Ankara Trying To Create "Time Trouble" In Armenian-Turkish Process


01.02.2010 15:17 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Within coming month Turkey will be trying to create
a "situation of time trouble" in the process of Armenian-Turkish
rapproachment. If Ankara will not be able to achieve its goals
within some time, it will apply the "Zugzwang" method, Hayk Demoyan ,
director of the Institute of Armenian Genocide museum told a press
conference in Yerevan, assessing the overall situation in the process
of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations.

"Any action made by Turkey would complicate the situation of Ankara.

The statements by the Turkish side related to the RA Constitutional
Court decision on the Protocols , have not received any support
from the superpowers. There is some disappointment now in Turkey,
" the historian said.

According to him, the disappointment was particularly conditioned by
the fact that Turkey and its allies realized that no concessions over
the Karabakh settlement can be expected from the Armenian side in the
near future. In addition, the Turkish side anticipated slowdown of
the process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide ,
which didn’t happen, the historian said.

"That propaganda thesis according to which Armenia has territorial
claims against Turkey did not work and Turkey understood it," the
museum director said. All are witnessing how it is difficult for
Turkey to lose Azerbaijan.

The protocols aimed at normalization of bilateral ties and opening of
the common border between Armenia and Turkey were signed in Zurich
by Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and his Turkish
counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu on October 10, 2009, after a series of
diplomatic talks held through Swiss mediation.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has issued the following official
statement on Armenia-Turkey Protocols:

"The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia has declared
its decision of constitutional conformity on the Protocols between
Turkey and Armenia signed on 10 October 2009 with a short statement
on 12 January 2010. The Constitutional Court has recently published
its grounds of decision. It has been observed that this decision
contains preconditions and restrictive provisions which impair the
letter and spirit of the Protocols.

The said decision undermines the very reason for negotiating these
Protocols as well as their fundamental objective. This approach cannot
be accepted on our part."

The conflict between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan broke out in
1988 as result of the ethnic cleansing the latter launched in the
final years of the Soviet Union. The Karabakh War was fought from
1991 to 1994. Since the ceasefire in 1994, sealed by Armenia, Nagorno
Karabakh and Azerbaijan, most of Nagorno Karabakh and several regions
of Azerbaijan around it (the security zone) remain under the control
of NKR defense army. Armenia and Azerbaijan are holding peace talks
mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group up till now.

The Armenian Genocide (1915-23) was the deliberate and systematic
destruction of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during
and just after World War I. It was characterized by massacres, and
deportations involving forced marches under conditions designed to
lead to the death of the deportees, with the total number of deaths
reaching 1.5 million.

The date of the onset of the genocide is conventionally held to be
April 24, 1915, the day that Ottoman authorities arrested some 250
Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople.

Thereafter, the Ottoman military uprooted Armenians from their homes
and forced them to march for hundreds of miles, depriving them of
food and water, to the desert of what is now Syria. Massacres were
indiscriminate of age or gender, with rape and other sexual abuse
commonplace. The Armenian Genocide is the second most-studied case of
genocide after the Holocaust. The Republic of Turkey, the successor
state of the Ottoman Empire, denies the word genocide is an accurate
description of the events. In recent years, it has faced repeated
calls to accept the events as genocide. To date, twenty countries and
44 U.S. states have officially recognized the events of the period as
genocide, and most genocide scholars and historians accept this view.

The Armenian Genocide has been also recognized by influential media
including The New York Times, BBC, The Washington Post and The
Associated Press. The majority of Armenian Diaspora communities were
formed by the Genocide survivors.

Imports And Sales Of Natural Gas Decline In Armenia In 2009


Noyan Tapan
Feb 1, 2010

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 1, NOYAN TAPAN. Imports of natural gas to Armenia
fell by 19.7% to 1,809.3 million cubic meters in 2009, as compared to
2,254.4 million cubic meters in 2008. Sales of natural gas declined
by 20.1% to 1,660.8 million cubic meters in the indicted period,
as compared to 2,079 million cubic meters in 2008. Gas consumption
by the population fell by 6.1% to 553.2 million cubic meters in 2009
(589.5 million cubic meters in 2008).

ArmRusgazprom company reported that there was also a considerable
decline in gas consumption by Armenia’s energy sector: this index
made 366.2 million cubic meters, declining by 39.7% compared to 2008.

Consumption by the industry also fell, amounting to 259.7 million
cubic meters.

Avatar Beats Titanic’s Record

12:55 / 02/01/2010

"Avatar" directed by James Cameron was No. 1 at the weekend box office
getting over $2.039 million, 20th Century Fox Copmany reported.

Thus, Cameron’s new film knocked out "Titanic" which got $1.84bn. In
the course of seven weeks "Avatar" earned $1.45 bn in North America,
$134m in France, $126m – China, 84m – Australia and $43m in Brazil.

Armenian FM meets with Oslo businessmen

Armenian FM meets with Oslo businessmen
12:05 30/01/2010

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan who is paying working
visit to Oslo released a speech on Armenian foreign policy making
strategies at Norway Institute of International Affairs, Armenian MFA
reported. According to the source Foreign Ambassadors, high ranking
officials, political experts attended the meeting with Armenian FM.
Edward Nalbandyan answered to questions addressed to him including
those of Turkish and Azerbaijani Ambassadors. Edward Nalbandyan
visited also Nansen’s Institute in Oslo and got acquainted with his
works. Minister put a wreath on Nansen’s monument. Armenian FM had a
meeting with Norwegian businessmen and introduced the possibilities to
implement various economic projects in Armenia.

Publishing Department Of Holy Echmiadzin Issued Two Valuable Works


29.01.2010 17:26 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The publishing department of Holy Echmiadzin with
the blessing of the Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II has issued
two valuable works.

A dictionary for theologians and experts in the translation of
Scripture and commentaries to the Bible was produced jointly with
the Evangelical Society of Armenia.

Dictionary was composed by Marianne Apresova with financial support
from Vladimir Engibaryan and Bells Zhamharyan.

A book of Hovhannes Mshetsi "Revelations of the Prophet Isaiah" from
the "Comments on the books of the Old Testament" was also published
.This work is ver significant in the light of restoration of the
original work of John Chrysostom, as well as the original Greek
language has not reached us. Publication was supported by the Sarkis
Gabrielian fund .

Andre Dirrell To Face Arthur Abraham In Next Stage Of Super Six


28 m ago By Bobby Cassidy

Here’s the press release:

NEW YORK (Jan. 29, 2010) -Tournament point leader "King" Arthur
Abraham will kick off Group Stage 2 of the Super Six World Boxing
Classic when he faces Andre "The Matrix" Dirrell on Saturday, March
6, 2010, at the Agua Caliente Casino, Resort, Spa in Rancho Mirage,
Calif., in greater Palm Springs, live on SHOWTIME® at 9 p.m. ET/PT…

Armenian UN Association Assists Victims Of Haiti Earthquake

29.01.2010, 13:32

The Armenian UN Association initiated and jointly with six other
civil society organizations held a charity exhibition-selling which
was launched today in the UN House.

Governmental officials, representatives from the civil society,
international community and media gathered to support the people
of Haiti, purchasing artworks, presented by the "Pyunic" Union for
Disabled, Children of Armenia Foundation, "Davit" Children’s Art
Center, Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and Armenian General Benevolent
Union Youth Centers, "Prkutyun" Children and Young People’s NGO,
"Miasin" Youth Movement and individuals. "Garni" Vocal Quintet also
joined this initiative with a concert program.

The whole contribution through the World Federation of UN Associations
will be sent to the UN Central Emergency Response Fund for relief
in Haiti.

Ms. Maria Dotsenko, UN DPI Representative said, "We are pleased to
support this important initiative of Armenian civil society led by
our good partner, the UN Association. People all over the planet are
uniting their efforts to assist and rebuild Haiti, supporting its
brave and resilient people."

In his speech Mr. Aram Voskanyan, Armenian UN Association’s
vice-president mentioned, "Each of us can have a valuable input and
the most important achievement today is that the state, international
and non-governmental organizations united their efforts to help the
Haitian nation."

Speeches were delivered also by the other speakers of the event: Ms.

Arpine Danielyan, Armenian UN Association’s Executive Director and
Father Komitas, Director "Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and AGBU
Youth Centers".

The UN Association is built up under the universal values of the
United Nations and as the representative of a country which knows
what the earthquake is, organizes the series of charity events to
assist the victims of Haiti earthquake.

Seyran Ohanyan: Enemy Lost All Decisive Battles

18:20 / 01/28/2010

"We oppose high-level professional training, morale and loyalty of our
servicemen to numerical superiority," RA Minister of Defense Seyran
Ohanyan stated at a ceremony on the occasion of the 18th anniversary
of formation of the Armenian Army.

"Fair popular protest in 1988 combined all the efforts and aspiration
of our people, the potential of the Armenians scattered all over the
world and directed them to the defense of Armenian borders. There was
war – horrible and merciless. The victory was gained at a huge cost.

The Motherland’s freedom was at stake," said Minister Seyranyan. He
pointed out that Armenians’ readiness for self-sacrifice guaranteed
victory in the struggle for Nagorno-Karabakh’s self-determination.

"It was no coincidence that the enemy, with his numerical superiority
and much more military equipment lost all the decisive battles,"
Ohanyan said.

Russia’s Superjet To Be Certified In July

By Nataliya Vasilyeva

Associated Press
January 27, 2010

Russia’s much-anticipated passenger aircraft, the Sukhoi Superjet,
should be given flight certification by the summer, officials
reportedly said Wednesday.

The Superjet, produced by Russian airline maker Sukhoi in association
with Italy’s Alenia Aeronautica, has been widely seen as Russia’s
chance to gain a competitive foothold in the international passenger
airline market.

The state-controlled planemaker has orders for 122 aircraft from
airlines across Europe and at home, where Russia’s biggest carrier
Aeroflot — which has ordered 30 Superjets — recently withdrew its
creaking, Soviet-era Tu-154 fleet from service.

But persistent delays over the Superjet engines have set back delivery
dates, making Wednesday’s announcement by Industry Minister Viktor
Khristenko a welcome development.

Khristenko told the parliament the Superjet 100 had gone through
the final certification tests last year and is likely to receive a
so-called type certificate in July, RIA Novosti and ITAR-Tass reported.

"The granting of the type certificate is scheduled for July 2010,"
he was quoted as saying.

A type certificate is awarded to a manufacturer to certify that a
plane’s design fulfills current requirements for aircraft safety
standards. The certificate, which clears the way for Superjet to
be delivered and used by Russian airlines, is awarded by Russia’s
Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee. The company
is also applying for an EU certificate.

Russian carriers account for more than half of the Superjet order
portfolio to date, and companies in Italy, Switzerland, Hungary,
Spain, Poland and Armenia make up the rest.

Sukhoi officials recently announced they expect the first deliveries
in mid-2010.

First Minister of Wales Recognises the Armenian Genocide

Wales-Armenia Solidarity
Armenian-Welsh Friendship Society
Nor Serount Cultural association
[email protected]
0044 7718982732 (int.) 07718982732 (UK)

c/o The Temple of Peace, King Edward VII Ave, Cathays Park, Cardiff

First Minister of Wales Recognises the Armenian Genocide on Holocaust
Memorial Day, Cardiff

Yesterday, exactly two years after the desecration of our Armenian
Genocide Monument , was an historic day for the Welsh and Armenian
nations. The road to Genocide recognition, which began on 24th April
2001, when Rhodri Morgan, (then First Minister), laid flowers in memory
of the 1915 Genocide Victims, was completed in Cardiff with an explicit
recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the new First Minister.
The National Holocaust Day event was supported by the government of
Wales (Welsh Assembly Government) and Cardiff City Council, the
municipality of Wales’ capital. The Genocide was also recognised at the
event by guest speaker Rabbi Aron Hier from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre,
Los Angeles. The sharp diplomacy of Mr. John Torosyan, the moving spitit
of the Welsh Armenian community was an imprtant factor in this
historic acheivement.
Later Armenians, Welsh people and Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriacs from the
Iraqi Christian Association of Wales laid flowers at the
beautifully-restored Armenian Genocide Monument behind the Temple of
Peace. One of the bouqes read "In memory of the
Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriac Victims of the 1915 Genocide,of the 1933 Simel
Massacres and of the 2003-2010 ethnic cleansing in Iraq". Fr Shnork
Baghdassaryan prayed at the Khatkar, and also took part at the Holocaust
ceremony earlier
Carwyn Jones belongs to the Labour Party , as does Gordon Brown,
Prime Minister of the UK who will now be under huge pressure following
this crack in the UK Labour ranks. This recognition will also send shock
waves through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, which has
been the architect of the Labour Party policy of supporting the Turkish
denialist position at all costs
It is noticable that while parliamnents throughout the World have
passed resolutions recognising the Genocide, this recognition is of more
signifigance as it comes from the government of Wales (in addition to
the past recognition by the National Assembly of Wales (2002) and the
Presiding Officer of the National Assembly (2007)
This is the first policy on an international issue created by the 10
year old Welsh government. It is supported by the quasi-totality of
Welsh Members of the UK parliament. This issue has been resolved even
though the size of the Welsh-Armenian community is under 40 people.
There is a history of pro-Armenian sentiment in Wales since the
1894-96 Massacres, when there was widespread outrage , public meetings
and collections for the Victims accross Wales
It is regrettable, though, that the Armenian government has still
not recognised Wales’ national status by the appointment of an Honorary
Council, or in some other way. It is also noted that Armenians in
England could play a more active role in the cause of UK Genocide
recognition, and are warmly invited to contact us. We also thank all
those Armenians world-wide for their expressions of solidarity when the
monument was desecrated in 2007.

Eilian Williams