Verelq: ԱԺ արտահերթ ընտրություններում ընտրողների 68.3%-ի ձայներով հաղթելու է «Իմ քայլը». GALLUP

  • 23.11.2018

  • Հայաստան



«GALLUP International association»-ի իրականացրած հարցումների համաձայն` ԱԺ արտահերթ ընտրություններում ընտրողների 68.3%-ի ձայներով հաղթելու է «Իմ քայլը» կուսակցությունների դաշինքը: Այս մասին նոյեմբերի 23-ին տեղի ունեցած մամուլի ասուլիսի ընթացքում ասաց «GALLUP International association»-ի Հայաստանում լիիրավ անդամ Էմ Փի ՋԻ ՍՊԸ տնօրեն Արամ Նավասարդյանը:

Հետազոտությունն իրականացվել է դեմ առ դեմ հարցումների մեթոդով: Հարցումների քանակը` 1111, հետազոտության ընտրանքային սխալը 3%: Հետազոտության իրականացման ժամանակահատվածը նոյեմբերի 17-21: Իրականացման վայրը` Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն:

Հայաստանում արտահերթ խորհրդարանական ընտրությունները կայանալու են 2018թ-ի դեկտեմբերի 9-ին: Քարոզչության ժամանակահատվածը նոյեմբերի 26-ից դեկտեմբերի 7-ն է։ Ընտրական օրենսգրքով սահմանվել է 12-օրյա ժամկետ:

«Հարցումների մասնակիցներին խնդրել ենք պատասխանել հարցին, թե դեկտեմբերի 9-ին կայանալիք արտահերթ խորհրդարանական ընտրություններին համամասնական ընտրակարգով ո՞ր կուսակցությանը կամ կուսակցությունների դաշինքին են պատրաստվում տալ իրենց ձայնը: 68.3%-ը նշել է, որ «Իմ քայլը» կուսակցությունների դաշինքին, 6.7%-ը` «Բարգավաճ Հայաստան» կուսակցությանը, Հայաստանի հանրապետական կուսակցությանը` 1.5%-ը, «Լուսավոր Հայաստան» կուսակցությանը` 1.2%-ը, իսկ «Հայ Յեղափոխական Դաշնակցություն» կուսակցությանը` 1 %-ը: Մնացած կուսակցություններն ու դաշինքները 1%-ից քիչ ձայներ են ստացել: Հարցվածների 12.7%-ը հրաժարվել է պատասխանել, իսկ 6.7%-ը դժվարացել է պատասխանել հարցին»,- նշեց Նավասարդյանը:

Քաղաքացիների 70.9%-ը նշել է, որ միանշանակ մասնակցելու է արտահերթ խորհրդարանական ընտրություններին:

«70.9%-ը ասել է, որ միանշանակ մասնակցելու է: Ավելի շուտ մասնակցելու է 15.5%-ը, ավելի շուտ չի մասնակցելու 2.9%-ը, հաստատ չի մասնակցելու 8.9%-ը: Մեր փորձից ասեմ, որ պետք է հաշվի առնել այն մարդկանց ցուցանիշը, ովքեր ասում են, որ միանշանակ մասնակցելու են»,- ասաց Արամ Նավասարդյանը:

Հարցման երկրորդ փուլը «GALLUP International association»-ը պատրաստվում է անցկացնել նախընտրական քարոզչության ընթացքում` դեկտեմբերի 1-ից 4-ը:

Armenia to introduce new banknotes from November 22

Public Radio of Armenia
Nov 19 2018
Armenia to introduce new banknotes from November 22
2018-11-19 11:32:17 


New third-generation banknotes will be put into circulation starting from November 22 to mark the 25th anniversary of the Armenian dram.

The new generation banknotes are printed on high quality composite materials, which will allow the banknotes to be used 3-4 times longer.

New banknotes have the best protective features currently available.

The first banknotes were put into circulation on 22 November 1993, two years after Armenia proclaimed independence.

The second series of banknotes were issues on 22 November 2017.

Caretaker minister of labor and social affairs to run for parliament as #2 on Lusavor Hayastan Party list

Caretaker minister of labor and social affairs to run for parliament as #2 on Lusavor Hayastan Party list




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, ARMENPRESS. Caretaker minister of labor and social affairs Mane Tandilyan will run for parliament by the Lusavor Hayastan (Bright Armenia) Party proportional list as candidate number 2.

The party earlier said that its chairman, MP Edmon Marukyan will lead the list.

The early election of parliament will take place December 9 in Armenia.

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan resigned on October 16 to trigger the process of disbanding the parliament.

Pashinyan took office after massive protests in April forced president-turned PM Serzh Sargsyan to resign. But Sargsyan’s Republican Party (HHK) still has most seats in the 105-seat parliament. Since taking office, Nikol Pashinyan has numerously said that the incumbent parliament doesn’t represent the people and that early elections should take place as soon as possible.

In accordance to the Constitution, when a Prime Minister resigns the parliament must elect a new PM within two weeks. Lawmakers deliberately failed to elect a new PM as a formality in order to pave the way for dissolution.

The last round took place on November 1 and the parliament was dissolved by virtue of law.

Later on the same day, President Armen Sarkissian signed an order on dissolving the parliament and calling early elections on December 9.

The parliament will function until the new parliament is elected.

The government is formally a caretaker government until a new government is formed after the election.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Pashinyan Hightlights Armenian Genocide, Wilson’s ’14 Points’ in Address at Armistice Event

Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan addresses the Paris Peace Conference on Nov. 11, 2018

PARIS—The circumstances that led to the Armenian Genocide, as well as President Woodrow Wilson’s famous “14 Points” that have served as a blueprint for among other things the establishment of the United Nations, as well as Wilson’s vision of an independent Armenia, were highlighted by Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Sunday in a speech he delivered at the Paris Peace Conference that took place following an event marking the centennial of the World War I Armistice.

Pashinyan lamented that although the crimes against Armenians were condemned and later those crimes will be called the first genocide of the 20th century, lessons from the Armenian Genocide were not taken by the international community, thus resulting in the Holocaust, the Cambodian and Rwandan genocides.

“It was during World War One that the Allied powers, for the first time ever, used the definition ‘crimes against humanity and civilization,’ thus condemning the Ottoman rulers for the extermination of 1.5 million Armenians. Later, this horrendous crime was to be termed the first genocide of the 20th century,” said Pashinyan.

Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his wife, Anna Hakopyan are greeted by French President Emanuel Macron

“Nevertheless, only few decades later mankind went through the Holocaust, the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, the genocides of the Christians and Yezidis in the Middle East, the violence against the Rohingya people,” added Pashinyan.

Armenia’s acting prime minister also pointed to Wilson’s 14 Points to draw attention to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the Artsakh people’s right to self-determination—a concept highlighted by the U.S. president as an inalienable right of all people.

“The decades-long struggle of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to determine their destiny has not received its proper legal solution. In the 21th century it is absolutely unacceptable that people’s mere desire to exercise its right to self-determination may turn into an existential menace,” said Pashinyan.

Pashinyan had joined leaders from around the world to commemorate the end of World War I when on November 11, 1918 an agreement was signed putting an end to all combat operations in the War. This document served as a precursor for the Versailles Treaty and the Paris Peace Conference, both of which took place in 1919, with representatives of the then newly-independent Republic of Armenia taking part.

Among the leaders at the commemoration and the conference were President Donald Trump, President Vladimir Putin of Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Turkey.

The Conference was opened by introductory remarks made by Paris Peace Conference Executive Committee Vice President Trisha Shetty and French President Emmanuel Macron, followed by speeches delivered by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

After the speech Pashinyan presented an illustrated book by historian Hayk Demoyan entitled “The Armenian Genocide: Front Page Coverage in the World Media”

After the speech Pashinyan presented an illustrated book by historian Hayk Demoyan entitled “The Armenian Genocide: Front Page Coverage in the World Media” to be included in the Peace Library as Armenia’s contribution.

Pashinyan and his wife, Anna Hakopyan arrived in Paris on Sunday and were greeted by Macron and the French first lady, Brigitte. They then participated in the Armistice Centennial Ceremony joining other world leaders.

Below is the text of Pashinyan’s remarks provided by his press service.

Distinguished Heads of State and Government,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have gathered here to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One. This is an event of exceptional significance called to pay tribute to collective memory and to articulate our common message of peace.

Today, we, as the leaders of the nations, which participated in that war, should first of all speak about the lessons learnt from the tragedy of World War One.

When a state wages a war or is tempted to solve problems by military means, it believes in its own strength and victory. Yet, World War One became a global tragedy for all the peoples engaged and resulted in the destruction of its mastermind states.

There is a belief, that from the geopolitical and military perspective there are always winners and losers in wars. However, from the human perspective, no one ever wins. Wars bring only loss, misery and devastation.

And regardless of our common efforts and appeals to learn from the previous mistakes, these lessons are easily forgotten.

Even though one hundred years ago, the humanity realized the need to ban weapon of mass destruction, regrettably it has not prevented the creation of new generations of arms.

It was during World War One that the Allied powers, for the first time ever, used the definition “crimes against humanity and civilization,” thus condemning the Ottoman rulers for the extermination of 1,5 million Armenians. Later, this horrendous crime was to be termed the first genocide of the 20th century.

Nevertheless, only few decades later mankind went through the Holocaust, the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, the genocides of the Christians and Yezidis in the Middle East, the violence against the Rohingya people.

As part of the lessons, learnt from the war the right of the peoples to self-determination was set out in Wilson’s 14 points. Later on it was included in the UN Charter, Helsinki Final Act, and became a basis for the independence of around half of the modern states.

As a result of World War One, the people of the world legally established the right to master their own destiny through the _expression_ of free will. Here, in France I cannot but stress that just days ago, France has clearly reiterated its principled position on this issue: the people of New Caledonia were given the opportunity to conduct a referendum. Painfully, this right is being exercised selectively.

This is why, the decades-long struggle of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to determine their destiny has not received its proper legal solution. In the 21th century it is absolutely unacceptable that people’s mere desire to exercise its right to self-determination may turn into an existential menace.

As a result of World War One the world established the League of Nations, the prototype for the United Nations, with the ultimate goal of achieving peace.

Nonetheless, the manifestations of extremism in the contemporary world are on the rise. We established those institutions first and foremost to protect human rights. Yet, today we are witnessing daily abuse of the most fundamental human right – the right to life.

After the end of the First World War, many believed that it would be the last ever war fought. However, the Second World War was not long in coming. The humankind entered into a new phase of war and arms race. Unfortunately, up to now we have been unable to put an end to it. Moreover, we get further involved in it every day.

This is why I attach high importance to such meetings. They provide us an opportunity to reflect on our past, on our common history of the humankind. Indeed, we are unable to change that history, and we do not need to. But the history is well able to change us to make our future better.

To this end, we need to learn the most important lesson of World War One. No state can build its success at the cost of others’ misery, no one can gain freedom at the cost of others’ slavery. We put an end to the First World War hundred years ago. And this is a perfect occasion to think of entering a century without wars – a century of peace.

I do believe, that the leaders that have gathered here, in Paris, are well able to achieve it. And this will be the best ever tribute to the innocent victims of the previous century.

Member of ARF Dashnaktsutyun: US pressure on Armenia over cooperation with Iran will continue

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 7 2018
Member of ARF Dashnaktsutyun: US pressure on Armenia over cooperation with Iran will continue

Yerevan November 7

Marianna Mkrtchyan. US pressure on Armenia over cooperation with Iran will continue, Kiro Manoyan, ARF Dashnaktsutyun Bureau's Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office Director, expressed this opinion at a press conference in Yerevan On November 7.

Speaking about the deterioration of relations between the United States and Iran, he stated that the visit of Trump's national security adviser John Bolton was aimed at putting pressure on regional countries on their interaction with Tehran. "The pressure on Armenia will continue in order to bring the Armenian-Iranian relations to a minimum. And this cannot but cause our concern," member of Dashnaktsutyun said.

At the same time, he is convinced that in today's realities, it is impossible to simultaneously pursue a policy satisfactory for the United States, and to maintain good relations with Iran. At the same time, Manoyan believes that it is necessary to bring to the United States the position that the Armenian-Iranian relations are not directed against Washington.

Manoyan reminded that today Armenia has two borders – with Iran and Georgia, and it is necessary to continue developing this cooperation. "Armenia has always led a cautious foreign policy and tried to do everything not to harm its partners in any way. In this situation, we can adopt a balanced position of the European Union," Manoyan said, adding that, despite the complexity of the situation, Armenia should continue develop economic cooperation with Iran.

At the same time, he, assured that he did not understand the phrase by Acting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on the possible closure of borders with Iran and Georgia. At the same time, Manoyan believes that today there is a need to bring to the Iranian side what is happening inside Armenia, to introduce clarity, that the internal political processes in the country will in no way affect its foreign policy vector. "I don't think that there is no clarity from the Armenian side in relations with Iran. And the only thing we can do today is to further develop our relations with Iran, and this is primarily based on our interests, not those of Tehran", he summarized.

On November 5, new US sanctions against Iran entered into force. Sanctions will cover oil exports. Washington earlier announced the goal to bring Iranian oil exports to zero and urged its buyers to abandon purchases. On Monday, the Finance Ministry announced that the United States added to the sanctions list more than 700 individuals, organizations, aircraft and ships of Iran.

To recall, US President Donald Trump announced in May that Washington was withdrawing from an agreement on nuclear program with Iran. He also reported on the restoration of all sanctions against Iran, including secondary ones, that is, against other countries doing business with Iran. The United States re-introduced part of the sanctions against Iran on August 7. More substantial sanctions, which will cover oil exports, entered into force on 5 November. Iran and the "six" international mediators (Russia, USA, Britain, China, France, Germany) on July 14, 2015 reached a historic agreement on resolving the perennial problem of the Iranian atom: the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was adopted, the implementation of which removed Iran's previously economic and financial sanctions by the UN Security Council, the United States and the European Union. In this connection, the Foreign Ministry of Armenia made a statement and stressed that Yerevan closely follows the processes and is in constant contact with all the parties involved in the process. "We clearly voice our concerns. Traditional and friendly relations with Iran are vital for Armenia. A comprehensive expert analysis of the impact of sanctions against Iran on Armenia is underway," the RA Foreign Ministry said.

Calendar of Events – 11/8/2018

                        GROONG's Calendar of events
                        (All times local to events)

What:           "Toward Sis with an Eyewitness View"
                a lecture is given by Bishop Torkom Donoyan

What:           "4,000 Towns and Villages: Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914."
                Reception and panel discussion with Ara Sarafian, Garabed
                Moumdjian, Crispin Brooks and Dr. Garbis Der Yeghiayan.

Armenian News's calendar of events is collected and updated mostly from
announcements posted on this list, and submissions to [email protected].

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important points:

a) Armenian News's administrators have final say on what may be included in
        Armenian News's calendar of events.
b) Posting time will is on Thursdays, 06:00 US Pacific time, to squeeze in
        a final reminder before weekend activities kick in.
c) Calendar items are short, functional, and edited to fit a template.
d) There is no guarantee or promise that an item will be published on time.
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82-year-old Ocala widower thrives on mission trips

Ocala, Florida
Oct 28 2018

82-year-old Ocala widower thrives on mission trips

By Marian Rizzo / Correspondent

Sports: Armenia football federation apologizes to Gibraltar squad, Armenia
Oct 14 2018

The Football Federation of Armenia has apologized to the head of delegation representing Gibraltar Football Association (GFA) in Yerevan for the oversight that occurred before the start of Saturday’s third round UEFA Nations League group match between Armenia and Gibraltar, the GFA press service informed.
Prior to the game that was played in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan, the national anthem of Liechtenstein was played instead of Gibraltar’s national anthem.
Also, the GFA noted on Twitter that it was “very disappointed” by what had occurred.

Music: Tenor Mihran Aghajanyan to perform first time in Armenia with “Tosca” opera

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 13 2018
Culture 17:35 13/10/2018 Armenia

World known tenor, pianist and conductor Mihran Aghajanyan will perform first time in Armenia, playing his part in “Tosca” opera for the Armenian audience. As the press service at the Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet reports, the renowned tenor will play Cavaradossi in Tosca on October 17 at the stage of Yerevan Opera Theatre.

Born into a family of musicians, Mihran Aghajanyan studied piano at the Rostov music school and took his first vocal training by the well-known Belarus tenor Vladimir Eknadiosov. He was awarded the Grand Prix in the 2010 All-Russian Vocal Competition in Saint Petersburg, the Audience Choice Award in the 2010 Grand-Prix of St. Petersburg Competition, and the first prize in the 2011 Elena Obraztsova Competition.

Mihran Aghajanyan is the founder and principal conductor of the Saint Petersburg Youth Symphony Orchestra. He has composed his own works, including the Armenian Ballade for Piano and Orchestra, and has successfully stepped in as stage director in various productions.

Aghajanyan d is currently devoted to building his singing career. He mastered his skills with Renata Scotto and Giuseppe Sabatini at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia Opera Studio and was invited by Placido Domingo to join LA Opera's Domingo-Colburn-Stein Young Artist Program. He made his operatic debut in 2012 with the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg as Moralès in Carmen.

ՔԿՀ-ներում պահվող անձանց թվաքանակը նվազել է. նախարար

  • 06.10.2018

  • Հայաստան


Արդարադատության նախարար Արտակ Զեյնալյանը Facebook-յան իր էջում անդրադարձել է անազատության մեջ պահվող անձանց առողջության պահպանման ուղղությամբ իրականացված աշխատանքներին։

«Ակնառու պատկերացում կազմելու նպատակով, ներկայացնում ենք ընթացիկ տարվա 9 ամիսներին բժշկական սպասարկման գծով իրականացված աշխատանքները՝ թվային վերլուծությունների տեսքով, համեմատած՝ նախորդ տարվա նույն ժամանակահատվածում արձանագրված տվյալների հետ:

2018թ հունվարից մինչև սեպտեմբերի 30-ը, հետազոտման և բուժման նպատակով Հայաստանի առողջապահական բուժհաստատություններ տեղափոխված կալանավորված անձանց և դատապարտյալների թվաքանակը (1380) շուրջ 200-ով ավելի է 2017թ նույն ժամանակահատվածում տեղափոխվածների թվաքանակից (1191), և դա այն դեպքում, երբ 2018թ հունվարից սեպտեմբերն ընկած ժամանակահատվածում Քրեակատարողական հիմնարկներներում պահվող անձանց թվաքանակը գրեթե 900-ով պակաս է 2017թ-ի նույն ժամանակահատվածում պահված անձանց թվաքանակին:

Ուշադրության է արժանի նաև այն, որ 900-ով պակաս քանակակազմի պայմաններում, 2018թ 9 ամիսների ընթացքում պետության կողմից երաշխավորված անվճար բուժօգնություն ստացածների թիվը (504) կրկին գերազանցում է 2017թ նույն ժամանակահատվածում բուժում ստացածների թվաքանակը (443)», – գրել է նախարարը։