Sports: Armenia national squad hold first training session, Armenia
YEREVAN. – The Football Federation of Armenia (FFA) has posted the video of the first day of the training camp of the national squad.
Prior to this training session, manager Artur Petrosyan welcomed 22-year-old newcomer, forward Norberto Briasco-Balekian from Atlético Huracán (Argentina), to the national team.
Armenia are training for their friendlies against Estonia (Saturday) and Lithuania (March 27), in capital city Yerevan.
Video at link:

Sports: Alpine skiing center to be built in Armenia with $62 mln investment

PanArmenian, Armenia
March 7 2018

PanARMENIAN.Net – The Armenian government on Wednesday, March 7 approved an investment project on the establishment of an Alpine skiing center in Lori province.

According to the proposal, Ecosign Mountain Resort Planners Ltd. was chosen to implement the project worth AMD 30 billion (apx. $62,4 million) in two communities in Armenia’s north.

The project will boost the diversification of tourism in the country and help raise the competitiveness of the sector, at the same time prolonging the travel season and creating 1500 new jobs.

The Alpine skiing resort will meet the highest international standards and will also host sporting events and tournaments.

The center will operate all year round and will accommodate and provide the best services to 2000 visitors each day.

In addition, three ropeways and skiing trails will be built as part of the project which will also see the construction of hotels, shopping platforms, restaurants, shops and other facilities.

Armenia has well-aware and viable civil society, says Sarkissian


One of the achievements of the past years in Armenia is creation of the civil society, presidential candidate Armen Sarkissian said during parliamentary debates on the election of the 4th President of Armenia.

“We have a viable civil society which knows its place and role in the country’s political system and is aware of the social-civil problems, which is destined to have a great role in Armenia’s democracy. It is necessary that we, each of us, be representatives of the ruling power, the opposition, the civil society, the media, be able to fully understand and bear the share of responsibility which he has for the development of the country, by also not avoiding to display initiatives in certain cases.

Being a citizen is one of the unique resources which will free us from the phenomena of seeking guilty and responsible people in every matter, presenting some demands to others. Being citizens is our absolute necessity”, he said.

Sarkissian reminded that at times of crises throughout the history, Armenians have become a fist, united and responsible, and cited the 2016 April War, when Azeri forces attacked Artsakh.

“In April, every Armenian, young or old, once again became citizens and stood up for the defense of our country – Artsakh. Of course, this isn’t solely an Armenian occurrence, but I believe that it is important for all of us to be citizens, today and tomorrow, not just at times of danger”, he said.

Earlier in January Armen Sarkissian, Armenia’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, was offered by incumbent President Serzh Sargsyan, who also serves as President of the country’s ruling Republican Party, to be the party’s candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. Sarkissian initially requested a brief period of time for pondering the offer, and in the meanwhile held various meetings with political parties, civil society representatives, Diaspora structures and others, and subsequently agreed to be nominated. Few days later the HHK officially nominated Sarkissian’s candidacy for the presidential election.

Sports: Cheerful comments of basketball players following the victory

MediaMax, Armenia
Feb 26 2018
Cheerful comments of basketball players following the victory

The players shared their impressions after the game.

Alan Hess

We put an enormous amount of efforts to be able to win in this tough game. Our competitor was very perseverant.

Photo: Mediamax

The fans were just great, they always provide warm atmosphere during home games. They have supported us since summer.

We are very excited about the victory over Albania and the fact that we were able to accomplish our goal. We have plenty of chances to qualify for the next stage.

Aragad Abramyan

We showed our team work, the most important part of which is our victory. I am happy for my first performance within Armenia national team; I was very calm. I haven’t got such a high-level game for some time now, and I hope I will be able to play even better in the future.

We are not just teammates, we communicate outside the court as well. We are close friends, that’s why we understand each other well during the game.

Photo: Mediamax

Lucas Fischer

We performed very well. We had a game with Albanian team last year so we knew our competitor well. The fans were just perfect. I think we have big chances to qualify for the next stage.

Western Armenian Language Get Its Own ISO Code

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

LISBON—The Armenian Communities department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation enthusiastically welcomed a decision of SIL International to issue Western Armenian its own ISO code: HYW.

This decision has a direct bearing on the revitalization of Western Armenian. It allows this branch of the language to be uniquely identified in information systems and databases, enabling software engineers to develop electronic tools specific to Western Armenian.

For example, the creation of Wikipedia, online translation services and dictionaries in Western Armenian will be greatly facilitated, not to mention the research undertaken by linguists, ethnographers and other experts.

