Armenia plans to buy more Russian SU-30SM fighter jets, says PM



 13:59, 6 April, 2021

YEREVAN, APRIL 6, ARMENPRESS. Armenia intends to develop enhanced and long-term military-technical cooperation with Russia, and this is in the long-term strategic interests of both countries, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in an interview to InterFax.

Asked whether or not Armenia plans to continue buying Russian weaponry, namely the SU-30SM fighter jets and its armaments, Prime Minister Pashinyan answered affirmatively and noted that Armenia is highly interested in having modern and compatible armament with Russia and the other CSTO allies.

“Taking into consideration that pursuant to intergovernmental bilateral treaties two Armenian-Russian groups have been created and are functioning in the territory of the Republic of Armenia – the Unified Military Formation and the Caucasian regional Joint Regional Air Defense System of Collective Security, and, in addition, both countries are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, with troops and unified formations having been created in its format as well, understandably Armenia is highly interested in supplies from Russia, in order to have modern armaments compatible first of all with Russia and other CSTO allies. I will answer affirmatively also in terms of the jets you mentioned, because they are modern multi-role fighter jets, and buying them is planned both by our bilateral contract documents and the national plan of the military’s development,” Pashinyan said.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Protesters in Berlin Demand Release of Armenia POWs

April 7, 2021

Armenian and German human rights advocates held a silent protest in front of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Berlin on Tuesday to demand the release of Armenian prisoners of war and other detainees, reported Armenia’s Public Radio.

Organized by the Vernatun Deutschland German Armenian grassroots movement, the protest urged official Baku to release Armenian POWs and other captives being held in violation of the Geneva Conventions and the trilateral statement signed on November 9 between Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan.

The group said it would stage weekly protests until all Armenian prisoners of war have been released.

“The consequences of war, including those of war crimes such as the use of mercenaries, the kidnapping of civilians, the beheading and murder of prisoners of war, the use of outlawed ammunition, the murder of civilians, the use of phosphorus bombs to burn forests, and the bombing of civil structures are still evident today,” said the organizers.

“Compliance with the ceasefire agreement on the release of prisoners of war is an essential step in securing peace in the region. Otherwise it is to be feared that the prisoners’ lives will be misused as a bargaining chip and put at risk in order to occupy further territories, sometimes even within the recognized territories of Armenia, which could lead to further instability,” the organizers explained.

President Harutyunyan highlights importance of assistance programs provided by Armenia to Artsakh



 17:10, 8 April, 2021

STEPANAKERT, APRIL 8, ARMENPRESS. President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan met today with Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan, the President’s Office told Armenpress.

The private talk was followed by an extended-format meeting during which they exchanged views on issues relating to the house-building, infrastructure restoration works in Artsakh which are being conducted by the support of the Armenian government, the compensation for citizen’s mobile and real estate damaged by the recent war.

President Harutyunyan attached great importance to the assistance programs for Artsakh, noting that the successful overcoming of post-war challenges highly depends on their results.

The meeting was attended by State Minister of Artsakh Grigori Martirosyan, members of the Armenian government, Director of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Haykak Arshamyan.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Azerbaijan follows Turkey’s Syria playbook in Nagorno- Karabakh

April 2 2021

Azerbaijan is following Turkey’s Syria playbook in seeking to erase the cultural and religious identity of areas recently captured in the disputed Nagorno- Karabakh region, Armenian news outlet Massis Post said on Thursday.

In September, Azerbaijan launched a successful military offensive against pro-Armenia forces in Nagorno- Karabakh, regaining control of much of the territory, including the second largest settlement of Shusha.

In a recent visit to the region, Azeri President İlham Aliyev ordered the destruction of “historical inscriptions on the Armenian churches, calling them fake”, the Massis Post said.

Turkey provided crucial military support to Azerbaijan during the conflict. And the Azeri presence in Nagorno-Karabakh has come to closely resemble the Turkish occupation of the predominantly Kurdish region of Afrin in Syria, the news outlet said.

Turkey took control of Afrin in March 2018 after a cross-border incursion against Kurdish-led forces known as the People’s Protection Units (YPG).

The region is now dominated by Turkish-backed Syrian militia groups, which are accused by the United Nations of atrocities including looting, extortion, and desecration of cultural sites.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) monitoring group, more than 2,500 Syrian militants were also deployed by Turkey to fight alongside the Azeri armed forces in Nagorno- Karabakh.

“One could have thought the only goal of sending the Syrian mercenaries to Nagorno-Karabakh was to instruct the Azerbaijanis in the ways of committing war crimes,” Massis Post said.

Azerbaijan now aims to “make it impossible for the uprooted people to return to their homeland,” the Armenian news outlet said.

