Opposition MP to authorities: ‘Stop disgracing Armenia’

Panorama, Armenia

Leader of the opposition Bright Armenia faction took to Facebook on Saturday to denounce the Armenian government’s move to approve a bill that would cut the funding for the Ombudsman’s Office.

“Stay away from the ombudsman! Stop disgracing Armenia!” the MP wrote.

At today’s news conference, Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan called the bill “discriminatory” and “unconstitutional”, unveiling his plans to apply to the Constitutional Court if the draft law is passed by the parliament. 


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Posted by on Saturday,


Freedom House calls on Armenian authorities to ensure unobstructed functioning of democratic and human rights institutions

Panorama, Armenia

Freedom House has reacted to the Armenian government’s legislative proposal to deprive the Human Rights Defender’s Office (HRDO) of its financial safeguards and a dramatic increase in harassment of civil society organizations (CSOs) by opponents of democratic reform in Armenia. 

In its statement released on Friday, the Washington-based human rights watchdog said the Armenian authorities must ensure the unobstructed functioning of democratic and human rights institutions in the country, including civil society.

“In addition to a disinformation campaign to smear civil society as a whole launched by opponents of democratic reform, the government is attempting to cut the funding independence of the HRDO. These troubling developments will only exacerbate Armenia’s political crisis,” said Marc Behrendt, director for Europe & Eurasia at Freedom House.

According to the statement, in light of the conflict in Nagorno Karabakh and the current political crisis, it is more important than ever to preserve the ability of the HRDO and CSOs to raise awareness of the human rights violations committed during the conflict and call out restrictions on fundamental freedoms in the country. "The Armenian authorities should support the HRDO and CSOs by maintaining active dialogue with them, upholding the rule of law, and holding the perpetrators of violence and hate speech to account," added the statement.

Armenian president discusses snap election with head of ruling parliamentary bloc

TASS, Russia
Earlier in the day, the president and premier held a meeting to focus on the political situation in the country

YEREVAN, March 13. /TASS/. Armenian President Armen Sarkissian and Lilit Makunts, the leader of the My Step ruling parliamentary bloc, focused on the current situation in the country, the solutions to the political crisis and an early parliamentary election at their meeting on Saturday, the presidential press service said.

"Today during the talks with parliamentary and non-parliamentary political forces, President of the Republic of Armenia Armen Sarkissian held a meeting with Lilit Makunts, the leader of the My Step ruling parliamentary faction," the statement says. "They discussed the situation in the country and the ways to resolve it and end the internal political crisis. In this context, the sides emphasized the significance of agreements to call an early parliamentary election."

Earlier in the day, Sarkissian and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a meeting to focus on the political situation in the country and considered holding snap parliamentary elections, the presidential press service said.

The Liberal Project and Its Relevance for Armenia

Modern Diplomacy

By Dr. Andrey KORTUNOV

The relatively recent (2017) Hollywood blockbuster Thor: Ragnarok has a memorable scene of the heavenly kingdom of Asgard collapsing. A happenstance witness to and participant in Ragnarok, the last battle between the good and the evil, King of Asgard and God Thor, finds himself unable to avert this disaster. Suddenly, when everything seems hopelessly lost, he has a revelation: “Asgard’s not a place, it’s a people.” And he sets about evacuating his people from the collapsing city.

At this point, Thor recasts himself from an aloof autocratic deity into a dynamic liberal leader. Certainly, he is no neoliberal postmodernist of the early 21st century, but rather a classical liberal of the late 18th century. He realizes that the main value of his kingdom is not the land, the state, property or mystical artifacts, but its people. Men and women. Old and young. All of them together and each of them individually. If the people remain, a new Asgard could be built, even at the other rim of the universe.

The latest events in Armenia are certainly not a Ragnarok yet, nor a trump of doom or the harbinger of a collapsing Armenian state. But amid the recent military defeat aggravated by a calcifying divide in the Armenian society coupled with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and an economic recession, the situation in the country is extremely precarious. It is no longer merely a question of whether Nikol Pashinyan will stay in power, or what the relations between the civil authorities and the military leadership will look like, or in what terms the status of Nagorno-Karabakh will be ultimately defined. The question now concerns the future of the Armenian statehood, it being more serious than ever before in the 30 years of Armenia’s post-Soviet history.

The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that the prospects of Armenia embarking on a path of liberal democracy have lost much of their lustre over the last couple of years. Many hopes had been pinned on Nikol Pashinyan’s tenure, but it brought Armenia neither the promised prosperity nor stability. Pessimism, social apathy and cynicism, as well as disillusionment with democratic institutions and the path of democratic development, are therefore on the rise. It is no accident that calls for transferring power to a technical “government of national accord” are increasingly heard in Yerevan. Some even go on to suggest it would be a good idea to bring the military into power for a while.

Yet, is there a viable alternative to the liberal project in Armenia? From the traditional Realpolitik perspective, Armenia is doomed. The country, with a population of about three million and a territory smaller than the Moscow Region, has no significant oil and gas reserves like the neighbouring Azerbaijan, nor does it have fertile lands like Georgia, Armenia’s another neighbours. The geopolitical situation is dispiriting for Armenia: the country does not even share a common border with Russia, its ally, and is surrounded by an openly hostile alliance of Turkey and Azerbaijan as well as two rather ‘backhanded’ partners, Iran and Georgia. Going back to the “pre-Pashinyan” era would mean Armenia having to get used to the role of a humble petitioner camping on the doorsteps of the faraway Kremlin offices year in and year out.

The liberal democratic paradigm is Armenia’s best chance for a future. The first, most urgent and most important task is not to merely reform the political system but to design a new national idea that would lead society away from the pernicious temptations of endless irredentism. Obsessive ideas of continuing the confrontation with Azerbaijan and taking back the lands lost last year must become a thing of the past.

Like Asgard, Armenia is not a place, it is a people. Apart from the three million Armenians living within their nation-state, the notion also includes some seven or eight million that live beyond its borders, yet do, in some manner, feel that they belong to the “Armenian world.”

Armenia’s main comparative advantage has always been its diaspora, something unique its neighbours do not have. Until now, the diaspora has treated Armenia much in the same way that successful young urbanites tend to treat their aging parents who live out the rest of their days in a ramshackle village somewhere far away: Money transfers (sometimes quite generous), trips home to soak up the nostalgia, traditional “kebab and cognac” get-togethers, declarative support for the “Armenian cause”—little else ties the diaspora with its historical homeland of global “Armenian-ness.”

If Armenia reverts to the “pre-Pashinyan” era, even this level of support will be very hard to sustain. And transforming the country into an attractive investment hub for the diaspora’s substantial funds will be nigh on impossible. Radically new development priorities are required to transform Armenia from the eternal “relation in need” into a country of opportunity. A country that lives not only by its past, but also by its future. Public discussions should focus on the continued search for such development priorities, rather than on some chimeric scenarios of “taking Artsakh back.”

Today, Armenia’s technocrats speak of the prospects of developing the country as a transportation and logistics corridor for the South Caucasus. However, here the country will face tough competition in the form of alternative transit projects, including those that involve the trans-Caspian route. There are plans to transform Armenia into a giant Caucasus mining farm, but Georgia has already beaten it to the punch. Armenia could still become a regional leader in developing the “green energy” sector, especially since there are many areas that abound in sun and wind and are short on rain and snow, areas with high mountains and unpopulated plateaus.

In any case, Armenia is now facing the task of reviving its scientific and technological potential, dramatically improving the quality of its “human capital” and warding off the emerging provincialism. All this requires the public spirit to be radically “demilitarized,” while preserving democratic institutions and procedures as a sine qua non.

The liberal project for Armenia by no means demands that Yerevan turn away from Moscow and pin all its hopes on the West. However, Russia–Armenia relations should be built as relations between two equal partners rather than on the basis of patron-client ties. Being a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Armenia may just become the principal venue for Russia to promote its multilateral developmental projects in the Caucasus, involving Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Given its unique geopolitical situation, Armenia could also claim the role of a bridge between Russia and Europe, between the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union.

Armenia’s potential role in long-term “Greater Caucasus” integration projects is no less important. Given the region’s ethnic and religious diversity, lasting peace and development in the Caucasus are only possible if it is gradually and steadily transformed from a set of states into a community of regions (which, historically, the Caucasus has nearly always been). This single ecosystem could also include Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and other historically shaped areas with their unique identities.

Such models do exist in today’s world. For example, the Swiss Confederation, where individual cantons are not united into a Swiss Germany, a Swiss France and a Swiss Italy, while enjoying considerable autonomy within a single ecosystem. Clearly, conservative groups among the national elites will be against such a “Caucasus of the regions,” being mostly interested in exerting as much control as possible over their states, both recognized and unrecognized. They are in no way interested in delegating even some of their powers to the regional level. Therefore, a stable and harmonious ecosystem in the Caucasus will hardly emerge in the near future. The Swiss Confederation did take a few centuries to emerge, though.

From our partner RIAC

ARF Western U.S. Central Committee Announcement

Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western U.S.

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western U.S. Central Committee was surprised to see the ARF Bureau’s unprecedented public announcement disseminating blatant falsehoods about our internal organizational matters. Given the existential challenges facing our Nation, we had anticipated that the ARF Bureau would mobilize our worldwide structures to address the needs of our Homeland. But instead it has chosen to create internal fissures that have destabilized our party.

Successive efforts to exploit our internal organizational differences, no matter how incomprehensible and unacceptable, are part of a campaign waged during recent years to suppress the free _expression_ of ARF members in the Western U.S. and to punish this region for those positions, even though they have always been aimed at preserving the ARF as an independent force with its own national-ideological character insulated from external influences.

The latest blow to our region in this ongoing destructive campaign came when the ARF Western U.S. was preparing to regularly convene its 55th Regional Convention, which in addition to discussing other issues, was also going to elect a Central Committee to lead the organization pursuant to our organizational norms and By-Laws.

In a move which for us is incomprehensible and falls outside our norms and By-Laws, the ARF Bureau unilaterally canceled the Regional Convention and appointed a Central Committee, thereby disenfranchising its members’ right to elect its own leadership and trampling on the fundamental democratic principles, whose torchbearer has been and must continue to be the ARF. For this very reason, despite the Bureau’s efforts to prohibit the Convention, the elected delegates from local chapters stayed true to our decentralized organizational structure, asserted their rights, proceeded to convene a Regional Convention in accordance with organizational rules, and elected a Central Committee. This effort has seen broad support from the ARF rank and file, not just in the Western U.S., but in other organizational regions where, during the past several years, similar authoritarian tactics had been employed.

The ARF Western U.S. has been one of the most active and vital regions of the ARF family through its unwavering adherence to national values and its service to the community and the nation as witnessed by all, especially a wide spectrum of our community. In its public announcement, the Bureau derogatorily mischaracterizes leaders who have devoted decades in service to the community and the nation as a mere “grouping,” and through cheap shots insults our region’s rank and file and supporters who have trusted and respected those very members whose names and reputations it has shamefully tarnished.

The ARF Bureau has opted to use unacceptable disciplinary methods, which have been rejected by us, to  try to ensure that members fall in line with its decisions. In short, the current leadership has chosen intimidation and coercion over dialogue and discourse.

Despite all this, the duly-elected Central Committee has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to cooperate in order to find a way out of this damaging situation; but sadly, this willingness was met with an escalation of the divisiveness created by the Bureau’s surprising announcement.

We feel obliged to affirm that the duly elected ARF Western U.S. Central Committee remains the sole guardian of its assets pursuant to relevant local, state and federal laws and regulations governing organizational continuity, and continues to support all non-profit community organizations which serve the needs of our region and our Homeland.

On this basis, we strongly condemn the Bureau’s absurd, destructive, defamatory and false allegations that assets and accounts have been “seized.” All organizational operations are fully compliant with state and federal laws governing non-profit entities in the U.S. The organization’s finances are managed by outside accounting firms, which not only perform periodic audits but also report all revenues and expenses to the Internal Revenue Service as mandated by law. This makes it virtually impossible for any one individual or group to “seize” any asset or institution. While the Bureau’s announcement makes these false allegations of “seizure” or “embezzlement” against our organizational leaders who continue to comply with relevant laws and statutes, we expect but have not seen the same transparency being implemented in all other regions of the party.

At this critical juncture in the history of the ARF Western U.S., we find it imperative to once again assess and reinforce the organizational and moral character of the ARF. During its 130-year history, the ARF, through its natural evolution, has adopted a decentralized mode of operation, which goes hand in hand with its ideological principles—democracy, socialism, revolution and nationalism—which have given the ARF its unique character and distinction. Thus the adherence to that principle has become the basic foundation of our structure and operations. The parallel importance of organizational decentralization and ideological-moral centralization are engrained within the very first pages of the ARF By-Laws. They have been and continue to remain the basic principles of our organizational structure and mode of operations and must be protected and implemented to continue on the most constructive path forward.

The Central Committee calls on all its members, all ARF members worldwide and all our dedicated compatriots to work hand-in-hand to uphold the ARF’s moral values, its organizational character, as well as the ARF’s unique role, which it has had and will continue to have in the name of our homeland and Nation.

ARF Western U.S. Central Committee

Asbarez: In Rebuke to Erdogan, Over 180 Lawmakers Call on Biden to Stop Appeasing Ankara

March 1,  2021

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York in Sept. 2019. (Reuters photo)

ANCA Welcomes Bipartisan Congressional Letter Condemning Erdogan’s Human Rights Record

WASHINGTON–A bipartisan group of over 180 U.S. Representatives called on Secretary of State Antony Blinken to “elevate human rights” in American policy toward an increasingly undemocratic and anti-American Turkey, reported the Armenian National Committee of America.

“We join with our coalition partners, community activists, and allies across America in welcoming this powerful, bipartisan call for a major course correction in U.S.-Turkey relations,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “We need to stop outsourcing American policy to Ankara and start holding Ankara accountable for its domestic abuses and its regional aggression.”

In a Congressional letter – backed by the ANCA, led by Representative Seth Moulton (D-MA) and Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), and supported by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX) – legislators argued that “President Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party have used their nearly two decades in power to weaken Turkey’s judiciary, install political allies in key military and intelligence positions, crack down on free speech and free press, and wrongfully imprison political opponents, journalists and minorities. Since 2016, more than 80,000 Turkish citizens have been imprisoned or arrested and more than 1,500 nongovernmental organizations have been closed to suppress political opposition.” They went on to cite that “President Erdogan’s government even brought its style to the streets of our nation’s capital, when during Erdogan’s 2017 visit to the United States, Turkish security personnel assaulted peaceful protestors and federal employees.”

ANCA welcomes bipartisan Congressional letter condemning Erdogan’s human rights record

On May 16, 2017, Hamparian videotaped the brutal attack of peaceful protesters by President Erdogan’s security detail and supporters at Washington, DC’s Sheridan Circle, across from the Turkish Ambassador’s residence, where Erdogan was scheduled to have a closed-door meeting with think tank leaders. Hamparian’s viral video showed pro-Erdogan forces crossing a police line and beating peaceful protesters – elderly men and several women – who were on the ground bleeding during most of the attack. Voice of America video of the attacks offered strong evidence that President Erdogan had personally ordered the attack.

Nineteen perpetrators were indicted for the brutal beatings, which included 15 members of Turkish President Erdogan’s security detail, two Canadians, who reportedly repatriated to Turkey, and two Turkish Americans. All 19 defendants were indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit a crime of violence, with a bias crime enhancement – charges of hate crimes – which carry a maximum 15 years prison sentence. Two of those indicted – Eyup Yildirim and Sinan Narin – pled guilty to one assault charge and served one year in prison. Based on a plea deal, the hate-crimes component of the charges was removed. They were released in March 2018.

The Moulton-Gonzalez letter follows a similar effort led by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) and supported by over half the Senate urging the Biden-Harris Administration to “emphasize to President Erdogan and his administration that they should immediately end their crackdown on dissent at home and abroad, release political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and reverse their authoritarian course.”

The full text of the Moulton-Gonzalez letter is provided below.

The Honorable Antony Blinken
Office of the Secretary
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Blinken,

As the Biden administration formulates its foreign policy in regard to Turkey, we ask that you aim to address the troubling human rights abuses taking place under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkey has long been a key United States ally. Unfortunately, President Erdogan has strained the relationship between our nations. Strategic issues have rightfully received significant attention in our bilateral relationship, but the gross violation of human rights and democratic backsliding taking place in Turkey are also of significant concern.

President Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party have used their nearly two decades in power to weaken Turkey’s judiciary, install political allies in key military and intelligence positions, crackdown on free speech and free press, and wrongfully imprison political opponents, journalists and minorities. Since 2016, more than 80,000 Turkish citizens have been imprisoned or arrested and more than 1,500 nongovernmental organizations have been closed to suppress political opposition. Among those arrested on dubious criminal charges include three Turkish staff employed by the U.S. State Department.

We urge you to prioritize their cases, including their immediate release and dismissal of all charges, in your engagements with Turkey.

President Erdogan’s government even brought its style to the streets of our nation’s capital, when during Erdogan’s 2017 visit to the United States, Turkish security personnel assaulted peaceful protestors and federal employees. Four of Erdogan’s guards still face charges in the United States for the incident. They remain at large in Turkey.

While it is in our mutual interest for the United States and Turkey to remain strategic allies and repair the rifts between us, we believe changes to President Erdogan and his party’s behavior are vital to seeing that relationship restored. We hope that State Department under your leadership and the Biden administration more broadly will elevate human rights and democratic backsliding concerns in our bilateral relations. To that end, we pledge to work with you so that we can not only advance our nation’s national security interests, but also uphold our commitments to supporting human rights, the rule of law, and democratic values.


Armenpress: German parliament discussion: Armenian Ombudsman highlights urgency of repatriating PoWs from Azeri custody

German parliament discussion: Armenian Ombudsman highlights urgency of repatriating PoWs from Azeri custody



 10:06, 5 March, 2021

YEREVAN, MARCH 5, ARMENPRESS. A special online discussion on Armenian prisoners of war in Azerbaijani custody was organized in the German Bundestag during which the Armenian Human Rights Defender presented a separate report, the ombudsman’s office said in a news release.

The discussion took place under the chairmanship of Michael Brand, Chairman of the Bundestag Standing Committee on Human Rights, and Marian Wendt, Chair of the Bundestag Petition Committee. More than 70 German deputies took part in the discussion. The Defender raised the issue of the urgency of the return of prisoners of war — servicemen and civilians — of the Armenian side detained in Azerbaijan. Arman Tatoyan noted that the Azerbaijani authorities are artificially delaying and politicizing the process so as to cause mental suffering to the Armenian society and especially to the families of the captives, and in order to create tension in the country. The Human Rights Defender of Armenia presented in detail the international humanitarian and human rights rules which require the immediate release of prisoners and their safe return. The Ombudsman emphasized the gross violations of international humanitarian law and the rights of prisoners who are wrongly portrayed as "terrorists" given the circumstances of ongoing armed conflict. The Ombudsman also provided information on war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Azerbaijani armed forces during the war (beheadings, torture, humiliation of bodies, etc). Arman Tatoyan thanked the deputies of the German Parliament for the discussion. The Human Rights Defender considers the assistance of the Armenian Embassy in Germany in organizing this discussion to be of utmost importance. It should be noted that the evidence on the Azerbaijani atrocities and torture collected by the Human Rights Defender of Armenia was passed on by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Federal Republic of Germany Ashot Smbatyan to Amnesty International in Germany.

President Sarkissian meets with army chief



 15:53, 3 March, 2021

YEREVAN, MARCH 3, ARMENPRESS. President Armen Sarkissian held a meeting today with the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Colonel-General Onik Gasparyan, the presidency said in a news release.

The president and Gasparyan discussed the “tense situation which resulted from the latest developments.”

“It was noted that regardless of the decisions in this regard, the country’s security and stability are of primary importance. President Sarkissian mentioned that the armed forces should always be under our care and that he will continue keeping the army and its issues under his attention.”

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

‘Attempted coup’: Armenia in turmoil as thousands take to streets, military jets buzz capital

News.com.au, Australia
Feb 26 2021

A European country is on the brink of collapse after its military made moves to stage a ‘coup’, sparking chaos in the capital.

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says the country is being threatened by “an attempted military coup” after the military demanded he resign.

It comes as thousands of people flooded the streets in protest amid divisions over his handling of last year’s war with Azerbaijan.

The army’s statement plunged the impoverished former Soviet republic of less than 3 million into a new political crisis, just months after ethnic Armenian forces lost territory in the failed conflict.

Hours after the general staff of Armenia’s military made a shock call for his government to step down, Mr Pashinyan rallied some 20,000 supporters in the centre of the capital Yerevan against what he said was an attempt to oust him.

The opposition gathered some 10,000 of its own supporters not far away, then began putting up tents and building barricades outside parliament as it vowed to hold around-the-clock demonstrations.

In a chilling sight, footage of military jets circling Yerevan was posted on social media.


The army’s chief of general staff Onik Gasparyan put out a statement criticising the PM’s decision to sack Tiran Khacharyan, the army’s first deputy chief of the general staff.