The ISO code confers, moreover, international recognition to Western Armenian as a distinct language branch which is important to advocate for online services and programmes provided by corporations in the field of information technologies.

“We are so pleased to see our collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia bear such an important result,” said Razmik Panossian, the Director of the Armenian Communities department at the Foundation. “We worked on the submission process together, and received invaluable support from international experts and prominent intellectuals, resulting in a very strong application.”

The code was made available for use on January 23.

Artsakh DM: Over the past week, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces fired more than 1,500 rounds at Armenian positions

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia
February 3, 2018 Saturday

Artsakh DM: Over the past week, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces fired
more than 1,500 rounds at Armenian positions

Yerevan February 3

Ani Mshetsyan. The operational-tactical situation at the contact line
between the armed forces of Artsakh and Azerbaijan from January 28 to
February 3 remained relatively calm.

According to the press service of Artsakh Defense Ministry, during
this period, the enemy violated ceasefire about 150 times, having
fired more than 1500 shots in the direction of Armenian positions.

The foremost troops of the Defense Army of Artsakh largely refrained
from responding by taking the necessary steps to organize a reliable
defense of combat positions.

Montevideo: The Turkish president arrives [in Uruguay] and Armenians will show repudiation

CE Noticias Financieras , Uruguay
The Turkish president arrives and Armenians will show repudiation
It is expected that on February 7 and 8 visit Uruguay in the framework of a tour of Latin America, the controversial Turkish President Recep Erdogan and the local Armenian community, which has some 15,000 members, is on alert. Uruguay has a strong commercial relationship with Turkey, a country to which last year it sold merchandise for US $ 263 million, mainly cattle on foot and, to a lesser extent, cellulose and tissues.
But at the same time, it is one of the states that recognized the genocide of the Armenian people, that is to say the massacre of members of that community by the Turkish state, in 1915. The number of victims is calculated between 600,000 and 1, 8 million. The Turkish Republic, the successor of the Ottoman Empire, denies genocide to this day with the argument that the deaths were not the result of a plan of deliberate extermination. The genocide gave rise to the diaspora of the Armenians all over the world. Sources from the Frente Amplio assured El País that beyond the fact that the government will receive Erdogan, no change is foreseen in the historical policy of the Uruguayan State to recognize the genocide.
Erdogan, 63, has been president of Turkey since August 2014. Previously, he was prime minister between March 2003 and August 2014, and former mayor of Istanbul (1994-1998) for the party called Refah.
According to El País, the Minister of Tourism, Liliam Kechichian, of Armenian origin and who usually participates in acts of commemoration of the genocide, informed Erdogan's visit to the organizations of the Armenian community in February. El País contacted the minister who limited herself to saying "nothing to declare". The minister will be on leave when Erdogan comes.
The Armenian community of Uruguay will meet tonight to discuss the way in which the rejection of Erdogan's visit will be manifested. In social networks, several members of the Armenian community already showed their repudiation. In one of the messages that already circulates on social networks is called to protest "against everything that this man and his accomplices represent."
The messages say that "today represents for many, especially for its victims, the head of a policy directed towards the most ruthless violation of human rights." "A man who pays, among other things, the denial about the genocide of the Armenian people," he adds.
The member of the Armenian community of Uruguay, Diego Karamanukian, told El País that "it is news that nobody expected since there is no international report and Uruguay is confused with Paraguay to mislead". Karamanukian added that the visit of a Turkish president "is an unprecedented fact since Uruguay was the first country to recognize the genocide."
Karamanukian considered that "there is no one who is going to greet the visit or to say welcome, is a questioned character in his country and is the Turkish ruler who put more obstacles in recent decades." He also explained that "we are clear that the Uruguayan government knows what the 1965 generation decided and over the years all the governments ratified." It is that Uruguay was the first country in the world to declare on April 24 as Day of remembrance of the Armenian martyrs.
Karamanukian said that "the Uruguayan government knows well the issue of genocide." For the Armenian journalist "it is a lie that the visit is due to economic reasons, the visit of a president is always political, he comes to try to generate in the world the opinion or the image that in Uruguay the doors are not closed".
In 1915, the Ottoman government ordered the deportation of the Armenians, a Christian community, to the deserts of Syria. TheOttoman participation in the world war opened with a resounding defeat before the Russians in the Caucasus front. Although the main reason was the disastrous strategy of the Ottoman commanders, the government, led de facto by a triumvirate of Turkish nationalists, attributed it to the alleged support of the Armenian local population to the Russian Tsar's troops.
On April 24, 1915, about 250 Armenian intellectuals and leaders from Istanbul were arrested and deported to Ankara, where they would be executed. It was the beginning of an ethnic cleansing plan that would be reflected in the Law of Transfer and Resettlement, approved on May 27.
The route, through the steppe of Anatolia and to the deserts of Syria, was the scene of death marches. With barely access to food or water, decimated by diseases, thousands of Armenians died on the roads. The columns of deportees were usually subjected to the harassment of the gendarmes and the attacks of bands of Kurds, Turkmen and Circassians, who in addition to depriving them of their belongings, kidnapped the girls to rape them or take them as wives.
Turkey is also questioned by the treatment of the Kurdish minority in its territory and by entering with its troops frequently to Syria to fight the Kurds of that country.
In July 2016 there was an attempted coup in Turkey that was stifled. Since then, Erdogan has been accused by some countries of accentuating the authoritarian character of his government. The process of Turkish entry into the European Union is frozen.
On April 25, 2015, the Armenian community in Uruguay commemorated the centenary of the Armenian genocide. In that instance that was developed in the Legislative Palace, the community received the support of all the political parties of Uruguay. President Tabaré Vázquez attended the event along with then Vice President Raúl Sendic who took the floor. In addition, the exmandatarios were Julio María Sanguinetti, Luis Alberto Lacalle, Jorge Batlle and José Mujica. The ceremony showed the cohesion of the political parties behind the claim of the people of Armenia, in commemoration of the centenary. On that occasion, the community gave recognition to Vázquez, Sanguinetti, Lacalle, Batlle and Mujica.

