Situation stable on Artsakh frontline during holidays, top official says

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 3 2019
Politics 17:13 03/01/2019 NKR

The situation on the Artsakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact is generally stable during the New Year holidays, David Babayan, a senior Artsakh official, told

He says however some minor ceasefire breaches are reported on these days.

“Naturally, those violations have never fully stopped, but are relatively fewer. In general, the situation is stable,” the official said.

According to Babayan, who heads the Central Information Department of the Artsakh presidential office, the frontline situation is calmer against the same period last year.

He says the servicemen are in an alternative mood during the New Year celebrations. “They are, of course, in a festive mood, meantime maintaining strong vigilance. Naturally, vigilance should be high every day, every hour, every minute, but it doubles and triples during holidays,” he said.

“As a matter of fact, the adversary always makes violations during festivities, national and religious holidays, even during international holidays, further boosting its terrorist policies,” the official explained. 

Investing in the Caucasus: Overcoming Modern Myths

International Policy Digest
Jan 4 2019

In Greek mythology, the Caucasus were one of the “pillars” supporting the world. The diverse wonderous region was central to world culture: the place where fire was forged, the site of the mystic mountains, and the place where Jason and the Argonauts sailed to seek the Golden Fleece.

While these fantastic origins once defined the border of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, the Caucasus of today, situated between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, is one of the world’s most overlooked areas for investment thanks to some very different modern myths. Western investors, unfortunately, dismiss its economic potential because of lack of independent analysis, media bias, and concerns over Russia’s growing influence in what used to be entirely Soviet terrain. Worries about the region’s nascent capital markets and its long, complex history of ethnic conflicts have given Western institutions pause. Although not devoid of some truth, these exaggerated fears have caused us to overlook truly compelling economic trends taking place today in the Caucuses.

The Caucasus’ republics have made major efforts in enacting positive economic change, quietly empowering a regional renaissance in this opportunity-filled terrain. Abundant natural resources, diverse agriculture and growing tourism are making strides in restoring the Caucasus and turning its constituents into free market economies. Its continued growth will lead to the region becoming a formidable new contributor in the global economy, and first movers into the region are poised to benefit the most.

While the Caucasus has a history of economic and political instability, its nations have found rapid economic growth in recent years through purposeful action. Georgia’s transition into a free market economy, for instance, has led the World Bank to brand it as the world’s number one economic reformer, and it reported a 5.5% GDP increase in Q2 of this year, continuing its upward growth.

Oil-rich Azerbaijan, similarly, was named one of the top 10 economic reformers by the World Bank in 2008, and by 2012, it had increased its GDP 20-fold since 1995. Presently, Azerbaijan has exported $12.9 billion in the first half of the year and has experienced an expansion of 1.3% in the first part of 2018. Armenia has also worked to steadily stabilize its economy, earning it foreign financial support; since 1993, Armenia has received approximately $1.1 billion in loans that helped solve deficit issues. Now, the nation is primed to improve its financial sector, advance tourism, and streamline its trade with neighbors.

The mysterious Chechen Republic is in the process of quietly rebuilding itself. Its capital, Grozny, has been restored and modernized, mostly through efficient self-governing initiatives. In fact, the entire republic is making strides to become a robust economy. According to a 2017 economic analysis prepared for institutional investors by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the Chechen state as it stands now offers social and political stability for willing investors. Chechen Republic’s tremendous natural resources present compelling opportunities for investment in such industries as oil and gas, tourism, agriculture, medicine, and construction. It has come a long way from a land mostly known for conflict with Russia into a welcoming place for tourists and investors. Railways and highways, pipelines of international importance pass through this mountain fiefdom integrating important strategic concerns in the Caucuses. Having a favorable location, connecting the South of Russia and the countries of Transcaucasia, Chechnya is now striving to become an international logistics center.

The Chechens are now organizing international exhibitions and sports events. Business tourism is on the rise there, and the advent of well-known hotel chains, including the premium segment categories are imminent in the Chechen state.

Chechnya, as the republic is often referred to, has a great interest in foreign investment, focusing on IT, the financial sector, building materials industry, agriculture, energy, and sports. Many world stars of boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and weightlifting have been surprised by Chechen hospitality and passion for sports.

There’s no question that the nations of the Caucasus have been quietly reinventing themselves, but for those paying close attention in recent years, it’s hardly a surprise. These dynamic shifts were brought about primarily because of deliberate heavy economic reform in the wake of the USSR’s disintegration. This enabled the Caucasus countries to catalyze their industries, giving the region its foundation for economic success.

Agriculture is one of the most growth-ready industries in the Caucasus, as the region is rich with fertile soil and potable water. It already produces an enormous variety of agricultural products like cotton, tea, citrus fruits, vegetables, tobacco, corn, and grains. Perhaps most prominently, the Caucasus is known for its production of grapes. Georgia, a longtime ally of the U.S., in particular, has a celebrated and historic wine industry, exporting millions of bottles to surrounding countries in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. In the future, Georgia may rival other major wine-producing countries across the world.

Agriculture consists of 52 percent of employment in Georgia, while Azerbaijan has the highest quantity of agricultural land in the Caucasus, at 54.9 percent. For Armenia, agriculture represents approximately 20 percent of its GDP. The region continues to strengthen this industry and plans for land amelioration combined with economic reform work to make farmed land more resilient, increasing the amount of arable land and further boosting the agriculture industry as a whole.

 And that’s only the beginning for these fertile lands.

Azerbaijan and the Chechen Republic possess substantial oil reserves and other strategic natural resources. Oil deposits, natural gas, and coal are in abundance throughout the region. Two-thirds of Azerbaijan is rich in such commodities, possessing the largest energy industry in the region. The Chechen Republic also holds a tremendous natural reserve of oil and gas, providing more than 800,000 tons of oil to Russia’s state energy company in 2011. The Chechen state also houses a substantial amount of minerals: copper, molybdenum, manganese, gold, lead, tungsten, volcanic tuff, and more.

The Caucasus directly borders Eastern Europe and Central Asia and has access to the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. With its abundance of resources, it is in a prime position to facilitate trade routes for these valuable resources to the surrounding area and beyond. Western enterprises that can appreciate the economic potential of this developing part of the world are likely to reap economic benefits incommensurate to the overstated geopolitical risks that have long led to the confusion and fear of this historic, hospitable, and culturally diverse domain.

The region’s natural ecosystem ranges from majestic mountains to vast pastures to gorgeous coastal locations, making it an attractive destination for tourism. In this regard, the Caucasus has already begun to demonstrate its potential. Approximately 3.4 million people visited Georgia in 2017, creating a revenue equivalent to $2.8 billion, which represented about 18 percent of the GDP that year. Azerbaijan is second in the world among countries with the greatest growth in visitors, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council in 2015.

The Caucasus features hundreds of historical sites and unique cultural experiences, such as mineral springs and the Naftalan crude oil baths, and houses a multitude of tourist centers, ski resorts, and hotels along the Caucasian Riviera. The historic mountain settlements there are mostly unexplored. The ancient Hoy Village in the Chechen Mountains is one such site to behold. Tourism is already gaining momentum in the Caucasus, and it demonstrates that the region possesses the potential to become a globally sought-out tourist destination. Robust tourism has completely transformed the tiny island nation of Iceland. There’s no reason it cannot do the same for the picturesque nations of the Caucuses. For investors and world travelers alike, the Caucasus offer formidable opportunities.

Don’t just take my word for it. The World Economic Forum is already thinking about ways that the Caucasus can stand among the giants of the global economy. In a 2014 report, the group presented a plan for the nations of the region to maximize their energy resources, integrate into global supply chains, create a diversified economic base, and develop a high-standard workforce by 2035. With an eye on even greater expansion, The Japanese International Cooperation Association (JICA) also published a study encouraging investing in the Caucasus to link its natural resources with Europe and Asia.

Existing investments in the Caucasus have already brought about significant growth to the region. For instance, the major Chinese company Hualing Group was Georgia’s biggest investor in the first three quarters of 2014, focusing their investments on real estate, with plans to expand into the agriculture and wine industries. The U.S., too, could greatly benefit from investing in the Caucasus, particularly in lucrative resources such as the wealth of oil and natural gas in the Caucasus and Caspian Sea reserves, estimated to be worth $2 to $4 trillion at current market prices.

Many current investment proposals revolve around transforming the Caucasus into the modern day “Silk Road,” an essential hub and connective region for trade in Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world. From its venerated place in antiquity, the Caucasus once served as an aspirational destination. The thoughtful observer must wonder, then, if it could occupy a similarly exalted position in modernity – in a world strongly influenced by economics rather than mythology. For those willing to partake in the region’s infrastructure development, tourism, and oil and gas sectors, lingering stereotypes will give way to economic windfalls.

Armenpress: Kazakhstan’s SCAT Airlines to halt Astana-Yerevan round-trip flights for 4 months

Kazakhstan’s SCAT Airlines to halt Astana-Yerevan round-trip flights for 4 months




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 29, ARMENPRESS. The Kazakh SCAT Airlines will temporarily suspend its Astana-Yerevan round trip flights from 2019 January 15 until May 15, the Armenian Embassy in Kazakhstan said.

SCAT Airlines is one of the largest air companies of Kazakhstan.

It began regular flights from Astana to Yerevan since May 31, 2017.

The reason of the suspension wasn’t immediately clear.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Colombian Parliament Calls Occupation Of Nagorno-Karabakh A Crime Against Humanity

Caspian News
Dec 29 2018

By Mushvig Mehdiyev

  • Ashaghi Govhar Agha Mosque, an Azerbaijani mosque located in Shusha, Karabakh region of Azerbaijan about 350 km from the capital Baku. Currently under control of Armenia since the occupation of Shusha on May 8, 1992 / Wikimedia Commons

    On Monday Colombia’s parliament adopted a resolution condemning the occupation of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan along with surrounding districts, as well as the ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis by Armenia.

    The resolution, approved by the Second Committee of the Colombian Parliament on Foreign Affairs, Security and National Defense within the House of Representatives, called for the full restoration of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

    The resolution reflects the position of the Colombian government, stating that peaceful negotiations based on international legal mechanism, including the relevant resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council, and immediate withdrawal of Armenian forces stationed inside and surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh region, should set the grounds for finding a durable solution to the conflict that has been simmering for over a quarter century. The parliamentary resolution also calls for the return of Azerbaijani internally displaced persons to their homes.

    The recent resolution has cemented the position of and previous statements made by the Colombian government regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    In 2012, the Colombian senate unanimously recognized the killing of over 613 ethnic Azerbaijani civilians from the town of Khojaly in February 1992 as genocide. A year later, in 2013, the Second Committee of the Colombian Parliament on Foreign Affairs, Security and National Defense adopted a resolution on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the Khojaly genocide. Colombia is one of 15 countries that recognize the massacre in Khojaly as genocide committed by Armenian forces.

    Late into the night on February 25, 1992 – just shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union – Armenian forces, backed by the Infantry Guard Regiment No. 366 from a collapsed Soviet army, invaded the town of Khojaly, located in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Armenian forces killed 613 people, including 106 women, 63 children and 70 elderly people, and took hostage 1,275 others. Another 150 Azerbaijani nationals went missing, whose fates remain unknown to this day. Those suffering major injuries or having been maimed totaled 487, including 76 children.

    The massacre in Khojaly was part of a broader military campaign by Armenia to seize Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh region that had a partial ethnic Armenian population living side by side with indigenous Azerbaijanis. The Nagorno-Karabakh region, which is an internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan and shares no border with Armenia, had been eyed by Armenian nationalists since the late 1980s, when the USSR was slowly but surely collapsing. After independence, Armenia kicked off military aggression against sovereign Azerbaijan, occupying Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts, comprising roughly 20 percent of Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territory.

    Khojaly was heavily shelled and left without power for months when it came under a sudden but well-organized attack by Armenian forces. Azerbaijanis there were forced to flee as they were ambushed by Armenian military troops. Attempts by residents to escape via mountains and forests ultimately failed. Dozens of people are reported to have frozen to death in what were cold winter temperatures.

    The massacre in Khojaly is widely remembered throughout Azerbaijan as a pinnacle of the Armenian aggression when mass murder with an ethnic bent was one of the darkest moments in a three-year war fought between the two South Caucasus neighbors between 1991 and 1994. The war claimed the lives of over 30,000 Azerbaijanis, while nearly one million Azerbaijanis were internally displaced and 4,000 went missing. The full-scale war came to a stop in 1994, thanks to a ceasefire, but Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts are still occupied by Armenia.

    Fifteen countries from around the world such as the Czech Republic, Romania, Mexico, Colombia and Pakistan as well as Scotland from the United Kingdom and 20 state governments in the United States, including California, Massachusetts, Texas and Pennsylvania, have officially recognized the events in Khojaly as genocide of Azerbaijanis.

    US embassy in Armenia provides additional information regarding passport and visa services

    ARKA, Armenia
    Dec 26 2018

    YEREVAN, December 26 /ARKA/. The US Embassy in Armenia provided today additional information regarding passport and visa services.

    "At this time, scheduled passport and visas services in the United States and at U.S. Embassies and Consulates overseas will continue during the lapse in appropriations as the situation permits. We will not update this account until full operations resume, with the exception of urgent safety and security information.  For information on our services and operating status, visit,’ the embassy said in a Facebook post.

    Earlier reports said the US government was forced to suspend its operations from December 22 (at least for a month), after the Congress failed to adopt the draft budget for 2019. The reason is the demand of President Donald Trump to include in it  the cost of building a wall along the border with Mexico worth about $ 5.7 billion, opposed by Democrats. –0–

    Belarussian President waiting for invitation to visit Armenia – Prosperous Armenia party chairman says

    Belarussian President waiting for invitation to visit Armenia – Prosperous Armenia party chairman says



    16:59, 7 December, 2018

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 7, ARMENPRESS. President of Belarus is waiting for an invitation to visit Armenia, Chairman of the Prosperous Armenia party Gagik Tsarukyan told reporters in Yerevan, reports Armenpress.

    “I visited Belarus on November 24, met with President Alexander Lukashenko. I can state that today he is waiting for an invitation from Armenia in order to visit the country and say his word to the country and the Armenian people”, Tsarukyan said.

    Tsarukyan also stated that he has presented his programs during the meeting with the citizens on the sidelines of the pre-election campaign. He said his desire is for the Armenian people to live well.

    “With my actions I have showed that I always stand together with my people”, he said.

    He advised the voters to remember the actions taken by the political figures during upcoming voting.

    Sasna Tsrer Party starts election campaign outside parliament building

    Sasna Tsrer Party starts election campaign outside parliament building



    13:57, 26 November, 2018

    YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 26, ARMENPRESS. The Sasna Tsrer Pan-Armenian Party kicked off its election campaign today from the park outside the parliament building in Yerevan.

    The party’s motto is “It’s Time”.

    Sasna Tsrer spokesperson Varuzhan Avetisyan told reporters that starting the campaigning from this very park bears a special symbol.

    “Finally, after our many years of struggle, we are able to run for parliament. This election is very encouraging and promise to be very legitimate and to reflect the Armenian people’s will to a significant extent,” Avetisyan said.

    He expressed conviction that the people will be active in this election and that all kinds of electoral fraud will be ruled out.

    Law and justice, state administration and staffing policy, social-economic development, security and defense, Artsakh unification, foreign relations and Fatherland-Diaspora are the main directions of the party’s campaigning program.

    Asked about which specific economic issues are on the agenda for the party, Avetisyan pointed out reduction of tariffs, the true calculation of the minimal consumer basket, which are the systematization components of the economy.

    “These two steps are sufficient for the domestic economic structure to be improves and for us to start breathing. For resolving these issues, a respective decision must exist in the parliamentary format, in order for state bodies to begin calculations. After all this it will be possible to present a strategy on how these issues must be resolved,” Avetisyan said.

    Photos by Mkhitar Khachatryan

    Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

    Armenpress: Armenian peacekeepers serving abroad to also vote in general election

    Armenian peacekeepers serving abroad to also vote in general election



    14:57, 29 November, 2018

    YEREVAN, NOVMEBER 29, ARMENPRESS. Armenian peacekeepers in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Lebanon and Mali will also vote in the upcoming general election, defense ministry spokesperson Artsrun Hovhannisyan told ARMENPRESS.

    He said that the peacekeepers will cast their ballots by the same principles as diplomats in foreign countries. “Peacekeepers in Lebanon will vote at the Embassy of Armenia, while peacekeepers in Kosovo, Mali and Afghanistan, where Armenia doesn’t have embassies, the regional diplomatic structures will create the opportunity. Special areas will be opened for servicemen, with ballots and envelopes,” he said.

    Armenia currently has 121 active duty peacekeepers serving as part of the NATO Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan.

    32 Armenian peacekeepers are serving within the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon, and 40 Armenian peacekeepers are serving in the NATO-led KFOR in Kosovo. Armenia has also 1 serviceman as part of the MINUSMA mission in Mali.


    Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

    Anna Hakobyan attends event in Moscow dedicated to 30th anniversary of Spitak earthquake

    Anna Hakobyan, spouse of Armenia’s acting prime minister Nikol Pashinyan, on November 28 participated in an event titled the Chronicle of Humanism in Moscow’s Art Academic Theater dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Spitak devastating earthquake and 103rd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.

    Anna Hakobyan was accompanied by Armenia’s Ambassador to Russia Vardan Toghanyan, Aurora Humanitarian Initiative co-founder Ruben Vardanyan, as well as a number of cultural figures and artists who delivered remarks during the event.

    Sharing his impression from the event Anna Hakobyan stated that it contained very important messages. “Although the talk was about the tragedy that occurred 30 years ago, it was an event of gratitude, and gratitude is a high feeling and act. The event also contained a very important part relating to facts on how more than 100 countries provided support to the Armenian people. And one needs to think why today, when tens of thousands of people are being killed, displaced not due to natural disasters, but wars, people are not helping each other in the same way”, Anna Hakobyan said and thanked the event organizers.

    The event aimed at expressing gratitude to all those people and states who showed unique humanism and provided support to the Armenian people at that difficult moment.

    The event was organized by the Armenian Embassy in Russia, the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and Aznavour Foundation.

    Vigen Chaldranyan: I did not put Suren Shahverdyan, but appointed him

    Director of  National Theater after Sos Sargsyan, Vigen Chaldranyan, appointed Suren Shahverdyan as artistic director, and he will continue to hold the position of the theater director. Meanwhile, a group of actors demand his resignation. According to them, actress Narine Grigoryan should be the artistic director, and actor Arman Navasardyan should be the director.

    I’m not ‘adhered’ to the chair, I’m adhered to my dignity and my truth,” Vigen Chaldranyan told “A1+.”

    “They plan to use the complicated situation ahead of the elections and to force me to resign. If you declare that this is your own theater, you must have a cadastre paper,” said the filmmaker.

    To remind, Vahe Shahverdyan’s son Suren Shahverdyan has recently been fighting for the post of director of Russian dramatic theater after Stanslavski, but the director of the theater Fred Davtyan chose Karen Nersisyan. “I did not even know about that,” said Chaldranyan, “but it should not be considered that I put Suren in this place. I know Suren Shahverdyan for a long time ago. Suren Shahverdyan is a man of the theater. You do not want to work with me, I will work with Suren. Your job will be associated only with the artistic director. You will not have contact with the director,” said the filmmaker by adding that they must obey the state laws.