En 1992, les Armeniens auraient pu s’emparer du Nakhitchevan

En 1992, les Arméniens auraient pu s’emparer du Nakhitchevan
mais l’autorisation de Moscou n’est pas venue !


dimanche9 mai 2010, par Krikor Amirzayan/armenews

Il y a quelques jours un membre du Comité central de la FRA
Dachnaktsoutioun d’Arménie, Igor Sarkissian accusait Lévon
Ter-Pétrossian pour ne pas avoir donné l’autorisation aux combattants
Arméniens d’entrer et de s’emparer du Nakhitchévan, alors que ces
derniers avaient la possibilité matérielle et logistique de réaliser
cette action.

Le général Asdvadzadour Bédrossian -héros de la guerre de libération
du Karabagh- revenant sur ces déclarations d’Igor Sarkissian a dit «
Les Arméniens s’étaient emparés d’une petite partie du territoire du
Nakhitchévan, nous attendions des ordres qui ne sont pas venus. Mais
ce n’est pas Lévon Ter-Pétrossian qui devait donner les ordres….mais
la Russie ! ».

"Shushi liberation made us feel the real taste of victory"

"Shushi liberation made us feel the real taste of victory"

14:32 08/05/2010 » Society

Sedrak Nazaryan, `Arabo’ detachment soldier, who fought for Shushi
liberation with 6 of his friends, today started his day in Yerablur.

`There were 7 of us from `Arabo’ and we were with Dashnaktsityun. From
the first day I was with Arabo and I’m with Arabo by now,’ S. Nazaryan
told Panorama.am.

Shushi liberation made us feel the real taste of victory, he said. S.
Nazaryan, over 60, is still in service.

The information on handing territories is mere provocation, he said.

Source: Panorama.am

Why Arf Did Not Occupy Nakhidjevan



On May 7, reporters told Vahan Shirkhanyan that one of the ARF
Dashnaktsutyun members, who fought for the liberation of Shushi,
stated, "Levon Ter-Petrosyan turned out not to be clever enough:
he had to occupy Nakhidjevan then".

Vahan Shirkhanyan says that in order to conquer Nakhidjevan just one
detachment was needed. And the ARF did not have it. Then uncontrolled
detachments were travelling all over Armenia, they were detachments
of the ARF, while for Nakhidjevan only one was needed. "I understand
Levon Ter-Petrosyan because he realized the hard situation in which
Armenia would appear if it had several fronts", says Vahan Shirkhanyan.

He says that if that step was made by the state, it would not be
digested but if an uncontrolled detachment entered in Nakhidjevan,
it could be somehow digested.

By the way, he also said that in 1992, in Armenia the situation was
so that Levon Ter-Petrosyan could not but know about the occupation
of Shushi. Whether on May 8, 1992 when Ter-Petrosyan was in Iran
he knew that Shushi was being librated, Shirkhanyan did not like to
speak, saying that we have to wait until Levon Ter-Petrosyan writes
his memories.

Hrant Dink : Une Enquete Pourrait Etre Ouverte Contre Cinq Policiers

par Stephane

jeudi6 mai 2010


Le ministère de l’Interieur turc a demande qu’une enquete judiciaire
soit ouverte a l’encontre de cinq policiers de la Direction de la
securite d’Istanbul. Ceux-ci sont suspectes de n’avoir pas protege le
journaliste d’origine armenienne Hrant Dink, assassine en pleine rue
le 19 janvier 2007, et de ne pas avoir considere a leur vraie valeur
les menaces qui pesaient sur lui.

Bahadir Tekin, Ozcan Ozkan, Volkan Altunbulak, Ibrahim Pala
ainsi qu’Ibrahim Sevki Eldivan sont accuses de ne pas avoir rempli
correctement leur mission, de ne pas avoir enquete sur les menaces qui
planaient sur le journaliste depuis près d’un an, et de ne pas avoir
mis sur ecoutes les instigateurs d’une probable agression violente.

Plus precisement, Ibrahim Pala et Ibrahim Sevki Eldivan sont accuses
de ne pas avoir protege Hrank Dink.

S’il est très probable que les cinq policiers fassent appel de cette
decision d’enquete, Reporters sans frontières se felicite malgre tout
de ce qui peut etre considere comme une avancee, meme mesuree.

L’organisation espère que cette enquete aura bien lieu et qu’elle
sera suivie d’autres investigations similaires.

Ne en 1954, Hrant Dink a mene un combat acharne pour la reconnaissance
du genocide armenien. Il a ete poursuivi en justice pendant plusieurs
annees dans le cadre de ses activites journalistiques. Il etait dans la
ligne de mire de la justice et des milieux ultranationalistes depuis
plusieurs mois lorsqu’il a ete tue par balles le 19 janvier 2007 dans
le district de Sisli d’Istanbul, a quelques pas de la redaction d’Agos,
l’hebdomadaire qu’il avait cree en 1996.

TBILISI: Turkish Vision Of Stability In The Caucasus


The Messenger
May 5 2010

On May 2 Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu participated in
a conference held in Oxford entitled ‘Turkish Foreign Policy in the
Changing World.’ He highlighted that his country wants to normalise
relations with Armenia as it is sure that this will facilitate peace
in the Caucasus. However achieving this much depends on resolving
the problems between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Opening the border between Turkey and Armenia is not enough, as the
border between Azerbaijan and Armenia should also be opened, stated
Davutoglu, highlighting that resolving this conflict is one of the
necessary preconditions for establishing stability in the South
Caucasus region.

ANTELIAS: The extreme unction of late Bishop Nshan Topouzian

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Director
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Watch our latest videos on YouTube here:


On Sunday 2 May 2010 the last anointing service of the Prelate of
Aderbadagan (Iran), Nishan Topouzian, was held at St. James Church in
Kanaker (Armenia) during the Holy Liturgy. The Grand Sacristan of Holy See
of Etchmiadzin Bishop Ararat Kaltakjian celebrated the liturgy and the
Prelates of Tehran Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian and Isfahan Bishop Papken
Tcharian, of the Holy See of Cilicia presided over the final anointing

After the liturgy the body of the deceased was transported to Aderbadagan
(Iran) for its final rest.

View the photos here:
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.


Darchinyan Vs. Donaire Match "Is Done"



After weeks of uncertainty and quibbling over television rights Top
Rank promoter Bob Arum says the rematch between WBA super flyweight
interim champion Nonito Donaire and reigning WBC/WBA champion Vic
Darchinyan "is done."

Arum told BoxingScene.com that "the Donaires are coming in to finalize
everything tomorrow (in Las Vegas)." Arum said that if Donaire wins
over Darchinyan then "I will put him in with (Fernando) Montiel" who
recently scored a stunning 4th round TKO over Japan’s bantamweight
champion Hozumi Hasegawa.

Is there any hope for Armenia-Turkey Protocols? Hurriyet

news.am, Armenia
May 1 2010

Top newsIs there any hope for Armenia-Turkey Protocols? Hurriyet

Sargsyan’s announcement of halting¦Karabakh – cornerstone for Erdogan
Turkey accepts `no preconditions’ concept, but¦If ARFD knew outcome of
normalization process, it would not quit coalition: RPA

16:01 / 05/01/2010Armenia-Turkey normalization process proved that
Turkey is unready for the establishment of bilateral relations, member
of Ramkavar Azatakan Party Harutyun Arakelyan told the reports

According to him, in this situation Armenia should adopt a law,
assuming criminal penalty for the negation of the fact of Armenian

According to him, Armenia should lodge a suit on recognition of
Genocide in the International court. `It is necessary to file a
complaint in the International court against Azerbaijan for the
perpetration of genocide against Armenian population in Baku, Sumgait,
Kirovabad, as well as the killing of its population in Khojalu,’ he

Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) member Karen Avagyan noted there was
a menace that Armenia-Turkey normalization process will suspend the
international process of Armenian Genocide recognition. `As we saw it
did not happen. On the contrary, the Armenian Genocide was discussed
by world community more than ever,’ he stated. According to him,
Armenian diplomacy both resisted Turkey’s pressure its attempts to
link Armenia-Turkey reconciliation with Karabakh conflict resolution
and nailed down Turkish side. `If ARF Dashnaktsutyun knew such an
outcome of Armenia-Turkey normalization process beforehand, it would
not quit the coalition,’ Avagyan stressed.


La FAARALP presente aux ceremonies du 24 Avril

La FAARALP présente aux cérémonies du 24 Avril


samedi1er mai 2010, par Krikor Amirzayan/armenews

A Lyon, lors des cérémonies du 95e anniversaire du génocide arménien,
devant le mémorial arménien, place Antonin-Poncet, de nombreuses
organisations politiques et associatives ont déposé les gerbes de
fleurs à la mémoire des victimes arméniennes de 1915. Pour la première
fois la FAARALP (Fédération des Associations Arméniennes de
Rhône-Alpes) a également tenu à effectuer ce geste. Le président
Arthur Derderian et le vice-président Jean Krikorian ont au nom de la
FAARALP déposé une gerbe au mémorial de Lyon.

« La FAARALP qui agit pour l’Arménie depuis plusieurs années auprès
des institutions telles que le Conseil Régional désire ainsi apporter
son soutien à la mémoire des victimes du génocide arménien. La FAARALP
désire également acquérir une plus grande visibilité auprès de la
communauté arménienne » ont affirmé les membres de cette organisation
qui regroupe 12 associations arméniennes de la région Rhône-Alpes.

Krikor Amirzayan

Arthur Derderian et Jean Krikorian

gerbe de la FAARALP

PACE Issues Statement On Recognition And Condemnation Of The Armenia


18:45 29/04/2010


PACE plenary session issued a statement Thursday on recognition
and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian delegation
to the PACE had initiated a proclamation of a statement condemning
the Armenian Genocide and organized a signature collecting campaign
over it; several dozens of representatives from 15 states joined
the campaign.

"The PACE members having signed the statement call on the PACE members
to take necessary measures to recognize the 1915 Genocide carried out
in the Ottoman Empire to push Turkey into recognizing the Armenian
Genocide, contribute to Armenia-Turkey rapprochement and establishment
of peace in the region," the statement reads.

Having collected more signatures than the 20 needed, the statement
was published not by the PACE President Mevlut Cavusoglu, but the
session-chairing French MP Jean-Claude Mignon, member of the Armenian
delegation to the PACE Naira Zohrabyan informed.