EU-Armenia Relations To Gradually Become Closer, President Of France


Noyan Tapan News Agency, Armenia
Sept 29 2006

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 29, NOYAN TAPAN. The European Union-Armenia
relations will gradually develop, and like the Armenian-French
relations, they will become closer. But one must not avoid regular
succession of stages. President of France Jacques Chirac expressed
this confidence in the September 28 interview to the "Hayastani
Hanrapetoutiun" (Republic of Armenia) newspaper. In his words,
the Armenia-European Union relations are still new ones. "But it
is the first stage. Nearest end of the negotiations on the European
Union-Armenia actions plan must give possibility to pass its whole
volume to the neighborhood policy," the President of France said.

As for Turkey’s membership to the European Union, Jacques Chirac
expressed an opinion that this prospect is an important element to
keep Turkey on the way tiing to the West, choice of which it made.

"The membership itself supposes implementation of standards, fostering
of reforms. It is a demanding, long and difficult way. I am sure
it arisis of interests of both European Union and Armenia to see
Turkey striving for our values, our perception of the human rights,
peace, democracy," he emphasized. Responding the question if France
will insist on opening the borders with Armenia and recognizing the
Armenian Genocide, J.Chirac said that he had spoken for opening the
borders many times at meetings with the Turkish authorities. "But it
is clear that this issue is very strongly connected with the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict settlement, and that the settlement progress may
have a decisive influence on this issue," he mentioned, expressing
an opinion that it is possible today.

"As for the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottaman Empire,
Europe is an effort for reconciliation, peace, respect and being open
towards others, which always and everywhere is turned into an effort
of memory," the President of France emphasized, adding that if even
it is a long and difficult process, he trusts Turkey’s possibility
"to bring to end this duty of memory as the soul of creating Europe
is just this."

Press Conference In National Assembly


National Assembly, Armenia
Sept 29 2006

On September 27, Mr. Arshak Sadoyan, member of "Justice" faction
convened a press conference for presenting his considerations related
to the issues of the telecommunication system. Highlighting the role
of the fourth power, Mr. Sadoyan called on the representatives of
mass media, with the participation of political forces and NGOs to
fight against ArmenTel, to organize rallies in order to repress the
increase of tariffs. He believes that a civil society protecting
its rights should be created. Mr. Sadoyan presented the ArmenTel-RA
Government relations, touching upon the sale transaction of the
ArmenTel company.According to Mr. Arshak Sadoyan, it is necessary
to address the Commission for Regulation of Public Services with the
demand of not discussing the request of increasing the subscribers’
payment. The MP also highlighted the active participation of the
political parties, also called on the journalists to participate at
the October 6th forthcoming meeting.

As the MP Mr. Arshak Sadoyan assessed, the ArmenTel company wins
a profit of 35m USD by increasing the subscribers’ payments from
1100 AMD up to 3000 AMD. Touching upon the world tendencies of the
tariff increase, Mr. Sadoyan noticed that in the world the tariff
is reduced twice every 18 months, whereas in Armenia the opposite
process is noticed.The MP also considers an important precondition
of the development of the telecommunication system the quality and
accessibility of the Internet connection.

Gachechiladze: One should Not Go to Sukhumi or Tskhincali

AZG Armenian Daily #186, 30/09/2006



Revaz Gachechiladze, Georgian ambassador to Armenia, gave his comments
on daily Azg’s publications about arrests of Armenian citizens who had
visited Abkhazia or South Ossetia. Georgian law enforcers report that
starting from June 1 to September 25, 76 foreigners and 67 Georgian
citizens were arrested on charge of illegal crossing of Georgian state

48 of the foreigners were citizens of Russian, 6 of Turkey, 4 of
Azerbaijan, 2 of Iran and Uzbekistan, one of India, Pakistan and
Algeria, 11 of Armenia. 4 Armenians drivers who legally crossed the
so-called South Ossetian border were soon released and their fines
were returned. 7 more Armenians are still in jail. "I want to point
out that not only Armenian citizens were arrested. This procedure
simply became glowing as the Upper Lars control point was blocked
impacting more Armenia than Georgia," said Georgian ambassador.

Yet, Mr. Gachechiladze voiced concern over the situation of the
Armenian citizens. The ambassador even turned to consulate department
asking for a third group disabled detainee to be released. But this
was an exception. Mr. Gachechiladze told daily Azg a few days ago that
the Georgian authorities made another exception by allowing to
transport the special equipment for Charles Aznavour’s concert via
Roki illegal control point.

