TBILISI: EU Sees Armenia As A Potential Corridor For Pipelines


The Messenger
Feb 24 2010

The regulation of relations between Turkey and Armenia will positively
affect the energy sectors of both countries, EU Special Representative
for the Central Asian states Pierre Morel has said. Armenia might
become a route for future pipelines, he said.

"There are many options for the new Caspian-Turkish pipeline thanks
to the mobile, changing energy landscape," Morel said. The specific
route has not been established yet but there is a school of thought
that it might pass through Armenia.

According to Morel the southern corridor does not only mean NABUCCO but
is a broader concept and "the Caucasus should be used for transporting
energy by all means." Morel said that a corridor is not a single
pipeline but a system of pipelines and only if a group of pipelines
exists is it possible to talk about the southern corridor.

In The Spotlight: Opening A New Page

By Michael J. Arvizu

Burbank Leader
Feb 24 2010

Magazine is the first for children written in Armenian to share

Juliette Davtian, managing editor and founder of Gakavig Armenian
children’s magazine, has finally filled the gap between American-born
Armenians and their heritage by teaching them ways to preserve and
learn more about their culture, she said.

Davtian sat in the conference room of Horizon Armenian Television
in Los Angeles, showing off the first edition of her magazine, which
launched in Burbank on Feb. 3. The cover features a snowman dressed in
a beanie and scarf. In the background is a winter wonderland, complete
with falling snowflakes, pine trees and rolling snow-covered hills.

The first few pages features puzzles, one of which asks kids to
differentiate between clothing worn during the summer and during the
winter. Another page asks readers to fill in the blanks to spell out
the pictured animal.

"This way, they learn better," Davtian said.

advertisement Another page tells the story of how a cat and a dog
became enemies because the cat could not correctly sew the hat the
dog wanted.

Davtian said Gakavig is the first children’s magazine of its kind
in the Armenian community. After three years of market research
and planning, Davtian felt she was ready for her vision to become a
reality. Her research also found that no other magazine in Armenian
existed for kids.

"What prompted me to start this was that something like this does not
exist in the Armenian community," Davtian said. "It’s a much-needed

The magazine is written in Armenia’s Western and Eastern dialects,
Davtian said. Stories, riddles, poems and songs complement the
publication. The first issue is a promotional issue, at 12 pages.

Subsequent issues are expected to publish at 16 pages.

"The activities are done in a way that will allow [kids] to use their
abilities," Davtian said. "They use their logic."

While acknowledging the harsh business climate for magazines and
newspapers, Davtian said she feels no fear as she enters her new

"I had already spoken to some major circles that could help me in
consuming this product," Davtian said. "The feedback was that the
need is out there, and it would be great if we could do it."

For many kids who don’t attend Armenian schools on a regular basis,
this magazine, she said, would help them preserve their language.

"This would serve not only as an activity tool for them, but also
for those kids who don’t have the chance to go to an Armenian school,
what happens is that they will get a chance to become familiar with
the language," Davtian said.

The magazine is available in Armenian grocery stores, and is being
distributed to Armenian schools in Glendale, Davtian said.


Economy Minister Of Armenia: Let Everyone Get Accustomed To The Thou


2010-02-22 14:45:00

ArmInfo. Let everyone get accustomed to the thought that the taxes
must be paid, Armenian Economy Minister said when commenting on the
demonstration of jewelry market employees in front of the building
of the Armenian government.

"Let everyone understand that the taxes must be paid. In that case it
will be much easier to compromise. It is even easier to come to an
agreement when both parties possess similar information. To make it
so, let the jewelry market employees provide us detailed information
about their revenues and tax payments. Then it will be possible to
understand the reason of their discontent",- said Yeritsyan. To note,
the employees of the "Gold Market" have been hold demonstrations
in front of the building of the Armenian government since January
18. The protest is expressed against the requirements on additional
tax payments. The sellers said that the jewelry articles being sold
by them were confiscated.

To recall, at the beginning of 2009 tax evasion by the owners of
jewelry markets drew the attention of the Armenian government. In
January 2009 the prime minister and members of the Armenian government
paid a visit to the "Gold Market".

Rep. Sherman Joins With Support For Genocide Resolution

Rep. Sherman Joins With Community Activists To Rally Support For
Genocide Resolution

an-joins-with-community-activists-to-rally-support -for-genocide-resolution/
By Asbarez Staff on Feb 19th, 2010

VAN NUYS-San Fernando Valley Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) pledged
to stand strong against escalating Turkish Government lobby efforts to
defeat the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.252), as the House
Foreign Affairs Committee prepares to mark-up the measure on March
4th, reported the Armenian National Committee Western Region.

Representatives of the Armenian National Committee – West San Fernando
Valley (ANC West SFV) and Armenian National Committee – Western Region
(ANC-WR) discussed Congressional affirmation of the Armenian Genocide
and a broad range of community concerns during a meeting Rep. Sherman
(D-CA) at his Van Nuys district office earlier this week. The meeting
was led by ANC-WR Government Relations Director Lerna Shirinian and
Chairman of the ANC West SFV, Nareg Kitsinian.

Serving as senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Rep. Sherman noted his commitment to working with his colleagues in
Congress to continue building support for H. Res. 252 and ensuring a
victory in the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

`Rep. Sherman’s active support for the Armenian Genocide Resolution is
exactly the strong moral leadership we need to bring America back to
the right side on this important human rights issue,’ stated ANC-WR
Government Relations Director Lerna Shirinian. `We look forward to
working with the Congressman on this and other initiatives to help end
the cycle of genocide,’ she added.

Since his election to office in 1997, Rep. Sherman has been outspoken
in his calls on the Turkish Government to deal honestly with its
genocidal past and end the international campaign of denial. . During
remarks at the ANCA’s `End the Cycle of Genocide’ commemorative event
in Washington, DC, Rep. Sherman argued, `Where would America be if we
said, `slavery – it didn’t really happen.’ Where would America be if
we said `there was no effort to destroy particular Native American
tribes during the 1700 and 1800s.’ Where would America be if we failed
to acknowledge our own history? Where would Germany be if it failed to
acknowledge its history? Why does Turkey think it can reach the modern
world if it still anchors itself to an Ottoman mentality? It cannot do
that. The future of Turkey is in acknowledging the history of its own

He has been a vocal advocate of expanded U.S. assistance to Armenia
and Nagorno Karabakh, challenging former Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice over the Bush Administration’s call for a significant
reduction in aid to Armenia in its FY09 budget during her appearance
before the Foreign Affairs Committee in 2008.

`Congressman Sherman has been a powerful and eloquent advocate for a
strong U.S.-Armenia relationship and just resolution of the
Nagorno-Karabagh conflict,’ said Nareg Kitsinian, Chairman of the ANC
West SFV. `We are proud to have him representing our community in

H.Res.252, introduced in March of 2009 by lead sponsors Adam Schiff
and George Radanovich (R-CA), and Congressional Armenian Caucus
Co-chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL), currently has
over 137 cosponsors. A parallel Senate measure, spearheaded by
Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and John Ensign (R-NV), has 13
cosponsors. Efforts to recognize the Armenian Genocide have been
welcomed by a broad range of coalition partners from the Greek,
Jewish, Christian and genocide-prevention constituencies. Congressman
Howard Berman, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
recently announced that a vote on H.Res.252 will be take place on
March 4th of this year, following a year-long mobilization of the ANCA
and Armenian American grassroots activists across the country.

The Armenian National Committee – Western Region is the largest and
most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in
the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of
offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States
and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANC-WR advances
the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of


Karabakh conflict settlement critical for whole region: Tehran

news.am, Armenia
Feb 20 2010

Karabakh conflict settlement critical for whole region: Tehran

17:29 / 02/20/2010Top priority for Iran’s foreign policy is solution
to the regional issues, said Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani
at the meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart Oktay Asadov in

`Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement is critical for the whole
region,’ Larijani stated.

He emphasized that Iran is interested in development of economic ties
with Azerbaijan.

Asadov underlined country’s commitment to the peaceful settlement to
Karabakh conflict based on principle of territorial integrity.


RA Foreign Office: Azerbaijan Shirking Responsibility For Ethnic Cle


Feb 17 2010

By claiming the Shahumyan, Martakert and Martuni regions of
Nagorno-Karabakh to be parts of Azerbaijan that state’s Foreign Office
is trying to shirk the responsibility for the ethnic cleansing and
occupation of the territories as a result of Azerbaijan’s aggression
against Nagorno-Karabakh, Tigran Balayan, Press Secretary of the RA
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told NEWS.am, commenting on a statement
made by his Azeri counterpart Elhan Polukhov, who was "indignant at"
RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian’s statement.

It would be surprising if the Azerbaijani side could produce an
international statutory act that allows ethnic cleansing justified
on the grounds that it is the "state’s own territory."

Yesterday, speaking of the consequences of the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict, RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian stated: "The problem
of consequences has to be resolved along with that of causes of the
conflict. All the problems must be resolved by means of negotiations
and mutual agreements."

Ankara, Jerusalem Coordinate Positions On Urgent Issues In Caucasus


18.02.2010 11:26 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Despite the ongoing crisis in Israeli-Turkish
relations, Ankara and Jerusalem coordinate positions on urgent issues
in Caucasus.

On February 16, high-ranking diplomats led by Pinchas Avivi, Deputy
Director-General at the Israeli Foreign Ministry, held consultations
in Ankara. Mr. Avivi said later that cooperation with third countries,
specifically Caucasian, was in focus. Remaining Azerbaijan’s closest
ally and caring about the rights of Azerbaijanis in Nagorno Karabakh,
Turkey has firmly decided to sign an agreement with Armenia, according
to him.

Asked by IzRus about the motion on the Armenian Genocide recognition
which can be soon discussed in Knesset, Mr. Avivi said, "Our official
position remains unchangeable. This is an issue to be resolved
by Armenia and Turkey. We stand against any interference of third

The Protocols aimed at normalization of bilateral ties and opening of
the border between Armenia and Turkey were signed in Zurich by Armenian
Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and his Turkish counterpart Ahmet
Davutoglu on October 10, 2009, after a series of diplomatic talks
held through Swiss mediation.

On January 12, 2010, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of
Armenia found the protocols conformable to the country’s Organic Law.

The Armenian Genocide (1915-23) was the deliberate and systematic
destruction of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during
and just after World War I. It was characterized by massacres, and
deportations involving forced marches under conditions designed to
lead to the death of the deportees, with the total number of deaths
reaching 1.5 million.

The majority of Armenian Diaspora communities were formed by the
Genocide survivors.

To date, twenty countries and 44 U.S. states have officially recognized
the events of the period as genocide, and most genocide scholars and
historians accept this view.

Kazakhstan Could Become Quite Efficient Mediator In Karabakh Settlem


2010-02-18 11:02:00

ArmInfo. Kazakhstan could become a quite efficient mediator in
settlement of the Karabakh problem, Doctor of Historical Sciences,
leading research officer of the Institute for World Economics and
International Management (IWIM) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Alexander Krylov told Day.Az.

"I think that Kazakhstan has such ambitions, first of all, because
Nursultan Nazarbayev has been well acquainted with the Karabakh
problem even since the USSR. The negotiation process on the Karabakh
conflict has much in common with what happens in Turkey-Armenia
relations. Although there is the Minsk Group and the Madrid principles,
which seem to be under continuous coordination, it is unnecessary to
speak about a real progress in the problem solution.

Actually, the parties keep on insisting on capitulation of its partner
in negotiations", the expert said. According to him, reduction of the
degree of the parties’ propagandistic activity, termination of the
information war and beginning of a real dialogue between Azerbaijan
and Armenia on the problem solution would be a great achievement of
Kazakhstan as OSCE chairman. Compromise solution of the problem is
impossible without mutual concessions, and Kazakhstan will turn out to
be a more efficient mediator than the Minsk Group and all the previous
mediators if it can inform the both parties of the understanding of
this seemingly simple truth.

SCR Is Ready To Discuss Proposals On Participation Of International


Feb 17, 2010

YEREVAN, February 17. /ARKA/. "South-Caucasian Railway" is ready
to discuss proposals of participation of international banks and
organizations in implementation of its projects, said Vahe Davtyan,
Head of Press Service of SCR during the meeting with TRACECA (Transport
Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia) representatives which took place on
February 11-14 in Istanbul.

SCR presented transformations of regional and international
geopolitical architecture, its strategic goals, investment policy
for 2010 and main indicators of activity during 2008-2009, as well as
priority projects which is implementing the company. Special attention
is paid to the construction project of international logistic center
in Armenian-Turkish border (station Akhuryan).

Davtyan introduced representatives of transport companies of TRACECA
participant-countries and business model of logistic center. The
latter will result in the establishment of affiliate with share
participation of interested party. SCR representative suggested the
foreign colleagues to visit Armenia with the aim of discussion of
its participation in the projects of the company.

"SCR formed its financial model till 2038 which evidences about
the stability of the company and healthy investment atmosphere. We
are open for cooperation and are ready to discuss any proposal
of participation of international banks, corporations and other
organizations in implementation of our projects", said V. Davtyan.

TRACECA is a rehabilitation program of Great Silk Way. TRACECA was
established on May 3, 1993 in Brussels Conference in which ministers
of transport and trade of 8 countries, 5 countries of Central Asia –
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and 3 Caucasian
countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia participated.

During the Conference an agreement was signed on the introduction
of Technical Assistance Program funded by European Union for the
development of transport corridor West-East from Europe with
intersection of Black Sea through Caucasus and Caspian Sea to
Central Asia.

Concession management of "Armenian railway" is implemented by CJSC
"South Caucasian Railway" which is 100% affiliate of Open JSC "Russian
Railway". SCR accepted the railway stock of CJSC "Armenian railway"
on its balance from June 1, 2008 according to Concession Agreement
signed on February 13, 2008. The terms of concession management is
for 30 years with the right of prolongation for another 10 years.

Alexander Iskandaryan: Armenian-Turkish Process Faces A Crisis

Nelly Danielyan

18.02.2010 17:02

The Armenian-Turkish relations are in crisis, political scientist
Alexander Iskandaryan told a press conference today. He does not
exclude that Armenia may ratify the protocols first and put Turkey
in a hard situation.

Alexander Iskandaryan, who has just returned from Turkey, assures
that the ratification of the protocols is becoming more and more
improbable in Turkey. "The process may finally fail if dragged out
for another two months. In this case Armenia can do one thing –
ratify the protocols and put Turkey in an awkward situation," he said.

"I don’t know whether the Armenian leadership has made the decision
or not, but it’s definitely being discussed and politicians are openly
speaking about it," Alexander Iskandaryan said.

According to him, this could be a good way out of the crisis, which
started immediately after the Armenian Constitutional Court announced
its decision on January 12.

Alexander Iskandayan is confident that irrespective of the final
outcome, the ongoing process will lead to serious change of roles in
the region.