On path of their ancestors…"Neo-Ottomans" pursue Armenian families

 The Armenian families who emigrated more than a century ago after the Ottomans committed the “massacres” and the Holocaust did not surrender to them until their ancestors renewed the grudge and deep-seated hatred they inherited against the components of the region.

This was evident after the Turkish state occupied Syrian territory, pointing its mercenaries at the head of the local and administrative councils that controlled the necks of the components of the region, and the remaining residents of the Syrian regions.

The Armenian people, like other peoples, suffered from the Ottoman Empire since ancient times from massacres and displacement with the aim of robbing them of their land and melting them in the crucible of the Ottoman Empire, applying the Turkification, and blowing up their civilization and culture, which led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of families to escape from this hell to neighboring lands such as Syria, Iraq and European countries  Neighboring.

These families, fleeing from the furnace of the Ottoman Holocaust, merged with the peoples they had migrated to while preserving their customs and traditions, and among these areas was the province of Girê Spi and its countryside, where they had in the province an entire neighborhood called “The Armenian Quarter”, in which they found a place of stability in the framework of coexistence.

After Turkey occupied Girê Spî canton after an aggression it launched against the northern and eastern regions of Syria on October 9, 2019, it displaced more than 100,000 residents of the canton, including Armenian families.

Armenian families, like others, were not spared the looting and seizure of property, the latest of which was documented by our agency about the seizure of the land of the Armenian diaspora “Akoub”, which is estimated at 170 dunams, near the town of Al-Ali Baglia of the occupied Girê Spî district, on which a religious complex is currently being built with Kuwaiti funds under the supervision of the so-called Tel Abyad local council of the Turkish occupation.

 What the co-chairman of Girê Spî canton Hamid Al-Abed commented on this violation by saying: Turkey and its mercenaries, since their occupation of Girê Spî canton, have not spared people or stone, and committed the most heinous violations against those who remain of our people in that area, including “killing, kidnapping, looting of property.”

 During his speech, he condemned what the Turkish occupier and its mercenaries had committed by seizing the land of the Armenian diaspora "Akoub" to make it an endowment for building associations "of an extremist religious nature, aimed at reviving terrorism by feeding extremist ideology, and making it tools for spawning terrorist elements and threatening global peace and security."

 At the end of his speech, he called on the international community to intervene and pressure Turkey to stop its violations against the peoples of the occupied Syrian regions, including the Armenian people, who previously suffered from the persecution of their Ottoman ancestors who ruled with iron and fire.

The first policy dialogue of "GREEN Armenia" joint platform took place




YEREVAN, JUNE 27, ARMENPRESS. The Government of Armenia, in cooperation with the World Bank, the European Union and the United Nations Development Program, today launched the "Growth and Recovery for the Strengthening, Upgrading and Prosperity of Armenia" platform in support of Armenia's promising sustainable development, green recovery and growth, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Hambardzum Matevosyan.

The discussion chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Hambardzum Matevosyan was attended by World Bank Regional Director for the South Caucasus Sebastian Molineus, Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to Armenia Patrik Svensson, UNDP Resident Representative in Armenia Natia Natsvlishvili, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, and representatives of other concerned structures.

The goal of the GREEN Armenia platform is to combine and optimize policies and investment initiatives for the sake of Armenia's transition to green economy.
Today's event was the first in a series of thematic dialogues jointly organized by beneficiaries to come up with innovative ideas and to learn about global knowledge, which is key to building resilience to climate change.

Deputy Prime Minister Hambardzum Matevosyan welcomed the participants of the discussion, emphasizing that the Armenian Government highly appreciates such initiatives in terms of summarizing the work done, learning lessons and outlining the next steps. “This is best expressed in the Government’s Action Plan 2021-2026, by which we have planned a number of measures, from increasing the share of green energy to the promotion of alternative vehicles, the introduction of related infrastructure, afforestation, and other necessary works”, the Deputy Prime Minister said, adding that on the way to building a modern low-carbon economy, Armenia attaches importance to ensuring an inclusive, participatory process with the active participation of international partners, the private sector, civil society, and academia.

According to Sebastian Molineus, WB Regional Director for the South Caucasus, the GREEN Armenia platform will assist Armenia in its efforts to transition to a sustainable economy. "The green transition may be a stimulus for Armenia's economy, but it will be necessary to set priorities in cooperation with the private sector and international development partners and implement low- carbon, resource efficient policies and programs, in line with environmental goals," the WB representative said.

According to EU Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin, the green agenda, which is considered one of the leading among the priorities set by the EU for Europe and the planet, implies much more than the reduction of emissions. "It implies systemic changes in economies, societies and industries. In the case of Armenia, this opportunity is clear. A greener economy will not only improve the quality of life of the Armenian people, but will also stimulate sustainable growth and new jobs," the EU Ambassador said, hoping that the GREEN Armenia platform will contribute to an open and transparent transition to a green economy.

According to UNDP Resident Representative in Armenia Natia Natsvlishvili, making Armenia's economy greener is the right policy in these difficult times, it can serve as a national strategic framework to ensure an equitable and inclusive transition to sustainable, zero-emission, climate-friendly economy while minimizing potential challenges that can be faced by the affected population and communities. She reaffirmed the UNDP's readiness to combine efforts with the EU, the WB and other partners to assist the Government of Armenia in the fact-based, equitable and strategic policy of green transition, contributing to economic growth, human development and the unique natural capital of the country.

During the discussions, the Government presented its vision for the transition to a green economy in Armenia and its policy on climate and environment, which will help strengthen Armenia's resilience. The representatives of the scientific-educational community, the public sector and international organizations presented their experience and position on the challenges and opportunities on the way to the transition to a green and resilient economy.

Deputy Prime Minister Matevosyan praised the efforts and readiness of all partners and stakeholders to combine their knowledge, experience and resources for the sustainable growth of the country through the GREEN Armenia platform.

Donfried: US is open to discussions with Russia, France on how we can best help Armenia, Azerbaijan find peace

Armenia – June 22 2022

We urge the dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan to continue and for the parties to intensify their diplomatic engagements in an effort to find comprehensive solutions to all outstanding issues related to and resulting from the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Karen Donfried, Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State, said this in an interview with Armenian News-NEWS.am. Below is the text of this interview. 

The US has numerously stressed the Nagorno-Karabakh [(Artsakh)] conflict is not resolved, and the final status of Nagorno-Karabakh should be determined. What kind of status can lead to a lasting peace and stability ensuring the core rights of the Armenian people of Nagorno-Karabakh, if Azerbaijan excludes any possibility to self-determination? 

We urge the dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan to continue and for the parties to intensify their diplomatic engagements in an effort to find comprehensive solutions to all outstanding issues related to and resulting from the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.  We remain ready to assist Armenia and Azerbaijan with these efforts, including in our capacity as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group. 

The Co-Chairmanship of the OSCE Minsk group doesn't function, in fact. The US has welcomed the mediation of the EU in Armenia-Azerbaijan talks. What is Washington's position on the mediatory role of Russia which brokered the ceasefire of November 9, 2020 and has a peacekeeping mission in Nagorno-Karabakh. Do you see opportunities to cooperate with Russia towards Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution and normalization between Armenia and Azerbaijan? 

The United States stands ready to engage with Armenia and Azerbaijan in any format, including via the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, in which progress towards a resolution can be forged. 

The United States is open to discussions with fellow Minsk-Group Co-Chairs Russia and France on how the international community can best help Armenia and Azerbaijan find peace.    

What prospects do you see for Armenia-Turkey normalizations? 

The normalization in relations between Armenia and Turkey is important to ensuring peace, stability, and prosperity for the wider region.  We welcome the Turkish-Armenian dialogue and applaud both countries for engaging in diplomacy and dialogue to resolve their differences.

Armenian MP: Right of self-determination is simply a right to live for Nagorno-Karabakh people

Armenia –

Armenian MP Hayk Mamijanyan from the opposition Pativ Unem (With Honor) faction on Friday addressed a debate on fighting vaccine-preventable diseases through quality services and anti-vaccine myth-busting held as part of the PACE summer session. His full statement is provided below.

"Thank you, honourable Chair, ladies and gentlemen,

We all know that there was a Stone Age, a Golden Era, etc. I do think that now we are living in the "Rubber Era" of European values. They bend, they fold, at the pleasure of politicians and yesterday's discussion regarding the UK government's reaction to the decision of ECHR proves that.

Here are some more effects: the European Parliament voted four documents urging the importance of the immediate return of POWs' inadmissible social terror, i.e. leaving the people of Artsakh without gas supply in terms of severe winter, pointing the aggressor of a 40-day war and it had no consequences for the COE member State.

Dear lady, you were calling my motherland, the historic Azerbaijani territory. One of your colleagues in Milli Majilis was already preparing the right for Azerbaijani for a new aggression regarding the corridor. And Mister Mr Rafael Huseynov, we are not revanchists. We are patriots. More than that, no one speaks about the fact that a COE member State occupied the internationally recognised sovereign territory of Armenia and just refuses to leave.

There are some other facts regarding the internal politics of my country. For example, less than one month ago, police brutally beat and used stun grenades on the peaceful protesters on the doorsteps of the EU Embassy in Yerevan. And I am not speaking figuratively, I am speaking literally, on the doorstep of the EU Embassy in Yerevan.

Journalists and oppositional MPs were not allowed to attend an event regarding the freedom of speech. No, you heard it correctly: journalists were not allowed to attend an event regarding freedom of speech and the EU officials back then in my country were attending that event.

Hate speech was so much accumulated by the government in my country that people were killed and the motivation was really political – extremely political. There was a tape that went viral when two people, the ex-president and the current president of the highest judicial body, discussed how they are going to fabricate cases against the opposition leaders.

So, the reason for these disasters are populists and dictators and the first one changed into dictators very fast. And this is a pandemic and we have to fight it tooth and nail, just while we were fighting Covid-19.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I was told that values are rock solid. I refuse to believe that Europe has set a blind eye on democracy and human rights. I refuse to believe that Europe has forgotten the right of self-determination which is simply a right to live for the people of Nagorno-Karabakh. Europe used to be a flagman of Christian democratic values, even if you decided to abandon that flag, we are going to wave it proudly because it is our cross to bear.

Thank you."

Artur Vanetsyan says his party will ‘go a different way’ in anti-government campaign

Armenia –

Opposition Homeland Party leader Artur Vanetsyan, who resigned from the Armenian parliament on Tuesday, says he and his party will not remain involved in the opposition resistance movement aimed at toppling Nikol Pashinyan and his government.

Vanetsyan also announced the breakup of the Pativ Unem alliance formed by his party and the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) in his resignation statement, adding the Homeland Party will operate only outside the parliament from now on.

In an interview to the Public TV Company later on Tuesday, Vanetsyan highlighted that his team and the resistance movement remain committee to a common goal, but their methods of achieving it are different.

“At this point, I think it would be more effective to continue our struggle for the same goal in different ways. The resistance movement has announced the start of a second stage. I will go a different way to achieve the same goal. I can't help but be there fighting for the same goal that I am doing,” the politician said, adding his team will set its own agenda for the protest campaign.

Vanetsyan did not elaborate on his plans, adding they will be revealed during his further activities.

Science and Business Days 2022 conference launched in Yerevan




YEREVAN, JUNE 15, ARMENPRESS. Armenia is currently a country of opportunities with a modern, educated, hard-working human capital and different cooperation formats with multiple countries, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said during the Science and Business Days 2022 conference in Yerevan’s Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert Complex.

The minister stressed the necessity of uniting the scientific potential and developing Armenia. “We will continue deepening the processes of integrating into the global economy and will offer to the world the outcome of our intellectual abilities. This conference is a wonderful opportunity for the development of the partnership of science and business, for the exchange of ideas”, he said, adding that the future of Armenia is also the technological development, the development of a science-based economy.

Kerobyan said the development of a science-based economy is the most important priority of the Armenian government.

Armenian-American molecular biologist, neuroscientist, and Nobel Prize laureate Ardem Patapoutian, as well as other famous ethnic Armenian scientists arrived in Armenia for participation to the event.

Science and Business Days aims at discovering opportunities for the improvement of science and entrepreneurship alliance, as well as the commercialization of research.

“Arabic messages from Armenia: Heritage for Cultural Dialogue” exhibition launched at Qatar National Library

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia –

The government delegation headed by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited Qatar National Library in Doha, where temporary exhibition entitled “Arabic messages from Armenia: Heritage for Cultural Dialogue” has been opened.

The Prime Minister was welcomed at the Library by the President of the Library, Minister of State Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kuwari. Accompanied by the latter, the Prime Minister got acquainted with the exhibits presented at the exhibition, then toured the library and made a note in the Honorary Guest Book.

The exhibition presents 9 duplicate samples from the numismatic and archeological collections of the History Museum of Armenia, which present silver and copper dirhams issued in “Dvin”, “Armenia”, “Haroonabad” and “Aleppo” mints. Gold dinar issued in 752, copper felts issued at the “Barda” mint, as well as samples of a bronze double-headed ax dating back to the 18th century with floral ornaments and animal images.

The exhibition posters will present cultural values and historical facts related to the long-standing Armenian-Arab relations.

Prime Minister Pashinyan noted that the exhibits are another evidence of centuries-old Armenian-Arab friendly ties, which will be of great interest to both locals and tourists visiting here.

The exhibition will run for a week at Qatar National Library. Prime Minister Pashinyan also visited the National Museum of Qatar.



“Arabic messages from Armenia” exhibition opens at Qatar State Library – Public Radio of Armenia ()


Georgia prosecuting cartographers because of whom David Gareja monastery was to pass to Azerbaijan

Armenia –

Georgia continues the trial of two former members of the commission on border delimitation with Azerbaijan, who are accused of concealing maps. They are cartographers Iveri Melashvili and Natalya Ilyicheva.

In October 2020, a Georgian state examination found out that these defendants were guided by maps published in the 1970s and 80s, which casts doubt on the ownership of the David Gareja monastic complex.

Melashvili and Ilyicheva are charged with concealing a map from 1937 and 1938 while working for the Georgian-Azerbaijani border delimitation and demarcation commission, which could have deprived Georgia of 3,500 hectares of its territory, including part of the David Gareja monastery. According to the investigation, they committed this crime "on the instruction of superior officials."

The monastery of David Gareja has been carved into a mountain on the Georgian-Azerbaijani border. Both countries have been trying to delimit this area ever since their independence. Georgia's proposal to exchange the entire monastic complex with other territories was rejected by Azerbaijan, which stated that these heights are of strategic importance. Only a small part of the David Gareja monastic complex is contentious.

Georgian prosecutors allege that the aforesaid unfavorable map was used in order to delimit parts of the border with Azerbaijan in 2006 and 2007.

The defendants face 10 to 15 years of imprisonment.

Accused cartographers Melashvili and Ilyicheva were arrested in 2020, but released on bail in 2021.

They plead not guilty.

Armenian Deputy PM meets with foreign investors



 09:59, 9 June 2022

YEREVAN, JUNE 9, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Prime Minister Hambardzum Matevosyan met on June 8 with heads of around two dozen companies with foreign investments in Armenia, discussing issues relating to the investment climate in the country, the deputy PM’s Office said.

The meeting was also attended by Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, Vice Governor of the Central Bank Hovhannes Khachatryan, Director of Enterprise Armenia Levon Ohannesyan, etc.

The Deputy PM listened to the issues of concern of foreign investors, the existing problems and discussed with the representatives of the public sector the opportunities of taking respective measures to solve the problems.