Georgian ambassador is sure that the Armenian Foreign Ministry
objectively assesses the situation and acts adequately.

To Azg’s remark that Georgian authorities fail to secure awareness
among people, Mr. Gachechiladze once again warned that entry to
Georgia is possible only through legal control points: Upper Lars,
which is currently closed, airports of Tbilisi, Batumi and Kutaisi and
harbors of Batumi and Poti. In regards to Abkhazia, the ambassador
said: "Abkhazia purposefully stamps visitors’ passports, and that is
illegal as that is considered an illegal border crossing. One should
not go to Sukhumi or Tskhinvali if one does not want to have problems
with Georgian authorities." Incidentally, such approach to Abkhazian
and South Ossetian border crossing was adopted at the CIS Summit in

Asked what should the Armenian citizens who had recently been in
Sukhumi or Tskhinvali do, the ambassador reminded that after the crash
of Armenian A320 plane in Sochi some Armenian citizens were allowed to
pass to Abkhazia via Georgian border. Georgian Penal Code does not
apply to those citizens. As to those who visited Sukhumi and
Tskhinvali in recent years, they should simply not enter Georgia.

Most of the arrested Russian citizens may well be Armenians, as very
few Russians would cross Abkhazian-Georgian border after a visit to
Sukhumi or Tskhinvali.

By Aghavni Harutyunian

Minister Praises Jacques Chirac’s Visit

18:34 29/09/06


`It is a great honor for the Armenian state and nation to have a guest
like France’s President Jacques Chirac,’ Foreign Minister Vartan
Oskanyan told a press conference today. In his words, this is a
historic visit but besides all historic-emotional elements it has
serious political-practical significance. `During the visit very
serious issues are going to be discussed – political, cultural,
educational,’ the minister said. /

Superpower Interests Meet In Armenia, Rather Than Clash


28.09.2006 19:07 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia inherited quite a rich and historical
relation and cultural exchange, in addition to the common interests
that Yerevan and Moscow have improved for decades, or even for hundreds
of years, Armenian President Robert Kocharian stated in an interview
to Al Jazeera TV company. "Today, we are preserving this inheritance
and using it to further our common interests. Until today, we have
succeeded in maintaining this relation. We have excellent relations
with Russia in the economic and military sectors, as we have very
good relations with Iran. We are also developing our relations with
the European Union since we were admitted to the EU Neighborhood
program and now we are trying to implement the requirements of that
program. In addition, our relations with the USA are very special
especially because of the aid that Armenia receives from the USA and we
were included in the 3rd Millennium Program, which is helping Armenia
develop economically. We maintained the relations we already had and
developed them without creating any disagreement between the nations
and their interests. We work with the belief that all the interests
of the powerful countries meet in Armenia, rather than clash, and
we try to avoid any step that could be considered a danger to the
security of our partners."

Mit Kieferbruch zum Sieg

Die Suddeutsche Zeitung, Munnchen

24.09.2006 15:23 Uhr

Box-Weltmeister im Mittelgewicht

Mit Kieferbruch zum Sieg

Es war ein hasslicher Kampf: Der Berliner Boxer Arthur Abrahams brach
sich den Kiefer und boxte dennoch weiter. Am Ende gewann "Konig Arthur"
– und musste in die Intensivstation.

Walter Frohlich

Das Blut tropfte aus "Konig Arthurs" Mund auf den Ringboden und
hinterließ rote Spuren auf heller Hose. In der vierten Runde brach
ihm der Kiefer gleich doppelt und verursachte hollische Schmerzen,
Arthur Abrahams Gesicht mutierte immer mehr zur gruseligen Fratze.

Doch der Box-Weltmeister aus Berlin gab nicht auf und wurde
belohnt. Mit eisernem Kampfeswillen verteidigte er seinen IBF-Titel im
Mittelgewicht durch einen 3:0-Punktsieg gegen den Kolumbianer Edison
Miranda nach zwolf Runden erfolgreich.

"Ich habe immer noch einen Puls von 200. So eine Schlacht habe ich
nicht erwartet. Arthur hat sich ein Denkmal gesetzt. Wenn jemand
acht Runden mit gebrochenem Kiefer boxt, notigt das mehr als Respekt
ab", sagte Promoter Wilfried Sauerland. Trainer Ulli Wegner erganzte:
"Naturlich habe ich uberlegt, ihn aus dem Kampf zu nehmen. Aber Arthur
hatte es mir nie verziehen, wenn er so den Titel verloren hatte. Das
ist Boxen und nicht Kegeln."

