Russian peacekeepers ensure safety of restoration work of water main in Artsakh’s Martuni

Panorama, Armenia

The military personnel of the Russian peacekeeping continent perform tasks to control the ceasefire regime and ensure the security of the reconstruction of the infrastructure of settlements near the line of demarcation of the parties in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

In the Martuni district, while ensuring security, Russian peacekeepers are carrying out restoration work on laying a water main to provide water to two settlements, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

"Work is underway to restore water supply in the villages of Tagavard and Krasny Bazar," said the head of the administration of the Martuni district of Nagorno – Karabakh, Edik Hovhannisyan.

The nearest aquifer is located near the demarcation line, so local residents turned to the Humanitarian Response Center of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to ensure safety during the work.

"After the war, we had problems with water supply in these two villages, we turned to the peacekeepers of the Russian Federation. We responded very quickly, and thank you very much for this, " the head of the administration expressed his gratitude.

Directly at the site of the restoration work, Russian sappers conducted an inspection of the surrounding area and searched for explosive objects, after which they allowed the work of engineering equipment.

After the replacement of 20 kilometers of the pipeline, more than 2,500 residents of the villages of Tagavard and Krasny Bazaar of Nagorno-Karabakh will be provided with drinking water.

Attorney & Assembly Intern Alumna Lauren Garry-Boggio Featured in Assembly Speaker Series

Washington, D.C. – Attorney and Assembly Intern alumna Lauren Garry-Boggio was the second featured speaker of the Armenian Assembly of America Internship Program's Summer Speaker Series on Thursday evening, June 10th.

Assembly Programs Director Joseph Piatt served as moderator and introduced Garry-Boggio, who is the current attorney-advisor in the Wireline Competition Bureau at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Garry-Boggio, who was a participant in the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program in 2002, thanked the Assembly for the "wonderful experience" she had among fellow Armenian American students.

"The Assembly is a huge reason why I came to Washington, D.C., permanently in 2004," she said. "I urge all college students to participate in the program so you can meet Armenian Americans and experience D.C. professionally and personally, especially since you are instantly part of a community and have a built-in network."

Garry-Boggio, who was a law clerk to the Honorable William S. Colwell in the Office of Administrative Law Judges at the Department of Labor and also worked for Comcast Corporation and in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, highlighted her professional path, which began with an internship for former Representative Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI) on Capitol Hill, a place she described as a "great place to begin a career in D.C.," where she was exposed to a variety of issues, from telecom to women's rights to education.

After realizing she wanted to focus on policy, Garry-Boggio worked as a legislative correspondent for Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-ME) and as a legislative assistant for the House Natural Resources Committee, shortly after receiving her B.A. degree from Bowdoin College. She switched to the private sector three years later to work for Comcast Corporation, while pursuing her MBA and then J.D. from American University in the evening. Garry-Boggio then worked for a law firm and the Department of Labor as a law clerk, followed by the FCC's Attorney Honors Program, where she gained "excellent professional development."

The guidance she provided for college students revolved around the themes of networking, working hard, being persistent and finding a mentor.

"Go after what you want and don't listen to outside noise because people will always have opinions," said Garry-Boggio, who reiterated the importance of building a strong network.

"It's so important to meet with as many different people as you can and learn about their careers and how you can grow professionally," said Garry-Boggio. "You should push yourself and gravitate toward issues that interest you."

She recommended working after college to obtain hands-on professional experience, which can only enhance the knowledge learned in graduate school.

"I appreciated law school and what I was learning there because I knew how it would help me going forward," said Garry-Boggio, who also recommended students work in different fields to see where their interests lie.

"Lauren Garry-Boggio spoke in-depth about her career from her internship days to the present time, both in the private and public sectors, which I found immensely helpful," said Emily Hale, who is studying political science and public relations at the University of Miami. "I appreciated her enthusiasm and her honesty in sharing the successes and challenges of her career."

Register to attend next week's speaker series on June 17, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, where Dr. Rouben Adalian, Director of the Armenian National Institute, will speak about the significance of President Biden's affirmation of the Armenian Genocide.

The Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program, which will take place virtually this summer, provides college students of Armenian descent an opportunity to gain exposure to the policy-making process in our nation’s capital for eight weeks each summer.

Since 1977, the Armenian Assembly of America has assisted over 1,200 participants in securing placements in prominent congressional offices, government agencies, media outlets, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations in Washington, D.C.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


NR# 2021-51

Turkish press: Armenian soldiers open fire on Azerbaijan for 2nd time in a day

An Armenian soldier fires artillery on the front line during last year's 44-day conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Oct. 25, 2020. (AFP File Photo)

Armenian soldiers targeted Azerbaijani positions twice Friday, Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry said in a statement that the Armenian armed forces opened fire on "the positions of the Azerbaijani Army stationed in the direction of Ashagi Ayrim settlement of the Kalbajar region," some 85 kilometers (53 miles) from the Armenian border.

It said the firing lasted for around half an hour starting from 5 p.m. local time (1 p.m. GMT).

The Azerbaijani Army did not suffer any casualties, it added.

Armenian forces had also targeted the positions around midday Friday.

The Armenian attacks come in the wake of last year's 44-day conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, in which the Azerbaijani Army freed a great deal of the region from decades of illegal Armenian occupation.

Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a truce deal on Oct. 10 to end the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Relations between the two former Soviet republics over Nagorno-Karabakh have remained tense since 1991, but fresh clashes broke out on Sept. 27.

Since then, Armenia has repeatedly attacked Azerbaijani civilians and forces, even violating three humanitarian cease-fire agreements.

In total, about 20% of Azerbaijan's territory has been under illegal Armenian occupation for nearly three decades.

ICG: International actors need to address the post-war issues in Nagorno-Karabakh

Panorama, Armenia
June 9 2021

The International Crisis Group which is a specialized think tank in research and analysis of global crises, released a new report on Nagorno-Karabakh, reflecting on the post-war prospects. 

The report titled "Post-war Prospects for Nagorno-Karabakh" reads the 2020 war left many issues unresolved and the front lines volatile, among them the fundamental questions about who will provide security and services for the Nagorno-Karabakh residents or how to manage humanitarian aid and whether the ceasefire will hold.

According to the report, the Russian peacekeepers deployed in the region need a clearer mandate. "While they have set up checkpoints along Nagorno-Karabakh’s main thoroughfares and along the mountain road linking it to Armenia, they are based far from the front line. How long they can keep acting as troubleshooters of everyday problems is unclear. How they would react to a front-line escalation is murkier still, given that the ceasefire agreement did not spell out their mission precisely. Moscow should consult with the conflict parties and then give its troops clear rules of engagement. The parties themselves should devise, potentially with Russian mediation, a formal mechanism for resolving urgent issues, be it residents’ detention or access to water," the report said. 

The authors also elaborate on the humanitarian consequences of the conflict. It is noted that the local and international actors make no attempt to address the post-war issues – security, basic needs and displacement – Nagorno-Karabakh is likely to remain an area of low-intensity tensions for decades to come. 

"Neither Stepanakert nor Yerevan has the resources to deal with the post-war chaos alone, risking a protracted humanitarian crisis and long-term displacement of people. For now, Armenia is doing what it can for residents of Nagorno-Karabakh, whether they were able to return to their homes or not. UN agencies, NGOs and foreign governments could help shoulder the burden of aiding the displaced – but, at present, most are blocked from doing so. The only international organisation working in Nagorno-Karabakh is the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has been there since the 1990s. The rest remain hamstrung by the central debate over the region’s political status. Russia says it is ready to help facilitate such aid if and when outside agencies gain access. In the meantime, these organisations should find creative solutions to allow minimal support at least to their local counterparts on the ground," the report added. 

June 20 election vote and count process to be broadcast live on Internet from polling stations



 13:02, 8 June, 2021

YEREVAN, JUNE 8, ARMENPRESS. The voting and the count process of the June 20 snap parliamentary elections will be videotaped and broadcast live on the Internet, the Central Electoral Commission of Armenia approved the decision during today’s session.

“It’s a demand of the Electoral Code. The vote and the count process will be videotaped and broadcast live by Ucom from 1500 polling stations. This will be done in real time via a special created website. Based on the requirements of the Electoral Code, it is proposed to allow Ucom to carry out this function”, CEC Chairman Tigran Mukuchyan said.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 07-06-21



 17:40, 7 June, 2021

YEREVAN, 7 JUNE, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 7 June, USD exchange rate down by 0.01 drams to 520.03 drams. EUR exchange rate up by 2.17 drams to 632.30 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.04 drams to 7.14 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 0.87 drams to 735.58 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price up by 401.51 drams to 31609.61 drams. Silver price down by 6.52 drams to 457.53 drams. Platinum price down by 167.57 drams to 19394.45 drams.

Asbarez: Entrepreneurship World Cup Armenia Prize Fund Surpasses $100,000

June 3, 2021

The deadline to submit the application for the Entrepreneurship World Cup is June 6

YEREVAN—As the national organizer of the Entrepreneurship World Cup Armenia 2021, the Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center of the American University of Armenia, together with the National Leadership Committee, is responsible for raising the prize fund for the competition in Armenia. The Committee is happy to announce that it has exceeded its goal of $100,000 of cash and in-kind prizes.

The National Finals, taking place in late July 2021, will provide the opportunity to Armenian entrepreneurs who have startups in all stages of development to participate, pitch their venture, win prizes, and hopefully take the next big step to the global finals where they can win over $1 million in prizes.

In less than a month, EPIC jointly with the National Leadership Committee focused all effort into raising funds for the National Finals. As a result, the sponsorship of the Entrepreneurship World Cup Armenia 2021 will consist of one platinum sponsor (SoftConstruct), two gold sponsors (EU4Business ITTD Project, Hovnanian International), and four silver sponsors (Webb Fontaine, Byblos Bank Armenia, Energize Global Services, and Orion Worldwide Innovations Armenia). In addition,  three sponsors will provide in-kind services to various categories of prize winners (BAJ Accelerator, Telecom Armenia, and Manatee Mentor).

The deadline to submit the application for the Entrepreneurship World Cup is June 6. Armenian startups in the idea, early, and growth stages are eligible to apply. For more information, please visit here. To apply, visit here.

The Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center is a platform of the American University of Armenia for promoting entrepreneurial education, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and startup venture incubation. EPIC provides an ecosystem for emerging entrepreneurs consisting of first-class facilities and collaborative workspace, programs and events, and a network of mentors, advisors, and investors. EPIC fosters the understanding and application of entrepreneurship in students and faculty at AUA to craft high-impact multidisciplinary ventures.

Edmon Marukyan calls on people to vote for Bright Armenia Party to establish unity in the country, Armenia
June 4 2021

One of the deputies of the ruling My Step bloc declared that a representative of second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan is present in parliament. I asked myself how Robert Kocharyan can have representatives in parliament, and then I suddenly remembered that you have brought that representative here [referring to the ruling My Step bloc]. This is what leader of the opposition Bright Armenia Party and its parliamentary faction Edmon Marukyan said during today’s special session of the National Assembly, hinting about independent MP Anna Grigoryan.

Marukyan went on to call on the people to support his political party during the upcoming snap parliamentary elections, adding that the people will see candidates who will make statements that are the opposite of their actions.

According to the politician, only after Bright Armenia Party’s victory will it be possible to do away with the ‘old’ and ‘new’ authorities and lay the foundation for unity and mutual understanding after the elections.

Armenia Ombudsman: Azerbaijanis fire at Gegharkunik Province village shepherd for about 30 minutes, Armenia
June 6 2021

The Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) of Armenia received a call Saturday informing that the Azerbaijani armed forces had opened fire on a shepherd of the village of Kut in Gegharkunik Province when he was grazing small and large cattle in the village pasture. Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan wrote about this on his Facebook.
He added that the Azerbaijani military opened fire from the moment the animals approached the rivulet in the pasture and drank water; this is a permanent place for them to drink water. Moreover, the shepherd as well as the animals were in the sovereign territory of Armenia, whereas the Azerbaijani armed forces were in the part that they invaded the territory of Armenia.
The shooting lasted about 30 minutes in the direction of this shepherd living in Kut. The shepherd managed to escape on horseback, but his horse's leg was injured by the shooting.
As a result, the Azerbaijani military stole more than 80 cattle, and they shot and killed four others.
The fact that the Azerbaijani armed forces fired at the shepherd of Kut village on Saturday was also confirmed by the Ministry of Defense (MOD) of Armenia.
The firing stopped after the return fire of the Armenian armed forces. The MOD has noted this, too.
The Human Rights Defender records that these actions of the Azerbaijani armed forces are clearly criminal.
These actions, which grossly violate the rights of the border residents of Armenia, are connected with the policy of Armenophobia and enmity backed by the Azerbaijani authorities.

Noubar Afeyan speaks about ‘The Future Armenian’ initiative

Panorama, Armenia

Armenian-American entrepreneur, inventor and philanthropist, the Co-foundar of Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Noubar Afeyan has talked about 'The Future Armenian"  – a new public initiative aiming to create a common framework for the sustainable development of Armenia as a country and Armenians as a nation.

In an interview with Araksya Karapetyan, Afeyan presents the list of 15 goals pursued by the initiative and speaks of the necessity to launch further discussions on the implementation of the initiative.

"We need to find mechanism  by which Diasporans who care abut Artsakh, care about our security, and all the topics listed in the goals can work in partnerships with Armenians living in Armenia and own the future versus observe the future," Afeyan said. 

To note, Initiative is not affiliated with any political group or organization. It is financed by the initiators of Armenia 2041 non-profit Foundation: Noubar Afeyan, Artur Alaverdyan, Richard Azarnia, Ruben Vardanyan. It strives to enrich and facilitate the public discourse about the future of Armenia and Armenians.

Watch the full interview below: