Serzh Sargsyan indictment approved and sent to court



 11:16, 29 January, 2020

YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, ARMENPRESS. The General Prosecution has approved the indictment of ex-president Serzh Sargsyan and it has been sent to the Yerevan First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction, General Prosecution spokesperson Arevik Khachatryan told ARMENPRESS.

The former president was charged with embezzlement in December 2019 and a court imposed a signature bond as bail.   Former agriculture minister Sergo Karapetyan, businessman Barsegh Beglaryan and several others are also charged in the same case. Sargsyan is suspected in abuse of power and embezzlement of nearly half a billion drams during his tenure as president through the businessman.


Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Ambassador Baibourtian Meets with Burbank Mayor

January 29,  2020

From left: Consul General Armen Baibourtian, Burbank Mayor Sharon Springer, Counselor Varazdat Pahlavuni

LOS ANGELES— Consul General of Armenia in Los Angeles Ambassador Armen Baibourtian had a meeting with Burbank Mayor Sharon A. Springer in Southern California on Monday.

Ambassador Baibourtian presented the broad range of activities and efforts of the Armenian Consulate General, as well as various programs to be implemented during the course of the year. Baibourtian and Mayor Sharon Springer discussed ideas and plans for prospective cooperation between the Armenian Consulate General in Los Angeles and the City of Burbank, focusing on economic and cultural spheres. Upon the request of the Mayor, Baibourtian outlined factors relating to the cultural, economic, educational, and scientific life in Armenia, as well as that of the Armenian community in the West Coast of the United States. Counselor Varazdat Pahlavuni from the Consulate General also attended the meeting.

The population of the City of Burbank is 105,000, with a sizable Armenian community. Burbank is known as the “Media Capital of the World.” Numerous media and entertainment companies are headquartered or have production facilities in Burbank, including Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., The Walt Disney Company, Nickelodeon Animation Studios, The Burbank Studios, Cartoon Network Studios, and Insomniac Games.

Soprano Ruzan Mantashyan accepts offer to perform at SemperOpernball as Eyvazov’s sabotage fails




YEREVAN, JANUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. Armenian soprano Ruzan Mantashyan will eventually perform at the SemperOpernball February 7 theater concert in Dresden as scheduled initially.

“I was offered to perform at the concert. After lengthy deliberations I accepted the offer. That itself will be a victory”, Mantashyan told ARMENPRESS.

On January 13th, media reports said Azerbaijani singer Yusif Eyvazov has refused to perform with Mantashyan due to “political concerns”. The two singers were scheduled to perform together on February 7 at Semper Opernball.

Afterwards, the Azerbaijani singer claimed on his social media account that the reports are fake news. He published a news release by Semper Opernball which reportedly showed that the festival didn’t even have a contract with Mantashyan regarding her performance.

However, a December 2019 news release included Mantashyan in the list of performers and the final contract wasn’t technically yet signed because the negotiations weren’t yet completed. But organizers and Mantashyan had agreed around her performance.

The Armenian soprano then publicly said she expects an apology from the organizers.

Even Armenian lawmakers reacted to the developments, and addressed a letter to the German Bundestag over the Azerbaijani tenor's xenophobic actions.  

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Neanderthals knew how to create fire, Armenian archaeologists say after studying Stone Age arene




YEREVAN, JANUARY 15, ARMENPRESS. Archaeologists in Armenia have studied aromatic hydrocarbons found at the Lusakert 1 Cave site and claim that this shows Stone Age Neanderthals were in fact able to make fire, Pavel Avetisyan – the Director of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences said at a news conference. The studies were made in 2019.

“I am talking about the cultural layer which Neanderthals left. This is news in the field of study of the archaic humans. Prior to these arguments, it was believed that only modern humans created and used fire. But this study showed that Neanderthals were in fact able to artificially create fire. This is a very serious study, which has a result of international significance”, Avetisyan said.

The excavations at the Lusakert 1 site – a cave where once Neanderthals lived – are carried out by a joint Armenian-American group of scientists.  

The aromatic hydrocarbons found in the cave showed that there was a source of creating fire.

In the past, researchers believed Neanderthals were unable to create fire and were relying on mother nature: i.e. they waited for the lighting to strike a tree to take the burning wood parts, or took fire from wildfires.

Studies showed that fire was used in the Lusakert 1 cave on a constant pattern, moreover – wildfires in the nearby terrain were extremely rare.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 10/28/2019


Armenia Marks 20th Anniversary Of Parliament Killings

        • Naira Nalbandian

Armenia -- People lay flowers at a memorial to the victims of the October 1999 
deadly attack on the Armenian parliament, Yerevan, .

Armenia’s top government officials and politicians attended on Sunday an 
official ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of an armed attack on the 
Armenian parliament which left its popular speaker Karen Demirchian, Prime 
Minister Vazgen Sarkisian and six other officials dead.

