Rose Marie Gavoor


Exeter News-Letter
July 15 2008

EXETER — Rose Marie Gavoor(ian) Nee Kalepgian-Zorian, 96, died
Tuesday, July 8, 2008, at RiverWoods in Exeter.

She was born June 5, 1912, in the Forest Hill section of Newark,
N.J. She attended public schools there and studied art and fashion
design at the Fawcett School of Fine & Industrial Art.

She married Rouben Gavoor in 1936 and left for Europe in 1956 when her
husband was sent on assignment for the State Department Agency for
International Development. After serving his country in Yugoslavia,
Nepal, Sudan, and Ethiopia they retired to Rye in 1968.

She is survived by one nephew, John Fahr of New Jersey; several cousins
and beloved members of her husband’s family, the Fernalds and Quirks
of Rye; first cousins Gloria and Marie Zakarian of New Jersey and
Richard Zorian Devan of Norristown, Penn.; the Aftandilians, Baronians,
Carol O’Brien and Wisner families all of Massachusetts; Aram Gavoor
and family of Michigan and Richard Gavoor and family of Summit, N.J.

WE REMEMBER: Mrs. Gavoor was a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church
in Portsmouth; an active volunteer worker for 10 years; a member of
the Art Study Group; the Rye Garden Club; the Tuesday Club, serving
as publicity chairman for both clubs; the Rye Arts and Crafts. She
was a former member of the Guild of Strawbery Banke and the Armenian
Relief Society in Washington, D.C.

Funeral services were held July 11 in St. John’s Episcopal Church,

Memorial donations may be made to the Saints Vartanantz Armenian
Church, 180 Old Westford Rd, Chelmsford, MA 01824; Armenian Assembly of
America, 122 C Street NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC, 20001; Armenian
Children’s Milk Fund, P.O. Box 652, Belmont, MA 2178-0005.

Arrangements are by the J. Verne Wood Funeral Home — Buckminster

Saroyan Photo Exhibit On Display In Sacramento



JU LY 15


A Fresno photo exhibit from January featuring images of famed writer
William Saroyan now is on view at the California State Capitol Museum
in Sacramento. The author of the the black-and-white photographs is
photographer Boghos Boghossian. They were taken of Saroyan on visits
to his ancestral homeland of Armenia in 1976 and 1978. The Boghossian
pictures capture the dramatic visage of an older Saroyan in different
moods and surroundings. The exhibit started June 30 and runs through
Aug. 24.

ANKARA: Mehmet Yilmaz: The Thing Missing In The Ergenekon Investigat


July 14 2008

Something drew my attention in the news published in the country’s
dailies on Sunday regarding the Ergenekon investigation:

A connection is being established between the Ergenekon Terrorist
Organization’s "chaos creating acts" and the Hrant Dink Assassination*
and the attack against the Council of State.

The opinion of a connection between the hand grenades found in a house
in the Umraniye district of Istanbul and the Council of State attack
case has emerged as the investigation has unfolded.

At that time, the court did not take the opinion of a connection into
consideration when it handed down its ruling on the case.

On the other hand, the trial for the assassination of Hrant Dink is
still continuing and so far we have not witnessed any efforts to make
a connection between this case and the Ergenekon investigation.

Moreover, it is obvious that the negligence of the police and the
gendarmerie intelligence services had led to his murder, yet we have
not heard anything reports that the investigation is deepening in
that direction.

Perhaps if it had, it might have been possible to understand the
branches of the Ergenekon network within the state.

This why I am suspicious about the methods being executed in this

Some very serious claims are being made, yet the branches of this
network are not even on the agenda of the investigation.

Note: Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, was shot dead outside his
in Istanbul in January 2007 by a nationalist minor. The assasination
created a huge reaction in Turkey and hundreds of thousands of people
held demonstrations to protest the incident.

Blast In Georgian Rebel Region Kills 4

Blast in Georgian Rebel Region Kills 4
Michael Schwirtz

The New York Times Company
July 8, 2008

MOSCOW — An explosion in a cafe in a separatist region of the former
Soviet republic of Georgia killed four people Sunday night, including
a security service official from the rebel government. Six people
were injured in the blast.

It was latest in at least half a dozen bombings in less than a week
in Abkhazia and the first to cause deaths.

Although no suspects have been identified, leaders of the separatist
government blamed Georgia, which they accused of inflaming a 15-year
conflict that has been marked by increasing violence in recent
months. Georgia, which claims Abkhazia as part of its territory,
has denied involvement.

The bomb exploded at about 11 p.m. Sunday at a café in the city of
Gali in the southeast of Abkhazia close to the Georgian border, said
Alkhad D. Cholokua, a spokesman for the president of the separatist
government. The blast killed the chief of the security service in
Gali, along with a border guard. A female employee of the cafe and a
translator for the United Nations mission in Abkhazia were also killed.

"We are considering many possibilities, but the main theory is that
this was a terrorist attack," said Mr. Cholokua.

Sergei V. Bagapsh, Abkhazia’s president, told the Interfax news
agency on Monday that Georgia had planted the bomb to "destabilize
the regional situation."

"The new incident confirms that Georgia has taken the path of state
terrorism," he said.

Abkhazia, a slice of mountains and subtropical beaches on the Black
Sea, gained de facto independence from Georgia following a fierce
war from 1992 to 1993 that left thousands dead. Since then, sporadic
violence has punctuated an uneasy stalemate.

The conflict intensified after Georgia’s president, Mikheil
Saakashvili, took office in 2004 vowing to bring Abkhazia and another
breakaway region, South Ossetia, under Georgia’s control. In recent
months, Abkhaz officials have accused Georgia of preparing for
another war.

Shota Utiashvili, a senior official in the Georgian interior ministry,
said Georgia had nothing to do with Sunday’s explosion.

"We heard from the media about the explosion in Gali," he said. "All
the information that we have about that explosion comes from open

Georgian police are also investigating five nearly simultaneous
explosions just across the border from Gali in the Georgian-controlled
Zugdidi region, Mr. Utiashvili said. One police officer was slightly

Georgia has accused Russia in the past of aiding the separatists,
providing them with weapons and other equipment. Russia says it
maintains a peacekeeping force of about 2,500 troops in Abkhazia,
although Georgia says there could be hundreds more clandestinely
training and leading Abkhaz units.

Moscow has repeatedly denied the claims, and charges Georgia with
stoking tensions.

In a meeting with President Bush on Monday at the Group of 8 meeting
in Japan, President Dmitry A. Medvedev of Russia said his country was
prepared to normalize relations with Georgia, but that Georgia lacked
the will to move toward reconciliation, the Kremlin Web site said.

A day earlier, according to the Kremlin site, Mr. Medvedev met
with Mr. Saakashvili in Astana, Kazakhstan, and warned his Georgian
counterpart against "inflaming the situation in the region."

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LTP calls on president to dissociate from his predecessor Kocharyan

Leader of Armenian opposition calls on incumbent president of Armenia
to dissociate from his predecessor – ex-president Robert Kocharyan

2008-07-04 23:09:00

ArmInfo. The first president of Armenia, leader of opposition Levon
Ter-Petrossyan called on the incumbent RA president Serzh Sargsyan to
dissociate from his predecessor Robert Kocharyan.

At the July 4 multi-thousand strong rally of opposition supporters near
Matenadaran Depositary of Ancient Manuscripts, Levon Ter-Petrossyan
said that the incumbent president has two ways of his further activity.
The first way of Serzh Sargsyan is to release all the political
prisoners, stop political persecutions against opposition, and
reconsider the monopoly policy in the economy. "If Serzh Sargsyan takes
these steps, he may try to legitimize himself by participating in snap
presidential election. In this case, Sargsyan will be able to be a more
or less serious rival for me. However, I see that Serzh Sargsyan is
inclined to the second variant, i.e. he will continue the evil policy.
Over three months in presidential office, he did nothing except beating
a record in banning opposition’s rallies and appointing more an more
incompetent people to posts", Ter-Petrossyan said.

New Dubai Raffles now dominates the skyline

Coastweek, Kenya
July 04 – 10, 2008


Coastweek – – The new Dubai Raffles is a 19 storey Pyramid.

Development is the name
of the game in the city !


Coastweek – – A "Pyramid” shaped hotel now dominates the skyline in

It is a development by ‘Raffles’ responsible for Raffles hotel in
Singapore, one of the most famous hotels in the world.

This new Dubai Raffles is a 19 storey Pyramid with 248 Suites palatial
in style, in size and include a Royal, penthouse and presidential
suite they are thermatically styled with Middle eastern and Asian

It is situated within the Wafi complex on Sheikh Zyed road and only
five kilometres from the Dubai international airport.

Also offered is the Raffles Amrita spa including seven treatment rooms
Gym Sauna and Jacuzzi.

A one hectare Raffles botanical garden culinary preferences spanning
the globe are served at the eleven restaurants and bars.

Located at the pinnacle of the new Raffles pyramid Dubai is the
‘Asiana’ restaurant offering a new business lunch with tantalising
flavours from the far East and mesmerising views from every seat.

¢ Raffles in Singapore was built in the French renaissance stlye
and has been described as an architectural rarity it has been utilised
for many different purposes including being taken over by others.

It was renovated in 1991 to look very much as it was when first built.

It had a British Colonial ambiance but was built by Armenian pioneers.

It opened in November 1896 and gazetted as a National monument in

Among its guests, Royalty from Europe, Thailand, Japan, the middle
East and Malaysia, writers like Rudyard Kipling, Somerset Maughan and
Noel Coward, many Distinguished personalities and film stars.

¢ Development is the name of the game in Dubai: one of the latest
being the introduction of trams.

The ‘AL Safoo’ tram will transport up to 200,000 passengers a day.

It will be the first tram to have a specific section designed for
women and children only.

The present demand for transport is badly needed as the roads are very

¢ Meanwhile the Cargo arm of Emirates Airline has extended to

The new Guangshou service will provide Chinese shippers with an
additional 80 plus tonnes of weekly belly hold cargo capacity in each

Said Ram Mensen Divisional Senior Vice President Cargo:


"The addition of Guangzhou to our network will offer shippers to and
from Southern China even better connections to their trading partners
around the world."

Baku: Qanira Pashayeva: "Representatives Of Foreign Companies, Funct


04 July 2008

We should seriously deal with the problem of Armenia’s attracting
foreign companies to activity in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan",
said deputy Qanira Pashayeva at a session of Azerbaijani parliament

"Foreign companies, functioning in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan
in some cases present their apologizes to our government, yet they
do not cease their activity", said she.

The deputy offered to adopt a definite law according to which
all persons, working in foreign companies, functioning in the
Armenian-occupied Azerbaijani lands, will be declared Persona non
Grata in Azerbaijan.

"This norm should refer to everyone, who will transfer to another
company and try to set business in Azerbaijan", noted Pashayeva.

According To Levon Zurabian, Armenia Uses Vote In Pace To Justify An



Ju ly 3

Why does Armenia need a vote in PACE if the authorities use it not
for recognition of Karabakh independence, but only for justification
of their own anti-popular actions inside the country?

Levon Zurabian, a representative of the National Movement, asked such
a rhetorical question at the July 3 press conference.

According to him, the Armenian delegation in PACE used its whole
potential only for retaining the power in their own country. Making
many proposals and achieving rather serious changes in draft Resolution
N 1620, the delegation, according to the speaker, did not strain any
effort during the discussion of the resolution regarding Azerbaijan,
therefore formulations absolutely inadmissible for the Armenian people
appeared in the resolution. He said that the loss of the vote "will be
a very serious slap in the face of the Armenian authorities," which
isolating them on the international arena, will make them undertake
serious changes to restore democracy in the country.

Touching upon the rally planned to be held on July 4 near Matenadaran,

Zurabian stated that if the policemen try to hinder its holding,
they will carry out illegal actions. He said that though Mayor’s
Office has not responded to their application, according to the law On
Holding Meetings, Gatherings, Marches, and Demonstrations that came
in force from July 26, unless a decision is made within 72 hours,
the organizers have a right to hold the rally within the framework
of the submitted application.

Tbilisi: Wissol To Continue Green Initiatives


0/06/2008 17:14

Throughout the whole hot summer season Wissol plans to continue its
Unleaded Future campaign with green initiatives by the coast of the
Black Sea. So wait for surprises and the ‘Green Inspector’ to find
you on the beach.

Pirveli Card holders will benefit the most so while packing your
suitcase don’t forget to grab the first cumulative discount card for
physical clients in Georgia that awards for loyalty. The FINANCIAL
talked to Nino Dgvepadze, the Marketing Director of Wissol Petroleum
Georgia, to know more about the surprises the company promises for
the summer season.

Q. On June 5 Wissol joined the World Environment Day celebration
and started its grand campaign Unleaded Future, what activities are
planned to continue the campaign?

A. Our green initiative will cover the whole Adjara seaside. In
addition we will surprise our card holders as well but I’ll keep the
details secret for a while longer. The card will be useful not only
during your travels but all over the Adjara region.

As for the World Environment Day celebration this year it was dedicated
to the problem of climate change. Wissol Group, one of the biggest
business groups in Georgia, is the leader in the energy sector. Thus
it acknowledges the importance of contributing to the development of
society at large and implements policies and projects that affect
and concern all of the stakeholders. The organizer of the Marathon
and bicycle race was Wissol Petroleum Georgia in cooperation with the
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) representation in Georgia
and with the patronage of the Ministry of Environment Protection and
Natural Resources.

The project partners included: Renault, CENN, REC, World Vision and
the American Chamber of Commerce in Georgia (AmCham). Media partners:
Rustavi 2, Kviris Palitra, The FINANCIAL newspaper, The Georgian
Business Week, GBC, Georgia Today, Georgian Times, Autobuild, Focus
and Names ( Sakhelebi).

Levan Pkhakadze, one of the founders of Wissol and the Deputy
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, took part in the bicycle race
inspiring others to join. World Vision’s David Womble and students,
journalists, representatives from international organizations, the
Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources and others
took part in the race.

In compliance with Wissol philosophy environmental issues are one
of the top priorities for the company. We strongly believe that no
company can state to be socially responsible without accepting its
responsibility to the health and safety of its customers, employers
and the community in which it operates. This is the reason why Wissol
made the strategic decision to import the highest quality Italian fuel
to the Georgian market notwithstanding high transportation costs. We
work to supply stable environmentally less polluting products to the
market that means the fuel we import is unleaded and all the components
correspond to modern European standards. Our partner is SGS laboratory
which has equipment of the highest standards and professional staff
to make sophisticated quality tests of our fuel after it crosses the
border. In 2006 International certification body SGS granted the ISO
9001:2000 quality management certificate to Wissol for its outstanding
quality management processes. It is very important to state that only
importing quality products without applying sophisticated quality
control procedures does not mean that the end-customers are getting
the same quality that was started with. A Quality Control laboratory,
the right procedures and permanent control of oil terminals and the
reservoirs at stations are decisive to ensuring that the quality you
get from the source reaches the customers. These are the milestones
the company stands on.

Q. Wissol was general sponsor of the Caucasus Cup in bicycle racing,
how active is the company in sport development in the country?

A. Yes, Tbilisi hosted the Caucasus Cup in bicycle racing on 10-13
June, where two Georgian teams, Turkish, Azeri and Armenian teams
were racing for victory.

Wissol took the strategic decision to intensify its commitment to
sport development in Georgia and encourage healthy lifestyle in the
country. Thus the company started building two rugby stadiums and
one cycle track last month in the Dighomi district and acquired
the legendary rugby club Kochebi as well. Established in 1959 at
the Polytechnic Institute by the legendary Jak Aspetian, Rugby Club
Kochebi has been winner of the Georgian National Rugby Championship
three times since the independence of the country, is three times
winner of the sevens rugby National Championship and one time winner
of the Georgian Rugby Cup.

Q. What are the key social responsibility issues that the company is
focused on?

A. Wissol contributes to the development of the country through
paying taxes to the State Budget. In the meantime it acknowledges the
importance of contributing to the development of society at large,
thus implementing policies and projects that affect and concern all

We value the trust our customers have placed in us and work to
safeguard this trust through permanent market research and customer
satisfaction surveys. We work to identify and respond to the needs
and demands of our customers by offering service products innovations
to the Georgian market.

CIS Interior Mins. Council discuss fighting against cyber terrorism



YEREVAN, JUNE 28, ARMENPRESS: The CIS Interior Ministers Council
convened today in Batumi, the capital of Georgia’s autonomous republic
of Ajaria.

The gathering’s participants are discussing establishment of a CIS
hot line to fight against cyber terrorism and organized crime.

The opening speech was made by Georgian Interior Minister Ivane
Merabishvili, who thanked all for being able to take part in the
Council’s meeting.

The chairmanship of the Council was passed by Azerbaijan to Georgia.