Portantino Urges Colleagues to Oppose Azerbaijan Lobbying Efforts

California State Senator Anthony Portantino

SACRAMENTO—Senator r Anthony J. Portantino on Wednesday sent out a letter to his Senate and Assembly colleagues in the Capitol urging them to resist increased lobby efforts put forth by the Government of Azerbaijan.

Portantino became alarmed by the increasing presence of the Azeri Government in Sacramento and in Los Angeles. Recently the California Azerbaijan Friendship Association (CAFA) has begun outreach to political and academic leaders in a significant public relations and lobbying effort. And, last year Azerbaijan opposed Portantino’s initiative to create a formal State Senate Select Committee on California, Armenia & Artsakh cooperation.

Senator Portantino has been at the forefront of promoting efforts in Sacramento to advance economic relations between California and Nagorno-Karabakh which is also known as Artsakh.  Given Azeri aggression toward the people of Artsakh, Portantino felt it necessary to share his strong views and give Senators and Assemblymembers a complete picture of events in the region.  Portantino represents the 25th State Senate District which is home to many Armenians who trace their heritage back to Artsakh.

“As the proud representative of the largest Armenian community in the country, I have become quite alarmed by Azeri lobbying efforts in Sacramento. I feel it is important to proactively guard against its influence. As a legislative body, we must unite and fight against attacks on human rights and unprovoked aggression against a peaceful and sovereign country,” commented Senator Portantino.

The 25th Senate District has the largest Armenian American community in any legislative district in the country. Senator Portantino is the Chair of the Select Committee on California Armenia & Artsakh Trade Art and Culture Exchange. He has a long history fighting for the civil rights of the Armenian Community.

“The Legislature must strongly condemn civil rights abuses and attacks by foreign governments on innocent people. Accordingly, it must refuse to cooperate with such governments until there is a demonstrated effort toward reconciliation. Joining the California Azerbaijan Friendship Association would in effect condone the Azeri government’s acts of violence against the Armenian people of Artsakh,” concluded Senator Portantino.

Sen. Portantino represents nearly 930,000 people in the 25th Senate District, which includes Altadena, Atwater Village, Bradbury, Burbank, Claremont, Duarte, Glendale, Glendora, La Cañada Flintridge, La Crescenta, La Verne, Monrovia, Montrose, Pasadena, San Dimas, San Marino, Shadow Hills, Sierra Madre, South Pasadena, Sunland-Tujunga, and Upland.

Armenia parliament committee condemns Yezidi genocide

Pan Armenian, Armenia
Jan 11 2018

PanARMENIAN.Net – The Armenian parliament's standing committee on foreign relations has approved a statement condemning the genocide perpetrated in August 2014 against the Yezidi people living in the north of Iraq.

According to committee chief Armen Ashotyan, such issues are important from humanitarian, legal and political aspects.

"Being a nation that has survived the Genocide, we very well understand the grief of the Yezidi people," Ashotyan said in a Facebook post.

Lawmakers Rustam Makhmudyan and Vahram Baghdasaryan are going to submit an amended version of the statement.

The initiative was earlier backed by a handful of current and former members of the National Assembly.