They were killed by five gunmen who burst into the National Assembly and 
sprayed it with bullets on October 27, 1999, six months after parliamentary 
elections won by Demirchian’s and Sarkisian’s Miasnutyun (Unity) alliance. The 
gunmen led by an obscure former journalist, Nairi Hunanian, accused the 
government of corruption and misrule and demanded regime change.

They surrendered to police after overnight negotiations with then President 
Robert Kocharian. They were subsequently tried and sentenced to life 

Throughout their marathon trial Hunanian insisted that he himself had decided 
to seize the parliament without anybody's orders. But many in Armenia still 
believe that he and his henchmen had powerful sponsors outside the parliament 

Some relatives and supporters of the assassinated officials still suspect 
Kocharian and his successor President Serzh Sarkisian (no relation to Vazgen), 
who was Armenia’s national security minister in October 1999, of masterminding 
the killings to eliminate increasingly powerful rivals. Both men repeatedly 
dismissed such suggestions during and after a serious political crisis caused 
by the killings.

Armenia -- Former Prime Minister Vazgen Sarkisian (L) and parliament speaker 
Karen Demirchian assassinated in the 1999 attack on parliament.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian, other government officials as well as leaders 
of Armenia’s main political forces marked the anniversary by laying flowers at 
a memorial to the victims of the shock attack erected inside the parliament 
compound in Yerevan. Relatives of the victims also took part in the ceremony.

Vazgen Sarkisian’s supporters and comrades-in-arms also visited the Yerablur 
military ceremony where the slain prime minister was buried. Sarkisian had also 
served as defense ministers and been one of the founders of the Armenian armed 

The anniversary commemoration came less than a week after it emerged that 
Hunanian has asked authorities to release him on parole. The attack ringleader, 
who will turn 54 in December, is eligible for parole because of having spent 20 
years in prison. Nevertheless, Justice Minister Rustam Badasian effectively 
ruled out his release last week.

On Thursday, Arman Babajanian, a parliament deputy extremely critical of 
Kocharian, visited Hunanian at a Yerevan prison and talked to him for two hours 
in the presence of the prison chief. Babajanian claimed to have received 
important information from Hunanian when he spoke to RFE/RL’s Armenian service 
afterwards. In particular, he hinted that the jailed terrorist implicated 
Kocharian in the killings.

Babajanian’s claims sparked speculation that the current Armenian authorities 
may reopen the probe of the parliament killings and bring fresh charges against 
Kocharian. The former president is already in jail, standing trial on charges 
mostly stemming from the 2008 post-election violence in Yerevan. He denies the 
accusations as politically motivated.

Aram Sarkisian, Vazgen’s brother and successor who has for years alleged 
Kocharian’s possible involvement in the 1999 plot, cautioned on Sunday that 
Hunanian’s potential fresh testimony must not be taken at face value. He said 
that the ringleader could falsely incriminate the ex-president in hopes of 
regaining freedom.

“Any convict thinks about getting out of jail as soon as possible and 
[Hunanian] doesn’t care about methods [of securing his release,]” Aram 
Sarkisian told reporters. “Do you think he is so honest and has so much remorse 
that we wants to speak up? Of course not. He saw on TV the revolution that took 
place in the country [in 2018,] can now see the ongoing war before the current 
and former rulers, and is trying to cash in on that war.”

Armenia -- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian (R) greets Aram Sarkisian at a 
memorial to the victims of the October 1999 deadly attack on the Armenian 
parliament, Yerevan, .

Sarkisian, whom Kocharian sacked as prime minister in May 2000, was also 
skeptical about the Armenian law-enforcement and judicial authorities’ ability 
to thoroughly investigate and solve the killings.

“I believe that could happen only when we all can be confident that no judicial 
process can be politicized in any way,” agreed Edmon Marukian, the leader of 
the opposition Bright Armenia Party. Marukian compared the bloody seizure of 
the Armenian parliament to the 1963 assassination of U.S. President John 
Kennedy, which also left many unanswered questions.

Artsvik Minasian, a senior member of the opposition Armenian Revolutionary 
Federation, went further, alleging that individuals “representing” Pashinian’s 
government are now effectively offering Hunanian a politically motivated “deal.”

Pashinian declined to talk to the press after laying flowers at the parliament 

Meanwhile, Sasun Mikaelian, a prominent Pashinian ally who had also been close 
to the late Vazgen Sarkisian, appealed to Gagik Jahangirian, the man who led 
the first criminal investigation into the 1999 killings and at one point 
indicted individuals linked to Kocharian.

Jahangirian implicitly promised to reveal new facts about the killings when he 
publicly pledged allegiance to opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosian in the 
wake of a disputed 2008 presidential election. Like dozens of other 
Ter-Petrosian loyalists, he was controversially imprisoned afterwards.

“Should you also stay silent now, 20 years on, my friend?” Mikaelian said at 
Yerablur. “It’s about time Jahangirian said what happened [in 1999.]”

‘No Plans Yet’ For Another Armenian-Azeri Summit

        • Naira Nalbandian

Turkmenistan -- Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian (L) and Azerbaijan's 
President Ilham Aliyev attend a summit of the Commonwealth of Independent 
States in Ashgabat, October 11, 2019.

The leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan had a “very useful” conversation earlier 
this month but are not yet planning to meet again for further talks on 
Nagorno-Karabakh, Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanian said on Monday.

“A summit meeting is not planned at the moment,” Mnatsakanian told reporters in 
Yerevan. “Right now we are planning the continuation of [Armenian-Azerbaijani] 
talks at the level of foreign ministers.”

“That is the basis for preparing meetings between the leaders [of the two 
countries,]” he said at a joint news conference with Bulgaria’s visiting 
Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zakharieva.

Mnatsakanian and his Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mammadyarov are expected to 
hold fresh talks in December. Like Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and 
Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev, they have met on a regular basis over the 
past year.

Aliyev and Pashinian publicly traded barbs during an October 11 summit of 
former Soviet republics held in Turkmenistan’s capital Aghgabat. Still, they 
reportedly talked to each other at great length during an official dinner 
hosted by Turkmen President Gurbaguly Berdymuhamedov.

Mnatsakanian said that their conversation in Ashgabat was “very useful in the 
sense that we managed to reaffirm some approaches and principles related to an 
environment conducive to peace.” “We are now focused on those issues,” he added 
without elaborating.

The U.S., Russian and French diplomats co-heading the OSCE Minsk Group met with 
Pashinian and Aliyev during their October 14-17 tour of the Karabakh conflict 
zone. In a joint statement, the mediators said the two leaders promised to make 
more efforts to “prepare the populations for peace and reduce tensions.”

In a newspaper interview published on October 17, Mammadyarov complained about 
the mediators’ focus on confidence-building measures, rather than “substantive 
negotiations” sought by Baku.

The Azerbaijani foreign minister also said that the so-called Madrid Principles 
of resolving the conflict remain at the heart of Armenian-Azerbaijani peace 

This framework peace accord was drafted by the United States, Russia and France 
over a decade ago. It calls for Armenian withdrawal from virtually all seven 
districts around Karabakh. In return, Karabakh’s predominantly ethnic Armenian 
population would be able to determine Karabakh’s internationally recognized 
status in a future referendum.

The three mediating powers reaffirmed their support for this peace formula in 
March. Pashinian said shortly afterwards that the Madrid Principles are open to 
different interpretations and therefore need to be clarified.

Commenting on Mammadyarov’s statement, Mnatsakanian insisted that the 
conflicting parties are not yet working on “a concrete document.” “But it 
doesn’t mean that we are not working on various principles and parameters in 
order to ascertain how we can establish necessary parity between commitments of 
the parties,” he said.

Armenian ‘Economic Revolution’ On Track, Says Pashinian

        • Gayane Saribekian

Armenia -- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian attends the inauguration of the 
Armenian subsidiary of the U.S. technology company Xilinx, Yerevan, October 28, 

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on Monday claimed to be successfully carrying 
out an “economic revolution” in Armenia promised by him and downplayed 
relatively modest GDP growth forecast by his government for next year.

Pashinian addressed Armenian lawmakers as they began discussions on the 2020 
state budget drafted by the government.

The draft budget bill calls for a sizable increase in public spending which 
would total 1.88 trillion drams ($3.9 billion). The government’s tax revenues 
are projected to rise just as strongly. These targets are based on the 
assumption that the Armenian economy will grow by 4.9 percent in 2020.

Pashinian said that the government opted for a “conservative” growth projection 
in order to maintain continued “macroeconomic stability” in the country. Actual 
economic growth next year may well beat this forecast, he told members of the 
parliament’s economic committees.

“The draft state budget for 2019 forecast a 4.5 percent growth rate but we have 
ensured a 5.2 percent growth rate,” argued the premier.

Opposition parliamentarians dismissed this explanation. Mane Tandilian of the 
Bright Armenia Party said that the growth projection set in the government’s 
budget proposal amounts to a “pessimistic scenario.”

“We have a non-revolutionary GDP growth [forecast,]” agreed Mikael Melkumian of 
the Prosperous Armenia Party.

“I believe that the economic revolution in the Republic of Armenia is gaining 
momentum,” countered Pashinian. “It’s a reality, and this revolution is now 
easy to see.”

“Huge investments are made in the Republic of Armenia,” he added without giving 

Pashinian has repeatedly pledged to effect such a revolution ever since he 
swept to power in May 2018 as a result of mass protests that led to the 
resignation of Armenia’s former longtime leader, Serzh Sarkisian. He had said 
that it will significantly reduce poverty and unemployment.

In its comprehensive policy program approved by the parliament in February this 
year, Pashinian’s cabinet pledged to ensure that the domestic economy expands 
by at least 5 percent annually for the next five years.

Armenia’s GDP increased by 7.5 percent in real terms in 2017, according to 
official statistics. This growth slowed down to 5.2 percent last year but now 
seems on track to accelerate in 2019.

Former Armenian Speaker Charged With ‘Usurping Power’

        • Naira Bulghadarian

Armenia -- Parliament speaker Ara Babloyan, Yerevan, December 30, 2018.

Law-enforcement authorities brought coup charges against former parliament 
speaker Ara Babloyan on Monday as part of their investigation into Hrayr 
Tovmasian’s appointment in March 2018 as chairman of Armenia’s Constitutional 

Babloyan was not arrested by the Special Investigative Service (SIS), unlike a 
former senior parliament staffer who was also charged with forgery and 
“usurpation of power” last week. He strongly denied the accusations.

“I stated that the accusations are illegal and that everything I did was in 
accordance with the constitution and laws,” the 72-year-old pediatric surgeon 
running Armenia’s largest children’s hospital told reporters outside the SIS 
headquarters in Yerevan.

The SIS alleged last week that the former Armenian parliament elected Tovmasian 
court chairman as a result of an illegal seizure of the judicial authority by a 
“group of officials.” It said that Babloyan illegally accepted and announced 
the resignation of Tovmasian’s predecessor, Gagik Harutiunian, before receiving 
a relevant letter from the latter. It said that Arsen Babayan, the arrested 
staffer, backdated the letter to enable Tovmasian to head the Constitutional 
Court before the entry into force of sweeping amendments to the Armenian 

The amendments introduced a six-year term in office for the head of Armenia’s 
highest court. Tovmasian became chief court justice under the previous 
constitution which allows him to hold the post until the age of 70.

In a weekend interview with RFE/RL’s Armenian service, Babloyan insisted that 
Harutiunian’s letter of resignation was dated March 1, 2018 and that he 
received and signed it on March 2, 2015, not three days later, as is claimed by 
the SIS.

“Gagik Harutiunian signed his resignation on March 1 and that document was on 
my desk on March 2,” Babloyan said, adding that Constitutional Court and 
parliament seals on the document prove that.

The former Constitutional Court chairman insisted that his resignation was 
voluntary and in conformity with Armenian law when he spoke to RFE/RL’s 
Armenian service last week.

The SIS announced the coup inquiry on October 17 two days after seven of the 
nine Constitutional Court judges dismissed calls for Tovmasian’s dismissal made 
by the current Armenian parliament loyal to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian. In 
an appeal to the court, the parliament claimed, among other things, that 
Tovmasian cannot act impartially because of his past affiliation with the 
former ruling Republican Party (HHK).

Pashinian similarly charged in July that Tovmasian “privatized” the 
Constitutional Court with the help of the HHK. Tovmasian countered early this 
month that the authorities are seeking to oust him in order to gain control 
over Armenia’s highest court.

Critics, notably senior HHK figures, say that Babayan’s arrest and other 
criminal proceedings targeting Tovmasian are part of Pashinian’s efforts to 
force the high court chief’s resignation. The prime minister and his political 
allies deny this.

Vahagn Hovakimian, a senior lawmaker from Pashinian’s My Step alliance, on 
Monday also accused Babloyan of committing serious procedural violations during 
the announcement of Gagik Harutiunian’s resignation. He said that the former 
speaker illegally followed a legal clause which he believes came into force in 
April 2018.

Babloyan and his lawyer, Aram Vartevanian, dismissed Hovakimian’s claims.

Senior Official Stands Trial On Corruption Charges

        • Robert Zargarian

Armenia - Davit Sanasarian, the head of the State Overisght Service, speaks to 
journalists in Yerevan, June 21, 2018.

A senior government official who actively participated in Armenia’s “Velvet 
Revolution” went on trial Monday on corruption charges strongly denied by him.

Davit Sanasarian, the head of the State Oversight Service (SOS), was indicted 
in April in a criminal investigation into alleged corrupt practices within the 
anti-corruption government agency.

The National Security Service (NSS) arrested two other senior SOS officials in 
February, saying that they attempted to cash in on government-funded supplies 
of medical equipment to three hospitals.

Sanasarian was charged with abusing his powers to help the two men enrich 
themselves and a private company linked to them. The official, who was 
suspended as SOS chief as a result, rejected the accusations as “fabricated.”

Sanasarian repeated his vehement denials at the start of his trial in a 
district court in Yerevan. He said that he has been prosecuted illegally.