Mr Gasparyan demanded Mr Pashinyan’s resignation and said the PM’s cabinet should also step down.

“The prime minister and the government are no longer able to make reasonable decisions,” the army statement said.

Supporters of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gather to listen to his speech at Republic Square in downtown Yerevan. Picture: AFPSource:AFP

RELATED: Iran’s dark warning over Armenia, Azerbaijan conflict

“For a long time, the Armenian Armed Forces were patiently tolerating the ‘attacks’ by the incumbent government aimed at defaming the armed forces, but everything has its limits,” the statement said, according to Armenpress.

The statement was signed off by Mr Gasparyan, his deputies, and top military personnel who make up the general staff of the Armenian armed forces.

Meanwhile the PM responded defiantly.

“I am ordering all generals, officers and soldiers: Do your job of protecting the country’s borders and territorial integrity,” he said during the rally.

The army “must obey the people and elected authorities,” Mr Pashinyan said.

He attempted to downplay the military statement, saying it had been an “emotional reaction” to his firing the previous day of Mr Khachatryan.

Mr Khachatryan had ridiculed claims by Mr Pashinyan that Iskander missiles supplied by Russia – Armenia’s main military ally – had failed to hit targets during the war over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.


But Armenia’s opposition urged him to heed the demand.

“We call on Nikol Pashinyan not to lead the country towards civil war and to avoid bloodshed. Pashinyan has one last chance to avoid turmoil,” Prosperous Armenia, the country’s largest opposition party, said in a statement.

Prosperous Armenia and another opposition party, Bright Armenia, called for the holding of an extraordinary session of parliament, which is controlled by Mr Pashinyan’s allies.

Their supporters had gathered outside parliament in the early evening, blocking traffic, erecting tents and making barricades out of rubbish bins.

“We will bring tents, stoves, everything we need. We are staying here. The politicians can either come or we will bring them to parliament,” said Ishkhan Saghatelyan of the opposition Armenian Revolutionary Federation, also known as Dashnaktsutyun.

President Armen Sarkissian, whose role is largely symbolic, said he was taking urgent steps to try to defuse the crisis, while Armenia’s Apostolic Church called for all sides to hold talks “for the sake of our homeland and people”.


Russia, which is traditionally a close ally and has a military base in Armenia, said it was alarmed by the events, but called it a domestic matter that Armenia should resolve peacefully and within its constitution.

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke to Mr Pashinyan and “called on all parties to show restraint,” the Kremlin’s spokesman said.

The European Union’s spokesman said it was following developments closely and called for the armed forces to “maintain neutrality in political matters” in line with Armenia’s constitution.

– with AFP

President’s Office comments on offer to remove Onik Gasparyan from Office




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 25, ARMENPRESS.  The administration of the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian has responded to the questions of media outlets referring to the offer of the Prime Minister to remove from office Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia Onik Gasparyan.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the President’s Office, the President’s administration received the offer to remove Onik Gasparyan from office following the statement of the top military leadership.

According to the Constitution, the President has 3 days for presenting his position, and the President, pursuing the goal of ensuring the normal operation of the state bodies, has never had any fundamental objections to the appointment or dismissal of officials.

‘’But, under the light of the martial law and the existing crisis, dismissing the Chief of the General Staff following the mentioned statement is nor an ordinary personnel reshuffle, given the fact that according to the Constitution of Armenia, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia ensure the defense, security, territorial integrity and the inviolability of the borders of the Republic of Armenia’’, reads the statement issued by the President’s administration.

The President’s Office also notes that in the existing situation no one should try to involve the President in political developments in any way. Any attempts to exert pressure against the President is inadmissible.

‘’The President of the Republic does not support anyone or any political force, and never did so and will never do so. While implementing his functions, the President is guided exclusively by the interests of the state and the people.

President Sarkissian highlights the atmosphere of stability and tolerance in the country and continue to make all efforts for that, confident that the problems must be solved through a dialogue, but not confrontation’’, reads the statement, adding that the priority issue for the President for this moment is the de-escalation of the tensions in the country and the solution of the situation without any shocks, and all his efforts are aimed at that goal.

‘’I think the President of the Republic should sign the decree of releasing the Chief of the General Staff of the post, or Onik Gasparyan should himself submit a resignation letter’’, PM Pashinyan said earlier today, during the rally organized by him.