Artsakh’s right to self determination cannot be removed from agenda, Armenian FM says

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 9 2020

The right to self-determination has been one of the cornerstones of the negotiation process, and cannot be removed from the agenda through the use of military force, Armenian Foreign Minister Ara Aivazian said at a joint press conference with his French counterpart  Jean-Yves Le Drian.

“By launching a military aggression against Artsakh’s self-determination, Azerbaijan and Turkey violated their international commitments, while Azerbaijan also violated its commitments in the peace process,” the Foreign Minister said.

“Since September 27, there has been a new watershed in the international community, as the international community has come to realize that the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is not just a territorial dispute,” he added.

Minister Aivazian said ethnic cleansing and war crimes were committed in all parts of Artsakh that came under the control of Azerbaijan, which once again proves the need to address the recognition of Artsakh’s right to self-determination.

Only in that case, he said, “will it be possible to achieve a just and lasting peace, and only then can we think of a new era of peaceful existence in the South Caucasus.”

Court session over the case of Robert Kocharyan and others to take place on December 8



 20:28, 7 December, 2020

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 7, ARMEPRESS. The court session over the case of 2nd President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan and others will continue on December 8, chaired by judge Anna Danibekyan, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Facebook page of the lawyers of Robert Kocharyan.

‘’The examination of the case on overthrowing the constitutional order will continue of December 8 at 13:00’’, the lawyers said.

Former Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan, who served as Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in 2008, as well as retired general Yuri Khachaturov, a former CSTO secretary general who served as Deputy Minister of Defense and head of the Yerevan garrison in 2008, and former Secretary of the Security Council Armen Gevorgyan are also charged in the March 1 case (overthrow of constitutional order).

An Armenian Tragedy

Slate Mag
Dec 4 2020
How a country’s wishful thinking was shattered by a brutal national defeat.
DEC 04, 20205:45 AM
YEREVAN, Armenia—Grisha Stepanyan sat, looking lost. His crutches leaned against his chair, his left pant leg neatly folded up above his knee. He clutched a square of cardboard cut from a package of Choco Pie snack cakes on the back of which were written, in precise Armenian script, the phone numbers of several family members.
The day before, he said, a group of “Turks” had raided his village in Nagorno-Karabakh and had killed six residents. (Armenians use “Turks” as a slur for Azerbaijanis, but in this war, Azerbaijan was getting heavy backing from Turkey, so it’s not clear exactly to whom he was referring.) His daughter came to pick him up immediately, wrote out the phone numbers for him, and put him on a minibus to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, six hours’ drive away.
That’s where I met him, in a refugee reception center with dozens of his compatriots. They were among the tens of thousands of ethnic Armenians who had fled Karabakh since the Azerbaijani offensive started in late September.
Many of them, like Stepanyan, were elderly, and many were children. One girl was in a wheelchair. A volunteer at the center showed me, on her phone, several drawings that some of the children had done while there. One, by a 9-year-old boy, depicted his house with a tree in front that had been destroyed by an incoming shell.
Many of the children appear to have been traumatized by the fighting, said Varuzhan Mazmanyan, a doctor who was volunteering at the center and who was showing me around. One boy of 5 or 6 heard a crane start up at a construction site next to the refugee center; he thought the sound was a drone and ran inside.
It’s not easy on the elderly, either. Stepanyan was worried about how he was going to collect his monthly pension now that he wasn’t in Karabakh, and as he struggled to explain his predicament to Mazmanyan, he broke into tears. The doctor gently explained that a system was being set up to distribute Karabakh pensions here in Armenia, but it didn’t do much to change the old man’s miserable _expression_. Tears continued to well in his eyes.
COVID-19, unsurprisingly, is rampant in Karabakh and new arrivals at the center get their temperature checked and a face mask if they don’t have one. Many of these people had spent days or weeks in crowded underground bomb shelters in Karabakh before fleeing to Armenia. I couldn’t help but notice that the mask-wearing rate was maybe 60 percent, but who can worry about an invisible threat like the coronavirus when a very tangible one is landing and exploding around you? Besides, it’s pretty much impossible to socially distance when you’re a refugee.
I had come to Armenia at one of the most difficult times in the nation’s history, and it was about to get worse. On Sept. 27, Azerbaijan had launched a full-scale offensive in order to recapture Karabakh, an enclave within its territory that it lost to Armenians nearly three decades earlier.
By the time I got there, about a month into the war, Armenia was losing. The individual human cost was visible here at the refugee center, in the stories of people who had had to flee their homes ahead of the advancing Azerbaijani forces. If Azerbaijanis managed to take all of Karabakh, the territory’s entire population of 150,000 residents—virtually all ethnic Armenians —would likely become refugees.


But the loss was also being experienced at a different level among Armenians, at a national and existential scale. For Armenians, Karabakh is an integral part of their national identity. One common formulation has it that the nation is a “trinity,” consisting of the country of Armenia, Karabakh, and the large global Armenian diaspora.
Armenia had won control of Karabakh in a previous war with Azerbaijan, in the 1990s, as the Soviet Union was collapsing. That war had ended in a cease-fire but not a peace treaty, and Karabakh is still internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory. Armenians didn’t see it that way, though. “There is no Armenia without Karabakh,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in one wartime address to the nation.
Winning Karabakh in the 1990s was seen by many Armenians as a sort of comeback after the 1915 genocide of ethnic Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. As Thomas de Waal’s definitive account of that war, Black Garden, put it: “Victory over Azerbaijan had altered the previous fixed self-image of Armenians as ‘the noble victim.’ This time, after all, they had won, and others had lost.”
Mazmanyan’s ancestors were from Kars, in today’s Turkey, and were survivors of the genocide. “Why is this happening again, 100 years later?” he asked. “Here [at the refugee center] you see women, children, elderly. The men are all there, so they can return all our lands again. That is the goal of everything we’re doing here.”
Losing Karabakh would be not only a national defeat but also a blow, possibly fatal, to the hopes engendered by Armenia’s 2018 Velvet Revolution, in which the man-of-the-people ex-journalist Pashinyan improbably toppled the corrupt, strongman regime that had ruled the country for two decades. For Pashinyan to be the one to lose to Azerbaijan would threaten the country’s prospects for democracy.
At that point in October, though, the scale of the oncoming catastrophe was perhaps too great to comprehend, and there was a pervasive denial about how the war was going.
The Armenian Ministry of Defense was issuing regular, rosy dispatches from the front denying any Azerbaijani advance and proudly enumerating the numbers of tanks and drones it had destroyed and enemy soldiers it had killed. Independent analysts, though, were painting a different picture: Azerbaijan was making dramatic advances on the ground and Armenian forces were suffering serious attrition.
The Armenian media had, however, uncritically picked up the official line. This was partly due to a censorship regime: Shortly after fighting started, the government instituted martial law, one of the provisions of which was that it was illegal “to call into question the military capabilities” of the armed forces. But it also seemed to be partly a self-censorship in response to popular demand: There was no appetite for news about how Armenia was losing.
In my day job I am Caucasus editor at Eurasianet, a website covering the former Soviet Union, and any story we published that suggested things could be going badly for Armenia was met with a flurry of social media anger, claiming that we had fallen victim to Azerbaijani government propaganda.
There were widespread rumors that—secretly—the situation was better than it appeared. Many Armenians told me that they had heard from authoritative sources that things were in fact going well on the battlefield, or that Russia was secretly supplying arms. (Russia is nominally a treaty ally of Armenia, but its conspicuously laissez-faire attitude while Armenians in Karabakh were under attack was the subject of much speculation.)
I met one young woman, Irina Safaryan, who worked for the de facto government in Karabakh and had fled to Yerevan when her hometown, Hadrut, was taken by Azerbaijan. She chalked up bad news about the war to “panic” spread by irresponsible social media users: “Imagine if they had Twitter in 1993. Panicking is not going to help anyone.” Still, she allowed that some of the bad news may have been true. “I know a lot of things, but I keep them to myself,” she said.
I asked Armenian American political analyst Richard Giragosian, who has lived in Yerevan for 16 years and now heads a think tank here, what he made of this kind of denial. He called it the “myth of invincibility” borne out of the experience of the first war, which Armenians at one point were badly losing until they came back to rout the Azerbaijanis.
That mythology has bred a sense of complacency, an almost spiritual belief in Armenians’ toughness and superiority over Azerbaijanis that would negate whatever material advantage the Azerbaijani state might have. Giragosian characterized this thinking as “bullshit exceptionalism.”
Volunteer fighters stand in a valley outside a village southeast of Stepanakert on Oct. 23, during the ongoing fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces.
Aris Messinis/AFP via Getty Images
But there also were plenty of cracks in the outward displays of confidence. I took a tour of VOMA, a volunteer paramilitary organization in Yerevan that trains nonsoldiers in combat skills and maintains a battalion of troops fighting in Karabakh. It was almost a tragically shambolic scene, with a wide variety of unprepared-looking people training to go a war that even the professional soldiers of the Armenian armed forces were losing badly.
There I met 59-year-old Hrayr Koroghlian, a gray-bearded Frenchman of Armenian descent who had left his job at a car dealership in France to train at VOMA. Other than the wooden model of an AK-47 he cradled, he bore a remarkable resemblance to Bill Murray as Steve Zissou. “I’m mentally ready” to go to the front, he told me. “The commanders will decide when I’m physically ready.”
But when I asked the two young volunteers who were showing me around how they thought the war was going, they both lowered their eyes and paused a bit. “I don’t know,” one told me.
This war had been coming for a long time. In the late 1980s, Armenians demanded that Karabakh—which was inside the borders of Soviet Azerbaijan—be transferred to Soviet Armenia. Interethnic violence broke out and then, when the Soviet Union collapsed, all-out war. By the time a cease-fire was signed in 1994, Armenia controlled a substantial part of Azerbaijani territory. That included Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as large swaths of other territory surrounding it, which Armenian forces captured during the fighting. Those territories had been almost entirely populated by ethnic Azerbaijanis, who all fled. In total, more than 600,000 Azerbaijanis were displaced from this area, according to United Nations figures.
The remaining population—almost entirely ethnic Armenian—formed a Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, unrecognized by any other state, including Armenia itself. Armenia nevertheless heavily backed the de facto state, both financially and militarily.
The loss burned among Azerbaijanis, who saw the war as an unjust land grab by Armenians. Over the years since the war, peace talks were held to come up with a formal resolution to the conflict, which would have included something like a return to Azerbaijan of the territories surrounding Karabakh, some kind of status for Karabakh that would reflect the will of its population, the right of the displaced people to return, and an international security guarantee to police it all.
In the early days of the negotiations, the two sides talked seriously and were at times agonizingly close to making a deal. But the talks increasingly turned into empty formalities and the positions on both sides hardened against making any compromises. Azerbaijan, meanwhile, poured the wealth it gained from extracting its substantial natural gas and oil reserves into its military and vowed that it would take back its territories by force, if necessary.
The signs of war were especially evident over the last year. Azerbaijan was initially cheered by Pashinyan’s coming to power. The former ruling regime had been led by senior officers from the first Karabakh war, a group of hard-liners known as “the Karabakh clan” in Baku. Pashinyan, who had no connection to Karabakh, initially appeared to Azerbaijanis to be a fresh voice and someone with whom they could talk. There were some initially positive moves on the diplomatic front. But the populist prime minister began to adopt even more hard-line public positions than even the “Karabakh clan” had. These were reciprocated by even more urgent threats of war from Baku.
And yet, most Armenians never seemed to believe that a war was actually possible. Over my years of reporting on this conflict, I had been struck by the disconnect from what I heard in Azerbaijan—that war would be inevitable if negotiations didn’t work—and among Armenians, who tended to think that Baku was all talk and no action.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but Armenians and Azerbaijanis really hate one another. The rivalry may be the most vicious in the world. The few voices of those on either side who are trying to break the cycle of aggression and victimization have been even further marginalized as the result of the war. But they still exist.
Early on in the war, I read a Facebook post by a young Armenian journalist, Arpi Bekaryan, that had affected me strongly. It described her journey from being an Azerbaijani-hating nationalist to someone who saw the conflict in terms of humans, not sides.
After the war started, wading into Caucasus social media every day was a suffocating exercise, seeing people who were once liberal and open-minded turning nationalist and flag-waving. The mutual hatred was crushing, and reading Bekaryan’s post was cathartic. So when I went to Yerevan, I looked her up.
She told me that on the day war broke out, her father happened to be in Karabakh for the funeral of an in-law. She didn’t get any news from him all day and began to worry. Meanwhile, her Azerbaijani friends on Facebook were cheering the outbreak of war and celebrating what they thought would be their imminent return to Karabakh. “I have lost many friends from Azerbaijan,” she told me.
That she has friends from Azerbaijan at all is a rarity; the large majority of young Armenians and Azerbaijanis have no contact with one another. But Bekaryan had just finished a master’s program in journalism in Georgia that brings together Georgians, Armenians, and Azerbaijanis. There she got to know people from the other side of the conflict and their perspective, and realized that what she had learned growing up about the conflict was incomplete at best. “We think Azerbaijanis are all brainwashed and under the influence of state propaganda, and that we aren’t at all, that we’re balanced,” she said with a laugh.
While she’s been dismayed by many of her Azerbaijani friends’ turn toward militarism, she saves most of her criticism for her own side, for Armenians’ unwillingness to acknowledge Azerbaijanis’ trauma and legitimate grievances from the first war.
That is an exceedingly rare quality in this conflict, and people on either side who criticize their own side’s nationalism and militarism are routinely branded as “traitors.” I asked her how she dealt with that accusation.
She responded by telling me a story about a funeral she had gone to a week before, of a good friend’s brother who died fighting. She described it as impersonal, almost mechanistic, with the soldiers’ funerals taking place three at a time and martial hymns being played.
As she left, another friend described how impressed he was with the scene. “He was trying to romanticize this, seeing this as something patriotic, and I got so angry I started to shout at him on the street. ‘There is nothing to be proud of,’ ” she told him. “ ‘It’s because of people like you that we are in this situation.’
“If it wasn’t for this nationalistic ideology we wouldn’t be here at all, and we wouldn’t have had the war in the ’90s as well,” she continued. She is soft-spoken, but her voice tightened. “I don’t see myself as a traitor. They are the traitors. These people are not ending the war with this hate speech, with this nationalism, even by going to the front and fighting again and again. How many times is it going to take, how many lives? People are saying here, ‘We will fight to the last Armenian.’ We talk about the genocide but then we say we will fight to the last Armenian. And they call me the traitor?”
In this atmosphere, saturated with bravado and desperation, defeat was unfathomable. And for Armenians, who tend to see themselves as cardinally superior to Azerbaijanis—more civilized, smarter, tougher, and better fighters—the thought that they could one day lose never crossed their minds.
And then they lost.
A bit past midnight on Nov. 10, Pashinyan, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a deal to end the war.
Two days before, Azerbaijan had announced that it had captured Shusha, the hilltop city that is both a strategically key site and a symbolically rich one; it had been the center of Azerbaijani culture in Karabakh for centuries.
Armenian officials denied that the city (they spell it Shushi) had been taken. “Wait for the official news, and wait for the end of the battle of Shushi which I’m sure our army will end with glory and we will win, I am sure. Trust our army and wait,” the Ministry of Defense spokesman, Artsrun Hovhannisyan, said. Armenian social media and rumor mills were full of reports that, in fact, the city was not under Azerbaijani control. It turned out that the Azerbaijanis were right, and with Shusha under their control, the Armenians faced a rout and Pashinyan had no choice but to sign the capitulation.
The terms were a complete catastrophe for Armenia. Azerbaijan would retain control of everything they took during the war and gain control of the occupied territories surrounding Karabakh. Among the territories signed away was Grisha Stepanyan’s village of Chanakhchi. The little territory that Armenians were left with would be protected by Russian peacekeepers, and the future of that bit of land, even in the medium term, is precarious.
The response among Armenians was shock, sadness, and anger. “I’m empty,” Safaryan, the government worker in exile, tweeted that morning. “I don’t exist any more.” Her hometown of Hadrut also had been signed away.
Almost immediately after the capitulation was announced, mysterious groups of men, some likely connected to the former regime, stormed Parliament, badly beat the speaker, and even broke into Pashinyan’s residence (he wasn’t there). Pashinyan’s political opponents, who had been lying somewhat low during the war, immediately struck and demanded his resignation.
Even many of the prime minister’s supporters were dismayed. Pashinyan regularly claimed to rule by mandate of “the people,” and one of his promises shortly after coming to power was that he would not sign any “secret” deal on Karabakh but would instead bring it to the people to discuss.
Protesters attend an opposition rally demanding the resignation of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at Independence Square in Yerevan on Nov. 21.
Alexander Ryumin/TASS via Getty Images
The morning after the deal was signed, I headed over to Parliament to see if anything was still happening and found a few hundred people uneasily milling about, hoping that Pashinyan or members of parliament would come out and explain what had happened.
One of them was Tigran Khachaturyan, who was a Pashinyan supporter. “You can imagine the frustration of the nation now. That the person who had the most trust just screwed us in one night, with one signature,” he said. He acknowledged that Pashinyan may have had no choice but resented that the deal was done in precisely the fashion the prime minister had vowed it wouldn’t. “OK, there was no choice—then do it according to your promise. Come to the square and tell it to the people.”
Many others, though, didn’t believe Pashinyan had no choice and accused him of “selling out” Karabakh. The details of the conspiracy theory were fuzzy and often contradictory, but they were all based on a belief that Armenia could have won the war. “He is a traitor,” Ruzana Martirosyan told me. “He stopped the soldiers from fighting.” Another, Emma Begiyan, told me: “They were telling us every day that everything was going great [in the war] and now in one night we’re selling our land.”
In the wake of the defeat, there has been a lot of second-guessing of Pashinyan’s decision-making. The chief of staff of the armed forces came out to say that military leaders recommended surrendering just days after the start of the war, when it was clear that Armenia was hopelessly outmatched against Azerbaijan and Turkey, and the country could have negotiated less painful terms. Putin piled on, saying that Pashinyan had rejected an earlier deal, to which Aliyev agreed, that also would have left Armenia in a far better position than it ended up.
It appeared that Pashinyan was politically hamstrung by Armenians’ belief that they couldn’t lose. After the war ended, Giragosian told me that Pashinyan was getting conflicting information on the military situation, and pessimistic assessments like that of the armed forces’ chief of staff were in the minority. Still, he summed up Pashinyan’s strategic thinking in one word: “hubris.” As I write this, Pashinyan’s fate is unclear, but it’s hard to believe he’s going to hold on for much longer.
Pashinyan is far from irreplaceable and the values of his revolution—a dedication to stamping out corruption and putting more power in the hands of the people—may be in better hands with someone else. The bigger risk, though, is that the entire project of democratization that he spearheaded will be discredited and jeopardized.
For decades, liberal critics of the former ruling regime were patronized by the claim that democracy was a luxury unaffordable for a country like Armenia, under a serious military threat that demanded strong internal unity. That isn’t why Armenia lost, but it will be an easy explanation for many to seize on to. Pashinyan was far from perfect, but he was better than what came before and very likely better than what will come next.
Meanwhile, the war only accelerated the cycle of hatred between Armenians and Azerbaijanis, which is now worse than I have ever seen it. Armenians are now in the humiliating position that Azerbaijanis were 26 years ago, and while one would hope that would engender some empathy for the suffering of the other side, the opposite has happened.
Azerbaijanis, with very few exceptions, have been far from gracious in victory. The tone was set by Aliyev, who in his address to the nation following Armenia’s capitulation mocked Pashinyan as a “coward” and crowed over the concessions Armenians were forced to make.
Videos emerged on social media showing Azerbaijani soldiers committing horrific atrocities against captured Armenians and defacing Armenian churches. Armenians grieving over their loss on Twitter have invariably been swarmed by replies from gloating Azerbaijanis. Even Bekaryan, among the most pacifist of Armenians, has been badgered by Azerbaijani trolls for any post she dares write that is sympathetic to the Armenians now suffering.
The way forward for Armenians now is murky.
In the wake of defeat, one man who has been having a moment in Armenia is Jirair Libaridian, a historian and former senior diplomat who had been the Armenians’ chief negotiator in the 1990s. He had been the rare voice calling for Armenians to negotiate seriously with Azerbaijanis; his warnings now appear prescient, and he has been giving several interviews with scathing assessments of what he has described as decades of wishful thinking on the conflict.
“We have cultivated an unwillingness to accept reality, to reject reality and replace it with our dreams. We have raised this to an art form,” he said in an interview with the BBC Russian service. “We chased after dreams and the impossible, and we lost what was possible, what we could get.”
Many other Armenians, meanwhile, are digging in, vowing to regroup and retake the territories that they lost, even if it takes decades—like it did for the Azerbaijanis.
“Learn from their [Azerbaijanis’] successes and their failures such that someday we may be able to liberate [Karabakh] from tyrants and despots again,” one recent Armenian American Harvard graduate wrote in a diaspora newspaper. “They spent 25 years planning this invasion. Who says that we cannot do the same?”
Reporting for this story was supported by the Pulitzer Center.

Russia sends more rescuers to Nagorno Karabakh

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 6 2020

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation sent a special plane with rescuers to Nagorno-Karabakh, among them canine handlers, mine rescuers, signalmen and psychologists, the ministry’s press service reported.

“On December 6, a special IL-76 plane of the Russian Emergencies Ministry with rescuers departed from Moscow. The consolidated group was formed of dog handlers, pyrotechnics and mine rescuers of the Leader center, signalmen of the Ruzа control center, specialists from the Noginsk rescue center, as well as psychologists. All descending personnel have been tested for the absence of COVID-19, ” the message says.

The groups of the department continues to provide humanitarian assistance to the population. On Saturday, employees took part in the delivery of furniture to Stepanakert’s warehouses for residents of the affected settlements. Wardrobes, beds, chairs and tables were transported.

In addition, about 300 children took part in safety lessons organized by the Russian Emergencies Ministry specialists in Stepanakert schools. Students gain knowledge and skills in first aid, practice the Heimlich technique, and learn how to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict: Turkey’s military exports to Baku jump 600 percent

Middle East Eye
Dec 3 2020
Large Turkish backing for Baku in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict sees arms sales surge
By Ragip Soylu in Ankara                 

Turkey’s military exports to its ally Azerbaijan jumped a whopping 610 percent in the first 11 months of this year, during which Baku fought a brutal and successful conflict against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Turkish exports for the time totalled nearly $256m, according to the Turkey Exporters Union’s latest data release.

During the September-November conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, a nominal Azerbaijani territory that had been occupied by Armenian forces since 1994, Ankara provided unprecedented support for Baku. 

Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict: Israeli 'kamikaze' drones wreak havoc on Karabakh

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Turkey shipped at least six armed Bayraktar type attack drones and supplied smart munitions including precision-guided missiles, while Turkish military staff helped to shape Azerbaijan's strategy to capture the territory.

Turkey’s drone blitz against Armenian hardware, which included howitzers, missiles, missile defence systems, tanks and fortifications, weakened Yerevan's resistance and gave Azerbaijan a huge advantage on the battlefield.

Turkey and Azerbaijan have conducted joint military drills for years, most recently in August, when Turkish officers shared the experience and expertise they had developed in the Syrian and Libyan conflicts.

Ankara has also brought in Syrian mercenaries to prop up Azerbaijani defences and deployed Turkish F-16s as a deterrent, even though the warplanes were not used in the actual fighting.

Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed on a ceasefire after six weeks of heavy fighting in November, following the Azerbaijani army’s seizure of the strategic city of Shusha (known as Shushi in Armenian).

The agreement, which was met with anger and disbelief among Armenians, hands administrative control over several areas of the mountainous territory to Azerbaijan.

EXCLUSIVE: Azerbaijan, Armenia 'near ceasefire deal' on Nagorno-Karabakh

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As part of the deal, Russian peacekeepers are deployed along the frontline in Nagorno-Karabakh and the corridor between the region and Armenia. Turkey and Russia also earlier this week agreed to establish a joint ceasefire observation centre to inspect developments on the ground.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is also set to visit Baku on 9-10 December, according to a statement by the presidency on Thursday.

Nagorno-Karabakh broke away from Azerbaijan in the 1990s, prompting a long unresolved conflict that has seen tens of thousands of people killed.

The disputed territory has been held by Armenian forces for nearly three decades, despite four UN Security Council resolutions urging them to withdraw.

Both Armenians and Azerbaijanis have long historical and cultural roots in the territory.

Turkish Armed Forces sappers arrive in Karabakh

JAM News
Nov 30 2020

    JAMnews, Baku

Specialists of the Turkish Armed Forces in the disposal of mines and improvised explosive devices have begun to provide assistance to the Azerbaijani army in the territories that passed into Azerbaijani control during the Second Karabakh War.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan says the Turkish military specialists will carry out demining work and clearing the territories from explosive devices, and will also organize training sessions for Azerbaijani engineering units.

The Turkish parliament approved the decision of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to send Turkish troops to the territory of Azerbaijan.

According to the agreement, the servicemen of Turkey and Russia, within the framework of the joint monitoring center, will monitor the work of the peacekeeping forces in Karabakh, as well as the observance of the ceasefire by the parties.

So far, the date of sending Turkish troops to Azerbaijan is unknown.

NYT: In Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Deal, Putin Applied a Deft New Touch

New York Times
Dec 1 2020
In Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Deal, Putin Applied a Deft New Touch
The iron-fisted tactics used against Georgia and Ukraine seem to have fallen out of favor, replaced by a more subtle blend of soft power and an implicit military threat.
Armenian soldiers and a Russian peacekeeping soldier, on the vehicle, at a checkpoint last month in Nagorno-Karabakh.Credit…Mauricio Lima
By Anton Troianovski and Carlotta Gall
Dec. 1, 2020Updated 10:27 a.m. ET
STEPANAKERT, Nagorno-Karabakh — As a dilapidated old van pulled up at a hillside checkpoint, an Azerbaijani soldier inside scrubbed furiously at his fogged-up window, then cast a glowering look at an Armenian standing just a few feet away.
Just days before, they were on opposite sides of a bitter war. But now the Russian peacekeeper next to them was in charge. He waved the van through toward Azerbaijani-held territory to the right. The Armenians traveled on to Armenian-controlled land to the left.
The vicious war between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed mountain enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh has settled into a tense truce enforced by heavily armed Russian troops. For Russia, long a provocateur in the broader Caucasus region, the peacemaker role is a switch — a new test and opportunity for a country struggling to maintain its influence in the former Soviet lands.
“They say that things will be OK,” said Svetlana Movsesyan, 67, an ethnic Armenian who remained in the Nagorno-Karabakh capital of Stepanakert, even after narrowly escaping an Azerbaijani strike on the market where she sells dried fruits and honey. “I believe in Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.”
It was Mr. Putin, the Russian president, who by all accounts stopped the war that killed thousands this fall in the fiercest fighting the southern Caucasus has seen this century. But he did so by departing from the iron-fisted playbook Russia has used in other regional conflicts in the post-Soviet period, when it intervened militarily in Georgia and Ukraine while invading and annexing Crimea.
At the open air market in Stepanakert, which was partially destroyed by shelling during the six-week war.Credit…Mauricio Lima for The New York Times
Those tactics, which helped turn those countries into implacable adversaries, seem to have fallen out of fashion in the Kremlin, which analysts say is increasingly applying a more subtle blend of soft and hard power.
The Kremlin’s lighter touch has been visible in the recent Belarus uprising, where Russia refrained from intervening directly and offered only lukewarm support for President Aleksandr G. Lukashenko, whose violence against protesters was infuriating the population.
In the negotiations to end the recent war, Mr. Putin leaned on the threat of Russia’s military power, forcing concessions from both sides in the conflict but gaining a grudging measure of trust in the rival camps. Russia has a mutual-defense alliance with Armenia, but Mr. Putin insisted it did not apply to Nagorno-Karabakh. He has maintained close personal ties to President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan.
The strategy seems to have paid immediate dividends, providing the Kremlin with a military foothold in the region and welding Armenia firmly into Russia’s sphere of influence, without alienating Azerbaijan.
“This is an opportunity to play the role of peacekeeper in the classical sense,” said Andrei Kortunov, the director general of the Russian International Affairs Council, a research organization close to the Russian government. “I want to hope that we are seeing a learning process and a change in the Russian strategy in the post-Soviet space.”
With Russian support, Armenia had won control of Nagorno-Karabakh, a region of Azerbaijan inhabited by ethnic Armenians, after a yearslong war in the early 1990s that was precipitated by the breakup of the Soviet Union. Armenian forces also captured surrounding districts, expelling more than half a million Azerbaijanis.
After a quarter-century of diplomatic failures, Azerbaijan began an offensive on Sept. 27 to retake the area by force, making rapid gains thanks in part to its sophisticated, Israeli- and Turkish-made drones.
Inside a cathedral in Shusha, which was hit by shelling during the war, before the town was captured by Azerbaijan.Credit…Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times
In early November, Azerbaijani troops wrested the mountaintop citadel of Shusha from Armenian control, scaling the wooded slopes and fighting hand-to-hand in close combat through the streets. By Nov. 9, they were pummeling Armenian soldiers along the road to nearby Stepanakert, home to a peacetime population of some 50,000 ethnic Armenians, and an even bigger battle appeared imminent.
Then Mr. Putin, who earlier had tried to broker a cease-fire, stepped in. Azerbaijan that night accidentally shot down a Russian helicopter, potentially giving Moscow a reason to intervene. The Russian president delivered an ultimatum to Mr. Aliyev of Azerbaijan, according to several people briefed on the matter in the country’s capital, Baku: If Azerbaijan did not cease its operations after capturing Shusha, the Russian military would intervene.
The same night, a missile of unknown provenance hit an open area in Baku, without causing any injuries, according to Azerbaijani sources. Some suspected it was a signal from Russia that it was prepared to get involved and had the capacity to inflict significant damage.
Hours later, Mr. Putin announced a peace deal, and Mr. Aliyev went on television to announce that all military operations would stop. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia said he had no choice but to go along, facing the prospect of even more bloodshed on the battlefield.
Azerbaijanis celebrating a week after the peace deal was announced.Credit…Ivor Prickett for The New York Times
Mr. Aliyev cast the deal as a victory, with all but a sliver of what was Armenian-controlled territory in Nagorno-Karabakh being returned to Azerbaijan. But he, too, had to compromise: Nearly 2,000 Russian troops, operating as peacekeepers, would now be stationed on Azerbaijani territory. It was a strategic boon for Russia, giving Moscow a military foothold just north of Iran, but also a risk because it put Russian troops in the middle of one of the world’s most intractable ethnic conflicts.
“I don’t know how it will end this time, because there is no good example of Russian peacekeepers in the Caucasus,” said Azad Isazade, who served in Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry during the 1990s. “I am worried how it will end.”
Seared in almost every Azerbaijani’s memory are the bloody events of 1990, when Soviet tanks rolled over demonstrators in Baku’s central square. Russian troops have since intervened repeatedly in troubled corners of the Caucasus, often under the moniker of peacekeepers but acting more like an invading army. Now Russia will be pivotal to the future of Nagorno-Karabakh, with the region’s long-term status still unclear.
“Russia doesn’t want to leave this alone. They like this frozen state,” said Farid Shafiyev, a former diplomat and director of the government-financed Center for Analysis of International Relations in Baku. “They are going to meddle.”
But the deal with Mr. Putin appears to have suited Mr. Aliyev — only in part because Azerbaijani forces were already strung out and faced a tougher, wintertime fight ahead while bearing the added burden of managing a hostile ethnic Armenian population, one analyst said.
“I don’t think Aliyev needed much persuading,” Thomas de Waal, a senior fellow with Carnegie Europe, said. “He values his relationship with Russia.”
For Armenians, many of whom had looked to build closer ties to the West in recent years, the war was a harsh reminder that Russia remains critical to their security. Because Azerbaijan’s main ally, Turkey, posed what many Armenians considered to be an existential threat, Armenians have come back “to our default position: the reflexive perception of Russia as the savior,” said Richard Giragosian, a political analyst based in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia.
It was Russia that offered refuge to and fought with Armenians against Ottoman Turkey during the Armenian Genocide that began in 1915.
“Armenia is now ever more firmly locked within the Russian orbit, with limited options and even less room to maneuver,” Mr. Giragosian said. “The future security of Nagorno-Karabakh now depends on Russian peacekeepers, which gives Moscow the leverage they lacked.”
The Nov. 9 peace deal says nothing about the territory’s long-term status, and ethnic Armenians who trickled back to their homes in buses overseen by Russian peacekeepers said they could not imagine life in the region without Russia’s protection.
A destroyed Armenian tank along the former frontline region of Fizuli.Credit…Ivor Prickett for The New York Times
Down the road from the Stepanakert military college now housing the Russian command, Vladik Khachatryan, 67, an ethnic Armenian, said there was a rumor going around Stepanakert that gave him hope for the future.
“Soon, we will get Russian passports,” he said. “We won’t be able to survive without Russia.”
Across from the Stepanakert market, in Room 6 of Nver Mikaelyan’s hotel, a maroon bloodstain still covered the bedsheets more than a week after the war’s end. The boxers and towels of the room’s last guests hung on the headboards, pierced by shrapnel from the Azerbaijani bomb that hit in October.
Echoing other ethnic Armenians in the area, Mr. Mikaelyan said he saw one clear path to a sustainable peace: Nagorno-Karabakh becoming part of Russia. The idea seems far-fetched, but it has been floated by political figures in Russia and Nagorno-Karabakh over the years, though not by Mr. Putin.
“What else is to be done?” Mr. Mikaelyan asked, after taking another look at the blown-out hotel room door, the TV ripped off the wall, the trails of blood still stuck to the third floor. “The European Union is doing nothing. The Americans are doing nothing.”
Anton Troianovski reported from Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh, and Carlotta Gall from Baku, Azerbaijan.

Armenian president to pay private visit to Moscow

TASS, Russia
Nov 28 2020
Armen Sarkissian plans to meet with members of the Armenian community in Russia to discuss the situation in his country and Nagorno-Karabakh

YEREVAN, November 28. /TASS/. Armenian President Armen Sarkissian will pay a private visit to Moscow on Saturday, where he plans to meet with members of the Armenian community in Russia to discuss the situation in his country and Nagorno-Karabakh, the head of state’s press service said.

"President Armen Sarkissian left for a private visit to Russia’s capital Moscow on November 28. While continuing discussions with representatives of the Armenian diaspora, President Sarkissian will have meetings with members of the Armenian community in the Russian Federation, during which he will raise the issue of events involving Artsakh (the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic – TASS) and the situation in Armenia," the press service said.

Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27, with intense battles raging in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Baku and Yerevan have disputed sovereignty over Nagorno-Karabakh since February 1988, when the region declared secession from the Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic. In the armed conflict of 1992-1994 Azerbaijan lost control of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjoining districts.

On November 9, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a joint statement on a complete ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh starting from November 10. The Russian leader said the Azerbaijani and Armenian sides would maintain the positions that they had held and Russian peacekeepers would be deployed to the region.

Kim Kardashian promotes charity for children of Artsakh

Public Radio of Armenia

Nov 29 2020

Reality star and entrepreneur Kim Kardashian promotes the “Holiday Backpacks for Artsakh” initiative of the UCLA and UC Berkeley HRI chapters, which aims to bring holiday cheer to the children displaced by the war in Artsakh.

“Pack a backpack with toys, school and art supplies, personal care items, clothing and accessories, a personal note, and more, and gift it to a child displaced by the war in Artsakh,” Kardashian calls in a Facebook post.

The backpacks will be distributed to students at Project Hope centers.

Kim Kardashian West

17 hours ago

Initiated by UCLA and UC Berkeley HRI chapters, "Holiday Backpacks for Artsakh," aims to bring holiday cheer to the children displaced by the war in Artsakh. Pack a backpack with toys, school and art supplies, personal care items, clothing and accessories, a personal note, and more, and gift it to a child displaced by the war in Artsakh. The backpacks will be distributed to students at Project Hope centers. Hidden Road Initiative – Թաքնված Ճանապարհ Նախաձեռնություն