“Ankara has made every effort to achieve this in Syria. Baku must not be allowed to do the same in Armenia.”


Sen. Menendez questions USAID Administrator nominee Samantha Power on support to Artsakh Armenians

Public Radio of Armenia
March 24 2021

US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Chairman Senator Bob Menendez questioned USAID Administrator nominee Samantha Power about U.S. efforts to support Artsakh Armenians forced from their homes by last year’s Turkish-Azerbaijani attacks.

During Ms. Power’s confirmation hearing Sen. Menendez asked: “I would like to draw your attention to the challenges the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh continue to face in light of last fall’s attack by Azerbaijan. In the short term, USAID can help address, food, water, shelter, and COVID assistance needs particularly for displaced Armenians, but I am concerned the U.S. has not done enough to date and I look forward to hearing from you on that.”

Senate Foreign Relations Committee members have until March 25th to submit questions to Ms. Power regarding USAID priorities. Following her responses, the Committee will vote on her nomination, paving the way to full Senate consideration.

Sergey Shoigu: “It’s time for Azerbaijan and Armenia to move on to bilateral contacts”

Vestnik Kavkaza

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21 Mar in 21:10 By Vestnik Kavkaza

In the process of further settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, a lot depends on relations between Russia and Turkey, General Sergey Shoigu, Defense Minister of Russia, said in an interview to

He noted that Russia is a multireligious and multinational country where many Turkic speaking peoples live, and a difficult but fruitful joint work goes on in relations with Ankara. According to the minister, on the one hand, the fact that Turkey is a NATO member is a disadvantage, but, on the other hand, it is a unique experience to find common grounds, carry on joint operations, and find compromises. “We search for alternate solutions. For example, take Idlib zone of de-escalation. In general, establishment of de-escalation zones in Syria is a new page and a new mechanism of settling such conflicts. We need to establish de-escalation zones for people to communicate. Today, Russia and Turkey jointly patrol North East of Syria. We fight terrorism together as well. We work together, frequently, we do it in the air area. We regulate and control many points of crossing and deal with refugees together,” Shoigu said.

The Defense Minister of Russia paid special attention to cooperation with Turkey in the sphere of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: “It is a very difficult operation. A lot of arguments, elements, and reasons were used there. It is hard when two brotherly nations, two close neighbors, those who used to live and, I hope, will live together further in peace, agreement, and friendship, fight.”

“Our president made giant efforts to orange this [signing of the Trilateral Statement on Ceasefire on November 9-10th, 2020]. Moreover, we had to convince everybody. We convinced our colleagues, Defense Ministers. We talked to our Turkish colleagues. Today people don’t kill each other anymore. Now it’s time for Armenia and Azerbaijan to move on to bilateral contacts and to communicate. A lot depends on relations between Russia and Turkey, of course,” Sergey Shoigu stated.

Armenpress: Pashinyan comments on problems existing in judiciary

Pashinyan comments on problems existing in judiciary




YEREVAN, MARCH 20, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan has touched upon the problems existing in the judicial system during his meeting with the residents of Ujan community in Aragatsotn province.

“Today the greatest problem are courts. We have granted freedom and independence to the courts. For 20 years the judges in Armenia have not had an opportunity for making decisions independently, and we have granted them that opportunity, but some of them have used this opportunity for running to their old leaders for fulfilling their will. And they will be punished”, the PM said.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

President, Catholicos discuss situation after Artsakh war

Public Radio of Armenia

President Armen Sarkissian visited the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin today, where he met with His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

The President and the Catholicos referred to the situation after the Artsakh war, humanitarian issues, in particular, the work undertaken to return the Armenian prisoners of war, civilians, missing persons and the bodies of the victims held on the Azerbaijani side.

Issues related to the preservation of Artsakh’s spiritual and cultural heritage were also discussed.  The interlocutors expressed concern over the barbaric attitude towards historical monuments and sanctuaries in the territories under the control of Azerbaijan.

President Sarkissian and His Holiness Karekin II referred to the situation in the country, the ways to overcome the domestic political crisis, and spoke about the most important national problems and challenges.

Armenian President congratulates Georgian counterpart on birthday




YEREVAN, MARCH 18, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian has sent a congratulatory letter to Georgia’s President Salome Zourabichvili on the occasion of her birthday, the Armenian President’s Office told Armenpress.

President Sarkissian highlighted the consistent strengthening and deepening of mutual partnership with Georgia, which, he said, is based on centuries-old friendship traditions.

“I highly value the atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust between us which contributes to the sincere and constructive discussions of various issues of the cooperation between our states.

I am sure that as the Presidents of Armenia and Georgia we can have our major contribution to the further strengthening and development of relations between the two countries in all possible spheres”, the Armenian President said in his letter.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan