Assyrian Genocide Recognition Creates Political Crisis in Sweden

Assyrian International News Agency AINA
March 13 2010

Assyrian Genocide Recognition Creates Political Crisis in Sweden

Sweden (AINA) — The historical decision by the Swedish parliament
recognizing Seyfo as a de facto genocide on Assyrians, Greeks and
Armenians is creating a considerable political crisis in Swedish
politics. The issue has dominated the headlines in Swedish media for
several days.

The Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, in a taped interview
with Afram Barryakoub for Hujådå, the magazine of the Assyrian
federation in Sweden, said he recognized the genocide one week before
winning the national elections in Sweden in 2006. This fact is set to
create problems between Reinfeldt and his foreign minister, Carl
Bildt, one of the most pro-Turkish European foreign ministers.

Bildt has said he will not consider the decision of the parliament but
will do everything he can to avoid it becoming official Swedish
foreign policy (AINA 3-13-2010). The response to his remarks have come
from Hans Linde, the foreign policy spokesman of the Left Party, who
said his party will consider pressing charges against Carl Bildt with
the national constitution committee.


A Supporters Disappointment With Obama

By: Nick Milano

The Massachusetts Daily Collegian
March 10 2010

As a Barack Obama supporter from the day I saw him light up a town hall
in New Hampshire, his presidency has been hard to take. At times,
he has shown glimpses of the promise that helped sweep him into
office, but more often than not, his policies have been incredibly
disappointing, especially for the young electorate which came out to
support his campaign. He has obviously mishandled health care reform,
and by ceding power over it to Congress, it is doubtful that it will
even pass. He has mishandled the economy and Wall Street.

In our bathroom at our house we have an issue of Mother Jones from
the time of his election whose headline reads: "Why the mess Obama
inherits may be his greatest opportunity." Well, there has been no
economic regulation – how about that for squandering opportunities?

Over the last week or so, two more missteps by his administration
should further alienate his supporters, especially college students.

First, the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted by a one vote margin
to pass a bill that declares the murder of millions of Armenians during
World War I a genocide. Now, strictly relying upon Obama’s campaign
speeches and campaign promises one would expect the administration
to be strongly backing the resolution. Time and time again on the
campaign trail, Obama said that he would characterize the incident
as genocide. Genocide is an issue which motivates younger voters,
and Obama’s outspokenness on Sudan and on Turkey were surely two of
the reasons he attracted young voters.

But like so many times before, Obama has chosen to ignore the voters
and side with what many consider the smart international relations
choice. As Turkey is an important ally whose air bases are used
to move soldiers and supplies into Iraq, upsetting the Turks would
not be a great idea. Thus, the administration as well as the State
Department under Hillary Clinton immediately moved to block the vote
from reaching the House floor. Another promise broken.

His second misstep over the last week cannot be directly tied to his
administration, but a State Department spokesperson was curiously
forced to retract attacks it made against Libyan leader Muammar
al-Qaddafi. After Qaddafi’s son’s arrest in Switzerland for assault,
Qaddafi made several mystifying and scary declarations, according
to Foreign Policy magazine. First, he expelled Swiss diplomats from
Libya, then he proposed to the UN General Assembly that Switzerland
be abolished as a country, and third called any Muslim who worked with
Switzerland an apostate, de facto declaring a jihad against the Swiss.

While it may be smart not to engage dictators who seem to have gone
off the deep end, a spokesman for the State Department obviously
criticized Qaddafi for his actions and statements. But the next day,
he apologized and took his statements back in the name of thawing
Libyan and American relations. The appeasement inclinations of this
president have started to get a little too common. In a sense, Obama
is keeping his campaign promises of starting a new conversation with
the Muslim world, but these are times where such decisions have to
be fully thought out. Dictators should not be allowed to make such
disgusting statements, no matter how crazy they seem to be. The
Obama administration is choosing kind words even at the hands of
absolute madness.

The foreign policy decisions that go into deciding whether to attack
a senseless dictator or whether to call a genocide by its real name
surely have more to do than simply answering to an electorate.

Regarding Turkey, there are still thousands and thousands of soldiers
in Iraq, so it might not be the best time to alienate a crucial ally.

President Bush is guilty of the same decision-making. He said while
campaigning that he would declare the Armenian killings genocide,
but did nothing.

