National Geographic: Ani, medieval Armenia’s "city of 1,001 churches"

PanArmenian, Armenia
April 9 2020

PanARMENIAN.NetThe National Geographic has unveiled a fresh article about the city of Ani, the capital of medieval Armenia, which "was a thriving center of trade and faith" and is now survived by its haunting ruins.

Ani was the cosmopolitan capital of medieval Armenia, one of the earliest kingdoms to adopt Christianity as its state religion in 301, the article says.

"The site of a fifth-century fortification, Ani was chosen to be Armenia’s capital in the 10th century. It became home to as many as 100,000 people, and was so richly endowed with sacred buildings that it came to be known as the “city of 1,001 churches,” the feature says.

"Its strategic position along trade routes between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea made it an attractive possession, condemning it to centuries of invasion—and eventually, a long period of abandonment."

According to the piece, although different empires rose and fell on the site, Armenian identity prevailed.

"The serene ruins of the city, once swarmed by armies through the ages, has always been a special place for Armenians. In the wake of the Armenian Genocide, it stands as an even more powerful reminder of Armenia’s losses and of its astonishing endurance," the article condcludes.

Armenpress: China sending huge quantity of medical supplies and equipment to Armenia

China sending huge quantity of medical supplies and equipment to Armenia



 20:41, 8 April, 2020

YEREVAN, APRIL 8, ARMENPRESS. The airplane carrying a large quantity of medical supplies and equipment from China will soon land in Armenia. Part of the medical supplies and equipment has been obtained by the state funds of Armenia and part has been donated by China and Armenian and Chinese benefactors. The special flight has been initiated by the Commandant's Office of Armenia, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Facebook page of the Armenian Unified Information Center.

The medical supplies and equipment contain 120 ventilation devices, 2 oxygen supply stations, 60 thousand test kits, 60 thousand medical masks, 280 thousand protective masks, 20 thousand goggles and 100,000 protective clothing, as well as medicines.

It’s written ‘’Let our friendship be higher than Mount Ararat and longer than Yangtze River’’ on the boxes.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

San Francisco’s Armenian Genocide Memorial goes blue in support of health workers amid Covid-19 pandemic

Public Radio of Armenia

Armenian Genocide commemoration events in LA suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic



 15:13, 9 April, 2020

YEREVAN, APRIL 9, ARMENPRESS. After careful consideration of the Coronavirus pandemic, the United Armenian Council of Los Angeles, the Unified Young Armenians, and the Armenian Genocide Committee have decided to suspend all of their April 24 commemoration related activities, reports Asbarez.

The coalition of these three community organizations are in charge of a) the Requiem service at the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument in Montebello, b) the March in Little Armenia, Hollywood and c) the Protest demonstration in front of the Los Angeles Turkish Consulate.

The Coalition made this decision not only as a moral responsibility to stand with the people of Los Angeles and the world, but to also comply with the health directives imposed by the local authorities, which are meant to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus and to save lives.

In late December 2019, Chinese authorities notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about an outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, central China. WHO declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus a global pandemic and named the virus COVID-19. 

According to the data of the World Health Organization, coronavirus cases have been confirmed in 204 countries and territories.

As of the latest reports, the US has the largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases (over 435,000).

Istanbul-Armenian workers returning to Armenia, Armenia
April 8 2020

20:11, 08.04.2020

About 100 Armenians of Istanbul are returning to Armenia in four buses. Naira Harutyunyan, one of the returnees, told Armenian that the Government of Armenia has solved her and the other Armenians’ financial issues.

“I have worked in Istanbul for six years. I wasn’t a registered worker, and when my workplace was closed, I didn’t receive a salary. I stayed home for 27 days and decided to address the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia. I was provided with the contacts of volunteers in Istanbul who also helped us come together and return to Armenia,” she said, adding that she and the others know that they will be quarantined as soon as they arrive in Armenia and that they have been provided with face masks, gloves and dry and wet napkins.

Two Armenian soldiers wounded by Azerbaijani shooting in Tavush province transported to Yerevan



 14:20, 31 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 31, ARMENPRESS. Two soldiers of the Armenian Armed Forces who were wounded on March 30 by the shots fired from the Azerbaijani side have been transported to Yerevan, Armenian defense minister’s spokesperson Shushan Stepanyan told Armenpress.

“The two soldiers, who were wounded by the Azerbaijani shooting in Tavush province, are in stable condition, their lives are not in danger. They have already been transported to Yerevan”, she said.

On March 30, at around 19:00, the Azerbaijani forces launched a sabotage infiltration attempt at the direction of the Armenian military positions in Noyemberyan town of Tavush province. The adversary was pushed back thanks to the actions of the Armenian forces. No casualties were reported in the Armenian side, only two soldiers received a slight wound. At the same time, the adversary targeted also Baghanis and Voskevan villages as a result of which a 14-year-old village resident has been wounded, but his life is not under danger. The child has also been transported to Yerevan.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Parliament to hold confirmation hearing of candidate for next president of cenbank



 16:28, 31 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 31, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Parliament will hold a confirmation hearing for Martin Galstyan’s candidacy as the next President of the Central Bank of Armenia.

Galstyan is currently serving as Member of the Board of the Central Bank and his candidacy for the confirmation hearing was approved at a parliamentary committee session.

He is nominated by the ruling My Step bloc.

Incumbent cenbank President Artur Javadyan’s term in office is ending in summer 2020.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

RBC: Russia provides necessary amount of coronavirus diagnostic test systems to Armenia, Armenia
April 4 2020

13:02, 04.04.2020

By the end of spring, Russia will send 3,065 test systems to the other CIS countries for laboratory diagnosis, each of which allows up to 100 tests to detect coronavirus. A source close to the Russian operative headquarters told this to RBC, and a source close to the Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed this information.

Speaking to RBC, a representative of the Embassy of Armenian in Russia also confirmed the information that Russia has sent assistance to fight the coronavirus. "Armenia had sent a petition through the Ministry of Health, and Russia has provided free of charge the necessary amount of test systems for laboratory diagnosis of the coronavirus," the embassy representative said, adding that bilateral cooperation in this regard continues.

Serj Tankian’s account was hacked: he didn’t share any Azerbaijani tweet



 22:41, 3 April, 2020

YEREVAN, APRIL 3, ARMENPRESS. World-famous musician, the lead vocalist of the System of a Down band Serj Tankian shared a Tweet, saying his account was hacked and the hackers spread Tweets and Retweets on his behalf. He asked not to pay attention to those posts.

Earlier, a tweet made by the assistant to the newly appointed Azerbaijani MP and the head of the so-called “Azerbaijani community of Nagorno Karabakh” NGO, Tural Gyanjaliyev, was retweeted by Serj Tankian’s official Twitter account. The tweet was related to the elections organized in Artsakh on March 31 with obvious anti-Armenian messages. After this publication, the Azerbaijani press began to publish materials entitled "Famous American singer of Armenian origin supports the appeal of the Azerbaijani community of Nagorno-Karabakh".

Serj Tankian’s tweet shows that the above-mentioned act was a provocation, carried out deliberately, and he did not share the tweet of the Azerbaijani official.

Serj Tankian


My account was hacked for a short while and has since been fixed. Disregard any tweets/retweets accordingly.


10:39 AM – Apr 3, 2020
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Earlier we read:
Azerbaijani press: 

Armenian President discusses coronavirus situation with Indian Ambassador




YEREVAN, MARCH 30, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian continues discussions with international partners on issues relating to the prevention, overcoming and treatment of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Presidential Office told Armenpress.

This time the President had a video talk with Ambassador of India to Armenia Kishan Dan Dewal.

The Armenian President and the Indian Ambassador discussed the situation in the two countries caused by the spread of the new coronavirus, as well as the actions being taken to prevent and overcome the disease. They exchanged views on steps to reduce the economic damages caused by the virus and restore the economy, mitigate the social burden and solve the problems in the labor market.

It was reported that India recorded a great development and progress in biology, in particular, in molecular biology, pharmaceutics, including in production of generic drugs which can play a key role in the current situation. In this regard the sides discussed the cooperation opportunities of Armenia and India in these areas.

The Armenian President asked the Ambassador to convey his words of support to the Indian President and the Prime Minister.

An agreement was reached to exchange regular information between the sides about the COVID-19 situation, its overcoming and solution.

During the meeting Armen Sarkissian also introduced the presidential initiative ATOM (Advanced Tomorrow. The Ambassador said the Indian side is interested in cooperation on the sidelines of this project.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan