Azerbaijan again striking Artsakh’s capital, Stepanakert




 20:30, 3 October, 2020

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 3, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijani forces are again striking Stepanakert, the correspondent of ARMENPRESS informs from Stepanakert that explosions were heard.

Earlier people had been taken to shelters following air raid alarm.

Starting from September 27, Azerbaijan, backed by Turkey, unleashed military operations against Artsakh, using its entire arsenal and targeting even civilian population both in Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia.

Editing and translating by Tigran Sirekanyan

Asbarez: Biden Says Turkey Must Stay Out of Karabakh Conflict; Challenges Trump

September 29,  2020

Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Tuesday said Turkey must stay out of the Karabakh conflict and challenged President Trump to hold Ankara accountable to the same.

“With casualties rapidly mounting in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, the Trump Administration needs to call the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan immediately to de-escalate the situation. It must also demand others — like Turkey — stay out of this conflict,” said in a Twitter post on Tuesday.

With Azerbaijan’s attacks on the entire border of Artsakh going into a third day, Armenia reported that one of its fighter jets was downed by a Turkish F-16 plane that flew out of an airbase in Gyanja, Azerbaijan, killing the pilot.

Since Azerbaijan began its massive attack against Artsakh Sunday, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan immediately voiced his unequivocal support to Azerbaijan and urged the people of Armenian to topple the government of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Erdogan also attacked the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairing countries—the United States, Russia and France—saying that in 30 years they had not be able to reach a settlement, calling for end to the conflict, in favor of Azerbaijan, “once and for all.”

President Trump has not made a statement on the escalating military situation since Sunday when in response to a reporter’s question he said at a White House press briefing: “We are looking at it very strongly. We have a lot of good relationships in that area, we will see if we can stop it.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to “cease hostilities.”

Pompeo said during a visit to Crete on Tuesday that he had discussed the clashes in talks earlier with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias.

“The foreign minister and I addressed the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh where both sides need to stop the violence and work with the Minsk Group co-chairs and return to substantive negotiations as quickly as possible,” said Pompeo.

Soon after Azerbaijan began its attack on Artsakh, the State Department issued a statement, saying the U.S. is “alarmed.”

“The United States is alarmed by reports of large scale military action along the Line of Contact in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone that has resulted in significant casualties, including civilians.  We extend our condolences to the families of those killed and injured,” said the State Department on Sunday.

“The United States condemns in the strongest terms this escalation of violence.  Deputy Secretary Biegun called the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Jeyhun Bayramov, and the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, to urge both sides to cease hostilities immediately, to use the existing direct communication links between them to avoid further escalation, and to avoid unhelpful rhetoric and actions that further raise tensions on the ground,” added the State Department.

“The United States believes participation in the escalating violence by external parties would be deeply unhelpful and only exacerbate regional tensions.  We urge the sides to work with the Minsk Group Co-Chairs to return to substantive negotiations as soon as possible.  As a Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, the United States remains committed to helping the sides achieve a peaceful and sustainable settlement to the conflict,” the State Department urged.

For his part, Biden issued a statement Sunday, calling for the observance of the ceasefire and urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to return to the negotiating table.

“I am deeply concerned by the outbreak of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh and call for urgent de-escalation, restoring the ceasefire, and a resumption of negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Biden said.

“The United States should be pushing for more observers along the ceasefire line and calling for Russia to stop cynically providing arms to both sides, while reviewing our own security assistance programs to ensure no military capabilities are being repurposed for offensive means,” he added.
He called on the Trump administration to step up its diplomatic efforts, together with fellow OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs France and Russia, to seek a peaceful resolution and to support confidence-building measures.

“The eruption of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh runs the risk of escalating into a larger regional conflict, which is why third parties in the region must stay out of this conflict and the Minsk Group mediators must immediately seek de-escalation and a return to negotiations,” added Biden.

Armenian forces hit 2 Azerbaijan choppers as fierce fighting erupts over disputed land

The Print, India
Sept 27 2020
Zulfugar Agayev 3:19 pm IST

Bloomberg: Fierce fighting involving tanks, aircraft and artillery broke out between Azerbaijan and Armenians Sunday in a conflict over land that’s been disputed for decades.

Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said it launched a “counterattack” after accusing Armenians of firing on its military positions and on civilian settlements near the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh territory. Armenia said Azerbaijan started bombarding along the contact line separating the two forces and shelled civilians including in the region’s capital, Stepanakert.

The conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh has flared repeatedly since Armenians took control of the territory and seven surrounding districts from Azerbaijan in a war after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Hundreds were killed in a five-day war in 2016 before Russia pressured both sides to resume a cease-fire that was first brokered in 1994. Despite decades of mediation by the U.S., France and Russia, no peace agreement has been signed.

The Azeri army is using tanks, artillery, missile systems and aircraft against Armenian positions near the front line and deeper into Armenian-held territory, the Defense Ministry in Baku said in a website statement. As many as 12 Armenian anti-aircraft systems have been destroyed and one Azeri helicopter was shot down, it said.

Armenian forces hit two Azeri helicopters, three tanks and three drones, Armenian Defense Ministry spokeswoman Shushan Stepanyan said.

Civilians in Nagorno-Karabah have been urged to go into shelters after Azerbaijan shelled Stepanakert, according to Vahram Poghosyan, presidential spokesman in the unrecognized republic. “Our response will be proportional, and the whole responsibility is on the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan,” he said.

The fighting comes after tensions between the two sides rose sharply last week, when Azeri President Ilham Aliyev alleged that Armenia was massing forces near Nagorno-Karabakh for a new war. Armenia dismissed the claim as groundless and accused Aliyev of preparing for a war. – Bloomberg

Armenia opposition MP: There no political persecution?, Armenia
Sept 26 2020

10:52, 26.09.2020

Armenian, Artsakh foreign ministries hold consultations in Stepanakert




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS. Structural divisions of the foreign ministries of Armenia and Artsakh held today sectoral consultations at the Artsakh foreign ministry.

The Armenian MFA was led by secretary general Vahagn Melikyan, whereas the Artsakh MFA by secretary general Semyon Afiyan, the Armenian MFA told Armenpress.

The sides thoroughly discussed issues relating to strengthening and deepening the sectoral cooperation between the two ministries.

Artsakh Foreign Minister Masis Mailyan received the Armenian MFA’s delegation. In his remarks the minister highly valued such kind of consultations between the two ministries which allows to outline the cooperation prospects between the two structures.

President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan also received the Armenian MFA’s delegation. He also highly appreciated the existing close cooperation between Armenia and Artsakh.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

No verified information about resettlement of Lebanese Armenians in Karabakh, Maria Zakharova says

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 17 2020

"We have seen reports about the resettlement plans of the Nagorno Karabakh de facto authorities for Armenians who left Lebanon. We have also seen reports that two Lebanese-Armenian families have expressed desire to resettle in Nagorno Karabakh," Spokeswoman at Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova told at a briefing on Thursday. "However, we do not possess verified information about the real influx of Lebanese Armenians into Nagorno Karabakh and surrounding territories," added Zakharova.

Her comments came at a request of Azerbaijani reporter to comment on the issues.

In the words of the Russian diplomat, the time is now to concentrate on resumption of the peace process, including on issues of refugees and internally displaced persons in Karabakh.

Zakharova next recalled the latest consultation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs with Armenian and Azerbaijani FMs and the proposal to hold separate talks with the Co-Chairs. The Russian diplomat expressed hope for a positive feedback from the sides.

Armenia To Tighten Gambling Laws With Location Restrictions

Sept 17 2020

It is confirmed that Armenia is tightening its gambling laws, with steps that affect both the location and size of betting venues.

Reported by Armenian media outlets, Finance Minister Atom Janjughazyan announced during a government meeting that bookmakers would now be allowed to operate only at locations that are some distance away from ‘heavily populated areas, as well as educational or cultural institutions, government offices or hospitals.’

As it stands, bookmakers are licenced to operate in Armenia, with most of the venues within heavily populated residential areas.

However, the new regulations mean that Yerevan bookmakers would need to move their offices to more than 150 metres away from the areas mentioned. Elsewhere, the distance is 100 metres, with the exception of the Syunik, Meghri and Tavush administrative centres, where the limit is set at 50 metres.

Janjughazyan said: “This is negatively impacting the society by creating the dangers of easily being allured with gambling. In particular, such facilities should have additional premises, in particular, a foyer, which is to be separated from the general gambling hall for checking the IDs of people.”

Armenia COVID-19: Record number of tests conducted over 24 hours as cases keep downward trend



 11:15, 9 September, 2020

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 9, ARMENPRESS. 199 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in the past 24 hours, bringing the cumulative total number of confirmed cases to 45152 , the Armenian Center For Disease Control reported. 431 patients recovered, raising the number of total recoveries to 41023.

A record number of 3518 tests were conducted over the past 24 hours.

The day before, the health authorities had conducted 1864 tests and recorded 108 new cases.

2 people died from COVID-19, increasing the death toll to 905. This number doesn’t include the deaths of 279 (3 in the last 24 hours) other people infected with the virus who died from other pre-existing conditions, according to health authorities.

As of 11:00, September 9 the number of active cases stood at 2945.

Earlier on September 7, given the declining numbers of COVID-19 infections in Armenia, the Ukrainian authorities for the first time listed Armenia in the list of green countries, meaning Armenian travelers arriving in Ukraine won’t have to undergo a mandatory testing or self-quarantine.

Reporting by Lilit Demuryan; Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

CivilNet: Restrictions on Entry to Nagorno-Karabakh Are Lifted For Armenian Citizens


8 September, 2020 22:10

✓According to the Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia, roughly $205 million are lacking as a result of loan payments.

✓Armenia’s minister of Justice, Rustam Badasyan, reacted to the legal successors of the victims of the March 1 case statement.

✓The restrictions on entering and leaving Artsakh due to the coronavirus epidemic are lifted.

CivilNet: Ukraine Eases the Entry of Armenian Citizens As the Covid-19 Situation Improves in Armenia


7 September, 2020 21:58

✓According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, the positive dynamics of the covid-19 situation in Armenia convinced Ukraine to allow more freedom of movement for people traveling from Yerevan to Kiev.
✓The Armenian National Assembly voted 80 to 28 today to adopt a government-proposed package that will not allow it to extend the state of emergency after it comes to an end on September 11.