In order for genocides to be recognized and prevented in the future,
even today in Sudan, the world must acknowledge when they have
happened in the past. Turkey’s mass murder of Armenians should not
go unpunished. In regards to Qaddafi, sometimes it is best not to
engage silly declarations like the ones he is guilty of making, but
that does not mean criticism of him should be retracted. According
to Foreign Policy, a new major poll shows Obama is losing ground
among voters on national security. On the one hand, the president
seems dedicated to adhering to his campaign promise of engaging the
Muslim world – let us not get started on Iran, but on the other hand,
he has abandoned the young voters who flocked to his campaign because
of his willingness to clamp down on genocide. In both situations,
Obama continues to disappoint.

Activist Of SOS Teghut Movement Mariam Sukhudyan Awarded Bravery Med


2010-03-10 19:46:00

ArmInfo. Today Mariam Sukhudyan, activist of SOS Teghut movement was
awarded a bravery medal. The prize was awarded to Sukhudyan by US
Ambassador to Armenia Marie Yovanovitch during the reception held at
the US embassy. It is noteworthy that such a medal has been awarded
in Armenia for the first time.

An activist of the green movement, Mariam Sukhudyan is a witness in
the case on sexual harassments of the teacher Levon Avagyan against
his pupil at Nubarashen boarding school 11.

The news was broadcast during the Haylur news program of the Public
Television of Armenia Nov 13 2008.

To remind, Sukhudyan took part in the monitoring of the school and
after the broadcast was charged with slander and false denunciation.

Later the charges were revoked.

Armenian Premier Instructs Ministers To Submit Three-Year Expenditur


March 11, 2010

YEREVAN, March 11. /ARKA/. On Thursday, Armenian Prime Minister Tigran
Sargsyan instructed all ministers to set control over elaboration of
a three-year expenditure program.

He said that the ministers should take into account the Armenian
president’s election program.

The premier said that ministers must submit written description of
problems to him within two weeks.

After that, Sargsyan will deal with each minister personally.

Finance Minister Tigran Davtyan said that the elaboration of the
program is under way now.

He said the program is planned to be submitted to the government for
consideration in early July, and preliminary results will be ready
later this month.

"I attach importance to this, since in 2009 we ceased the process,
and now we resume planning our mid-term expenses, since stabilization
is already visible and we are embarking on outlining the state budget,"
he said. "We should set our plans for three years."

US Interested In Soonest Ratification Of Armenia-Turkey Protocols


11.03.2010 16:00 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ US, as Armenia-Turkey rapprochement "godfather",
is interested in soonest ratification of protocols, according to
Heritage parliamentary group leader Stepan Safaryan.

As Safaryan told a news conference in Yerevan, following US House
Foreign Affairs Committee’s passage of H. Res. 252, Armenia gave US
to understand that rapprochement process will be continued only after
final recognition of Armenian Genocide. "Turkey is waiting for US to
guarantee non-inclusion of resolution on Congress agenda."

As Safaryan noted, there are 3 ways out of the situation: US satisfies
either Armenia’s expectations, or those of Turkey. A compromise
solution is also possible: in exchange for Washington’s recognition of
the Armenian Genocide, priority will be given to territorial integrity
principle in Karabakh issue. "I believe, the matter will eventually
be resolved through compromise," he noted.

Heritage parliamentary faction leader emphasized the possibility of
US exerting pressure in Karabakh settlement issue, to bring Armenia to
ratify protocols. As the same time he noted that "Armenia’s ratifying
Protocols will give US a chance to refuse from recognizing the Genocide
in future".

Dwelling on recent meeting between ex Presidents Robert Kocharyan and
Jacques Chirac, Safaryan emphasized that hard as official circles try
to conceal the fact, Kocharyan aspires to return to power. Heritage
parliamentary group leader expressed doubts over the possibility, as
neither international community nor Armenian society have forgotten
the fact of his deceiving everyone for 10 years or the price at which
we transferred power in 2008.

On March 4, 2010, with a vote of 23 to 22, the House Foreign Relations
Committee successfully passed House Resolution 252 (H. Res. 252)
pushing the Resolution in Congress for a final vote yet to be

The Armenian Genocide (1915-23) was the deliberate and systematic
destruction of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during
and just after World War I. It was characterized by massacres, and
deportations involving forced marches under conditions designed to
lead to the death of the deportees, with the total number of deaths
reaching 1.5 million.

The majority of Armenian Diaspora communities were formed by the
Genocide survivors.

To date, twenty countries and 44 U.S. states have officially recognized
the events of the period as genocide, and most genocide scholars and
historians accept this view.

OSCE MG Co-Chairs Will Visit Region In Late March-Early April

11.03.2010 17:18

The work with the OSCE Minsk Group (MG) co-chairs is underway and
they met with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov. Next
week they will meet with Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian
in Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said
at a briefing in Moscow today, Vesti television channel reported.

"After the talks, the OSCE MG co-chairs plan to visit Baku and Yerevan
in late March – early April to try to bring the sides’ positions
closer on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution," he added.

According to him, Russia assesses the progress in negotiations
as normal. The parties discuss the updated version of the Madrid
principles – the main points of the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement
submitted by the co-chairs.

Making Sense Of Genocide


Los Angeles Times
March 8 2010

Turkey needs to come to grips with its bloody past so it can move
forward in its relations with Armenia and the U.S.

An estimated 1.5 million ethnic Armenians were massacred in the
final throes of the Ottoman empire. That blood bath, carried out
by the Turks between 1915 and 1918, was genocide, and should be
called by that name. In approving a nonbinding resolution to make
this the official U.S. position, Chairman Howard L. Berman (D-Valley
Village) and other members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee were
responding to constituent demands that the United States take a moral
stand. Now, Congress and the Obama administration must decide whether
such a symbolic act also serves the strategic interests of the United
States. For the moment, just like presidents George W. Bush and Bill
Clinton before him, Barack Obama appears to be saying no.

It is important for the United States to stand for historical truth on
the Armenian slaughter. Even more important is that Turks themselves
come to terms with their brutal history. From Germany to South Africa
to Argentina, there are many examples of countries that have confronted
their violent pasts honestly.

Instead, Turkey recalled its ambassador for consultations after the
23-22 House committee vote, saying the resolution offends the country’s
honor and warning of negative consequences for U.S.-Turkish relations,
as well as for the ratification of agreements to normalize ties with
the Republic of Armenia. A more productive approach would be for the
Turks and Armenians to adopt the protocols hammered out last year to
establish diplomatic relations and reopen their shared border.

The U.S. vote must not become a pretext for further stalling.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama was unequivocal in his support for
labeling the killings a genocide. As president, however, he has the
unenviable task of weighing that position against the need for Turkey’s
support in Afghanistan, in stabilizing Iraq and for United Nations
sanctions against Iran. Turkey is the only Muslim country in NATO,
and it currently sits on the U.N. Security Council.

We understand that any U.S. administration must nurture the vital
strategic alliance with Turkey. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
Clinton, who coaxed Turkey and Armenia into signing the protocols last
year, noted that the agreement established a commission to examine
their bloody history and argued that "it is not for any other country
to determine how two countries resolve matters between them." That’s
true, but we also understand Armenian fears that such a commission
could whitewash history.

The goal is Turkish and Armenian reconciliation, putting to rest the
ghosts of the past. That is in the U.S. interest as well as that of
both peoples. For it to happen, the onus is on Turkey to acknowledge
the Armenian genocide.

Catholicos Of All Armenians Sends Congratulatory Message To Women


March 8 2010

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians, has sent a message to women, congratulating them and
offering his prayers for all women on the occasion of the March 8,
the International Women’s Day, a spokesperson for the Holly See
Echmiadzin Office said.

"We assure you of our prayers and blessing, and sincerely congratulate
you on the Women’s Day.

"The blessing of God will sustain you, so that in addition to your
great role in the families as well as in the governmental and social
spheres, you could build a world of peace, solidarity and justice and
could succeed both in your lives and on the stage of the county’s life.

"God bless you, dear mothers and sisters," said in the message.

ArmInfo-STAR Dining Table January Price Index makes up 102,97 points

ArmInfo-STAR Dining Table January Price Index makes up 102,97 points

2010-03-05 17:17:00

ArmInfo. "ArmInfo-STAR" Dining Table Price Index (DTPI), based on the
costs of the 50 most popular food products at the network of
supermarkets STAR, totaled 102,97 points in January 2010 with a view
to basic February 2009.

As compared to the similar period, i.e. to January 2009, the average
weighted consumption of bread reduced by 7,4%. Consumption of just one
of the kinds of bread, 490-gram "Hrazdan" bread, raised, with some
price reduction (from 150 to 130 AMD). Moreover, consumption of this
kind of bread considerably grew – by 105%, however, its small specific
weight in total bread consumption insignificantly affected the whole

The samples of consumer behaviour of in Armenia have not yet studied,
however, one may suppose that bread consumption in general is less
subject to changes, first of all, because it is at the bottom of the
"pyramid" of food needs, second, one may suppose even practically that
the Armenian consumers reduce the costs for bread just at a last
resort. Total reduction of brad consumption may be explained by growth
of bread consumption outside of the STAR network.

Consumption of potato grew by 11,8%, with price reduction by 20 drams.
Sugar consumption grew by 171%. Apparently, this is explained by the
fact that growth of sugar price in the STAR network was appreciably
less (by 40 – 50 drams) than in the retail trade in general.

Meat consumption as compared to January 2009 reduced by 31,4%, with
almost 150 drams rise in price (to 1750 AMD/kg). If take into account
that growth of the price for beef was weaker than in the retail trade
in general, reduction of consumption confirms once again reduction of
meat consumption irrespective of the price. The same concerns fresh
chickens, consumption of which reduced by 64,55 points under
insignificantly reduced price.

Despite reduction of prices for dairy products in early 2010, their
consumption also reduced, that may indicate some vulnerability of
dairy products in the average customer basket (regardless of the
opinion about the traditional place of matsoun, for example, on the
Armenian daily table). The price for milk and 4 dairy products
(exclusive of cheese), present in the "TOP 50", reduced by 30-40 drams
by December 2009, and by 50-60 drams by January 2009. Moreover,
consumption reduced by 17,3% on average, as compared to January, 2009.
Consumption of cheese (Lori kind is presented in the list) also
reduced sharply (almost 2,5 times), despite a notable price reduction
(by almost 200 drams). Consumption of vegetables, cabbage and carrot,
reduced by almost 45%, despite the fact that their price reduced to
the level of the average price in markets. The same concerns the
greens (though their price is higher than in markets). As for fruits,
the average weighted reduction of consumption of 4 of them, present in
the list (orange, banana, grapefruit) makes up 9,5%. Moreover,
dispersion on each of them turned out to be rather great (banana
consumption grew by 34,8%, and grapefruit consumption fell by 76,3%).

In general, consumption reduction, which affected almost all the
products (even regarding the crisis January of 2009), may be primarily
ascribed to the crisis impact. At the same time, one should also take
into account the changing infrastructure, i.e. other food stores which
are opened in the neighbor of STAR supermarkets.

Hillary Clinton veut empecher un vote du Congres sur l’Armenie

Le Monde, France
5 Mars 2010

Hillary Clinton veut empêcher un vote du Congrès sur l’Arménie

La secrétaire d’Etat américaine Hillary Clinton a déclaré, vendredi 5
mars, que l’administration américaine allait "travailler très dur"
pour bloquer le vote au Congrès d’une résolution qualifiant de
"génocide" les massacres d’Arméniens sous l’Empire ottoman. Les propos
de Mme Clinton se veulent conciliants envers la Turquie, qui avait
appelé Washington à bloquer cette résolution.

Les responsables turcs ont déclaré qu’une adoption de ce texte aurait
des conséquences négatives non seulement sur les relations entre
Ankara et Washington, mais également sur le processus de
réconciliation avec l’Arménie.

"Nous espérons que les relations turco-américaines ne serons pas
soumises à une nouvelle épreuve. Sinon, les perspectives auxquelles
nous allons être confrontés ne vont pas être positives", a souligné le
ministre des affaires étrangères turc, Ahmet Davutoglu, évoquant une
"affaire d’honneur national".


M. Davutoglu a indiqué que son pays allait évaluer d’éventuelles
mesures de rétorsion mais n’a pas développé, indiquant juste que les
consultations avec son ambassadeur, rappelé jeudi soir, "pourraient
durer longtemps".

Le vote de la commission des affaires étrangères n’entraîne pas "à ce
stade" un vote en séance plénière, a confié anonymement un responsable
démocrate à l’agence Reuters. La prochaine étape dépend entièrement de
la direction démocrate de la Chambre des représentants.

A Istanbul, une centaine de manifestants réunis à l’appel d’un petit
parti nationaliste ont dénoncé le vote aux cris de "Maudit soit
l’impérialisme américain" et "Nous n’avons pas commis de génocide,
nous avons défendu notre patrie". D’autres manifestations étaient
prévues dans les grandes villes. Le Parlement d’Azerbaïdjan a lui
aussi dénoncé le vote, estimant qu’il portait atteinte à la stabilité
régionale et nuisait aux efforts de règlement du conflit du

Le vote a en revanche été accueilli favorablement par l’Arménie, dont
le ministre des affaires étrangères, Edouard Nalbandian, a salué "une
nouvelle preuve de l’attachement du peuple américain aux valeurs
humaines universelles et un pas important vers la prévention des
crimes contre l’humanité".

http://www.lemonde.f r/ameriques/article/2010/03/05/hillary-clinton-veu t-bloquer-le-vote-du-congres-sur-l-armenie_1315264 _3222.html#ens_id=1314685