Sanasarian’s lawyers petitioned the court to try their client separately from 
the two other suspects also standing trial. They also said that he must be 
reinstated as head of the SOS. The presiding judge, Davit Balayan, rejected 
both demands.

One of the defense lawyers, Inesa Petrosian, went on to demand at the end of 
the fist session of the trial that Balayan drop the charges leveled against 
Sanasarian. She claimed that the NSS investigation was marked by serious 
violations of Armenian law.

The judge scheduled the next court hearing in the high-profile case for 
November 27.

Sanasarian, 35, is a former opposition and civic activist who had for years 
accused Armenia’s former leaders of corruption. He was actively involved in 
last year’s revolution.

Sanasarian’s supporters, among them leaders of some Western-funded civic 
groups, have voiced support for him and denounced the NSS. Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian hit back at the critics in April. He said that they place their 
personal relationships with Sanasarian above the rule of law.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Zakharova presented the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with Zatulin`s visit to Artsakh

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 17 2019

ArmInfo.A note from the Azerbaijani side in connection with the visit of the State Duma lawmaker, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS  Affairs Konstantin Zatulin to Nagorno-Karabakh was received through  diplomatic channels. This was announced on October 17 during a weekly  briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign  Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

''I want to once again draw attention to the fact that on our website  there is a warning published for a very long time but, unfortunately,  few of those who want to travel to the corresponding region pay  attention to it.  So, we have a valid warning on our website that I  quote: <the Azerbaijani side denies entry to those citizens visiting  the territory of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region and 7  adjacent administrative regions without special permission of the  Azerbaijani authorities." This is a relevant quote. This applies to  everyone and reflects the position of the Azerbaijani authorities on  this issue. The position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the  Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and ways to resolve it is well known and  remains unchanged. As for the final status of Nagorno-Karabakh, all  the assessments, all the statements made before by the Russian side,  remain relevant. The status should be determined through political  negotiations within the framework of the Minsk process, "Zakharova  said. As for politicians, Russian ones in particular, she continued,  representatives of the legislative branch or people representing  civil society who make relevant statements on this subject," we  proceed from the fact that they reflect their personal point of view.  "" This may be an expert point of view or a political statement, but  one way or another, the relevant institution of executive power  expresses the official point of view on this issue. We have a  presidential foreign policy, respectively, this is the prerogative of  the Presidential Administration and relevant structures and the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as other departments that are  authorized to make such statements and reflect the position of the  whole state, "Zakharova concluded.  Earlier it became known that  Azerbaijan sent an official note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  of the Russian Federation expressing concern of the Azerbaijani side  in connection with the participation of Zatulin at events in Artsakh.   Zatulin, reacting to the note of Azerbaijan, called the reaction of  the Azerbaijani authorities to his visit to Nagorno-Karabakh  hysterical. "Azerbaijan, like Ukraine, always arranges some indecent  hysterics about the arrival of anyone anywhere," the parliamentarian  said, adding that he stands for peace and does not sell weapons.  According to him, the inadequacy of the Azerbaijani side has become a  byword. He added that Baku assumes the right to determine what < our  interests are>.  It should be noted that on October 11, Konstantin  Zatulin took part in Nagorno-Karabakh and spoke at the international  forum "Friends of Artsakh: for justice and peace".  During his  speech, Zautlin said that the people of Artsakh demonstrate  tremendous achievements in civilian life. People in Artsakh live a  full-fledged life, opposing any incitement'', – said Zatulin, while  noting that it was impossible not to touch upon the issue of  recognizing Artsakh at the forum.  According to him, everyone expects  and hopes that good will and a sober approach to the settlement of  the Karabakh conflict will triumph and peace will return to this  land. At the same time, he added that there is no doubt that such a  moment will never come when Nagorno-Karabakh loses its statehood. "I  can say that the Russian Federation, as a mediator, promotes a  peaceful resolution to the conflict and thwarts military attempts in  every possible way. Such an attempt was made in April 2016, it was  not part of the kind people's plan, and Russia did everything in its  power to end it soon and reduce explosiveness. The settlement of the  Karabakh conflict is a priority for us, "said Zatulin.

''But, one way or another, you can be sure that the Russian  Federation as a state will not allow an unjust solution to the  Karabakh conflict. I'm just sure of that. Whoever the president or  the prime minister is, the Russian people first of all value  conscience and justice. And they are on your side'', – concluded  Zatulin.

FM Mayilian presents achievements and challenges in state-building process in Artsakh

FM Mayilian presents achievements and challenges in state-building process in Artsakh




STEPANAKERT, OCTOBER 11, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh Masis Mayilian on October 11 delivered a speech on “The International Recognition of the Republic of Artsakh as a Guarantee of Stability and Peace in the Region” at the Friends of Artsakh Forum “Cooperation for the sake of Justice and Peace” taking place in Stepanakert, the Artsakh MFA told Armenpress.

In his speech the Foreign Minister presented the achievements and challenges in the state-building process in Artsakh, as well as the prospects for addressing the existing problems and establishing lasting peace in the South Caucasus region. In his speech, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in particular, noted that the proclamation of the Republic of Artsakh and the adoption of the Declaration of state independence were in full compliance with international law and the then applicable national legislation. Artsakh had the right to establish an independent state by the realization of its right to self-determination and in accordance with the right to secession as a means of protection in the face of systematic discrimination, mass violations of human rights, and ethnic cleansing carried out by Azerbaijan.

Masis Mayilian noted that for a long time an opinion dominated that the peace agreement with Azerbaijan would pave the way for the international recognition of Artsakh. However, from the very beginning, the peace process faced an insurmountable obstacle – the unwillingness of Azerbaijan to abandon the logic of confrontation, which led to the need to redouble efforts aimed at the international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh.

Masis Mayilian expressed confidence that in the existing situation, the international recognition of Artsakh would ensure the irreversibility of the peace process and would serve as an impetus for the final settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict through negotiations. Moreover, the international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh will allow to apply soft power i.e. political and diplomatic instruments along with hard power and military measures used, to ensure the security.

The Foreign Minister also noted the importance of recognition of Artsakh from the point of the protection of human rights and stressed that the need to reduce the impact of the conflict on the daily life of the citizens of Artsakh is a requirement of the time. In this context, Masis Mayilian underlined that the people of Artsakh should not be infringed in their rights or limited in realizing their potential, only because they live in an unrecognized state.

In his speech, the Foreign Minister expressed gratitude to the Friends of Artsakh for supporting the people of the Republic in their quest for freedom and justice and for promoting the development of Artsakh’s international relations. Masis Mayilian noted that the Forum would be a signal to the international community about the inadmissibility of isolating Artsakh and depriving its citizens of the benefits of international cooperation.

Artsakh’s friends meet in Stepanakert

Public Radio of Armenia
Oct 11 2019

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 09/23/2019


Azeri Soldier Killed In Karabakh

Nagorno-Karabakh -- Karabakh Armenian troops hold exercises, July 11, 2019.

An Azerbaijani soldier was killed in Nagorno-Karabakh at the weekend in what 
Karabakh’s Armenian-backed army described as a failed incursion on its 
frontline positions.

A statement by the Defense Army said an Azerbaijani commando squad “left behind 
one corpse in the no man’s land” after being repelled by its frontline troops 
deployed southeast of Karabakh on Sunday afternoon.

“The Defense Army suffered no losses. Details of the incident are being 
clarified,” the statement said, adding that the “sabotage incursion attempt” 
was filmed by the army’s surveillance cameras installed along the 
Armenian-Azerbaijani “line of contact” around Karabakh.

The Azerbaijani military on Monday confirmed a combat death within its ranks 
but denied launching any commando raids.

According to the Trend news agency, the Defense Ministry in Baku said that an 
Azerbaijani soldier, identified as Ramin Abdulrahmanov, was shot dead in front 
of Karabakh Armenian positions after accidentally “losing his way.” The 
ministry said it has asked the International Committee of the Red Cross to help 
recover his body.

The deadly incident occurred one day before a fresh meeting Armenia’s and 
Azerbaijan’s foreign ministers due to be held in New York. The two ministers 
most recently met in Washington on June 20 in the presence of the U.S., Russian 
and French mediators co-heading the OSCE Minsk Group. The Azerbaijani Foreign 
Ministry described that meeting as “positive.”

It was the most serious Azerbaijani incursion attempt reported by the Karabakh 
army since five Azerbaijani soldiers were killed near Karabakh in February 2017 
in an overnight incident caught on Armenian surveillance cameras. Their bodies 
lying in the no-man’s land were retrieved with the ICRC’s help.

Deadly ceasefire violations on the Karabakh frontlines and the 
Armenian-Azerbaijani border have decreased significantly since Armenian Prime 
Minister Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met for the 
first time in September 2018.

Thousands Rally In Los Angeles For Armenia’s PM

        • Karlen Aslanian

U.S. -- Armenian Americans attend a rally held by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian in Los Angeles, .

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian urged Diaspora Armenians to invest in Armenia, 
regularly visit their ancestral homeland and become its citizens as he 
addressed thousands of them at a rally held in Los Angeles on Sunday.

Pashinian spoke before the crowd that gathered in the city’s Grand Park after 
holding meetings with Armenian American organizations.

He began his hour-long speech by thanking Armenia’s worldwide Diaspora for its 
“invaluable” assistance provided to the country since independence. He also 
thanked those California Armenians, many of them born and raised in Armenia, 
who supported last year’s “Velvet Revolution” that brought him to power.

“We hope that the Diaspora will stand by the economic revolution taking place 
in Armenia just like it stood by the political revolution in Armenia,” said 
Pashinian. “And I want to invite all Diaspora entrepreneurs to Armenia because 
in today’s Armenia you won’t come across the obstacles that have existed 
before. In Armenia, systemic corruption has been rooted out and the rule of 
monopolies and oligarchy eliminated.”

Pashinian then renewed his calls for a “great repatriation” of ethnic Armenians 
from the United States and other parts of the world. “Great repatriation means, 
for example, physically staying and living in Armenia for one or two months 
every year,” he explained.

U.S. -- Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian speaks at a rally in Los 
Angeles, .

“Real estate prices in Armenia and Yerevan are substantially rising now,” he 
said. “Buying a home in Yerevan, in Armenia means making a very good and 
reliable investment … Every Armenian must have a home in Armenia.”

“Repatriation also means owning a business in Armenia and, more importantly, 
having citizenship of the Republic of Armenia. Every [Diaspora] Armenian must 
have Armenian citizenship,” declared Pashinian.

Pashinian proceeded on Monday to New York where he is due to give a speech at a 
session of the UN General Assembly. It was not clear whether he will meet with 
senior U.S. officials during his latest trip to the U.S.

On Saturday, U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated the Armenian leader on 
the 28th anniversary of Armenia’s declaration of independence from the Soviet 

“The United States welcomes the close cooperation between our nations and your 
government’s commitment to democratic and economic reform,” Trump wrote in a 
letter publicized by Pashinian’s press office. “We strongly support the desire 
of the Armenian people, as expressed during last year’s peaceful events 
throughout Armenia, to live in a democratic country that respects the rule of 
law and is free from corruption.”

“I look forward to building on the partnership between our two countries in the 
years ahead,” added Trump.

Pashinian, Former Security Chief Step Up War Of Words

Armenia -- Prime Miinister Nikol Pashinian and National Security Service 
Director Artur Vanetsian (R) walk in downtown Yerevan, September 21, 2018.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Artur Vanetsian, the former head of 
Armenia’s National Security Service (NSS) forced to resign last week, have 
traded fresh and more bitter recriminations.

Vanetsian hit out at Pashinian when he announced his resignation in a statement 
issued on September 16. He said that the latter’s “impulsive” leadership style 
is not good for Armenia and runs counter to the NSS “officer’s honor.”

Pashinian swiftly rounded on Vanetsian through his press secretary. His chief 
of staff said afterwards the former NSS chief was sacked because the prime 
minister was dissatisfied with his work.

Visiting the United States on Sunday, Pashinian accused Vanetsian of showing 
“disrespect for the officer’s honor” by making the “statement against his 
commander-in-chief.” “Would an officer do such a thing?” he told a news 
conference held in Los Angeles. “Do you know what that means? That means 
throwing your shoulder straps into a trash bin.”

“That is disrespectful towards Armenia’s armed forces,” he said, likening 
Vanetsian to Soviet generals who staged a failed coup d’état in August 1991.

Vanetsian hit back at Pashinian in equally strong terms on Monday, saying that 
the premier is misleading Armenians and “again not thinking about consequences 
of his words.” “Imagine what will happen if I suddenly start speaking up 
without thinking about consequences,” he warned in written comments to the 
“Hraparak” daily.

Vanetsian claimed that following his resignation Pashinian has been “sending 
people to me to ask me to keep silent for a while so that the situation calms 
down.” “But I can see now that he is once again breaching understandings and 
making incomprehensible and, in essence, shallow populist statements,” he said.

“I insist with certitude: time will tell who or what will end up in a trash 
bin,” added the 39-year-old career officer of Armenia’s most powerful security 

Pashinian appointed Vanetsian as NSS director two days after the Armenian 
parliament elected him prime minister in May 2018. Vanetsian quickly became one 
of the most influential members of his entourage, overseeing a number of 
high-profile corruption investigations.

Pashinian has not yet publicly explained why he decided to the replace the NSS 
chief. His spokesman, Vladimir Karapetian, suggested last week that Vanetsian 
might have secret ties to Armenia’s former leadership. Vanetsian strongly 
denied that.

Armenian Governor Investigated Over Violent Assault

        • Marine Khachatrian

Armenia -- Vayots Dzor Governor Trdat Sargsian.

An Armenian law-enforcement agency said on Monday that it is investigating a 
provincial governor’s possible involvement in a violent dispute that left one 
man critically injured.

The incident occurred late last week in Yeghegnadzor, the administrative center 
of Armenia’s southeastern Vayots Dzor province. Ara Mkhitarian, an army 
lieutenant-colonel serving there, suffered severe injuries to his head while 
reportedly arguing with an assistant to the Vayots Dzor governor, Trdat 
Sargsian, in still unclear circumstances.

