Armenia Ombudsman: Very worrying when Public Council head makes post degrading human dignity, Armenia

23:07, 17.05.2020

Armenian-Russian FMs refer to NK conflict settlement process.

Armenian-Russian FMs refer to NK conflict settlement process




YEREVAN, MAY 14, ARMENPRESS. At the initiative of the Russian side the Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan held a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on May 14.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the MFA Armenia, the Armenian and Russian FMs discussed issues related to bilateral agenda as well as partnership in the sidelines of regipnal organizations such as the CIS, EAEU and the CSTO.

Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and Sergey Lavrov also referred to Nagorno Karabakh peace process. Zohrab Mnatsakanyan emphasized the unconditional committmenet of all the sides of the conflict to the provisions of the 5-sided statement adopted on April 21 with the participation and mediation of the Minsk Group Co-chairs.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Armenian Winemakers Union: Wine sales drop by 60-70% in domestic market, Armenia

21:59, 13.05.2020

Three recovered coronavirus patients in Armenia test positive again after two weeks



 13:37, 4 May, 2020

YEREVAN, MAY 4, ARMENPRESS. Three people in Armenia have tested positive for COVID-19 two weeks after being treated for the disease and discharged from a hospital, suggesting potential re-infection, Healthcare Minister Arsen Torosyan told lawmakers at a committee meeting when asked whether or not re-infections have been recorded.

“Unfortunately such cases were recorded, including in Armenia. But there is a big academic debate going on about this. And every day we are receiving updated scientific information on whether or not these were re-infections, meaning the patient was treated and then contracted the infection again, or whether it was simply a de-activation of the virus in the body, and then re-activation, and we were unable to detect the virus in a de-activated state because the patient was asymptomatic and the swab didn’t contain the virus. Or the most likely case is that this is the non-active particles of the virus in tissues, when the virus is not multiplying, but its DNA is present in the cells, and we simply detect it upon testing,” Torosyan said, adding that only three people in Armenia have tested positive again after being discharged following treatment for COVID-19.

These three people have been quarantined as a precaution to rule out potential spread of the disease.

According to Torosyan, such cases are reported mostly in China and South Korea, and scientists from South Korea are the ones who concluded that these aren’t re-infections, but rather a kind of virus residue in the throat tissues.

Anyhow, since it is unclear at the moment whether or not recovered patients are immune to the coronavirus, Torosyan urged them to maintain all precautionary and safety rules like others.

Reporting by Anna Grigoryan; Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Central American Parliament recognizes and condemns the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. Daniel Ortega,  Chairman of the Central American Parliamentary Committee on Foreign  Relations and Migration, issued statements on the occasion of the  105th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, in which he recognized  and condemned this terrible crime committed against Armenians in the  Ottoman Empire. This was reported by the press service of the  Armenian Foreign Ministry.

It should be noted that the Central American Parliament, also known  as PARLACEN as a political body in the region, is part of Central  America Integration of the SICA system established by the Tegucigalpa  Protocol to the Charter of the Organization of American States  (ODECA), signed on December 13, 1991. SICA has the main goal to  implement integration, which is political and an ideological  representative in a pluralistic democratic system that guarantees  free elections and participation in equal conditions for political  parties. Its headquarters is located in the city of Guatemala. 

EBRD to continue close cooperation with Armenian government




YEREVAN, APRIL 27, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a video conference today with President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Suma Chakrabarti, the PM’s Office told Armenpress.

The sides discussed the cooperation between the Armenian government and the EBRD.

Mr. Chakrabarti welcomed and praised the Armenian government’s large-scale anti-crisis measures conditioned by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and stated that the EBRD fully supports the steps and programs of the Armenian side. He said the Bank will continue actively the programs aimed at supporting SMEs in Armenia, as well as the investment programs in infrastructure, energy, transportation, foreign trade and other fields planned before the crisis.

PM Pashinyan thanked for the readiness to close cooperation and stated that the Armenian government attaches great importance to the capital infrastructure investment programs and will continue the actions on this direction, thus boosting the economy.

During the video conference the Armenian PM and the EBRD President also discussed the current situation caused by the coronavirus, as well as its economic consequences.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Karabakh President-elect: I will be everyone’s president and will do my best, Armenia
Karabakh President-elect: I will be everyone's president and will do my best Karabakh President-elect: I will be everyone's president and will do my best

15:10, 26.04.2020

President-elect of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) Arayik Harutyunyan has posted the following on his Facebook page to express gratitude for the congratulatory remarks that have been addressed to him.

“Dear compatriots,

I have received several congratulatory messages and letters and phone calls after receiving the votes of confidence of the people in the presidential elections held in the Republic of Artsakh. I must admit that all the kind wishes conveyed warmth and were binding. I would like to assure you that I will be the president of every citizen of Artsakh and will do my best to meet the expectations of all voters and all Armenians around the world. Unquestionably, we will be capable of achieving this through combined efforts and with responsibility. Thus, I also have expectations from each of you to help us record successes that we haven’t even dreamed of.

I would also like to apologize to all those whose letters or phone calls I couldn’t reply to or answer due to lack of time. I thank each and every one of you and feel obliged before you all. Be healthy!” the message reads.

Athens: PM Mitsotakis on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

The National Herald, Greece

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. (Photo by Eurokinissi/ Dimitris Papamitsos)

ATHENS – Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis commemorated the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day on April 24 with a message he posted on social media on Friday.

“Today is the remembrance for the victims of the Armenian Genocide. A crime against humanity that tarnished the dawn of the 20th century. A perpetual lesson to reject hatred, racism and blind violence. Because forgetting evil provides license to repeat it,” the Greek premier said.

US House Speaker issues statement commemorating Armenian Genocide, Armenia

21:12, 25.04.2020

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement marking 105 years since the beginning of the Armenian Genocide:

“On this solemn day, 105 years after the leaders of the Ottoman Empire began their systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children, we take time to honor the victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide.  The horrific acts of barbarism perpetrated against innocent Armenians remains a stain on human history and a chilling reminder of our responsibility to stay vigilant against atrocities in our own time. 

“The facts are undeniable.  Yet, generations of Armenians have had to fight tirelessly against those who attempted to rewrite history and deny the truth of the Armenian Genocide.  That is why, last year, the U.S. Congress sought to right this grievous wrong by overwhelmingly voting to stand firmly on the side of honesty and etch the truth of the Armenian Genocide forever into the Congressional Record.  In doing so, we honored those who were silenced forever and reaffirmed our commitment to never stay silent or allow these crimes to ever happen again. 

“Today, as the world faces an unprecedented crisis, we must heed the lessons of this dark hour in history and summon the strength to speak out against heinous acts of discrimination, racism and violence wherever and whenever they occur.  Together, we must insist on the truth of our past, oppose the forces of hatred in our present and advance the blessings of hope and peace for our future.”

Australian political leaders to join streamed commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

Public Radio of Armenia