Nach dem Kampf: Ab in die Intensivstation

Abraham selbst war nach dem Fight zu keiner Stellungnahme mehr
fahig. Nach Angaben von Ringarzt Professor Walter Wagner (Bayreuth)
hatte er "0,5 bis einen Liter Blut verloren". In der Kabine mussten
Infusionen gelegt werden.

Danach ging es zur Kieferoperation ins Evangelische Krankenhaus
in Siegen.

Selbst auf der Trage reckte Abraham noch die Daumen in die
Hohe. Spatestens jetzt hatte der ehemalige "Schlumpfboxer" seinem
neuen Kampfnamen "King Arthur" alle Ehre gemacht.

Am Sonntag war Abraham trotz seiner Blessuren erst recht obenauf. "Ohne
den Kieferbruch hatte ich Miranda in der sechsten Runde umgehauen",
meinte der Weltmeister, der Besuch von Sauerland und Wegner im
Krankenhaus empfing.

Nach dem Einsatz von Titanplatten in den Kiefer darf er das Hospital in
zwei bis drei Tagen wieder verlassen. Die behandelten Ärzte verlegten
ihn bereits von der Intensiv- auf die Normalstation.

Nachdem der Champion und sein Herausforderer Miranda bereits im
Vorfeld des Duells nicht mit Kampfansagen und Drohgebarden gespart
hatten, entwickelte sich von Beginn an ein intensiver Fight, der in
der funften Runde kurz vor dem Abbruch stand. Der immer wieder unfair
agierende Kolumbianer, der wegen seines unsauberen Stils insgesamt
funf Punkte abgezogen bekam, setzte Abraham mit einem Kopfstoß weiter
zu. Ringrichter Randy Neumann (USA) wollte den Kampf auspunkten lassen,
was wohl Abrahams Sieg zur Folge gehabt hatte.

Doch IBF-Supervisor Lindsey Tucker (USA) sah Mirandas Aktion nicht
als ausschlaggebend fur Abrahams Verletzung an und hatte den Abbruch
als technischen K.o.-Sieg fur den Sudamerikaner gewertet.

So hieß es fur den Weltmeister: Zuruck in den Ring. Wegner feuerte
seinen Schutzling in den Pausen immer wieder mit Aufmunterungen
wie "Wir sind doch Krieger" oder "Jetzt entscheidet der Kerl" an –
Abraham gehorchte und wuchs uber sich hinaus.

114:109, 115:109 und 116:109 lautete am Ende das Urteil der

Der geburtige Armenier, der seit Ende August die deutsche
Staatsangehorigkeit besitzt, blieb somit auch in seinem 22. Profikampf

Kolumbianer sieht sich um Sieg betrogen

Aufgrund seiner Kieferfraktur muss Abraham nun ein Vierteljahr komplett
pausieren. In den Ring darf der 26-Jahrige fruhestens in sechs Monaten
zuruckkehren. Ob er dann tatsachlich schon zu einer freiwilligen
Titelverteidigung antritt, ließ Promoter Sauerland offen. So konnte
das nachste Duell erneut gegen Miranda steigen. "Miranda wird von der
IBF wohl wieder als offizieller Herausforderer angesetzt. Da konnte
uns also der nachste Kampf bevorstehen", sagte Sauerland.

Der Promoter des Kolumbianers, der zuvor in 26 Kampfen unbesiegt war,
rechnet sich offenbar schon Siegchancen aus. "Miranda hatte in der
funften Runde durch technischen K.o. gewinnen mussen. Dadurch, dass
sie Abraham haben weiterboxen lassen, haben sie einen jungen Champion
ruiniert. Er wird nie wieder derselbe sein", meinte Leon Margules.

–Boundary_(ID_lCRgmsCuA5YAQ4j0k+S3YA)- –

Peasant from Jajour Concluded the Session


[06:30 pm] 20 September, 2006

The last forth session of the conference "Armenia-Diaspora" was
dedicated to national values, historical communities, language and
culture, future plans and policy, as well as the situation in the
Diaspora in 2020 and the changes in the relations of Armenia and
the Diaspora. The theme was very large; hence the discussions were
very hot.

Representatives of Armenia and the Diaspora asked questions to
state officials, the Prime Minister, the Presidents of the NA and
the Constitutional Court and those who made speech. The Armenians
of the Diaspora mainly made offers about enhancing the relations and
for economic development.

The majority of the question remained unanswered as not all the
officials were present in the hall. We decided to ask RA Foreign
Minister Vardan Oskanyan what he thinks about the offer to create
a Ministry of Diaspora. "I think we do not need that structure in
order to regulate relations with the Diaspora. That structure can
even hinder the development of the relations, but that’s only my
subjective opinion".

Representative of the USA Nubar Afeyan who presided over the meting
offered to finish the session immediately after the speech of Sahak
Shiroyan from Jajour. Shiroyan announced with his voice trembling with
excitement that the peasants are not protected in Armenia. He said
that the aid from Diaspora does not serve its aim. The residents of
the village live badly as water and seeds are very expensive, and they
do not have corresponding equipment in order to cultivate land. The
Armenian peasant announced that only those who bribe officials are
able to get humanitarian aid.

Holding a passport in his hand he said it belonged to a woman from
his village who participated in the Karabakh war who is now unable
to get humanitarian aid.

This is where Nubar Afeyan found that the session should be concluded.

5 items on Turkey on agenda of Euro parliament session

Five items on Turkey on the agenda of the European Parliement session

Public Radio of Armenia
Sept 20 2006

20.09.2006 18:18 — By the offer of French Socialists, the agenda of
the European Parliament session to be held September 25-28 includes
5 items referring to Turkey. These include cancellation of the
Talaat-Pasha movement, recognition the Armenian Genocide by Turkey,
establishment of diplomatic relations with Armenia and opening of the
Turkish-Armenian border. Besides, the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide was suggested as a precondition for Turkey’s accession to
the EU. The French socialists also insist on inclusion of an item
on Turkey’s deliberate non-acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide,
reported APA.

Head Of Republican Party Fraction: NK Conflict To Be Settled In 2012


ARMINFO News Agency
September 19, 2006 Tuesday

The Karabakh conflict will be settled in 2012, Galoust Sahakyan,
Head of the Republican Party fraction, said at a press-conference in
"Mirror" club, Tuesday.

He doesn’t share the optimism of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen
that there will be progress the peace talks in 2006. Sahakyan also
said that the Karabakh conflict settlement doesn’t at all depend
on Armenia, Azerbaijan or Nagorno- Karabakh. "The Karabakh conflict
settlement depends on super-states, for whom Armenia is just a toy",
he noted. Sahakyan expressed confidence that the peace process
will not reach a deadlock. The settlement depends on the formation
and consolidation of the Armenian statehood. He pointed out that
the conflict can’t be resolved by the Armenian and Azerbaijani
presidents, this question must find a national solution. The Armenian
people will agree only to a settlement scenario stipulating either
Nagorno-Karabakh’s independence or its joining Armenia. "Perhaps,
it is because of the Armenian side’s position of principle that the
problem settlement is delayed, however, Armenia will never change
Nagorno- Karabakh’s independence for the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline or the
Kars-Tbilisi railroad", Sahakyan said.

Turkish Political Forces Speak Of The Armenian Genocide


[06:58 pm] 19 September, 2006

Hrant Dink, Armenian editor of Turkish "Akos" newspaper (published
in Turkey) has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights.

The representatives of the Turkish judicial system accuse Hrant
Dink of slandering Turks. "I am not a racist and I haven’t committed
any disgraceful act. I merely use the term genocide which is but a
reality," announced Mr. Dink during his meeting with journalists in
the club "Mirror" today.

In case the European Court doesn’t recover the editor’s rights, he is
going to leave Turkey. "If they don’t respect me and consider their
enemy, I cannot live in that country any longer."

Hrant Dink claims that the Turkish authorities are seriously
concerned as the 1915 genocide has become the theme of consideration
and contemplation even among the Turkish intelligentsia. "This is why
Turkey started to teach pupils of elementary and secondary schools that
in 1915 Armenians massacred Turks and not the vice versa." The Turkish
authorities started to pursue Dink after his announcement in which Dink
said that all Armenians all over the world speak of the 1915 genocide,
whereas the Armenians living in Turkey don’t even venture to show their
respect towards the innocent victims of April 24. Hrant Dink mainatins
that ordinary people in Turkey are unaware of the events of 1915,
and the authorities do their best to distort the reality. Mr. Dink
thinks that the Armenian genocide can be recognized by Turkey only in
two cases; either under the pressure of the international community
or by the demand of its people. In his opinion the two countries under
question may come to an agreement provided the second version works.