Krzysztof Penderecki To Be Honorary Chairman Of Prospects Of 21st Ye


Noyan Tapan
April 11, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 11, NOYAN TAPAN. Henceforth the days of world-famous
composer and conductor Krzysztof Penderecki in Armenia will become
traditional and Penderecki himself will become the Honorary Chairman of
the Prospects of 21st International Music Festival. Stepan Rostomian,
the festival Director, said on April 11. According to him, Krzysztof
Penderecki’s visit to Armenia is a historic event, as one of "the last
of the Mohicans" of great music of the 20th century visited Armenia
thanks to this festival of classical music having international

During his second meeting with Armenian journalists Penderecki said
that he is too impressed by the festival. "The festival is organized
in line with all international standards. And orchestras and choirs,
which performed my works, showed high professionalism," Mr Penderecki
said. The maestro is especially impressed by the performances of
the Armenian State Academic and Hover chamber choirs conducted by
Hovhannes Chekijian and Sona Hovhannisian.

Krzysztof Penderecki is especially delighted with performances of
Komitas’ works (for instance, Chekijian’s choir, on April 7, before
Penderecki’s Stabat Mater performed Sand Song by Komitas). "Komitas
is unique and cannot be compared with anyone. He is very close to
his national traditions," he emphasized. The maestro said that his
next work will have Armenian lyrics.

According to the world-famous composer, when creating for him the
most important is not form, but the cosmic material that is the
basis of the creation. The musician having Armenian roots feels a
complete Polish and in the respect of creation he is international,
with traditions of German classical music as a basis.

Krzysztof Penderecki expressed gratitude to festival’s organizers
for giving him a possibility to visit Armenia. The maestro also said
that he gained "good friends in Armenia, with which I am connected
through not only music, but also through human relationship." And
as Mr Rostomian said, world-famous cellist, Mstislav Rostropovich’s
last Moscow student Ivan Monighetti has made much contribution in
the issue of maestro’s coming to Armenia. I.

Monighetti for already several times has participated in the Armenian

Krzysztof Penderecki’s wife, Elzbieta Penderecka, who was present at
the meeting and is the Chairwoman of Beethoven International Music
Festival being held In Warsaw, said that Armenia will take part in
that authoritative festival from next year.

Famous musician-performers Ivan Monighetti, Andrzej Bauer, Chrisian
Altenburger, Arto Noras, and Michele Letik taking part in Penderecki
festival said that they have good impressions from Armenia. In
particular, they highly evaluated the fact that there are many
young people among concert’s spectators, who take interest in modern
music. They also noted that elderly people and pensioners are mainly
among the spectators in European countries.

Lincy Foundation Officials Visited Hovsepian School And Western Dioc


Noyan Tapan
April 11, 2008

Officials in the face of Jay Rakon and Harout Sasounian, visited the
Alfred and Marguerite Hovsepian School of St. Gregory the Illuminator
Armenian Church in Pasadena, on April 8. His Eminence Archbishop
Hovnan Derderian, Vicar General, and the Vice-Chair of the Diocesan
Council, lawyer Mr. Joseph Kanimian, Mr. Armen Hampar, the Chair
of the Cathedral Building Committee, Benefactor Shahe Shahbazian,
Architect Mr. Kaaren Khoudikian, and Mr. Raffi Kendirjian greeted The
Lincy Foundation new President Mr. Jay Rakow and Mr. Harut Sassounian,
Senior Vice-President of the Foundation.

During the meeting His Eminence congratulated Mr. Rakow for his
appointment to the presidency of The Lincy Foundation and praised The
Lincy Foundation for its enormous contribution to Armenia as well as
the interest shown by the leadership of the Foundation to the cause of
education in the Diaspora, especially the Armenian schools in Southern
California. His Eminence also gave information on the general programs
of the primacy and especially stressed that the construction work of
the Cathedral will start in May.

Mr. Jay Rakow in his remarks stressed the importance of education and
thanked the dedicated staff of the school for their diligent service.

Armenian Ex-Leader Says Struggle To Continue


April 11 2008

Yerevan, 11 April: Armenia’s ex-President Levon Ter-Petrosyan has
sharply criticized the West and accused it of using "double standards",
read the ex-president’s statement that was circulated in the evening
of 10 April.

Regime receives blessing of "civilized world"

Ter-Petrosyan, who came second in the [19] February presidential
election, said [in the statement] that "the kleptocratic regime
changed its leader in Armenia on 9 April with the blessing of ‘the
civilized world’".

President Serzh Sargsyan’s inauguration was held in Yerevan on 9 April.

"The West confined itself to statements that were outwardly sharp but
in fact empty and irresponsible, thus willingly or unwillingly making
for the reproduction of the criminal authorities of Armenia. Guided
by political motives and double standards, European organizations
took the side of the illegitimate regime, but not of Armenia’s new
civil society that was inspired by the ideas of democracy, freedom
and law-governed state. With the aim to weaken Armenia’s position in
the Karabakh settlement process, the West has preferred to have in
our country a dictatorship that has vulnerable legitimacy rather than
the authorities enjoying people’s confidence," said the ex-president
who ruled the country in 1991-98.

Call on supporters to stop hunger strike to continue struggle

Ter-Petrosyan called on his supporters, who were arrested and detained
on suspicion of organizing mass disturbances on 1 March that resulted
in the eight deaths, to stop their hunger strike.

"Your health, unshakable will and determination are required to
continue the nation-wide struggle. 9 April is not the end, but the
beginning of the sacred struggle and political manifestation of this
struggle will soon be visible to our society. I have no doubt that
the continuation of the nation-wide movement will force the world
community to change its attitude to our state," the ex-president said.

Armenia’s Future Spelled Out In President’s Election Plaform: Prime


April 11, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 11, ARMENPRESS: Armenia’s future is clearly spelled out
in president Serzh Sarkisian’s election program and in the government
plan of actions that was approved by parliament, new prime minister
Tigran Sarkisian said today during a press briefing.

He said the near-term priorities of the government are all singled
out and the government’s goal is to implement them.

He said his government will be working to materialize these ‘ambitious’
programs which he said were also approved by the society.

He said the composition and the structure of the new government will be
clear in few days, adding also that new ministries will be established,
but declined to reveal details.

Interpreting his earlier made remarks that the government will be
pursuing a tough policy and that he will be an exigent premier Tigran
Sarkisian said this means speciation of government ministers’ duties.

Tigran Sarkisian said also he is not going to join any political party
and disagreed with opinions that his no-party affiliation will make
him weaker with little leverages to influence government ministers.

He also endorsed the approaches spelled out by new president in his
inaugural speech on how to diffuse political tensions in the country
saying this is the only way to reconcile the society.

He also confirmed that budget revenues rose by 5 billion drams in
the first quarter.

AGMA: Minnesota Fed Court Confirms Dismissal of Cafesjian Lawsuit

Armenian Genocide Museum of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: 202-383-9009; E-mail: [email protected];

Rouben Adalian
April 11, 2008
Phone: (202) 383-9009
E-mail: [email protected]


Washington-On March 31, 2008, the U.S. District Court in Minnesota
confirmed the October 2007 ruling to dismiss the first lawsuit filed by
Gerard Cafesjian and the Cafesjian Family Foundation against the
Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian Genocide Museum and
Memorial, Inc.

The dismissal of Cafesjian’s lawsuit came within a week of the milestone
approval obtained by the museum project from the District of Columbia
Historic Preservation Review Board and the endorsements by DC
community-based organizations. Rapid progress continues toward the
opening of the museum, which is slated for 2010.

The lawsuit filed by Cafesjian in April 2007 sought to rescind the grant
agreement his Foundation had made with the Armenian Assembly with
respect to the Armenian Genocide Museum project, so that Cafesjian could
recover substantially appreciated real estate. Subsequent filings and
press attacks by Cafesjian were similarly intended to scuttle the
building of a genocide museum.
Cafesjian formally abandoned the project demanding return of appreciated
real estate, leaving behind unpaid taxes, an unpaid mortgage, leaking
roofs, unpaid salaries, unpaid contractors, an illegal lien on the
properties, no audits, and compliance problems with other donors’ gifts,
all of which left the project in tatters.

Despite additional lawsuits filed by Cafesjian in Minnesota and the
District of Columbia in an effort to obstruct the museum project, no
court to date has ruled in Cafesjian’s favor or hindered the rapid
progress registered. The dismissal in Minnesota allows Cafesjian to try
again in the District of Columbia if he chooses, but in a filing dated
April 1, 2008, Cafesjian has apparently appealed the Federal Court
decision to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. At the same time, the
Armenian Assembly has repeatedly called upon Cafesjian to resolve
differences in private through mediation.


Reception At President’s Administration

20:05 09/04/2008

Today a reception ceremony was held in the president’s administration
to congratulate the new president of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. Guests
from international organizations and abroad were invited to the
reception ceremony. The information is provided by the president’s
public relations department.

President Serzh Sargsyan particularly mentioned in his speech:
"We solve the problems continually but they are not cutting down,
but they can be changed by their sense. Today we have many problems
to solve. We should work on them everyday as we know what our people
do expect from us. Their expectations and wish are justified as they
long to have fair society, to live in fair country.

We should overcome the poverty, we should overcome the evil, and we
should overcome the indifference."

Tigran Sargsian Appointed Prime Minister Of Armenia


Noyan Tapan
April 9, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian president Serge Sargsian
on April 9 signed a decree on appointing Tigran Sargsian the prime
minister of the Republic of Armenia, NT was informed by the RA
president’s press service, which also provided the biography of the
newly appointed prime minister.

Tigran Sargsian was born on January 29, 1960, in the city of
Kirovakan (currently Vanadzor). He studied at Yerevan school No
8 after Pushkin in 1967-1977, at Yerevan technical school No 14 in
1977-1978 and at Yerevan Institute of National Economy, Department of
Planning and Economy in 1978-1980. T. Sargsian studied at Leningrad
Financial-Economic Institute in 1980-1983, graduating from it with an
honors degree. In 1983-1987, he attended the post-graduate courses
of this institute, after which he defended a Ph.D. thesis entitled
"The Planning of the Socioeconomic Development of the Region by the
Example of Armenia" and received a scientific degree of Candidate of
Economic Sciences.

A title of Honorary Doctor of Yerevan State University of Economics
was conferred on T. Sargsian on December 2, 2005.

In 1987-1990, T. Sargsian worked as a seniour researcher at the
Research Institute of Economics and Planning, in 1988-1993 he was
the chairman of the Republican Council of Young Specialists and
Scientists. In 1993-1994, he taught at Yerevan State University,
was a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RA, served as chairman
of the Supreme Council’s Standing Committee on Financial, Credit
and Budgetary Issues. In 1995-1998, he was the chairman of the
Association of Armenian Banks, in 1995-2008 he worked as director of
the Institute for Research of Transitional Society. T. Sargsian was
appointed the chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia on March 3,
1998, while in 2005 he was re-appointed to that post. In 2005-2007,
he was the chairman of the Interstate Bank’s board.

T. Sargsian is married and has a daughter and a son.

He is the author of over 20 scientific articles.

He is a non-party man.

He has the miliary rank of reserve officer.

NKR Government Need Not Agree With Armenia On Every Move It Makes


08-04-2008 11:57:34

"I don’t think the NKR government should agree with Armenia on every
move it makes aimed at the recognition of NKR. Independence is the
expression of the will of the people of Karabakh expressed through the
referendum and passage of the Constitution on December 10, 2006. And we
must fulfill the will of our people. Since it is compatible with the
stance of Armenia, other countries and international organizations,
it is already the job of the diplomats and negotiators. As to the
National Assembly, it must observe the provisions of the Constitution,"
said Vahram Atanesyan, chair of the NKR National Assembly Committee
of Foreign Relations.

The NKR minister of foreign affairs Georgy Petrosyan thinks Azerbaijan
is aspiring to maximum benefit from the talks. "Azerbaijan has made
its stance tougher. And it means that the Armenian sides should draw
conclusions and take adequate moves," the minister said.

"The Karabakh side never stated to endorse the principles of Madrid. We
rejected those principles from the beginning," Vahram Atanesyan stated.

The independence and freedom of NKR cannot be an issue of discussion,
the foreign minister added.

DC historic preservation review board approves Genocide Museum

AZG Armenian Daily #065, 05/04/2008

Armenian Genocide


Planners complimented on imaginative use of historic

In a public hearing convened on March 27, the Historic
Preservation Review Board (HPRB), which is charged
with responsibility for the protection, enhancement
and perpetuation of properties of historical, cultural
and aesthetic merit in the District of Columbia, in a
unanimous vote gave concept approval for the Armenian
Genocide Museum of America (AGMA). The plans call for
restoring the exterior of the historical bank
building, modifying the interior to accommodate the
museum exhibits, and building a new glass structure
next to the historic bank, which will be surfaced with
native Armenian stone to complement the bank building.

HPRB Chairman Tersh Boasberg complimented AGMA and its
team for their care in developing a project, "that’s
what historic preservation is all about," adding that
AGMA’s plans for the structure to deal with the
Armenian Genocide were "exciting."

Van Krikorian, chairman of the museum building and
operations committee, opened by thanking HPRB members
for the interest they have taken in the project. He
stated that AGMA is excited about the project, and is
moving forward with special "sensitivity to the
history of the building," and stressed that AGMA
wanted to preserve the historical building in which it
will be housed, especially considering our experience
from the Genocide and Armenians’ own sensitivity to
preserving important historical structures. He thanked
the HPRB and those who had contributed for their
involvement and assistance.

Upon hearing principal architect Gary Martinez present
in detail the proposed museum and the restoration
plans for the former bank building located two blocks
from the White House, HPRB also commended AGMA for the
team assembled to create what it described as a
"highly imaginative project." HPRB described the
museum plans as "dramatic" use of the
historically-designated building. Details of some
sensitive interior issues remain to be worked out as
the development progresses, and AGMA indicated its
flexibility in working with the HPRB in that process.
HPRB Commission members and staff had several
questions and constructive comments.

Earlier in the week, the AGMA planning team made
presentations to the DC Preservation League and the
Advisory Neighborhood Committee’s Community
Development Committee (ANC-CDC). The DC Preservation
League, a community-based organization, strongly
endorsed the project and its representative Patrick
Burkhardt called the proposal to locate a museum in
the historic building a "textbook marriage." The
ANC-CDC also endorsed the project.

Following the unanimous vote, Krikorian again thanked
the HPRB, the AGMA staff, architects, exhibit
planners, and project managers, adding "this is a
great day for all of us committed to opening a first
class Armenian Genocide Museum in Washington." HPRB
Chairman Boasberg closed the hearing by saying that
the Armenian Genocide Museum project will "add to the
kind of vitality that historic preservation can
provide" in the heart of downtown Washington, with a
benefit for the District of Columbia as well as
national and international audiences.

The former National Bank of Washington has interior
and exterior designations on the National Register of
Historic Places. Only a dozen privately-owned
structures in the capital city have such a high level
of historic designation. The bank building is slated
for complete restoration and renovation, as well as
application as the exhibit space for AGMA. HPRB
concept approval and enlistment of local community
support registered two certified milestones in opening
the museum on schedule.

HPRB commissioners are appointed by the mayor of the
District of Columbia. The presentation they heard was
prepared by the firm of Martinez & Johnson
Architecture, whose talents and experience in
rehabilitating especially ornate historic buildings
was noted. The architectural team was supported by
representatives from Gallagher & Associates contracted
by AGMA as its exhibit design firm, the Armenian
National Institute serving as the research arm of the
museum project, and by the project management firm of
Regan Associates.

Martinez & Johnson Architecture and Gallagher &
Associates have been working on the development of the
museum project since mid-2007. Regan Associates joined
the planning team in February of this year. Among
several museum and other projects led by the firm,
most recently Regan Associates completed the
Orientation Center, Education Center, and Museum at
Mount Vernon Estates, the home of President George

Armenian Genocide Museum of America

From March 31 To April 2 Police Apply To Administrative Court With D


Noyan Tapan
April 3, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 3, NOYAN TAPAN. From March 31 to April 2 2008, 10 suits
of RA Police with the demand to call 10 people to administrative
liability on the basis of Article 180.1, RA Criminal Code (On
Violating the Order of Holding Rallies, Meetings, Processions,
and Demonstrations) for administrative offences were accepted for
examination by the RA Administrative Court.

According to Alina Yengoyan, the Spokesperson of the RA Cassation
Court, the Police have introduced suits on the demand to call to
administrative liability Artur Hovhannisian, Mikayel Martirosian,
Hamazasp Grigorian, Hunan Arakelian, Vachagan Simonian, Lavrent
Khachatrian, Artak Silikian, Tigran Movsisian, Artak Ghazarian,
Karen Ghalumian.

It should be mentioned that from March 24 to 31 the Administrative
Court had quashed the following cases: on the demand to call to
administrative liability Mkrtich Gimishian, Aram Karapetian, and
Hovhannes Hovhannisian, about which the RA Police had also introduced