Participants of Armenian Summit of Minds wait for next meeting in Armenia

Participants of Armenian Summit of Minds wait for next meeting in Armenia




YEREVAN, JUNE 18, ARMENPRESS. The participants of the Armenian Summit of Minds, which was held in Dilijan town from June 7 to 9, continue sharing their impressions and gratitude for organizing such a high-level event in Armenia, the Armenian President’s Office told Armenpress.

General manager at Siemens Jan-Marc Lischka said on Linkedin that the purpose of the Summit of Minds is to leave it by having a new friend, a new idea and a new project. “I managed to achieve these three. As President Armen Sarkissian summed his remarks stating that the quantum world we live in is quite complex, changing, full of challenges, but at the same time is quite interesting. I totally agree. I want to thank President Armen Sarkissian, spouse Nouneh Sarkissian and the wonderful people of Armenia I met. Your great hospitality, kindness and humanism make Armenia the wonderful place it is. I leave waiting for the next Armenian Summit of Minds”.

Rouben Indjikian, Professor at the Webster University Geneva, wrote in his thank you letter addressed to the Armenian President: “Your far-sighted decision to hold the Summit of Minds in Armenia aimed at finding better solutions for the world and Armenia in particular, had a great success and put a firm base for such meetings in the future in our lovely country. It will be an honor for me to support you in this and other initiatives which will enable to reach a stable base for Armenia’s successful development”.

Startup Armenia foundation’s business development director Hovhannes Yeritsyan said on Linkedin: “Motivation and inspiration are the things that the modern world lacks a lot. This is an undeniable truth, but not when you are at the Summit of Minds. The 48 hours of the Summit were something that most of the participants will keep in their minds for ages. Armen Sarkissian was able to bring together individuals, who can support, educate and what is the most important inspire you. It is not a big deal to gather high-profile individuals together, but it is a huge deal to make those people think and act together as a system”.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

A1+: When will Iveta Mukuchyan fall in love?(video)

Singer Iveta Mukuchyan has not fallen in love yet. "And there is no hope for love," she joked and added to the participants of the opening of the Florence restaurant that her heart is still free.
Whereas Avet Barseghyan promised her that she would definitely fall in love when she started to sing his "I fell in love with you" song.
By the way, before perfoming this song yesterday, the singer asked to the audience whethe they are ready you ready to fall in love with her.

Meet Stephany Sanossian, the artist bringing Hollywood to the Arab world

Arab News, Saudi Arabia
Meet Stephany Sanossian, the artist bringing Hollywood to the Arab world
by Denise Marray
1 / 5 Kim, Kanye and kids on the streets of Syria. (Stephany Sannosian)
2 / 5 From Sanossian's "Met Gala" series. (Stephany Sannosian)
3 / 5 From Sanossian's "Met Gala" series. (Stephany Sannosian)
4 / 5 From Sanossian's "Met Gala" series. (Stephany Sannosian)
5 / 5 Stephany Sannosian. (Supplied)
LONDON: Newsflash! Kim, Kendall and Kylie, those doyens of social media, have been spotted in Damascus and Aleppo — looking amazing, of course — soaking up the street life and attending exclusive private parties in magnificent Syrian mansions.
And the Kardashians/Jenners were not alone. Turns out, Syria is quite the celebrity hot spot these days. Also spotted in the war-torn country recently were Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue; international songbird Celine Dion and the American stage performer Billy Porter — all having a whale of a time in the bazaars.
But this wasn't some kind of fashion-inspired UN peace mission. On closer inspection, those pictures did seem kind of fishy. For a start, the outfits the celebrities were sporting were identical to the ones they were wearing at the Met Gala in New York on May 6. And we all know Kim, Kendall and Kylie aren't going to be photographed in the same dress twice.
Turns out the scenes were the product of the wild imagination of Syrian-Armenian artist Stephany Sanossian, who simply transposed the celebrities into locations of her choice within her beloved country.
The pictures may be humorous, but Sanossian's motivation for creating them is serious. She is using celebrities to draw attention to Syria — to remind people of what her homeland once was — before the deadly civil war erupted — and what it is today.
"When you mention Syria, everyone talks about the war," Sanossian told Arab News. "No one talks about our rich culture. I want to change that."
Sanossian, who currently works as a freelance graphic designer, has a Master's in Research for Design and Innovation from Elisava, a prestigious design school in Barcelono affiliated with Pompeu Fabra University. The part of the course she most enjoyed dealt with trends and their global impact.
"For me this was amazing," she said. "We looked at all kinds of trends — not just fashion, but artistic, political and economic."
Last summer she held a joint exhibition, "Perspective 101," in Denmark. She is also the co-founder of "Live Love Armenia," based in Yerevan, Armenia, which showcases the authentic face and beauty of the country. "The mission is to display Armenian talent to connect the Armenian diaspora with the motherland," she said.
There is something a bit wistful about Sanossian. She was born and raised in Aleppo — leaving Syria in 2010 to be educated in Lebanon. She admits she is strongly affected by nostalgia for the scenes of her childhood and longs to show the world the country she knows and loves without the ugly scars of war, suffering and devastation.
So while on some level there is something quite humorous about her fake images, there is also something poignant. In a world that has become numbed to suffering, does it take a celebrity to make the world take notice? Perhaps it does. If so, she has succeeded in making her point as the world's media is knocking on her door for interviews.
The 'celebrities in Syria' shots aren't her first mixed-media images. She did a brilliant job last year of creating an 'Aleppo Fashion Week,' blending catwalk images of famous models with historic sites.
The intention was the same: To use images that everyone wants to see to draw attention to places that people have forgotten or overlooked.
"Each image I create triggers a joyful memory for me and creating this kind of art far away from destruction and war brings me happiness," she said.
It's a great concept — and one with endless possibilities. But what about the reaction of the celebrities — or indeed the photographers — whose images have been used? So far, none of them have been in touch. But perhaps that will change as the story gains momentum. To date, Sanossian has around 5,000 followers on Instagram, but that number will likely grow fast as media attention increases.
Asked where she gets her ideas from, she said: "My inspiration comes from everywhere — it might be walking down the street, a memory, or something happening around me on a daily basis."
She is keen to raise the profile of Middle Eastern artists in the West, as she believes that there is too much focus on Western art in general.
"People in America and Europe only seem to know the Middle East in the context of war and destruction and nothing else," she said. "They don't seem to have much knowledge, for example, about the Middle East art scene."
She plans to leave Barcelona soon (a tough decision — "I love Spain so much," she said) and head either Lebanon or Dubai. She still has family in Syria, but her close family are all in Lebanon.
Regardless of where she ends up, Sanossian will continue to make thought-provoking artwork. "I want to keep doing what I am doing and raise awareness of the true nature of places like Syria and Armenia," she said. "Let's be proud of our heritage and culture."

Chess: Armenia’s Aronian beats Azerbaijan’s Mamedyarov at Norway Chess

Panorama, Armenia
June 7 2019
Sport 13:47 07/06/2019 Armenia

Armenian grandmaster Levon Aronian beat Shakhriyar Mamedyarov of Azerbaijan in the third round of 2019 Altibox Norway Chess tournament held on Thursday.

Playing with black pieces, the Armenian chess star won in the 31st step.

The victory puts Aronian in the third place with 4 points. He is set to face Maxime Vachier-Lagrave of France in the next round. 

Armenia highlights need to implement agreements aimed at creating investigation mechanism for ceasefire violations

Armenia highlights need to implement agreements aimed at creating investigation mechanism for ceasefire violations




YEREVAN, MAY 31, ARMENPRESS. The proposal to form a respective environment for the negotiations over the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict belongs to Armenia. The Armenian side cannot reject what exactly it has proposed, Armenian foreign ministry spokeswoman Anna Naghdalyan said, commenting on the statement of the Azerbaijani foreign ministry.

Armenpress presents the text of Naghdalyan’s comment:

Question: The Azerbaijani foreign ministry issued a statement where it accuses the Armenian side in the murder of its soldier, concluding that the calls of the Armenian side on forming peace environment are fake and in reality Armenia wants to disrupt the negotiations. How would you comment on this?

Anna Naghdalyan: The proposal to form a respective environment for negotiations belongs to Armenia. The Armenian side cannot reject what it has proposed. The agreements reached in Dushanbe were directed for creating this environment and which are mainly maintained. Armenia and Artsakh adhere to their commitments.

As you know, Artsakh completely denied the Azerbaijani information about the killing of soldier, and before making accusations it would be right for the Azerbaijani side to carry out an internal investigation on the alleged incident to reveal the truth.  

In case of the existence of investigative mechanism for the ceasefire violations it wouldn’t be possible to spread disinformation about the ceasefire violations. It’s worth nothing that this mechanism doesn’t exist yet due to being rejected by the Azerbaijani side. In such circumstances we highlight the importance of strengthening the ceasefire and implementing the agreements reached at the 2016 Vienna and St. Petersburg summits aimed at creating an investigative mechanism.

It’s worth mentioning that Baku is releasing reports accusing the Armenian side in the murder of soldier during the visit of the Co-Chairs to the region. This is an attempt to distort the negotiation process and disrupt the upcoming meeting mentioned by the Co-Chairs.

By spreading such fake news Baku is trying to put the guilt of its unconstructive policy on the remaining parties of negotiations – Armenia and Artsakh.

This shows to what extent Baku is ready to respond to the mediation efforts aimed at solving the conflict, to what extent it is ready to continue and move forward the negotiations.

Armenia adheres to the commitment of its positive engagement in the peace process and will continue making efforts to create a respective environment through the implementation of the agreements reached.

Question: In line with the accusations addressed to Armenia, the Azerbaijani foreign ministry also mentioned about Armenians living there, about Azerbaijan being as a country of tolerance, as well as Armenia’s domestic political issues.

Anna Naghdalyan: It’s interesting that a representative of a country mentions about Armenians living its territory where the existence of not only Armenians, but also their surnames on the shirts of football fans of different nations is banned.

The intolerance existing today in Azerbaijan is a consequence of impunity of anti-Armenian massacres committed in Sumgait, Baku and other settlements and the policy of sowing hatred against Armenians, the culmination of which was declaring Safarov a hero and the Azerbaijani 2016 April aggression against Artsakh which was accompanied by terrible atrocities.

As for Armenia’s “domestic political problems”, we do not waste time to explain the elementary rules of the functioning of a democratic society.


Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

California Senate Passes California-Armenia Trade Office Bill

The California State Senate Chamber

SACRAMENTO—Legislation that will re-establish a trade office between California and Armenia passed in the State Senate on consent with unanimous support on Wednesday. The bill, SB 302, was authored by State Senator Anthony J. Portantino.

“SB 302 will formalize trade and economic ties between California and Armenia. As the representative of the largest Armenian community in the country, I am very honored and glad that this bill is moving forward in the Senate and I look forward to seeing the trade office established. California is an economic leader and the Armenian Community is a vital part of our success. This will be helpful to California and Armenia,” commented Portantino.

California State Senator Anthony Portantino

SB 302 has Senator Scott Wilk (R- Santa Clarita) as a principal co-author and its co-authors are senators Melissa Hurtado (D-Sanger), Scott Winer (D-San Francisco), Henry Stern (D- Calabasas), as well as State Assmebly members Autumn Burke (D- Inglewood) and Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley).

“After advocating for the re-opening of the Trade Office first with Governor Brown and more recently with Governor Newsom and hosting a Legislative Trade Study trip to Armenia to lay a foundation for this project, the ANCA-WR is grateful to the California State Senate and to Senator Portantino for recognizing this as an important step toward further deepening the trade and economic relations between California and Armenia, especially in the IT, tourism, biotechnology, and other sectors. The ANCA-WR remains committed to use the resources at its disposal to help accomplish this goal,” said Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region chairwoman Nora Hovsepian Esq.

In March, SB 302 unanimously, and with strong bi-partisan support, passed the State Senate’s Business and Professions Committee. Baibourtian flew to Sacramento to offer testimony in favor of the proposal.

“Armenia is an important trade partner with California with strong and long-standing relationships. SB 302 will formalize trade and economic ties. As the representative of the largest Armenian community in a legislative district in the country, I am very honored and glad that this bill is moving forward in the Senate. California is embracing the Armenian Community and all it has to offer our state and it’s exciting to be part of that excitement,” Portantino said at the time.

SB 302 will establish a regional trade office to promote economic relations in a developing area of the world that show emerging market potential. The regional trade office would be located in Armenia and would serve the developing economies of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Armenia has worked hard to develop diplomatic and economic ties worldwide. Today, 120 countries have recognized Armenia as an independent state and over 70 countries have established direct diplomatic relations.

“One or my top priorities as Consul General is to increase economic opportunities between Armenia and the California. I was very pleased to offer testimony in support of this important proposal. There is tremendous excitement in Yerevan, Glendale and Sacramento about the burgeoning beneficial relationship on the horizon and feel we are capturing that excitement. Our hope it will lead to mutual benefit,” said Armenia’s Consul General to Los Angeles, Ambassador Armen Baibourtian, at the time of the March committee approval of the bill

Former Calif. State Senator Jack Scott originally created the California/Armenia International Trade Office through legislation. Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger terminated it in 2007. SB 302 would require the Yerevan trade and investment office to, among other things, promote the export of California goods and services into the Republic of Armenia and facilitate access to educational exchange programs between California and the Republic of Armenia.

Court hearing Kocharyan’s case to continue on May 15

Court hearing Kocharyan’s case to continue on May 15




YEREVAN, MAY 14, ARMENPRESS. The trial of former President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan and other ex-officials in the March 1 case has been postponed because of the end of the working day.

ARMENPRESS reports the trial on examining whether the detention of Kocharyan is justified or no will continue on May 15 at 13:30.

At the end of the trial 2nd President of Armenia Kocharyan thanked his supporters, saying that they can already go.

The March 1 case refers to the 2008 post-presidential election unrest in Yerevan when eight protesters and two security officers were killed in clashes during large demonstrations against alleged vote rigging. Kocharyan was the outgoing president at that time. He is accused of unlawfully ordering the military to interfere and disperse the protests.