Mkhitarian remained in a coma at a military hospital on Monday, with doctors 
fighting for his life. One of them described the officer’s chances of survival 
as “very small.”

According to Armenia’s Investigative Committee, Mkhitarian suffered his 
injuries when he was punched by the governor’s 28-year-old aide, Harutiun 
Grigorian, and fell to the ground. Grigorian was arrested and charged with 
violent assault over the weekend.

Mkhitarian’s father Samvel and friends dismissed the official version of events 
as they gathered outside the prime minister’s office in Yerevan on Monday 
morning to demand an objective and full investigation of the Yeghegnadzor 
incident. They said that the officer and his colleagues were assaulted by a 
larger group of men that may have included Governor Sargsian.

“How can you knock down a 120-kilogram guy and smash his skull with one punch?” 
argued Samvel Mkhitarian.

“The governor must resign and be put on trial along with his gang,” said one of 
the victim’s friends.

Another protester claimed that an eyewitness who has given incriminating 
testimony against Sargsian is now being bullied by the governor. “We are 
demanding that the prosecutor[-general] put this case under his personal 
control and ensure a fair investigation because we don’t trust the Vayots Dzor 
police,” he said.

Sargsian, who is affiliated with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s Civil 
Contract party, strongly denied his involvement. “I was at home [during the 
incident,]” he told reporters.

The 30-year-old governor confirmed the existence of incriminating testimony 
against him. “I think it must be established who ordered such testimony and the 
person who ordered the false testimony must also be held accountable,” he said.

The Investigative Committee said, meanwhile, that it is taking “urgent 
measures” to “verify the Vayots Dzor governor’s participation in the incident.”

A spokeswoman for the committee, Naira Harutiunian, said investigators are 
studying footage from surveillance camera placed near the scene of the 
violence. “The case is overseen by the chairman of the Investigative Committee, 
Hayk Grigorian,” she added.

Another U.S. Presidential Hopeful Vows Armenian Genocide Recognition

US Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks during her presidential candidacy 
announcement event at the Everett Mills in Lawrence, MA on February 9, 2019.

U.S. Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has 
reaffirmed her strong support for U.S. recognition of the 1915 Armenian 
genocide in Ottoman Turkey.

Warren also vowed to help “strengthen the U.S.-Armenia relationship” when she 
congratulated the Armenian Assembly of America on the 28th anniversary of 
Armenia’s independence marked on Saturday.

“I believe that if we do not recognize the horrors of the past, we risk those 
horrors being repeated in the future,” she wrote in a letter publicized by the 
Assembly on Monday. “That is why I am an original cosponsor of a bipartisan 
Senate resolution that recognizes the Armenian Genocide and encourages 
widespread education of this tragedy.”

“I was honored to speak at the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day centennial 
ceremony in April 2015 at the Armenian Heritage Park in Boston, and I will 
continue supporting efforts to bring recognition to the genocide,” added the 
senator from Massachusetts, a U.S. state with a sizable Armenian community.

Warren is one of the main candidates vying for the Democratic Party’s 
nomination for the 2020 presidential election. A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted 
earlier this month showed her solidifying her status as a top contender behind 
Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

Biden likewise wrote to the Assembly and another Armenian-American lobby group 
last week, saying that the United States must officially recognize the Armenian 
genocide “once and for all.” He too had cosponsored a genocide resolution in 
the U.S. Senate in the past.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren Congratulates Rep. Jackie Speier for Receiving Armenian Assembly’s Deukmejian Award


Danielle Saroyan Ashbahian

(202) 393-3434





WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a letter to the Armenian Assembly of
America (Assembly), Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) applauded Congresswoman Jackie
Speier (D-CA) for receiving the Assembly’s Deukmejian Award for Public Service,
and recognized the Assembly’s advocacy work.


“It is my
pleasure to congratulate my colleague and friend Rep. Jackie Speier for being
recognized by the Armenian Assembly at this year’s National Advocacy Conference
Gala for her years of being a stalwart supporter of United States-Armenia
relations,” Rep. Lofgren said. “Rep. Speier has a passion and personal devotion
for issues of importance to the Armenian-American community.”


Speier was honored for her exemplary work in the U.S. House of Representatives,
as well as her leadership, dedication, and passionate support of Armenia and
Artsakh. Armenian American leaders and activists throughout the United States
attended the Gala in Washington, D.C., which was part of the Armenian Assembly
of America's 2019 National Advocacy Conference.


“I want to
congratulate Rep. Speier, again, for receiving this honor, and to thank the
Armenian Assembly for recognizing her and for all the work you do to advocate
on behalf of Armenian-Americans.


The full
letter is available at


in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of
Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
membership organization.




NR#: 2019-048