Boris Navasardyan: Legislative Reforms On Activity Of National Commi


2008-06-27 16:35:00

Legislative reforms on activity of National Commission on TV and Radio
should be carried out in Armenia, Chairman of the Yerevan Press Club
Boris Navasardyan said during the discussion on Resolution 1620 passed
at PACE on June 26.

According to him, one should work out proposals on this issue as soon
as possible. "We demand that the members of the National Commission
on Television and Radio resign voluntarily, this way they will
contribute to the reforming process in this sphere. Certainly, this
is not an assessment of their work", Navasardyan stressed. Touching
upon implementation of the demands of PACE Resolution "On Functioning
of Democratic Institutions in Armenia", Navasardyan said: "Everybody
says that Armenia failed to implement the resolution completely,
why wasn’t Armenia punished then?" He also pointed out that European
structures take complex decisions with respect to Armenia, taking
into consideration Armenia’s neighbor Azerbaijan as well. Navasardyan
thinks that in January Europe’s position on implementation of the
resolution’s demands will depend on how the presidential election
in Azerbaijan will be held in October 2008. He added that to gain
specific results, both the opposition and the authorities should
intensively participate in carrying out the tasks set by Europe.

Open letter to Greek PM

Eleni matheou

Hellenic News of America
June 26 2008

Dear Prime minister,

We the undersigned: Hellenes of Diaspora, Hellenes of Greece,
Armenians, Assyrians and other descendants of the historical peoples
of Asia Minor; and, Philhellenes from many nations, are writing to
express our shock and outrage that your Administration is seeking, in
an arbitrary action of doubtful legality, to delete the word "Genocide"
as a response to annoyance expressed by Turkish regime officials.

Three years ago, Law 2645 passed unanimously by the Parliament and
subsequently ruled constitutional by the Council of State, calls
for the recognition of September 14 as a day of Remembrance of the
Genocide of Hellenism in Asia Minor.

Respectfully we urge you, NOT to remove the word "Genocide" in trying
to respond to demands by the authoritarian Kemalist regime presently
ruling the Turkish people.

System Of A Down Interested In Eurovision 2009?

25.06.2008 12:31

After Armenia received its best result ever this year with Sirusho, the
world-famous rock band System of a Down has shown a keen interest in
representing the country in Russia next year, independent correspondent
Jean Eckian informed.

However, the soloist of the American band, Serj Tankian, has openly
stated in a recent visit in Finland that this will be under one
condition: if they will be able to use Eurovision as a way to make
the much-debated Armenian Genocide issue known. "Eurovision would be
an excellent way to make this theme known. We must seriously think
of this." Tankian said.

System of a Down is very politically active and are noted for the
liberal political views expressed in their songs, tackling myriad
subjects including the War on Drugs, religion, drug use, and especially
censorship. They have actively campaigned to get Turkey to recognize
the Armenian Genocide and the subject is reflected in their songs.

Russian, Armenian Presidents Target $1 Bln In Bilateral Trade


RIA Novosti
June 24 2008

Armenian President Serzh Sarkisyan said annual trade between Armenia
and Russian should pass $1 billion in a couple of years.

"Trade has significantly increased, but I suggest that in a year or two
this figure will be valued not in millions of dollars, but billions,"
said the Armenian leader, who is in Moscow on a three-day visit.

"It is a good aim, let’s work on this together," Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev said.

Last year, trade between the two countries reached $800 million,
and Medvedev said Russian investors had poured $1.2 billion into
Armenia’s economy.

Hon. Jason Kenney Honoured with ANCC Man of the Year Award

Armenian National Committee of Canada
Comité National Arménien du Canada
130 Albert St., Suite/Bureau 1007
Ottawa, ON
Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622 Fax/Téléc. (613) 238-2622


June 13, 2008

Contact: Roupen Kouyoumjian

Hon. Jason Kenney Honoured with ANCC Man of the Year Award

Ottawa–Hon. Jason Kenney, Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and
Canadian Identity, received the Armenian National Committee of
Canada’s (ANCC) "Man of the Year" award at a June 11 reception held by
the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia and the ANCC to celebrate the
90th anniversary of the independence of the First Republic of
Armenia. The ceremony was held at the National Press building.

Members of Parliament, the diplomatic corps, journalists,
intellectuals, NGOs and prominent members of the Canadian-Armenian
community attended the milestone celebration of one the most proud
chapters of Armenian history.

After playing the national anthems of Canada and Armenia, master of
ceremonies Tina Soulahian invited Dr. Girair Basmadjian, president of
the ANCC, to deliver the opening remarks.

Dr. Basmadjian said that he considered the establishment of the first
republic in 1918, after 600 years of occupation by the Ottoman Empire
as `a resurrection of a nation that was condemned to annihilation
three years before that date–a resurrection that proved to be the
precursor for a rapid establishment of all the necessary institutions
of a sovereign state.’

Commenting on the current state of Nagorno-Karabagh, Dr. Basmadjian
drew a parallel between Nagorno-Karabagh and Kosovo. He said: `Because
of the decisions taken by the free world regarding Kosovo, we dare
think that international policy makers have realized the importance of
the principle of self-determination over the territorial integrity of
sovereign states.’

Arman Akopian, charge d’affaires of the Republic of Armenia in Canada,
lamented the loss of the first republic which ` lasted only
two-and-a-half years and was eventually destroyed by the invading Red
Army.’ Akopian said that he valued the achievements of the First
Republic which `managed to create a new spirit of freedom and liberty
and eventually became a powerful and highly cherished symbol that
remained an inexhaustible source of hope and aspiration for several
generations in Armenia and in Diaspora. When in 1991 Armenia, for the
second time during the 20th century, fully restored its independence,
there was no debate about the state symbols, and the proud tricolour
flag of the First Republic was once again raised over the Parliament,
said Akopian.

Aris Babikian, the executive director of ANCC, said Hon. Kenney is `a
man whose energy, commitment and principled stand on human rights has
made him a legend in many segments of our civil society. He is also a
man who has changed the face of multiculturalism and has played a
central role in shaping government of Canada’s policy vis-a-vis
addressing the injustices which have befallen on our Native people’s
and on many multicultural groups.’

Babikian said that cherished this year’s Man of the Year Award winner
for his `strong faith and moral fortitude’ which `not only shaped his
future and his political career, but has also shaped and touched
everyone’s life who has worked and associated with him. His
humanitarianism, straight talk, sincerity are other remarkable aspects
of the man.’

Dr. Basmadjian presented the award to Hon. Kenney. In his acceptance
remarks, Hon. Kenney said he `was moved by this honour. One of the
most important things to me in my political vocation is human
rights. This is because I was influenced in this direction by the
teachings of John Paul II with respect to the inalienable nature of
human dignity … when one looks at the history of the Armenian
people, one sees an amazing, ancient, centuries-old fight for human
dignity for basic human rights against wave after wave of oppression.

`They struggled to survive against the currents of history. A struggle
which began three millennia ago, but which found its true identity and
rooting in the conversion of the Armenian nation as the first
Christian people."

Casting a long glance at Armenian history, Hon. Kenney said: `We see
in all of Armenian history, from that time in the Armenian kingdom to
today in the modern Armenian republic and in the breadth and dynamism
of the Armenian Diaspora across the world, an amazing story of the
human spirit. A story of struggle against adversity and emerging
against the often unjust, cruel and violent currents of human history.

`Tonight we commemorate the 90th anniversary of the first modern
Armenian republic…We know that that the republic itself was
something of a miracle. 1918, just three years, just a flash of time
after the great calamity, the genocide of 1915, a nation was born from
its ashes, a state was born from destruction of the 1915 calamity.’

The 2008 Man of the Year award winner added: `The idea that the
Armenian people did not give up after the indignity of what happened
to them in 1915, after having been marched through the desert and
rounded up and treated as animals, to have maintained their human
dignity in the face of violence and oppression is a story which must
be of an inspiration to anyone at any time.

`The Armenian community perhaps more than any other is a community
that understands the importance of memory and we, the government of
Canada, the people of Canada, as we saw today with the historic
apology [to native Indian], understand the importance of memory and it
is the importance of memory, which led to the Parliament and
eventually, the government of Canada and Prime Minister Harper to
acknowledge the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide.’

The honoree concluded his remarks by `thanking the Armenian National
Committee of Canada, all of those who do such great work to promote
Canada-Armenia relations today. I accept it [the award] on behalf of
all of those colleagues who’ve worked so hard on these issues and we
rededicate ourselves to that cause. We thank the Armenian community
for its contribution to Canada and for being a voice for human

The Man of the Year award miniature sculpture of famous Armenian
composer and priest Gomidas is the work of Canadian-Armenian Artist
(will add the name).


The ANCC is the largest and the most influential Canadian-Armenian
grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a
network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and
affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCC actively advances
the concerns of the Canadian-Armenian community on a broad range of

Regional Chapters/Sections régionales
Montréal – Laval – Ottawa – Toronto – Hamilton – Cambridge – St. Catharines – Windsor – Vancouver

BAKU: Armenian TV Channels Occupy Air Space I


Azeri Press Agency
June 23 2008

Gazakh. Nazaket Mashadialigizi, Ilhama Isabalayeva-APA. Armenian TV
channels have occupied the air space in near-border Gushchu Ayrim,
Mazam and Farahli villages of Azerbaijan’s Gazakh Region. Local
channels except AzTV are not available in near-border areas. Armenia
installed TV transmitter in near-border area three years ago and
doesn’t allow the Azerbaijani TV channels to air in the above-mentioned

Local residents can watch the local TV channels via satellite
antennas, but the waves of Armenian transmitters enter into their
airs too. Broadcasting of Azerbaijani TV channels are breached
in the evenings particularly. Local residents said despite that
they did not know Armenian language they understood that Armenians
conducted serious TV propaganda on Nagorno Karabakh. They show their
flag over Shusha at the end of advertising spots. Deputy Head of the
Gazakh Regional Executive Authority Farman Hagdaliyev told APA local
bureau they repeatedly appealed the relative organizations on this
problem, but no concrete measures have been taken yet. Nagdaliyev
said mobile communication was weak in near-border areas of Azerbaijan,
but Armenia’s Armencell is quite stronger there. Even Armenians send
message "Welcome to Armenian land" via mobile phones.

Technical director of Teleradio production enterprise of the Ministry
of Communication and Information Technology of Azerbaijan Mikayil
Abbasov told APA that his organization organized only AzTV and
Republican radio broadcasting over the territory of the republic. He
said they had installed transmitters for AzTV broadcasting in all
three villages – Gushchu Ayrim, Mazam and Farahli of Gazakh Region
and thee was no problem in this field. Regarding to other local
channels, Abbasov said they should purchase and install transmitters
for improving of quality of their broadcasting. "According to the
instructions of International Telecommunication Union, wave of one
channel in near-border area can cover 300 km territory. Therefore
Armenian channels enter into our air space and our channels into the
Armenian space".

Senior Adviser of the Ministry of Communication and Information
Technologies Gulam Abdullayev told APA that they would investigate
Armencell activeness in the territory of Gazakh Region.

Metropolitan Diary

Shooshan Danagoulian

New York Times
June 23 2008

A few years ago in May, my husband and I, newlyweds, were heading
to Kennedy Airport to our honeymoon. It was to be a trip around the
world, visiting our families in Armenia, Malaysia and Taiwan. It was
also our last trip out of New York, as the last leg of the journey
would take us to our new home in Philadelphia.

With our suitcases packed, we waited for the van service we had
ordered. It never showed up. With some time to spare, we decided to
head for the subway. After two stations, all trains stopped because of
an incident on the tracks. We were both tired, sore and frustrated. By
then, we were running late, and as we hailed a cab, we were hoping
for miracle to ferry us through the midafternoon Manhattan traffic.

I noticed that the cabdriver was Armenian. Excited, I told the driver
that I was also Armenian, and that the flight we were trying to catch
would take us to Armenia, so that I could introduce my husband to my
homeland. Thrilled, the driver promised to get us to the flight on
time, and delighted us with stories of the many years of his marriage
as we swiftly maneuvered through traffic.

We made it to the flight, and went on to have a spectacular and
adventurous honeymoon. What a memorable cab ride! What an amazing
way to say goodbye to New York!

Minister Of Transport And Communication: Armenian Government Allocat


2008-06-23 12:49:00

Armenian Government allocates necessary funds to publish tender
for third mobile operator in Armenia, Minister of Transport and
Communication of Armenia Gurgen Sargsyan told media Monday.

He said the funds will be provided to one of the subjects that will
announce the tender. Afterwards, applications will be admitted within
10 days. The necessary packages of documents are to be prepared
within 90 days and submitted to the tender commission. The documents
are to be published in October. The minister said that both European
and Asian companies take interest in the tender including Iranian
companies. G. Sargsyan is sure that the tender will be transparent and
meeting international standards. ‘No one will be disappointed with
the selection of the third operator that will offer good quality,
good price and good image’, he said.

At present there are two mobile operators in the Armenian cellular
communication market: ArmenTel (trade mark Beeline) and VivaCell,
the subsidiary of the Russian Mobile TeleSystems (MTS). Earlier,
Russian Megafon Company representative told ArmInfo the company might
participate in the tender.

Facials pioneer Aida Thibiant, 80, is retiring

Los Angeles Times, CA
June 22 2008

Facials pioneer Aida Thibiant, 80, is retiring

The aesthetician who made the deep-cleaning regimen popular now sees
medi-spas as the future.

By Emili Vesilind, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
June 22, 2008

AT ONCE homey and luxurious — boasting a staff of mostly European and
Russian aestheticians who will tell you straight-up when it’s time to
wax that cheek fuzz — Thibiant Beverly Hills has been an institution
for 33 years, having deep-cleaned the pores of almost every major
star, including Deborah Harry, Jodie Foster, Rod Stewart and Hayden

But even well-moisturized eras must end. Now 80, Aida Thibiant is
retiring and selling her business to plastic surgeon Harry Glassman
and his business partner, Herminio Llevat. Though Thibiant will stay
on for a year as a consultant, the new owners will be converting the
business into a medical spa by September, delegating a suite of
treatment rooms for Botox, Restylane and lasers.

The change-over is a sign of the times, as more spas morph into
medical facilities. Facials can delay aging, but injections can erase
time — if only temporarily.

Thibiant is part of a generation of beauty pioneers (think Estée
Lauder and Georgette Klinger) who took the concept of skin care from
at-home, waxy cold creams to professionally administered regimens. But
with the rise of filler injections, that epoch is also ending.

"I wasn’t going toward the medi-spa, but that’s the future," said
Thibiant, who speaks with a lilting Armenian accent and is usually
clad in a neat tweed Chanel or Escada. "I have to follow the flow."

Glassman, who will be at the spa two days a week, said the facility
and its staff will otherwise remain unchanged.

Thibiant, who was raised in France and studied to be an aesthetician
in Paris in the 1950s, immigrated to L.A. with her late husband Michel
Thibiant and her two teenage sons in 1970. Back then, few Americans
knew what an aesthetician was.

But they soon learned. While she was working at the Sanctuary, a
trendy fitness center in Beverly Hills in the early ’70s, Thibiant’s
facials became a favorite of Ali McGraw and other celebrities,
garnering glowing reviews in Vogue and beauty journals that coined her
the "face saver to the stars." Her philosophy was to "always nurture,
build up and protect the skin," or to let the skin do what it’s able
to do naturally. Not exactly a medi-spa doctrine.

She launched her first spa in Beverly Hills in 1972. Her tough-love
facial became the industry standard: It emphasized deep cleaning over
easy massage, meaning extractions to the nth degree.

In the 1980s, she developed the still-popular skin-care line Principal
Secret with Victoria Principal. Her TV spots helped solidify the
current mode of celebrity-paired-with-expert format in beauty

Even though Thibiant is retiring, her products are not. Llevat will
work with Thibiant in the coming year to create a new skin care line,
the first to be distributed outside the spa. The beauty maven has lots
of practice, having launched her first products in 1978 via Thibiant
International Inc., a beauty manufacturing factory in Chatsworth that
Michel Thibiant spearheaded in the ’70s. It now manufactures Guinot
Paris skin care products in the U.S. and others for big-name beauty

"I always dreamed of having my skin-care line everywhere," she
said. "I didn’t have time to do it before. You actually can do
everything, but you can’t do everything perfectly. And now it’s going
to happen after I retire." Thibiant smiles and shakes her head. "It’s

http://www.latimes .com/features/printedition/image/la-ig-beauty22-20 08jun22,0,122047.story

Leader Of Opposition Levon Ter-Petrosyan Doesn’t Rule Out Possible A


2008-06-20 21:55:00

ArmInfo. ‘If it is found out as a result of investigation that the
so- called special task force of Karabakh was really involved in
the March 1 operation against Armenian people, Nagorno-Karabakh
President Bako Sahakyan should be announced a persona non grata in
Armenia’, the first president of Armenia Levon Ter- Petrosyan said
at a multi-thousand strong rally in the center of Yerevan, Friday.

According to him, dampening of the domestic political tension in
Armenia is possible only in case of thorough investigation of the
criminal actions of law-enforcers and officials on March 1 and the
release of all the political prisoners. ‘A total of 130 supporters
of the Nationwide Movement were arrested, however, non of them is
accused of using arms or participating in pogroms. 4 participants
in robberies of shops were detained, one of them turned out to be a
friend of Robert Kocharyan’s son, the other three were Serzh Sargsyan’s
election agents. I call on the present authorities to arrest all the
robbers without doubting they will find not a single supporter of
opposition among them’, Ter-Petrosyan said. He also expressed his
indignation at the fact that the relatives of the tragic events’
victims have not been acknowledged the assignees of the victims so
far. He called on the authorities ‘to award a title of the national
hero of Armenia to all those who died during the massacre initiated
by Robert Kocharyan’. ‘This concerns military men, too, as they are
also victims of the criminal regime’, Ter-Petrosyan stressed.