Barekamutyun" Dance Troupe on its 20th

Preserving the unique and rich traditions of the national culture, for
two decades "Barekamutyun" Dance Troup has been presenting the Armenian
dancing art in Armenia and outside its borders, permanently attracting
its fans with unrepeatable performances. The performance of the troupe
has always received high professional evaluation from renowned culture
critics, getting a warm reception among the culture-loving society.

Undoubtedly, the creative upheaval of the dance troupe enjoying
great love and respect is directly associated with the activity of
its founder and creative director, People’s Artist of Armenia Norayr
Mehrabyan. His performances created a new direction in the contemporary
dancing art of Armenia.

Once again congratulating the "Barekamutyun" Dance Troupe on the
occasion of the 20th anniversary, I wish new endeavors and upheavals,
days full of creative achievements."

ArmenTel Pledges To Digitize 80 Percent Fixed-Line Tel Stations This


July 24

Eighty percent of analog stations of fixed-line
telephone network will have been digitized by the end of this year, Director
General of ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) Neicho Velichkov said at the Novosti
International Press Centre. Currently, only 58 percent stations are
digitized in Armenia.

The remaining part will be digitized via the CDMA (Code Division Multiple
Acces) system. The stationary communication will be totally digitized next
year making Armenia the first ever country in the world with 100-percent
digitized fixed-line communication, Mr. Velichkov said.

The number of the company’s subscribers has increased by 30,000 this
year to reach 650,000. Mr. Velichkov said they are expecting another
30,000-35,000 users to join the company by the end of this year. N.H.

Armenian Defense Minister: Rubezh 2008 First Large-Scale Joint Milit


July 23

On Tuesday, Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan, speaking at the
opening of Rubezh 2008 military exercises, said that these exercises
are the first large-scale joint maneuvers held by Collective Security
Treaty Organization.

He said that besides Armenian and Russian troops, Central Asian armies
will take part in the maneuvers.

"Accumulated experience was taken into account in organization of
the exercises", Ohanyn said.

He thinks the maneuvers will confirm the reasonability of involving
National Security Council’s operational groups and state-governing
bodies of Armenia in the process.

The first stage of the exercises was launched on Tuesday.

Rubezh 2008 four-stage joint military exercises will be held in Russia
and Armenia in summer-fall 2008. About 4,000 servicemen from Armenia,
Russia and Tajikistan will participate in the manoeuvres.

Armoured troops, conventional artillery, army artillery groups, ground
attack aircrafts and engineer troops will participate in the exercises.

Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and
Tajikistan are CSTO members.

Talk Of War From Azerbajan, Over Nagorno-Karabakh


July 17, 2008

Having spent heavily on its military, Azerbaijan has raised the
possibility of recovering Nagorno-Karabakh and its other occupied
territories by force.

Although the forthcoming presidential election is a factor, this more
aggressive stance is not mere bluster. Azerbaijan is frustrated at the
failure of 14 years of negotiation and has concluded that a credible
military threat might be the best way to force the Karabakh Armenians
to make concessions–or, if that fails, to drive them out.

Talk of war OSCE observers carried out an unscheduled monitoring of
one section of the ceasefire line by Nagorno-Karabakh on July 16th,
following allegations from both sides of violations. The atmosphere
has been tense ever since Azerbaijan’s president, Ilham Aliyev,
said in early June that although Azerbaijan would continue to take
political steps to recover Karabakh and neighbouring territories
under Armenian control, "we should be ready to liberate our lands in
a military way at any time." He added that Azerbaijan’s army was the
strongest in the region.

In the wake of Mr Aliyev’s remarks there has been considerable debate
in Azerbaijan’s press regarding a military solution to the Karabakh

Armenian politicians have been deeply critical, seeking to draw
international attention to Mr Aliyev’s remarks and to generate support
for their position. Within Karabakh itself, the response has been less
diplomatic. On July 16th the entity’s defence minister claimed that
he had sufficient military capability to repel any Azerbaijani attack.

As the exchanges of gunfire across the ceasefire line in recent
weeks attest, Karabakh is not really a frozen conflict–nor has it
been for much of the time since the 1994 ceasefire. For Azerbaijan
moreover, the stakes are enormous: some 15% of its territory is
under occupation. In addition to Karabakh, seven other regions within
Azerbaijan’s internationally recognised borders are being held by the
Karabakh Armenians, only two of which are needed to maintain a land
connection to Armenia. The occupation of the seven regions arguably
arouses more ire within Azerbaijan than the occupation of Karabakh
itself, because there is no political justification for it.

The major change in the situation in recent years has been on
the Azerbaijani side: the army that lost the war is undergoing a
transformation funded by the country’s oil windfall. Mr Aliyev said
recently that defence spending had risen tenfold since 2003 and now
stood at $2USbn annually.

Already this is far in excess of Armenia’s defence budget and it is
set to rise still further. The military hardware that Azerbaijan
has acquired is not on its own regarded as sufficient to recover
the occupied territories, but it is a statement of intent. The
crucial element is understood to be the quality of Azerbaijan’s
troops. Pointedly, Mr Aliyev said in early June that their
professionalism is increasing daily.

Welling frustration The more bellicose tone adopted by Azerbaijan’s
government is probably connected in part to the presidential election
due later this year, which Mr Aliyev is all but certain to win. However
it is wrong simply to ascribe the increase in war talk to electoral

Azerbaijan is deeply dissatisfied with the work of the OSCE’s Minsk
Group, which comprises the US, Russia and France and is charged with
seeking a solution to the conflict. Since 1994, the Minsk Group has
achieved little or nothing. In Azerbaijani eyes, Russia prefers to
keep the conflict frozen in order to preserve its own influence in
the Caucasus. France is regarded as passive and biased in favour of
Armenia because of the Armenian diaspora among its citizenry. Most
hope is invested in the US, but it is viewed as having failed to
overcome Russian obstructionism (and the US too has an influential
Armenian diaspora).

Muscular diplomacy – The frustration with the Minsk Group is
understandable, but perhaps misses the point. The conflict has
remained frozen not because the mechanisms are wrong, but because
there is insufficient political will on both sides to compromise. The
conflict is deadlocked because, while the status quo is unacceptable
to Azerbaijan, the Karabakh Armenians are broadly satisfied with
it–or rather, they prefer the status quo to a compromise that would
involve the loss of a land-bridge to Armenia or the acceptance of
substantial autonomy in Azerbaijan. Hence the failure to reach a
negotiated solution.

Until recently, the threat of Azerbaijani military action was not
sufficiently serious to sway Karabakh Armenian calculations. Baku
seems to have concluded that the best way forward is to change the
other side’s calculations by posing a more credible military threat.

It is therefore wrong to dismiss Azerbaijan’s re-armament and more
aggressive stance merely as pre-election bluster. It is a response
to the failure of conflict resolution, and it betrays a belief that
a change the balance of power in the region is one way to force the
Armenian side to be more flexible in negotiations. For Azerbaijan’s
leadership, this course of action has the added attraction of creating
an option to seek to recover the territories by force if its more
muscular diplomacy fails.