Prosecutor General Arthur Davtyan was seated on the prosecution’s side in court.

Kocharyan’s youngest son Levon was seated in the fully-packed gallery.

Robert Kocharyan is charged with “overthrowing Constitutional order” and “accepting particularly large bribe”.

Other indicted officials are: ex-Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan (overthrowing Constitutional order). In 2008 Ohanyan served as Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces; Yuri Khachaturov (overthrowing Constitutional order). In 2008, Khachaturov was the Deputy Minister of Defense; Armen Gevorgyan (conspiracy to overthrow Constitutional order, accepting particularly large bribe and money laundering). Gevorgyan served as Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration. Gevorgyan’s most recent government position was Deputy Prime Minister.

Yuri Khachaturov is an Armenian general who served as Secretary General of the CSTO until being recalled by Armenia for criminal proceedings in 2018.

They all deny wrongdoing.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

“We stand with you in commemoration, we stand with you for Armenia’s future” – Macron tells Sarkissian in heartfelt letter

“We stand with you in commemoration, we stand with you for Armenia’s future” – Macron tells Sarkissian in heartfelt letter




YEREVAN, MAY 10, ARMENPRESS. President of France Emmanuel Macron has sent a letter to President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian to reaffirm that starting from this year, France is annually, officially marking April the 24th as the National Commemoration Day of the Armenian Genocide.

In the letter, Macron said that France will continue struggling for justice and truth together with Armenia.

“This is our duty before Armenia and the Armenian people, as well as the survivors and refugees whom France accepted with open arms and whose descendants shaped our country’s history. In order to be able to shape a joint fate it is necessary to be able to clearly look at the past, by bowing before the memory of the dead and respecting the memory of those who live. This is my conviction, and I know that Armenia shares it. We stand with you at time of remembrance, we stand with you also for Armenia’s future now when the new chapter of its history is being shaped, which must be a chapter of peace and prosperity,” Macron told Sarkissian according to the Armenian President's Office. 

Macron added that France and Armenia are shoulder to shoulder proud with their friendship and confident in the future.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Russia informs OSCE of steps resolving Karabakh residents’ problems – diplomat

Wednesday 5:52 PM GMT
Russia informs OSCE of steps resolving Karabakh residents’ problems – diplomat
HIGHLIGHT: Russia, as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group on Nagorno-Karabakh, has informed OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger in detail on results of the talks held by the Russian, Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers in Moscow in mid-April, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.
MOSCOW, May 8. /TASS/. Russia, as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group on Nagorno-Karabakh, has informed OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger in detail on results of the talks held by the Russian, Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers in Moscow in mid-April, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.
"After the Moscow meeting, Azerbaijan and Armenia are reported to be interested in putting cooperation back on track in the humanitarian field," she said. "I mean the steps to continue stabilizing the situation in the conflict zone, in particular during agricultural work, to let relatives visit persons held captive by the sides and to stay ready for practical steps aimed at establishing human contacts, including reciprocal trips by media representatives," she added.
For his part, Greminger confirmed the OSCE willingness to keep looking for a solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis, Zakharova said.
History of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
The highland region of Nagorno-Karabakh (Mountainous Karabakh) is a mostly Armenian-populated enclave inside the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan. It was the first zone of inter-ethnic tensions and violence to appear on the map of the former USSR in February 1988. Then, the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region declared independence from Azerbaijan, a republic within the Soviet Union at the time. In 1992-1994, hostilities broke out in the region between pro-Baku forces and Armenian residents, which resulted in the Nagorno-Karabakh’s de facto independence. In 1994, a ceasefire was reached but the relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia have been strained since then.
Since 1992, the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) co-chaired by Russia, France and the US have been holding talks to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

Armenian PM congratulates Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland on 70th anniversary of Council of Europe

Armenian PM congratulates Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland on 70th anniversary of Council of Europe



11:01, 5 May, 2019

YEREVAN, MAY 5, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe, the PM's office reported. 

“Honorable Mr. Secretary General,

Seventy years ago, the Council of Europe was established with the vision of overcoming the devastating effects of World War II, building a peaceful future and implementing the universal ideals, which became the first pan-European structure and one of the foundations of modern European architecture.

The Council of Europe, which today marks its seventieth anniversary, is a universal value system based on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, and an all-European legal framework for 840 million citizens.

Eager to see the continued strengthening of Council of Europe’s exceptional role, Armenia stands ready to support the organization in its future reforms.

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, the Armenian people and myself, I wish the Council of Europe unshakable vitality to the benefit of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in the European continent, and for the sake of “Our rights, our freedoms and our Europe," Pashinyan said in the letter.